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5.1 Introduction
5.2 Communication between distributed objects
Third edition
5.3 Remote procedure call
5A Events and notifications
GEORGE COULOURIS 5.5 Java RM I case study
Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London 5.6 Summary
and Cambridge Univ~rsity
In this chapter we introduce communication between distributed objects by means of
JEAN DOLLIMORE remote method invocation (RMI). Objects that can receive remote method invocations are
Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London
called remote objects and they implement a remote interiac8. Due to the possibility of
independent failure of invoker and invoked objects, RMls have different semantics from
local caBs. They can be made to look very similar to local invocations, but total
TIM KINDBERG transparency is not necessarily desirable. The code for marshalling and unmarshalHng
arguments and sending request and reply messages can be generated automatically by an
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto
interface compiler from the definition of the remote interface.
Remote procedure call is to RMI as procedure call is to object invocation. It is
QA described briefly and illustrated by a case study of Sun RPC.
76 Distributed event-based systems allow objects to subscribe to events occurring at
.9 remote objects of interest and in turn to receive notifications when such events occur.
Events and notifications provide a way for heterogeneous objects to communicate with
.05 one another asynchronously. The Jini distributed event specification is presented as a
C68 case study.
The use of RMI is illustrated in a case study of Java RMI.
2001 ndon. '.ew York· Boston. San francisco. Toronlo Chapter 17 contains a case study on CORBA that includes CORBA RMI and the
'9apore • Hong Kong. Seoul. Taipei. New Delhi
159277 • Mexico City. Ams!erdam • Munich· Paris' Milan
CORBA Event Service .


5.1 Introduction Figure 5.1 Middlel'l3re layer

This chapter is concerned \'vith programming models for distributed applications - that Applications
is. those applications that are composed of cooperating programs running in sewral
RM!, RPC and events
different processes. Such programs need to be able to invoke operations in other
processes. often running in different computers. To achieve this. some familiar Middleware
Request reply protocol layers
programming models have been extended to apply to distributed programs:
External data representation
The earliest and perhaps the best~kno\Vn of these was the extension of the
conventional procedure call model to the remOfe procedure call modeL \\-hich Operating System
allows client programs to call procedures in server programs running in separate
processes and generally in different computers from the client.
~tore recently_ the object-based programming model has been extended to allow ohject~ generating e\'ents and the obj~cts that recei\"{~ notifications of those events need
objects in different processes 10 communicate with one another by mean:'> of not be aware of one an others . locations.
remote method il1mcari01/ (RMI). R\11 is an extension of local method invocation Communication protocols: The protocols that ~upport the middk\\'are abstractions are
that allows an object living in one process 10 in\'oke the methods of an object independent of the underlying transpon prOtocols. For example. the request-reply
li\'ing in another process. protocol can lx: implemented o\"er either CDP or TCP.
The event-based programming model allO\vs objecb to receive notification of the Computer hardware: T\\:o agreed qandards for external data representation are
e\'ents at other objects in which they have registered il1lerest. This model has been described in Section 4.J. These are u~ed when marshalling and unmarshalling rne';sages.
extended to allow distributed e\'ent-based programs to be written. The~ hide the differences due to hard\\'arc architectures. such ao: byte ordering.

:\ote that we use the term 'RMr to refer 10 remote method invocation in a generic way Operating systems: The highcr-!c"cl abstractions provided by' the middlcware layer are
- this should not be confused \1.'ith particular examples of remote method invocation independent of the underlying operating ~yq"m~.
such a.s Java RMI. \1ost curren! distribured systems software is written in object- Use of several programming languages. Some midd!c\vare is designed to allo\\
oriented languages. and RPC can be understood in relation to RML Therefore this distributed applications to usc more than 0ne programming language. In particular.
chapter concentrates on the RMI and CH:mt paradigms. each of \vhich applies to CORSA (sec Chapter 17) allov,:s clients \willen in one languagc to invoke methods in
distributed objects. Communication bet\\ een distributed objects is introduced in Section objects that li\':: in sel'Ver programs \\Tlucn in another language. This is achie\",;:d D::
5.2. followed by a discllssion of the des.ign and implementation of RML A Ja\'a R\1I using an ilJ{cr!(u'e defiIJiiio/l langu(;?(' or IDL t() define interfaces. JDLs are discllssed in
ca:,e smdy is given in Section 5.5. RPC is discussed in the context of a case study ot Sun the nc\! section.
RPC in Section 5.3. Events and distribured notifications are discussed in Section .:z..+. A
further case study on CORSA is gi\"en in Chapter 17.
5.1.1 Interfaces
MiddJeware 0 Software that provide" a programming model above the basic building
block:;. of processes and message pas~ing is called middle"·are. The middlc\';arc layer ?-.Io,< modern programming languages pro\'idc J means of organizing a program ao: a :--Cl
uses protocols based on messages he[ween proces"e.', 10 provick its higher-k\"(~l of modulc" thal can communicate \'- ith one ;~n('Iher. Communication betWeen moduk~
ab'-.u3.ctions such as remote invocation.', and events. as illustrated in Figure :'i. 1. For can be by mcan~ of procedure call~ bet\\een m<..x1uks or by direct acc,;:ss to the \'ariable~
cX3.mp1e. the remote method in\"ocation abstraction i5 ba<.,ed on the requc$t-repJy in anOther module. In order to comfol the f'(\~~ible interactions between modules. an
protocol discussed in Section 4..+. e:\piicll iIliCr'(i("(' is defined for each [l1oduk. The interface of a module specific:-- the
..\n important aspect of middle\\ are is the pro\"ision of location transpMcn·.::- and proccJurc:-- and ,he \"ariables that can he 2~'cc"ed from other modules. :'vlodulc:-- are
inckpendence from the details of communication protocols. operating system~ and implcmcmed -0 a~ to hidc all the ini"ormmi('n ..o[->oul them e;.;ceptthat which is m'aiiabk
computer hardware. Some forms of middkware allow the separate component.; w bc thrc'ufh ito: imerfacc. So long a" ib ;!1lcrfacc ~e;"nains the same. the implementation 111<1;-
\',rinen in different programming language". b:: ("hanged \~ iit,out afrecting the u~::rs of the ::1Odu1c.
Location transparency: In RPC. the client that calls a proCedure cannot tell whether the Interiaces in distributed systems 0 In a Ji:--tribulCd program. the modules can run in
proc~dure runs in the same process or in a different proces". possibly on a different separclle procc~~c'" It is not po:'-sihle for ,! mexlule running in one process to accc,,, thc
computer. :\"or does the client need to know the location of the server. Similarly. in R\lI \"ariubk" in a module in another pr(lCC~~. Thcrd"ore. the interface of a module that i"
the object making the invocation cannot tell whether the object it in\"okes is local IX not intended for RPC or R\1! cannot specify direct access to variables. i\ote that CORBA
and docs not need to kno\v its location ....\150 in dbtribuwd e\'erlt-based program~. the IDL intcrface~ can ~peciry atlributc:--. which ,cems to break this rule. Ho\\·c\·er. thl:'

attributes are not accessed directly but by means of some getter and setter procedures Figure 5.2 CORBA IDL example
added automatically to the interface.
Illn.fite PerSOl1.idl
The parameter-passing mechanisms. for example call by value and cali by'
reference. used in local procedure call are nOl suitable when the caller and procedure are
struct Person r
string name:
in different processes. The specification of a procedure or method in the interface of a string place:
module in a distributed program describes the parameters as inpur or oWput or tonK year:
sometimes both. Input parameters are passed to the remote module by sending the values } :
of the arguments in the request message and then supplying them as arguments to the inrelface PersonLisl r
operation to be executed in the server. Ourput parameters are returned in the reply readonly atlri/Jwe string listnamc:
message and are used as the result of the cal! or to replace the values of the void addPerson(in Person p):
corresponding variables in the calling enyironment. When a parameter is used for both void getPerson(in srring name. our Persall p):
input and output the value must be transmitted in both the request and reply messages" long l111mber( j:
Another difference bet\veen local and remote modules is that pointcr~ in one }.
process are not valid in another remote one. Therefore, pointers cannot be passed as
arguments or returned as results of calls to remote modules.
The next tviO paragraphs discuss the interfaces used in the original client~se"'\,;r Figure 5.2 shO\vs a simple example of CORBA 1DL The Persoll structure is the
model for RPC and in the distribllled object model for RMI: same as thc one used to illustrate mar"halling in Section -L~.l. The interface named
Service interfaces: In the client-sen·er model. each server pro\"ides a set of procedure<.. PcrsollLisr specifics the methods available for R~·f1 in a remote object that implements
that are available for use by clients. For example. a file server would provide procedures that interface. For example, the method addPersol1 specifies its argument as ill, meaning
for reading and writing files. The term scrl'ice infelface is used to refer to the that it is an inpul argument: and the method gcrPersoll that retriews an instance of
specification of the procedures offered b: a server. defining the types of the input and Person by name specifie:- its ~econd argument as out. meaning that it is an Oili{)lIf
output arguments of each of the procedurc~. argument. Our case :o;tudies include CORB.-\ IDL as an example of an lDL for R\ll I in
Remote interfaces: In the distributed object model. a rClI10rc intel/ace :;pccific~ the Chapler 17) and Sun XDR as an lDL for RPC.
methods of an object that are available fOf in\"ocalion by objects in other proce~'-e~, Other examples include the interface definition language for the RPC system in
defining the types of the input and outpUi arguments of each of them. Ho\\·e\·er. the big the OSFs Distributed Computing Em'ironment (DCE) [OSF 1997J, which lI~es C
difference is that the methods in remote interfaces can pas~ objects as argument~ and language syntax and is called lDL: and DeOM IDL which is hased on DeE lDL [Box
results of methods, In addition, referencc3 iO remote objects may also be pa~scd - tnc"c 1998] and is used in Microsoft's Distributed Component Object Model.
should not be confused with pointers, which refer to specific memory locations. (Section
4.3.3 describes the contents of remote obje.:t references.)
:\"either service interfaces nor remote inte.f:::ces may specify direct access to variable;;. 5.2 Communication between distributed objects
In the latter case, this prohibits direct acc<.',,:' to the instance \"ariables of an objec!.
Interface definition languages 0 An R\H mechanism can be integrated with a paflicular The object-based model for a distributed s;. stem introduced in Chapter I extend" the
programming language if it include~ an adequate notation for defining interface". model supported b:y object-oriented programming language~ to make it appl: iO
allowing input and output parameter:; 1O lX' mapped onto the language's normai u'-e of distributed objeet:o;. This section addre,,~e<. communication between distributed objects
parameters. Java RMI is an example in \\ hich an RMI mechanism has been added h' an hy means of RMJ. The material is presen1<.'d under the 1'0110\\·ing headings:
object-oriented programming language. This approach is useful when all the pan~ eli a
The o/~iecr lIIode!: A brief review of the re]cyam as-peel::- of the object modeL ~lllwbk
distributed application can be written in the same language. It is also conn"::nicnt becJ.u~e
for the reader with a ba~ic knowledge of an ohject-oriented progromming langu:,gc,
it allows the programmer to use a singie ianguage for local and remote inwlCation.
for example Java or C++.
However. many existing useful ~ef\ ices arc written in C++ and other languzges.
It would be beneficial to allow program:, \\Titten in a yariety of languages. including Dixtri/tUlcd ohjecrs: A presentation of objeu-based di~tributed system:o;, \, hich
Jaya, to access them remotely. [melface dl',/illiriol1ianguages (or IDLs) are designed to argues that the object model is vcry 3prropriatc for di~tribllted ~ystcm".
allow objects implemented in different languages to invoke one another. An IDL
provides a notation for defining jnterfaee~ in which each of the parameter" of a method The disfI"ihuwd o/~iect mode!: A di~cu~~ion of the extensions to the objecl l110del
may be described as for input or outpUT in addition to ha\'ing iIS type specified. necessary for it to support distrihuted c'bject:'-.

