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1 Catalytic CO2 reduction to valuable chemicals using NiFe-based nanoclusters: A

2 first-principle theoretical evaluation

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4 Li Gonga, Jie-Jie Chena, Yang Mua,b*

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6 CAS Key Laboratory of Urban Pollutant Conversion, Collaborative Innovation

7 Centre of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology, Department of Chemistry,

8 University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China

9 Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Polar Environment and Global Change,

10 University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China






16 *Corresponding author:

17 Prof. Yang Mu, Fax: +86 551 63607907, E-mail:


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19 Abstract

20 Converting CO2 into valuable chemicals and fuels is one of the most practical routes

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21 for reducing CO2 emissions while fossil fuels continue to dominate the energy sector.

22 Nobel-metal-free NiFe bimetal nanoparticles have shown the good catalytic activity
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23 in CO2 conversion. Herein we theoretically evaluated the catalytic performance and

24 possible mechanisms of NiFe-based nanoclusters for hydrogenating CO2 to form

25 formic acid and CO through bicarbonate by using a periodic and self-consistent

26 density functional theory (DFT) simulation. The theoretical results illustrated that the

27 NiFe nanoclusters could have a good catalytic activity and selectivity for HCO3-

28 reduction to formic acid and the possible pathway is that HCO3- preferred to react

29 with adsorbed H atoms of H2 on NiFe alloy nanoclusters through the carbon atom

30 site. Moreover, the NiFe alloy nanoclusters with Fe atom exposed on the surface of

31 Ni cluster showed the better performance with a lower energy barrier compared to

32 that with Fe doped in the corner of Ni cluster. However, the generation of CO from

33 HCO3- reduction was shown to be neither thermodynamically nor kinetically

34 favorable on NiFe alloy nanoclusters. Additionally, the simulation results also

35 suggested that it was thermodynamically unfavorable for a further hydrogenated

36 reduction of formic acid to formaldehyde on NiFe alloy nanoclusters themselves as

37 well as supported on graphene. In summary, a molecular-level insight of CO2

38 reduction to valuable products on NiFe nanoclusters was offered in this study, which

39 may provide some useful information for guiding the design of NiFe-based catalytic

40 materials for efficient CO2 conversion to useful fuels.


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42 Introduction


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44 Worldwide energy crisis and environmental problems induced by increasing CO2

45 emissions are serious issues faced by modern society. CO2 reduction into useful fuels
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46 could not only help to reduce CO2 emission, but also provide valuable fuels for

47 energy and thus decrease the energy shortage.1, 2

Over the past three decades,

48 researchers have evaluated many methods for CO2 reduction into valuable products,

49 including photocatalytic, electrocatalytic and photo-electrochemical combined

50 ones.3-5 Among these approaches, catalytic reduction of CO2 by direct hydrogenation

51 with generated or in-site hydrogen is currently considered to be the most promising

52 feasible synthetic route in terms of economy and ecology.

53 Tremendous research efforts have been devoted to developing non-precious

54 metal catalysts for CO2 reduction, in which bicarbonate was usually adopted as CO2

55 source in water.6-9 In particular, earth-abundant 3d transition metals like Fe, Co and

56 Ni have been considered as promising catalytic materials for replacement of precious

57 catalysts due to their high theoretical activity and low cost. Nickel (Ni) is an

58 earth-abundant first row transitional metal with corrosion-resistance and ductility,

59 and it has been found that Ni nanoparticles could be a potential heterogeneous

60 catalyst for selective CO2 reduction to formic acid through bicarbonate.10,11

61 Various studies have been performed to improve the catalytic performance of

62 Ni-based catalysts, such as through decorating Ni with CrOx,12 supporting Ni on

63 carbon materials,13 and alloying Ni with foreign metals.14,15 Bimetallic alloy

64 catalysts are reported to generally exhibit enhanced catalytic performances over

65 traditional monometallic ones, due to the intimate interaction and special structure

66 configuration of two metals, which results in the alterations of the electronic and

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67 chemical properties of the meatals.16,17 Nanosized bimetallic catalysts, especially

68 those based on nonprecious, low-cost, and abundant metals, with regards to their

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69 superior performance and atomic economy, are highly demanded for various

70 interdisciplinary chemical processes such as hydrogenation/dehydrogenation,

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71 fuel-cell electro catalysis ammonia decomposition, and so on.18-21 Recently

72 noble-metal-free NiFe alloy has got more and more attentions among different

73 bimetallic catalysts. Xu et al. reported that NiFe alloy nanoparticles with distinct

74 surface properties outperformed its parent metals for the complete decomposition of

75 hydrous hydrazine.22 The study from Cui et al. indicated the excellent catalytic

76 activity of NiFe alloy in the oxygen evolution reaction from water oxidation.23

77 Additionally, NiFe bimetal catalyst also showed the high catalytic activity of

78 4-chlorophenol dechlorination in water.24 Since NiFe bimetal alloy has been

79 demonstrated to have the excellent catalytic activity, it would expect that this kind of

80 materials might be a potential catalyst for CO2 reduction. However, to the best of our

81 knowledge, so far there are no efforts to explore CO2 reduction to valuable products

82 on the noble-metal-free NiFe alloy nanoparticles.

