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Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2012) 31:899–904

DOI 10.1007/s10096-011-1395-7


Differentiation between Shigella, enteroinvasive Escherichia

coli (EIEC) and noninvasive Escherichia coli
M. J. C. van den Beld & F. A. G. Reubsaet

Received: 26 April 2011 / Accepted: 18 August 2011 / Published online: 7 September 2011
# Springer-Verlag 2011

Abstract Shigella causes bacillary dysentery and is classi- coli, other than enterohemorrhagic E. coli, is not. The aim
fied into four species based on their antigen characteristics. of this study was to develop a key to differentiate Shigella
This classification does not reflect genetic relatedness; in from all E. coli based on literature study.
fact, Shigella species are so related to Escherichia coli , Shigella is a human-specific causative agent of bacillary
they should be classified as one distinctive species in the dysentery, a serious illness characterized by abdominal
genus Escherichia. The differentiation of Shigella and E. cramps, nausea, fever and a bloody and mucus diarrhea.
coli is even more complicated with the description of Shiga first described Shigella as Bacillus dysenteriae in
enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC). EIEC are strains that possess 1898. He named it Bacillus because it seemed to be related
some of the biochemical characteristics of E. coli and have to Bacillus coli, which is now referred to as Escherichia
the ability to cause dysentery using the same method of coli [1, 2]. In the 1940s, Ewing proposed to classify four
invasion as Shigella does. Sequencing of multiple house- species in the new genus Shigella, namely S. dysenteriae, S.
keeping genes indicates that EIEC is more related to flexneri, S. boydii and S. sonnei, based on the antigen
Shigella than to non-invasive E. coli. Shigella and EIEC characteristics of those species. Later research by Lan et al.
evolved from the same ancestor and form a single pathovar showed that the relatedness of serotypes is not parallel to
within E. coli. Shigella and EIEC could be separated from genetic relatedness [3].
other E. coli by a PCR targeting the ipaH-gene; this is a The invasiveness of Shigella can be tested by the Serény
multicopy gene exclusively found in all Shigella and EIEC. test, which demonstrates the virulent nature of Shigella by
It is possible to differentiate Shigella and all E. coli, causing a keratoconjunctivitis in guinea pigs or rabbits [4,
including EIEC, by using multiple tests, including ipaH- 5]. This test involves testing animals and is not applicable
gene PCR, physiological and biochemical typing and on a daily basis in the laboratory [6].
serological typing. Based on literature study, a key is As Shiga already noticed in 1898, Shigella and E. coli
designed for daily use in diagnostic laboratories to identify are related. In fact they are so closely related that they
Shigella and all E. coli. should be classified as one distinctive species within the
genus Escherichia [7, 8]. In fatty acid analysis, Shigella and
E. coli form one cluster with other genera of the family
In the Netherlands, physicians and heads of laboratories Enterobacteriaceae (study of author, data not shown).
have a notification obligation towards health authorities for Brenner et al. determined the nucleotide similarity of
certain infectious diseases. Shigellosis is one of these Shigella and E. coli at 80–90%, while other Escherichia
infectious diseases, while an infection with Escherichia species have a much lower degree of similarity and are
genetically distant. Because the gene encoding for 16S
M. J. C. van den Beld (*) : F. A. G. Reubsaet rRNA is highly conserved, analysis of 16S rDNA have
Bacteriology, Laboratory for Infectious Diseases and Perinatal been used all over the world to determine bacterial
Screening, National Institute for Public Health
relationships and to support or reject taxonomical decisions.
and the Environment,
PO Box 1, Postvak 22, 3720 BA Bilthoven, The Netherlands Based on their sequence of the 16S rRNA-gene Shigella
e-mail: and E. coli are highly related [9, 10]. The sequencing of
900 Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2012) 31:899–904

