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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 91 (2016) 72–86

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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

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Non-conventional lab and field methods for measuring frequency-

dependent low-strain parameters of soil dynamic behavior
C.G. Lai a,n, A.G. Özcebe b
Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Pavia, Italy
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The response of geomaterials to low-strain dynamic loading is of foremost importance in a variety of
Received 31 January 2016 situations in soil dynamics (e.g. foundation design of vibrating machines, assessment of vibrational
Received in revised form impact induced by railway, subway or roadway traffic) and earthquake geotechnical engineering (e.g.
20 August 2016
ground response analysis at stable sites). Yet, the current methods to determine the low-strain para-
Accepted 4 September 2016
meters of soil dynamic behavior are characterized by a number of shortcomings and inconsistencies.
Available online 22 September 2016
Even the very same definition of these parameters is imprecise and in a way contradictory. This has
Keywords: relevant implications when they are used to solve boundary-value problems, particularly through ad-
Dynamic soil properties vanced numerical modeling, as it will be shown in the paper. The article, after a critical review of two
Cross-hole seismic testing
widespread field and laboratory experimental tests, introduces non-conventional techniques to carry out
Resonant column test
and interpret the same experiments to measure the low-strain parameters of soil dynamic behavior. The
Viscoelasticity theory
Kramers-Kronig relations preliminary results obtained from these emerging methods are encouraging despite a few technical
Physical causality difficulties that still need to be overcome.
Frequency-dependent soil properties & 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the perturbation of the existing stress field (e.g. the lithostatic
stresses). The constitutive model coincides in this case with the
The expression “dynamic properties of geomaterials” or the more stress-strain law. However, we could use different stress-strain
popular “dynamic soil properties” denotes the set of mechanical laws to describe the (phenomenological) mechanical response of
parameters controlling the response of soils and rocks to dynamic soils to static and dynamic loading being the elastic, viscoelastic or
loading. Though very popular in the earthquake geotechnical en- elasto-visco-plastic only a few examples. Of course, different
gineering community, it is a rather unfortunate expression as al- constitutive models will depend on different constitutive para-
ready noted by Kramer [38] at page 184 of his monograph entitled meters and these models may still be used to describe the same
“Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering” where he states that “…the physical phenomenon. For instance, the speed of propagation of a
properties themselves are not dynamic (indeed, they apply to a host mechanical perturbation in a soil deposit is a quantity that can be
measured independently from any constitutive assumption (al-
of nondynamic problems)…”. Perhaps we could go even further and
though the result of the measurement may depend on the fre-
claim that the word “properties” is the most inappropriate in the
quency of the monochromatic wave used to carry out the test).
sentence. Is the undrained shear strength a soil property or rather a
However, the nearly automatic association of this physical quantity
soil parameter describing a certain hydro-mechanical behavior or,
with the stiffness of the medium implies in reality a selection of a
even better, a soil parameter of the Tresca constitutive model ?
specific constitutive model, in this case that of a one-constituent,
The description of soil response to any type of “loading” (e.g.
isotropic, linear elastic solid whose constitutive parameters are for
mechanical, hydraulic, electric, magnetic, thermal, etc.) is often instance the shear and oedometric moduli.
carried out through the adoption of a constitutive model linking a Actually, the very same idea of measuring the “stiffness” of a soil
set of response functions to the perturbation of one or more ex- specimen does not make sense without specifying the speed of
ternal fields. If of interest is the mechanical response, than the application of the loading. Let us consider for instance the Young
components of the strain tensor may be the response function to modulus: depending on the degree of saturation and hydraulic
conductivity of the soil specimen, if the load is applied very fast,
Corresponding author.
the corresponding uniaxial deformation may be very small and
E-mail addresses: (C.G. Lai), vice versa. Even after the application of the loading up to its final (A.G. Özcebe). value, the strain may not remain constant but increase with time
0267-7261/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.G. Lai, A.G. Özcebe / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 91 (2016) 72–86 73

(viscous behavior). Only in a purely elastic material, at the equi- various laboratory techniques including resonant column, cyclic
librium, the mechanical response is independent from the speed of triaxial and cyclic torsional shear apparata as well as bender ele-
application of the loading as stated by the Clapeyron’s theorem. ment devices. The outcome from these tests helped identifying the
Regardless on whether the load is applied instantaneously or main factors affecting the dynamic behavior of soils. Among them,
quasi-statically, the Young modulus will be the same because the the magnitude of the deviatoric strain tensor plays a crucial role in
strain will not change once the load has reached its final value. strain-controlled tests. This quantity is a measure of the level of
However, it cannot be taken for granted that soil response is shear strains induced in the soil during dynamic loading.
purely elastic particularly when it is subjected to time-varying For uniaxial loading, Vucetic [80] recognized the existence of
loading, even though at low-strain levels. three distinct types of soil behaviors depending on the size of the
Thus, while it seems natural to determine the elastic shear and induced shear strain. For strains below the linear cyclic threshold
oedometric moduli from the measurement of the shear and shear strain soils tend to exhibit a linear response under both
compression wave velocities VS and VP respectively, indeed this is static-monotonic and dynamic loading when the phenomenon of
only one possible interpretation of wave measurements in soil energy dissipation cannot be neglected even though it is small in
deposits, perhaps the most widespread. For example, if choosing a magnitude. At shear strains exceeding the linear cyclic threshold
poro-elastic constitutive model [9,10], the same physical quan- but below the volumetric cyclic threshold shear strain, soils undergo
tities VS and VP may be used to determine the porosity of the a limited yet non-negligible mechanical degradation. The response
medium [22]. Furthermore, in measuring the speed of propagation in this region is weakly non-linear. The hysteretic loops become
VS and VP it is customary to assume these quantities to be fre- larger however they remain stable with the increase in the num-
quency-independent. Depending on the specific applications, this ber of cycles. In this region dilatancy phenomena, in drained tests,
may be a reasonable approximation. However, if not VS and VP but are minor if not insignificant.
rather VS(ω) and VP(ω) are measured in case of frequency-de- With the increase of strain magnitude, the strain point tres-
pendence, then the use of a viscoelastic constitutive model would passes the volumetric cyclic threshold shear strain and enters into
allow to determine the damping ratio spectra DS(ω) and DP(ω), as the strongly non-linear region where the hysteretic loops become
it will be shown later in the paper. unstable as the number of cycles increases and soils undergo se-
From the aforementioned considerations, it appears that de- vere stiffness and strength degradation. Furthermore, irrecover-
spite “dynamic soil properties” has become a rather popular idiom able volume changes occur in drained tests and pore-water pres-
in geotechnical engineering, it is actually ambiguous, since the sure develops during undrained loading. A three-dimensional,
word “properties” suggests something intrinsic to soils when in conceptual representation of these regions of soil behavior is
reality it is not so. Perhaps a more appropriate wording to use shown in Fig. 1. The dependence of the response from the mag-
would be “parameters” of specific constitutive models. There are nitude of the deviatoric strain tensor is illustrated through the
consequences of using this terminology that go beyond semantics. concepts of linear and volumetric cyclic threshold strain boundary
They may be at the origin of a biased habit of mind which imposes surfaces in the principal strain space.
unnecessary restrictions when interpreting the results of experi-
mental measurements. This situation is not restricted only to ex-
perimental soil mechanics. 3. Importance of low-strain parameters of soil dynamic

