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Activities guide and evaluation rubric

National University Open and Distance

School of Basic Sciences, Technology and Engineering

Electromagnetic Theory and Waves

The discovery of electromagnetic waves has been very useful for technological advances in
both telecommunications and medicine.

Their applications are immersed in our lives, from heating food in a microwave oven, watching
television, wireless internet, radio, x-rays etc.

Steps, phases of the learning strategy to develop

Step 1 – To make the course recognition

The student will have to follow the next steps to accomplish the activity goals.

Step 1: Analyze the given questions according to the main applications named in the activities
to develop paragraph.

Step 2: Answer the given questions using academic resources.

Step 3: Identify the listed parameters in the final question.

Step 4: Develop a written work according to the directions in the Products to deliver by

Step 5: Deliver the work in the monitoring and evaluation environment.

Activities to develop

In this activity we are going to consider two main applications of electromagnetic waves and
answer the given questions:

- Wireless data transmission.

- Medical applications

Taking into account the academic references, answer the following questions.

1. Define the following concepts:

- What is an electromagnetic wave?
Electromagnetic wave:
Combinations of fluxuating electric and magnetic fields created by accelerated electric charges
propagate out from those charges at the speed of light in the form of waves--electromagnetic
waves or radiation. Earth's natural and human-influenced environment is bathed in all types of
electromagnetic radiation: power waves, radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible,
ultraviolet, X rays, and γ rays.

- What is the speed of propagation of an electromagnetic wave?

Propagation speed:
The phase velocity of the plane wave is defined as the velocity at which a point of constant
phase travels (such as the crest of the wave where the electric field is the maximum).
The propagation speed of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum = 300.000 km / s

- What is the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave?

The distance between any two corresponding points on successive portions of a periodic wave, 
such as from one crest to the nextcrest; the unit of wavelength is the meter

- Do electromagnetic waves have reflection and refraction properties?

Reflection not only returns light rays from a boundary surface but also may affect certain
properties of the light. Associated with the propagation of light are electric and magnetic
vibrations occurring in all directions within a plane perpendicular to the direction of light-ray
travel. As an incident beam strikes a surface, the electromagnetic vibrations parallel to the
surface reflect, while vibrations in other orientations are absorbed preferentially. The result is a
reflected ray, which is said to be plane polarized.

The most common utility of reflection is in the manufacture of planar, or flat, mirrors.

Refraction explains the apparent bending of a pencil when placed in a glass of water. The
velocity of light is equal to the wavelength multiplied by the frequency, as expressed by the
following equation: c= ƒλ where c equals light velocity, f is frequency, and λ is the wavelength.
As a result, if light velocity changes, then either the frequency, the wavelength, or both must
change. Since frequency remains constant for a given color of light, it is the wavelength value
that changes
Refraction plays an important role in the design of lenses for eyeglasses, telescopes, and
microscopes. Transparent materials of a particular index of refraction, such as glass or plastic,
are used to cause light rays to either converge or diverge to form an image of some object.

- Consult about electrical permittivity and magnetic permeability.

The capacitor capacity value depends among other variables on the material used as a

Each dielectric material offers a certain opposition to polarization, we call it permitivity, and it
has been quantified by representing it with εr (relative permitivity, that is, the one referring to
each material, in the case of mica it is just over 5, of water 80, etc.) taking as a base the air that
equals a

The electrical permittivity is also called electrical permeability.

Magnetic permeability we know that refers to the ability that some materials have to magnetize
when placed in a magnetic field.

The truth is that many materials are magnetized, but in an imperceptible quantity, so we do not
take them into account.

The magnetic permeability has been quantified by representing it with the Greek letter m0, and
the one referred to the air is equivalent to:

2. After having consulted about electric permittivity, what is the relationship between
absolute and relative electrical permittivity? How are these symbolized?
bsolute and relative permissiveness
The permittivity of a material is normally given in relation to that of the vacuum, being called
relative permittivity, (also called dielectric constant in some cases). Absolute permittivity
is calculated by multiplying the relative permittivity by that of vacuum:

donde   es la susceptibilidad eléctrica del material. En la siguiente tabla se muestran las

permitividades relativas de algunos dieléctricos

3. Can the conductivity of a material medium be altered by the frequency of the signal
applied to it?

electromagnetic propagation measurement

The degree to which a medium resists the flow of electric charge, divided by the degree to
which the free space resists said charge. The degree, or dielectric permittivity, is defined as the
ratio between the electric displacement and the intensity of the electric field. The term is also
known as relative dielectric constant. However, at high frequencies, it ceases to be constant and
decreases with frequency. The relative dielectric allowivities, which do not have units, vary
between 4 and 400 in the rocks, but in rare cases they can reach several thousand.

