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Aquaman - PL 14

Strength 13, Stamina 10, Agility 5, Dexterity 3, Fighting 12, Intellect 3, Awareness 5,
Presence 5

All-out Attack, Animal Empathy, Assessment, Attractive, Benefit, Status: King of Atlantis,
Defensive Roll 2, Equipment 1, Favored Environment: Aquatic, Improved Critical 2: Trident of
Poseidon, Improved Critical: Unarmed, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Inspire 2,
Leadership, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 7, Takedown

Acrobatics 8 (+13), Athletics 8 (+21), Expertise: History 6 (+9), Insight 4 (+9), Intimidation 8
(+13), Investigation 8 (+11), Perception 8 (+13), Persuasion 8 (+13), Sleight of Hand 4 (+7),
Stealth 4 (+9), Technology 4 (+7), Vehicles 4 (+7)

Atlantean armor: Protection 2 (+2 Toughness)
Comprehend: Comprehend 2 (Animals - Speak To, Animals - Understand; Broad Type: marine
Immunity: Immunity 3 (Environmental Condition: Cold, Environmental Condition: High
Pressure, Suffocation: Drowning)
Marine Telepathy
. . Communication: Mental Area Communication 4 (Area, Selective; Limited: to marine life)
. . Mind Control: Perception Area Mind Control 12 (DC 22; Perception Area: DC 22 - Mental,
Selective; Limited: to marine life)
. . Summon: Summon 5 (Horde, Mental Link, Multiple Minions 4: 16 minions, Type (General):
marine life; Limited: to marine environments)
. . Summon: Summon 8 (Horde, Mental Link, Multiple Minions 2: 4 minions, Type (General):
marine life; Limited: to marine environments)
Senses: Senses 7 (Acute: Mental, Awareness: Mental, Extended: Mental 5: x100k; Limited: to
marine life)
Swimming: Swimming 6 (Speed: 30 miles/hour, 500 feet/round)
. . Leaping: Leaping 4 (Alternate; Leap 120 feet at 30 miles/hour)
. . Speed: Speed 4 (Alternate; Speed: 30 miles/hour, 500 feet/round)
Trident of Poseidon (Easily Removable (indestructible))
. . Parry & Block: Enhanced Trait 4 (Traits: Dodge +2 (+14), Parry +2 (+14))
. . Trident
. . . . Spear: Strength-based Damage 3 (DC 31, Advantages: Improved Disarm; Penetrating
15, Reach (melee): 5 ft.)
. . . . Throw: Strength-based Damage 3 (DC 31; Increased Range: ranged, Penetrating 14)
Underwater Senses: Senses 4 (Acute: Scent, Extended: Vision 1: x10, Extended: Hearing 1:
x10, Low-light Vision; Limited: to underwater)

Atlantean armor [Atlantean armor: Protection 2, +2 Toughness]

Initiative +9
Grab, +12 (DC Spec 23)
Mind Control: Perception Area Mind Control 12 (DC Will 22)
Spear: Strength-based Damage 3, +12 (DC 31)
Throw, +10 (DC 28)
Throw: Strength-based Damage 3, +10 (DC 31)
Unarmed, +12 (DC 28)
Native Language

Dodge 14/12, Parry 14/12, Fortitude 14, Toughness 14/10, Will 13

Power Points
Abilities 112 + Powers 98 + Advantages 25 + Skills 37 (74 ranks) + Defenses 19 = 291

Arthur Curry is the Aquaman, the king of Atlantis. He is not a pure Atlantean though, his
father was a human man. The kingdom of Atlantis is a deliberately isolated one, they have
had little contact with the surface population for thousands of years. For most of that vast
span of time this was easy to do, mainstream humanity had little ability to penetrate the
aquatic world. Their little wooden ships were frail and limited craft and they could only dive
as far as they could hold their breath. In their undersea home the Atlanteans continue many
practices long abandoned on the surface, such as worshiping the ancient gods such as their
patron deity Poseidon. They preserve in their sealed libraries many copies of texts thought
lost, histories and lore so obscure surface historians are not even aware they ever existed.
Among themselves the Atlanteans speak a language derived from ancient Greek, though so far
removed that a modern speaker of the language would have great difficulty making anything
out. The technology of Atlantis is fairly primitive, little more advanced than that attained by
the late Roman empire, which is the last period when they still had regular contact with the

