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Weld Strength (N)











0 1 1 2 2 3







Del X Del Y Mark X Mark Y X1 Y1

97.92076 0 85 0 76.52818 0.000474
125.863 0 125 0 78.63895 0
83.96038 0 105 0 80.74971 0
111.8919 0 82.86048 0
132.9315 0 84.97125 0.001421
87.08201 0.000474
89.19278 0.001421
91.30355 0.00379
93.41431 0.004738
95.52508 0.009949
97.63585 0.01516
99.74661 0.024636
101.8574 0.036953
103.9681 0.044534
106.0789 0.037427
108.1897 0.048797
110.3004 0.04785
112.4112 0.042639
114.522 0.033637
116.6327 0.031742
118.7435 0.028899
120.8543 0.018477
122.965 0.012318
125.0758 0.01137
127.1866 0.005211
129.2973 0.005211
131.4081 0.003316
133.5189 0.002369
135.6296 0.000948
137.7404 0
XFill1 Weld StrenXLine1 Weld Strength (N)
76.52818 0 76.52818 0
76.52818 0.000474 76.52818 0
76.77303 0.000474 76.52818 0.000474
77.01788 0.000474 78.63895 0.000474
77.26273 0.000474 78.63895 0
77.50758 0.000474 78.63895 0
77.75242 0.000474 80.74971 0
77.99727 0.000474 80.74971 0
78.24212 0.000474 80.74971 0
78.48697 0.000474 82.86048 0
78.63895 0.000474 82.86048 0
78.63895 0 82.86048 0
78.63895 0 84.97125 0
78.63895 0 84.97125 0
78.8838 0 84.97125 0.001421
79.12864 0 87.08201 0.001421
79.37349 0 87.08201 0
79.61834 0 87.08201 0.000474
79.86319 0 89.19278 0.000474
80.10804 0 89.19278 0
80.35289 0 89.19278 0.001421
80.59774 0 91.30355 0.001421
80.74971 0 91.30355 0
80.74971 0 91.30355 0.00379
80.74971 0 93.41431 0.00379
80.74971 0 93.41431 0
80.99456 0 93.41431 0.004738
81.23941 0 95.52508 0.004738
81.48426 0 95.52508 0
81.72911 0 95.52508 0.009949
81.97396 0 97.63585 0.009949
82.21881 0 97.63585 0
82.46366 0 97.63585 0.01516
82.7085 0 99.74661 0.01516
82.86048 0 99.74661 0
82.86048 0 99.74661 0.024636
82.86048 0 101.8574 0.024636
82.86048 0 101.8574 0
83.10533 0 101.8574 0.036953
83.35018 0 103.9681 0.036953
83.59503 0 103.9681 0
83.83988 0 103.9681 0.044534
84.08472 0 106.0789 0.044534
84.32957 0 106.0789 0
84.57442 0 106.0789 0.037427
84.81927 0 108.1897 0.037427
84.97125 0 108.1897 0
84.97125 0 108.1897 0.048797
84.97125 0 110.3004 0.048797
84.97125 0.001421 110.3004 0
85.2161 0.001421 110.3004 0.04785
85.46094 0.001421 112.4112 0.04785
85.70579 0.001421 112.4112 0
85.95064 0.001421 112.4112 0.042639
86.19549 0.001421 114.522 0.042639
86.44034 0.001421 114.522 0
86.68519 0.001421 114.522 0.033637
86.93004 0.001421 116.6327 0.033637
87.08201 0.001421 116.6327 0
87.08201 0 116.6327 0.031742
87.08201 0 118.7435 0.031742
87.08201 0.000474 118.7435 0
87.32686 0.000474 118.7435 0.028899
87.57171 0.000474 120.8543 0.028899
87.81656 0.000474 120.8543 0
88.06141 0.000474 120.8543 0.018477
88.30626 0.000474 122.965 0.018477
