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Application of 5tress-W.we Theory to Piles. F B. J. Barends (ed.) ~ r992 Balkema. Rotterdam.

ISBN 90 541O0826

Investigation of dynamic soil resistance on piles using GRLWEAP

Goble Rausche Likins and Associates. Inc.. Cle1·ela11d. Ohio , USA
Deparmient ofCivil Engineering, University ofColorado. Boulder, Colo .. USA
G. Likins
Ptle Dynamics. Inc .. Cle1•e/a11d. Ohio. USA

ABSTRACT: GRLWEAP is a pure analysis program for the prediction or pile stresses and blow counts of a pile driven by
an impact hammer. GRLWEAP was shown to produce good simulations of the hammer and pile behavior. For accurate
predictions, a good knowledge of both the static and dynamic soil resistance behavior must also exist. l loweve r, several
researchers have recommended that the damping model, originally proposed by Smith. be changed to an exponential o r
another more complex law.
The paper investigates various damping models a111 compares results. It compares GRLWEAP calculated force· velocity
histories and evaluates the sensitivity of the bearing graph results relative to the various damping models.
The results from this study lead to additional options of the G RLWE.AJ> program. Recommendations for the
applications of the expanded soil model options arc developed, documented and presented in the paper.

I INTRODUCTION 2. The damping resistance, R4 • is that portion of the soil

resistance which is not present during static load appli-
Analysis of impact pile driving by the so-called wave equa- cations. It varies in time and is commonly thought to be
tion method has become well accepted in mauy countries. related to pile velocity.
In general, the approach yields satisfactory stress predic· 3. The total resistance, R., is also often called the dy-
tions and, combined with observed blow coun ts from re- namic resistance. It is the sum of static and damping
strikes, reasonably accurate bearing capacity predictions. resistance. Of course. under static loads. damping resis-
Even though good progress towards improved predictions tance is zero and total resistance is then equal to the static
has been made since the original concept was proposed by resistance.
(Smnh 1960), two main error sources remain: The first one 4. The slip layer is a zone in the pile-soil interface where
is an unknown hammer performance, and the second is one commonly expects the relative motion between pile
unknown dynanuc soil behaV1or. The first error source can wall and soil mass to occur.
only be eliminated by measurements, the dynamic modeling GRLWEAP has been widely accepted and used in many
of the soil may be improved either by well correlated dam- countries around the world. Its manual recommends that
ping and quake parameters or by a more realistic soil the damping resistance is calculated according to Smith's
model. This paper investigates rela11onsh1ps between origmal approach and tncludes a few proposed damping
different formula11ons or one part of the dynamic soil parameters which often y1eld reasonably accurate results.
representation in the wave equation approach, the damping Most of these values arc identical to tho~ originally pro-
model. posed by Smith. However, since there arc no obvious links
The commonly used wave equation program between Smith's model and standard geotechnical soil test
GRLWEAP is based on the earlier introduced WEAP parameters. several investigators of the dynamic bebavior
program (Goble, Rausche 1976) and offers several options of piling have expressed concern that the current approach
for soil damping calculations. This paper investigates the is unreliable for either previously untested soil conditions
differences between four of these options and develops or certain extreme conditions (e.g.. very high or very low
relationships between them. A review of related approach- pile velocities) for which no experience base exists. Limit-
es described in the literature will precede the formulations ed dynamic laboratory tests (Gibson. Coyle 1968; Heerema
contained in GRL \\fEAP. 1979; Utkouhi, Poskitt 1980) also indicated that the damp-
ing forces do not vary linearly with pile velocity as is nor-
mally assumed by the standard wave equation approach.
2 BASIC TERMS AND RELATIONSJ-DPS Furthermore, there exists a discomfort abou1 ignoring the
forces and motions of the soil beyond lbe slip layer.
In order to avoid confusing terminology the following Acceptance or new soil models bas been slow, probably
definiuons arc proposed. because none of the researchers h&l been able to demon-
I. Static soil resistance, R,. is a function of 1he relative strate an improved correlauon between dynamic predic-
displacement of the pile to the soil and is therefore as- tions and static test results compared to existing methods.
sumed to be present both during static and dynamic load- In fact, a complete set of generally acceptable dynamic soil
ing. While R, is a function of displacement and therefore resistance parameters is still missing for the non-linear
vanes with time, the related R,,. i.e .. the ultimate static soil damping model. Also, It is not certain tha t a more realistic
resistance 1s a constant (·R,. < R, < R,,). damping model would yield much improved predictions of
pile bearing capacity with penetration per blow. After au.
effects from capacity changes due to set-up or relaxation.
residual stresses, differences between the dynamic and
static failure modes. incomplete capacity activation (when
the permanent set achieved by a hammer blow is small) arc
soil model deficiencies which often have a much greater
influence on the analysis results than the choice of the soil
damping model. However, the non-linear damping model
could play an important role when soil behavior is charac-
terized in an impact driving test performed at one particu-
lar hammer impact velocity and when these results arc to
be extended to other situations. For example, in an SPT
test the hammer impact velocity is typically 3 m/s, while
pile driving may be done at ram speeds of S m/s. Because
of the non-linearity of the damping resistance. such differ-
ences may be important for a proper test interpretation.
+ Slip Zone R191d SOil
Fig. I Smith's soil model