Design issues: A set of arguments about the design alternatives: As an invocation can lead to further invocations of methods in other objects. an action
is a chain of related method invocations. each of \.... hich eventually returns. This
1. Local invocations are ex.ecuted exactly once. but what suitable semantics is explanation does not take account of exceptions.
possible for remote invocations?
Exceptions 0 Programs can encounter many sorts of errors and unexpected conditions
2. How can RMI semantics be made similar to those of local method invocation of varying seriousness. During the execution of a method. many different problems rna;
and what differences cannot be eliminated? be discovered: for example. inconsistent values in the object's variables. or failure in
lmplemenrarion: An explanation as to how a layer of middleware above the request- attempts to read or write to files or network sockets. When programmers need ro insen
reply protocol may be designed to support RMI between application-level distributed tests in their code to deal with all possible unusual or erroneous cases. this detracb from
the clarity of the normal case. Exceptions provide a clean \\'ay to deal \>, ith error
conditions without complicating the code. In addition. each method heading explicitl:
Distributed garbage collection: A presentation of an algorithm for distributed lists as exceptions the error conditions it might encounter. allowing users of {he method
garbage collection that is suitable for use with the RMI implementation. to deal with them. A block of code may be defined to rhro\\' an exception whenen:-r
particular unexpected conditions or errors arise. This means that control passes to
another block of code that catches the exception. Control doe:.- not return 10 thi:' plaCe
where the exception was thrown.
5.2.1 The object model Garbage collection 0 It is necessary to provide a means of freeing the space (x:cupied b:
objects when they are no longer needed. A language. for example Java. that can detect
An object-oriented program. for example in Java or C++. consists of a collection of
automatically when an object is no longer accessible recovers the space and makes it
interacting objects. each of which consists of a set of data and a set of methods. An
available for allocation to other objects. This process is called garbage col1ecuOI? When
object communicates with other objects by invoking their methods. generally passing
a language (for example C++) does not support garbage collection. the programmer ha~
arguments and receiving results. Objects can encapsulate their data and the code of their
to cope with the freeing of space allocated to objects. This can be a major ,ource of
methods. Some languages. for example Java and C++. allow programmers 10 define
object"; \\ho;'.c in.<.tance variables can be accessed directly. But for use in a distributed
object syqcm. an object's data should be accessible only via its methods.
Object references 0 Objects can be accessed via object references. For example. in Java. 5.2.2 Distributed objects
a variable that appears to hold an object actually holds a reference to that object. To
The :.-tate of an object con~i~ts of the \'alue~ of its instance \·ariabks. In the obje-:l-ba~ed
invoke a method in an object. the object reference and method name are gi\·en. together
paradigm the state of a program is partitioned into separate raftS, each of __,hich i~
with any necessary arguments. The object whose method is invoked is sometimes called
associated with an object. Since object-based program'> are logically partill~'ned. the
the target and sometimes the receiver. Object references are first-class values. meaning
physical distribution of objects into different proces:.-e<, or computers in a j,:'triburcd
that they may. for example. be assigned to variables. passed as argumenb and returned
system is a natural extension.
as results \)f melhods.
Distributed object <,ystems may adopt the clienHern'r ar.:hitecture. In :hi" ca"e.
Interfaces: .\n interface provides a definition of the signatures of a set of methods (that ohjeCI:-- are managed b: servers and their clients in\'oke their n,<,:thods u"jr:f femott
is. the tyf'C'~ of their arguments. return values and exceptions) without specifying their method inyocation.ln R\fI. the client's request to inVOKe a me:hod of an 0bjc~t is :,em
implememation. An object \\."ill provide a particular interface if its class contains code in a message 10 the sen'er managing the object. The imOc2tion is cameJ out b:
that impkmcnts the methods of that interface. In Java, a class may implement several executing a method of the object at the sen'er and the re;;ult i~ r2tumed to ,he .:l1ent in
interface::.. and the methods of an interface may be implemented by any class. An another message. To allow for chains of related invocatiom. 0hjects in ~;;;-, er:, ;:ire
interface ",]:'0 defines a type that can be used to declare the type of \'ariable::, or of the allowed to become cli.::nt~ of objects in mhe, serycrs.
parametef~ and return values of methods. Note that interfaces do not ha\'e constructors. DiStributed objecb can assume the other archiwclllr:l1 ",('deb dc<:-,bed
Actions ~ Action in an object-oriented program is initiated by an object invoking a Chapter 1. For example. objects call be rcpli.::ated in order to obt:!in the usu2.1 b-2r:dit, .:,f
method I;: anOther object. An invocation can include additional information (arguments) fault tolerance and enhanced performance. and objccb can k rliifrared \\ iih .:. '. ic\\, "~
needed to carry out the method. The receiver executes the appropriate method and then enhancing their performance and availabilit:.
Having client and "erver objects in different proccsse:, enforces en':~~'Lllail(':'
returns control 10 the invoking object. sometimes supplying a result. An in\'ocation of a
That i~, the state of an objcct can be accc<,sed only b~ Ihe mtthc,(j:-. of lhe obje.:: \\ hieh
method can ha\'e tWO effects:
means that it is not pos~ible for unauthorized methods to aCI on til.:: state. F(1r c\;::mpk.
1. the 'tate of the recei\'er may be changed. and the possibili!:y of concurrent RMls from objects in different wmputers impl1,,"~ lhal :,r1
2. funher in\'ocations on methods in other objects may take place. object may be accessed concurrently. Therefore. the po:--sibilit:- ell c()nflictin; ,,:,x·c,,,.>

Figure 5.3 Remote and local method invocations Figure 5.4 A remote object and its remote interiace

oG.?L-.:=: c
¥,~yifiV"ocation ;V~Cal (n~,
If"' ____ local invocallU~ ~ Data

- mi \

invoca!tmr--'0 0


.L~~.~ ----,

\ '-
m4 V.oJ,
m5--- .~

~.~~ methO~.~.__ ,~ m6
arises. However. the faci that the data of an object is accessed only by its own methods
a1!o\vs objects to proyide methods for protecting themseh'cs against incorrect accesses.
For exmnple. they may use synchronization primitives such as condition variables to The following paragraph~ discuss remOie object references. remote interfaces and other
protect access to their instance variables. aspects of the distributed object model.
Another ad\"antage of treating the shared state of a distributed program as a Remote object references 0 The notioD of object reference is extended to allow any
collection of objects is that an object may be accessed \'ia RMI or it may be copied into object that can receive an R\-H to haye a remote object reference. A remote object
a local cache and accessed directly provided that the class implementation is available reference is an identifier that can be u"ed throughout a distributed sy.;;tem to refer to a
locally. particular unique remote objecLlts representation. \,'hich is generally different from that
The fact that objects are accessed only via their methods gives another adyantage of local object references. is discus:-,ed in the Section ...J.":'.3. Remote object references are
for heterogeneous systems in that different data formats may be used at different sites ~ analogous to local ones in that:
these formats will be unnoticed by clients that use R\H to access the methods of the I. the remotc object to recci\"e a remote method im'ocation is specified as a remote
objects. object reference: and
2. remote object rcrerence~ 111[(; k passed a~ argumems and results of remme
5.2.3 The distributed object model method invocations.

This section discus:-,es extensions to the object model to make it applicable to distributed Remote interfaces 0 The cbss of a remote object implements the methods of its remote
objects. Each process contains a collection of object:-,. some of which can receive both interface, for example a:-, public inSl2nce melhod~ in JaYa. Objects in other processes can
local and remote imocations. whereas the other objects can receive only local in\"oke only lhe mdhods that belong ,0
it'; remote interfacc. as Sh0\\D in Figure SA.
invocations. as shown in Figure 5.3. Method inyocations between objects in different Local objects can innlke the method:- in lhe rcrnote interface as well ;J.:' other method~
processes. \vhether in the same computer or not. are known as remOTe method implemented by a remote ohject. :-':ot<:" , remOle interfaces. like alli"terfaccs. do not
im·oC(uiol1s. Method inyocations between objects in the same process are local method have constructors.
invocations. The CORBA system proyidc'- an interface definition languag;;".' ,,!DL). which i~
We refer to objects that can receive remote imocations as remote objeos. In lIs.::d for defining remote interfaces. Sec Figure 5.':' for an example of 3. ;emote interface
Figure 5.3. the objects Band F are remote object',. All objects can recei\'e local defined in CORBA !Dt. The classe~ (,i remote objects and the cli.::n: programs may be
invocations. although they can receive them only from Other objects that hold references implemented in any language such 2.' C++ or Ja\":l for which an IDL compikr i~
to them. For example. object C must have a reference to object E so that it can im'oke anlilable. CORBA diems need not u,e lhe same language as the remNe object in ()rdcr
to inn)ke its methods remotely.
one of its methods. The following 1\,'0 fundamental concepts are at the heart of the
distributed object model: In Jay<\ R\·1L remote interface, are defined in the same W2: a:- <lny other Ja\'a
interface. They acquire their abdit: ,,' "r-c rcmote E1ierfaces hy extending an interface
Remme ()/~iecr rej"e}"c!1("(,: Other objects can invoke the methods of J remote object named Remme. Both CORBA lDL f Section I :.2.3) and Jay.! ,upport muhipk
if they haye acce:-.:-. to its remote object referellce. For example. a remote object inheritance of interfaces. That i:-.. an ;THerfacc i~ ajJ{)\'.ed to extend "rie or more other
reference for B in Figure 5.3 must be available to A. interfaces.
Rel/Wle Eyery remote object has a remole imC/face that specifies which of Actions in a distributed object system A:-:. in lne non~distributed C3:'C. an action i"
it~ methods can be in\'oKed remotely. For example. (he objects Band F must havc initiatcd by a method ioyocation. which may re:-,uil in further in\'ocation,;; on me!hod:- in
remote interfaces. other objects. But in the di:--.tributed ca:--.e. the Ohj-::C1S invoh'ed in a chain of related

invocations may be located in different processes or different computers. When an Figure 5.5 Invocation semantics
invocation crosses the boundary of a process or computer. RMI is used. and [he remote
reference of the object must be a\"ailable to make the RMI possible. In Figure 5.3. the
object A needs to hold a fcmQ[e object reference to object B. Remote object references Fault roierance measures llil"ocario!1
may be obtained as the results of remote method invocations. For example. object A in sem(ll1.ics
Figure 5.3 might obtain a remote reference to object F from object B.
Retransmit reqllcst Duplicafe Re~execille procedure
Garbage collection in a distributed-object system 0 If a language, for example Java. message filtering or retransmit reply
supports garbage collection. then any associated RMI system should allow garbage
collection of remote objects. Distributed garbage collection is generally achieved by No Not applicable Not applicable .\fayhe
cooperation between the existing local garbage collector and an added module that
carries out a form of distributed garbage collection, usually based on reference counting. Yes No Rc-execute procedure Ar-leasr-once
Section 5.2.6 describes such a scheme in detail.
Yes Yes Retransmit reply Ai-1II0SI~once
Exceptions 0 Any remote invocation may fail for reasons related to the invoked object
being in a different process or computer from the invoker. For example. the process
containing the remote object may have crashed or may bc too busy to reply, or tho.':
Combinations of these chojce~ lead to a variety of possible semantics for the reliabilil:
im'ocation or result message may be lost. Therefore, remote method invocation should
of remote invocations as seen by the invoker. Figure 5.5 shows the choice~ of interest.
be able to raise exceptions such as timeouts that are due to distribution as \vell as those
with corresponding names for the im'ocation semantics tbat they produce. \"ote that for
raised during the execution of the method invoked. Examples of the latter are an attempt
to read beyond the end of a file. or to access a file \vithout the correct permissions, local method invocations. the ~clllantics <Ire exactly once. meaning that e\er: method i::;
CORBA JDL provides a notation for ~pecifying application-level exceptions, and executed exactly once. The inn)Cation semantics are defined as follow::;:
the underlying system generates standard exceptions when errors due to distribution Maybe invocation semantics: With mayhe invocation semantics, the remOt2 method ma:
occur. CORBA client programs need to be able to handle exceptions. For example. a be executed once or not at all. \-1aybe semantics arises when none of the r'3.ult tolerance
C++ client program \vill usc the exception mechanisms in C++. measures is applied. This can :,uffer from the following types of failure:

5.2.4 Design Issues for RMI omission failures if the inyocation or result message is lost:

crash failures when the sen'er containing the remote object fails.
The pre\'ious section suggested that R:-'lI is a natural extension of local method
im·ocation. In this section, we discuss two design issues that arise in making this If the result message has not been received after a timeout and there are no retries, it i::;
extension: uncertain whether the method has been executed. If the invocation<'! \;;as lost.
,Although local invocations are executed exactly once, this cannot always be the then the method will not haw been executed. On the other hand, the method may ha,'e
case for remote method im'ocations, The alternatives are discussed. been executed and the result message lost. A crash failure may' occur ei,her before or
after the method i:'o executed. :-'1orcover. in an asynchronous system, ,he result Oi:'
The level of transparenc)-'" that is desirable for RMI.
executing the method may ilrriye after the timeout. Mayhe semantics is. usdul onl: for
In the remainder of Section 5.2. \\'e refer to the processes that host remote objects a:, applications in \vhich occasional failed invocations are acceptable.
sen'ers and the processes that host their invokers as clients. Servers can also be clients.
At-least-once invocation semantics: With af-feaST-onCe> invocation semanth:>. the invoker
RMI invocation semantics 0 Request-reply protocols were discussed in Section 4.4- receives either a result. in which case the invoker knows that the method \1, as executed
wh.::re we shO\ved that doOpaariol1 can be implemented in different ways to pro\'ide at least once, or an exception informing it that no result was recei\·ed. A:-{c{1.>i·oncc
different deliyery guarantees. The main choices are: im'ocation semantics can be achie\'ed by the retransmission of requeq m~,.;ages. ,'.. hici'.
Refry request message>: whether to retransmit the request message until either a reply masks the omi~sion failure" of the invocation or result rne:,sage. J,:-!COSH'/:CI.'
i::-. recei\'ed or the server is a~sumed to haye failed. invocation semantic:, can :'outler from the following type" of failure:

Dup/icarc jiltering: v,:hen retransmissions arc used. whether to filter out duplicate crash failures when the server containing the remote object fails:
requests at the server.
arbitrary failures. In ca:,cs when the invocation message is retr3.n~mincd. the
Retransmissioll (!i'results: whether to keep a history of result messages to enable lost remote object may recei\'e it and execute the method more than on.:.::. pos-"ibi:
results to be retransmitted without re-executing the operations at the ;;eryer. causing \v"fong values to be stored or returned.

