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HIV counseling

konselor hai, Mr.S, how it is going?

Tn.S it’s going well, just want to get my result I can go
konselor I am gonna hear you. Seem like you’ve got a lot going on today?
Tn.S yeah my friendsare talking to me on instagram
Konselo so, Mr.S. the rapid test actually came back as preliminary positive
Tn S what??...what do you mean?
konselor as we talked about before these test results are preliminary positive. The rapid
test is 99% this is likely a positive test. meaning you are probably HIV positive.
But we always need to do a second test with some blood to confirm your result.
the result from the confirmatory test will come back in a week. This willreally tell
us if you are HIV posotive or not.
Mr. S still daze and confuse
Tn.S so why should be on medications right? What’s going on? You know I was just
coming in because my friends are coming in and getting tested,and saying that
this place was a good place to get tested, and now you’re telling me I’m positive?
How is this happening? How is this real you know ?
Konselo I can understand that it can be really confusing and you probably have a lot of
r thoughts going on and you may find as the day goes on more questions come up
for you. I’ll try to answer them all if I can. First let’s go over again what this
means, although the test is preliminary positive it’s not for sure. So that’s why we
have to do the confirmatory test. Those result will come back in a week.
Tn. S bengongg...... linglung
Konselo am I making sense at all. I know this is a lot especially if you weren’t expecting it
Tn. S bengong.....
Konselo it is okay if I give you some more information?
Tn.S (masih bengong.... after a moment)... okay
Konselo well if you do have HIV. I want you to know that it’s now considered like a
r manageable chronic illness. I know those are big words to take in but its’s a lot
like diabetes. If you take care of your self and take medication for it. You can live
a long life with HIV.
Tn.S I don’t understand what I’m supposed to do? I fell fine, I don’t fell like anything is
wrong with me. I tought if you’re positive it means you’re sick, and you gonna die
and you have all these issues. But I don’t have anyof those issues. I don’t
understand how this is happening to me. I don’t get it !
Konselo okay,well I’ll try and explain how you can get HIV if you have anal, oralor vaginal
r sex with someone you usually come in contact with their body fluids, if they have
HIV those body fluids can transmit the virus into your bloodsteram. You can also
be exposed to HIV from someone’s blood usually from sharing neddles with them
Tn.S this sucks, only had sex once without a damn condom! Are you kidding me?
Konselo I can certainly understand why you angry Mr.S. taking a risk just once and getting
r the virus seems unfair doesn’t it?
Tn. S sure does, I can’t believe it!
Konselo it can feel kind of lonely, like you’re the only person this has happened to, but
r you not. Mr. S I’d like to connect with Mrs.Su our peer advocate, he knows what
it’s like to get this diagnosis and what might come up for you besides the medical
stuff and there are groups of people who meet to talk about it. So if you want to
know more he can tell you about it. How does that sound.
Tn.S I don’t know (threw up the namecard...)!!
Konselo Mr.S let’s go a head and get some blood drawn and we can talk a bit as the
r process goes on. I’m here for as long as you need me to be and we can talk for
as long as you want to talk.I want you to remember that this is a preliminary
positive result, we still need to get your confirmatory result.
Tn. S (sambil menggelengkan kepala...) this is too much for me! I don’t understand this
is not what I was signing up for. I was ready for you tell me that this was
negative. Everyone getting tested so I got tested so we could all save for
negative and now I can’t ! I just don’t understand you’retelling me that the result
was positive,why do we need to do another test?
Konselo I understand you have a lot of anxiety about, but I can’t send you home today
r with a definitive answer whether you’re positive or negative.there is a small
chance about 1-3%. that this result could be wrong so we need tomake sure that
you have the infection by doing blood test for confirmation. We need to do this
with everyone who test preliminary positive
Tn.S OK, I get it now. But will they know I’m positive?
Konselo no, just that we’re drawing someblood and sending it off to a lab
Tn. S Ok
Konselo Mr.S it takes up to a week to get the results from the blood test and it’s really
r important that you come back toget this result and that we know how to reach
you, just in case something gets in the way of you coming back in
Tn.S don’t worry I’ll be back