88.55111 0.000474 122.965 0
88.79596 0.000474 122.965 0.012318
89.0408 0.000474 125.0758 0.012318
89.19278 0.000474 125.0758 0
89.19278 0 125.0758 0.01137
89.19278 0 127.1866 0.01137
89.19278 0.001421 127.1866 0
89.43763 0.001421 127.1866 0.005211
89.68248 0.001421 129.2973 0.005211
89.92733 0.001421 129.2973 0
90.17218 0.001421 129.2973 0.005211
90.41702 0.001421 131.4081 0.005211
90.66187 0.001421 131.4081 0
90.90672 0.001421 131.4081 0.003316
91.15157 0.001421 133.5189 0.003316
91.30355 0.001421 133.5189 0
91.30355 0 133.5189 0.002369
91.30355 0 135.6296 0.002369
91.30355 0.00379 135.6296 0
91.5484 0.00379 135.6296 0.000948
91.79324 0.00379 137.7404 0.000948
92.03809 0.00379 137.7404 0
92.28294 0.00379 137.7404 0
92.52779 0.00379 0
92.77264 0.00379 0
93.01749 0.00379
93.26234 0.00379
93.41431 0.00379
93.41431 0
93.41431 0
93.41431 0.004738
93.65916 0.004738
93.90401 0.004738
94.14886 0.004738
94.39371 0.004738
94.63856 0.004738
94.88341 0.004738
95.12826 0.004738
95.37311 0.004738
95.52508 0.004738
95.52508 0
95.52508 0
95.52508 0.009949
95.76993 0.009949
96.01478 0.009949
96.25963 0.009949
96.50448 0.009949
96.74932 0.009949
96.99417 0.009949
97.23902 0.009949
97.48387 0.009949
97.63585 0.009949
97.63585 0
97.63585 0
97.63585 0.01516
97.8807 0.01516
98.12554 0.01516
98.37039 0.01516
98.61524 0.01516
98.86009 0.01516
99.10494 0.01516
99.34979 0.01516
99.59464 0.01516
99.74661 0.01516
99.74661 0
99.74661 0
99.74661 0.024636
99.99146 0.024636
100.2363 0.024636
100.4812 0.024636
100.726 0.024636
100.9709 0.024636
101.2157 0.024636
101.4606 0.024636
101.7054 0.024636
101.8574 0.024636
101.8574 0
101.8574 0
101.8574 0.036953
102.1022 0.036953
102.3471 0.036953
102.5919 0.036953
102.8368 0.036953
103.0816 0.036953
103.3265 0.036953
103.5713 0.036953
103.8162 0.036953
103.9681 0.036953
103.9681 0
103.9681 0
103.9681 0.044534
104.213 0.044534
104.4578 0.044534
104.7027 0.044534
104.9475 0.044534
105.1924 0.044534
105.4372 0.044534
105.6821 0.044534
105.9269 0.044534
106.0789 0.044534
106.0789 0
106.0789 0
106.0789 0.037427
106.3238 0.037427
106.5686 0.037427
106.8135 0.037427
107.0583 0.037427
107.3032 0.037427
107.548 0.037427
107.7929 0.037427
108.0377 0.037427
108.1897 0.037427
108.1897 0
108.1897 0
108.1897 0.048797
108.4345 0.048797
108.6794 0.048797
108.9242 0.048797
109.1691 0.048797
109.4139 0.048797
109.6588 0.048797
109.9036 0.048797
110.1485 0.048797
110.3004 0.048797
110.3004 0
110.3004 0
110.3004 0.04785
110.5453 0.04785
110.7901 0.04785
111.035 0.04785
111.2798 0.04785
111.5247 0.04785
111.7695 0.04785
112.0144 0.04785
112.2592 0.04785
112.4112 0.04785
112.4112 0
112.4112 0
112.4112 0.042639
112.6561 0.042639
