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Context Clues Scavenger Hunt

Reading November 16th, 2020

Before completing
the scavenger hunt,
listen to this song to
remind you about
context clues.
1. For each slide you are going to determine the meaning of the underlined
word in the sentence by using context clues.
2. On EACH SLIDE highlight answer choice you think is correct in
3. On EACH SLIDE highlight the context clues IN the sentence in BLUE that
helped you determine your answer.
4. At the very end of the slide show, type two predictions you have after
reading chapter 11 and 12 in The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.
(These should be in COMPLETE sentences)
Determine the meaning of the underlined word using
context clues
After the little boy got hit really hard in the head by a baseball during his
game, he said it was excruciating.

Excruciating means:

A. Intensely painful
B. Only a little bit painful
C. Not painful at all
D. Super cool
Determine the meaning of the underlined word using
context clues
In the Marvel Movies, the fate of the world rested in the hands of
Spiderman, Ironman, Thor, and other superheros when the bad guys tried
to destroy Earth.

Fate means:

A. Past
B. What’s meant to be (destiny)
C. A funny coincidence
D. A mistake
Determine the meaning of the underlined word using
context clues
The doll in the store looked real, but it was actually an inanimate object.

Inanimate means:

A. Expensive
B. Very Pretty
C. Alive
D. Not alive
Determine the meaning of the underlined word using
context clues
During the story, Abilene is always very genuine and meaningful with
Edward despite him seemingly being just a rabbit made of china to
everyone else.

Genuine means:

A. Fake
B. Authentic
C. Rude
D. Strange
Determine the meaning of the underlined word using
context clues
I hope my sister doesn’t provoke my brother to throw the football in the
house because if something breaks we’ll all be in trouble.

Provoke means:

A. Punish
B. Convince
C. Tattle
D. Scream
Determine the meaning of the underlined word using
context clues
Edward ends up in the bottom of the ocean after his ordeal on the
ship with Abilene.

Ordeal means:

A. Horrible experience
B. Fun adventure
C. Boring event
D. Super thrilling activity
Determine the meaning of the underlined word using
context clues
The ferocious wolf growled at me from afar which was really scary.

Ferocious means:

A. Fierce and sometimes scary

B. Kind
C. Silly
D. Gentle
Determine the meaning of the underlined word using
context clues
Edward pretended, out of courtesy to Abilene, to listen. But, in truth, he
was not very interested in what people had to say.

Courtesy means:

A. Loudness
B. Rudeness
C. Politeness
D. Disregard
Determine the meaning of the underlined word using
context clues
The constellation was shining so beautiful in the night sky.

Constellation means:

A. Sun
B. Clouds
C. Moon
D. Group of stars
Determine the meaning of the underlined word using
context clues
And then Abilene disappeared from view and the rabbit hit the water
with such tremendous force that his hat blew off his head.

Tremendous means:

A. Miniscule
B. Immense
C. Wonderful
D. Awful
Type your two predictions below after reading chapters 11
and 12.

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