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Plastics through time

By Miguel Angel Arevalo Ramirez


Before the polymers were created, Mother Nature was the only and exclusive source that humans
used to elaborate on their tools. The properties offered by stones, woods or metals did not satisfy
all the existing demands, the man in his innate desire to search began to apply substances that
supply these deficiencies, natural polymers are manipulated.


Advancing the story a little, in 1820 the rubber was discovered, but this was a plastic mass that did
not acquire any shape and that was deformed. It is until 1839 when this crude rubber is combined
with sulfur and processed by vulcanization, and it is possible to obtain a resistant and elastic
material which is used in the manufacture of tires.

It was until 1909, when bakelite was created, which is the first fully synthetic plastic polymer. In
1915 the formation of polymers by the chain is made molecular of two or more monomers of
different nature, which received the name of copolymerization, thanks to this it was possible to
create the plastics that have been used to date, such as Teflon, polyethylene, polypropylene,
nylon, polychloride vinyl, methyl polymethacrylate.


Currently, we continue to develop new plastic polymers that can satisfy our needs and at the same
time, are environmentally friendly. Plastics today are crucial because they have contributed to
facilitate our way of life. Therefore, continuous study and improvement are vital.

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clasificación de elastómeros termoplásticos. 3c Tecnología: glosas de innovación aplicadas
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