Chapter 4 defines an idempotent operarion as one that can be perfomlcd repeatedly with Figure 5.6 The role of proxy and skeleton in remote method invocation
the same effect as if it had been performed exactly oncc. Non-idempotent operations can
have the wrong effect if they are performed more than oncc. For example. an operation
to increase a bank balance by S 10 should be performed only once: jf it Wefe to be Ldi~~n~t~·~ server
repeated, the balance would grow and gro\"'~ If the objects in a server can be designed object 8
! . object
~ .... --
A proxy
for B.,.....", \. Request
_~._ __ ,~""'. '& dispatcher
so that all of the methods in their remote interfaces are idempotent operations. then at-
\!or 8's class
least-once call semantics may be acceptable.
\ ,., . \._) '~.-

At-most-once invocation semantics: \Vith at-mast-once invocation semantics. the ;V~ Reply ',--.j I

invoker receives either a result in which case the invoker knows that the method was '... : "-'-

executed exactly once, or an exception informing it that no result was received. in \vhich l':"-:=/~
Remote Communication Communication Remote reference
case the method will have been executed either once or not at all. At-mast-ol1ce module
reference module module module
invocation semantics can be achieved by using ail of the fault tolerance measures. As in
the previous case. the use of retries masks any omission failures of the invocation ()f
result messages. The additional fault tolerance measures pre\'ent arbitrary failures by
ensuring that for each RMI a method is never executed more than once. In bOlh J,l"a The choice as to whether remote invocations <.;hould be transparent is abo
RMI and COREA. the invocation semantics is aT-mOST-Ollce. but CORB:.'>, allo,,"s mayhe available to the designers of IDLs. For example, in CORBA. a remOle in\·oC3.1ion throws
semantics to be requested for methods that do not return results. Sun RPC provic\es at- an exception when the client is unable to communicate \>':i[h a remote object. This
least-once call semantics. requires that the client program handle such exceptions. allowing it to deal \\'ith such
failures. An IDL can also provide a facility for specifying the call semanlic~ of a method.
Transparency 0 The originators of RPC Birrell and Nelson [198-1.J. aimed to make This can help the designer of the remote object - for example. if at-kast~once call
remote procedure calls as much like local procedure calls as possible. with no distinction semantics is chosen to avoid {he overheads of at-most-once. the operation..; of the object
in syntax bet\\een a local and a remote procedure call. All the necessary calls to are designed to be idempotent.
marshalling and message-passing proc<::'dures \\"t;~re hidden from the programmer making The current consensus seems to be that remote invocations ~houki he made
the call. Although request me%ages are retransmitted after a timeoul. thi~ is transparent transparent in the sense that the syntax of a remote invocation j" the same 3:' tn,lt of a
to the caller - to make the semantic,:; of remote procedure call" like that of local local invocation. but thaI the difference between local and remote object" "hould he
procedure calls. This notion of transparency has been extended to app).'- to distributed expressed in their interfaces. In the case of Java R!\·1L remote object:-. can be
objects. but it in\'olves hiding not only marshalling and message pa'<':'-ing but abo the distinguished by the fact that they implement the Rem()fe intcrfacT and throw
task of locating and contacting a remme object. As an example. Ja\'u R\ll makes remote RC!I1oreExceptiolls. lmplementors of a remote object whose interface i" specified in an
method in\'ocations very like local ones by allowing them to use the :'-3me .'yntax. IDL are also aware of the difference. The knO\v1edge that an object is imended to be
However. remote invocation:,- arc more ndnerable to failure than \()cal ones. since accessed by remote invocation has another implication for its de"igner: it ~houid be able
they involve a network. another compmer and another process. Whichc\ cr of the abo\'e to keep its state consistent in the presence of concurrent accesse~ from ll1uliiple clients.
invocation semantics is chosen. thcre i~ always the chance that no rc:,ult \,'i11 be received
and in the case of failure. it is impos"ible to distinguish between failure of the network 52.5 Implementation of RMI
and of the remme server process. This requires that objects making r<,mote in\"ocations
be able to reCO\'er from such situations. Several separate object::, and modules are involved in achie\ in,g ;1 remote method
The latency of a remote invocation is se\'eral orders of magnitude greater than that im·ocation. These are shO\>"n in Figure 5.6. in \vhich an application-!c\c! object A
of a iocal one. This suggests that programs that make usc of remote in\'ocation" need to invoke~ a method in a remote application-level object B for \\ hich it h(""tlJ~ ~, f<,mote
be able to take this factor into account. perhap., by minimizing remote inter:'H.:tion<;. The objeCt reference. This section discusses the roles of each of the componems ... howl1 in
designers of Argus [Liskov and Schdler 1982] suggested that a calkr ... hould be able to that figure. dealing first with {he communication and remote rderence nwduk> ~l!1d then
aboft a remote procedure call that j<. taking too long in sllch a \\"01: then it h:'l~ no effect \\'ith the RMI software that rllns O\'er them.
on the -"erver. To allow this. the ."er'er would need to be able to r,;-,... tOre thing., to ho\\ The remainder of this ~ection deals with the follo\"ing rebtd wpic~: the
they were before the procedure wa" calkd. Thc;..c i"sues arc discu,,:-.cJ in Chapter 12. generation of proxies. the binding of names to their remote ot;.i<'CI re(cn.::nce". ,he
Waldo ('t al. [1994] say that [he difference between local Jnd remote objects activation and passi\'ation of objects and the location of objech from thei.- ren1(,\e object
should be expres.sed at the remote interface. to allow object.' to react in a c{lnsi."'-lenl wa.y references.
to possible partial failures. Other "ystems went further than thi" b:- arguing that the Communication module 0 The t"'. o cooperating communication modllk~ c~,rr~ out the
syntax of a remote call should be different from that of a local call: in the ca~e of Argus. request-reply protocol. which transmits requ!'s[ and reply messages bct\;.ecn c'lient and
the language was extended to make remote operations explicit to the programmer. ser\"l~r. The Contents of requeST and reply message." arc ShO\<;[l in Figu:c .1. j:-. The

communication module uses only the first three items. which specify the message type, method of the proxy marshals a reference to the larger objec!. its own methodJd and
its reques[/d and the remote reference of the object to be invoked. The merhodld and all its arguments inlO a request message and sends it to the target. awaits the reply
the marshalling and un marshalling is the concern of the RMI software discussed below. message. un marshals it and returns the results [0 the lm·oker.
The communication modules are together responsible for providing a specified Dispatcher: A server has one dispatcher and skeleton for each class representing a
invocation semantics. for example at-most-once. remote object. In our example. the scrWr has a dispatcher and skeleton for the class
The communication module in the server selects the dispatcher for the class of the of remote object B. The dispalCh<:r recei\·es the request message from the
object to be invoked. passing on its local reference. which it gets from the remote communication module. It uses the lIu:thodld to select the appropriate method in the
reference module in return for the remote object identifier in the request mc-<;.sage. The skeleton. passing on the request me.;.sage. The dispatcher and proxy use the same
role of dispatcher is discussed under RMI software below. allocation of method/ds to the methoJ ... of the remme interface.
Remote reference module 0 A remote reference module is responsible for translating Skeleton: The class of a remote objc.:r has a skeicwil. which implements the methods
between local and remote object references and for creating remote object references. in the remote interface. They are implemented quite differently from the methods in
To support its res.ponsibilities. the remote reference module in each process has a remote the remote objec!. A skeleton methed unmarshab the arguments in the reqllesr
objecr table that records the correspondence between local object references in that message and invokes the correspondirJ.g method in the remote object. It \vaits for the
process and remote object references (which are system-wide). The table includes: invocation to complete and then marshaj~ the result. t~"'gether \\-ith any exceptions. in
An entry for all the remote objects held by the process. For example. in Figure 5.6. a reply message to the sending prox:· ~ method.
the remote object B will be recorded in the table at the server. Remote object references arc marshaijcd in the form sho\\-n in Figure 4.10. which
An entry for each local proxy. For example. in Figure 5.6 the proxy for B will be includes information abom the remote i",-:'rface of to.:- :-emote object. for example the
recorded in the table at the client. the name of the remote interface or the class of Ih,;- ,~mot,;: object. This infonnation
enables the proxy class to be determine": >0 that a ne\, ;,rm:y may be created when it i::;
The role of a proxy is discussed under RMI software below. The actions of the remote
needed. For example. the proxy cJa~" n::.:::-:e may be gcne,:::!ed by appending "YTO.\""y" to
reference module are as follo\\.'s: the name of the remote interface.
When a remote object is to be passed as argument or result for the first time. the
Generation of the classes for proxies, dispatchers and skeletons C· The da"ses for the
remote reference module is asked to create a remote object reference. which it
proxy. dispatcher and skeleton used in R:\H are gener::.ted automatically by an interface
adds to its table. compiler. For example. in the Orbix iIT:;,kmemation (,;' COREA, interfaces of remote
When a remote object reference arrives in a request or reply message. Ihe remote objects are defined in CORBA IDL. an': che interface '::0mpiler can be used to generate
reference module is asked for the corresponding local object reference. \vhich may Ihe classes for proxies. dispatchers ;}".: ~keletons in C----. For Ja\·a R)"H. the set of
refer either to a proxy or to a remote object. In the case that the remote object methods offered by a remote object i~ ':erlned as a 12'-::: interface that is implemented
reference is not in the table. the RMI software creates a new proxy and asks the ,,-ithin the class of {he remote object. n.~ Java R\11 .::ompiler generates the prox:.
remote reference module to add it to the table. dispatcher and skeleton classes from the .::bss of the re:TJ0t.:- Object.
This module is called by components of the RMI when they are marshailing Server and client programs 0 The ser, e: program ~-~""m;}in,<. the classes for the
and un marshalling remote object references. For example. when a request message dispatchcrs and skeleton". together wilr. ::,e impkme:;;J.:,on..:.. of the cla~ses of all of the
arriyes. the table is used to find out which local object is to be invoked. remote objects that il support~, The ;::.::e, are some ::nes called >er\-ant clas~es. In
addition. the sCr\'er program contains .::.:-. :-!:iriakmi(": ,ec(iOn (for example in a main
The RMI software 0 This consists of a layer of soft\,are between the application-leyel
method in Java or C++). The illiti{l/;,:.~:i(ln secti0r1 ::; ;-esponsible for creating and
objects- and the communication and remote reference modules. The roles of the
initializing at leaq one of the remote :':-'.;2"C:15 to be ;-:{'"cd hy the sen-er. Addition2.1
middle'xare objects shown in Figure 5.6 are as follo\,-::-:
remote objects rna: be created in re"j:'(':--",: to requc'i~ ;·'om clients. The iniliafi:afion
Pro.':y: The role of a proxy is to make remote method in\"ocation tran~paren[ to :.-ection may al~o register some of ii, ~cm(){e obje~':- \, !lh a binder (see lhe nex,
clients by behaving like a local object 10 the in\'oker: but instead of executing an p3r'lgraph). Generally. it will n::giSlcr one remc':O: ,:'bjccl. \\-h)Ch ..::an be u~ed 10
inyocation. it forwards it in a message to a remote object. It hides the detail:; of the accc~s the re~l.
remote object reference. the marshalling of arguments. unmarshalling of resulls and The clienl program will contain ::.'-' ,-'1a~"es 0;· .. .: proxies f('r all of the rcmOlC
sending and receiving of messages from the clienL There is one proxy for euch objects that it will in\'oke. It can use a :--::--,.:;cr to look c.:;:-- ~em0tc object reference<..
remote object for which a process holds a remme object referencc. The class of a
proxy implemcnts thc methods in the remote interface of the remotc object it Factory methods: \Ve notcd earlier ti',"" remote ob:c..::t interface:.- cannot include
repre~cnts. This ensures that remote method im·ocations are suitable for the type of COlhtructors. This means that remote ob,iccts cannot tv.> .::rcatcd by remote in\·ocation on
the remote object. Howc\"er. thc proxy implements them quite differently. Each constructors. Remote objects are created Ci her in the II ;;;dli::'(ifiol1 section or in method~

