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Therapeutic consequences of drug

interactions with theophylline


Jan H. G. Jonkman, Ph.D. Assen and Groningen, The Netherlands

Elimination of theophylline from the body occurs mainly (approximately 90%) by

biotransformation, followed by excretion of the metabolites. Consequently, drugs affecting
microsomal enzyme systems in the liver may alter the e!imination of theophylline. Since
theophylline has a rather narrow therapeutic window, dose adjustment might be necessary. Of
the sympathomimetics, isoproterenol reduces theophylline clearance by 25%, but metaproterenol
and terbutaline do not. Of the antibiotics, etythromycin and troleandomycin decrease
theophylline clearance by 25% and 50%, respectively. No effect was observed with tetracycline,
doxycycline, amoxicillin, cefaclor, and co-trimoxazole. On the other hand, rtfampin
(antituberculotic agent) increases theophylline clearance by 30%. Corticosteroids (hydrocortisone,
methylprednisolone, and prednisone) do not affect theophylline kinetics. Influenza vaccination
also has no influence. The antiulcerative agent (H, antagonist) cimetidine decreases theophylline
clearance by 30%, but the agent ranitidine does not have any effect. Oral contraceptives may
decrease theophylline elimination by 30%. Barbiturates and phenytoin may enhance theophylline
clearance substantially (up to 75%). If an interaction is expected. careful monitoring of
theophylline plasma concentrations is required to optimize the dose. (J ALLERGY CLINIMMUNOL

The use of theophylline as a bronchodilator in the the manufacturing process of the dosage form and not
treatment of chronic airway obstruction has greatly to the drug itself.
increased since the late 1970s. At that time, sustained- Pharmacokinetic interactions with theophylline
release preparations to improve therapy and to en- may be caused by other drugs influencing the liver
hance patient compliance became available, and better function (e.g., microsomal enzyme systems and he-
methods for measuring theophylline plasma concen- patic uptake) or, to a lesser extent, the renal elimi-
trations allowed optimum individual dosing. nation route. Such interactions may be unavoidable
Because of both the drug’s narrow therapeutic win: in a given combination of drugs. They will require
dow (approximately 7.5 to 20 mg * L-‘) and its ex- dosage adjustment of theophylline or prescription of
tensive biotransformation in the liver (90%), modest an alternative drug from the same therapeutic group.
changes in the absorption or elimination of theoph- This article reviews the pharmacokinetic interac-
ylline due to coadministered drugs may result in sub- tions with theophylline that have been recently re-
therapeutic or toxic concentrations in plasma. ported. Special attention is paid to their clinical rel-
These drug-to-drug interactions may be of a bio- evance.
pharmaceutical or of a pharrnacokinetic nature. Bio-
pharmaceutical drug interactions in most cases are due SYMPATHOMIMETICS
to interferences with the dissolution process of the- A pharmacokinetic interaction between sympatho-
ophylline in the gastrointestinal tract. in many cases mimetic drugs (P-agonist bronchodilators) is of great
such interactions are related to the additives used in importance since these drugs are frequently used con-
comitantly with theophylline by patients with asthma.
Unfortunately, the literature on this subject is scarce.
From the State University, Department of Pharmaceutical and An- A possible interaction of metaproterenol (orciprena-
alytical Chemistry, Groningen, The Netherlands. line) was studied by Conrad and Woodworth.’ The
Reprint requests: Dr. Jan H. G. Jonkman, Department of Bio-
pharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Pharma Bio-Re-
clearance of theophylline was not significantly altered
search Int’l b.v., P.O. Box 147, NL 9400 AC Assen, The Neth- by a 3-day course of 60 mg orciprenaline per day or
erlands. by inhalation of 1.95 mg four times a day. The du-