83 In this study we theoretically evaluated the catalytic performance of the

84 NiFe-based nanoclusters for CO2 reduction to valuable products through bicarbonate

85 using density functional theory (DFT). The individual adsorption of H2 and HCO3- as

86 well as their co-adsorption on different structures of the NiFe bimetal catalyst were

87 firstly investigated. Following, both thermodynamic and kinetic properties as well as

88 possible reaction mechanisms of CO2 reduction to formic acid and CO through

89 bicarbonate on different NiFe alloy nanoclusters were further explored. Finally, the

90 feasibility of further reducing formic acid on various NiFe nanoclusters as well as

91 supported on graphene was studied by using DFT simulations. In this way, a

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92 molecular-level insight into catalytic conversion of CO2 to valuable products through

93 bicarbonate on NiFe-based nanoclusters would be offered, which may provide useful

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94 information for guiding the design of new CO2-conversion materials.

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97 Computational methods and models


99 Computational methods

100 First-principles DFT calculations were performed in the CASTEP module of

101 Materials Studio software package (Accelrys software Inc., San Diego, CA).25 The

102 intermediate structures were optimized using plane-wave basis sets at the generalized

103 gradient approximation (GGA) Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) level.26 The ultrasoft

104 pseudopotential was constructed using the pseudopotential generator implemented in

105 the CASTEP.27 The ultrasoft pseudopotentials to improve transferability and reduce

106 the number of plane waves required in the expansion of the Kohn-Sham orbitals. The

107 energy cut-off of 400 eV for the plane wave basis was used throughout the study,

108 which has been proven to be enough for the study of Ni13-based nanoclusters in

109 15×15×15 Å3supercell.28 The tolerances of the energy was set out to be 1×10-4 eV/cell.

110 The Brillouin zone integration was obtained with variable numbers of k-points,

111 generated by the Monkhorst-pack algorithm.29 Spin-polarized calculations were used

112 throughout the whole calculations. Only the gamma point was adopted during

113 geometry optimization, while 3 × 3 × 3 k-points were used for the determination of

114 phonon density of states. Phonon frequencies calculated by Finite displacement

115 method can be obtained with no limitations on the settings or the physical properties

116 of the system. Phonon dispersion and density of states were computed using the

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117 method of Finite displacement. All the atoms were fully relaxed and optimized

118 without symmetry constraints. The linear synchronous transit (LST)/quadratic

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119 synchronous transit (QST) methods were employed to search for the transition state

120 structure and calculate the energy barrier (Ea).30,31

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121 The adsorption energy (∆Eads), a key quantity in predicting adhesive property of

122 adsorption system, was calculated to estimate the strength of a molecule-surface

123 interaction and to seize the most energetically stable adsorption model. The ∆Eads can

124 be expressed as:

125 ∆Eads = Esystem – (Esurf + Ereact) (1)

126 where the total energy values Esystem, Esurf, Ereact are relative to supercells simulating a

127 molecule interacting with nanoclusters, the nanoclusters, and an isolated molecule in

128 the vacuum, respectively. In general, a negative ∆Eads indicates that the molecule

129 adsorption is exothermic and thus the adsorption system is energetic stable.

130 The Gibb’s free energy difference (∆G) of each elementary reaction is given by

131 the following equation:

132 ∆G = ∆E + ∆ZPVE – T∆S (2)

133 where ∆E is the total energy change, directly obtained from DFT calculations, ∆ZPVE

134 is the change in zero-point energies, T is temperature (298.15 K), and ∆S is the change

135 in entropy.


137 Computational models

138 According to “magic numbers” n of Ni nanocluster that the icosahedral (Ih) Ni13

139 exhibits a high binding energy as well as structural stability,32 Ni13 cluster was chosen

140 for Ni nanoparticles while both Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 clusters for NiFe ones. Such

141 clusters are able to provide a higher geometric or electronic stability than others and

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142 thus have been commonly adopted for metal nanoparticles during simulation.33,34 Ni13

143 nanocluster with Ih symmetry had one atom at the center and other 12 identical atoms

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144 on the spherical shell surface. While for NiFe alloys, two structures were constructed

145 to explore its catalytic activities. The central or a shell Ni atom of Ni13 cluster was
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146 replaced with one Fe atom to obtain the Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 core-shell structures,

147 respectively. The optimized structures of Ni13, Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 clusters are

148 shown in Fig. 1. Evidently, both Ni13 and Ni@Ni11Fe clusters had an Ih symmetric

149 structure, which belongs to a regular icosahedral structure and has all the (111) facets

150 on the surface. Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 were placed in a 15×15×15 Å3 cubic

151 supercell during the calculation of CO2 reduction process. Moreover, a (5×5) supercell

