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(Module 9)

STUDENT-CENTERED: Explain how you plan to make this unit student-centered. What tools
and resources will you use and in which ways (i.e., technologies, materials/books, community
resources, etc.)? Give consideration to classroom environment/teacher relationship with
adolescent students? (1-2 paragraph limit)

I plan to use a lot of table talk and partner activities when discussing new or reviewed
material. Having students “find” the information on their own will allow them to be
responsible for their learning. In this lesson, there is a lot of self-guided exploration on
certain websites and coming up with their own lists. Providing the students with
discussion allows for the teacher to do a check on whether they found the correct
information and allows the teacher to correct any mistakes or misconceptions they had.
I made sure that I planned the unit so that the students were discovering rather than
the teacher telling them the information; this creates responsibility in their own

CONTENT: In which ways will you differentiate/personalize the learning? (objectives remain
the same for the entire class), but describe here how you will personalize the learning based on
student needs, readiness, interests, learning preferences, etc. (one paragraph limit)

Differentiation for this unit can be displayed in multiple ways. Students are able to write
or type many response. Individual work is a must for some assessments. There is
partner work provided for students who aren’t confident in their own work, but it is
required to be collaborative. The teacher walks around to monitor progress being made
when working with groups. The teacher is also there to assist if needed. Students get a
lot of choice when presenting their New Site assignment to fit whatever needs any
students have or prefer. Students may also take as much time as they need to complete

PROCESS: Explain how this unit may provide learners differentiated and personalized
opportunities to take-in and learn the content. Be sure to list specific ways that you can
personalize the process and delivery of content to students here, relying on examples from
your readings and the IRIS module. (one paragraph limit)

Similar to the information discussed in the IRIS module, there are a variety of materials
in my unit. This provides differentiation because it can reach multiple learners. For
example, I have written activities, typed activities, videos, web links, lots of discussion,
individual and group assignments, and choice provided for the New Site assignment.
These ways of learning and teaching reach a bigger range of learners if I were to just
give them the information and expect them to learn it by telling them. For presentation
styles, there are also multiple ways; there are discussions with the teacher and the
students (say it), videos (show it), and using maps (model it). I do assess the students’
knowledge (compacting) by giving them the Google Form survey at the beginning before
the vocabulary lesson. I also add scaffolding in by using the graphic organizers with the

PRODUCT: Explain how this unit provides learners differentiated and personalized
opportunities to express what they have learned (i.e., produce EVIDENCE of meeting the unit
standards). Be sure to list specific ways that you can achieve this outcome, relying on examples
from your readings and the IRIS module. (one paragraph limit)

Differentiation is showed through the final product of the New Site assignment.
Students have the choice to display their new site for Jamestown anyway they choose.
They may use a slideshow presentation, writing, poster board, etc. I did not provide any
strategy used in the IRIS module because I did not want to limit any ideas that the
students could potentially have. However, providing them with the ideas like stated
above can create a type of “choice board”. The task is a real world application because it
allows them to be put in the shoes of the settlers. They will have to find a new site that
could have been potentially used for Jamestown. This is a real-life problem that the
settlers faced during that time. The directions are also clear because I will provide them
with the part of the rubric specific to the New Site assignment. The directions are
specific, but HOW they choose to display their information and explanations is the
choice. Students could also create this on their own with their groups if they choose.

MOTIVATION & ENGAGEMENT: Reflecting back on your reading guides from the earlier
modules, make a bulleted list of the ways that this unit is considerate of best practice for
adolescent learners. (one paragraph limit)

 Intrinsic goal (long term)

 Engaging
 Student centered
 Collaborative learning
 Teacher support to increase competence of at-risk students
 Brining real world materials in the classroom (Google Docs, Google maps)
 Create relevance
 Choice
 Success & frequent feedback
 Collaboration
 Thematic unit
 Integration of motivational practices (meets diverse learning needs)

4Cs OF 21ST CENTURY LEARNER: How will you encourage the 4Cs of 21st century learning in this
unit? (bulleted list or paragraph form is acceptable)
 Chromebooks or iPads
o Website searching for lesson 4
o Videos
o Google Form surveys
o Collaborative lists on Google Docs
o Giving appropriate websites
o Creating their own presentation for the new site using any form
o Using Google Maps rather than a paper map of VA

INQUIRY & LONG-TERM RELEVANCE: How do you see your intentional orchestration of this
unit as providing inquiry-based opportunities for learning (uncovering rather than covering
content) and long-term relevance for the learner? (one paragraph limit)

For this unit, I allow students to find information and use discussion as a way of
portraying information. I do not simply give them notes. There is a lot of “picking an
answer and explaining why.” Since students will be in charge of finding their own
information through research and discussion with teacher guidance, it will allow them to
retain the information. Asking the students open-ended questions and asking them to
provide an explanation to their answers allows them to choose answers carefully and
logically. Having the students think about their answers rather than the teacher giving
them information to regurgitate allows them to analyze the information more.

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