3.1 Smith damping approach bad earlier been used for Case Method and
CAPWAP capacity calculations (Rausche, Moses, Goble
Smith represented the forces cxcncd in the pile-soil int.c r- 1972). The soil resistance calculation is simplified to
facc by an ela.sto-plastic spnng 10 represent static resistance
and a quasi linear dashpot to model the damping resistance R, • R. + Jc(Z)v (3.a)
(Figure 1). He also assumed that the soil mass beyond the
slip layer was infinitely rigid. Thus. energy actually trans- where Z [kN/m/s) is lhe pile impedance (Z "' ENc where
mitted to the deforming and moving soil was tacitly includ· E is the pile's elastic modulus, A the cross sectional area,
cd in the losses represented by spring and dashpot. Smith and c the stress wave speed). This simple concept can also
expressed the total resistance force exerted by the soil on be expressed in a Smith-type formula:
the moving pile as follows:
R, = R.(I + J.v) (1.a)
In Equation (3.b), R,, is the ultimate static resistance
with J1 [s/m) being Smith's damping factor and v the pile which, of course, is constant and J 12 is a "Smith-2" damping
velocity. Actually, Equation 1.a cannot be directly used for factor. Since the product of R,, and J52 (s/m) is a constant,
calculations since the damping force would assume a sign the equivalent Case damping factor becomes
given by the product of the temporary static resistance and
the velocity. A meaningful result would only be obtained if (3.c)
the damping force had the sign of the velocity. Therefore,
one calculates the Smith damping resistance using the Thus, the actual velocity multiplier is a constant (J)l,.) and
absolute value of R, and the total resistance then becomes the damping force is linearly viscous.

R,=R,+IR)J,v (1.b)
3.4 Hecrcma's tests
Equation ( l.b) shows both components of the total resis-
tance very clearly and therefore is the preferred form. Heerema ( 1979) used a flat mc1al plate in contact with a
soil sample and also concluded 1ha1 a power law should be
used 10 calculate the total soil interface force. Thus, with
3.2 Gibson and Coyle the current definition.

Gibson and Coyle (1968) published results of triaxial tests R, =: R,(a + JHv0.1) (4)
at the Texas A&M University which compared the total
dynamic resistance with the s1a11c values at various veloci- where ·a• (I) and JH ((s/m)0·2J depend on the shear
ties. The authors concluded that s1reng1h of the soil.

3.5 Li1kouh1 and Poskitt
Clearly, lhis power law was closely modclcd after the
original Smith approach. The experiments indicated expo- In 1980 these authors performed model pile tests (model
nents of N 0.18 for clays and N = 0.20 for sands. pile size 10 mm diameter by 260 mm length) and deter-
mined for skin and shaft separately the ratio R/R. for
various pile velocities and soil types (Litkoubi, Poskitt
3.3 Case damping 1980). The author's then used the Gibson-Coyle approach
and calculated both for skin and toe the parameter JT and
Goble and Rausche ( 1976) included the non-dimensional exponenl N to obtain a best fit wi1h observed data.
Case damping approach in the WEAP program. This

lOOO 00
Smith's approach gwes lower damping resistance forces
..',·,''' .
than the equivalent ~ approach just before full static
resistance acuvauon and also later during unloading (or
pile rebounding). For a quantitauvc evaluation of this '
• .. ' '
'' '
. MS