2. Dynamic response of soils in brief The focus of this article is on experimental measurement of
constitutive parameters controlling the response of soils to low-
Describing the mechanical behavior of soils is difficult because strains dynamic loading. This is a relevant subject in soil dynamics
soils are multi-phase, particulate materials composed of small and earthquake geotechnical engineering since several are the
solid particles interacting with one (or more) fluid phases. From a situations in which geomaterials are strained at levels below the
phenomenological point of view the response of geomaterials to linear cyclic threshold shear strain. Examples in soil dynamics
mechanical perturbations is in general non-linear, anisotropic, include the assessment of vibrational impact induced by the rail-
elasto-visco-plastic with strong stress and/or strain history de- way, subway or roadway traffic (Fig. 2). The transmission of
pendence. Furthermore, due to their particulate nature, soils have ground-borne vibrations from the source (e.g. an underground
pronounced microstructural properties, which give rise to phe- train) to the receiver (e.g. a person placed inside a building) under
nomena that are difficult to explain with classical continuum free-field conditions may be modeled using a linear soil con-
mechanics. Dilatancy, that is the coupling between shear and vo- stitutive model due to the low-strain level induced in the medium
lumetric deformation, is a distinctive example. Other features by the passage of mechanical waves..
contributing to the complexity of soil behavior are the interacting Earthquake ground response analysis is another example
phenomena exhibited by soils due to perturbation of external where the assumption of soil linearity may be an acceptable ap-
fields. Piezo-electric and chemo-mechanical interaction is an ex- proximation when modeling complex 3D geological structures
ample that has been recently exploited for subsurface exploration such as deep alluvial basins in advanced numerical simulations
[68]. [72]. In general, the low-strain parameters of soil dynamic beha-
Fortunately, despite the complexity of their behavior, geoma- vior control the amplification or de-amplification of ground mo-
terials do not always exhibit all their features with the same de- tion at stable sites. These parameters play an important role also in
gree of importance. Depending on the nature of the problem, its case of soil nonlinear behavior as for instance in linear equivalent
intrinsic spatial and temporal scales, the strain levels involved and site response analysis where the normalized modulus reduction
the dominant external fields, many of the features manifested by curves need to be scaled to the value of the low-strain elastic
soils may be regarded as second or even higher order effects. Thus, moduli.
they may be neglected in constitutive modeling without appreci- The parameters of soil dynamic behavior at low-strains are
able changes in the results of the analyses. relevant also in problems of dynamic soil-foundation-structure
Focusing on the response to dynamic loading, a considerable interaction. Foundations of vibrating machines (e.g. compressors,
amount of experimental research has been carried out over the turbo-generators, etc.), wind turbines, radio antennas, structures
past 40–50 years. These studies have been performed using exposed to sea wave motion (e.g. wharves, off-shore platforms) are
74 C.G. Lai, A.G. Özcebe / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 91 (2016) 72–86

Fig. 1. Outline of soil mechanical response to multi-axial dynamic loading [23].

as the borehole cross-hole and down-hole tests, SCPT, VSP, SDMT,

SASW, MASW, ReMi, PS-suspension logging, seismic tomography
just to mention the most widespread techniques. Geophysical
seismic methods are particularly suitable to determine the low-
strain stiffness in geomaterials because the level of strain induced
by the passage of seismic waves is very low ( <10−5), certainly
below the linear cyclic threshold shear strain. In addition, some of
these tests like SASW and MASW are carried out directly from the
ground surface without the need to drill boreholes or insert special
probes like in SCPT or SDMT.
The physical quantity that is measured when using seismic
geophysical methods is the speed of propagation of mechanical
body waves or, alternatively, surface Rayleigh or Love waves as in
MASW testing. Technical standards exists for the cross-hole [3]
and down-hole [4] seismic testing which specify protocols for the
execution and interpretation of results of these geophysical
Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the vibrational impact induced by the passage
of a train in an underground tunnel [39].
methods to determine the low-strain stiffness in geomaterials.
In-situ seismic methods can also be used to estimate the low-
examples of systems whose response to dynamic loading is con- strain material-damping ratio. Techniques have been developed
trolled by these parameters. These are the low-strain stiffness, for SASW and MASW testing based on measuring the spatial at-
specifically the elastic, initial tangent shear modulus and material- tenuation of surface Rayleigh waves [23,57,65,7]. Attempts have
damping ratio. However, these parameters are in conflict to each also been made to measure damping ratio from the attenuation of
other since elastic modulus and damping ratio are oxymora. They body P and S waves in cross-hole, down-hole and SCPT tests
refer to two different and incompatible constitutive models. Fur- ([34,50,55,58,14,25]). However, the results obtained so far with
thermore, it was already said that in soils, stiffness is not an ab- these methods have only been moderately successful mainly due
solute “property” since its value, in a given mode of deformation, to the difficulties of separating geometric and intrinsic attenuation.
may depend on the rate of loading. The same applies to energy The low-strain stiffness and material-damping ratio have been
dissipation and thus to material-damping ratio. The situation is measured through laboratory tests as well since the early days of
further complicated by the fact that stiffness and energy dissipa- experimental soil dynamics, mainly using the resonant column
tion are not independent parameters despite in the current prac- apparatus. After the pioneering work of Japanese engineers Ishi-
tice of experimental soil dynamics, they are measured separately moto and Iida [32] and Iida [30], the resonant column test became
and using different procedures. popular in the United States and worldwide during the 60′s and
70′s by the work of Hall and Richart [26], Drnevich et al. [18],
Hardin and Black [27], Richart et al. [64], Hardin and Drnevich [28]
4. Current practice to measure low-strain stiffness and mate- just to name a few contributors.
rial-damping ratio Other laboratory tests are used to determine the low-strain
parameters of soil dynamic behavior including the cyclic triaxial
In the current practice, the low-strain stiffness in soils is typi- and cyclic simple shear tests [31]. About 25–30 years ago, wave
cally measured through in-situ geophysical seismic methods such propagation methods have started to be used also in laboratory
C.G. Lai, A.G. Özcebe / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 91 (2016) 72–86 75

specimens in a sort of miniaturized geophysical seismic tests boreholes varies between 3.0 and 5.0 m depending on the me-
[20,78]. The key component of these experiments are the bender chanical impedance of the soil. During travel time measurements,
elements, thin piezo-ceramic plates that can be used both as a source and receivers are located at the same depth so that the
wave source or emitter and receiver. The shear wave velocity is velocity of propagation of P and S waves is measured within the
typically measured within the triaxial apparatus after placing one soil layers along horizontal paths. Thus, in cross-hole testing the
bender element at the top and one at the bottom of the soil spe- propagation of seismic waves is postulated to occur along straight
cimen. These tests allow investigating how variables such as paths in laterally homogeneous, layered soil deposits. The P and S
confining stress, porosity and anisotropy influence the low-strain wave travel time measurements are repeated after simultaneously
stiffness in soils however, due to the size of the specimen, mea- moving source and receivers at different depths.
surements are made at very large frequencies (order of kHz). This Due to sensitivity of the measured P and S wave velocities from
raises questions upon the applicability of the results obtained with possible errors in estimating the distance between receivers, par-
these techniques in solving problems of earthquake geotechnical ticularly at depths greater than 10–15 m, a deviation survey to as-
engineering where the frequencies of interest are orders of mag- sess the verticality of the boreholes and precisely define the dis-
nitude lower. tance along depth between the boreholes is mandatory.
A further discussion of in-situ and laboratory tests to measure The two most common techniques adopted to estimate the
the low-strain stiffness and damping ratio in soils is beyond the travel time of P and S waves from the source to the receivers are
scope of this paper. Still, the next two Sections will briefly sum- the visual and cross-correlation methods. With the visual method,
marize the most salient aspects of two specific and widespread the travel time is estimated from the difference at the two re-
experiments: the in-situ cross-hole seismic method and the la- ceivers of the arrival times of P and S waves (Fig. 3). Crucial in this
boratory resonant column test. This does not imply any loss of method is therefore the identification (picking) of the first arrivals
generality with respect to other methods and it lays down the of both P and S phases on the seismograms detected at the two
groundwork for the introduction of non-conventional methods to receivers.
measure the low-strain parameters of soil dynamic behavior. In The cross-correlation technique provides more objective results
fact, these methods are based on a fundamentally different way to than those given by the visual method, however it is reliable only
perform and interpret these two standard techniques commonly with signals of very good quality. To facilitate the picking of S wave
used in geotechnical site characterization. first arrival, a 180° reversed polarity source is used whenever
4.1. In-situ cross-hole seismic testing Usually the receivers are three-dimensional velocity transdu-
cers or geophones that are able to detect the particle motion in the
Cross-hole seismic testing is a borehole seismic technique used vertical direction and in two horizontal directions that are mu-
for measuring the shear and compression wave velocity profiles in tually perpendicular. These geophones have therefore the cap-
a 1D-soil stratigraphy. It was introduced for geotechnical char- abilities of detecting the particle motion associated to three types
acterization of soil deposits in the late 70′s [29,8,83] and it is still of waves namely P, SV and SH waves (soils are anisotropic materials
one of the most popular in-situ seismic test worldwide. The P and and in general VSV ≠ VSH ). However, to improve the signal-to-noise
S wave velocity profiles are determined from measurements at ratio, best measurements are made using specialized sources,
different depths of the travel times of P and S waves propagating namely sources capable of generating impulses rich in either P, SV
along sub-horizontal paths through points separated by a known or SH energy.
distance (Fig. 3). Knowing travel paths and travel times of P and S waves, their
The execution of the cross-hole test requires drilling a mini- speed of propagation can be easily computed. If ∆L is the distance
mum of two boreholes within which to insert a source of me- between the two receivers (Fig. 3), ∆tP and ∆tS the travel times of P
chanical energy and a receiver for the measurement of the travel and S waves respectively, then VP and VS are obtained from the
time. However, according to the ASTM D4428-14 [3] standard, the following relations:
preferred method requires drilling three in-line boreholes to
eliminate the travel time error associated with the identification of VP = , VS =
ΔtP ΔtS (1)
the instant of trigger at the source. The spacing between the
It is important to point out that the speed of propagation of P
and S waves calculated with Eq. (1), is inherently assumed fre-
quency-independent. Thus, in the conventional interpretation of
cross-hole seismic testing, P and S waves are assumed to be non-
dispersive. Actually, in dissipative media like soils high frequencies
travel faster than low frequencies and VS (or VP ) computed with Eq.
(1) corresponds to the speed of propagation of the wave front
whose energy is carried mostly by high frequencies. These travel
faster because material response gets “stiffer” for higher loading
rates. Compare, as an example, the drained versus the undrained
response of saturated geomaterials. Seismologists are aware of this
phenomenon and take it into account through the Kolsky at-
tenuation-dispersion model [1,24] which will be discussed in
more detail in the sequel.
From Eq. (1), the low-strain oedometric and shear elastic
moduli M and G can be calculated from the following standard
equations of elastodynamics:

M = ρ⋅VP2, G = ρ⋅VS2 (2)

Fig. 3. Typical configuration of cross-hole seismic testing. where ρ is the mass density of the soil.
76 C.G. Lai, A.G. Özcebe / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 91 (2016) 72–86

4.2. Torsional-resonant column apparatus resonance is attained, represents the fundamental frequency of the
specimen for torsional oscillations. The resonance frequency can
The torsional-resonant column apparatus is a laboratory device be linked to the shear wave velocity VS of the soil specimen via the
that can be used to measure both the low-strain stiffness and following equation [64]:
material-damping ratio of soils. The ASTM D4015-07 [2] standard
ω0h ⎛ ω h⎞ J
provides instructions for experimentally determining these para- tan ⎜ 0 ⎟ =
meters of soil dynamic behavior for solid, cylindrical specimens in VS ⎝ VS ⎠ J0 (3)
undisturbed as well as remolded conditions. Sometimes hollow
where h is the height of the specimen, J0 is the rotational moment
specimens are used to obtain a more uniform distribution of shear
strain amplitude along the cross-section of the sample. In the of inertia of the mass mounted at the top of the specimen and
conventional resonant column test, low-strain stiffness and ma- J = ρh·I is the mass polar moment of inertia of the sample having a
terial-damping ratio are measured using different procedures and mass density ρ and area polar moment of inertia of the cross
interpretation methods as briefly reviewed below. section I . Eq. (3) is obtained by searching the first natural fre-
quency of vibration of an elastic, fixed-free, circular cylinder un-
4.2.1. Low-strain shear modulus dergoing free, harmonic torsional oscillations [31]. From Eq. (3),
Prior to the dynamic phase, the soil specimen is consolidated the low-strain shear modulus is calculated using Eq. (2).
following a procedure similar to that used in a standard triaxial
test. Next, the specimen is subjected to a harmonic torsional ex- 4.2.2. Low-strain shear-damping ratio
citation by an electromagnetic driving system [19]. Impulsive ex- As mentioned earlier, the torsional-resonant column test can
citations can also be adopted when the device is used to determine also be used to determine the low-strain shear-damping ratio of
the low-strain damping ratio [73]. A typical configuration of the soils. The two most frequently used procedures are the so-called
resonant column apparatus is shown in Fig. 4 with the soil spe- free-vibration decay and half-power bandwidth methods. In the
cimen fixed at the base and free to rotate at the top where the free-vibration decay technique, material damping is obtained from
driving torque is applied.
the amplitude decay of torsional oscillations exhibited by a soil
The frequency and amplitude of torsional loading can be in-
specimen set into free vibration. Damping ratio is determined
dependently controlled when the specimen is set into harmonic
from the ratio, in logarithmic scale, of peak rotation amplitudes
oscillation. The objective of the test is to determine the first re-
measured over a number of consecutive cycles (logarithmic
sonant frequency of the soil specimen. This is achieved by setting
the sample to low-amplitude, torsional oscillations of gradually decrements).
increasing frequency. The response of the specimen is tracked An alternative approach is the half-power bandwidth forced-
through an accelerometer attached at the top of the apparatus vibration method that exploits the dependency on damping ratio
(Fig. 4). of the shape of the frequency response curve obtained when
The shear strains are measured by means of proximity trans- measuring the low-strain shear modulus (Fig. 4). It can be shown
ducers (Fig. 4). The amplification function is then computed that, for small values of damping ratio, the following result holds
through a spectrum analyzer and the lowest frequency ω0 at which [38]:

Fig. 4. Layout of the resonant column instrumentation to measure the low-strain elastic modulus and material-damping ratio of soils [73].
C.G. Lai, A.G. Özcebe / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 91 (2016) 72–86 77

ω2 − ω1 all the parameters required to describe soil response to low am-

DS =
ω1 + ω2 (4) plitude, uni-axial or multi-axial excitations. Furthermore, the new
methodology should be feasible from an experimental point of
where ω1 and ω2 are the angular frequencies at which the am- view.
plitudes of response equal 1/ 2 times the amplitude at the re- Two applications of this approach to experimental soil dy-
sonance frequency (maximum). The mean value of time-average namics will be presented in the forthcoming Sections with re-
rate of energy dissipation at frequencies ω1 and ω2 caused by ference to non-conventional ways to perform and interpret the
damping is in essence equal to one-half the peak average power laboratory resonant column test and the in-situ cross-hole seismic
input and this is the motivation for the name given to the method method. Presentation of these non-conventional tests to measure
[13]. Recently Wu [84] derived a formula to determine material VS and DS should however be preceded by a Section dedicated to
damping ratio from the half-power bandwidth technique, which is the theoretical background needed to frame soil dynamic behavior
also valid for large values of damping. at low-strain levels.