in a remote interface designed for that purpose. The termfaclor), method is sometimes Keeping track of the locations of the servers for remote objects that it has already
used to refer to a method that creates remote objects. and ajaclOry object is an object acti\·ated.
with factory methods. Any remote object that needs to be abJe to create new remote The CORBA case study describes its activator. which is called the implementation
objects on demand for clients must provide methods in its remote interface for this repository. Java RMI uses Olle activator on each sen'er computer. \l,.'hich is responsible
purpose. Such methods are called factory methods. although they are really just normal for activating objects on that computer.
Persistent object stores 0 An object thaI is guaranteed to live between activations of
The binder 0 Client programs generally require a means of obtaining a remote object processes is called a persisrenr object. Persistent objects are generally managed by
reference for at least one of the remote objects held by a server. For example. in Figure persistent object stores \vhlch store their state in a marshalled form on disk. Examples
5.3. object A would require a remote object reference for object B. A hinder in a include the CORBA persistent object service (see Section 17.3) and Persistent Java
distributed system is a separate service that maintains a table containing mappings from [Jordan 1996, IV].
textual names to remote object references. It is used by servers to register their remote
In generaL a persistent object store will manage very large numbers of persistent
objects by name and by clients to look them up. Chapter 17 contains a discussion of the
objects. which are stored on disk lImil they are needed. They will be activated when their
CORBA Naming Sen·ice. The Java binder. RMlregisu")!, is discussed briefly in the case
methods are invoked by other objects. :\ctivation is generally designed to be transparent
study on Java RMI in Section 5.5. - that is. the invoker should not be able to tell whether an object is already in main
Server tnreads 0 v.,.'henever an object executes a remote invocation, that execution may memory or has to be activated before its method is invoked. Persistent objects that are
lead to further invocations of methods in other remote objects, which may take some no longer needed in main memory can be passi\·ated. In most cases. objects are saved in
time to return. To avoid the execution of one remote invocation delaying the execution the persistem object store whene\"cr they reach a consistent state. for the sake of fault
of another. servers generally allocate a separate thread for the execution of each remote tolerance. The persistent object store needs a strategy for deciding when to passivate
invocation. When this is the case. the designer of the implementation of a remote object objects. For example. it may do so in response to a request in the program that activated
must allow for the effects on its state of concurrent executions. the object~. for example at the end of a transaction or when the program exits. Persistent
object stores generally attempt to optimize passi\'ation by saving only those objects that
Activation of remote objects 0 Some applications require that information sUfvi\'e for
have been m0dified since the last lime they were SJ.\"cd.
long periods of time. HO\vever. it is not practical for the objects representing such
Persistent object stores generally allow coliections of related persistent objects to
information to be kept in running processes for unlimited periods. particularly since they
have hU!l1::.n-readable names such as pathnames or CRLs. In practice. each human-
arc not necessarily in use all of the time. To avoid the potential waste of resources due
readable name is associated with the roO! of a connected set of persistent objects.
to running all of the servers that manage remote objects all of the time. {hc sern~rs can
There 3re two approaches to deciding whether an object is persistent or nOl:
be started whenever they are needed by clients. as is done for the standard set of TCP
services such as FTP. which are started on demand by a service called Inerd. Processes The ;ccrsislent object store maintains some persistent roOls and any object that is
that start server processes to host remote objects are called acrimrors for the following reach:!hle from a persistent f(iot is defined to be persistent. This approach is used
reasons. by Per~istent Java and by PeiDiS [Ferreira cr al. 2000]. Persistent object stores
A remme object is described as auil"c when it is available for invocation within using ;hi~ approach make u~<.' of a garbage collector to di~pose of objects that are
a running process, \vhereas it is called pass!l'c if is not currently active but can be made no k';;.g:er reachable from Ihe persistent roOb.
active. A passi\'e object consists of two parts:
The ~!~i:-;tentobject store pro\·idc:-. somc cla""es on \\:hich persistence i" based-
I. the implementation of its method:;,: and pcr~",<:'nt objects belong to their ~llbc1a~se~. For cxample. in Arjuna [Parrington
('i ai 1995], persistent objecl~ arc hased on C++ classes that pro\'ide transactions
2. its state in the marshalled form. and ,c.::cn·cry. Cnwanted objeo:- Illuq be ddeted explicitly.
ActiwItiOIl con:,ists of creating an acti\'e object from the corresponding passive object by
Some per'>tenl object storc~. fe,r c\ampk PerDiS and Khazana (Carter ei d 1998J
creating a Ilew instance of its class and initializing it:; instance variables from the :>lored
allow objc.::" to be acti\·i.lled in llwilipk caches iocallO u"ers, instead of in ~er\crs. In
state. Passive objects can be actj\'ated on demand. for example when they need to be
Ihis casco c: cache consistency pn,wcoi is required: Chapter 16 discusses J \'ariety of
in\'oked by other objects. consistenc. iTlodeb.
An acrimtor is responsible for:
Object location 0 SeClion 4.3,.3 de<..cribc:-. a form elf remote object reference thal contains
Registering passive objects that are available for activation, which imoh'es the Interne: :ddrcss and port number of the proccss that created the remote object as a
recording the names of servers against the URLs or file names of the way of guaranteeing uniqueness. This form of remote object reference can abo be used
coo'esponding passive objects. as an addre"~ for a remote object so long ::IS that oh.iect remains in the same process for
Starting named server processes and activating ren10te objects in them. the rest of lh life. But some remote objccts wi)) c\ist in a series of different processes.

possibly on different computers. throughout their lifetime. In this casco a remote object extra invocations made 011 behalf of the garbage collection algorithm do not affect every
reference cannot act as an address. Clients making invocations require both a remote normal RMI: they occur only \\:hen proxies are created and deleted.
object reference and an address to \vhich to send invocations. There is a possibility that one client may make a removeRef( B) invocation at about
A location service helps clients to locate remote objects from their remote Object the same time as another client makes an addR(f(B) invocation. If the remm'eRefarrives
references. It uses a database that maps remote object references to their probable first and B.lw/ders is empty, the remote object B could be deleted before the addRef
current locations - the locations are probable because an object may have migrated arrives. To avoid this situation. if the set B.holders is empty at the time when a remole
again since it \Vas last heard of. For example. the Clouds system [Dasgupta er al. 199 i) object reference is transmiHed, a temporary entry is added until the addR(farrives.
and the Emerald syslCm [Jul ef al. 1988] used a cachelbroadcast scheme in \vhich a The Java distributed garbage collection algorithm tolerates communication
member of a location service on each computer holds a small cache of remote object failures by using the following approach. The addR({ and removeRcf operations are
refcrence-to-location mappings. If a remote object reference is in the cache. that addre"" idempotent. In the case that an addR({(B) call returns an exception (meaning that the
is tried for the invocation and will fail if the objeCt has moved. To jocate an object that method was either executed once or not at all). the client wil! Ilot create a proxy but will
has moved or whose location is not in cache, the system broadcasts a request. Thi~ make a renwl'eRef( B) call. The effect of remm'eRefis correct whether or not the addRef
scheme may be enhanced by the use of forward location pointers, which contain hil1b succeeded. The case where remol'cReffails is dealt with by leases, as described in the
as 10 the new location of an object. next paragraph.
The Java distrihuted garbage collection algorithm can tolerate the failure of client
processes. To achieve this. servers /eose their objects to clients for a limited period of
5.2.6 Distributed garbage collection time. The lease period starts when the client makes an addRefinvocation to the server.
It ends either when the time has expired or \vhen the client makes a remm'eRef
The aim of a distributed garbage collector is to ensure that if a local or remote reference
in\'ocation to the server. The information stored by the server concerning each lease
to an object is still held anywhere in a set of distributed objects, then the object itself\\ iil
contains Ihe identifier of the client's virtual machine and the period of the lease. Clients
continue 10 exist. but as soon as no object any longer holds a reference to it. the objc(l
arc responsible for requesting the server 10 renew their leases before the: expire.
\,'ill be collected and the memory it uses reco\·ered.
\Ve describe the Java distributed garbage colleCIion algorithm, \';hich is similar 10 Leases in Jini 0 The Jini distributed system includes a specification for lea~cs [Arnold
the one described by Birrell e{ at. [19951. It is ba:,-cd on reference counting. Whenen'r:l e! at. 1999J that can be llseci in a yariety of situations when one object offer:-. a resource
remote object reference enters a process, a proxy will be created and will :'-lay there for to another object. as for example when remote objects offer references to other objects.
as long as it is needed. The process where the object li\"es (its servcr) should be informed Objects that offer such resources arc at risk of ha\'ing to maintain the resources when the
of the new proxy at the client. Then later \vhen there i:,- no longer a proxy at the client. u<.ers arc no longer interested or their programs may have exited. To a,'oid complicated
the server should be informed. The distributed garbage collector work.~ in cooperation protocols to discover whether the resource users are still interested. the re<.()urces are
with the local garbage collectors as follows: offered for a limited period of time. The granting of the use of a resource lor a period of
time is called a leas£'. The object offering the resource \vill maintain it unlilthe lim(: in
Each sen'cr process maintains a set of the processes that hold remote ObjCL'I the lease expires. The resource users are responsible for requesting their renewal when
references for each of its remote objects: for example. B.llo/ders is the set of eliem they expire.
processes (virtual machines) that have proxie.<.. for object B. (In Figure 5.6. thi." .~el The period of a lease may be negotiated between the grantor and the recipient.
will include the client process illustrated.) Thi" set can be held E1 an addition;:! although this docs not happen \\."ith the leases used in Ja\"a RMI. An object representing
column in the remote object table. a lease implements the Lease interface. It contains information abollt the period of the
When a client C first receives a remote reference to a particular remote object. B 1c<lse and methods enabling the lease to bc renewed or cancelled. The grantor returns an
il makes an addR(,/(B) in\'ocalion to the :-.e,\"(::r of that rcmote 0bject and then instance of a Lease when it supplies a resourcc to another object.
create" a proxy: the sen'er adds C to B.holder.l.
When a client C" garbage collector notice" thm a proxy for remote object B i<.. f:l1
longer reachable. it makes a remOl'cRef( B) invocation to the c()rTe~ponding ser\ e, 5.3 Remote procedure call
and Ihen deletes the proxy: the sen'er re11l0w<.:. C from B.ho/ders.
,.; remote procedure call is very similar to a remote method invocation 1[") thai a client
When B.liolden is empty, the server's IOC21 garbage collector . .,ill reclaim In"
pmgram calls a procedure in another program running in a server proce<..~. Sen'ers may
space occupied by B unless Ihere arc an) iocal holders.
be clients of other servers 10 allow chains of RPCs. As mentioned in the introduction lO
This algorithm is intended to be carried out by means of pairwi:.;" request-rep1~ Ihis chaptcr. a server process defines in its .\en"icc inrclfacc the proccdures that are
communication \vith at-most-once invocation semantics between the remme n:fcrence ,n'ailable fo!"calling remotely. RPC. like R;\·1L lllay he implemented 10 h<:l\c one of the
modules in processes ~ it does not require any global :,-ynchronil.ation. :"Ole also that Ihc choices of inn)Cation semantics discllssed in Section 5.2.4 ~ at-least-on'~'e or at-111oSI-

Role of client and server stub procedures in RPC Figure 5.8 Files interface in Sun XDR
Figure 5.7
COI1Sf MAX == 1000:
server process rypedefinr Fiieldenrijicr;
[ypede.( illt FiIePoinrcr:
. r ...... .r"'.._
r '. [ypede! ill( U:llgth:
s[ruel Da{(l [