difference, three comparison runs were performed (Table

I). They included a large offshore steel pipe (75 m long. X IMPEDANCE
1830 mm diameter and 50 mm wall thickness), and both a
small (275 mm square. 15 m long) and a large (900 mm ..00 00

square. 15 m long) concrete pile. As per the GRLWEAP ••

recommendations. the quakes were all set to 2.S mm except
lOO 00
the toe quake for the large concrete pile which was the re-
commended 900/120 = 7.5 mm. Since the large quake
caused a relauvely slow increase of R,. somewhat different
resultS were obtained for tile large concrete pile with the
two damping approaches. For the other two cases. the
results were nearly identical. however. only because the .......
1000 00
Table I. Input details of Case study PILE TOP FORCE
1000 00
Case Pile Type Area Length Hammer Quakes
' 'l I
, -, \ "''

Skin/Toe 20 , 0 I \ IO , ' ' .-OMS

m2 m mm • " ...........~
10 \ ll /
t• \19 /
II 'flO..../ ll
I 72"Pipe 0.2750 75 MHU 1700 2.5/2.5 •1000 00 \ /VELOCITY X IMPEDANCE

2 275mmPC 0.0756 15 5-ton drop 2.512.5

. . . 00
3 30"PSC 0.8100 15 D 62-22 2.5(7.S ••
... 00
"Smith-2" damping parameters were reduced by 10% com-
pared to the standard "Smith-I" values. Table 2 lists results
and indicates dirrerences with respect to the standard
Smith- I result. These differences are generally small.
The original Smith damping approach yields small damp- ~200 . 00

ing forces at the end of a hammer blow when the static

resistance has decreased to small values. Figure 2, for Fig. 2 Velocity force and damping forces over time for
example, shows calculated pile top velocities from analyses Smith-I (top) and Smith-2 damping approach.
accordtng to both Equanons 1.b and 3.b. Figure 2 also
includes damptng forces as a function of time. These
forces arc the sum of all skin and toe damping values. The i.e., when the velocity was highest. However, under a
usually observed dampened behavior of the pile top veloci- hammer blow the velocity of a particular point along the
ty is obviously belier represented by the Snuth-2 analysis. pile increases to a maximum during a nme period of sever-
For this reason, CAPWAP analyses which must match al milliseconds, then relacively slowly decreases to smaller
actual measurements yield reasonable results only with values and finally becomes negative during rebound. How-
either the Case or Smi th-2 damping approach. The toe ever, both before and after a pile segment reaches maxi-
damping resistance of a large displacement pile is the only mum velocity, the functional relationship between velocity
exception and is sometimes best modeled with slowly in- and damping force was not determined by the experiments.
creasing damping factors until the full static resistance has Thus, it may be argued that the maximum damping force
been activated. Therefore, ideally, a combination of both and associated maxjmum velocity define Gibson's damping
approaches would be chosen: Smith-I until full static resis- factor, J,.. Under such circumstances. equivalent Smith
tance activation is reached and Smith-2 thereafter. It is damping factors can be calculated for maximum velocities
not complicated to use this combined resistance multiplier which differ from a reference maximum velocity. Assumin.g
in damping calculations since the maximum activated resis- that the reference maximum velocity is 3 m/s. the multipli-
tance force, R,, which has exactly these properties may be ers for equivalent Snuth damping factors can be found in
used as a multiplier instead of R, or R 0 • Figure 3. For example, if the maximum pile velocity is 1
m/s, the Smich factor should be approximately 2.4 times
greater than normally assumed. Figure 3 may be helpful
S DISCUSSION OF THE POWER LAW APPROACH when determining standard Smith damping factors (for
"normal" pile driving si tuations} from tests with very low
The experiments. leading to the exponential relationship (refusal situations) or high velocities (hammers with large
between velocity and damping force. generally involved the drop heights). It also shows that the standard Smith damp-
measurement of a maximum damping force which occurred ing factors could yield highly inaccurate results at very low
at that one instant when the sample was suddenly loaded, maximum velocities.