Konselo can you tell me alittle bit about what’s going on right now? If you can
Tn. S (silent a moment....) I am still just freaked out!!!.
Konselo Mr.S having HIV means you have the virus in your body. It does not mean it’s the
r end of the world! There are some very good treatments for people to live a long
time with HIV. I have patient who have lived with HIVfor over 20 yearsthat still
working, going tothe gym and dating. There are lots of great options for
treatment, does that make sense?
Tn.S yeah, but how am I going to pay for all that
Konselo wehave program to help for your blood test and medication willalso helpyou
r figure out your healthcare coverage.when you come back next week for your test
result. I’ll askour staff to get you set up
Tn. S it’s still scary!! It’s going to be hard to wait
Konselo I know it can fell like forever. That’swhy it’s important to figure out how you’re
r going to deal the wait and with your sexual partners, you’re going to want to
avoid putting yourself or them at risk in any way. This means for now avoiding
sex if you possibly can and if you can’t, it’s very important that you use condoms
now ornot share needles or works if you use IV drugs
Tn.S I don’t do that. So I don’thave to worry about that at lease. And I will not be in the
mood for sex for a long time
Konselo do you have anyone to confide in about this? Right away anyone you could talk
r to ?
Tn. S I have to think about it. Maybe my sister. But I’m not sure she’d understand
Konselo well Mr.Su really easy to get touch with and he can tell you more about groups
r that get together and other support systems. Okay I think it’s enough for today.
Thakyou for your cooperation! I “ll see you a week later!
Tn.S thankyou ners.see you!!
Konselo Selamat pagi Tn.S, bagai mana kabar anda hari ini?
Tn. S Selamat pagi ners, saya masih merasa pusing dan lemas
Konselo Iya Tn.S hal tersebut wajar pada kondisi anda sekarang. Sesuai janji kita minggu
r lalu hari ini kita akan membahas mengenai kondisi anda dan apakah anda mau
memberi tahu keluarga anda. Bagaimana pak?
Tn.S Saya masih ragu untuk memberi tahu keluarga saya ners
Konselo Baik pak, saya mengerti anda masih merasa cemas dan khawatir. Disini saya
r akan membantu memfasilitasi anda dan keluarga anda untuk mencari solusi
terbaik bersama-sama. Disini saya mau menambahkan informasi dahulu, ada
beberapa kerugian yang anda hadapi jika tidak memberi tahu keluarga mengenai
kondisi anda, seperti ketika ada anggota keluarga yang sakit, anda akan lebih
mudah tertular karena daya tahan tubuh anda menurun. Selain itu banyak
keuntungan yang bisa anda dapatkan jika anda mau terbuka dengan keluarga,
seperti mencegah keluarga tertular penyakit anda, mendapat dukungan dan
kasih sayang yang lebih, dan jika anda pergi berobat aka nada keluarga anda
yang menemani anda sehingga anda tidak merasa kesepian dan merasa sendiri
dalam menganggung penderitaan ini. Jadi bagaimana menurut TN.s? apakah
anda sudah siap memberitahu kondisi anda ke keluarga anda?
Tn. S Sepertinya lebih banyak keuntungan yang saya dapatkan jika saya memberitahu
kondisi saya pada keluarga saya. baiklah ners, saya bersedia
Konselo Bagus sekali keputusan anda, saya akan membantu anda untuk memfasilitasi
r informasi terkait kondisi anda ke keluarga
Tn.S Saya panggilkan orang tua saya dulu ya
Konselo Selamat pagi bapak ibu
Bapak Selamat pagi ners
Konselo Bapak ibu, apakah bapak ibu mengetahui mengenai penyakit yang diderita Tn.S?
ortu Kami tidak mengetahui untuk penyakit pastinya ners, kami kira hanya sakit biasa
Konselo Baiklah bapak ibu, sebenarnya anak bapak ibu sakit, penyakit yang anak bapak
r ibu derita disebabkan oleh virus, yaitu virus HIV
ortu Apa? Jadi anak saya terkena HIV? Saya tidak percaya
Konselo Bapak dan ibu tenang dulu. HIV bukanlah akhir dari segalanya. Kondisi Tn.S bisa
r kita jaga dengan cara meminum obat secara teratur. Dukungan bapak dan ibu
sangat dibutuhkan TN.S untuk melawati semua ini.
Ortu Hmm.. kami mengerti. Apakah kondisi anak kami termasuk parah?
Konselo Kondisi Tn.S sekarang baik tetapi Tn.S tetap harus minum obat secara teratur
r dan mengikuti regimen pengobatan yang berlaku sehingga membutuhkan
support dari bapak ibu
ortu Kami mengerti sus, kami akan menerima kondisi anak kami. Sebisa mungkin
kami akan mendukung dalam hal pengobatan maupun perawatan
Konselo Bagus sekali bapak ibu, saya sangat menghargai hal tersebut. Bagaimana Tn.S
r apakah anda sudah lega?
Tn.S Iya sus, terima kasih atas bantuannya
Konselo Sama-sama Tn.S, jika anda membutuhkan bantuan, anda bisa menghubungi
r saya
Tn. S Terima kasih sus, saya dan keluarga saya permisi dulu. Good bye sus
Konselo Oke hati-hati di jalan
Tn. S
Tn. S
Tn. S
Tn. S
Tn. S
Tn. S

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