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1. Describe the structural component of the cell membrane.
2. Relate the structure and composition of the cell membrane to its function.
3. Explain transport mechanisms in cells (diffusion, osmosis, facilitated transport, active
4. Differentiate exocytosis to endocytosis

1. Simple diffusion
2. Facilitated transport
3. Active transport
4. Bulk/Vesicular transport



To stay alive, there must be continuous exchange of materials between the cell and its
environment. Necessary materials must be transported into the cell and waste materials out of the cell.
The plasma membrane separates the cell from its environment. All materials that move into and out of
the cell must pass through this membrane. This means that some molecules and some ions can pass
through readily while other cannot. This characteristic is brought about by the structure of the

The generally accepted explanation of the structure of the cell membrane is the fluid mosaic
model by S. Singer and G. Nicolson. According to this model, membrane consists of a lipid bilayer and
globular proteins which are embedded within the lipid bilayer. The lipid bilayer has a hydrophobic and a
hydrophilic region. Carbohydrates are also present which are bonded either to proteins (glycoproteins)
or to lipids (glycolipids) and are involved in cellular communication. How do substances move into out of
this membrane?

Basically, there are two mechanisms of membrane transport. Passive and active transport.

A. Passive Transport

Passive transport is the movement of substances through membranes without using energy, from
a region of greater concentration to a region of lower concentration and does not require cellular
energy. There are three kinds of passive transport: simple diffusion, osmosis and facilitated diffusion.

Simple diffusion is the movement of substances from a region of higher concentration to a region
of lower concentration. One requirement for diffusion to occur is the presence of a concentration
gradient. A concentration gradient is a difference in concentration of a certain substance in one are and
the concentration in another adjacent area. Due to the nature of the cell membrane, certain substances
can diffuse freely through the membrane, while others cannot. There are certain factors that affect
diffusion across the semi-permeable membrane. These factors include the size and the charge of
particles. Small, nonpolar molecules like H 2O, O2, CO2, and fatty acids can go in and out freely while
large molecules like proteins and carbohydrates cannot. Many ions such as OH, K+, and Ca ++ also
cannot pass through readily because of the presence of the hydrophobic region of the cell membrane
(Figure 7.1).

Figure 7.1 Selective permeable nature of the cell membrane

Osmosis is the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane. Water, like any other
diffusing molecule, moves down its concentration gradient, that is, from a region of high concentration
to a region of low concentration. The movement can affect cell size.

Osmosis occurs in response to the concentration of solutes dissolved in water. The plasma
membrane separates the cytoplasm from the surrounding medium. A solution exists within the cell and
another outside the cell. The terms isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic are used to indicate the
differences between two solutions. The suffix-tonic comes from a Latin root meaning strength.
Therefore, tonicity or strength refers to the concentration of solutes in the solution.

In an isotonic solution, the concentration of solutes surrounding the cell equals the concentration
of solutes inside the cell. Movement of water molecules still occur but the number of molecules moving
in is equal to the number of molecules moving out. The size of the cell does not change. If you have
suffered from dehydration and immediately rushed to the hospital, you may have received isotonic
solution directly into your blood stream to help replenish fluids in your cells (Figure 7.2).
Figure 7.2 Isotonic solution

In a hypertonic solution, the concentration of solutes surrounding the cell is higher than that
inside the cell. In this situation, the amount of water inside the cell is higher and moves out into the
surrounding solution until the concentration of the two solutions equalize. If the cell loses too much
water, the cell will shrink - a process called plasmolysis (or crenation in the case of animal cell) (Figure

Figure 7.3 Hypertonic solution


In a hypotonic solution, the concentration of solutes surrounding the cell is lower than that inside
the cell. In this situation, water moves into the cell because there is greater concentration of water in
the solution outside. As a result, the cell increases in size and swells. Swelling in animal cells can lead to
bursting (Figure 7.4).
Figure 7.4 Hypotonic solution