A measurement of the high frequency dielectric properties (approximately 1 GHz) of the

formation. In a typical tool, a microwave transmitter is placed a few inches away from two
receivers separated by a distance of 4 cm [1.6 inches]. In this frequency, the response is best
explained as the propagation of a wave. Therefore, the phase shift and wave attenuation
between the receivers is measured and converted to obtain the propagation time and attenuation
measurements derived from the register. Due to the short spacings, the measurement has
excellent vertical resolution and provides readings a few inches from the well wall except in
conditions of high resistivity. Since different spacings and orientations of transmitters and
receivers are used, different arrays are generated, such as the longitudinal radiation
arrangement and the transverse radiation arrangement. An ideal measurement would provide
the properties of the flat waves of the formation. However, the geometry of the measurement
prevents this, so that a correction, called "correction for dispersion loss" is needed for the
attenuation and, to a much lesser degree, for the propagation time. The measurement is also
affected by the dielectric properties and the thickness of the filter cake. The compensation for
well effects is used to correct the effect of the inclination of the probe or a rugged well wall

4. Can the human tissue change its conductivity because a disease? Explain.

Conductivity changes due to medical treatments involving x-rays or treatments for diseases
such as cancer.
For example, x-rays are dangerous for the male and female genital tract, which can even reach
a sterile condition, can be very harmful for a woman who is pregnant and can cause defects in
the baby and affect the birth process, the Damage to DNA can cause cell suicide and random
cell division.
Chemotherapy produces fatigue, pain, ulcers in the mouth and throat, blood disorders etc.

5. Using the "electromagnetic spectrum", select the uses and benefits of each frequency
range for people.

In the field of medicine and in the field of tumors, neurosurgery and eye surgery, the
equipment used in these procedures usually operates at frequencies of 1-100 MHz (VHF).

In this activity, you will be assessed the ability to understand the concepts related to the
transmission of electromagnetic waves. You do not have to do any mathematical calculation.
Environment for the Collaborative learning environment: Despite, this is an individual
development activity, there is a forum where the student is going to share
information with his/her fellow classmates in order to understand
clearly each concept and its relationship with practical problems
associated with the practical engineering activities.
Monitoring and evaluation environment: In this environment, the
student will have to deliver the individual activity, according to the
course agenda.

The student will have to deliver a Word document with the following
- Cover page
- Introduction
- Solution to the questions.
Products to deliver - Conclusions (what did you learn?)
by student - References (use APA format)

In this activity, the student will not have to deliver any collaborative

General guidelines for the collaborative work

Planning of activities Despite, this activity is individual, there is a forum where the student
for the development will be able to share questions and experiences with his/her fellow
of collaborative work group classmates.
In this activity is not necessary to assume a role, because it is
Roles to perform by
the student in the
collaborative group
Roles and In this activity, each student in the group will not have to choose a
responsibility for the role, but it is important to recognize each of the following, that will be
delivery of products assumed from the following step on.
by students
Roles Function
Compiler Consolidate the document, as the final product from
the discussion, taking into account that it will include
the contributions from all participants and that it will
only include the members whom participate in the
progress of the work. To inform the one who is in
charge of the alerts in order to inform to the students
whom did not make the contributions that they are not
going to be include in the product that will be
Reviewer Ensure that the document accomplish the presentation
required rules.
Evaluator Ensure that the document contains the established
criteria in the rubric.
To alert the one who are playing that role, to inform the
others members when it is necessary to make some
Deliverer Alert about the time on the delivered products and to
send the document in the defined time, using the
resources for the delivery and to inform the other
students when the deliver will be made.
Alert Inform the group members about the work news and to
inform to the teacher using the forum course and the
internal delivered message service about the final
document deliver.

 The electromagnetic waves are divided according to the bands of the radio frequency
 The application that man has given to electromagnetic waves has been in
telecommunications, medicine, and visible light.
 Electromagnetic waves can reach long distances in a short time and therefore are effective
in telecommunication.

Referencias bibliográficas

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