~. ~ "'-.-/
server stub
"-- fllt lengrh:
char lmffer/.'HAX j:
client stub
procedure procedure
service J.
client Sfrucr IITilcargs {
program Communication procedure
module Fileldent!fier f:
FilePoinrer posiiion:
once are generally chosen. RPC is generaliy implemented over a request-reply protocol J
like the one discussed in Section ..f.-I.. which is simplified by the omission of object srruCf readorgs {
references from request messages. The contents of request and reply messages are the Fileldenr([ier/:
same as those illustrated for R\H in Figure 4.13. except that the ObjeClReference fleJd FilePointer posirio!]:
Lf.'ngrh iengrh:
is omitted.
The software that suppom RPC is sho\,..·n in Figure 5.7. It is similar to that shown J
in Figure 5.6 except that no remote reference modules are required. since procedure call
is not concerned with objects anj object references. The client that accesses a service program FlLEREADHRITE {
includes one sHib procedure for each procedure in the service interface. The role of a l"('1"sio/l VERSION f
'."()id HRIT£(\,.,.ij('(;r'!s/=I:
stub procedure is similar to that or" a proxy. It beha\'es like a local procedure to the client.
but instead of executing the calL it marshals the procedure identifier and the arguments Data READlreaddrgsi=2:
into a request message, which it :,-cnds \'ia its communication module to the server. J=2,
When the reply message arri\·es. it unmarshals the results. The ser\'er process contains ./ == 9999:
a dispatcher together with one :'-e,yer stub procedure and one service procedure for each
procedure in the service interface. The dispatcher selects one of the server stub
procedures according to the pro.:edure identifier in the request message. A server stub The Sun RPC sY:-'lem pro\'ides an interface language calle..:i XDR and an interface
procedure is like a skeleton method in that it unmarshals the arguments in the request compiler cailed rflcgen v, hich 1<, intended for use \\ ilh the C prc;ramming language.
message. calls the corresponding ~a\"ice procedure and marshals the return values for
the reply message. The sen'ice procedures implement the procedures in the sen'ice Interface definition language: The Sun XDR langu:lge. which '.,:,.... originally designed
for ~~cifying external data representations. \\ 2.'- extended become an interface
The client and server s!u~ procedures and the dispatcher can be generated by an definition language. It ma~ be used to define a :-.en·ice imci.·2.ce for Sun RPC b:
~pecif:- ing a set of procedure definitions together \\ ilh suppor1i,,; type definitions. The
interface compiler from the interface definition of the sen'ice.
notation is rather primiti\'e in comparison \vith th3t used by CORBA IDL or Ja\"a. In
5.3.1 Sun RPC case study :\10<.,[ language:-. all(w. llHerface names 10 be . . pecified. t·..:; Sun RPC does no, -
RFC 1831 [Srinivasan 1995a] de.;..:-ribe~ Sun RPC \\ hich was designed for cJient-scn'cr instead of thi:-.. a pr0fram number and a \ eFinn number :~r,; -upplicd. The progr;:;i!1
communication in the Sun r\FS r:C\v,ork file system. Sun RPC is sometimes called O:'\C number:, can be Obi3.1ned from a ccntral aUlnlxity to "lkw. ;"\ ery program \0 ha\ e
(Open Network Computing) RPC. It is :-.uppJied a:-. a part of the various Sun and other it:-. own unique numkr. The \'crsion llllmtc-er changes \'. n,;" ~ procedure signature
UNIX operating systems and is abo available with other NFS installatiom. changes. Both program and version number arc passed in :he request mes:-;age. ~0
Implementors have the choice 0'- using remote procedure calls over eithcr UDP or TCP. that cliem and scr\"er can check that the:- tire using the S3:;:e \"crsion.
When Sun RPC is used with CDP. lhe length of request and reply messages is restricted
in length - theoretically to 64 kilobytes. but more often in praC!icc to 8 or 9 kilobytcs. It
uses at-least-once call semantics. Broadcast RPC i~ an option.

A procedure definition specifics a procedure signature and a procedure number. control mechanisms can be built on top of the authentication information \vhich is made
The procedure number is used as a procedure identifier in request messages. (It available to the server procedures via a second argument. The server program is
would be possible for the interface compiler 10 generate procedure identifiers.) responsible for enforcing access control by deciding whether to execute each procedure
call according to thc authentication information. For example. if the server is an NFS
Only a single input parameter is allowed. Therefore. procedures requiring file server. it can check whether the user has sufficient rights to carry out a requested file
multiple parameters must include them as components of a single structure. operation,
The output parameters of a procedure are returned via a single result. Several diffcrent authentication protocols can be supported. Thesc include:
The procedure signature consists of the result type. the name of the procedure and none:
the type of the input parameter. The type of both the result and the input parameter
UNIX style as described above:
may specify either a single value or a structure containing several values.
a ~ty!e in which a shared key is established for signing the RPC messages: or
For example. see the XDR definition in Figure 5.8 of an interface with a pair of
procedure~ for \vriting and reading files. The program number is 9999 and the version Kerberos style of authentication (sce Chapter 7),
number is 1. The RE.AD procedure (line 2) takes as input parameter a structure \vith three
A field in the RPC header indicates which style is being used.
components specifying a file identifier. a position in the file and the number of bytes
required. Its result is a :structure containing the number of bytes returned and the file A more generic approach to security is described in RFC 2203 [Eisler er at. 19971.
data. The VvRITE prclCedufe (line 1) has no result. The WRITE and READ procedures arc It provides for secrecy and integrity of RPC messages as \vell as authentication, It allows
given numbers I and 1. The number zero is reserved for a null procedure. which is client and server to negotiate a security context in \vhich either no security i:', applied or
generated automatically and is intended to be used to test whether a server is available. in the case that security is required. message integrity or message privacy or both may
The interface definition language provides a notation for defining constants. be applied.
typedefs. structure~. enumerated types. unions and programs. Typedefs. structures and Client and server programs 0 Further material on Sun RPC is a\·ailable at
enumerated types use the C language syntax, The interface compiler rpcgen can be used ,vww,cdk3,netiRMl. It includes example client and serwr programs corrc:',ponding to
to generate the following from an interface definition: the interface defined in Figure 5,8,
client qub procedures:
server main procedure. dispatcher and server stub procedures:
5.4 Events and notifications
XDR marshalling and unmarshalling procedures for use by the dispatcher and
client and server ~lUb procedures,
The idea behind [he usc of events is that one object can react to a change occurring in
Binding 0 Sun RPC runs a local binding service called the porI mapper at a well-known another object. :\otifications of events arc essentially a:--ynchronous and determined by
port number on each computer. Each instance of a port mapper records the program their receivers, In particular. in interacti\'e applicatIons. the actions that the user
number. version number and port number in usc by each service running locally. When performs on ohjects. for example by manipulating a button with the mou~e or entering
a server starts up it regi~ters its program number. version number and port number with text in a text box via the keyboard. arc seen as el'el/fS that cause changes in the objects
the local port mapper. When a client ~!arts up. it finds out the servers port by making a that maintain the state of the application, The objects that arc responsible for di:;playing
remote request to the port mapper at the server's host. specifying the program number a \'ir:-w of the current :State are 11()[(fied whenever the state changes.
and version number. Di:;rribuled e\'ent-based system:; extend the local cvcnt model by allo\\-ing
When <t service has multiple instances running on different computers. the multiple object~ at different locations to be notified of e\'en!s taking place at an object.
instances ma: use diffr:-,ent port numbers for receiving client requests, If a client need;; They use the puNish,slIbscribe paradigm. in which ::n object that genr:-rmc" events
to mullicaq a reque~t to all the instances of a sen'ice that are using different pOr! pllitlishcs the lype of c\ cnts that it will make a\'ailahlc f{lf observation by other objects.
numbers. it cannot use <l direct broadcast message for this purpose. The solution is that Ohjects that wan\ to recei\'c notification" from an objeCi that has publi:.-hed its e\-ents
clients make mullica_" remote procedure calls by broadcasting them to all the port whscrihe to the lype:; of events that are of interest to them, Different en:::m rY{les ma:.
mappers, specifying the program and version number. Each port mapper forwards all for exampk, refer to the different methods executed by the object of imcre:;l. Objects
such calls to the appropriate local service program. if there is onc, that reprr:-sen! e\'ent:', are called IlOf((icarions, Notiflcations may· be stored. sent in
Authentication 0 Sun RPC requeq and reply messages provide additional fields enabling messages, queried and applied in a variety of order" to different things, When a
authentication information to be passed between client and sen'cr. The request message publisher expcriencc:.- an event. subscrihers that expres:"ed an interest in that l:::pe of
contains the credential:-- of thc uscr running the client program. For example. in the event will receive notifications. Subscribing to a particular type of event i~ aL"o called
UNIX style of authentication the credentials include the aid and gid of the u:',er. Access regisrering interest in that type of event.

Events and notifications cao be used in a wide variety of different applications. for figure 5.9 Dealing room system
example to communicate a shape added to a drawing. a modification to a document. the
fact that a person has entered or left a room. or that a piece of equipment or an Dealer"s computer External Dealer's computer
electronically tagged book is at a new locatioo. The latter 1\\'0 examples are made source
possible with the use of active badges or embedded devices (see Section 2.2.3).
Distributed event-based systems have two main characteristics: ....oJJ!~?,EQ!l.
Heterogeneous: When event notifications are used as a means of communication
between distributed objects. components in a distributed system that wefe not
designed to interoperate can be made to \vork together. All that is required is that
event-generating objects publish the types of events they offer. and that other objects / ..
subscribe to events and provide an interface for receiving notifications. For example. ~0<:::--/
. \'0.'I:i./ . ~ //
Bates et al. ! 1996J describe how event-based systems can be used to connect ~/ ~()/ -o/Ob/';·
~(), .,,'0/
heterogeneous components in the Internet. They describe a system in which / r:;~'j/ ICo'//OI7
• ~v/
applications can be made a\\'are of users· locations and activities, such as using Deaie(s computer " // Dealer's computer
computers, printers or electronically tagged books. They envisagt! its future usc in the otific3tion
context of a home network with commands such as: ·if the children come home. turn .-._--
on the central heating'
Notifica~iQ!"J .. ~.. _....,.. _. ,~.~.9tification
Asynchronous: Notifications are sent asynchronously by ('\·ent-generating objects to
;:.ll the objects that have subscribed to them to pre\·ent publishers needing to
~ynchronize \vith subscribers - publishers and subscribers need to be decoupled.
:\1ushroom 1Kindberg cf af. 1996] is a distributed e\"em-based system de~igned to
~upport collaborati\·c \\wk. in which the user displays objec!.,; repre~enting

users and information objects such as documents and notepads within shared
\\ orkspaces called IICHt·ork pfaU's. The state of each place is replicated at the
c-omputers of users currently in that place. E\"ents arc used to dcscribe changes to corresponding stock. There will be a scparate infon11ation provider process for
objects and to a user·s focus of interest. For example. an event could specify that a each e"\l<':mal source.
particular user has entered or left a place or has perfonned a particular action on an
A dealer process creates an object [Q represent each named stock that the user asks
object. Each replica of any object to which particular types of events are releYant
subscribes to them and recei\"es notifications when they occur. But subscribers are to hayc di~played. This local object subscribes to the object represcming that stock
decoupled from objects experiencing events. because different users arc ac;:i\·c at at the rek\·ant information pro\·ider. h then recei\"cs all the information sent to it
different times. in notifications and dispJays it to the ll~r.

.-\ '-ituation in \vhich e\"enb can be useful is illustrated in the following dealing room The communication of notification~ is shown in Figure 5.9.
Event types .-\n event source call generate e\·ents of one or more different typcs. Each
Simple dealing room system 0 Consider a simple dealing room sy'"stem who"e ta"k is to
e\·ent has (ii,rihwcs that specify information about that evenL such as the namc or
al1o\;, dealers using computers to see the latest information abolll the market prices of
the ~tocks they deal in. The market price for a single named stock is represented by an of the object that generated i1. the 0peration, its parameters and the time (or a
object with scveral instance yariables. The information arrives in the dealing room from ~equence numberl. Types and attributes are ll~ed both in subscribing to e\"ents and in
S<,:\·eral different external sources in the form of updates to some or all of the inswnce nouficJiions. When ~ubscribing to an c\·cnt. the type of event is specified. sometimes
\2.:"iables of the objects representing the stocks and is collected by proce,-"e~ we cail n~odi!ied \\ ith 3. criterion as to the qlues of the attributes. \Vhenever an event of that
information providers. Dealers arc typically imere~led only in their speciali:'-l '-locks. A
type occurs that matches the attributes, the interested parties will be notified. In the
de,iiing room system could be modelled by processes with twO different ta~k;.,:
deaiing room example. there is one ty·pe of e\·ent (the arrival of an llpdate to a stock),
An information provider process continuously rccei\"es new trading information and the allributC's might spccify the name of a stock. its current price, and latest rise or
from a single external source and applics it to the appropriate stock ObjcCI~. Each
fall. Dealers may for example specify thal the:- are interested in all (he events relating to
of the updates to a stock object is regarded a~ an event. The stock object
experiencing such e\·enb notifies all of the dealers who ha\"e subscribed 10 the a "lOCK Ri,h a particular name.

Obserrer objects: The main purpose of an observer is to decouple an object of

Figure 5.10 Architecture for distributed event notification interest from its subscribers. An object of interest can have many different
Event service '\ subscribers \vith different interests. For example. the subscribers may differ as 10 thc
type of events Ihey are interested in. or those sharing the same requirements as [0 type
object of interest



< ..J
may differ in the attribute \·alues that are of interest. It could over~complicate the
object of interest if it had to perform all of the logic for distinguishing between the
needs of its subscribers. One or more observers can be interposed between an object
object of interest observer subscriber of interest and subscribers. The roles for observers are discussed in more detail in a
- -.. -~-------+,..... -.,~
---~'"--.- ...- ...--- ~. subsequent paragraph.
2. notification _ ....

Publisher: This is an object that declares that it will generate notifications of

object of interest observer \ subscribe~ particular types of c\·ent. A publisher may be an object of interest or an observer.