152 of graphene with the periodic boundary conditions on the x-y plane was employed to

153 investigate catalytic activities of graphene-supported NiFe alloys for CO2 reduction

154 process



157 Results and discussion

158 Several previous studies have adopted bicarbonate as the primary CO2 source for the

159 reduction on Ni nanocluster, Au electrode as well as Au-based catalysts.35-37 CO was

160 the dominant product in CO2 reduction through bicarbonate on Au-based catalysts,

161 while formic acid was selectively formed on the Ni nanocluster. In addition, it has

162 been found that CO was the most important intermediate in CO2 reduction to methane,

163 methanol or long chain hydrocarbons.38,39 Therefore, the formation of both formic

164 acid and CO from CO2 reduction on NiFe bimetals was taken into account in order to

165 understand the HCO3- reduction mechanisms on NiFe bimetal surface as follows.


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167 H2 and HCO3- adsorption on NiFe nanoclusters

168 Reactants adsorption and activation on catalysts are important issues in CO2 reduction

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169 process, which can help us to better understand the activity of catalysts.40 Thus,

170 understanding of the competitive adsorption between CO2 and HCO3- is critical for
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171 exploring the possible mechanisms of CO2 reduction through HCO3- on Ni-based

172 catalysts. The adsorption of HCO3- and H2 on the Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12

173 nanoclusters were initially explored by optimizing the structures in molecularly or

174 dissociatively adsorbed state. The location and orientation of the adsorbed H2

175 molecule as well as the adsorption sites of Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters had

176 significant effects on the adsorbed structure and the relative stability of each adsorbed

177 structure. A number of stable configurations with H-H of H2 elongated were found for

178 the adsorption of H2 on the Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters, as shown in Fig.

179 S1 of the supporting information (SI). The estimated H2 adsorption energies for

180 different configurations on the Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters are given in

181 Table 1. The preferred H2 adsorption structure on the Ni@Ni11Fe nanocluster released

182 an Eads of 0.81 eV. The two dissociative H atoms of H2 bridged on one Ni site of

183 Ni@Ni11Fe into adsorbed surface hydrogen (Ni-Hads), as illustrated in the

184 H2-Ni@Ni11Fe-t1 structure of Fig. S1. The parallel coordination with two H atoms

185 adsorbed on the two Ni sites of Fe@Ni12 was the most preferred H2 adsorption

186 configuration for Fe@Ni12 nanocluster, releasing an Eads of 1.58 eV, as shown in the

187 H2-Fe@Ni12-b2 structure of Fig. S1, which is almost 2-fold higher than that of H2

188 adsorption structure on Ni@Ni11Fe. This finding indicated that surface hydrogen

189 (Ni-Hads) was more likely to be formed on the Fe@Ni12 nanocluster than on the

190 Ni@Ni11Fe nanocluster.

191 As shown in Fig. S2, six HCO3- adsorption configurations on Ni@Ni11Fe and

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192 Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters were explored, with respects to HCO3- adsorption sites and the

193 orientation of HCO3-. The adsorption energies of the six HCO3- adsorption

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194 configurations with measurements of the distances of formed O-Ni and O-Fe bonds

195 (dO-Ni, dO-Fe) for each arrangement are listed in Table 2. HCO3- adsorption energies of
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196 the six configurations ranged from -1.28 to -3.62 eV, higher than those reported for

197 CO2 adsorption on the active (100) surface of Ni and Fe,7 implying that HCO3- could

198 competitively adsorbed on the NiFe alloy surface with the existence of CO2. Two

199 adsorption structures were obtained with adsorption energies of only -2.12 and -1.28

200 eV for the Ni@Ni11Fe nanocluster, respectively. In the relatively stable HCO3-

201 adsorption geometry on Ni@Ni11Fe (Fig. S2a), O1 and O2 atoms bridged two surface

202 Ni atoms with shorter O-Ni bonds of 1.97 and 2.02 Å, respectively, while the O1 and

203 O2 atoms were bond through one Ni atom on Ni@Ni11Fe nanocluster in the less stable

204 configuration (Fig. S2b). The strongest nanocluster-HCO3- interaction was found for

205 the configuration of Fig. S2e on Fe@Ni12 nanocluster in which O1 and O2 atoms of

206 HCO3- were bonded through a Ni atom and Fe atom of Fe@Ni12 nanocluster. This

207 configuration had the lowest adsorption energy of -3.62 eV. Moreover, the formed

208 O-Fe and O-Ni bonds of 1.98 Å and 1.96 Å were relatively shorter than those in other

209 adsorption configurations indicating strong interaction of HCO3- molecule with

210 Fe@Ni12 nanocluster. Marginally less favorable adsorption configuration was the

211 situation where HCO3- adsorbed on Fe@Ni12 nanocluster through two O-Ni bonds

212 with the bonds distance of 1.97 Å and 1.92 Å, respectively (Fig. S2f). In summary,

213 HCO3- could be stably adsorbed on the two NiFe nanoclusters but more energy

214 favorable for Fe@Ni12 one.

