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(Revisiting Social Acceptance of Homosexuality)

The three significant things that I learned while reading the article: Revisiting Social Acceptance
of Homosexuality Among Filipino Youth are the following. Before reading this article, I used to think that
the LGBTQ+ people’s gender identity is inherited but after reading this article I learned that the reason
why their sexes drive to their opposite sex is because of their childhood experience or because
according to Freud every child was born polymorphously perverse which means to have an ability to
gain gratification. Another lesson that I learned while reading this article is that homosexuality here in
the Philippines was not only categorize as gay, bisexual, lesbian etc. it was also categorized as paminta,
butch or tombutch and lipsticks or femmes. Lastly, I used to think that some major religions here in the
Philippines already accept homosexuality but after reading this article I now think that homosexual is
still not accepted because they believe what the bible says about homosexuality.

The three things that I don’t understand while reading this article is, what are the difference of
acceptance of homosexuality and homosexual acceptability in this article. Another concept that I don’t
understand while reading this article is the meaning of pederasty. And lastly, what did the alliance not
materialize. It is in the part of Homosexuality and the law. This are only the few things I don’t
understand while reading this article, there are still many things that I don’t understand.

The Three things that I want to ask about this article are following:

 What are the views of major religions today to all people who are homosexual?
 What are the responses of different people specially in the media’s world to the LGBTQ+
members or those who are homosexual?
 Why did the Spaniards conquistadors want the Filipino men to wear or dress them as a woman
and make them act like a woman? What is their main reason for this kind of activity for them?

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