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1. What are the three (3) things that you significantly learned from the reading?

Please start by
saying ' Before reading the article, I used to think that (insert thought). After reading the article, I
now think that (insert thought)'.

Before reading the article, I used to think that a person's biology defined both sex and gender. After
reading the article, I now believe that the proper terminology for sex is male and female, with masculine
and feminine matching gender. People can also be among different genders. Gender has psychological
and cultural meanings rather than biological ones.

Before reading the article, I used to think that the sex/gender dichotomy commits us to the notion there
were only two genders or sexes. After reading the article, I now believe that we should consider human
sexual reproduction as a dimorphic explanation of generic biological reproduction. Also, I learned that
differentiation is sometimes presented as a conflict between choice and obligation, but this is not
important to the distinction since it sees sex as completely given and unchangeable. Still, gender is seen
as entirely changeable, as a man may turn homosexual, and a woman can become a lesbian.

Before reading the article, I used to think that because of the body's neutrality, I expected that we might
escape from our sex. After reading the article, I now believe/realize that we cannot deny our sex since the
body and mind were linked to the topic's formation (male or female body). According to Moira Gatens'
article, each action, attitude, or experience that enters human awareness is imbued with meaning that ties
to everything that has come before.

2. What three (3) things about the reading are unclear to you?

In terms of unclear thoughts about readings, the keyword "degender" is ambiguous because there are
various definitions or descriptions about it in the article. Second, Moira Gatens' proposition, in which she
mentioned in the paper that "gender is to sex," what the fictional body is to the actual body, and the idea
of degendering. Finally, the essay mentions the war against biological reductionism in distinction number

3. What three (3) questions that you want to ask about the reading?
1. What is Philosophical Separatism?
2. Is there any culture or nation that incorporates the concept of sex and gender distinctions in the
same way that this article does?
3. With today's improved technology, it is feasible for a person to transform their reproductive
component. If this occurs, would their sex differentiation become a natural sex distinction?

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