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1. Rhinoceroses are the 2nd largest mammals. They give birth to live youngs.
2. There are 5 species of rhinoceros. They are found in Asia and Africa.
3. Size of rhinos can be from 6 to 12 feet long and 4 to 6.5 feet tall. Their weight can range
from 1,300 to 7000 pounds.
4. Rhinos have poor eyesight but have excellent hearing.
5. They are easily startled and they charge as their defense mechanism. This gave them
the reputation of having a bad temper.
6. Rhinos have a mutual agreement with other sharper-eyed animals. They have poor
7. like such as the bird oxpecker. This birds ride on the rhinos back and plucks ticks and
other parasites off their skin. This feeds the bird while clearing the bugs off the rhino.
8. Although rhinos are large and may seem indestructible, their skin is very sensitive to
bites and heat of the sun.
9. Rhinos like to roll in the mud. The mud that covers them serve as their protection against
sunburn and insect bites.
10. They can live for up to 40 years old.
11. The African rhinos are colored white and black and they have 2 horns.
12. The Asian rhinos may have one great horn (Indian), one horn (Javan), and the other with
two horns (Sumatran)
13. Rhinoceros are endangered species. The northern white rhino is already extinct, while
the other subspecies have only few live animals left.
14. Rhinoceros are herbivores which means they only eat plants.
15. Rhinocerors can live in different habitats. They can live in the forests or even in the
16. Prior to mating, rhinoceroses have courting stage. They fight during courtship even to
the point of wounding each other - but this is normal for them!
17. Adult rhinoceros are not threatened by other animals except when they are still young in
which they can be hunted by bigger cats, wild dogs and hyenas.
18. Rhinoceros can gallop for up to 30 miles per hour
19. Rhinos are being hunted for ages because of their horns. They are over hunted and thus
their species are prone to be wiped out.
20. Rhinoceros are easility poached and can be easily killed while they are drinking.
21. Horns of rhinos are made up of keratin which is the same make up with our hair and
22. Horns of rhinoceros are used in traditional medicine, used as jewelries, handles of
daggers and other memorabilia.

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