4.3. Inconsistencies of current methods to measure VS and DS

5. Modeling dynamic response of soils at low-strains: an ac-
The review, in the previous Sections, of the techniques for count of viscoelasticity theory
measuring the low-strain parameters of soil dynamic behavior has
been limited only to the in-situ cross-hole seismic testing and the 5.1. Constitutive relations in time and frequency domain
laboratory resonant column method. This, however, does not im-
ply a loss of generality in the current discussion on measuring the The simplest formal theory that can be used to describe the
low-strain stiffness and material-damping ratio of soils since other mechanical response of dissipative materials to low-amplitude
conventional field and laboratory tests are based on the same dynamic strains is linear viscoelasticity. Despite its simplicity, the
principles and similar interpretation procedures. Thus, the short- theory of viscoelasticity has proved to be effective in describing
comings listed below can be assumed to hold for general con- phenomena of wave propagation in materials like soils and rocks
ventional methods used to measure the low-strain parameters of at low-strain levels [31]. Experimental evidence shows in fact that
soil dynamic behavior: geomaterials subjected to low-strain dynamic loading exhibit both
the ability to store strain energy and to dissipate strain energy
 VS and DS are measured independently using different experi- over a finite time interval. Both these phenomena can quite ac-
mental procedures and interpretation methods sometimes in- curately be described by the theory of linear viscoelasticity. Its
consistent to each other. For instance, with the resonant column formulation is based on the validity of a) the small strain as-
apparatus, VS is measured assuming soil behaving as a linear sumption, b) the time-translation invariance postulate which states
elastic material, however the same equipment is used to de- that material response is assumed independent of any time shift,
termine for the same soil specimen damping ratio which is a c) the inheritance postulate which states that at any point of the
normalized measure of energy dissipation due to inelastic material, the current value of the Cauchy stress tensor is only a
phenomena. This means that VS and DS are soil parameters function of the current value of the strain tensor and of its past
assumed to belong to incompatible constitutive models. Instead, strain history, and d) the fading memory assumption, which states
a consistent, unified framework of soil behavior should be used that the current state of stress depends more strongly on the re-
to interpret the results of a dynamic experiment, in this case the cent rather than on the distant strain history. With these as-
laboratory resonant column test. sumptions, the Riesz representation theorem [12] guarantees the
 Current methods to determine low-strain stiffness and materi- existence of a unique constitutive relation between the Cauchy
al-damping ratio of soils completely disregard the fact that stress tensor and the strain history via the following linear func-
these parameters of soil dynamic behavior are coupled and they tional:
exert an influence to each other. In some cases, this coupling t
effect may be neglected, in some other situations it cannot be σ(t ) = ∫−∞ G(t − τ ): ddε(ττ ) dτ (5)
neglected. In the present experimental practice however, they
are always treated as if they were two disjoint parameters. where G(t) is a fourth order tensor-valued function called the re-
 Frequency-dependence of low-strain shear modulus and ma- laxation tensor function of the material, σ ( t ) and ε( t ) are the time-
terial-damping ratio of soils is usually overlooked in conven- dependent Cauchy stress and small strain tensors respectively. Eq.
tional field and laboratory tests. As a result, rate-independent (5) is sometimes called the Boltzmann’s equation. The relaxation
(i.e. hysteretic) damping ratio is often invoked a-priori in several tensor function G(t) has 81 components, however, only 21 are
situations of earthquake geotechnical engineering like in linear independent in a general viscoelastic anisotropic material. These
or linear-equivalent ground response analyses. Even when other components represent the stress response of a material subjected
approaches are used where the frequency-dependence of stiff- to a strain history specified as a Heaviside or step function. Al-
ness and damping ratio is taken into account (e.g. [85,6,53,60]), ternatively to the relaxation function, the response of a viscoelastic
conventional field and laboratory tests measure these para- material could be described in terms of the creep tensor function
meters at different frequency ranges. For instance, in cross-hole J(t) whose components represent the strain response of a material
seismic testing, phase velocity measurements of shear waves subjected to a stress history specified as a Heaviside function.
are made at frequencies that fall in the range of hundreds of For an isotropic, linear, viscoelastic material, the relaxation
hertz if not higher, depending on the source. In the resonant tensor function has only two independent components which can
column device, the low-strain shear modulus and damping ratio be for instance the shear GS(t) and bulk GB(t) relaxation functions,
are measured at lower frequencies, on the order of 15–150 Hz. respectively. These functions are sufficient to completely char-
acterize the mechanical response of the material and they are the
In light of the aforementioned considerations, it appears that a analogous of the shear and bulk moduli of linear elasticity with the
fundamentally different approach is needed to measure the low- important difference that the relaxation functions are time-
strain parameters of soil dynamic behavior. This approach should dependent.
be based on assuming the same constitutive model to determine Often the constitutive relationships of viscoelastic materials are
78 C.G. Lai, A.G. Özcebe / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 91 (2016) 72–86

given a physical interpretation in terms of rheological models where WSmax is the maximum stored strain energy per unit volume,
formed by various combinations of elastic springs and viscous during a cycle of harmonic loading. Although Eq. (8) is written
dashpots. One such combinations is the Kelvin-Voigt model in with reference to shear deformation, it is actually valid also for
which a linear spring and a dashpot are combined in parallel. Al- bulk and oedometric loading. However, one of the problems as-
though the use of rheological models to formulate viscoelastic sociated with this definition of damping ratio is that the maximum
stress-strain laws may be useful, by no means this is necessary. stored energy per unit volume of a harmonically excited viscoe-
Worse than that, it imposes unnecessary restrictions on the cor- lastic material depends not only on G( 1)S but also on G( 2)S as well as
responding stress-strain law. Far more general viscoelastic models on their derivatives with respect to frequency [59]. Thus, Eq. (8)
may be constructed which do not admit a representation in terms would lead to a rather complicated relation for damping ratio if
of networks of a discrete number of springs and dashpots such as this is to be expressed as a function of viscoelastic constitutive
models characterized by a continuous spectrum of relaxation times. parameters. The problem is solved if in Eq. (8), WSmax is replaced by
Once GS(t) and GB(t) have been specified, Eq. (5) may be used to W Save , the average stored energy over a cycle of harmonic oscilla-
compute the stress response of the material to a prescribed strain tion. In fact, it can be shown that the following result holds [76]:
history, although this operation may not be trivial. If however, the 1 2
strain history is specified as a harmonic function of time like W Save(ω) = ⋅G(1)S ⋅ εS 0
4 (9)
ε(t ) = ε0 ·eiωt , then integral-differential Eq. (5) reduces to the fol-
lowing algebraic equation: If damping ratio in Eq. (8) is re-defined by replacing in the
denominator 4π·WSmax with 8π·W Save , substitution of Eqs. (7) and (9)
σ(t ) = G*( ω): ε 0eiωt (6) in Eq. (8) yields:

where G*(ω) = G (1)(ω) + i·G (2)(ω) is the fourth order complex-valued G(2)S
DS (ω) =
tensor modulus with real and imaginary parts G ( 1) and G ( 2) re- 2⋅G(1)S (10)
spectively. For isotropic viscoelastic materials, the mechanical re-
When the energy losses in the material are small (a situation
sponse in the frequency domain is completely described by the
shear GS*( ω) and bulk GB*( ω) complex moduli. occurring for strains below the linear cyclic threshold shear
strain), damping ratio defined by Eq. (8) and that involving W Save
yield the same results. However, the latter has the advantage of
5.2. Material damping ratio linking damping ratio to viscoelastic material functions and of
being independent from the magnitude of the energy losses.
One important feature predicted by the constitutive relation of For damping ratio defined by Eq. (10), it can be shown that at
a viscoelastic material undergoing a steady state harmonic oscil- very low (ω → 0) and very large (ω → ∞) frequencies, a viscoelastic
lation is that stresses and strains are in general out of phase (this is material behaves as an elastic solid and thus the limiting values of
reflected by the complex nature of the constitutive parameters). damping ratio are both zero [54]. Therefore, the spectrum of
The amount by which the stress lags behind the strain is measured damping ratio is nonzero and positive-definite over a closed and
by the argument or the imaginary part of the complex modulus. bounded set of frequencies; thus, its integral is finite. Experi-
Thus, the latter is a measure of the amount of energy dissipated by mental evidence is in this regard more problematic since no
the material during cycles of harmonic oscillations. It can be general conclusion can be drawn to date concerning the low-strain
shown that the shape of the stress-strain loop predicted by the dynamic behavior of soils and rocks at the two ends of the
theory, for a general viscoelastic material undergoing harmonic damping spectrum.
oscillations, is elliptical [61] which compares fairly well with ex-
perimental stress-strain hysteretic loops obtained in soils at low 5.3. Relation between complex moduli and wave parameters
strains [16], below the linear cyclic threshold shear strain. The area
enclosed by the ellipse for uni-axial shear deformation is equal to: It can be shown that the Fourier-transformed field equations of
2 linear viscoelasticity are formally identical to those associated
ΔWSdissip(ω) = π⋅G(2)S ⋅ εS 0 (7) with linear elasticity except that the elastic shear and bulk moduli
Although Eq. (7) has been obtained for the simple case of shear, are replaced by the frequency-dependent shear G*S ( ω) and bulk
uni-axial oscillation, it can be easily generalized to the case of G*B( ω) complex moduli [12]. Eq. (6) is an example of this result. The
multi-axial loading. At the microscopic level, different mechan- analogy between the field equations of linear elasticity and vis-
isms have been proposed to explain the process of energy dis- coelasticity forms the basis of the “elastic-viscoelastic correspon-
sipation occurring at very low strains in soils subjected to dynamic dence principle” [63]. This principle states that elastic solutions to
oscillations [9,10,71,33,82,47,67]). These studies indicate that an steady state boundary-value problems can be converted into vis-
interactive combination of several individual mechanisms is re- coelastic solutions for identical boundary conditions by replacing
sponsible for most of the phenomena macroscopically called en- the elastic shear and bulk moduli G and B with the corresponding
complex moduli G*S ( ω) and G*B( ω). Although the validity of the
ergy dissipation. For coarse-grained soils, the two mechanisms that
correspondence principle is restricted to problems where the
have been postulated are frictional losses among soil particles and
prescribed boundary conditions are time-invariant, its exploitation
fluid flow losses due to the relative movement between the solid
in elastodynamics is quite advantageous. If applied to Navier’s
and fluid phases. In fine-grained soils, energy dissipation at low
equations of motion of linear elastodynamics, this principle yields
strain is controlled by electromagnetic interactions among water
a pair of wave equations governing the propagation of P and S
dipoles and microscopic solid particles. For practical applications, a
viscoelastic waves. Their speeds of propagation are complex-va-
dimensionless definition of the amount of energy (per unit volume)
lued and related to constitutive parameters G*S ( ω) and G*B( ω) of the
dissipated by a viscoelastic material undergoing harmonic oscil- medium through the following pair of equations:
lations has actually proved to be more effective. In soil dynamics,
this definition is represented by material-damping ratio: 4
GB*( ω) + 3 GS*( ω) GS*( ω)
V P*( ω) = ; V S*( ω) =
ΔWSdissip( ω) ρ ρ (11)
DS ( ω) =
4π⋅W Smax( ω) (8) These relationships simultaneously define phase velocity and
C.G. Lai, A.G. Özcebe / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 91 (2016) 72–86 79