215 Co-adsorption of reactants are not only highly important such as in the case of

216 hydrogenation reactions on Pd-based catalysts41, but also meaningful to map out the

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217 HCO3- reduction mechanisms on the Ni-based catalysts. Since both H2 and HCO3-

218 molecule could be stably adsorbed on Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters,

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219 geometry optimizations of H2 and HCO3- co-adsorption on Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12

220 nanoclusters were conducted to determine the optimized configurations for HCO3-
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221 reduction process on two nanoclusters, respectively. Based on the above results for

222 individual H2 and HCO3- adsorption on nanoclusters, the optimized geometries for the

223 co-adsorption of H2 and HCO3- on Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters are shown

224 in Fig. 2, and consequently the estimated adsorption energy (Eco-ads) are presented in

225 Table S1. Only one favorable geometry was considered for the co-adsorption of H2

226 and HCO3- on Ni@Ni11Fe nanocluster with an Eco-ads of -2.61 eV (Fig. 2a). Among

227 three optimized geometries for the co-adsorption of H2 and HCO3- on Fe@Ni12

228 nanocluster, the most energy-favored structure is shown in Fig. 2d with a lowest

229 binding energy of -4.60 eV, in which H2 molecule bridged two Ni atoms while HCO3-

230 was adsorbed through binding O1 and O2 atoms with one Ni atom and one Fe atom

231 from nanocluster. Moreover, it was found that the presence of surface H atom at the

232 NiFe alloy nanoclusters could leave the HCO3- adsorption geometry almost

233 unchanged. Similar result was also obtained for CO2 reduction on Ni (111) surface

234 reported by Mavrikakis et al.42 The co-adsorption configurations presented in Figs. 2a

235 and 2d were chosen for the following simulations.


237 HCO3- reduction to formic acid and CO on Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters

238 Based on the studies of CO2 reduction on Ni catalysts as well as through bicarbonate,
10, 36, 43
239 paths for HCO3- reduction to formic acid and CO with dissociative H2

240 adsorbed on the NiFe nanoclusters are depicted in Scheme S1 of the SI. For HCO3-

241 reduction to formic acid (Paths 1 and 2 in Scheme S1), H2 and HCO3- co-adsorbed

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242 initially on the NiFe nanoclusters, and then HCO3- reacted with H atom at either C or

243 O1 site. After that, the formed intermediate reacted with another H atom of H2.

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244 Eventually, the adsorbed HCOO- was formed with a H2O taken off from the

245 nanocluster. The CO formation through bicarbonate on NiFe nanoclusters is depicted

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246 in Path 3 of Scheme S1 with the O1 atom dissociated from HCO3- initially. Path 1

247 proceeded through states 1, 2, and 3 to final state 4, while Path 2 through states 1, 2, 5

248 and 6 to final state 4 with CO formation through states 1, 7 and 8. CO2-, a key reaction

249 intermediate in gas CO2 reduction,31 could be generated in both Paths 1 and 2 of

250 Scheme S1. Path 1 is similar to the one proposed in a previous study.44 In Path 2,

251 HCO3- reduction process involves the step mentioned in the research HCO3-

252 hydrogenation on the rhodium complex: OH elimination from the HCO3-, resulting in

253 a CO2 molecule bound to the catalysts (step 5 → 6 ).45 Calculated free energies (G) of

254 the geometry optimized reaction intermediates in three paths are given in Table S2,

255 and consequently free energy changes (∆G) of each step in three paths could be

256 estimated (Table S3). As a result, the free energy profiles for all the steps of HCO3-

257 reduction to HCOO- with intermediate structures through the Paths 1 and 2 as well as

258 CO formation on Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters are compared in Figs. 3, 4

259 and 5, respectively.

260 HCO3- reduction to formic acid on Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters. As

261 illustrated in Fig. 3, the overall process for HCO3- reduction to formic acid on

262 Ni@Ni11Fe nanocluster was thermodynamically feasible with the total ∆G of -2.46 eV

263 from state 1 to 4. The co-adsorption of H2 and HCO3- on Ni@Ni11Fe nanocluster was

264 exothermic with ∆G of -2.82 eV, which implies that the process was

265 thermodynamically favorable. The process from state 2 to 3, i.e. an active H atom of

266 H2 reacting with HCO3- at the C site, was the rate-limiting step in Path 1 with an

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267 energy barrier (Ea) of 1.61 eV and a free energy change (∆G) of 1.22 eV. While in the

268 pathway 2, HCO3- reacting with an active H atom of H2 at O3 site of HCO3- (i.e. Step

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269 2 → 5) was the rate-controlling step, with higher Ea of 2.70 eV and ∆G of 1.71 eV

270 compared to the pathway 1. Eventually HCOO- was formed spontaneously in both
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271 pathways on Ni@Ni11Fe nanocluster. In conclusion, HCO3- reduction to formic acid

