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3 ‘That’ Clauses
It is widely accepted that  It + passive structure + that
It has been argued that Using the empty subject (It)
It has been suggested that allows you to avoid personal
pronouns and claims.  It + verb clause + that
It is possible to argue that
It seems fair to say that

1. It has been argued that the reunification of the two Koreas would be of benefit to both.
2. It seems fair to point out that most of these new jobs have been created in the low-paid, part-time

 References to studies etc.

The latest research appear to show

Studies indicate
The evidence show that…
Statistics suggest
Published sources demonstrate

1. Studies have demonstrated that good mental health is facilitated by physical exercise.
2. The evidence suggests that low prices an convenience continue to drive the online food industry.

*With these expressions you will need support from actual statistics, published works etc.

 References to other people

Most people agree

Some experts say
Many taxpayers feel that…
Most economists argue
The majority of English speakers believe

1. Most people agree that there are certain freedoms all democracies should process.
2. Most economists argue that ‘boom and bust‘ cycles are the most damaging features of post-war years.

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