Plant cells, however, do not burst because they are surrounded by a rigid cell wall. Instead, a
hydrostatic pressure develops and this is responsible for the firmness or turgidity observed in well-
watered plants

Figure 7.5 The effect of water movement in a plant cell in an isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic medium. Source:
Red Blood Cells are placed in solutions of a different sugar concentration.
 RBC and external solution are at the SAME concentration
 Water entering RBC = water leaving
o What happens? – No change in RBC size
 RBC are dilute compared to external solution and lose water
o What happens? – RBC shrink
 RBC are placed in a dilute sugar solution
 RBC take up water
o What happens? – RBC swell and finally burst
Facilitated diffusion is a form of passive transport that requires transport proteins in the
membrane. Glucose is an example of a large, polar molecule that is transported through the membrane
by facilitated diffusion. Transport proteins can either be carrier proteins or channel proteins. The carrier
proteins bind the specific solute to be transported and cause changes in the shape of protein as the
molecule is transported from one side of the membrane to the other side. The channel proteins, on the
other hand, do not bind the solute but form pores or channels that function as gates extending across
the lipid bilayer through which molecules can pass.

Figure 7.6 Facilitated diffusion

B. Active Transport

Active transport is the movement of substances from a region of lower concentration to a

region of greater concentration and requires the expenditure of cellular energy. Specialized membrane
provides referred to as pumps are involved in active transport. Translocation of the desired substance is
always accompanied by the input of cellular energy. According to Becker et al. (1996), this type of
transport performs three major functions in cells: (1) it makes possible the uptake of energy – rich
molecules and other essential nutrients from the environment, even when their individual
concentrations in the environment are very low; (2) it allows various substances to be removed from the
cell, even when the concentrations outside is greater than the inside and (3) it enables the cell to
maintain constant, optimal internal concentrations of required ions.

What is Sodium Potassium Pump?

The sodium potassium pump in animal cells is one of the well-studied examples of active
transport. Because of this pump, the concentration of potassium ions remains high inside the cell while
external levels are generally much lower. The concentration of sodium ions, on the other hand, remains
high outside the cell. The maintenance of unequal concentrations of sodium and potassium ions both
inside and outside the cell is important for muscle contraction and the transmission of nerve impulses
(Figure 7.7).
Figure 7.7 Sodium Potassium pump

Two types of movement across cell membrane:

For the movement of large and polar molecules into and out of cells, the cells depend on
another type of cellular transport. In bulk transport, large and complex molecules are engulfed and
packed in membrane-bound sacs and are transported across the membrane.

1. Endocytosis
In endocytosis, the cell engulfs particles into a pouch formed by the in folding of the cell
membrane (figure 7.8). The resulting pouch is then pinched off from the plasma membrane and forms a
vesicle inside the cell. This vesicle then fuses with a lysosome which contains enzymes that will break
and digest the engulfed particles before these are released into the cytoplasm.

Figure 7.8. Endocytosis


There are three types of endocytosis:

a. Phagocytosis
o In phagocytosis (“cell-eating”), the cell engulfs solid particles into much larger
vesicles, sometimes called vacuoles. Many unicellular organisms, including
protozoans, obtain food through phagocytosis. In human, neutrophils and
monocytes- two types of white blood cells- specialize in phagocytosis. Both
engulf and destroy unwanted cells and materials inside the body.

Figure 7.9. Phagocytosis


b. Pinocytosis
(“Cell-drinking”).It is similar to phagocytosis except that the cell engulfs droplets
of fluid instead of solid particles, also forming large vacuoles within it. This is
one mechanisms by which cells maintain water balance.
Figure 7.10. Phagocytosis

2. Exocytosis

o It is the reverse of endocytosis. Wastes and cell products inside the cell are packaged in Golgi
vesicles which then fuse with the cell membrane to be transported out of the cell (Figure
7.11). Like endocytosis, exocytosis is an equally important process for the cell to maintain a
stable internal environment.

Figure 7.11. Exocytosis


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