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Version 18.4.0.

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Welcome to PDQ Deploy 1

PDQ Deploy Overview ........................................................................................................ 3
PDQ Deploy Features Overview ......................................................................................... 4
Licensing ............................................................................................................................ 5
License Window ................................................................................................................. 7
Support and Feedback ........................................................................................................ 9

Chapter 2 The PDQ Deploy Interface 11

Main Console Window ..................................................................................................... 12
Package Window .............................................................................................................. 20
Deploy Once Window ....................................................................................................... 21
Print Preview Window ...................................................................................................... 24

Chapter 3 Prebuilt Ready-to-Deploy Packages (Package Library) 27

Package Library Page in PDQ Deploy ............................................................................... 29
Downloading Packages from the Library ......................................................................... 34
Additional Package Library Information ........................................................................... 41

Chapter 4 Creating and Editing Packages 45

Creating a New Package .................................................................................................. 46
Managing Packages ......................................................................................................... 64
Supported Install Files for Custom Packages ................................................................... 68

Chapter 5 Package and Step Properties 69

Package Properties ........................................................................................................... 70
Package Step Types .......................................................................................................... 80
Step Properties ................................................................................................................. 81
Common Step Properties ........................................................................................... 82
Install Step Properties ............................................................................................... 89
Command Step Properties ......................................................................................... 94
PowerShell Step Properties ....................................................................................... 98
Nested Package Step Properties ............................................................................. 101
File Copy Step Properties ........................................................................................ 103
Scan Step Properties ............................................................................................... 105

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Reboot Step Properties ........................................................................................... 106

Sleep Step Properties .............................................................................................. 107
Message Step Properties ........................................................................................ 108
Logoff Step Properties ............................................................................................. 110

Chapter 6 Deployment Overview 111

The Deployment Process ................................................................................................ 112
Types of Deployments .................................................................................................... 115
Components of Deployments ......................................................................................... 116

Chapter 7 Working with Targets 119

Selecting Targets ............................................................................................................ 120
Creating a Target List ..................................................................................................... 129
Managing Target Lists ................................................................................................... 138

Chapter 8 Manually Deploying Packages 143

Deploying Package(s) with Deploy Once ....................................................................... 144
Deploying a Package with the Command Line Interface ............................................... 153

Chapter 9 Setting up Scheduled Deployments 155

Creating Scheduled Deployments .................................................................................. 157
Creating Auto Deployments ........................................................................................... 171
Starting a PDQ Deploy Schedule from the CLI ............................................................... 189
Managing Schedules ...................................................................................................... 191

Chapter 10 Handling Offline Target Computers for Deployments 195

Deploying When Target Computers Come Online with Heartbeat Schedules .............. 196
Handling Offline Targets Using the Retry Queue and Wake-on-LAN ............................ 199

Chapter 11 Deployment Settings 205

Global Deployment Settings ........................................................................................... 206
Deployment Settings for Individual Schedules ............................................................... 213
Deployment Settings for Single Packages ...................................................................... 218
Deployment Settings for Steps within Packages ............................................................ 228

Chapter 12 Verifying Deployment Status 233

Deployment Status ......................................................................................................... 234
Additional Deployment Verification Features ................................................................ 240

Chapter 13 Printing and Reports 241

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The Print Preview Window ............................................................................................. 242
Creating and Printing Reports ........................................................................................ 245
Customizing Report Profiles ........................................................................................... 247
Built-in Reports and Profiles .......................................................................................... 250

Chapter 14 Customizing the PDQ Deploy Interface 251

Data Grids ...................................................................................................................... 252
Custom Folders ............................................................................................................... 256
Item Appearance Window .............................................................................................. 257
Details Sidebars ............................................................................................................. 258

Chapter 15 Defining System Preferences 259

Alerts .............................................................................................................................. 260
Database ........................................................................................................................ 261
Deployments .................................................................................................................. 264
Interface ......................................................................................................................... 268
Logging ........................................................................................................................... 269
Mail Server ..................................................................................................................... 270
Package Library .............................................................................................................. 271
Performance ................................................................................................................... 272
Printing ........................................................................................................................... 275
Proxy Server .................................................................................................................... 276
Repository ...................................................................................................................... 277
Spiceworks ...................................................................................................................... 279
Target Filters .................................................................................................................. 281
Target Service ................................................................................................................. 282

Chapter 16 Setting up Options 283

Credentials ..................................................................................................................... 284
Variables ........................................................................................................................ 286
Console Users ................................................................................................................ 287
Central Server ................................................................................................................. 289
Background Service ........................................................................................................ 291