112.9009 0.042639
113.1458 0.042639
113.3906 0.042639
113.6355 0.042639
113.8803 0.042639
114.1252 0.042639
114.37 0.042639
114.522 0.042639
114.522 0
114.522 0
114.522 0.033637
114.7668 0.033637
115.0117 0.033637
115.2565 0.033637
115.5014 0.033637
115.7462 0.033637
115.9911 0.033637
116.2359 0.033637
116.4808 0.033637
116.6327 0.033637
116.6327 0
116.6327 0
116.6327 0.031742
116.8776 0.031742
117.1224 0.031742
117.3673 0.031742
117.6121 0.031742
117.857 0.031742
118.1018 0.031742
118.3467 0.031742
118.5915 0.031742
118.7435 0.031742
118.7435 0
118.7435 0
118.7435 0.028899
118.9884 0.028899
119.2332 0.028899
119.4781 0.028899
119.7229 0.028899
119.9678 0.028899
120.2126 0.028899
120.4575 0.028899
120.7023 0.028899
120.8543 0.028899
120.8543 0
120.8543 0
120.8543 0.018477
121.0991 0.018477
121.344 0.018477
121.5888 0.018477
121.8337 0.018477
122.0785 0.018477
122.3234 0.018477
122.5682 0.018477
122.8131 0.018477
122.965 0.018477
122.965 0
122.965 0
122.965 0.012318
123.2099 0.012318
123.4547 0.012318
123.6996 0.012318
123.9444 0.012318
124.1893 0.012318
124.4341 0.012318
124.679 0.012318
124.9238 0.012318
125.0758 0.012318
125.0758 0
125.0758 0
125.0758 0.01137
125.3207 0.01137
125.5655 0.01137
125.8104 0.01137
126.0552 0.01137
126.3001 0.01137
126.5449 0.01137
126.7898 0.01137
127.0346 0.01137
127.1866 0.01137
127.1866 0
127.1866 0
127.1866 0.005211
127.4314 0.005211
127.6763 0.005211
127.9211 0.005211
128.166 0.005211
128.4108 0.005211
128.6557 0.005211
128.9005 0.005211
129.1454 0.005211
129.2973 0.005211
129.2973 0
129.2973 0
129.2973 0.005211
129.5422 0.005211
129.787 0.005211
130.0319 0.005211
130.2767 0.005211
130.5216 0.005211
130.7664 0.005211
131.0113 0.005211
131.2561 0.005211
131.4081 0.005211
131.4081 0
131.4081 0
131.4081 0.003316
131.653 0.003316
131.8978 0.003316
132.1427 0.003316
132.3875 0.003316
132.6324 0.003316
132.8772 0.003316
133.1221 0.003316
133.3669 0.003316
133.5189 0.003316
133.5189 0
133.5189 0
133.5189 0.002369
133.7637 0.002369
134.0086 0.002369
134.2534 0.002369
134.4983 0.002369
134.7431 0.002369
134.988 0.002369
135.2328 0.002369
135.4777 0.002369
135.6296 0.002369
135.6296 0
135.6296 0
135.6296 0.000948
135.8745 0.000948
136.1193 0.000948
136.3642 0.000948
136.609 0.000948
136.8539 0.000948
137.0987 0.000948
137.3436 0.000948
137.5884 0.000948
137.7404 0.000948
137.7404 0
Six Sigma Design of Experiments: Welding
Suppose you are analyzing a metallic burst cup manufactured by welding a disk onto a ring (see Figure 1). The
product functions as a seal and a safety device, so it must hold pressure in normal use, and it must separate if
the internal pressure exceeds the safety limit.

