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1).Either Mr. Anderson or his wife ..... An extraordinary hobby.


Predikat ditentukan Subject ke-2

2).This cake is twice .... That cake.

A. As sweet as
B. Sweet as
C. Sweeter than
D.The sweetest


Ada kt Twice..Multiple Number Comparative

Twice as+adj+as

3).jeje saves his money ... He can use it for going abroad.
A.So that
B. So as to
C. Though
D.Because of


Adverb clause of purpose

4). Wendy is very clever,but this .... doesn't make him proud of it.


Materi = Derivative
Diperjelas ada kata Clever(Pandai)maka untuk melengkapi kata diatas membutuhkan Noun yaitu Kepandaian(Cleverness)

5). The...of the planet earth is about ten billion people.



Ada kata "of the planet earth is" sehingga membutuhkan Noun yaitu Composition.

6). She not only took the book but

A. Make
B. Making
C. Made
D. Makes


Setelah not only V2 maka setelah but also juga harus berbentuk V2

7).Why dont't you call the...if the lights don't work?



'Mengapa kamu tidak memanggil....jika lampunya tidak bekerja?' Sehingga kata yg tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tsb yaitu Electrician(Montir Listrik)
dan ada kata The + Noun.

8). The little girl is taking care of the puppy with ______.
A. patient
B. patience
C. patiently
D. Patients


Key word : with

Pembahasan : Pada kalimat ini ada paralelisme penggunaan kata benda.

9). This flower can be....grouped into type depending upon how often they bloom.
A. convenient
B. convenience
C. conveniently
D. Conveniences


keyword : can be.....grouped

Pembahasan : Kalimat ini memerlukan sebuah adverb karena verb (grouped) hanya dapat diawali/diikuti dengan adverb.

10). The group dances perfoming on the stage are beatifull for either their dance ... Their costume.
A. Or
B. Nor
C. And
D. But
E. But also


Either pasangannya sama Or (salah satu)

11). Whales, dolphins and walruses

A. Neither-or
B. Either-nor
C. Not only-but also
D. And-too


Not only-but also

12). I swept the yard, weeded the garden and …. the clothes.
a. was washing
b. wash
c. washed
d. Washing


I swept the yard, weeded the garden and washed the clothes, karena kalimat menggunakan simple past tense yang menggunakan verb ketiga
tanpa Auxiliary, sehingga kata wash juga harus menggunakan verb ketiga tanpa Auxiliary.

13) Based on its ......, Bromo mountains were created under the sea million years ago.
A. history
B. historical
C. historic
D. Historically


Soal berbentuk derivative karena ada penanda kata its+ Noun. Opsi B berbentuk adj, opsi C berbentuk Adj, opsi D berbentuk Adv. Yang tepat adalah
opsi A berbentuk N.

14) The show last night looked so ... because of her.

A. Bad
B. Badness
C. Badly
D. Badlyness


Look + adj

15) A list of key beliefs of world class performers is the important material in coaching mental ...
A. tough
B. toughful
C. toughment
D. Toughness


Keyword "mental" merupakan adjective maka dibutuhkan noun.

16.) it is *them*(a), he and his pregnant wife , *who*(b) offer us free drink as an *anniversary*(c) *celebration*(d)
Topic pronoun setelah aux diikuti dengan Subject.

17) my mother is so(a) tired since(b) she is preparing(c) our house for welcoming(d) her frienda.
Kunci dan PEMBAHASAN : B
Topic adverb of time result.
So + adj + That
Maka since digantikan dengan THAT

18) Pedang Jenawi is(a) an(b) traditional weapon(c) from(d) Riau


article an harus a Karena berbunyi konsonan

19). Our country is(a) one of(b) the equator(c) countries in the world(d).
Kunci dan PEMBAHASAN : C
Maka dibutuhkan adj

20). Cats(a) hunt(b) not only(c) by night but also daily(d)

A. Cats
B. Hunts
C. Not only
D. Daily
Kunci dan PEMBAHASAN : D
Topic : Parallelism
Harusnya daily diubah menjadi by day.

21. Sailormoon, one of the oldest(a) known superheroes(b) comics, had(c) beautiful face, strong, but(d) a long hair.
Kunci dan PEMBAHASAN : D

Tidak perlu ada kata but dalam kalimat karena merupakan penjelasan lanjutan. Jika ingin menggunakan kata penghubung bisa menggunakan and.

22) It is their *nearly perfect*(a) crystal structure *that gives*(b) diamonds their *hardness*(c) , brilliance, and *transparant*(d)
A. nearly perfect
B. that gives
C. hardness
D. transparant
Kunci dan PEMBAHASAN : D
Noun, noun, noun
Transparant - - - >transparence, transparency, transparentness

23) the archaeologists were *astonish* to find such an *incredibly* beautiful rare *artifact* at *that site*
A. astonish
B. incredibly
C. artifact
D. that site
Kunci dan PEMBAHASAN : A
seharusnya astonished. *Astonish* merupakan noun sedangkan yg dibutuhkan ialah *adj*. bentuk adj dari astonish ialah astonished.

24) *most* corporations have personel departements *responsible to* *hiring and firing* workers and for keeping *employee* records.
A. most
B. responsible to
C. hiring and firing
D. employee
Kunci dan PEMBAHASAN : C
karena ada kata 'and' maka kalimat sebelum dan sesudah 'and' harus setara. pada kalimat sesudahnya menggunakan 'for' jadi seharusnya pada kalimat
sebelumnya juga menggunakan 'for' bukan 'to'.

25) Opposite with the gambir Station, you will find the old "Monas Square" and the statue of R.A Kartini.

A. Opposite with

B. Will

C. Find

D. Statue

Kunci dan PEMBAHASAN : A

Kata Opposite yang berarti berhadapan dengan diikuti oleh to, bukan with. Jadi seharusnya kalimat tersebut berbunyi : Opposite to the Gambir Station,
you will find the old "Monas Square" and the statue of R.A kartini
26) The Sony camrecorder demo was fun and impressive, but it is not as better as Microsoft's.

A. Was

B. But

C. As better as

D. Microsoft’s

Kunci dan PEMBAHASAN : C tidak digunakan pada adjective yang menyatakan perbandingan, tetapi dengan adjective bentuk pertama. jadi seharusnya kalimat tersebut good as......

27) Recently, the work had been being done by John M.Rayyan.

A. Recently

B. The

C. Had been doing done

D. By

Kunci dan PEMBAHASAN : C

Terdapat keterangan waktu recently (baru-baru ini) sehingga verb kalimat tersebut menggunakan present perfect tense yaitu has been being done

28) The thief who stole my watch was commpelled to restore it back again

A. Who

B. Compelled

C. To restore

D. It back again

Kunci dan PEMBAHASAN : D

Kata restore sudah bermakna gave back, maka tidak perlu lagi kata back setelah kata restore.

29) I try to figure in the answer of what the function of the organitation is.

A. Try

B. Fifure

C. What

D. Is

Kunci dan PEMBAHASAN : B

Kata yang berarti menemukan adalah figure out, bukan figure in. Kombinasi proposisi antara figure dan in tidak ditemukan dalam bahasa inggris

30) There are two big black Japanese motorcycles (A) in the parking area. Mine (B) is the one who (C) has a sticker on the tank.It's easy to identify (D).

Kunci dan PEMBAHASAN : C

Seharusnya "which" ( Materi Adjective Clause)

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