VOLUME 78 Drug interactions with theophylline pharmacokinetics 737

ration of orciprenaline therapy, however, is considered reduction in the theophylline dose within 6 days after
to be rather short. the start of the course may be desirable.
A single dose of 0.5 mg terbutaline subcutaneously Another macrolide antibiotic troleandomycin given
did not influence theophylline kinetics in 14 patients,* in a IO-clay course, has been reported to reduce the-
but such a study design does not give information on ophylline clearance at steady state by 50%.” Brazier
a terbutaline-theophylline interaction during long- et a1.23and Lavarenne et a1.‘4 reported an increase (of
term treatment. Danziger et a1.3found that a 14-day 99% and 27%, respectively) in the half-life of the-
course of orally administered terbutaline (0.075 mg . ophylline when both drugs were given concomitantly
kg ’ three times a day) decreased the mean predose in a single dose. As a result, a reduction of the the-
theophylline plasma concentration from 13.8 ? 4.0 ophyllinc dose by 50% or more may be necessary
mg . L-’ to 10.8 IL 3.6 mg . L-’ in 12 children with during co-medication with troleandomycin. The same
asthma (7 to 11 years of age). authors showed that josamycin and midecamycin had
Jonkman et a1.4 studied the pharmacokinetics of no effect on theophylline kinetics.
theophylline when the drug was given for 7 days with Not all antibiotics influence theophylline pharma-
or without oral doses of 15 mg terbutaline per day for cokinetics. Mathis et al.*’ found no significant dif-
the same period, to 12 healthy subjects. No significant ference in pharmacokinetic parameters of theophylline
changes could be found in any of the pharmacokinetic before and after a 7-day course of tetracycline.
parameters. In a comparable study design (sustained-release the-
The data on isoproterenol (isoprenaline) suggest ophylline preparation during 9 days with and without
that theophylline clearance is increased immediately antibiotics), no significant influence on theophylline
by intravenous administration of isoproterenol. Hem- clearance was reported for the “second-generation”
street et al.’ measured an increased clearance of about cephalosporin ccfaclor, for amoxicillin, and for do-x-
20% and O’Rourke et a1.6 reported a 30% decrease ycycline. ‘h-28Seggev et a1.29also reported unchanged
of theophylline plasma concentrations in 12 patients steady-state theophylline plasma concentrations dur-
in status asthmaticus during isoproterenol infusion. ing doxycycline co-medication. A 9-day course of co-
These findings indicate that theophylline monitoring trimoxazole did not have an effect on single-dose the-
is advisable during isoproterenol infusion. ophylline pharmacokinetics.“”
These results indicate that administration of cefa-
ANTIBIOTICS clor, amoxycillin, co-trimoxazole, doxycycline, and
Antibiotics are frequently coadministered with the- tetracycline-all antibiotics that are frequently pre-
ophylline (e.g., during acute exacerbations of bron- scribed for patients with asthma-does not necessitate
chitis and infections of the upper and lower respiratory an adjustment in theophylline dosage.
tract). Many antibiotics are metabolized in the liver Rifampin (rifampicin), an antituberculotic agent,
and may therefore stimulate or inhibit theophylline is a known inducer of cytochrome P-450 enzymes.
clearance during periods of co-medication. It increases the rate of metabolism of several drugs
The macrolide antibiotic erythromycin has been ex- (anticoagulants, oral contraceptives, digitoxin, quin-
tensively investigated. The literature on theophylline- idine, antipyrine). Recently it was reported that
erythromycin interaction seems very contradictory. In rifampin increases theophylline clearance substan-
several papers a significant interaction was demon- tially (25%, Hauser et a1.3’; 25%, Straughn et al.‘?
strated. whereas in others no changes in theophylline 38%, Boyce et al.“; 45%, Powell-Jackson et al.‘“;
clearance were found. 82%, Robson et a1.‘5). The last study revealed that
Critical evaluation of the literature,’ however, re- both demethylation and g-oxidation processes were
veals that probably the duration of the co-medication increased.
and the peak of the plasma erythromycin concentra-
tions are the factors that determine whether or not an CORTICOSTEROIDS
interaction will occur. A 9% to 40% decrease in the- Another group of drugs that is frequently included
ophylline clearance (and a 15% to 60% increase in in the drug therapy of patients with asthma comprises
half-life) was observed in studies in which erythro- the corticmosteroids.Unfortunately, almost no system-
mycin was administered for 6 days or more.“-‘5 atic studies have been conducted to determine their
On the contrary, no significant interaction was possible pharmacokinetic interaction with theophyl-
observed when the drug was given for 5 days or line. Buchanan et a1.j6reported peak theophylline con-
less.ihm” In clinical. practice, administering 7-day to centrations of 40 to 50 rng.L-’ in six patients in status
IO-day courses of erythromycin, an approximate 25% asthmaticus who were treated with high doses of hy-

