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Molloy College

Division of Education

Heading for Participatory Observation and Student Teaching

Teacher Candidate: Kaitlin Batik College Supervisor: Ellen Brett

Content Area: Math Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Abshire
Grade: 5 Lesson#2 Topic: Volume (re-engagement lesson) Date: 5/7/2018
School District: East Meadow School: Bowling Green


After watching a brainpop video and a full class review of volume, students will rotate between
centers to practice finding the volume of rectangular prisms in different contexts before
completing an exit ticket with at least 2 out of 3 questions answered correctly.


Standard and/or Key Idea and/or Key Concept (refer to lesson plan instructions for details)

Apply the formulas ​V​ = ​l​ × ​w​ × ​h​ and ​V​ = ​b​ × ​h​ for rectangular prisms to find volumes of
right rectangular prisms with whole-number edge lengths in the context of solving real world
and mathematical problems.
Indicator:​ ​This will be evident when students use the volume formula to solve problems
at the different stations.

Standard and/or Key Idea and/or Key Concept (refer to lesson plan instructions for details)

Relate volume to the operations of multiplication and addition and solve real world and
mathematical problems involving volume.
Indicator:​ ​This will be evident when students complete the worksheets with real-world
and mathematical problems involving volume
Standard and/or Key Idea and/or Key Concept (refer to lesson plan instructions for details)

Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions and carry out assigned roles.
Indicator:​ ​This will be evident when students raise their hands before speaking in
full-class settings and when students independently complete station work and


● Volume Games and Centers from Teachers Pay Teachers
● Additive Volume Worksheets from Teachers Pay Teachers
● Volume of Composed Figures Worksheets from Teachers Pay Teachers
● Two Shoeboxes
● Shoebox Worksheet
● Exit Ticket


Students will watch the “Volume of Prisms” BrainPop video

(​​) as a brief review
of the concept of volume.

1. The teacher will lead the class to solve two warm-up problems together on the SMART
Board. One will involve a multiplication question and one will be a volume question.
This will serve as a review before the students complete the center activities. (​How
should I set this problem up? What should I do first? What should I do next?​)
2. After the teacher gives an overview, the students will be broken into groups assigned by
the teacher. In these groups they will rotate between stations. They will work with the
other students in their group but without the teacher at all of the stations with the
exception of the “worksheet” station. Students will spend 8 minutes at each station--the
teacher will set a timer
a. Board Game: students will play “Finish Line”
b. Shoebox Station: Students will use the two shoeboxes to answer volume questions
c. Worksheets: Students will work with the teacher to complete two worksheets
d. Flip and Match: Students will play “Flip and Match” game
e. Face-off: Students will play the face-off game
3. After participating in the activities at all of the stations, students will answer the
questions on an exit ticket.

Teacher modeling
Indicator:​ ​This will be evident when the teacher demonstrates what to do at each station.
Indicator:​ ​This will be evident when students work together and discuss the math
problems at the stations.
Whole class discussion
Indicator:​ ​This will be evident when the teacher reviews the volume formula with the
class and when the class discusses their answers to the warm-up questions.


● As per multiple student IEPS, students will be refocused and redirected as needed
● As per multiple student IEPS, directions will be re-explained and/or rephrased as needed
● An intervention assistant is in the room to assist students as needed


Struggling Students
At the “worksheet” station, struggling students will complete the multiple choice version of both

Average Students
At the “worksheet” station, average students will complete the open-ended response version of
the “volume of rectangular prisms” worksheet and the multiple choice version of the “additive
volume” worksheet.
Advanced Students

Advanced students will complete the open-ended response version of both worksheets.


Formal: At the end of the lesson, students will be given an exit ticket with three volume word
problems. They will be expected to answer two out three correctly.
Informal: The teacher will work with students at the “worksheet” station and provide assistance
as needed.
Student work from the stations can also be collected as an assessment.


The worksheet files downloaded for the worksheet station each include two sheets of each type.
Students will be given the open-ended prism worksheet not used in class.



Direct Teacher Intervention

Direct teacher intervention will occur during the worksheet station. The teacher will assist
students with the worksheets and re-explain as needed.

Academic Enrichment
“Construction challenge.” Students will be given unit cubes or other blocks that are identical in
size. They will be given a volume and asked to construct a rectangular prism or a cube from the
blocks that equals the given volume. The composite figure worksheets used at the worksheet
station will also be used to challenge students.

[BrainPop] (n.d.). “Volume of Prisms” [video file]. Retrieved from:

[Mr Elementary Math] ( October 16, 2017). “Volume Games and Centers 5th Grade” [activity
file]. Retrieved from:

[Shelley Rees] (August 2, 2017). “Additive Volume worksheets--Volume of Composed Figures”

[activity file]. Retrieved from:

[Shelley Rees] (August 2, 2017). “Volume of Retangular Prisms Worksheets” [activity file].
Retrieved from:
Name: ____________________________________  
Exit ticket: 
If you need more space you can use the back or a seperate sheet of paper. 
1. What is the volume formula? 
2. The figure below has a length of 6 feet, a width of 2 feet, and a height of 3 
feet. What is the volume of this figure? 

3. Avery is building the set for a school play. In one scene, actors fill boxes 
with books. Avery built 3 boxes to each have a length of 30 inches, a width 
of 17 inches, and a height of 12 inches.   
a. What is the volume of 1 box? 
b. If each book has a volume of 10 cubic inches, how many books can 3 
boxes hold?   
Name: ____________________________________  
Shoebox Shenanigans 
At this station there are two shoeboxes--Shoebox A and Shoebox B.   
1. Without looking at the measurement,s which shoebox do you think has 
greatest volume? Why? 
2. Using the measurements written on the shoebox, what is the volume of 
Shoebox A? 
3. Using the measurements written on the shoebox, what is the volume of 
Shoebox B? 
4. Mr. Smith went to the teacher supply store and bought a bag containing 
4,000 unit cubes that each have a volume of 1 cubic centimeter. He 
accidentally ripped the bag and decides to put the cubes into a shoebox. 
Which shoebox should he use? Why? 

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