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NAME:___________________________ DATE:_________________________

YEAR & SECTION:______________________ RATING:_________________________



I. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer before each number.
1. “Too many cooks spoil the broth,” best appeals to the sense of _______________.
A. Sight B. smell C. sound D. taste
2. Maria was tall and graceful. Her color was a clear, pure brown. Her eyes were big and black. Her hair
was long and thick.
A. Hearing B. sight C. smell D. touch
3. “Hurry!” pleaded the giant, who strained to keep his itchy legs still. Identify the mood or feeling of the
A. Afraid B. Anxious C. Joyful D. sad
4. The datu responded, “My people and I are grateful to you and to your brother Sulayman”. What is the
mood or feeling of the speaker?
A. Fanciful B. suspenseful C. thankful D. Sorrowful
5. When a person shrugs his shoulders, this means that he is in _________________________.
A. Anger B. Doubt C. Happy D. Surprised
6. She walks with chin up, as she goes up to the stage to receive her awards. Chin up
A. Fear and tension B. confidence and pride C. anger and frustration D. happiness
7. Which of the following is an example of idiomatic expressions?
A. Cry over spilt milk B. Take your medicine C. as high as the mountain
8. He visits our place once in a blue moon. The underlined idiom means it happens _________________.
A. Always B. Very rarely C. during the day D. during the night
9. Writing a news article for her is just a piece of cake. What does the idiom a piece of cake mean?
A. The task is simple B. The work is like a cake C. The job is complicated
10. What does “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush mean” mean?
A. It is better to hold something than to let it go.
B. It’s better to catch a bird in the cage than in the field.
C. It’s better to have one bird in the cage than to have two on the grass.
D. It’s better to have a lesser, but certain than having more but unsure.
11. Night fell like a curtain. This is an example of_______________?
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. none of the above
12. The lieutenant was as brave as a lion. This is an example of
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. none of the above
13. Which of the following is an example of simile?
A. My friend’s face is as white as a ghost when he is caught cheating by the teacher.
B. The sergeant was a lion in the battle.
C. Are you the class clown?
14. In this sentence that has a metaphor, the unlike objects which are being compared are_______.
As the teacher entered the room, he muttered under his breath,” This class is a three-ring circus!”
A. Room and class B. Class and circus C. teacher and room D. Circus and teacher
15. The following is an example of a ___________.
The librarian’s voice affected us like fingernails scraping across a chalkboard.
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Hyperbole D. Personification
Tell whether each statement is figurative or literal language. Write F if figurative and L if it is Literal.
16. They received the loudest and longest applause from the audience.
17. They hope to bring home the bacon.
18. The group was declared as the champion.
19. The performance was a complete disaster.
20. They were as playful as puppies.
21. That new house built on top of a hill is as grand as a castle.
22. Which of the following is an example of figurative language?
A. The moon looked down benignly.
B. Micah and Mitah are identical twins.
C. The water in the tub was so cold.
D. You’re the first sophomore girl to join the softball team.
23. Arrange the jumbled letters to form the word that refers to a small creature with thin body and has
many legs. PEDEECNIT -----
24. Who gave happiness to Eddie?
A. Biryuk B. penguin C. butterfly D. none of the above
25. She suffered from weak heart.
A. Delia B. dog C penguin
26. Who was the author of the story “The Centipede?”
A. Rony Diaz B. Ronie Rikets C. Rony Boy
27. Who gave Eddie the centipede?
A. Berto B. Delia C. Butterfly
28. What is the theme of the story?
A. About brother and sister relationship B. happiness C. kindness
29. How do we describe Eddie as a brother?
A. Kind B. patient C. understanding D. all of the above
30. Arrange the following events based from the story, “The Centipede”.
1. Eddie was thirteen when his father first took him hunting.
2. Biryuk and Eddie became fast friends.
3. Eddie saw his sister as a thorn on his side- something which should be plucked.
4. The stick of Delia stabbed the eye of Eddie’s dog.
A. 1234 B. 2341 C. 1243 D. none of the above
31. It is a struggle or problem faced by the characters. It can either be external or internal.
A. Conflict B. External C. Internal
32. It refers to the author’s meaning, his intent or purpose for writing the story.
A. Theme B. conflict C. setting
33. What type of conflict if it include man versus himself.
A. Internal B. external C. theme
34. What type of conflicts if it include man versus man?
A. External B. internal
35. Mora suffered from emotional disturbance because of the way her classmates treated her. She was
bullied and her classmates always laugh at her. Mora suffered from what type of conflict?
A. External Conflict B. Internal Conflict C. Both A and B

Underline the correct verb that agrees with the subject. (36-39)

36. “Indarapatra and Sulayman” (depict, depicts) the struggles of a hero

37. The number of monsters (was, were) defeated by Sulayman.
38. The team (gather, gathers) around Indarapatra to asks questions about the monsters.
39. The number of people in battle (is, are) starting to decrease.
40. Based from the rules of the subject and verb agreement, which of the following is not grammatically
A. The team are going to attack the base.
B. “The Philippine Legends” is on sale on all bookstores.
C. A number of monsters are marching towards the castle of the enemy
D. The number of people who died in battle was unmeasurable.

Underline the phrases in the sentences and write NP on the lines provided if noun phrase and VP for verb phrase.

41. Eddie had passed that phase. ______________

42. I saw three pigeons fall to the ground._______________
43. I offered him my bloody palm.______________________
44. My sister was the meanest creature._________________
45. Delia was embroidering a strip of white cloth._____________--
Underline the prepositional phrase and encircle the preposition
46. “A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside”.
47. “The best things that can come out of the garden are gifts for other people”.
48. Arrange the following words/phrases to come up with a sentence using prepositional phrase.
1. In different schools 2. Is usually launched 3. Brigada Eskwela 4. During the month of May
A. 4321 B. 1234 C. 2431 D. 2314
49. It is giving human qualities to things like animals, qualities or abstractions, plants or inanimate objects.
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Personification D. Hyperbole
50. Arrange the jumbled phrase to form an example of personification.
1. His spear 2. at the battle 3. Death 4. Hurled
A. 3412 B. 1234 C. 2341 D. 2134

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