numerous other housekeeping genes, virulence genes and genes indicates that Shigella has risen on seven different
even whole genomes also indicates a high degree of occasions from seven different ancestors within the group
relatedness between Shigella and E. coli [2, 3, 11–14]. of nonpathogenic E. coli. All Shigellae group into three
However, because of the severity of dysentery it is a major clusters and four single-strain groups [2]. EIEC
taxonomical decision to maintain the disposition of Shigella seems to have five origins within the noninvasive E. coli
and E. coli into two different genera. based on their housekeeping genes. All EIEC strains, but
Despite their relatedness, Shigella could always be one, group into four major clusters; the one remaining
separated from E. coli based on their physiological and strain was probably misclassified (Fig. 1). Shigella-EIEC
biochemical characteristics. Most of the E. coli strains forms one single pathovar of E. coli, in which the same
(>80%) are motile, lysine decarboxylase (LDC) positive, species or serotypes are not necessary phylogenetically
form gas from D-glucose and are indol positive. In contrast, related to each other [3].
Shigella strains are always non-motile, always LDC Pupo et al. have estimated the time since the descent of
negative and never form gas from D-glucose, except the three above mentioned clusters of Shigella from a
Shigella flexneri serotype 6, which is indol negative. Acid common ancestor, based on the molecular clock rates that
formation from salicine and esculine hydrolysis are never Whittam, Gutman and Dykhuizen described [2]. In their
found in Shigella [15–19]. However, separation was estimation, clusters 1 and 2 derived from their ancestors
hindered when strains were found that turned out to be 50,000–270,000 years ago, and the derivation of cluster 3 is
some sort of intermediate form between Shigella and E. estimated at 35,000–170,000 years ago (Fig. 1). Both times
coli. While these strains possess some of the E. coli of descent are relatively recent when one takes in account
biochemical characteristics, they demonstrate the pathogen- that a major nonpathogenic E. coli cluster diverged from
ic behavior of Shigella. Those dysentery causing hybrid other bacteria 8–22 million years ago. The estimated time
strains that could cross-react with Shigella anti-sera were of derivation of Shigella coincides with the paleolithic
first described in 1944, and were later called enteroinvasive expansion and the rise of early man. These data are
E. coli (EIEC) [2, 3]. EIEC is associated with specific E. probably no coincidence because pathogenesis of Shigella
coli O-serotypes. However, because the genetic relations of is based on surviving in the intestinal epithelial cells of
Shigella and EIEC are more in agreement with physiolog- humans only—a perfect host-adaptation [2, 12, 22].
ical and biochemical characteristics than with serotyping, Sequence variations in the clusters of Shigella and EIEC
the first mentioned are still the recommended techniques to indicate that EIEC evolved from E. coli ancestors later than
distinguish EIEC from Shigella [3]. Shigella did. Based on this later derivation of EIEC, two
The whole-genome sequencing of E. coli and all four hypotheses about EIEC in relation to Shigella are stated.
Shigella species revealed that they share a common First, EIEC is an ancestral form that in time will develop
backbone of approximately 3,9 kb. E. coli-specific DNA into ‘real’ Shigella. Second, EIEC is a different group of
and Shigella-specific DNA interrupt the common back- organisms that is adapted to human hosts like Shigella is,
bone. The most striking difference between the genomes of but is better equipped to survive outside the host [3].
E. coli and Shigella is the presence of many IS-elements in The major event that probably gave rise to Shigella and
the Shigella chromosome which contributes to a very EIEC is the acquisition of the invasion plasmid (pINV)
dynamic genome [11, 20]. The easy acquisition and loss (Fig. 1) [1]. All virulent Shigellae and EIEC harbor this
of genes promote the success of Shigella as a pathogen, pINV, which is a non self-transferable large single-copy
because fast genetic adaptation is necessary to survive in plasmid of 180–230 [23–26]. Early molecular techniques
different circumstances in the host [11, 14, 21]. The four have revealed that pINVs of different species form a closely
Shigella species all have very diverse genomes, with a related family and share a common origin outside E. coli.
different mapping of genes presumably caused by transloca- The pINVs evolved independently; however, the genes that
tion through IS-elements [14, 20]. While the whole genome code for intracellular invasion and survival are highly
of EIEC has not yet been compared to whole genomes of conserved [23, 27]. The independently evolved pINVs also
Shigella, the sequencing of multiple housekeeping genes proved to be functionally interchangeable between different
indicates that EIEC is genetically more related to Shigella serotypes [26]. The virulence associated genes on the pINV
than to noninvasive E. coli [3]. The above described are probably obtained from another unrelated genus,
characteristics suggests that Shigella could be separated from because the A + T content of the nucleotides of these genes
non-invasive E. coli genetically, but until now it has not been is 75%, while the A + T content of all Shigella and E. coli
possible to distinguish Shigella species from each other and genomes is 50% [1, 28].
from EIEC by molecular DNA techniques. With the acquisition of the pINV, Shigella and EIEC
Shigella and EIEC have both evolved from nonpatho- were able to colonize the human intestinal epithelial cells as
genic E. coli. The sequencing of multiple housekeeping a new niche. For the invasion and maintaining in the host,
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2012) 31:899–904 901

Fig. 1 Shigella and enteroinva-

sive E. coli (EIEC) evolved
multiple times from
Origin major Shigella cluster 1 P A
non-pathogenic E. coli
Origin major Shigella cluster 2 P A