272 process over Ni@Ni11Fe nanocluster in water is more likely to proceed through Path 1

273 dominantly. This finding is as same as our previous study for HCO3- reduction on Ni

274 nanocluster, but Ni@Ni11Fe nanocluster showed better catalytic activity for HCO3-

275 reduction to formic acid compared to Ni one as it afford a lower energy barrier (1.62

276 vs 3.24 eV).43

277 As depicted in Fig. 4, HCO3- reduction to formic acid process could also

278 spontaneously occur on Fe@Ni12 nanocluster with ∆G of -2.67 eV. Firstly, HCO3- and

279 H2 moved close to the surface and settled in a stable state of co-adsorption on

280 Fe@Ni12 nanocluster (i.e. step 1 → 2). The following step in both paths (i.e. step 2 →

281 3 in Path 1, and step 2 → 5 in Path 2) was the rate-controlling one for HCO3-

282 reduction to formic acid on the Fe@Ni12 nanocluster. Moreover, adsorbed HCO3-

283 reacted with an active H atom of H2 at the C site (i.e. step 2 → 3 in Path 1) with an

284 energy barrier of 0.91 eV, which was lower than that in Path 2 (i.e. step 2 → 5). Such

285 a low energy barrier for the rate-controlling step indicates that Path 1 might be the

286 dominant one for HCO3- reduction to formic acid on the Fe@Ni12 nanocluster. Finally,

287 formic acid was formed on Fe@Ni12 nanocluster spontaneously by reacting with the

288 other H atom of H2. Compared with Ni@Ni11Fe and Ni13 nanoclusters, Fe@Ni12 one

289 afforded the lowest energy barriers for HCO3- reduction to formic acid.

290 In summary, the above results demonstrated that hydrogenated reduction of

291 HCO3- to formic acid could take place spontaneously on NiFe nanoclusters through

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292 Path 1 at 298.15 K and 1 atm. This is consistent with previous experimental results

293 that HCO3- could reduce to formic acid on Ni nanocluster acid at ambient

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294 conditions.37 The theoretical analysis illustrated that the NiFe alloyed nanoclusters

295 (Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12) showed a better catalytic activity for HCO3- reduction to
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296 formic acid with lower energy barriers compared to Ni13 one.43 This is likely due to

297 that HCO3- and H2 could stably co-adsorbed on NiFe alloy nanoclusters and moreover

298 their interactions with NiFe alloy nanoclusters were stronger compared with Ni13 one,

299 resulting in an easy activation of H2 and HCO3- during HCO3- reduction. On the other

300 hand, above results also illustrated that catalytic ability of Ni13 nanocluster for HCO3-

301 reduction could be significantly enhanced by introducing the foreign metal Fe. This

302 finding is consistent with several previous studies, in which the catalytic performance

303 of such as Pd, Au, and Cu in CO2 reduction was remarkably improved when

304 combined with foreign metals.46, 47 In addition, Ni-Fe cubanes as analogs to the active

305 sites of carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (CODH) enzymes have also been proven to

306 be able to lower the energy barrier for CO2 reduction compared to other cubanes.48

307 Moreover, the theoretical simulations suggested that Fe@Ni12 nanocluster with Fe

308 doped on Ni surface had a superior catalytic activity for the reduction of HCO3- to

309 formic acid because of a lower energy barrier for the rate-limiting step. This might be

310 due to that H2 and HCO3- molecules could be more efficiently activated on the surface

311 of Fe@Ni12 nanocluster resulting from the co-function of both Ni and Fe sites on the

312 surface of the Fe@Ni12 nanocluster. These results would provide a useful guideline

313 for the design of NiFe-based catalysts.

314 CO formation through bicarbonate reduction on Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12

315 nanoclusters. COOH, a key intermediate for the low-temperature water gas shift

316 reaction on Cu (111),49 could be produced from HCO3- reduction with simultaneous

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317 NiO formation and then hydrogenated to formic acid on NiFe alloy surface, as

318 depicted in Path 3 of Scheme S1.

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319 On Ni@Ni11Fe nanocluster, O1 atom dissociated from HCO3- molecule and

320 bridged on Ni@Ni11Fe surface with the formation of COOH, which bridged on
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321 Ni@Ni11Fe surface with C and O2 atoms, as illustrated in Figure 5. The calculated

322 reaction energy and energy barrier for COOH formation were 0.01 and 2.50 eV,

323 respectively. The energy barrier for COOH formation in Path 3 was about 0.89 eV

324 higher than that of the rate-limiting step for formic acid generation in Path 1. This

325 implies that the formation of formic acid on Ni@Ni11Fe surface is more likely

326 through Path 1 rather than Path 3 via COOH intermediate, which is similar with CO2

327 reduction on Ni (111) surface reported by Mavrikakis et al.42 OH group in COOH

328 reacted with H atom resulting in CO generation on Ni@Ni11Fe surface (Steps 7 → 8

329 in Scheme S1) with a reaction energy of 1.2 eV, implying that CO formation from

330 HCO3- reduction is thermodynamically unfavorable on Ni@Ni11Fe surface. As

331 illustrated in Figure 5, CO molecule was vertical to Ni@Ni11Fe surface with C atom

332 interacting with three Ni atoms, which is consistent with experimental results that

333 CO could be adsorbed on Ni surface through hollow site.50 It is shown that the

334 energy barrier of CO formation (Ea = 1.68 eV) in Path 3 was lower than that of

335 COOH formation, but still higher than that of the rate-limiting step for formic acid

336 formation in Path 1. Therefore, CO is difficult to be formed in Path 3 neither

337 thermodynamically or kinetically on Ni@Ni11Fe surface.

