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Superflex Super Hero Small Group

Meeting #1

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors:

M1: Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental,
social/emotional and physical well-being.
B-SS 6. Use effective collaboration and cooperation skills.

- Capes (one per student)
- Optional: Items to decorate capes
- Pipe cleaners
- Popsicle sticks
- Superflex Super Frame
- Stickers
- Bags (one pre student)

- Welcome students outside the playroom.
o Explain expectations for behavior in the playroom.
 Be kind.
 Be respectful.
 Listen right away.
 If groups members cannot follow the rules and handle meeting in the
playroom then we will have to find another space to meet.
 Teachers are watching and at the end of each week we will pick one
super friend to get their picture taken with the Super Flex Super Frame
and send it to their teacher and parents.
- Introduce the topic of super heroes and how there is a super flexible SuperFlex living
inside each group member’s brain. We will be working on our super hero powers
together over the next few weeks.
- Each student gets a cape to wear during group. Explain that the cape stays in the group
and they will get to take it home after the last group meeting.
- Super heroes usually work together as a team (Avengers, Justice League, etc.) We need
to get to know our team members. Introduce each group member as “SuperFlex
- Teach students group motto. “Kind words (hands point towards mouth). Gentle hands
(stretch arms out to each side). Strong minds (flex your bicep muscles while pointing to
your head).”
- Repeat motto several times throughout the group.
- Explain SuperFlex and flexible thinking.
o He helps you be a totally flexible thinker which allows you to control your brain.
o He helps you think about how to act and behave to keeps others and yourself
feeling good.
o Help you be a great problem solver and find different solutions to one problem.
o He helps you notice when an Unthinkable is becoming more active in your brain
and come up with a strategy to defeat it.

If time allows: Introduce Rock Brain and Glass Man

- Rock Brain
o He gets you stuck on your own thoughts, answers, and solutions. He gets you to
do what only what you want to do, without thinking about the group.
o How can you defeat rock brain?
 Be flexible
 Agree to follow someone else’s plan
- Glass Man
o Gets upset very quickly
o The degree of the upset does not match the seriousness of the problem
o Usually thinks things are not fair
o How can you defeat glass man?
 Stop and think about the problem
 Tell yourself to take a break and walk away
 Ask for help
 Take a deep breath to calm down

- Give each student a pipe cleaner. Have the students create a person using their pipe
- Point out how flexible and bendy the pipe cleaner person is. When a problem comes
their way the pipe cleaner man can bend and be flexible to find another solution.
- Show students a person drawn onto a popsicle stick. Ask, “Does he look flexible?” “What
happens when a problem comes his way?” “Can he be flexible?” Show students that the
popsicle stick will break because he was not a flexible thinker.
- Have the students repeat the motto with hand movements.
- If time permits: each student has a bag to put their group materials in each week.
Explain that the bags will stay in the group and they will be able to take them home
after the last group meeting.
- Pass out bags and stickers. Students can decorate their bags with the stickers and put
their pipe cleaner man inside.

Close Out
- Celebrate the student who gets chosen to take a picture with the SuperFlex Super
Frame. Remind students that this will be each week, so there are plenty of chances for
everyone to get to take a picture with the SuperFlex Super Frame.
- Have the students repeat the motto and wrap up.

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