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Sex and Gender Distinction


1. Difficult Concepts (What concepts did you find difficult to understand?)

a. Sex-role theory
b. Degendering
c. Philosophical Separatism

2. Insights (What new insights or learnings did you gain in discussion/


i. Before reading the article/understanding the lesson, I thought sex and gender are used
interchangeably. Forms that needed to be filled up sometimes used these words
interchangeably which results to a confusion.
However, reading the article/understanding the lesson, I now think/realize that sex is
the biological aspect of a person (chromosomes, genitals, hormones etc.) while
gender is the masculinity or femininity of a person but as the article has said, this is
not the exact distinction.
ii. Before reading the article/understanding the lesson, I thought sex and gender are
totally separated and one could not affect one another.
However, reading the article/understanding the lesson, I now think/realize the
overlapping of concepts between sex and gender could mean that one influences the

iii. Before reading the article/understanding the lesson, I thought that, like in the paper,
gender is the imaginary body which means sex is the physical aspect of gender.
However, reading the article/understanding the lesson, I now think/realize that gender
is boxed inside the stereotypical meaning of it and the fact that the term “imaginary
body” exist to suffice the idea that gender is just another term for sex.

3. Questions (What questions would you want answers for? Or vague areas you want more
explanations about?

i. What is the Cartesian Model?

ii. Clearly, still confused about the aim of the paper because it is too complex and
the overlapping of concepts makes it difficult to grasp and give the “clear
distinction of sex and gender”.
iii. What is the relationship of feminism in the distinction of sex and gender?

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