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Ditimbang 5 g iodium Gelas arloji setangkup

2. Diukur aquadest 5ml , diukur aseto 6,3ml

3. Dicamlur aquadsst dan aseton ke dalam beaker glass

4. Iodium dimasukkan ke dalam erlemeyer tertutup

5. Dimasukkan Campuran aquadest dengan aseton Ke dalam Erlemeyer yang Sudah berisi iodium,
dikocok hingga iodium larut

6. Diukur 25ml NaOH

7. Dimasukkan NaOH sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam larutan campuran dengn menggunakan pipet tetes
melalui dinding erlenmeyer hingga larutan yang semula bewarna coklat berubah menjadi endapan
kuning dan larutan bening.

8. Diukur aquadest 125 ml

9. Dimasukkan aquadest ke dalam Erlenmeyer

10. Disaring dengan menggunakan corong buchner

11. Dicuci sampai bebas dengan NaOH (Cek dengan menggunakan kertas lakmus merah)

1. Dipanaskan etanol

2. Dimasukkan kristal ke dalam erlemeyer tertutup kaca

3. Dimasukkan etanol panas, kocik hingga larut, panaskan diatas hot plate hingga kristal larut. Apabila
belum larut bisa ditambahkan etanol panas

4. Disiapkan corong Panas dan kertas saring

5. Disaring larutan campuran dengan menggunakan corong panas dn kertas saring , tunggu hingga

6. Setelah 15 menit, tambahkn 12.5 ml aquadest

7. Disaring dengan corong buchner

8. Dioven dan dimasukkan ke dalam desikator Masing masing 1 jam

9. Kristal Ditimbang hingga konstan. Apabila belum konstan daoat diulangi cara no 8

10. Kristal yang didapatkan ditentukan titik leburnya


1. Weighed 5 g of iodine A glass of a watch

2. Measured 5ml aquadest, measured acetone 6.3ml

3. Aquadsst and acetone mixed into the beaker glass

4. Iodine is put into a closed erlemeyer

5. Entered the aquadest mixture with acetone into Erlemeyer which already contains iodine, shaken
until iodine dissolves

6. Measured 25ml of NaOH

7. Put NaOH bit by bit into the mixed solution using a pipette drops through the erlenmeyer wall until
the solution which was originally colored brown turns to yellow precipitate and clear solution.

8. Measured distilled water 125 ml

9. Entered aquadest into Erlenmeyer

10. Filtered using a Buchner funnel

11. Washed until free with NaOH (Check using red litmus paper)

1. Heated ethanol

2. Put the crystal into the erlemeyer covered in glass

3. Put hot ethanol, funny until dissolved, heat it on the hot plate until the crystals dissolve. If it doesn't
dissolve, hot ethanol can be added

4. Prepare a hot funnel and filter paper

5. Filter the mixed solution using a hot funnel and filter paper, wait till cold

6. After 15 minutes, add 12.5 ml of distilled water

7. Filtered with a Buchner funnel

8. Cooked and put in desiccator 1 hour each

9. Crystals are weighed to constant. If it is not constant, repeat the method number 8

10. The crystal obtained is determined by its melting point

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