...,=>--.-. ··~-··-·-·-~-notHlCatTo·n .----~~~=~.
Figure 5. J 0 shO\vs three cases:

The participants in distributed event notification
../ 1. An object of intcrest inside the Cycnt sen· ice without un obscr\·er. h sends
notifications directly to the subscribers.
2. An object of interest inside the evcnt service with an obser\·cr. The object of
interest sends notifications via the observer to the subscribers.
Figure 5.10 sho\\'s an architecture that specifies the roles played by the OQyxts that
3. An object of interest outside the cvent service. In this casc. an observer queries the
participate in distributed event-based systems. Our description is derived from the paper
object of intereq in order to discover v,·hen e\·enls occur. The obseryer sends
on events and notifications in the Internet by Rosenblum and \Volf [199-j. The
notifications to the subscribers.
architecture is designed to decouple the publishers from the subscribers. allowing
publishers to be developed independently of their subscribers. and as far as possible Delivery semantics ': .4. variety of different delivery guarantee~ can be pro\·ided for
limiting the \\lork imposed on publishers by subscribers. The main compon:;Onl is an notifications - the one that is chosen should depend on the requirements of applications.
event service that maintains a database of published events and of subscriber:=:: interests. For example. if IP multicast is used to send notifications to a group of receivers. the
Events at an object of interest are published at the event service. Subscribers inlom the failure model will r<"jatc to the one described for IP multicast in Section 4.5.1 and will
event service about the types of events they are interested in. \Vhen an e\·enl c...::curs at not guarantee that 2.n; particular recipient will receiyc a particular notification message.
an object of interest a notification is sent to the subscribers to that type of eveil\' This is adequate for ~ome applications. for example to dcliycr the lalest o;tate of a pla):er
in an Intcrnet game. becau~e the next update is likely to get thwugh.
The roles of the participating objects are as follows:
Howe\·cr. other applications haw stronger requirements. Consider the dealing
The o/~iect of intereST: This is an object that expericnces changes of state. ;::5 a result room application: 10 be fair to [he dealers interested in a particular :..rock. \\ <" require thal
of its operations being invoked. Its changes of state might be of intere~: :0 other all the dealers for the :'-ame stock receive the same informmion. This implies that a
objects. This description allows for evenb such as a person wearing an aCIi\ C badge reliable multicast protocol should be used.
entering a room. in which case the room is the object of interest and the ()p-cration In the Mu~hrcx)m system mentioned aboyc. nO!ifica[ion~ about thc change of
consists of adding information about the new person to its record of wh('· i~ in the object state arc deli\ered reliably to a serYcr. whose responsibility it is to maimain up-
room. The object of interest is con:;.idered as part of the event sen· ice if it :ransmits to-date copie~ of objeCts. Howevcr. notifications may also be ~ent to object replicas in
notifications. users' computer:;. b~ means of unreliable multicast: in the case that [hc latter lose
notifications. they carl rdrieyc an objcct state from the sener. When the application
E1·em: An event occurs at an object of interest a~ the result of the compl;;:,]on of a
require:'- il. notific,ltl\.\n~ may be ordercd and sent reliably to object replica~.
method execution.
Some applicati(ln~ havc real-time requirements.These include c\·enb in J nuclear
;VOli/iCUliol1: A notification is an object that contains information about ::':1 C\'CnI. power station or a h(\~pita) patient monitor. It is po:'-sib1e to de~if:n multicasl protocols
Typically. it contains the type of the event and its attributes. which genera);:- include that pHn·ide real-limo;': guarantees as well as reliability and ordering in a :'-~ qcm that
the identity of the object of interest. the method invoked. and the time of <.',:,:\.1r,ence smisfies the propen:ie.;. of a synchronous distributed ~y<,tem.
or a sequence number. Roles for observers· .-\lthough notifications could be sent directly from [he object of
Suhscril)('r: A subscriber is an object that has subscribed to some lype: 0) c\cnts in Intercst to the recipient. the task of processing nOlification<.. can be di\'id;:-d among
another objcct. It receives notifications about such evcnts. observer processe~ pkl; ing a variety of different roles. We descnoe some CX:itllp!cS:

Fon1'arding: A forwarding observer may carry out all the work of sending Java RMJ is used to send notifications from the event generator to the subscriber.
notifications to subscribers on behalf of one or more objects of interest. All an object possibly via one or more first third-party agents. The designers state that event listeners
of interest need do is to send a notification to the forwarding observer, leaving it to should reply to notification calls as soon as possible to avoid delaying event generators.
continue with j(5 normal task. To usc a forwarding observer, an Object of interest They can process a notification after the return. Java RMI is also used to subscribe to
passes on the information about its subscribers' interests to that fOT\varding observer. events. Jini cvcnts are provided by means of the lo11owing interfaces and classes:

Filtering (~r llorijicalions: Filters may be applied by an observer so as to reduce the RClIlo[cE"emListcncr: This interface provides a method called l1or!fv. Subscribers
number of oO!ifications received according to some predicate on the contents of each and third-party agents implement the RcmotcEvcmUstener interface so that they can
notification. For example, an event might relate to withdrmvals from a bank account. rceeive notifications when the nOI!fy method is invoked. An instance of the
but the recipient is interested only in those greater than S100. RcmotcEl'c11£ class represents a notification and is passed as argument to the nor(f:r
Patlems (~f e"enls: When an object subscribes to events at an object of interest. they melhod.
can specify patterns of events that they arc interested in. A pattern specifies a RemOfcE,'enr: This class has instance variables that hold:
relationship bel\l,;een several events. For example. a subscriber may be interested
when there are three withdri1wals from a bank account \vithout an intervening a reference to the event generator in which the event occurred.
deposit. A similar requirement i~ to correlate events at a variety' of objects of interest:
an eVent identifier. which specifics the type of e\'elll at that evcnt gener3.t()r.
for example. notifying the subscriber only \vhen a certain number of them have
generated events. a sequence number. which applies to events of that type. The sequence number
Notificalioll mailboxes: in some cases. notifications need to be delayed until a should increase as events occur over time. It can be used to enable recipients to
potential subscriber is ready to receive them. For example. if the subscriber has faulty' order e\'ents of a particular type from a given source or to avoid applying the
connections or when an object has been passivated and is activated again. An same event twice.
observer may take on the role of a notification mailbox. which is to rcceive a marshalled objcct. This is supplied when the recipient subscribes to that type
notifications on behalf of a subscriber. only passing them on (in a single batch) when of event and may be used by a recipient for any purposc. It generally holds any
the subscriber is read::' to reccive them. The subscriber should be able to turn delivery infonnation necded by the recipient to identify the event and react to its
on and off as required. The subscriber sets up a notification mailbox. when it registers occurrence. For example. it could include a closure that is to be rlln when it is
with an object of interest by specifying the notification mailbox as the place to send
E\'cntCeneraror: This interface provides a method called regisler. E\'ent generators
implement the b'emCeneralOl" interface. who~e regis!t'/" method is used to subscribe
5.4.2 Jini distributed event specification to events at the e\'ent generator. The argumenb of register specify:
The Jini distributed event specification described by Arnold er ai. [1999] allows a an e\ ent identifier. which specifics the type of cvcnt.
potential subscriber in one Java Virtual i\.'lachine (JVM) to subscribe to and receive
notifications of e\'ents in an object of interest in another JV\·1. usually on another a marshalled object to be handed back with each notification.
computer. A chain of observers may be inserted between tbe object of interest and the 3 remOle reference to an c\'ent li~tcner object - the place to >iend notifications.
subscriber. The main objects invoh'cd in the Jini distributed e\'cnt 5pccification are:
a requested leasing period. The lease period ;:.pecifies the duration of lease
E"em gener(l!ors: An event generator is an object that allows other objects to
required by the subscriber. but the actual le'L~e granted is returned with the
subscribe to ib events and gcnenHes notifications.
result<. of rcgis{cr. Time limits on subscription;:. avoid the problem of e\'ent
RemOie f)'em fisrener.s: A remOle eVent listener is an object that can recei\'c generaIOrs holding stalc eyc!lt subscription~. Subscriptions can be renewed
notifications. \\'I1<:n<:\'<:r the time limit in the lease expires.
RemOie e\'C'IITS: A remote c\"enl j~ an object that is passed by \"alue to remote C\"C!lt The Jini speCification says that the E"cl1{GC!1('l"(JlOr imcFface i" just an ex.ample of the
listeners. A remote event is the equi\'alent of \\'hat we called a nOlification. kind of interface that might be used by subscribers to register interest in e\'ent::; ill an
Third-party (('"elliS: Third-party agents may be interposed bct\veen an object of object of interest. Some applications may require a different imcrface.
interest and a subscriber. They arc the equiyalent of our obserwrs. Third-party agents (j The third-party agents thai are interpo~ed between an eyenl
An object subscribes to eyents by informing the event generator about the type of event generator and il subscriber may pb.y a Yariel)' of u.<,efu1 role.'.. including all of those
and specifying a remOle event listencr as the target for notificatjon~. de~cribed ah()\"(2.

In the simplest case, a subscriber registers interest in a panicular type of event at

, Figure 5.11 Java Remote intertaces Shape and ShapeUst

an event generator and specifics itself as the remote event listener. This corresponds to
import jaFa.nni.:";
case 1 illustrated in Figure 5.10.
imporl java. uri!. VeCTor:
Third-party agents cao be set up by an event generator or by a subscriber.
public interface Shape ex/ends Remole (
An event generator can interpose one or more third-party agents between itself
int getVersioll() throws RemoreExceprion:
and a subscriber. For example, the event generators on each computer could make usc
GraphicalOhjecf gerAllSwte() throws RemoreException;
of a shared third-party agent that is responsible for reliable delivery of notifications.
A subscriber can build a chain of third-party agents in order to produce \vhatever
public into/ace ShapeLisr exrends Remote (
delivery policy it requires. It then registers interest with an event generator, specifying
Shape ne\lShape(GraphicalObjecr g) throws RemoreExcepliol1: 2
the first in the chain of third~pany agents as the place to send notifications. For example.
Vector aliShapes() throw, RemoreExccprion:
a subscriber may arrange for its notifications to be stored by a third~party agent until
int gerVersion() thrmn RemOleExceprion:
such time as it is ready to receive them. The third-pany agent can take responsibility for
renewing leases.
The CORBA Event Service is discussed in Section 17.3.2.
the latest shapes drawn by other users hy polling the sen·cr. The servcr has a version
number (an integer) that it increments each time a new shape amves and attaches [0 the
5.5 Java RMI case study new shape. The server proyides operations allowing clients to enquire about its version
number and the version number of each shape. so that they may 3\"oid fetching shapes
Java RMI extends the Janl object model to provide support for distributed objects in the that they already have.
Java language. In particular. it allows objects to invoke methods on remote objects using Remote interfaces in Java RMI (l Remote interfaces are defined by extending an
the same syntax as for local invocations. In addition. lype checking applies equally to interface called Remote proyidcd in the jam.rmi package. The methods must thrO\v
remote invocations as to local ones. However. an object making a remote invocation is RemoteExceprion. but application-specific exceptions may also be thro\vn. Figure 5.11
aware that its target is remote because it must handle RcmotcExcCpliol1s: and the shO\vs an example of t\VO remOle interfaces called Shape and ShapeLisr. [n this example.
implementor of a remote object is aware that it is remote because it mUSt implement the GraphicalONcu is a class that holds thc state of a graphical object. for example its type.
Remote interface. Although the distributed object model is integrated into Java in a its position. enclosing rectangle. line colour and fill colour. and provides operations for
natural way. the semantics of parameter passing differ because invoker and target are accessing and updating its statc. GraphicarObject must implement the Seria{i::.abfe
remote from one another. intenace. Consider the interfaCe Shape first: the gcr1/crsioll method rcturns an intcger.
The programming of distributed applications in Java RMI should be relatively whereas the gelAflSwre method returns an instance of thc class Graphic(lIOf~iecl. Now
simple because it is a single-language :.ystem - remote interfaces are defined in the Ja\'a consider the intenace SJwpeLisr: its l1cHShapc method passes an instance of
language. If a multiple-language system such as CORBA is used. the prog:rammer needs GraphicuiObjcu as argument but returns an object with a remote interface (that is. a
to learn an IDL and to understand how it maps onto thc implementation language. remote object) as its result. An important point to note is that both ordinary objects and
However. even in a single-language system. the programmer of a remote object must remote objecls can appear as arguments and results in a remotc interface. The latter arc
consider its behaviour in a concurrent environment. always denoted by the name of their remotc interface. In the next paragraph. we discuss
In the remainder of this introduction. we give an example of a remote interfacc. how ordinary objects and remme objects are passed as arguments and results.
then discuss the parameter-passing semantics with reference to the example. Finally. we
discuss the downloading of classe" and the binder. The second section of this case study Parameter and result passing (~ In Java R:\1L the parameter" of a method are assumed to
discusses how to build client and server programs for the exampJe interface. The third be inpul parameters and the re<.uit of a method is a single OI/If1W parameter. Section 4.3.2
section is concerned with the design and implementation of Ja\'a RMI. For full details describes Jan serialization. \~-hich is llsed for marshalling arguments and results in JaY;J
of Java RMI. see the wtorial on remote in\'oc<nion [ II· RMI. Any object that i:. serializable - that is. that implements the Seriafi:able interface
In this case study and the CORBA case study in Chapter 17. we use a shared - can be passed as an argument or result in Java RMI. AI) primiti\"c types and remot,;:
'.vhilcboard as an example. This is a distributed program that allows a group of users to objects are serializable. Classc::, for arguments and rcsult niu,;:s are downloaded to the
share a common view of a drawing surface containing graphical objects. such as recipient by the R:'VlI system ,,"here necessary.
rectangles. lines and circles. each of which has been drawn by onc of thc users. The
Passing rCll10le o~iccrs: When the type of a parameter or result value is defined as
server maintains the current state of a dra\1.:ing hy' pro\"iding an operation fOf client~ to
a remote interface. the corresponding argument or result is always passed as a remote
inform it about the latest ~hapc their users have dra\\:n and kceping a record of all the
object reference. For exampk in Figure 5.11. line 2. the return \'alue of thc method
shapes it has received. The server also proYide~ operations allowing cliems to retricye

