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It is always fascinating to me how people find things to worry about.

I am in no
way downplaying the importance of distinction in one's gender/sex, as it highlights the
significance of one's identity. The query of whether we need a sex/gender distinction
should not be questioned altogether because we know that to be able to express
ourselves, honesty with who we are shall prevail.

Before reading the article, I used to think that one's gender does not dictate one's
future. After reading the article, I now think that one's gender plays a huge role in how
people view one. There are biases and prejudices that some people can not let go and
it affects the majority of the minority.
Before reading the article, I used to think that distinction of genders/sex is an
easy task. After reading the article, I now think that it is more complicated than that.
Defining gender needed cultural and psychological connotations.
Before reading the article, I used to think that degendering means changing
genders. After reading the article, I now think that degendering means changing a
particular set of gender ideals and structures.

Some things are unclear to me about the article, and the first thing is the difficulty
to pinpoint the definitive definition of gender/sex. The second thing that is unclear to me
is the use of degendering and its supposed connotation. The last thing that is unclear to
me is the constant need to question everything. We seemed to have a knack for finding
things that are not there.

There are questions I want to ask regarding the reading. The first question is
what exactly is the meaning of gender/sex in the article? The article seems to give a
different meaning to gender/sex. The second question is do we need to worry about the
distinction of gender/sex? Don't we have bigger problems to worry about? The last
question is does degendering exist? How so?

The article that I have read provides interesting points on gender/sex. Although, I
have to be honest that some aspect escapes me, probably because I am not well
equipped to handle the author's vocabulary.

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