338 On Fe@Ni12 surface, O1 atom also dissociated from HCO3- molecule and

339 bridged on two Ni atoms on Ni@Ni11Fe surface with COOH formation initially, as

340 illustrated in Figure 5. COOH was bridged on Fe@Ni12 surface through Ni and Fe

341 atoms with a calculated formation energy of 0.44 eV. The energy barrier of COOH

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342 formation on Fe@Ni12 surface was estimated at 2.72 eV, about two times higher than

343 that of the rate-limiting step for formic acid formation in Path 1, indicating that it is

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344 hard to generate COOH on Fe@Ni12 surface. Following, CO was formed

345 accompanying with the departure of a H2O molecule from Fe@Ni12 surface, which
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346 resulted in a reaction energy of 3.31 eV and an energy barrier of only 0.77 eV,

347 respectively. This implies that the formation of CO on Fe@Ni12 surface is difficult

348 thermodynamically but favorable in terms of kinetics. Obviously, HCO3- conversion

349 to CO is difficult to proceed on Fe@Ni12 surface and the rate-limiting step of Path 3

350 still lies on the step of COOH formation. Lower energy barrier of CO formation

351 from COOH on Fe@Ni12 surface compared to Ni@Ni11Fe surface (Ea = 0.77 eV vs

352 1.68eV) demonstrates the superior catalytic activity of Fe@Ni12 nanocluster.

353 However, the energy barrier of the rate-limiting step in Path 3 on Fe@Ni12 surface,

354 i.e., COOH formation, is much higher that of formic acid formation in Path 1.

355 In summary, HCO3- conversion to CO in Path 3 is thermodynamically

356 unfavorable on the surface of NiFe alloy at room temperature. Previous experimental

357 results showed that CO formation form HCO3- reduction could happen at high

358 temperature or with an external potential.7, 8 For instance, it was reported that CO

359 formation from CO2 on Ni catalysts surface required temperature higher than 160 oC.7

360 Besides, Xu et al. found that CO was mainly from the conversion of HCO3- rather

361 than CO2 molecule on Au surface but with external potential addition.8 Different from

362 CO formation with CO2 reduction on Ni surfaces,3 COOH is a key intermediate in CO

363 formation from HCO3- reduction. The energy barriers of both COOH formation step

364 and rate-limiting step of HCO3- conversion to CO on the surface of NiFe alloy are

365 lower than previously reported on Ni13 nanocluster surface, indicating improvement in

366 catalytic activity of NiFe alloyed nanoclusters compared to Ni13 one. Besides, energy

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367 barrier of CO formation from COOH is the lowest among all the steps involving in

368 HCO3- conversion on NiFe alloyed nanoclusters, implying the great potential of NiFe

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369 alloys in gas phase CO2 conversion to methane, methanol as well as long chain

370 hydrocarbons based on previous studies.9, 10 However, HCO3- conversion to CO on

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371 NiFe alloys surface is kinetically unfavorable, which could result in selective

372 reduction of HCO3- to formic acid. Therefore, lower the energy barrier of COOH

373 formation on NiFe alloys surface would be the key issue in improving HCO3-

374 conversion to CO, leading to the further formation of methane, methanol as well as

375 long chain hydrocarbons.


377 Possibility of HCOOH reduction to HCHO on NiFe-based catalysts.

378 HCHO is of great industrial significance as it is a crucial building block for daily life

379 commodities and a major reactive C1 source.51-53 Herein we present the possibility of

380 formic acid reduction to formaldehyde on the NiFe-based catalysts.

381 A series of DFT calculations were conducted to explore the possibility of

382 HCOOH further reduction to HCHO, shown in Scheme S2, on Ni@Ni11Fe and

383 Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters (HCOO-* → CHO-*, * denotes adsorbed state). The adsorption

384 of HCOO- on Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters were theoretically investigated.

