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Periodic Trends Worksheet

Part A- Answer in the space provided.

1. Why is the periodic table called the periodic table?

- ::si* tk.,. ,.
, o
.,Li.) pe 6(, :;l ,-,^k n u,-is ( T).{-u';cr{ic..CL,)
2. How does atomic radius change within a period? Explain why this trend occurs? . I 4J -
* c,Llor"rlic r-c;.ei iuri cl-rz c-d".€rt-t><-:2 r{*s LL.{ e1t cii."d
''for;4 t'cl
Y t t,,v\l
,^y'r- 'p,-ble,,r{'u (L've- er-zArLo.t {., iirr(-le..t '\ t* rruc-\e,-r's [.ar
, 'i'p.r-[i (ru. *eo d -> .tr-c[ .' DLAL(JI *[ur- rrr L/'\
cr. Cct '.il
3. How dges atffiic raditrs change within a family? Explain why thisrtrend occurs?
''.- (A*TZ)vY\r'(- ql 5i i vl(-u d et 5('-i" (,(S u}<. Lvr(-,r,t gii 1^1.*:.f'[ (r-
'{a-nrr, [".r
.: a-1
{,-r,l 'pt1 u i crcf cr- ,'\ t- n-r-: i ( r.l tt r ol r, i> ,:*rLAo ri {=, ++O
v ,tr i ..J-il *ar (- e r v.r-l'r utc, ..-cl. /J "*
4. Howrt**c,
does ionization energy changdwithin a period? Explain why this trend occurs?
+ lC'lvr.i'a(Lhcrrt g-iul-u-eir, itt\(.f?-(.L1;(S rLd- .-\r<-
('v-?-.('L 1;( .- rLr)- vy1-Cvre {-d,.j(.r.-*Cii^ {t -{-
- ;: ;.'U"L ,, a) r'\ -\r<- vvac
- +t! rul e,rvr*r ciicj*'r-<*: -rrtcu-Ltq.;,* , ,.lr ,ls hc.r.k, L t'{*v1tLr.t'{ ,..-ul Q-
E ,How
5. ,^.-- f^!? t'_4. <-iiui- i .i V*z.LCCl +d +rLki 4'.r-r1 e-' (Lun-)(z--\
ooes lonlzatlon ene(W change within a family? Explain why this trend bccurs? J
[, . I
I Crv\t <- vui-.r71 \ a.L-c. t-t-tA'>t-5 .tf- .t;'t- vvuc-..t--,t <r. - r\ Ct \**kl
- (Ltc./s. c1c-h lat,r{/ ,^-:. i\.,-* r-rrl.ot e-. Qi(-'Li;ir/ lers ' < u-r-s^crg '4 )
i\-tr24LJcLi4e, ;q-r,rl6-,tr€ ..rtJ c- ;)'3
6. How does electronegativity change within a period? Explain why this trend occurs?
'' etltlt.,FY.rr\,L(r..*Fr,
-Fv.-.*i,..ti.r. f.i rnL{€ € ((s€:
((<\€ <. dLS ..jc ;;'Ji-:{.i'*.o.i
ir-:" (c-r.t e'y(.r(e €'rt
Ik 'rnr

-dr-tc'r-A,g 1.r:dJ .- , rt atj{,( { it-S, (-(-

- ar-t c'r-A ,g .rr\r1dj.-ryt.ct[j{,( 'r.\c.\!t- r-\6+tj.,t- -{ (..^----"
vv\L/! (:g '>..I . tr-rr., ur -{ t".a vL(ctc *s ). -+ t* ,o*"r,."(
+)4-<l e; u-v( l't.lrjt
}.rclJtss ot'.- t.e>
tt.,r re
tt*, - - J."{[
.,5 c{k cL Qa-r'.,<-: {., *
7. How does electronegativity chan$6 within a family? Explain why this trend

- e[e--{r.,.SJ (L-, ;,- Jq.-[c.,*, 'tz: v1r{ c-Cs r-*} I (e -r L.- r.-r-",-.,,-i t
a*ouits k\d(A
kr.{'.l c:(* yi ,r,*. or-t \{-ar-r-j*
or-r. \{-c,-r-j* )A
^ {:"- * .'1
r-r t"
f (>-- .-1 h vlr
? i[::t'it'iL:T--o,.,1o.,,\
.rk..,. c.. c.,,1 ut* .",-{.,. .rt*se :tr\-
<{ot., ,r.t on\ .t= c (re r"vc-{.( .