Table 2. Comparison of GRLWEAP damping approaches with standard Smith damping

Cue/ Damping Capacity Diff. Capacity Diff. Max. Di ff. Max. Di ff.
Model Skin!foe al at Tension Compres.
ISO B/m 3008/m Srress Stress
s/m kN % kN % MPa % MPa %
I/Smith 1 .6/.16S 36400 43500 71.0 268
l/Smuh 2 .54/.15 36700 0.8 43600 0.2 76.0 7.0 270 0.7

I/Gibson l.2S/l.2S 29250 -19.6 33500 -23.0 109.0 53.5 269 0.4
l/Gibson/GRL l.2S/l.25 39700 9.1 42600 -2.l 113.0 59.2 263 -1.9
l/Gibson/G RL 1.25/1.25 40000 9.9 42900 -1.4 115.0 62.0 263 -t.9

2/South I .16S/.S 1390 1610 7.2 25.9

2/Smith 2 . IS/.4S 1410 1.4 1620 0.6 7.0 -2.8 26.4 1.9

2/Gibson .65/.65 980 -29.S 1170 -27.3 4.5 -37.S 26.0 0.4
2/Gibson/G RL .6S/.6S 1370 -1.4 1560 -3.1 S.9 -18.1 25.3 -2.J

3/Smith I .165/.5 2600 3460 6.2 10.5

3/Smith 2 . IS/.4S 2430 ·6.5 3~ -5.8 6.2 0.0 10.S 0.0

3/Gibson .65/.65 1660 -36.2 2400 -30.6 6.6 6.5 11.1 5.7
3/Gibson/GRL .65/.65 2300 -11.S 3150 -9.0 6.4 3.2 10.6 1.0

Gibson and Coyle's equation cannot be used directly 10 AOJUSTMENT FACTORS FOR SMITH CAMPING
calculate damping forces for au times during a hammer
blow. Modifications must be made to Equation 2 lo (a) 9-l--~-l-~-l--4-+-li-+-1-H~~-+-~l--+-1-i-4-l..j..j

assure velocity opposing damping forces and (b) avoid a+-~--1~-1---1--1-1--1--1-1-11--~--1-~+--1-+-4-1-<i-j..f

mathematically undefined values. A usable equation would

J :.1-~-1-~+'\.......--1-+-1-~1--~--1---<1--l--l--l-l-I-~
~ s1--~-+~+--*'+-i-T-H-1~~-t-~t--+-1-+-H-H

The factor in () is merely the sign of velocity v. Equa-

i 4!---l--4-i-+-\-M++++---+-l-4-4-~
tion (S.a) is the "Smith·3· or Gibson option in GRLWEAP. ~ 31--~+--+-+-1~N~-4-~-1---1---+--l--I-++~
As will be shown. it does not yield satisfactory results
(Figure 4.a). Obviously. the Gibson approach needs fur-
ther modifications before the power law approach can
become useful. First the R, multiplier in (S.a) was re- 10.00
8.10 1.00
placed by R, as proposed earlier in this paper. Then the Vf/loCtro/ '" m/s
velocity, v, in the power term was replaced by v, which is
the maximum velocity having occurred prior to or al the Fig. 3 Multipliers for conversion of Gibson to Smith-I
tune during a hammer blow at which R, is calculated. damping factors.
Equation (S.a) then becomes

(5.b) consl3nl after the peak velocity is reached), a nearly linear-

ly viscous approach results. Obviously. al the instant when
The temporary maximum velocity, v,, is increasing be- maxunum veloaty 1s reached Rd = JT R,
v/ =
(since v v,)
fore ond constant after the absolute maxunum velocity has as exactly recommended by Gibson and Coyle. For ease of
been reached. It is never negative or decreasing which is reference Equation (5.b) will be referred 10 as the 01b·
an important feature as will be shown. Furthermore. since son/GRL method: it is the Smith-4 method in GRLWEAP.
v, is constant throughout most of the analyzed time (ii is Both methods have been used 10 reanalyie the examples

2000 .00
•• discus.o;ed prevtously. Resulls were again entered in Table
2. The Gibson. J,... and Gibson/GRL (WEAP), Jw, damp-
1000 00
ing factors were used identicaUy for skin and toe with 0.65
PILE TOP FORCE and 1.25 (s/m)N and the exponenl N wi1h 0.18 as for clay.
These values correspond to recommenda11ons contained in
' "' «O • MS the literature. Two companson analyses were also run for
1/ 10 ..... 1-i 14 1• te 10 L/ C 1he same situation and N = 0.20 and 0.18 using lhe new
approach . It can be concluded 1ha1, for practical purposes,
• 1000 00 '-'
there arc no significant differences between these IWo
exponents and N = 0.20 is sufficiently accurate.
too .oo Table 2 indicates that Gibson's method yields very low
•• capacities compared 10 the standard Smith approach which
is attributed to very high damping at low velocities both
400 00
before and after maximum velocity (Figure 4.a). On the
other hand. the new Gibson/GRL approach yields very
reasonable results. Furthermore. while Gibson's damping
force versus lime relationship includes high frequency
variations whenever the velocity approaches zero, Equation
· fl00 . 00 (S.b) produces a smooth and realistically dampened rela-
tionship. This is demonstrated for the small concrete pile
in Figure 4.
lOOO 00 The new method would not be very useful without a set
•• of recommended damping factors. Figure S provides a
conversion from Smith· I to Gibson/GRL damping factors
with N = 0.2 and including a 10% correction for the R. 10
1000 00 \