drocortisorle, but decreased elimination might be due which the plasma samples before and after vaccination
to the acute illness. were measured by the same method, and by a selective
Leavengood et al. ,37however, found no change in high-performance liquid chromatography method, and
clearance when healthy volunteers were treated with by means of the enzyme multiplied immunoassay
two doses of’ 8’ hydrocortisone. technique. We also reported no significant changes in
in a similar study the authors found no change in theophylline kinetics.52 These recent findings suggest
theophylline kinetics after two doses of methylpred- that no .:heophylline dose adjustment is necessitated
nisolone, Albin et a1.38reported that theophylline during influenza vaccination.
clearances in patients with asthma who were treated
for more than 3 years with methylprednisolone was ANTACIDS
not different from the values in a control group. It Many patients with asthma take antacids along with
was also reported that one dose of prednisone did not theophylline to avoid some of its gastric irritation.
result in an interaction.39 In a retrospective survey of During the concomitant presence of both drugs in the
pharmacokinetic, pathophysiologic, and historical stomach, a biopharmaceutical interaction is possible
factors that could influence theophylline clearance, because theophylline is more soluble at higher pH
Jusko et al.” reported that corticosteroids had no sig- values.
nificant effect. Different effects may be noted with immediate, en-
Therefore, it is likely that no adjustment in the- teric-coated, or sustained-release products, with dif-
ophylline dosage is required during long-term cotreat- ferent salts, or with preparations with adjuvants
ment with corticosteroids. having different physicochemical properties.
Arnold et al.51 found that antacids can significantly
INFLUENZA VACCINATION decrease the absorption rate of aminophylline (the-
Influenza vaccination is generally recommended for ophyllint: ethylenediamine). The extent of absorption
patients suffering from chronic pulmonary disease; and elimination rates was not affected. On the con-
many of these patients may be undergoing long-term trary, Reed et al.-54observed no effect on absorption
theophylline therapy. rate with such a preparation. Likewise, no effect was
In 1978 it was demonstrated by Chang et a1.4’ that seen when rapid-release (Slo-phyllin) tablets were in-
acute respiratory viral illness increased theophylline gested with antacids.“’ Antacids do not seem to affect
half-life by 108% 2 121% in six children. Kraemer the biopharmaceutical properties of some sustained-
et al.J’ described symptoms of theophylline toxicity release preparations, such as Slo-Phyllin Gyrocaps
due to reduced theophylline clearance in I1 children (William H. Rorer, Inc., Ft. Washington, Pa.) and
during an influenza B outbreak. These findings stim- Theo-Dur (Key Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Miami,
ulated research on the effect of influenza vaccination Fla.).5“-‘s A slightly faster absorption rate was ob-
on theophylline pharmacokinetics. served with another sustained-release preparation
Renton et al .43reported an increase of 85% to 2 19% (Theolair S. R., Riker Laboratories Inc., Northridge,
in steady-state theophylline concentrations in three Calif.). 5XIn general, the observed alterations do not
asthmatic patients within 12 to 24 hours after influenza have a large clinical impact.
vaccinations. Two of the patients experienced serious
side effects. H, ANTAGONISTS
The author found that in four healthy volunteers, The HZ antagonist cimetidirze is known to inhibit
theophylline clearance was decreased by 51.9% i hepatic microsomal mixed-function oxidase metabo-
14% after administration of influenza vaccinations. lism, and to decrease the clearance of many drugs
Walker et al .4Jdescribed an increase in theophylline (e.g., warfarin, phenytoin, propranolol, diazepam and
serum concentration from 20 to 34 mg . L-‘. Since chlordiazepoxide). Since it is frequently coadminis-
then, however, no change in theophylline pharma- tered with theophylline in ulcer patients with airways
cokinetics was reported by any investigator who stud- obstruction, a pharmacokinetic interaction is of clin-
ied this potential interaction. These studies were ical importance. Jackson and co-workerssgh were the
performed with different vaccines, both in healthy first to report a significant (39%) decrease in theoph-
volunteers, and in asthmatic patients of several ages ylline clearance already after a 2-day cimetidine
(children, adults and elderly).45-5’ Since Renton et a1.43 course.
had been using a nonspecific ultraviolet spectropho- Many tc@herreports on this interaction have been
tometric method for measuring theophylline plasma published; in most publications a 20% to 40% decrease
concentrations, we decided to conduct a study in in theophylline clearance is given. The interaction
Drug interactions with theophylline pharmacokinetics 739