9. Why is P smalter than Bi?

I t
ct- br,?lr;P , )l
10. Explain why francium is the most reactive metal.
€Tcr*vtc-r g) f'v\ t o Lr\ (:,v c;t -*s i ,'-at ...roo1.b ft' iC'gC- i6-r\ I

& cr\rL.,L t-l's bi) *.i a'k^ ( r'L(,.{1'l i<'-t l..s),'h'vcLt<,"tce

\{ 5 "1 f'., ,'^ 4U + c-h ct,-qc t1 c
t U Cru\ {.-. c..,*:?" u te u-s

+ r,' ncrJ c^-lit n.^ t {. .{ h) 'f , "t 't ea=i [y lo{l



ct-*t. 'v'uit C \
a) largest radius: (Li, or I-

b) smallest radius: ?ff6. or ca

c) highest ionization energy:
d) lowest ionization energy:
(g' -o
e) highest electronegativitY: Al or
f) lowest electronegativitY: F or (C.
g) highest reactivityr Na or (-K-'
h) highest reactivity: Br or G,
12. Using the table below, circle the correct statements'

{'l(-a '|'-''

a. Magnesium has a larger atomic radius than sodium and beryllium.

( n.., Hetium has the greatest ionization capacity and francium has the lowest ionization
\-/ capacity.

c. sulfur has a much lower electronegativity than calcium.

d. A non-metal atom is much larger than a metal atom'

d, silicon is a metalloid because it touches the staircase.

five energy levels
f. Elements with three energy levels are bigger than elements with

readily than K'

G] *u holds on to its electrons more
h. lt is harder to remove an electron from Mg than Cl'
/ 10. The graph below shows the electronegativity of some elements. Describe: the
progression of this property for elements within the 3rd period on the periodic table.

Atomic number
e\< .rf-r-.r,,.r.-3*-*:. v, I*1,fr lncr tcLq7- (x<-t*{:<;n. .- iQ'c{ :*
t lt"
'f(,..-,' e-te.-ka,,-s u*.'lk d, '(i*"
tt'ug 6lcrr'vt-5 h*U. (, n {., vvu:v

Part B- Multiple Choice Select the best answer.

11. The following graph shows the measurement of a property of certain elements as a
function of their atomic number.

0.3 0

0.2 0

0.0 5

20 25
A tom ic N um ber

According to this graph, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A) The measurement of this property is always greater at the end of a period than at the
beginning of a period.
![fhe measurement of this property dgcreages and then increases across a period. X
(Q))ne measurement of this property decreases f rom left to right across a period.
D) The measurement of this property is greater for the last element of Period 2 than for
the first element of Period 3.

12. What general observation can be made regarding the atomic radius across a row or a
period of the Periodic Table?
A lt increases with increasing atomic number.
(EL,tt decreases with increasing atomic number.
C) lt remains constant with increasing atomic number.
D) lt varies in an irregular fashion, with no relation to the atomic number.

13. The following graph shows the change in the electronegativity of certain
elements as a
function of their atomic numbers'


.t.........+... ..-:.'.-....-.. i

tt ttt'

468 lo 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Atomrc
'7L Number

is TRUE?
Apcording to this graph, which of the following statements
f;;;il r,;E.tionegativity increases ai tne atomic number increases' /
as the atomic number increases'
Y f n Period 2, electronegativity decreases
Ci f n Period 2, electrone[ativity does not change aS the atomic numberatomic number
Oj f n period 2, electrone[ativity decreases andthen increases as the
in the atomic radius
14. According to this graph, which statement best describes the change
as you move across a period?

0.0 5

i' L .3

A) The size of the atomic radius increases as you move from left to
right across a
B) The size of the atomic radius decreases then increases across a

{o The size of the atomic radius decreases as you move from left to right across
a period.
D) The size of the atomic radius increases and then decreases across
/ 15. Consider the graph below.