'\ I


\• • / ~ ..' 14
10 ..... - .. ' ' >o
l /C
R, conversion. The Figure gives correcuons for various
commonly cncounteTed Smith· I damping factors. For
example. for clay one normally uses 0.67 s/m as a skin
....., } VELOCITY X IMPEDANCE damping factor. For this Smith value Figure S suggests
·tOOO 00 1.44 [(s/m) 0J J for IoRL at v1 = 3 m/s. For a htgh velocity
v, = S m/s. lw would be 2.17 [(s/m)OJJ. These conversions
I00.00 would approximately yield the same results from Smith· I
•• aod Gibson/ORL However, the purpose of using the oew
method would be 10 obtain valid results over the whole
400 00 range of possible v1 values. It would, therefore, be reason-
able 10 as.o;ume that Smith- I provides relauvely reliable
MS results for an average velocity maximum of say v1 = 3 m/s,
find lhc corTesponding Jw damping factor for 1his velocity
" >o llC
and the soil type. and use that factor for all other. high or
low velocity silua1ions.
-- 00

Fig. 4 Velocities. forces at pile top and damping forces as

a functton of time for Gibson and Gibson-GRL damping 6SlJMMARY
A new damping me1hod has been developed and included
in GRLWEAP. ll has the advantage of
I. yielding results ln good agreemenl wi1h the Smith ap-
proach which has been well correlated for a standard situa-
tion such as the ones analyzed,
... 2 producing a well dampened pile top behavtor over
ls long analysis times which best matches measured pile
veloc11ies h1s1ones and
~ • +--~~+-~~-+~~--1~::..._~+-~~-l
3. generating calculated damping forces which arc physi-

cally possible. This new formula combines the past experi·
ence of wave equation and CAPWAP correlations with
laboratory measured values. II appears that the approach

can be directly used. even without additional experimental
work. To accomplish 1h1s, the current standard Smith dam-
ping factors may be easily converted 10 the Smith-4 or
WEAP lw facto rs for any appropriately chosen reference
2 • s a 10 velocity. e.g.• Vx = 3 m/s (see also Figure 5).
Tompc<11y Max. V"'1:1cify, Vil In m/s
4. The study also indicated that under normal circum-
stances Smith· I damping factors may be replac:cd by Smith·
--- .. •0. 100"""- JI •O.IMMn - .. • o..:mMn 2 values with a 10% decrease.
..... Jt • 0 $)!)Mn - JI • G.815 llm ....... JI • l OCO SIM

Fig. 5 Conversion of Smith to GRL damping factors.


Gibson, G. C. and Coyle, H.. M. 1968. Soil damping

constants related to common soil properues in sands and
clays. Research Report No. 125-1, Texas Transportation
Institute. Texas A&M Universir:y.
Goble. G. G. and Rausche, F. 1976. Wave equation
analyses of pile driV1Dg·program manuals. Department of
Transportation. Report No. FHWA rP-76-14.3.
Heerema . E. P. 1979. Relationships between wall friction,
displacement velocir:y, and horizontal stress in clay and
in sand. for pile driveabilir:y analysis. Ground Engineer-
ing, Vol. 12, No. I.
Litkouhi. S. and Poskitt. T. J. 1980. Damping constants for
pile driveability calC'Ulations. Geotechn1que 30, No. 1:
Rausche. F .. Moses. F. and Goble. G. G. 1972. Soil
resistance predictions from pile dynamics. Journal of the
Soil Mccharucs and Foundations Division, ASCE. Vol
98. No. SM9. Pro<:. Paper 9220: 917-937.
Smith, E. A. L. 1960. Pile driving analysu by the wave
equation. Transacttons of ASCE. Paper No. 3306. Vol.
127. Part I.

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