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Jose Emil C.

Calabio September 16, 2021

A6 GED109
Metacognitive Reading Report 2 (MRR2)
1. What are the three (3) things that you significantly learned from reading?
 Before reading the article, I used to think that homosexual, heterosexual,
pansexual and asexual are the only categories when it comes to gender
identity. After reading the article, I now think that there is also the term
autosexual where masturbation is preferred instead of partnered sex.
 Before reading the article, I used to think that homosexuality was never
accepted in the past years. After reading the article, I now think that
homosexual was accepted back in the 1950’s. Gay cinemas were even
created back then
 Before reading the article, I used to think that the religion views
homosexuality to be immoral. After reading the article, I now think that the
relationships of Homosexuality and Religion varies greatly across time and

2. What three (3) things about the reading are unclear to you?
 The first thing that became unclear to me was the fact that pederasty is
only for men and there is none mentioned for women
 The next thing that that became unclear to me was about the acceptance
of homosexual (especially gay) in the early Philippine history and lesbians’
acceptance were not mentioned
 It is also unclear to me about the Churches view that pre-marital
intercourse and any form of masturbation is sinful

3. What three (3) questions that you want to ask about the reading?
 If homosexual is not immoral, why is it that is still hasn’t been accepted in
today society?
 Who has the highest probability of being homosexual? Men or women?
 Is it possible for a homosexual to fall in love with a person of the opposite
sex and yet still remains as a homosexual?

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