attenuation of monochromatic bulk viscoelastic waves as shown, the necessary and sufficient conditions for material functions
for S waves, by the following formulas [44]: G*S ( ω) or VS(ω) and DS(ω) to satisfy the physical principle of caus-
ality which states that a disturbance originated at a point of a
⎧ Re2 V S* + Im2 V S*
⎪ V ( ω) = ( ) ( ) viscoelastic medium (source) is not allowed to arrive at a different

( )
Re V S* point of the same medium (observer) before the time d/c has
⎨ elapsed where d is the distance between the source and the ob-
⎪ ( ) ( )
Re V S* ⋅Im V S*
⎪ DS ( ω) = server and c is the speed of propagation of the disturbance in the

⎩ Re2 V S* − Im2 V S*
( ) ( ) medium (VS or VP).
Full exploitation of Eqs. (13) and (14) is the essence of “non-
Analogous relations hold for longitudinal P waves. In Eq. (12) conventional methods” for measuring the low-strain parameters of
( ) ( )
Re V S* and Im V S* denote the real and imaginary part respectively, soil dynamic behavior, as it will be shown in the remaining Sec-
of the complex-valued shear wave velocity defined by Eq. (11). tions of this article.
Eq. (12) suggests two important remarks. The first is the fre-
quency-dependence of phase velocity and damping ratio inherited 5.5. Solutions of Kramers-Kronig relation
by constitutive parameters G*S ( ω) and G*B( ω) through Eqs. (11) and
(12). Thus a viscoelastic medium is inherently dispersive, that is the In seismology, a well-known, particular solution of Eq. (14) is
speed of propagation of viscoelastic waves is necessarily fre- that obtained under the assumption that damping ratio DS(ω) is
quency-dependent [24]. The second remark is that phase velocity frequency-independent over the seismic bandwidth (i.e. 0.001–
VS(ω) and damping ratio DS(ω) are a pair of material functions 100 Hz). For shear waves, this is given by the following relation
alternative to the real and imaginary parts of the complex modulus also known as the Kolsky attenuation-dispersion model [1]:
G*S ( ω). The same applies also to VP(ω) and DP(ω) with respect to
VS ( ωref )
G*P(ω) = G*B(ω) + ·G*S (ω). VS ( ω) =

⎣1 +
ln( )⎤⎦ ωref
ω (15)
5.4. Causality constraint and Kramers-Kronig equations
where ωref denotes a reference angular frequency usually assumed
For each mode of deformation (say e.g. shear), only one mate- equal to 2π . A similar equation has also been proposed for P waves.
rial function is required in the time domain to completely specify Eq. (15) is a dispersion relation and predicts a shear wave velocity
the mechanical response of a viscoelastic material (say for instance that increases monotonically with damping ratio for a specified
the shear relaxation function). Thus in the frequency domain the frequency. On the other hand, for a particular value of damping
real and imaginary parts GS( 1) and GS( 2) of the complex shear ratio, Eq. (15) predicts an asymptotic increase of VS(ω) with fre-
quency (high frequency body waves travel faster).
modulus G*S ( ω) cannot be independent since in the time domain
Eq. (15) is often postulated a-priori not only in seismology but
the shear relaxation function is real-valued and it would not be
also in soil dynamics owing to the rate-independence of damping
acceptable that more information would be needed in the fre-
ratio exhibited by many soils (and rocks) at low-strains in the
quency domain to fully describe the mechanical response of a
seismic bandwidth [49,51,70,74,75,81]. Frequency or rate-in-
viscoelastic material. As a matter of fact, the relationship between
dependent damping ratio is also termed hysteretic, a word used in
GS( 1) and GS( 2) can be easily derived using the Fourier integral physics to denote memory effects processes that are scale in-
theorem. For the shear complex modulus the result is [12]: dependent [79]. However, other studies are of opposite sign and
GS (2)(τ )⋅ω2 seem to demonstrate that in geomaterials damping ratio is sen-
2 ∞
GS (1)(ω) = GS (e) +
⋅ ∫0 τ⋅(ω2 − τ 2)
sitive to the loading frequency even in the seismic band and at
low-strain [15,17,37,46,48,5,52,66,86].
where GS( e) = GS( t → ∞) is known as the equilibrium response of Thus, the experimental results are controversial and they do
the shear relaxation function GS(t). Eq. (13) is one form of the not allow to draw a definitive conclusion upon the presumed
Kramers-Kronig relation which states that the real and the ima- hysteretic nature of damping ratio in geomaterials at low-strain.
ginary part of the complex shear G*S ( ω) (or bulk) modulus are Actually, this way of posing the problem is conceptually incorrect.
Hilbert transforms pairs. The frequency-dependence or independence of damping ratio in
From Eqs. (11) and (12) some kind of relationship is also ex- soils should not be a matter to be postulated a-priori. It is as if
pected to exist between the two functions VS(ω) and DS(ω) for instead of measuring the relaxation function GS(t) of a viscoelastic
exactly the same reason that the real and imaginary parts of the material (whatever it is), a particular functional form of GS(t) is
complex modulus are related through Eq. (13). This relation does specified in advance when interpreting a set of experimental re-
exist and it represents another form of the Kramers-Kronig sults. Indeed, the damping ratio spectrum can be viewed as the
equation, perhaps the most important for applications in earth- material function that needs to be measured to fully characterize
quake geotechnical engineering and soil dynamics. It is written the response of soils subjected to low-strain dynamic excitations.
below [54]: Once DS(ω) is specified, the frequency-dependent shear wave
velocity can be computed from Eq. (14). Of course, the role of
∞ 4 ⎡ DS( τ ) ⎤ 2⋅(1 + 4DS2) DS(ω) and VS(ω) as dependent and independent material functions
VS2( ω) + ω2⋅ ∫0 ⋅⎢ ⎥ ⋅ VS2( τ ) dτ = GS(e )⋅
π ⎣ τ⋅(τ 2 − ω2) ⎦ 1 + 1 + 4D 2 may be reversed. However, viscoelasticity theory imposes a con-
S (14)
straint on the DS(ω) and VS(ω) relation. Indeed it can be shown
Formally, Eq. (14) is a Fredholm, singular, integral equation of 2nd that a constant damping ratio over the entire frequency range
kind with Cauchy kernel. It establishes an integral relation between ω∈]−∞ , + ∞[ would imply a frequency independent shear (or
material functions VS(ω) and DS(ω) and as a result, they cannot be compression) wave velocity and this violates the principle of
assigned independently despite in the usual practice they are causality since no Hilbert transform pair may satisfy the Kramers-
determined separately using different experimental procedures Kronig Eq. (14) with a constant damping ratio [1]. Therefore, some
and often ignoring their frequency-dependence as discussed in type of frequency-dependence should be admitted outside the
previous Sections. seismic band even for a hysteretic damping ratio.
It can also be demonstrated that Eqs. (13) or (14) constitutes Using the theory of singular, integral equations, Meza-Fajardo
80 C.G. Lai, A.G. Özcebe / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 91 (2016) 72–86

and Lai [54] obtained an explicit, closed-form solution of Eq. (14) principle. The configuration of the test as realized by Rix and Meng
both for the case when VS(ω) is prescribed and for the case when [66] is shown in Fig. 5. A right-cylindrical soil specimen fixed at
the specified function is the damping ratio spectrum DS(ω). For the the base is excited at the top by a harmonic driving torque T0·eiωt ..
former situation, the result is: Assuming the validity of the small-strain theory and of the
usual kinematics for torsion (i.e. cross sections normal to the axis