Chapter 17 PDQ Deploy Files and Registry Settings 293

Windows Services .......................................................................................................... 294
PDQ Deploy Database .................................................................................................... 295
The Repository ............................................................................................................... 303

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Temp Files ...................................................................................................................... 307

Registry Entries .............................................................................................................. 308

Chapter 18 Best Practices 311

Optimizing the PDQ Deploy Console ............................................................................. 312
Optimizing Deployment .................................................................................................. 313
Maintaining the PDQ Deploy Database ......................................................................... 325
Healthy DNS ................................................................................................................... 330

Chapter 19 Integrating PDQ Deploy with Other Systems 331

PDQ Inventory ................................................................................................................ 332
Windows Active Directory .............................................................................................. 334
Spiceworks ...................................................................................................................... 335

Chapter 20 Moving PDQ Deploy to Another Computer 339

Chapter 21 Troubleshooting 343

More Info: Diagnose Problems ....................................................................................... 344
Configuring Windows Firewall Ports and Exceptions .................................................... 347
Whitelisting the Package Library ................................................................................... 348
Access Denied-Failure to connect to ADMIN$ share Error ............................................ 349
Troubleshooting Deployment Errors .............................................................................. 350
PowerShell Error Handling .............................................................................................. 351
Troubleshooting Microsoft Installer Errors .................................................................... 355
Issue Report ................................................................................................................... 357
Restore the PDQ Deploy Database ................................................................................ 359

Chapter 22 Icon Quick Reference Glossary 361

Menu and Toolbar Icons ................................................................................................. 362
Tree and Panel Window Icons ........................................................................................ 367
Package Step Type Icons ................................................................................................ 369
Schedule Icons ................................................................................................................ 371
Deployment Status Icons ................................................................................................ 374
Print Preview Icons ......................................................................................................... 375
Miscellaneous Icons ....................................................................................................... 377

Chapter 23 End User License Agreement 379

Chapter 24 Corporate Information 393

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Index 395

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

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Chapter 1

Welcome to PDQ Deploy

PDQ Deploy is a software deployment tool that allows system administrators to silently install almost any
application or patch to multiple Windows computers simultaneously.
PDQ Deploy saves time and effort by enabling administrators to easily install, uninstall, update, repair, or
make many other types of changes across the network without remote logins or physically walking to
each target computer.
Using PDQ Deploy, administrators may create custom deployment packages and deploy them to any
target computer on their network. For convenience and ease-of-use, administrators can also use more
than 150 ready-to-deploy packages of popular free software from the PDQ Deploy Package Library. All
prebuilt packages are up-to-date and tested to ensure silent deployment, removal of unnecessary add-
ons (for example, toolbars), and where possible, removal of auto updates.
NOTE: Access to the Package Library depends on your license level. For details about licensing, see the
PDQ Deploy Licensing Mode Comparison table.

For an introduction to PDQ Deploy, see the following video:

VIDEO: Introduction to PDQ Deploy


This chapter contains the following topics:

· PDQ Deploy Overview
· PDQ Deploy Features Overview
· Free Mode
· Enterprise Mode
· Licensing

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

· Subscription Overview
· PDQ Deploy Licensing Mode Comparison
· License Window
· Support and Feedback

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PDQ Deploy Overview

PDQ Deploy Overview

To show you an example of how PDQ Deploy can help you manage your network, consider the following
basic scenario.

Let’s say you are the IT manager for a small high school. You know that the Adobe Flash plug-in needs to
be updated on most of the target computers used by your teachers, administrators, librarians, and
Here is how PDQ Deploy can help you solve this problem:
1. Check the PDQ Deploy Package Library for a prebuilt Adobe Flash package (or if necessary, you can
create your own deployment package).
It’s easier and faster to use a prebuilt package, so take a quick look at the Package Library online or in
the PDQ Deploy Main Console window. In the Package Library you can find a package for the latest
version of Adobe Flash. Import the Adobe Flash package into your system.
2. Choose the target computers where you want to deploy Adobe Flash.
Select the Adobe Flash package, then use Deploy Once to create a deployment. You can manually
enter target computer names, or if your Windows network uses Active Directory (AD), you can browse
AD from PDQ Deploy and select from there.
3. Deploy the package to update your target computers.
You are ready to deploy the Flash update to your target computers—click Deploy Now .
4. Review the results of your deployment.
You can check the results of your Adobe Flash install deployment in the PDQ Deploy Main Console
window. View the overall results of the deployment under Deployment Details and under Targets, you
can check the results for specific machines.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