may result in toxic theophylline concentrations with ophylline clearance was 29% lower in women using
severe side effects (e.g., vomiting, seizures, death). oral contraceptives. On the contrary, MacLeod et a1.86
It is now obvious that the interaction occurs rather recently found no difference in theophylline clearance
rapidly6’ and reaches a maximum level after 2 to 3 in ten adolescent females (mean age of 17 years -+ 1
days.” year) taking combined low-dose oral contraceptives
The interaction is observed in children,@ (young) for 3 months to 9 months.
adults,63. 6’-73and the elderly.74-77The extent of the
effect is not related to age.” It occurs both in healthy OTHER DRUGS
subjects and asthma patients. Some authors66.72found Several other drugs that are used more or less fre-
that the effect was more pronounced in smokers than quently by patients with asthma have an influence on
in nonsmokers, but others78 observed no difference. theophylline pharmacokinetics.
In addition, the extent of the reduction in theophylline Barbiturates and several of the antiepileptic drugs
clearance is independent of the cimetidine dose.“. ” are known to induce hepatic microsomal enzymes. An
The exact mechanism of the interaction is not yet increase in theophylline clearance was described when
revealed. Grygiel and others72found that the reduction phenobarbital was administered (17% reported Piaf-
in theophylline clearance was largely due to a reduc- sky et a1.87;33%, by Landay et al.“). When seco-
tion in metabolic clearances by 3-demethylation and barbital is used, the figure is 340%,89 and for pen-
I-demethylation, with no significant effect on clear- tobarbit(zl the figure is 95%.90
ance by 8-oxidation (formation of methyluric acids). Likewise, the anticonvulsant phenytoin can mark-
A similar conclusion was drawn by Green et a1.79from edly increase theophylline clearance. The following
the results of a case report study. From these data it figures Eave been reported: 45%,9’ 53%,9’ and 73%.93
is clear that a substantially higher steady-state the- Similar results were published by Sklar and Wagner.”
ophylline plasma concentration may occur during co- There is thus no doubt that careful theophylline mon-
medication with cimetidine. A theophylline dose re- itoring and dosage adjustment are required during phe-
duction by 30% or more may be required. nytoin therapy.
A newer II2 receptor antagonist, ranitidine, is struc- A number of xanthine derivatives, including caf-
turally different from cimetidine. Ruff” found the- feine and allopurinol, may interfere with theophylline
ophylline clearance was not affected by treatment with elimination because of common metabolic pathways.
ranitidine. In two studie@‘, ” the effect of cimetidine Until .now, caffeine, as an important component of
and ranitidine on the pharmacokinetics of theophylline the diet, has not been shown to interact with theoph-
was compared in the same panel of subjects. Cimet- ylline in a clinically important way.“. 9h
idine changed theophylline clearance substantially Allopurinol (hypoxanthine derivative), as a com-
(see above), but ranitidine did not have a significant petitive inhibitor of xanthine oxidase, may also in-
effect. Dal Negro et al. 76came to similar conclusions terfere with theophylline metabolism. Seven-day stud-
in a study of patients with asthma. ies using standard doses did not show an effect.97.y8
Two case reports”‘, ” suggest that ranitidine also However, a 28-day course of doubled doses of allo-
inhibits theophylline clearance. However, it is diffi- purinol did decrease theophylline clearance by 2 1%.99
cult to draw conclusions from these reports; both con- Nonselective /3-adrenoceptor blockers (P-sympath-
cern elderly patients undergoing substantial co-med- icolytics) are contraindicated for patients with bron-
ication. chial obstruction. Nevertheless, Conrad and Nymanloo
studied propranolol (in healthy subjects) and found a
ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES 33% reduction in theophylline clearance during co-
It has been suggested that oral contraceptive ste- medication. Metoprolol had no effect.
roids may inhibit the hepatic mixed-function oxi-
dases and that this may result in lower theophylline CONCLlJSlON
clearance. Indeed Tomatore et a1.83reported signifi- A number of drugs frequently coadministered with
cantly lower (average of 34%) theophylline clearance theophylline have been shown to interfere with the-
in eight nonsmoking users of oral contraceptives, as ophylline pharmacokinetics. This number is still in-
compared with eight nonusers. In a second report, the creasing.
same investigatorss4 reported a 28% decrease in clear- Adjustment of the dose, preferably guided by serum
ance in ten nonsmoking women who used oral con- theophylline monitoring, may in some cases be re-
traceptives and a 32% decrease in a group of smokers. quired fcr optimum therapy and to avoid toxic or
Similar results were reported by Roberts et al.‘? the- subtherapeutic serum concentration.

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