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Nomination Essay:


Submitted by: Sophia Grossman

Nomination: Sarah Grossman

Relation to me: Older Sister

Medal of Honor
What is sisterhood? “Sisterhood means always having someone to go to and never having

to worry because your sisters always have your back” said by Arden Palmquist of Odyssey. This

quote perfectly describes my sister, Sarah Grossman. I know that I can always count on Sarah to

have my back, and provide me with endless advice and teaching. Throughout my life Sarah has

taught me many valuable lessons such as, to go after what I want, to never downplay your

dreams, and that a life of endless learning is a fulfilled life.

When it comes to going after you want and not waiting for it to come to you, I believe

Sarah is the expert at this. She always said she wanted to be a college athlete, studying in the

world of Biology and Health care but did she wait around for these opportunities to come to her?

No, she went after them. Not letting anyone get in her way, or slow her down. Sarah always

wants to push herself to reach her goals whether that was in athletics, academics, or just daily

life. But, when she does this it makes me want to live up to my dreams as well. It makes me

think that one day I can be as successful as her and make my parents proud just like she did! If

she ever catches me slipping whether it is being lazy, or just not putting effort in, she has no

problem calling me out on it. She knows how to put me back on track and keep me there! Which

leads me to following my dreams.

If you were to ask anyone that knows me they will easily tell you that I am very

indecisive. But not Sarah. When she knows what she wants there is no stopping her. She always

tells me to dream big and to give it all my might when following them. Don’t think that you

aren’t good enough because that is just a lie. She constantly reassures me of the fact that I

deserve to be here and that I have worked hard to be where I am today just like she has. I

couldn’t possibly ask for a better person to stand by my side watching me chase my dreams and

guiding me along the way.

Lastly, but certainly not least Sarah is hands-down the smartest person I know. She is

always filled with fun facts and is amazed with the chance to learn new things. I categorize Sarah

as a life-long learner. A life-long learner is, "...ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated" pursuit

of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. Therefore, it not only enhances social

inclusion, active citizenship, and personal development, but also self-sustainability, as well as

competitiveness and employability.” Becoming a life-long learner can enhance the enjoyment of

life. I believe that a life of endless learning is a fulfilled life. Therefore, I think Sarah has such a

fulfilled life. She is constantly learning new things, refreshing her brain of prior knowledge, and

always sharing her thoughts and opinions with everyone. Whether people agree with her opinion

or not she is always willing to think about the other person's point of view and try to understand

where they are coming from or the facts behind it. I hope that throughout the period of my life I

never let go of the spark and enjoyment of getting the privilege to learn, just like Sarah.

In conclusion, my medal of honor goes to the person who lives with me, been with me

from the very beginning, always had my back. My sister, Sarah Grossman. She has taught me

many valuable life lessons such as, to go after what I want and never wait for it, to never

downplay my dreams because I am always capable of accomplishing them, and lastly to live a

fulfilled life of learning and happiness. I couldn’t imagine having a better teacher in my life and

best friend.

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