Origin major Shigella cluster 3 P A

Escherichia coli Origin EIEC cluster 4 P A

Origin EIEC cluster 5 P A

Origin EIEC cluster 6 P A

Origin EIEC cluster 7 P A

Years -320,000 -280,000 -240,000 -200,000 -160,000 -120,000 -80,000 -40,000 0

rise of early man

P = Invasion plasmid

A = Pathoadaptation

Shigella and EIEC need a combined expression of genes invading the intestinal epithelial cells followed by intracel-
located both on the pINV as well as on the chromosome lular multiplication and spread to adjacent cells [1, 29].
[21, 26]. The chromosome of Shigella has adapted to the Recombination techniques and the sequencing of the
acquisition of the invasion plasmid by pathoadaptation. invasion plasmid and chromosomal genes associated with
Pathoadaptation can occur by multiple different events, virulence, gave insight into the precise mechanism of
such as bringing newly acquired virulence under control of infection by Shigella. First, the bacteria in the intestinal
an already present regulator, or by point mutations within lumen invade the submucosal side of the colon by trans-
genes, or by the suppression or expression of certain genes, cytosis through microfold cells (M-cells) [30]. Once they
or by deletion of anti-virulence genes. The deletions of access the submucosa, Shigella is taken up by macro-
these anti-virulence genes are generating so-called ‘black phages. After cell death, the bacteria are released in the
holes’ [21]. For example, the loss of anti-virulence gene submucosa from where they invade epithelial cells by
cadA is a black hole in EIEC and Shigella. CadA encodes endocytosis. During the invasion of the epithelial cells,
for lysine decarboxylase activity (LDC), which is ipaBCD and mxiAB genes are brought to expression. These
present in virtually all non-enteroinvasive E. coli. The genes are part of the ipa-mxi-spa island on the invasion
product of decarboxylation of lysine is cadaverin, which is plasmid, and the loss of this island results in avirulence [1,
an inhibitor of Shigella enterotoxins and blocks trans- 20, 23, 25, 26, 31, 32]. IpaD is believed to play a role in
epithelial migration. Because of the inhibiting influence of attaching to host cell membranes, and subsequently ipaB
cadaverin on the virulence of Shigella, natural selection plays a role in the endocytic uptake of the bacteria. The
pressures deletion of the cadA-gene by different genetic roles of the other known virulence genes associated with
arrangements [21]. Consequently, LDC is a trait which is invasion of the cell have yet to be discovered. Once inside
very useful to differentiate between non-enteroinvasive E. the endocytic vacuoles, the bacteria escape rapidly into the
coli versus Shigella and EIEC, but not between EIEC and cytoplasm of the host cell [1, 33]. Little is known about the
Shigella. exact escaping mechanism. When the bacteria have escaped
The pINV, unique to Shigella and EIEC, contains many from the endocytic vacuoles, they are able to deposit F-actin,
virulence genes that in cooperation with virulence- which enables intra- and intercellular spreading. The genes
associated genes on the chromosome evoke a cascade of necessary for this feature are virA and virG, located on the
events that lead to infection. Shigella causes infection by invasion plasmid [1, 19].
902 Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2012) 31:899–904

The IpaH-gene is a multicopy gene on the pINV as well copies on the invasion plasmid were acquired from a
as on the chromosome, which is exclusively found in different source [14]. The arrangements of the ipaH copies
Shigella and EIEC [1, 4, 34]. Venkatesan et al. discovered on the invasion plasmids are different, and are bordered by
that the copies of ipaH-genes in Shigella and EIEC are not IS629. It is possible that these IS-elements function as
equivalent but nevertheless all contain a conserved core recombination elements, as a result of which the genes can
region (bp720-1557 of ipaH7.8) and a variable region ‘jump’ through the pINV that could determine which copy
outside this core [35]. The different copies were named is expressed [36].
after the size of the HindIII fragments in which they were Little is known about the exact function in terms of
discovered, for example, ipaH1.4, ipaH2.5, ipaH4.5, ipaH7.8 virulence of Shigella and EIEC of the proteins encoded by
and ipaH9.8 [20, 36]. Most of the copies of ipaH-genes on the ipaH-genes. The discovery that this protein could evoke
the chromosome are present in large ipaH- islands. The an anti-body response indicates that the protein is probably
other genes on this ipaH-island are genetically homologous presented at the surface of the bacteria. However, the
with Escherichia coli phage P27 genes. This homology protein does not contain a signal peptide and it is not
indicates that the ipaH-genes on the chromosome were known which transport-system provides for transport
acquired through transduction of P27 genes [11, 14, 21]. In throughout the cell [31, 34]. All products of ipaH-gene
contrast, the ipaH-gene copies on the pINV are not linked copies have a leucine-rich repeat at the amino terminal end,
with phage genes, which strongly suggests that the ipaH similar to the yopM protein of Yersinia pestis, but are never

Agglutination with EIEC associated antisera d

Agglutination with Shigella antisera

Gas from D-Glucose and indol a
Esculin hydrolysis a
ipaH-gene PCR b

Salicin, acid a
Motility c

+ E. coli non-enteroinvasive
- - E. coli non-enteroinvasive
+ + EIEC
- + EIEC
- + EIEC
- + EIEC
- + EIEC
- + Shigella
- Provisional Shigella

a. Based on Edwards and Ewing’s identification of Enterobacteriaceae, 4th edition,

1986 and/or Cowan and Steel’s manual for the identification of medical bacteria,
3rd edition, 1993.
b. Performed with a standard PCR protocol, with primers designed to amplify a part
of the conserved region of ipaH7.8, as described by Buysse et al., Microb. Pathog.
c. Incubated for 24 h in BHI-medium at 37°C.
d. Known O:H serotypes of EIEC according to Bergey’s manual of Systematic
Bacteriology, 2nd edition, volume 2, The Proteobacteria, Part B The

Fig. 2 Key for differentiation

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