DS (ω) =

∫0 ( VS(0)

VS(τ ) τ 2 − ω2 ) of the cylinder remain plane and normal to the axis), after in-
⎡ 2ωVS(ω) 2 troducing a system of cylindrical coordinates { r , ϑ, z} with the

⎢⎣ πVS(0) ∫0 ( VS(0)

VS(τ ) τ 2 − ω2 )⎤⎥⎦ −1
(16) origin of the z -coordinate set at the top of the specimen, the
equation of motion governing the vibrations of the specimen,
where VS( 0) = lim VS ( ω). Eq. (16) represents an explicit dispersion idealized as a homogeneous elastic cylinder, can be written as
ω→ 0
relation for arbitrary dissipative, viscoelastic materials like soils follows:
and rocks subjected to low-strain excitations. By measuring the
∂ 2uϑ 1 ∂uϑ 1 ∂ 2uϑ ∂ 2uϑ 1 ∂ 2u
frequency-dependence of shear wave velocity VS(ω), this equation 2
+ + 2 2
+ 2
= 2 ⋅ 2ϑ
∂r r ∂r r ∂ϑ ∂z VS ∂t (17)
can be used to calculate the damping ratio spectrum DS(ω). Note
that this is entirely done from phase velocity measurements only. where uϑ ( r , z, t ) is the displacement component along the cir-
cumferential direction ϑ . Solution of Eq. (17) may be sought using
the method of separation of variables coupled with the application
6. Laboratory non-resonance column methods of the boundary conditions, which are uϑ ( r , h, t )=0 and
M ( 0, t ) = T0eiωt − J0 ϑ̈( 0, t ) where M ( 0, t ) is the twisting moment at
As shown in previous Sections, in conventional resonant col- the top of the specimen. The result is:
umn testing, the low-strain shear modulus is determined by
linking the experimentally measured torsional resonance fre- T0eiωt πR 4 ρω ⎛ ωh ⎞
= ⋅ ⋅ cot⎜ ⎟ − J0 ω2
quency of a soil specimen to the analytical solution of the corre- ϑ( 0, t ) 2 VS ⎝ VS ⎠ (18)
sponding elastic boundary value eigenproblem. Instead, damping
ratio is obtained from the free-vibration decay or half-power where ϑ( 0, t ) is angle of twist at the top of the specimen, R is the
bandwidth methods. Nevertheless, the same resonant column radius of the specimen and J0 is the mass moment of inertia of the
apparatus may be actually used to experimentally determine the added mass placed on top of the specimen. Application to Eq. (18)
frequency-dependent, shear complex modulus G*S ( ω) of a soil of the elastic-viscoelastic correspondence principle yields:
specimen idealized as a linear viscoelastic solid. Shear wave ve- T0eiωt ⎛ ωh ⎞
πR 4 ρω
locity and shear damping ratio can then be calculated from Eqs. = ⋅ ⋅ cot⎜ ⎟ − J0 ω2
ϑ( 0, t ) 2 VS * ⎝ V S* ⎠ (19)
(11) and (12) which also allow investigating the frequency de-
pendence of these parameters. where V S* = GS*/ρ with G*S = G*S ( ω) being the complex shear
The use of this approach has been initially proposed by Lai and modulus. Eq. (19) suggests that experimental measurement of
Rix [43], preliminarily realized by Lai et al. [42] and fully de- ϑ( 0, t ) would allow G*S ( ω) to be determined (for example using the
monstrated by Rix and Meng [66] who also proposed the name of Newton-Raphson method) if the amplitude of the applied torque
non-resonance column method after the application of the proce- T0·eiωt , the geometry of the specimen and the characteristics of the
dure to polymers by Read and Dean [62]. The essence of the
apparatus are known. Since the driving torque T0·eiωt and the angle
method is on solving a forced boundary value problem of elasto-
of twist ϑ( 0, t ) will be in general out of phase, the amplitude of
dynamics associated to harmonic, torsional oscillations followed
by the application of the elastic-viscoelastic correspondence ϑ( 0, t ) will be in general complex-valued.
If the analysis is carried out for a sufficiently large number of
frequencies, it will then be possible to experimentally determine
the frequency dependence of the shear complex modulus G*S ( ω)
and correspondingly, via Eqs. (11) and (12), of VS(ω) and DS(ω).
Note that through the non-resonance column method the shear
wave velocity and material-damping ratio of a soil specimen are
measured simultaneously at the same frequency of excitation and
using the same experimental procedure thereby overcoming the
major drawbacks of the conventional resonant column test.
Fig. 6 shows the results obtained by Rix and Meng [66] using
the non-resonance method to determine the low-strain para-
meters of soil dynamic behavior of a remolded kaolin. In this work
the “shear modulus” was defined as the modulus of G*S ( ω) i.e.
G*S ( ω) . In Fig. 6 this parameter increases monotonically with fre-
quency whereas damping ratio varies over the frequency range of
0.01–30 Hz exhibiting a minimum at about 1 Hz..
Other contributions on the use of non-resonance methods to
determine the low-strain parameters of soil dynamic behavior
include the work of Khan et al. [36] who investigated the fre-
quency-dependence up to 150 Hz of two dry-sands specimens and
a sand–bentonite–mud sample at different confining pressures and
shear strain levels. The results were compared with those obtained
using the conventional resonant column apparatus. A good
agreement was found for the low-strain shear modulus however,
Fig. 5. Configuration of the non-resonance column apparatus [66]. the conventional resonant column test did not allow measuring
C.G. Lai, A.G. Özcebe / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 91 (2016) 72–86 81

Fig. 6. Frequency-dependence of low-strain parameters of soil dynamic behavior determined with the non-resonance column test on a remolded kaolin (from [66]).