385 As shown in Table S4 and Fig. S3, HCOO- could be stably adsorbed on Ni@Ni11Fe

386 and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters, where HCOO- tended to bridge on two Ni atoms through

387 O1 and O2 atoms on Ni@Ni11Fe nanoclusters, while two Ni atoms or one Ni and one

388 Fe atom for Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters. Calculated thermodynamic properties (∆G) and

389 energy barrier (Ea) for HCOO-* reduction to CHO-* on Ni@Ni11Fe, Fe@Ni12 at 298.15

390 K and 1 atm are listed in Table S5 and the optimized reaction intermediates are given

391 in Fig. 6. The ∆G of CHO- formation from HCOO-* reduction on Ni@Ni11Fe and

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392 Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters were 1.49 and 3.23 eV, respectively. This indicated that

393 HCOOH reduction to HCHO on these three catalysts at 298.15 K and 1 atm could

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394 only happen with extra energy of 2.54, 1.49, and 3.23 eV, respectively. The first step,

395 i.e. HCOO-* reacting with an active H of H2 to form HCOOH, was the rate-limiting
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396 step on Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters with Ea of 2.62 and 2.67 eV,

397 respectively. Similar with the boron-doped diamond electrode, these results indicated

398 that NiFe nanoclusters were also inefficient for HCO3- reduction to formaldehyde

399 through formic acid.54

400 Graphene has been proved to be an efficient carrier to support metals and metal

401 oxides to enhance their catalytic activities.55-57 Therefore, we explored

402 graphene-supported Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters for formic acid (HCOO-*)

403 reduction to formaldehyde (CHO-*) with the hope to find a more efficient catalyst.

404 The interactions of Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters with graphene were

405 explored, with the adsorption configurations shown in Fig. 7 and the adsorption

406 energy given in Table S6. Accordingly, Ni@Ni11Fe nanocluster could be stably

407 adsorbed on graphene either with a Ni atom of Ni@Ni11Fe interaction, i.e.,

408 Ni@Ni11Fe/G-1, or with the plane formed by three Ni atoms, i.e. Ni@Ni11Fe/G-2 in

409 Fig. 7. For Fe@Ni12 nanocluster supported on graphene, four configurations were

410 taken into consideration with regard to the adsorption orientation and the interacting

411 sites. The interaction of graphene with Fe@Ni12 nanocluster through the plan formed

412 by three Ni atoms (Fe@Ni12-2 in Fig. 7) or one Fe and two Ni (Fe@Ni12-4 in Fig. 7)

413 were much more stronger than the cases, where Fe@Ni12 nanocluster settled on

414 graphene with one Ni atom or one Fe binding with the C atoms of graphene

415 (Fe@Ni12-1 and Fe@Ni12-3 in Fig. 7). As a result, the configurations of

416 Ni@Ni11Fe/G-1, Fe@Ni12/G-2 and Fe@Ni12/G-4 were considered for the adsorption

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417 and activation of HCOO- and H2 in the following simulations.

418 The estimated adsorption energies of H2 and HCOO- on graphene-supported

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419 Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters are given in Tables S7 and S8, respectively,

420 and the HCOO- adsorption configurations are presented in Fig. S4. The results
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421 showed that H2 could be stably adsorbed and activated on graphene-supported

422 Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters. However, the positive adsorption energies of

423 HCOO- adsorbed on graphene supported Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters

424 indicates that HCOO- was unable to be stably adsorbed and activated on graphene

425 supported Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters, as shown in Table S8.

426 The calculated thermodynamic properties (∆G) and energy barrier (Ea) in formic

427 acid reduction to formaldehyde process on graphene supported Ni@Ni11Fe and

428 Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters at 298.15 K and 1 atm are given in Table S9, with the geometry

429 optimized reaction intermediates illustrated in Fig. 8. The results indicated that formic

430 acid reduction to formaldehyde process on graphene-supported NiFe alloy

431 nanoclusters was still thermodynamically unfavorable. In terms of kinetic properties

432 of the formic acid reduction to formaldehyde process on graphene-supported

433 Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters, the rate-limiting step of the process lay in the

434 second step, i.e. HCOOH+ H+ + e-→ CHO- + H2O, with an Ea of 4.34 and 4.20 eV,

435 respectively.

436 In summary, further hydrogenated reduction of formic acid to formaldehyde was

437 thermodynamically unfeasible on either Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters or

438 graphene-supported ones at 298.15 K and 1 atm. This might be able to further explain

439 the selectivity of formic acid formation on Ni nanoclusters (Fig. 5 and Table S5).43,44

440 Among different catalysts, a lowest extra energy of 1.17 eV would be required to

441 make this reaction occurring on the graphene supported Ni@Ni11Fe. In terms of

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442 kinetic, the energy barriers of the rate-limiting step in formic acid reduction to

443 formaldehyde process on Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters were relatively lower

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444 than that of Ni13 one, suggesting the improved kinetics of formic acid reduction. On

445 the other hand, thanks to the adsorption and activation of H2 on graphene supported
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446 Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters, the Ea values of the first step for reduction

447 formic acid to formaldehyde on graphene-supported Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12

448 nanoclusters were lower than those on Ni@Ni11Fe, Fe@Ni12 and Ni13 ones (TableS5).

