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Personal Philosophy of Education

Kathleen Gilmore
EDU 201
College of Southern Nevada

Personal Philosophy of Education

Personal philosophy of education is just that, unique to the individual. However, I cannot

help but think, we as future/current educators all have some of the same motivations. For

instance, my hunger for knowledge to better care for my special needs children is what got me

started. As I reflect on the influences I have had in the short amount of time, I cannot wait learn

more for my future career. Though my motivation is very personal, in my experiences thus far on

my educational journey; I have found even more motivation.

This profession is not just a career to me it is a mission that has essentially chosen me. I

wish I had a life that afforded me the luxury to choose, but I would not be the person I need to be

for my own children, and eventually the ones I will teach. My inspiration comes from the

smallest of places sometimes, just hearing students speak. My middle son has autism and is non-

verbal; when I hear children his age going on and on about what they want to write about it gets

me emotional. I cannot help but feel so grateful to be part of a students first time spelling their

name. Being a mother will serve me in these little moments because those are what make the

bigger picture, and I know how to value that as I move forward. My understanding of the school

system is still growing as I see more and more how many working parts are needed to help a

school function properly. I had the pleasure to observe at a school with a woman Principal that I

really look up to on a professional level, as she currently oversees three elementary schools.

Constructionism is what dictates my beliefs about the approach to education; I believe in

building on a student’s own foundation in education. Problem solving using the world around

them is what is most important in making long lasting connections to education. Multi-cultural

education is very important to my philosophy because it helps those vital connections to get

made at the right time. A substantial point in educational history was the case of Brown vs.

Board of education. There are still so many things that need to be addressed due to

neighborhood, or socioeconomic separation. What is important that we use examples of history

and utilize them to help our students become successful members of society.

Problem based learning is important to teach in a multi-cultural way. I hope to implement

elements from their own communities and cultures to make learning fun. For example, learning

math with elements of art by having students take pictures of their local park and redesign it.

Teaching the area of park, changing it and using basic skills to create a place they could envision

across the street from their home. This is what makes education real to children, imagination is

great when teaching creativity, but I would also like to inject their own reality as well. This will

create a connection from educator to student that will incentivize students to want to learn more.

Trust is important to me, and a mutual respect for the cultures that surround us; which can

possibly help students stay on track as well. The key is there is more than one end game as

unique as the learner. Authentic assessment should be holistic using rubrics to be fully

understood by both educator and student.

Versatility is a quality that I possess that will make teaching progressive and meaningful

for bot the student and myself. The steps necessary to move forward in education are completing

my bachelor’s degree and my student teaching. For licensing, I will complete the praxis series

and any course that my program did not offer that is required to attain licensure in Nevada. To

pursue employment, I will submit an application through my local school district of Clark

county. By being introduced to organizations through my community service requirements, I

plan to continue volunteering in order to stay connected to my community. Achieving these

goals will take dedication and focus, I cannot wait to begin


My hopes are that my personal philosophy of education will be just as ever evolving as

education itself. It is important for me to remember that there is a partnership being made with

every school, fellow educator and student that I am in contact with. I want to be able to carry my

experience and knowledge from those who have taught me, and I want to be able to do the same

for my future students. Education is an artful sport in which I hope to be a valued team member.

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