PDQ Deploy Features Overview

PDQ Deploy can be used in three license modes: Free and Enterprise. Each successive license level
includes all the benefits of the preceding level, with additional features, and access to more packages in
the PDQ Deploy Package Library. The following sections highlight some of the key features available with
each licensing level.
For a detailed, up-to-date feature comparison of PDQ Deploy modes, see the PDQ Deploy Comparison
table on our website at
NOTE: You can upgrade a free installation of PDQ Deploy to Enterprise mode at any time by purchasing a
license key on our website at For details about licensing PDQ Deploy, see

Free Mode
The free mode allows unlimited use of a subset of PDQ Deploy features such as:
· Access only Free level prebuilt packages in the Package Library.
· Deploy to target computers with or without Active Directory.
· Deploy single step packages silently on one or more target computers. (Free mode packages are
limited to one Install step)

Enterprise Mode
The Enterprise mode license provides access to all PDQ Deploy features including:
· Access all prebuilt packages in the Package Library, including old versions (based on current
· Build and deploy multi-step packages.
· Utilize custom conditions and other package options.
· Run packages from within other packages (nested packages).
· Use one PDQ Deploy repository with other Deploy consoles in your organization with Central Server.
All packages and deployment histories are seen across all consoles.
· Packages from the Package Library can be set to Auto Download new versions as they become
available from PDQ. Schedule these same packages to automate Patch Management.
· Schedule any package to deploy on your time frame.
· Retry deployments automatically to target computers that are offline during initial deployments.
· Receive status email notifications when deployments and schedules complete.
· Receive priority email support from PDQ’s knowledgeable support team.

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PDQ Deploy offers the following licensing options: Enterprise and Free.
PDQ Deploy Enterprise licenses are based on the number of system administrator users of the software,
not the number of computers managed. You need one license for each administrator using PDQ Deploy.
PDQ Deploy Enterprise licenses give users access to the software in perpetuity.1 Each license also
includes a 12-month subscription to the Package Library, product updates, and support. To continue to
use the Package Library and receive updates and support, users must maintain a current subscription.
To purchase a license and start your subscription, visit our website at:

Subscription Overview
The following sections review some of the benefits of maintaining a current PDQ Deploy subscription:

Package Library
Enterprise subscriptions provide access to additional packages in the Package Library. The Package
Library contains common free applications and updates that are ready to download and deploy from
within PDQ Deploy. PDQ keeps the packages up-to-date and tests all packages to ensure they install
It is important to remember that access to Enterprise level packages require a current subscription.
Access to all package library updates require that the product version and subscription stay current.

Free product Upgrades

When using PDQ Deploy with a current Enterprise level subscription, all upgrades to PDQ Deploy are
available for free. You can set up auto update checks in the Preferences menu or sign up for email
It is important to remember that upgrade protection is valid only for versions released within the
subscription period. Access to current upgrades, that include Enterprise level features, require that the
product version and subscription stay current.

Subscription Validation
When you launch PDQ Deploy, it uses your license key to validate your subscription, then gives you
access to the corresponding product features.
Additionally, for support, you must activate each license by providing an email address. For example, if you
have ten Enterprise licenses, those licenses must be associated with ten email addresses on your
Customer page (login at

PDQ Deploy Licensing Mode Comparison

The following table describes and explains the PDQ Deploy licensing modes.
For all the details about licensing PDQ Deploy, see our End User License Agreement (EULA).

License Basics Details


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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Enter pr is e The Enterprise mode license Licens e: The Enterprise license mode unlocks all of PDQ
includes all of PDQ Deploy’s Deploy’s features including, multi-user capability w ith
features.2 Central Server, Auto Dow nload of Library packages w hen
they are updated, scheduled deployments, and the
Each Enterprise mode license is a deployment Retry Queue. Enterprise users also receive
perpetual license.1 How ever, priority email support.
access to product updates, the
Package Library, and support Pack age Libr ar y: Includes access to all packages in the
require a current subscription. Package Library, including old versions of packages.

Fr ee The free mode allow s unlimited use Licens e: No license or subscription is required. PDQ
of a subset of PDQ Deploy Deploy free mode is 100% free to use in any setting
features.2 (commercial, government, or education). PDQ Deploy can
be redistributed so you can share the softw are; how ever,
PDQ Deploy can be used for free you may not bundle PDQ Deploy inside other applications
in commercial and non-commercial nor can it be rebranded or decompiled. This license unlocks
environments. There is no time limit, all PDQ Deploy's features.
nor is there a limit to the number of
target computers that can be Pack age Libr ar y: Free mode includes access to only the
managed. Free-level packages in the Package Library.

