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Harry Harlow and Mary Ainsworth both studied infant attachment.

What implications
does their research have for how we should raise young children?

Mary Ainsworth proved that there are three main types of attachment styles: the avoidant, secure,
and resistant. The majority of children in her sample were categorized as “secure”, which meant
that those children were easily comforted by their attachment figures and trusted them to fulfill
their needs. In contrast, the “avoidant” children did not display any feelings of security around
their attachment figure. When their mother left the room, they did not show any feelings of
distress and could even be comforted by a stranger. The “resistant” children showed more
anxiety around the stranger than the “secure” children (avoided them completely with and
without mother present) and were more distressed than the other two categories when the mother
Harry Harlow proved that maternal contact was necessary for a child’s development. During his
time of research, many people believed that maternal contact was not necessary, and that
children felt affection through the mother feeding them. His experiments involved separating
infant monkeys from their mother and raising them with two surrogate mothers: a cloth mother
who bore no food and a wire mother who did. Harlow proved that contact was indeed necessary
by showing the social deficits that the monkeys developed if they were raised without maternal
contact (in this case, the cloth mothers provided the monkeys with maternal contact).

Give an example in your life of reciprocal determinism.

An example of reciprocal determinism in my life would be my decision to take a psychology
course in high school. I spend a lot of time with classmates who have taken a psychology course
before, and they constantly talk about the new materials that they learn everyday. As a result, I
became very interested in psychology and decided to take the course online. I have now
developed an interest in psychology as a result of the environment I put myself in and my initial
cognition to join psychology.

Choose a disorder that you find particularly intriguing. Discuss the symptoms of the
disorder and why you find it interesting.
The Kluver-Bucy Syndrome is a disorder where the individual has the desire to perform
inappropriate sexual acts on inanimate objects. It is associated with damage to both of the
anterior temporal lobes of the brain. Some other symptoms may include seizures, memory loss,
dementia, and the inability to visually recognize objects. I found this disorder to be particularly
interesting because I stumbled across a forty-minute documentary about this disorder on
youtube- one lady was described to feel a deep connection with the Berlin wall, which I found
both funny and a bit disturbing.

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