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FUKD6HC1CD - Penguin

1. Penguins are classified as birds but they do not fly! They have the so called wing-bones
that appears like flippers. They use this for swimming.
2. The largest penguin is the emperor penguin. It can reach up to 3.7 feet tall and can
weigh more than ninety pounds.
3. The smallest penguin is called the little penguin. In contrast to the emperor penguin, it´s
height is about 16 to 18 inches and can weigh about 2.2 pounds.
4. Penguins have feathers. The feathers of penguins are able to keep water away from
their skin and are able to keep them warm.
5. Penguins mold each year. They shed their feathers completely usually after breeding
season. They are protected though despite shedding because the old feather does not
fall off until the new one is developed in place.
6. Penguins´ color is called countershaded. Their back surface is dark while front surface is
white. This is also a protection from predators. They can use their colors to blend with
the environment whether they are swimming or at the land.
7. Penguins are aquatic which means they are adaptable in the water. They spend about
75% of their time here. Aside from swimming, they also get their food in the water.
8. The tapered body shape of penguins is ideal for swimming. It´s body is elongated with
short neck, large head. They are able to stand on land though because of their webbed
feet that keeps them stable.
9. Penguins usually eat fish, squid and krill. They catch their preys using their beaks.
10. They do stay on land as well. Mostly though, they do this for breeding. Penguins raise
young ones on the land.
11. Penguins migrate. The young birds leave their colonies to wander and return to their
colonies when they are ready to bread. Adult penguins migrate to get food from coastal
12. They prefer to live on remote islands where they are far from land predators. Because
they cannot fly they have to be away from the more aggressive predators.
13. There are 18 species of penguins. They are found mostly in the southern hemisphere.
14. The size of the different species of penguins are adapted to the climate of their habitat.
Penguins that live in colder climate are larger so that their body can better be protected
from heat. Those in the warmer climate are smaller.
15. Penguins lays eggs. Some species including the King and emperor penguins lay just
one egg while the other species can lay up to two eggs.
16. Male and female penguins generally look alike. Only the crested penguins have
distinction for males which have have larger bills and are more robust compared to their
17. Penguins are endangered species.This means there are only few species left and they
are nearing extinction.
18. The lives penguins are quite short compared to humans. They can live from 15 to 20
19. Since penguins look alike, they recognize each other through their vocalization sor the
penguin calls. These are unique for each penguin allowing them to recognize one from
20. Penguins have been observed to swalllow stones. It is not clear right now why they do
this but scientists theorize that they do this to be able to dive better or to aid in their
21. Penguins have fasting periods. They get their food on water but they need to return to
land to be able to breed. During their time on land, they fast but to be able to survive,
they build a fat layer. This serves as their source of energy during this time.
22. Penguins have nest site fidelity. This means when it is time to breed, they go back to
their previous nesting site and the same group mate with each other.

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