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Question 1

ai) Very much Centre based most centres failed on this part some would probably guess there answers on
this question

ii) Just as the first part it was also centre based with those candidates who would have got the first part
correct getting this question correct again and a few managed to guess correctly that was after getting the
first part wrong .

Question 4

a) Showed that the majority of candidates had done some practical programming in Visual Basic
programming language, and have an idea of what it is all about although some would not label the
controls they would have designed . Most candidates collected all the marks on this part of the
question .

b) The best candidates gave almost completely correct answers. Less able candidates did not seem to have
enough experience in the writing of the code This component requires candidates to practise
programming in a practical way and experience all the programming language facilities mentioned in the
syllabus and be able to apply it to any given problem that need to solved .

Question 8

a) This question was generally well answered; however, candidates need to improve their
understanding this question as low marks were achieved by some students who would just redraw
the binary tree and show how to traverse for the three traversals but would not write down the
output for each tree traversal .

i) Most candidates managed to get the binary representation of the two numbers
using six or four bits then they would not represent it in eight bits as stated by
the question .
ii) Candidates needed to show better understanding of this question. Some imprecise answers
were seen such as adding the ASCII or representing the answers using four bits instead of
4-byte word .
c) The majority of candidates gained 1 or 2 marks here as many candidates would just end by
calculating the actual error only
d) This question was well answered with many candidates gaining full marks. Where marks were lost,
it was due to very imprecise description in the second part of the candidates answer where they
would have failed to represent well the BCD
e) This part of the question was answered well

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