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Reflective Cover Letter

What a threshold concept means to me for the first one is language and writing, like the
way you sound when writing papers and for example when you are reading a book or an article
of some sort. How does that author sound? Does it sound like they wrote with a lot of excitement
or do they sound to formal? This is ways you put things in a writing perspective. For threshold
number two to me it means like effective writing choices. What I mean by that is, how well are
you communicating with the audience? Like for the writer is this going to catch the audience
attention? Is it going to be interesting to read? Or does it need improvement?
How my group and I used these is we researched a topic that would be interesting. Then
we came up with a topic which was The Causes and Effects of Global Warming, did some
research, then typed up the draft, then took it to class so my group would proofread it and just
made sure it sounded good. Proofreading the paper and just having your peers review is good
because before you turn in the final draft your peers catch all those mistakes and they may even
help you have it sound better which is good because you want the audience to be entertained
while reading your paper.
A threshold example I have is from my Rhetorical Analysis is I had to read the Lice
Science article and it was an article about the Effects of Global Warming. I had to read it and
make sure the language and writing sounded how it should sound when writing an article. Then I
had to get information from it and take some pieces and put it into my own words and just make
sure I wrote it good and clear so that the audience would enjoy analysis and make it so it wasn’t
boring for them.
For my reflective narrative I did use concept two in it because it was like a personal
narrative just like introducing myself and talking a little bit about things I like to do and how
good my writing skills are. So when I was writing this I tried to use Rhetorical strategies. What I
mean by that is I tried my best to make my writing as good and clear as possible. I wanted to
sound as interesting as possible. Because when writing a narrative it’s about yourself and it
should be as interesting as possible because you don’t want the audience to say “that was the
most boring personal narrative I have ever read.” I needs to sounds exciting add some
enthusiasm to it to make it fun and interesting and that is exactly what I did.
My only other class I am taking right now is Math 1010. How I try to use threshold in
this class is by drawing out a picture, so something visual helps me a lot. See for math I am the
type of student who learns seeing a picture. I am a visual learner a lot of the time, I learn fast if I
see a picture or if someone explains the assignment to me and draws out an example then I will
learn pretty fast. I can’t just listen to a lecture I need some visuals to learn faster. That is what I
like about my math teacher for Math 1010 is that she draws visuals and it helps me out a lot. This
is my way of saying “once you’ve got it, you can’t unlearn it” as my high school teacher math
teacher would say.
A strategy I used this semester to complete these writing tasks was focusing on writing to
my audience. I feel like that is a big one because when you write a paper you will have other
students, teachers and family members who will be the audience. When writing a paper if those
are your audiences of course you want the strategy to work especially if the teacher is going to be
reading your paper because he or she is going to be the one grading it. So for all my papers this
semester I really focused on the tone and how the paper should sound and I focused on the
audience a lot. Like I said I am writing to my audience because they are going to be the readers
so I would focus on getting it proofread to make it sound good before turning in the final draft,
which helped me a lot.

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