l1f.'wShape is defined as Shape - a remote interface. When a remote object reference Figure 5.12 The Naming class of Java RMlregistry
is received. it can be used to make RMJ calls on the remote object to which it refers.
~'oidrebind (String name, Remote ol~;)
Passing nOll-remote objects: All serializable non-remote objects are copied and This method is used by a server to register the identifier of a remote object by name,
passed by value. For example, in Figure 5.11 (lines 2 and I) the argument of as shown in Figure 5.13, line 3.
nel\Shape and the return value of getAllState are both of type GraphicalObjecL
,'oid bind (String name, Remote obj)
which is serializable and is passed by value. When an object is passed by value. a new This method can alternatively be used by a server to register a remote object by name.
object is created in the receiver's process. The methods of this new object can be but if the name is already bound to a remote object reference an exception is thrown.
invoked locally. possibly causing its state to differ from the state of the original object
in the sender's process. mid llnhind (String name. Remote obi)
This method remO\'es a binding.
Thus. in our example. the client uses the method newShape to pass an instance of
Remme /ookup(String name)
CraphiC'{/IObjecl to the server: the server makes a remote object of type Shape
This method is used by clients to look up a remote object by name. as shown in Figure
comaining the state of the GraphicafObject and returns a remote object reference to it.
5.15 line J. ;\ remote object reference is returned.
The arguments and return \'alues in a remote invocation are serialized to a stream u~ing
the method described in Section 4.3.2. with the following modifications: S'!ring fJ fiSI()
This method returns an array of Siring.\· containing the names bound in the registry.
I. V/henever an object that implements the Remote interface is serialized. it is
replaced by its remote object reference, which contains the name of its (the remme
object's) class. computer. It is accessed by methods of the Naming class. whose methods take as
") When any object is serialized. its class infonnation is annotated with the location argumcnI a CRL-formatted string of the form:
of the class (as a CRU. enabling the class to be downloaded by the receiver. //com flU re rNa 111 e :po rl/obj ec t,\'a me
Downloading of classes (, ]a\'3 is designed to allo\v classes to be downloaded from one where compulerName and port refer to the location of the RMlregistry. If they are
virtual machine to another. This is particularly relevant to distributed object~ inm omitted. the local computer and default port are assumed. II:. interface offers the
communicate by means of remote in\"ocation. \Ve have seen that non-remote objects are methods shown in Figure 5.12. in which the exceptions are not listed - all of the methods
passed by value and remote objects are passed by reference as arguments and result~ of can throw RemoreException. This sen'ice is not a system-wide binding service. Clients
R\lIs. If the recipient does not already possess the class of an object passed by value. its must direct their lookup enquiries to particular hosts.
code is downloaded aUlOmatically. Similarly. if the recipient of a remote object
reference does not already possess the class for a proxy. its code is downloaded
5.5.1 Building client and server programs
automatically. This has t\\O advantages:
This section outlines the steps necessary to produce client and serycr programs that use
J. There is no need for every user to keep the same set of classes in their working
the Remmc interfac.::s Shape and ShapeLisr shown in Figure 5.11. The server program is
environment. a simplified \'ersion of a whiteboard server that implements the t\\ 0 interfaces Shape and
") Both dient and "er\'er programs can make transparent use of instances of new S/wpcLisr. We describe a simple polling client program and then introduce the callback
classes whenever the) are added. technique that can be used to avoid the need to poll the server. Complete \'ersions of tne
classes illustrated in this scction are available at cdU.neUrmi.
A" an example. con~ider the whiteboard program and suppose that its lnilial
implementation of CrapilicafObjecr does not allow for text. Then a client with a k'xtuai
Server program 0 The sen'er is a whiteboard server: it represents each shape as a remote
object that implements the Shape interface and holds the state of a graphical object as
object can implement a :,ubclas:,- of GraphicalONecr that deals \\'itn te:\! and P::b<. an
well as its version number; it represents its collection of shapes t>y a remote object that
inqance to the ser\"er as an argument of the l1ell,Shape method. After that. other cli:::!lts
implements the ShapeLis[ interface and holds a collection of shapes in a VeCfor.
may retrieve the instance using the gerAlfSwte method. The code of the new cJ2.:'"!- \\'ili
The sCr\'er consists of a main method and a servant class to implement each of its
be downloaded automatically from the first client to the server and then to other .:licnts
remote interfaces. The main method of the server creates an instance of
a' need.::d. ShapcLisfSerl"G/1l and binds it to a name in the RMlregistry. as ~hown in Figure 5.13
RMlregistry 0 The Rivllregistry is the binder for Java Rl\H. An instance of R\11registry (lines 1 and 2). :':ote that the value bound to the name is a remote object reference. and
must nm on every sen er computer that hosts remote objects. It maintains a ~3.b!c its type is the type of its remote interface - ShapeList. The twO sen'ant classes arc
mapping textuaL CRL-style names to references to remote objects hosted on th:::\ 5;hapcLisISerl"(mr. \\'hich implements the ShapeUsl interface, and SJwpeSerrant. which

Figure 5.13 Java class ShapeListServerwith main method Figure 5.15 Java client of ShapeList

import java.rmi. :~: import java.rmi. ¥:

public class ShapeListServer! import java.rmi.sen'er. "';
puhlic static Foid main(String args[ ] i{ import java.wil. Vector:
5ys(em.setSecuriryMallager{ ne,,' R:'t1ISecllrityManager( )); public class ShapeListc/ienf{
II)"{ public .'Italic void mainfString args[}){
Shape List aShapeLis(:::: nell' ShapeLisrSen:anr(): System.setSecurityManager(nelv RMfSecllrityManager( )j:
Naming.rebindC'Shape List", aShapeList ): 2 ShapeList aShapeLisr:::: null:
Sysrem.out.println( "ShapeLisr sel .... er ready"): try!
}carch(Exceprion e) ( aShapeList :::: (ShapeLisr) Naming.!ookllp("llbrul1o.ShapeLisr'):
Sysrcm.ouf.prinrfn( 'ShapeLisf sen:a main" + e.gcrMessage( )):} Veuor SLiSl :::: aShapeLisr.allShapes(): 2
} catch(RemofeException e) !5iystem.out.prinrin(e,gcfiWessagcl II:
jcatchrExceplior! e) (S>"5tem.oul.primln("ClieJ1!: ., + c.gerMeS5(igd i)

Figure 5.14 Java class ShapeListServant implements interface ShapeList

importjam.rmi. "': object containing the GraphicalObject and version number passed as arguments. The
imporl jan;. rmi.soYCI". UnicasrRemoleObjecr: type of the return value of neHShape is Shape - the interface implemented by the new
import jam.uti!. Vecror: remote objec!. Before returning. the method /len'Shape adds the new shape to it~ n~ctor
that contains the list of shapes (line 3).
public class ShapeLisiSerw1I1i e.':rel;ds CnicasrRemOlcObjecl imp/ell/ems ShapeList {
primre Vector (heLisE: II comains [he lisr of Shapes j
The main method of a scn'er needs to create a security manager [0 enable Jaya
security to apply the protection appropriate for an RMI sef\·er. A default security
prinue inr l'ersion:
public ShapeLisrServall[{ IjhrOlrs RemoreExceptioll{ ... } manager called RMfSeclIriryManager is provided. It protects the iocal resources to
ensure that the classes that are loaded frolll remote sites cannot hBse any effect on
public Shape nell-5hape(CraphicaIObjecr g) 1111"0,\,'05 RemorcExcepri(J11 { :2 resources such as files. but it differs in allowing the program to pro\'jde its O\,,,'n class
l'ersion++: loader and to use reflection. If an RMI scn'cr sets no security manager. proxie~ and
Shape s :::: /lef1' ShapeSfn"(llll( g. l'ersion): 3
ciasses can only be loaded from the local c!asspath. in order to protect the program from
rheLiSi.addElementls !: code that is downloaded as a result of remote method in\·oCalions.
re!llrll s:
Client program 0 A simplified client for the ShapcLisr sen'er i<.. illu<..lratcd in Figure
public Vec[(}r nltShapesl iiiJrm':s RemoreExceplion{. .. } 5.! 5. Any client program need" to get started by using a binder to look up a remote
jJuhlic 1m ger\'ersion(j rhr01",s RellloteExcep!iol1 { ... } object referencc. Our client sets a security manager and then look:; up a rcmote object
reference for the remote object u:;ing the lookup operation of the R~'lIfcgi:;lry (line i).
Haying obtained an initial remote object reference. the client cODlinue~ b: ~('nding R\lb
to that remote object or to others discovered during ilS execution according to the necds
of ib app!icalion. In Ollr example. the client invokes the method aiiSfw{Jc\ in the remote
irr.plement:'> the Shapf interface. Figure 5.14- gives an outline of the class object (line 2) and recei\'c:,> a \"ector of rcmote objeCt reference:, w ;:ll "f the ~h"pe~
ShC;pfLisrSerl"am. \'ote that S!WIltLisrSerl"(Ul[ (line J). like man; "en'ant dasses. currently stored in the "cn·cr. If thc client was implementing H \\'hilt:bc'~:rd di:;.pby. it
C\tends a class named CniCaSiReJ/1o:eObjecr. which provides remote objects that 1i\"c wouid usc the servcr'" gerAlISrare method in the Shajlc interface to ft:tne\(' each of the
only as long as the proce"" in which lhey are created. graphical objects in the \"ector and display them in a window. Each time tht: u"cr fini"he:,
The implementations of the methods of the remote interface In a sen'anl class is drawing a graphical object. it will invoke the method 11(',\-5hape in tht: "en"Cr. pa~~ing
completely straightfof\\ ard beeau~e they can be done \vithout any concern for the details on the new graphical object as argument. The diem \\'ill kecp a record of the latest
of communication. Consider the mdhod of nc\\"Shapc in Figure 5.14 (!ine 2). which version number at the sen·cr. and from time to time it will im'oke gcr\ 'asion at the
could be called a factory method bcu.use it allows the client to reque<.t the crealion of it seryer to find out whether any new shapes ha\'c been added by other u~~'r .... If so. it \,'ill
remote object. It u"e~ the constructor of ShapeSeIT(lJ({. which creales a ncw remOle retrieve and display them.