the possible dependence of this parameter on the frequency of dispersion function VS(ω) of shear waves. This idea was suggested
excitation. The authors also point out the importance of elim- by Lai and Özcebe [40] in connection with in-situ cross-hole
inating in the non-resonance method as well as in the conven- seismic testing.
tional test possible flexural modes that may be excited in the Determination of damping ratio spectra from phase velocity
specimen during the torsional oscillations. To solve this problem measurements of P and S waves using geophysical field testing is
they suggest using two accelerometers on the driving plate placed particularly attractive given the difficulties and costs of measuring
in opposite directions. damping through standard laboratory experiments. Although la-
Camacho-Tauta et al. [11] used non-resonance methods in boratory measurements using resonant column, torsional shear
conjunction with standard resonant column and bender element and other techniques are well established, the effect of specimen
experiments to study rate-effects on the shear wave velocity of disturbance on the measured value of low-strain damping ratio
three saturated sands in the frequency range 0.1–10 kHz. It was may not always be negligible. Furthermore, laboratory tests are
found that VS(ω) had the tendency to increase with the increase of performed on small size specimens and this limits considerably
the excitation frequency and this outcome was more pronounced the applicability of the results to large volumes of soil.
in coarse saturated sands. The paper also describes the develop- Conversely, in-situ measurements provide the opportunity to
ment of an automatic procedure to carry out, in a synergic fashion, assess low-strain damping ratio free from the undesirable effects
resonant column, bender element and non-resonance of sample disturbance and at the same time encompassing a lar-
experiments. ger, more representative volume of soil. That being said, in the
Despite the non-resonance column method is not yet widely current practice, borehole and other invasive seismic methods are
used to measure the low-strain parameters of soil dynamic be- used almost exclusively to measure the speed of propagation of P
havior, it is superior with respect to the conventional test. First, it and S waves. Few attempts were made on attenuation measure-
allows determining shear wave velocity and shear damping ratio ments and most of them in a research environment. Recent con-
simultaneously, at the same frequency of excitation and with ex- tributions include the works of Hall and Bodare [25], Michaels [56]
actly the same experimental procedure. This is consistent with and Crow et al. [14]. The major challenges outlined by these stu-
viscoelasticity theory, the underlying constitutive model adopted dies are the uncoupling of geometric and material attenuation as
to interpret soil response to low-amplitude, dynamic excitations. well as to account for the influence of scattered waves.
Secondly, the non-resonance method provides the natural mean Moreover, in some of these applications, damping is a-priori
for investigating the frequency-dependence laws of VS and DS. This assumed to be hysteretic (i.e. frequency-independent) and that
is in contrast with the usual practice, where this aspect is in- may not always be acceptable depending on the specific soil type.
herently neglected. The taking into account of the frequency-de- In other cases, a specific constitutive model, like the Kelvin-Voigt
pendence of VS and DS has been shown to have practical im- solid is enforced in the interpretation of attenuation measure-
plications in problems of earthquake geotechnical engineering like ments [56]. This also corresponds to enforcing a particular rheo-
for instance in ground response analyses e.g. [53,60]. However, the logical model of soil behavior and thus the application of an un-
ability to actually perform these analyses is subject to the avail- necessary bias.
ability of an experimental procedure able to determine VS(ω) and On the contrary, the method based on using Eq. (16), is free
DS(ω). The non-resonance column method seems ideal to reach from such biases since damping is obtained from the inversion of P
this goal. Perhaps another possibility would be that of determining and S dispersion functions, which in turn are computed entirely
VS(ω) and DS(ω) in bender element experiments from the ex- from phase velocity measurements. The algorithm is just based on
ploitation of Eq. (16) after the pioneering work of Karl et al. [35] on implementing Eq. (16). Applying the two-station method at the
damping measurements using bender element tests. layout of cross-hole seismic testing (Fig. 3) in a fashion similar to
that used with the SASW method when determining the phase
velocity of Rayleigh waves [23], the dispersion functions of S and P
7. Full waveform in-situ cross-hole seismic testing waves can be determined from the following equations:
ω⋅ΔL ω⋅ΔL
The interdependency of VS(ω) and DS(ω) stated by the Kra- VS ( ω) = , VP ( ω) =
mers-Kronig relation sets up the ground for developing a method (
arg GRS1 − R2) arg( G ) (20)
R1 − R2

to determine one of the two material functions from the mea-

surement of the other. This is facilitated by the availability of the where arg( G S
) is the (unwrapped) phase of the cross-power
R1 − R2

solution of Kramers-Kronig relation represented for instance by spectrum of the signals detected at the two receivers after filtering
Eq. (16), which allows material-damping ratio spectrum DS(ω) to the contribution of P-wave arrivals. An identical definition holds
be completely determined from the measurement of the ( )
for arg GRP1 − R2 after interchanging the role of P and S waves.
82 C.G. Lai, A.G. Özcebe / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 91 (2016) 72–86

illustrate another application of the method at a different site in

Italy in 2008. Specifically, Fig. 8 shows the wrapped (top) and
unwrapped (bottom) phase of the measured cross-power spec-
trum. The “up” and “down” reported in the legend refer to mea-
surements carried out by reversing the polarity. The resolvable
frequency range is limited in this case to 30–300 Hz. The corre-
sponding shear dispersion curve and damping ratio spectrum are
shown in Fig. 9. Given the narrowness of the experimental fre-
quency spectrum, it was necessary to extend the dispersion curve
beyond the measured bandwidth. This was done according to two
alternative hypotheses. The first, denoted as “log linear extra-
polation” considers a linear increase of VS with the logarithm of the
frequency and perhaps it corresponds to the “least-biased” as-
sumption considering that some type of frequency-dependence of
VS must be assumed to comply with the causality constraint. The
second assumption, denoted in the legend as “Shibuya (1995)-like
model”, refers to enforcing frequency-independence of damping
Fig. 7. (Top) Dispersion curve of S waves obtained from cross-hole seismic data
measured at Pisa, Italy in the year 2000. (Bottom) Shear damping ratio spectrum ratio in the seismic bandwidth when performing the inversion of
from the inversion of VS ( ω) . the shear dispersion curve. As discussed in previous sections, this
hypothesis is often invoked for rock-like materials in seismology
Once VS(ω) and VP(ω) are computed for a sufficiently broad and it was also proposed in soil dynamics by Shibuya et al. [70].
frequency band, Eq. (16) allows to calculate damping ratio spectra To comply with the theory of viscoelasticity, damping ratio has
DS(ω) and DP(ω). With this procedure, no a-priori assumption is been set to approach zero at very low and very large frequencies
made concerning specific rheological models of soil behavior or (purely elastic response). No independent measurement of
frequency-dependence law of damping ratio. Indeed the reverse is damping ratio is available at the site to compare the results shown
true since the shape of the damping ratio spectra is completely in Fig. 9 (right).
determined by the shape of the dispersion curves of S and P waves, The loss of uniqueness in the inversion of the dispersion
as predicted by the Kramers-Kronig relation [41]. A distinctive function VS(ω) and thus of the calculated damping ratio spectrum
feature of the procedure is that unlike the conventional inter- highlighted in Fig. 9, may be overcome by adopting broadband
pretation of cross-hole seismic data based on picking the first ar- seismic sources and receivers with an ultra-large dynamic range.
rivals of P and S phases, the method exploiting the inversion of P The results shown above are preliminary and efforts are un-
and S dispersion functions uses the complete waveforms of the derway to develop a robust and reliable method to measure DS(ω)
signals detected at the two receivers. and DP(ω) in cross-hole and down-hole seismic testing from the
Fig. 7 shows the results obtained at Pisa, Italy after the appli- inversion of VS(ω) and VP(ω).
cation of the procedure to cross-hole data acquired at a depth of
14 m from the ground surface in the year 2000. The numerical
integration in Eq. (16) was performed using a robust quadrature 8. Applications in computational soil dynamics
scheme given the singularity of the integrand. To increase the
accuracy and stability of the algorithm, the domain of integration Computational seismology and soil dynamics have advanced
was split into small sub-domains using an adaptive logarithmic considerably in latest years allowing the solution of difficult pro-
frequency scale. The shear wave velocity measured at the same blems like simulating ground shaking scenarios of 3D large geo-
depth with the conventional interpretation of cross-hole data is logical structures using refined constitutive models for geoma-
161.5 m/s which compares well with the experimental dispersion terials. The latter require the introduction of a consistent set of
curve. Due to limitations of the frequency bandwidth emitted at model parameters and failure to do so may yield bad con-
the source, the usable frequency range to construct the dispersion sequences like loss of stability and convergence of the algorithm,
curve of S waves is restricted to 50–500 Hz (Fig. 7, top). This in violation of fundamental physical principles (e.g. causality) or just
principle limits the ability to resolve the damping ratio spectrum simply inaccurate results. These situations are undesirable because
at frequencies below 50 Hz, which includes the seismic band. The they nullify the efforts of using advanced numerical modeling. To
damping ratio shown in Fig. 7 (bottom) has been calculated by illustrate this, a couple of examples are shown in the following
enforcing the hysteretic assumption at frequencies below 50 Hz. drawn from two classical problems of soils dynamics and earth-
In Fig. 7 (bottom) the values of damping ratio compare well quake geotechnical engineering.
with those obtained from independent measurements carried out
at about the same depth by Lo Presti et al. [51] through laboratory 8.1. Lamb's problem
tests. It should be remarked however that these lab measurements
were performed at strains on the order of 0.01%. Figs. 8 and 9 The problem of determining the displacement and stress fields
induced by a vertical, time-harmonic point load applied at the free
surface of a homogeneous, linear elastic half-space, was first
solved by Lamb [45]. For this reason this problem has become
known in the literature as the Lamb’s problem which can be
considered as the dynamic version of the Boussinesq’s problem,
another classical theoretical problem of linear elasticity. Applica-
tion of the elastic-viscoelastic correspondence principle to the
solution of Lamb’s problem allows extending this solution to a
viscoelastic half-space.
Fig. 10 shows the dispersion and attenuation curves of Rayleigh
Fig. 8. Wrapped (top) and unwrapped (bottom) phase measured at a site in Italy. waves in a homogeneous, viscoelastic half-space. They have been
C.G. Lai, A.G. Özcebe / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 91 (2016) 72–86 83

Fig. 9. Cross-hole seismic measurements at a site in Italy. (Left) Experimental shear dispersion curve. (Right) Shear damping ratio spectrum obtained from the inversion of
VS ( ω).