What Atlantis runs on is magic, the force that enables them and their city to exist. They have
many powerful wizards and schools of magic. They always fear that the people of the surface
intend to steal this which is why they have become so isolationist over the years. In recent
decades though as the technology of the surface world has leaped ahead their world is
becoming less remote, advanced submarines can reach and potentially threaten Atlantis while
intense fishing and pollution is damaging the resources and environment that the Atlanteans
have long considered to belong to them. The Atlanteans are split over what to do about this.
Some want to go to war, sinking ships and drowning the impudent drylanders. Many are
horrified at the prospect of war though, and those who have some understanding of how the
surface world has changed are aware that Atlantis would be hopelessly outmatched in a direct
conflict. Another school of thought advocates abandoning the world's seas altogether and
going to live in another dimension. A population of Atlanteans renegades did this several
centuries ago and they have since thrived and become almost as numerous and strong as the

These divisions over policy eventually led to an Atlantean civil war, which was only resolved
when the reigning king Atlan married the princess of the other dimensional Atlanteans,
Atlanna, and with the strength of their realm allied to his loyalists defeated his enemies. King
Atlan and his bride had a son they named Orin, and in deference to his new allies named as
the heir to the Atlantean throne. This infuriated the existing heir to the throne, Orm, the son
of the king's previous Atlantean wife. He and his supporters who saw the true Atlantis being
subverted by the treacherous incomers kidnapped the child. Even Orm though was reluctant
to murder his own brother and spill royal blood. He had the child abandoned in cold northern
waters where it would die of exposure. The infant though was already telepathic and called
to the local sea life for aid. Dolphins rescued the boy and took him to the nearest humans,
these being poor fisherfolk on a nearby island. Finding the child lying abandoned on the sea
shore kindly locals assumed he had been abandoned by someone in their community and
raised him as their own.

When he grew up the great powers that Atlantean royalty always have manifested in the
young man. He was unaware that he was an Atlantean though and the Atlanteans themselves
thought him lost long ago. In the aftermath of the kidnapping Orm had deposed King Atlan
and exiled Queen Atlanna back to her own kingdom of Xebel. He ruled with an iron fist,
suspicious of both those loyal to the previous royal couple and those who had fought against
the throne in the civil war, while also hostile to the people of Xebel. With enemies on all
sides Atlantis was made even more closed and secretive than before. Orin though knew
nothing of this, he thought his powers were a gift from God and determined to use them to
protect people. In his early career as a superhero he concentrated mostly on sea rescue,
saving people from foundering ships or plucking them to safety when they got caught on the
shoreline. In time he also got involved with fisheries protection, foiling illegal whalers and
pirates. During this he was known to and cooperated with the authorities, becoming a
respected figure similar to Superman in the city of Metropolis. He adopted the name Aquaman
partly in order to stop people calling him 'Sea Superman'.

Seeking answers to who he was and why he had his powers Arthur embarked on a protracted
search across the world, seeking clues in ruined temples and the archives of museums. It was
during this period that he met and worked with many heroic characters from around the
world. He uncovered a series of powerful Atlantean artifacts sealed away in various locations
around the world, which he then gifted to his friends to form a superpowered team. They
called themselves simply 'The Others'. The Brazilian jungle girl beauty Ya'Wara became his
partner for a while, though their devotion to the different worlds of the Amazon rainforest
and the open ocean meant that they could never fully commit to life together. He now
strongly suspected that he was an Atlantean himself and began a search for the hidden
undersea kingdom. His big break in this was a meeting with an exiled Atlantean, Vulko,
former adviser to king Atlan and now fugitive from King Orm. Vulko had a good idea who
Arthur really was and agreed to guide him through the baffles and misdirection spells that
surround Atlantis. Upon his return at last to Atlantis Arthur was hailed by the secret
underground resistance loyal to his father and mother as the long returned heir who would
overthrow the usurper. Arthur though did not want to be a king, and was very reluctant to do
anything that would plunge an entire nation into civil war. Win or lose many innocents would
suffer. When he was offered the true crown of Atlantis, long kept hidden from Orm, he
refused to be crowned and left Atlantis.

His visit to Atlantis had not gone unnoticed however. Agents of King Orm and Queen Atlanna
had both infiltrated the resistance. Orm sent soldiers to capture Arthur, but he fought them
off with his great strength and the aid of his superpowered friends. Queen Atlanna by
contrast sent her best young mage, Mera, to speak with him. It is Mera's mission to seduce the
young Arthur to take up his destined role and get him to form a personal alliance with Xebel.
In this way Atlanna intends to see her son on the throne of Atlantis, with a Xebel queen.
Factions and kingdoms maneuver against each other, all revolving around the reluctant

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