Upgr ade: You can upgrade a free installation of PDQ

Deploy to Enterprise mode at any time by purchasing a
license key or by registering for an Enterprise Trial.3

1. A perpetual license means that you can use the license mode and version of PDQ Deploy you purchase,
and all the updates released during the license period, into perpetuity. How ever, to continue to use the
Package Library and receive updates and support, you must maintain a current subscription.
2. For details about the features available for each mode, see the PDQ Deploy Comparison table at
https://w w w
3. The Enterprise Trial mode is a free, 14-day, fully-functional Enterprise mode trial license. It also includes
trial access to any three Enterprise mode packages. In Free mode, click on Star t Tr ial in the toolbar, or
sign up online at https://w w w

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License Window

License Window
The License settings allow you to manage your PDQ Deploy license. For more information on PDQ
Deploy licensing, see Licensing. You can also view information about PDQ licensing in the following
To access the License settings page, click Help > License.

Options Description

Use Free Mode Provides unlimited use of a subset of PDQ Deploy features and free-level packages in
the Package Library. No license or subscription is required.
PDQ Deploy Free Mode is 100% free to use in any setting (commercial, government, or
education). There is no time limit, nor is there a limit to the number of computers that can
be managed.

For a detailed, up-to-date feature comparison of PDQ Deploy modes, see the
PDQ Deploy Comparison table on our website at

Use License Use this option if you have a valid Enterprise license key.
A current Enterprise license for PDQ Deploy provides access to additional product
features and packages in the Package Library as w ell as product support and upgrades.
For a detailed, up-to-date feature comparison of PDQ Deploy modes, see the
PDQ Deploy Comparison table on our website at
To upgrade PDQ Deploy to Enterprise modes, you must purchase a license key. You can
purchase a license key by clicking Help > Buy Enter pr is e Licens e or by visiting our
w ebsite at
After you purchase your license, you can copy and paste your license key from the
license email or you can brow se to and select your license key file. Be sure to include
“ --- START LICENSE ---” and “ --- END LICENSE ---” w hen copying the

Product PDQ Deploy.

Mode The mode the console is in, either Free or Enterprise.

Billing Contact The billing contact listed on your account.

Technical Contact The technical contact listed on your account

Quantity The quantity of System Administrators that are currently licensed. PDQ Deploy
Enterprise licenses are based on the number of system administrator users
of the software, not the number of computers managed. You need one license
for each administrator using PDQ Deploy.
While using Central Server, this number also determines the number of
Concurrent Sessions allowed with this license.

Subscription The date the subscription expires.


Enter a New License Allow s you to upgrade, update, or modify the license key for your local installation of
PDQ Deploy.
You can copy and paste your license key from the license email or you can brow se to
and select your license key file. Be sure to include “ --- START LICENSE ---” and
“ --- END LICENSE ---” w hen copying the key.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Renew Subscription This link only appears w hile in Enterprise mode. This w ill connect you to our w ebsite
w here you can log into your account to renew or extend your subscription.

Purchase License This link only appears w hile in Free mode. This link w ill connect you to our w ebsite
w here you can purchase licenses.

Update Account Info This link directs you to w here you can sign in and update your
account information.

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Support and Feedback

Support and Feedback

PDQ provides a number of support options to help you troubleshoot problems and use our products more
· Forums and Know ledge Base
Free support is always available from our forums, which can be accessed from Help > Support
Forums or at Our support staff is constantly trawling around looking
for questions to answer. Not only do the forums contain FAQs and our Knowledge Base, but any
system administration question is welcome. We're here to help.
· Email Feedback and Support (Enterprise mode required)
Email support is available from our support staff from Help > Support > Feedback & Support, or email
directly at Enterprise mode users receive priority support.
· Video Tutorials
There is a wealth of configuration and troubleshooting information available in our video library at
· Weekly Webcasts
For ongoing support, you can subscribe to our live weekly webcasts and ask us questions directly at
· PDQ Blog
Our blog provides timely information on current issues and updates, as well as tips and how-tos for
using our products more productively. Read posts or subscribe to email updates at
· Virtual Training
You can purchase two hours of personalized, one-on-one training with a PDQ instructor conducted
over the phone and remotely on the web. To request more information, visit our website at
We hope you find our products useful, easy-to-use, and effective. If you have any questions or comments,
please visit our forums. We aim to respond to customer requests as quickly as possible. We also
welcome your feedback as it guides future development.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

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Chapter 2

The PDQ Deploy Interface

This chapter introduces the main components of the PDQ Deploy interface—the Main Console, Package,
Deploy Once, and Print Preview windows.