449 However, the Ea values of the rate-limiting step for this reaction on

450 graphene-supported Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters were higher compared to

451 others, which might be due to the fact that HCOO- cannot be stably adsorbed and

452 activated on graphene supported Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters. Consequently,

453 although graphene supported Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters could not be used

454 for the reduction of HCOO-, they might be the good catalysts for activation of H2 in

455 hydrogenation reactions for such as chemical industry and water containment

456 treatment.48,49



459 Conclusions

460 The catalytic performance and possible mechanisms for CO2 reduction through HCO3-

461 on NiFe alloy nanoclusters have been explored theoretically in this study. The results

462 illustrated that Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters had good catalytic activity and

463 selectivity for CO2 reduction through HCO3- to formic acid. Compared with

464 Ni@Ni11Fe nanocluster, Fe@Ni12 one showed superior catalytic activity for CO2

465 reduction. Additionally, the results indicated that the formation of CO was difficult

466 through HCO3- on NiFe nanoclusters either thermodynamically or kinetically,

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467 resulting in selective conversion of HCO3- to formic acid. Moreover, the simulation

468 results also suggested that it was thermodynamically unfavorable for a further

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469 hydrogenated reduction of formic acid to formaldehyde on NiFe alloy nanocluster

470 themselves as well as supported on graphene.

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473 Acknowledgements

474 The authors wish to thank the Natural Science Foundation of China (51538012 and

475 51478446), the Recruitment Program of Global Experts, and the Fundamental

476 Research Funds for the Central Universities for financially supporting this study.

477 Supercomputing center of USTC is acknowledged for computational support.



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577 Table 1 Binding energy (Eads) of H2 dissociative adsorption on Ni@Ni11Fe and

578 Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters with different configurations in Fig. S1

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Configuration Eads (eV)
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H2-Ni@Ni11Fe-t1 -0.81

H2-Ni@Ni11Fe-t2 -0.30

H2-Ni@Ni11Fe-b -0.25

H2-Fe@Ni12-t1 -0.12

H2-Fe@Ni12-t2 -0.70

H2-Fe@Ni12-t3 -0.06

H2-Fe@Ni12-t4 -0.71

H2-Fe@Ni12-b1 -0.17

H2-Fe@Ni12-b2 -1.58



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581 Table 2 Binding energy (Eads), and the distance of HCO3- adsorption on Ni@Ni11Fe

582 (dO1-Ni(Fe)) and Fe@Ni12 (dO2-Ni(Fe)) nanoclusters in Fig. S2

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System Eads (eV) dO1-Ni(Fe) (Å) dO2-Ni(Fe) (Å)

a -2.12 2.01 1.96

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b -1.28 2.22 2.07

c -2.96 2.15 2.07

d -1.55 2.02 2.19

e -3.62 1.96 1.98

f -3.22 1.97 1.92



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585 Figure Legends


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588 Fig. 1 Geometry optimized structures of Ni@Ni12Fe and Fe@Ni12 clusters (Purple:
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589 Ni atom, and gold: Fe atom).


591 Fig. 2 Geometry optimized structures of H2 and HCO3- co-adsorption on Ni@Ni11Fe

592 and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters (a for Ni@Ni11Fe nanocluster; and b, c, d for

593 Fe@Ni12 nanocluster; Purple: Ni atom, gold: Fe atoms, white: H atom, grey:

594 C atom, and red O atoms).


596 Fig. 3 Energy profile of HCO3- reduction to formic acid (HCOO-*) on Ni@Ni11Fe

597 nanocluster (The geometry optimized structures of reactants, intermediates,

598 and products are schematically illustrated in the respective insets, and TS

599 represents transition states).


601 Fig. 4 Energy profile of HCO3- reduction to formic acid (HCOO-*) on Fe@Ni12

602 nanocluster (The geometry optimized structures of reactants, intermediates,

603 and products are schematically illustrated in the respective insets, and *

604 denotes an adsorbed state).


606 Fig. 5 Molecular structures as well as calculated reaction energies and energy barriers

607 of HCO3- conversion to CO on Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 surface (units: eV).


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609 Fig. 6 Optimized structures of reaction intermediates in HCOOH-* reduction to CHO-*

610 process on Ni13, Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters (a for adsorbed HCOO-,

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611 b for adsorbed HCOOH-, and c for adsorbed CHO-; Purple: Ni atom, gold: Fe

612 atoms, white: H atom, grey: C atom, and red: O atom).

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614 Fig. 7 Geometry optimized of graphene supported Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12

615 nanoclusters (G for graphene; Purple: Ni atom, gold: Fe atoms, and grey: C

616 atom).


618 Fig. 8 Optimized structures of reaction intermediates in HCOOH- reduction to

619 CHO-process on graphene supported Ni@Ni11Fe and Fe@Ni12 nanoclusters (a

620 for HCOO-, b for HCOOH-, and c for CHO-; G for graphene; Purple: Ni atom,

621 gold: Fe atoms, white: H atom, grey: C atom, and red: O atom).


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