Atomic Radius vs. Atomic Numtrer



E 0.14

' o*o-i" o.r*ult,
Based on this graph, which of the following statements is correct?
A)..The atomic radius increases across the period and decrease;s down a group.
ei)fne atomic radius decreasds across the period and increas6s down a group.
Ef, fne atomic radius increases across the period and increases down a group.
D) The atomic radius decreases across the period and decreases down a group.

16. Which of the following statements are true for the atomic radius within the same period?

l) Moving from left to right across a given period, there is an increase in the number of
electrons, protons and neutrons, and thus the atomic radius increases.

ll)The atomic radius decreases with the increasing atomic number across a given period. I
lll)The atomic radius is independent from the type of atom within a given period. X

lV)Moving from left to right across a given period, there is an increase in the number of
protons and electrons. Therefore the electric forces between nucleus and shell
increases, thus reducing the atomic size. v'

A) I and lll B) l, ll and lV C) ll and lll and lV

EST 4 Name:
Periodic Trends Worksheet

Part A- Answer in the space provided.

1. table?
Why is the periodic table called the periodic t , ..,, \
-- rv\ e c^*i)pd-6c'""':Jl'";qI.I,., -nk.,'u6-ts icCil)

How does electronegativity

rL,vY trLruD EruurrurrugarlvlLy change
-- de.--Lo..,*I,..Frr.(i
u*lu..Fi, t^'.n s ..==
S '.J-";il';[""+".i".t^-,1
within a pefloo/
period? Explaln
t r'tc-r n{< (L.:tc_
. l-.i 5r\c-v
Explain Wnytnts
trend OCCUfS?
why this tfend occurs? , t/. - ;, i.
- u e-l < ..Fo *
a L,.r-Ytrr\r._((.\-rl,uirLi t
(LSc- : ..
cLS L!il<_- v1lLC-1(.; e:-+-'.,
Y- T'c?i , irrW
- atl:tv\-q .ro-d
- ita.,vt., r (Ls, (,(*
:- vyL d.W< ,' (Ls, ('(* ,-v\C\u{
r LtJ .-vvtcr-t{{ r , { ,-v\ C\u".i<-
{ r r ctLtt-
r^ ttt- { {..r--.- (L rL ,)
*. +t."
!V\Ot 4 'pI. t"r.r,', trr -{ t.*c erLrcte.,*-s
*L- ,*l-.r."( h.rld., or.
yLL,r.cte.r-s , { h .o*.-.u.r( h t<:
tt,., e - I ri
J-J(j1c{t",. li
l^\ zr--
J(A-{c.1;" {fer(-(e, <*
7. How does electronegativlty chandd within a fan
electroneoativitv chan$d family? Explain why this trend occurs]
t'"-* r=,,,
- et.-ir.,.tJ-. o J-t(:1ti '{zr-r't-,-,--G..:, ( (e'r,.> i )
a:louts L"\f&t
oJouns clri tr
[r.*1'.[ drc^r c* o.1
t.. tl* rvLor'-r. Y-<''-i
h tzvLou"lr Y-cr<--c-- JU
?'il::t'i*il:I --",(-.,. *h..,. (.. .,r,1 ut* 6.1-'k,' urf*$r d
n"t *y,
atoes ou{ ,t= L (re rve-t( .

9. Why is P smaller than Bi? r. ; i

Q,I - h"" ;t3 fi\.o{e-. I
t/{\'o{tz- ''-t- "-"1Y e - ("-ts 'l-$truu.
? * (""'.-k
'- '
ct- br3Sr:P'
10. Explain why francium is the most reactive metal.

froro-, '.: l.*r ro i

.-y1 a"*r--" cu rr-r{ *r*rib h, ic'se- c}.t"l { -
'6e cr\ LL(a-L tl
'', .,i) ;n t- E^ ( * ',:1'l i<''-t tO , i f=
'v'ei' t<,"t .-<-

r- t a u e ru\ f'.., c..,-11'. '1 frr, ,'n 4U + c-h cr v-qc t1 t{ c Le (.-S ,,)

+ r-t, n.rl &ftt.^. {. .{ LJ 'f , "l '= e ,. = i [y I o{l-

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