Welding Horn

Ring Disk

Figure 1 - Burst Cup Ring

Fixture Base

The model relates the weld strength to process and design factors, models the variation for each factor, and
forecasts the product performance in relation to the engineering specifications. Modeling a response based on
multiple factors can often be accomplished by generating a statistically significant function through experimental
design or multiple regression analysis.

Design Factors Experimental Design

Disk Ring Wall Horn Length Matrix
Thickness Thickness
Process Factors

Weld Pressure
Weld Time
Trigger Point
Amplitude Transfer Function Response(s)

In this example, @RISK simulates the variation using normal distributions for each factor. @RISK distributions
support cell referencing so that you can easily set-up a tabular model that can be updated throughout a product
and process development lifecycle. The output is Weld Strength (N) in the Design & Process Performance
section, and contains a RiskSixSigma property functions that include the Lower Specification Limit (LSL) and
Upper Specification Limit (USL) specified. These are used to calculate Six Sigma statistics. The output results
were generated using @RISK Six Sigma functions for Cpk-Upper, Cpk-Lower, Cpk, and PPM Defects (or DPM),
as well as @RISK statistics functions.

The @RISK output distribution displays the expected performance based on the design and process input
variation and shows LSL, USL, and Target with markers. You can easily access the output statistics using the
reporting features or through @RISK functions. The @RISK Sensitivity Analysis clearly shows that the Weld
Time and Amplitude parameters are driving the weld strength variation.

The next steps for this problem could include two options: The engineer can attempt to reduce or better control
the variation within the Weld Time and Amplitude, or use RISKOptimizer to find the optimal process and design
targets to maximize yield or reduce scrap cost.
variation and shows LSL, USL, and Target with markers. You can easily access the output statistics using the
reporting features or through @RISK functions. The @RISK Sensitivity Analysis clearly shows that the Weld
Time and Amplitude parameters are driving the weld strength variation.

The next steps for this problem could include two options: The engineer can attempt to reduce or better control
the variation within the Weld Time and Amplitude, or use RISKOptimizer to find the optimal process and design
targets to maximize yield or reduce scrap cost.

Design Factors
Design Variable Range
Parameter Distribution Nominal StdDev Min Max
Disk Thickness (mm) #ADDIN? 2 0.05 1 5
Ring Wall Thickness (mm) #ADDIN? 5 0.1 2 10
Horn Length (mm) #ADDIN? 125 1 100 200

Process Factors
Set Point Range
Parameter Distribution Nominal StdDev Min Max
Weld Pressure (N) #ADDIN? 500 10 400 1500
Weld Time (ms) #ADDIN? 0.35 0.04 0.1 1
Trigger Point (ms) #ADDIN? 0.25 0.04 0.1 1
Amplitude (kHz) #ADDIN? 25 1.2 15 40
Frequency (kHz) #ADDIN? 22 0.75 20 30

Design & Process Performance

LSL USL Mean StdDev
Weld Strength (N) #ADDIN? 85 125 #ADDIN? #ADDIN?
Cpk-Upper #ADDIN?
Cpk-Lower #ADDIN?
Cpk #ADDIN? Cost & Volume
PPM Defects #ADDIN? Part Cost: $0.28 ea.
Annual Defect Cost #ADDIN? Annual Volume: 1.25 MM

Weld Strength (N)















0 1 1 2 2 3







onto a ring (see Figure 1). The
al use, and it must separate if

ariation for each factor, and

Modeling a response based on
t function through experimental

Experimental Design

ch factor. @RISK distributions

e updated throughout a product
n & Process Performance
Specification Limit (LSL) and
a statistics. The output results
pk, and PPM Defects (or DPM),

design and process input

the output statistics using the
clearly shows that the Weld

mpt to reduce or better control

he optimal process and design
the output statistics using the
clearly shows that the Weld

mpt to reduce or better control

he optimal process and design

Experimental Design Matrix

Weld Trigger Disk Wall Horn Average
Trial Weld Time Amplitude Frequency
Pressure Point Thickness Thickness Length Strength
1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -
2 -1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -
3 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 -
4 -1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 -1 -
5 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -
6 -1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 -
7 -1 1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -
8 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -
9 1 -1 -1 1 1 1 -1 1 -
10 1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 1 1 -
11 1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 1 -
12 1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -
13 1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 -
14 1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 -
15 1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -
16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -
17 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -
18 -1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -
19 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 -
20 -1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 -1 -
21 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -
22 -1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 -
23 -1 1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -
24 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -



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