Callbacks 0 The genera! idea behind callbacks is that instead of clients polling the server
to find out whether some event has occurred, the server should inform its clients
t Figure 5.16 Classes supporting Java RMI
whenever that event does occur. The term callhack is used to refer to a server's action RemoteObject
of notifying clients about an event. Callbacks can be implemented in RMI as follows: \
The client creates a remote object that implements an interface that contains a
method for the server to call. We refer to this as a callback object. / \
Activatabfe UnicastRemoteOb/ect
The server provides an operation allowing imerested clients to inform it of the
remote object references of their callback objects. It records these in a list. \
<ser,lant class>
Whenever an event of interest occurs, the serycr calls the interested clients. For
example. the whiteboard server \""ould call its clients whenever a graphical object
5.5.2 Design and implementation of Java RMI
is added. The original Ja\'a RMI system llsed all of the compon<?nt~ ~hown in Figure 5.6. Bm in
The usc of callbacks avoids the need for a client to poll the objects of interest in ;:he Java 1.2. the reflection facilities were u,cd to make a generic dispatcher and to a\'oid the
ser\"er and its attendant disadvantages: need for skeletons. The client proxie~ arc generated Q: a compiler called rmic from the
compiled server classes - not from the jdinitions of the remote interfaces.
The performance of the server may be degrad<::d by the constant polling.
Use of reflection 0 Relleetion is used \(l pass information in request messages abollt the
Clients cannot notify users of updates in a timely manner.
method to be invoked. This is achieved" ith the help ofthc c!a",-s Merhod in the reflection
However. callbacks have problems of their own: fiN the sen'er needs to have up-to-date package. Each instance of Method repr2~<::ms the charact<::ri~tics of a particular method.
lists of the clients' callback objects. But clients may not always inform the ser\"er before including its class. the types of its arguments. return \;:ilue and exceptions. The most
they exit. leaving the server with incorrect li:;1s. The leasing technique discussed in interesting feature of this cbss is that an :n",-lance of .thi.W,j can be in\"oked on an object
Section 5.2.6 can be used to overcome this problem. The second problem associated of a suitable class by means of ib in'. ,~.(' method. The iO\'oke method requires [\\0
\l.:ith callbacks is that the server needs to make a ~<::ries of synchronous RMh 10 the
arguments: the first specifies the object to receive the l11\(X"ation and the second is an
caliback objects in the list. See Section 5.4.! and Exercise 5.18 for some ideas about
array of Object containing the argumen,'-. The result j, rewmd as type Objecr.
soh'ing the second problem.
To return w the use of the ,if{:i;od class in R\!I: the proxy has to marsh,,-l
We illustrate the use of callbacks in the conte:>:! of the whiteboard application. The
information about a method and its argu;T1<::l1ts into the n::quc.\r message. For the method
p.,'hirehoardCalfback interface could be defined a::.. follows:
it marshals an object of class Method. [, ;'UIS the argum2nt~ into an array of Objecrs and
public ilUoface "VhireboardCallhack implemenis Remote ( then marshals that array. The disp~~,~'~,cr unmar::..hab the .\1eihod object and iF
void callback(inr version) [hro~\'s RemmcD:ception: arguments in the array of O/~ieC!s from ,:-.0: request me~:-age.:\~ usual. the remote object
J reference of the target will have been u::2Jarsha!led and the corre::;ponding local object
This intcrt-acc is implemented as a remote object b: the client. enabling the ser\'er to reference obtained from the remote rc:'c,ence module. The di~patch<::r then calls the
send the client a version number whenever a ne\\ object is added. But before the serwr .'vfeihod object's inl"OJ.:e method. suppl: ::-:; the target .::;:d [he array of argumem \·alue:-.
can do this, the client needs to inform the sen'er about its callback object. To make this When the method has been executec. ,he dispakh<?, mar~hals [he result or an\
possible. the ShapeUsr interface requires addiuonal methods such as regisler and exceptions into the repty message.
deregislcr, defined as follows: Thus the di:'>palchcr is generic - is, the ~;;me di~patchcr can be u~ed for all
classes of remote object. and no skelel.:':> requir<?J.
in! regisrer(WhiteboardCafl!Jack callback i rhrr .... s RemoreE"(("cplioll:
\'oid deregisrer(int callhackld) throws Rem()£(Excepfi{JIl: Java classes supporting RMI 0 Fig-un:::- . J..:. ,hows the ;nr,;:Tlianc<? qrucmre of the clas~-:>
supporting 1a\"a R\lI servcrs. The oni: ..::":-,, that the f""~frammcr need be aware of l~
Afler the client has obtained a reference to the reJ11ot<? object with the ShapeUsr inkrf2ce
UlliC(lslRcIIlOEeObjccr. which c\'ery ... ir;';;-1c scn'ant ~'l.::" need:- to c\icnd. The c!,!'"
(for exampJe in Figure S.15.line I) and created an instance of its callback object. it mes
the register method of ShapeLisr to inform the sen<?r that it is interested in recei\'ing Ullic(lsrRelll()feOl~ieCl eXlCnds an abq,,,,..:: -.:lass called RemorcSell"C/". \\'hich pro\'idc~

callbacks. The register method returns an i!1leger (the ca/lbacUJ) referring to the abstract \"<.:rsions of the methods r<.:quirc.:i :--y remote :-<::r, a~. CnicasrRemnreObjcc; \\ 2:-
registration. When the client is finished it should cail deregister to inform the senTi it the first example of RemoreSerrer to r...:: provided. An<.,ther calicd ACiiniloMe is no\,
no longer requires callbacks. The server is re:-.pol1"'-ib1e for keeping a list of interested a\'ailabk for pro\'iding activatabic Or.J;?':lS. Further :::.Ilemati\"es might pro\'ide for
clients and notifying all of them each time it:-. \'er~ion number increases. replicated objects. The class RemOfeSer-.o· is a subda" Ill' R('I1!meOhjec{ lhJ.t has an

\vork of processing events. for example filtering and looking for patterns. can be carried
instance variable holding the remote object reference and provides the follO\ving
out by observers - third-party objects added to the system for that purpose.
equals this method compares remote object references:
toString: this method gives the contents of the remote object reference as a String: EXERCISES
readObject. writeOhject: these methods deserialize/serialize remote objects.

In addition, the instanceD! operator can be used to test remote objects. 5. The Election interface provides two remote methods:

w)te: with two parameters through which the client supplies the name of a
candidate (a string) and the 'voter's number' (an integer used to ensure each user
5.6 Summary votes once only). The voter's numbers are allocated sparsely from the range of
integers to make them hard to guess.
This chapter has discussed two paradigms for distributed programming - remote method
result: with two parameters through which the server supplies the client with the
invocation and event-based systems. Both of these paradigms regard objects as
name of a candidate and the number of votes for that candidate.
independent entities that can receive invocations from remote objects. In the first casco
a method in the remotc interface of a particular object is invoked synchronously - with Which of the parameters of these twO procedures are il/pw and which are OllfpW
the invoker waiting for a reply. In the second case. notifications are sent asynchronously parameters': page 167
to multiple subscribers whenever a published event occurs at an object of interest.
5.2 Discuss the invocation semantics that can be achieved when the request-reply protocol
The distributed object model is an extension of the local object model used in object-
is implemented over a TCP/IP conneClion. which guarantees thar data is deli\'ered in the
based programming languages. Encapsulated objects foml useful components in a
order sent. without los" or duplication. Take into account all of the condition::. causing a
distributed system. since encapsulation makes them entirely responsible for managing their
connection to be broken. Section 4.2.4 and page 174
own state. and local invocation of methods can be extended to remote invocation. Each
object in a distributed system has a remote object reference (a globally unique identifIer) 5.3 Define the interface to the EleCTion ::.ervice in COREA IDL and Java Rl\'1I. :\"ote that
and a remote interface that specifies which of its operations can be invoked remotely. CORBA IDL provides the type long for 32 bit integers. Compare the methods in the two
Local method invocations provide exactly-once semantics. whereas remote languages for specifying inpur and OWpUI arguments. Figure 5.2 and Figure 5.11
method invocations cannot guarantee the same becaus.e the t\>',o participating objects arc
5.4 The Eleoioll sen'ice mu"t ensure that a \·ote is recorded whenever any user thinks they
in different computers. which can fail independently and are linked by a network. which
have cas! a \·ote.
might also fail. The best that can be managed is at-most-once call semantics. Due to their
different failure and performance characteristic~ and to the possibility of concurrent Discuss the effect of maybe call semantics on the Elecrioll service.
access to remote objects. it is not necessarily a good idea to make remote invocation
\Vould at-1east-once call semantics be acceptable for the Election service OJ ,,'ould you
appear to be exactly the same as local invocation.
recommend at-mast-once cail semantic:.:) r!{!ge 175
lv1idd1eware implementations of RMI provide components (including proxies.
skeletons and dispatchers) that hide the details of marshalling. message passing and 5.5 A requesHcply protocol is implemented o\"o.':r a communication <;ervicc \\ ith omission
locating remote objects from client and server programmers. These components can be failures to provide at-lea~t-once R\l"l invocation semantics. In the fir", case the
generated by an interface compiler. Java Ri'vlI extends local invocation to remote implementor assumes an asynchronous distrit1llted syqem. 1n the <.,cconG case the
invocation using the same syntax. but remote interfaces must be specified by extending implementor assumes that the maximum time for the communication and the execution
an interface called Remote and making each method throw a RemoteEw."cptiol1. This of a remme method is T. ln what way doc:-. the laner assumption :--lmplify the
ensures that programmers know when they make remote invocatiom or imp!cment implementation? page 17-+
remote objects. enabling them to handle en'ors or to de:'>ign objects suitable for
5.6 Outline an implementation tor the Etcciiol1 ser\·ic<.'! that elbl1re~ that it~ rec0rd;.. remain
concurrent access.
Distributed event-based systems can be used to a11O\\' distributed collections of consiqem when it is accessed concurrently by multiple cli<.'!l1b.
heterogeneous objects to communicate with one another. Unlike RML objects do not [loge 176
need to have remote interfaces to receive message:'> - all they need to do is to implement
5.7 The Eteoioll service must ensure that all \'otes 3re -"afel)" stored e\'en when ,he seryer
an interface for receiving notifications and to subscribe to events. Objects that generate
process crashes. Explain how this can be achie\'ed with reference to the implementation
events need to send asynchronous notifications. The simplicity of interfaces should
outline in your ans\\"cr to Exercise 5.6. page.\ i80-1Si
make the addition of e\'ents to existing objects quite straightforward. The additional

5.14 A simpler version of the distributed garbage collection algorithm described in Section
Show how to use Java reflection to construct the client proxy class for the Election 5.1.6 invokes addRef at the .site v,,'here a remote o~ieCl live.s \vhenever a proxy i~
interface. Give the details of the implementation of onc of the methods in this class. created and removeRefwhenever a proxy is deleted. Outline all the possible effects of
\\I"hieh should call the method doOperatioll with the follO\ving signature: communication and process failures on the algorithm. Suggest how to o\"Crcome each of
byte [J doOperation (RemoteObjecrRef 0, Method m, by/c[ ] arguments); these effects. but without using leases. page 182
Hint: an instance variable of the proxy class should hold a remote object reference (see 5.15 Discuss hov.: to use events and notifications a~ described in the Jini distributed event
Exercise 4.12). Figure 4.12 and page 201 specification in the context orthe shared whirehoard application. The RemOleEFen{ class
is defined as tollows in Arnold er al.[19991-
Show how to generate a client proxy class using a language such as C++ that does not
5.9 puhlic class RemoreEvent eXlendsjara.uril.E,·eIl10bjecl (
suppOrt reflection. for example from the CORBA interface definition given in your
answer to Exercise 5.3. Give the details of the implementation of onc of the methods in public RemoteE,'ellf(Ohjecr source. long el·entfD.
this class. \vhich should call the method doOperarioll defined in Figure 4.12. long seqNum. MarshafledObject handback)
page J 79 puNic Object gel Source (j { .. .}
puNic tong get[D() {.. .}
Explain how to use Java reflection to construct a generiC dispatcher. Give Java code for puhtic long gerSequenceNwnber(} (..
a dispatcher whose signawre is: puhtic MarshattedObject gcrRegisJr(l!ionObjecl() { .. J
Pllblic void dispatch(Object larger. Method aMelizod. byre[j (lrgs)
The arguments supply the target object. the method 1:0 be invoked and the arguments for The first argument of the constructor is a remote object. Notifications inform li:;reners
that an event has occurred but the listeners are responsible for obtaining further details.
that method in an array of bytes. page 20j
page 192. 194
Exercise 5.8 required the client to convert Ol~iect arguments into an array of bytes before
5.11 5.16 Suggest a design for a notification mailbox ~en'ice which is intended (0 store
invoking doOperatiol1 and Exercise 5.10 required the dispatcher to con\'ert an array of
nOtifications on behalf of multiple subscribers. allo\\-ing subscribers 10 specify when
bytes into an array of Objects before imoking the method. Discuss the implementation
they require nOlifications!O be delivered. Explain how subscribers (hat are not always
of a new version of doOperalioll with the following signature:
active can make use of the sen'ice yOll describe. How will the ~er\ ice deal with
Object [] doOperalioll (RemoteObjectRef o..Herhod m. Ohject{j arguments): subscribers that crash while they ha\'c delivery wmed on'? puge 192
which uses the ObjeCiOurpJaSrream and ObjecrlnpurStream classes to stream the 5,i7 Explain how a forwarding observer may be used to enhance the rdiability and
request and reply messages between client and ~erYer oyer a TCP connection. Ho\\ performance of objects of interest in an e\ ent ~cf\·ice. page 191
would these changes affect the design of the dispatcher': Section 4.3.1 and page 201
A client makes remote procedure calls to a serwr. The client takes 5 milliseconds 10 :'.18 Suggest ways in which observt:!rs can be med to improve the rcliabilit> or performance
compute the argumenlS for each request. and the ser'er takes 10 milliseconds to process of your solution to Exercise 5.15. page 191
each request. The local operating system proce_~:,ing time for each send or recei\'c
operation is 0.5 milliseconds. and the net\\'ork time to transmit each request or repiy
message is .3 milliseconds. :v1arshalling or unmar"ho.lling takes 0.5 milliseconds pcr
Calculate the time taken by the client to generate and return from twO requests:

(i) if it is single-threaded. and

(ii) if it has twO threads that can make reque",l., concurrently on a ~ingle processor.
'lou can ignore context-switching times. Is there a need for asynchronous RPC if elien,
and server processes arc threaded': page 18()

513 Design a remote object table that can support di~triblJ(ed garbage collection as well as
translating bet\veen local and remote object references. Giye an example involying
sewral remote objects and proxies at various site<' to illustrate the use of the table. 5110\\
the changes in the table when an in\'ocation cau~es a new proxy to be created. Then show
Ihe changes in the table when one of the proxies becomes unreachable. page J81

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