Fig. 10. Dispersion (Left) and attenuation (Right) curves of Rayleigh waves in a homogeneous, linear viscoelastic half space. The curves have been computed for different
damping ratio models.

calculated using different models of damping ratio. The ones in the

legend obey the Kramers-Kronig relation (Eq. (14)) and thus
physical causality. Specifically, the “hysteretic” model corresponds
to assuming a frequency-independent damping ratio spectrum
over the seismic bandwidth of [10 2–102] Hz. The magnitude was
assumed equal to 2% and 5% respectively. Instead, the “Rayleigh
damping”, is a model characterized by a parabolic-like shape with
an upward concavity, if frequency is plotted in logarithmic scale
[41]. In this particular example, a minimum damping ratio of 0.5%
was set at 1 Hz whereas damping maxima of about 4% were set at
0.05 Hz and 11 Hz respectively. The other input data of the half-
space are a shear wave velocity at 1 Hz of 300 m/s, a real-valued
Poisson’s ratio of 0.25 and a mass density of 1900 kg/m3. Both
dispersion and attenuation curves in Fig. 10 exhibit a rather strong
dependence on the assumed damping ratio model. The curves Fig. 11. Synthetic seismograms obtained from the solution of the Lamb’s problem
denoted as “non-causal 2%” correspond to the usual practice of in a homogeneous, linear viscoelastic half-space using different damping ratio
assuming rate-independent damping ratio over the whole fre- models.
quency band. As discussed in previous Sections, this model violate
physical causality. As expected, there is a difference between the
dispersion and attenuation curves calculated for causal and non-
spectrum is spread between 0 and 30 Hz. Fig. 11 shows the free
causal 2% hysteretic model.
surface response of the viscoelastic half space at 60 m from the
Fig. 11 illustrates the synthetic seismograms resulting from the
analytical solution of the Lamb’s problem (in the far-field) for a source and for the same damping ratio models used to compute
concentrated, vertical point load whose time variation is that of a the dispersion and attenuation curves of Fig. 10. Clearly, the
Ricker wavelet of unit peak amplitude and maximum of Fourier computed seismograms show a sensitivity on the adopted damp-
amplitude spectrum centered at 10 Hz. The energy of this ing ratio model.
84 C.G. Lai, A.G. Özcebe / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 91 (2016) 72–86

laboratory resonant column technique, were introduced and ap-

plied to few cases. These emerging methods offer the opportunity
to overcome some of the main limitations of the corresponding
parental tests.
The motivation for this subject originated from the observation
that the current, widespread approach to model the low-strain
dynamic behavior of soils is characterized by a number of incon-
gruities. For instance, elastic shear and Young moduli are mea-
sured and used in geotechnical dynamic analyses while material-
damping ratio is also measured and used in the same analyses
despite this is a parameter of inelastic behavior. It is not only a
problem of consistency between constitutive models. Indeed, it
also has practical implications. For instance, computational soil
Fig. 12. Amplification function between bedrock and soil outcrops at Mirandola
dynamics and engineering seismology have experienced a tre-
(Northern Italy) for different damping ratio models in linear viscoelastic, 1D ground mendous progress in recent years and as a result, the recourse to
response analysis. high-performance, advanced numerical modeling to solve diverse
and complicated boundary-value problems has become relatively
frequent. This requires to introduce adequate constitutive models
8.2. Causal ground response analysis
for geomaterials with consistent model parameters which in turn
Standard computer programs to perform 1D linear and linear calls for proper experimental measurements.
equivalent ground response analyses are founded on viscoelasti- Conventional field and laboratory methods provide the correct
city theory. These include all members of the family of programs parameters for standard calculations and methods of analyses.
originated from the popular SHAKE [69]. In these codes, the im- However, they may fail to provide the analyst the right set of
plemented shear wave velocity and shear damping ratio are fre- model parameters for advanced calculations, even if restricting the
quency-independent, uncoupled parameters. Ground response is analysis to low-strain dynamic response. This happens since a full
thus computed based on this assumption which implies violation characterization of a linear viscoelastic material requires two
of physical causality. material functions, namely VS(ω) and DS(ω), even for the simple
Fig. 12 compares the performance of conventional, 1D non- case of uni-axial loading. Yet, in the usual practice, it is customary
causal ground response analysis with a causal assessment of 1D to neglect the frequency dependence of VS and DS as well as the
site amplification. The figure shows the absolute value of the interdependency of these parameters as established by physical
transfer function between the motion at the ground free surface causality through the Kramers-Kronig relation.
and that at the outcropping bedrock. The calculation has been Problems may arise also with more advanced laboratory
carried out with respect to the shear wave velocity profile mea- methods such as bender element tests. In fact, with these tech-
sured at Mirandola, a town in Northern Italy, up to a depth of niques soil parameters are measured at very large frequencies, far
about 120 m. The measured values of VS have been assigned at a above most practical applications, and the frequency-insensitivity
reference frequency of 300 Hz since they were obtained via a of soil constitutive parameters cannot be taken for granted, par-
standard cross-hole seismic test. The bedrock was considered to ticularly when the rate of loading is on the order of kHz while in
have a frequency-independent shear wave velocity of 1000 m/s earthquake geotechnical engineering the seismic bandwidth is
and a constant damping ratio of 0.5%. The shear dispersion and two orders of magnitude smaller.
damping ratio functions of the soil layers were assumed according In light of these considerations, the paper presented the main
to the four models adopted for the solution of Lamb’s problem features of a laboratory non-resonance method and of the in-situ
discussed in the previous Section.. cross-hole seismic test based on full waveform inversion of the
From Fig. 12 the implications of physical causality in 1D linear recorded seismograms. Although these techniques seem to over-
ground response analyses are readily apparent. Of particular in- come most of the deficiencies of the conventional versions of these
terest is the difference in the amplification function between the
tests and the preliminary results are encouraging, there are still
hysteretic casual 2% and the non-causal (i.e. conventional) 2%
technical difficulties that need to be overcome. Perhaps the most
damping ratio models. The peaks of the causal damping exhibit a
important of these, shared by both experiments, concern with the
shift toward lower frequencies and the peak values are slightly
limited frequency bandwidth at which the measurements are
larger. It is also curious to note that higher damping does not al-
currently made. This prevents a broadband characterization of
ways lead to smaller-amplification.
material functions VS(ω) and thus DS(ω) which is the ultimate goal
of these tests’ upgrades. There are reasons to be cautiously opti-
9. Concluding remarks mistic that these difficulties will be finally resolved with the ad-
vance of technological progress.
This article concerned with the experimental measurement of
the low-strain dynamic properties of soils. It attempted to in-
troduce a novel approach to the problem, which has been built Acknowledgments
around three main ideas. First, the definition of the low-strain
parameters of soil dynamic behavior was revisited and re- The authors would like to acknowledge Prof. M. Jamiolkowski
formulated within the framework of linear viscoelasticity. Sec- and SOLGEO Ltd for providing the cross-hole seismic data. The
ondly, a critical review of widespread in-situ and laboratory authors are also grateful to Prof. F. Tatsuoka for kindly providing
methods to measure these parameters was performed high- his papers on strain rate-dependency of soils. Finally, a word of
lighting major flaws and inconsistencies. Thirdly, the principles of appreciation goes to Prof. G.J. Rix for supplying the figures of the
recently proposed, emerging methods that redefine the execution article by Rix and Meng [66] and to an anonymous reviewer whose
and interpretation of the standard cross-hole seismic test and the comments helped to improve the manuscript.
C.G. Lai, A.G. Özcebe / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 91 (2016) 72–86 85

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