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sFill in the blanks with an appropriate word in the box below!

colleagues Team success an innovative

less critical personality traits negatively influence
conscientiousness complex system success

Building a Dream Team

Sometimes teams seem to click without too design 3. an innovative new digital device,
much effort, working together seamlessly it's a good idea to build a team with diverse
and producing great work as a result. Other thinkers who bring a range of knowledge,
collaborations crash and burn. A team's skills and abilities to the project. But if a
1.success often depends on its composition, team's goal is to be more efficient, diverse
as Bell and her co-authors describe in their attitudes might be 4. less critical.
contribution to the special issue. 5. Team success also hinges on
Surface-level attributes of individual some basic tenets of team composition, say
team members—such as age, gender and Bell and her co-authors. One person's mood
reputation—can be important to the team's and outlook can spread within a team, so a
overall function, but they aren't necessarily pessimistic team member could
the factors that matter most, Bell says. 6. negatively influence the way the whole
Instead, it's the "deep-level" factors you group views its goals. Individuals who value
can't see at a glance, such as the members' working in groups tend to be both more
2. personality traits, values and abilities, confident and more cooperative in a team
that tend to have a much bigger impact on setting. When team members are high in
work teams, studies suggest. 7. conscientiousness, they are better at self-
Those deep-level factors shape what regulating their teamwork. And groups
researchers call the ABCs of teamwork: the composed of high-ability members who are
attitudes, behaviors and cognitive states that able to learn, reason, adapt and solve
collectively influence whether a team problems are more likely to work well
achieves its goals. Those elements depend to together.
some degree on the context and on the Researchers are working to design
team's objectives, Bell says. If the goal is to algorithms that help organizations create
effective teams for specific goals. In a from the outset and tailor interventions for
project with NASA, for instance, Bell and the unique needs of a team with a specific
8. colleagues are developing algorithms to composition. "Teams are 9. complex
identify crew members suited to working system," Bell says. "The more you can
together on long-distance space missions. manage them using a scientific basis, the
Ultimately, such tools can help better your teams will be."
organizations create the best possible teams

Answer the questions based on the article above!

1. How many factors do an individual influence work teams?
2. What level does a team work get a high impact?
3. What are Bell’s suggestion when a team work plans to create 4.0 appliance?
4. How can pessimistic person affect other people?
5. What is the positive impact from people’s mood and outlook within a teamwork?
6. Why do you think a teamwork is important?
7. In the last paragraph, Bell says "The more you can manage them using a scientific basis,
the better your teams will be." What does it mean?

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