VIDEO: The PDQ Deploy Interface


This chapter contains the following topics:

· Main Console Window
· Menu and Toolbar
· Tree and Page
· Status Bar
· Package Window
· Deploy Once Window
· Print Preview Window

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Main Console Window

The main console window provides access to your configured packages, deployments, schedules, and
target lists. You can also access and import more than 200 ready-to-deploy and tested PDQ Deploy
packages from the Package Library.
The main console window is comprised of four navigational components—Menu and Toolbar, Tree,
Page, and Status bar.

This section provides information on these components and includes the following topics:
· Menu and Toolbar
· Tree and Page
· Example Page—Packages
· Example Page—Specific Package
· Example Page—Multiple Packages Selected
· Status Bar

Menu and Toolbar

The File, Edit, View, Reports, Options, and Help menus provide commands and controls for the
components and content you create and edit in PDQ Deploy. The Toolbar provides quick, context sensitive
access to selected commands.

The following table provides quick reference details for each command.

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Main Console Window

Menu Command Icon Key Command Description

File New Package Ctrl+N Opens New Package w indow .

New Target List Ctrl+Shift+T Opens new blank Target List

w indow .

New Folder Ctrl+Shift+F Creates new folder for

organizing packages and target

New Schedule Opens a new blank Schedule

w indow . (Enterprise mode

Duplicate Alt+Insert Duplicates selected Package,

Target List, Schedule, or

Open Ctrl+O Opens selected Package,

Target List, Schedule, or

Deploy Once Ctrl+D Opens a new blank Deploy

Once w indow for the selected

Attach Schedules Attaches existing schedules to

the selected package.
(Enterprise mode required)

Print Preview Ctrl+P Preview s and prints or exports

w hat is displayed on the
console (deployments,
schedules, packages, etc.).

Import Ctrl+I Imports Packages and Target


Export Ctrl+E Exports Packages and Target


Save Data to File Ctrl+Alt+S Saves data for selected item in

several formats. For example,
you can save a list of the
current packages in the
Package Library.

Exit Alt+F4 Closes PDQ Deploy.

Edit Cut Ctrl+X Cuts the selected item.

Copy Ctrl+C Copies the selected item.

Paste Ctrl+V Pastes the selected item.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Abort Aborts a deployment before

completion. Stop the entire
deployment or only selected
target computers.

Redeploy Ctrl+R Redeploys to all or selected

target computers.

Redeploy to Failed Ctrl+Shift+R Redeploys to all failed target

Computers computers.

Redeploy from Failed Step Redeploys from the step that

previously failed.

Delete Del Deletes the selected item.

Rename F2 Renames selected item (for

example, a Package or custom

Select All / Select None Ctrl+A Selects or deselects all items in

a list or field.

View Refresh F5 Refreshes the entire console

including checking for updates.

Package Library Opens the Package Library on

the Main Console w indow .

Edit Columns Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Z Opens the Edit Columns

w indow . You can change the
columns displayed, column
order, and more. For details,
see Data Grids.

Item Appearance Ctrl+Shift+F2 Opens the Item Appearance

w indow . For items in the tree,
you can change the icon
displayed and display as
section header. For details, see
Item Appearance Window .

Repor ts Deployment Preview s and prints or exports

the Deployment Details report
using the selected report profile.
Select from Full Details,
Summary, or a custom profile.

Package Preview s and prints or exports

the Package Details report using
the selected report profile.
Select from Include Step Details
or No Step Details.

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Main Console Window

Package Library Preview s and prints or exports

the Package Library Details
using the selected report profile.
Select from Include Step Details
or No Step Details.

Schedule Preview s and prints or exports

the Schedule Details report that
using the selected report profile.
Select from Full Details,
Summary, or a custom profile.

Target List Preview s and prints or exports

the Target List Details report.

Notifications Opens the Notifications w indow

w here Post Deployment emails
and Post Schedules emails are
created and edited.

Options Credentials Opens the Credentials w indow

to manage the administrative
credentials used by PDQ

Variables Opens the Variables w indow to

manage the Custom and System
values stored by PDQ Deploy.

Console Users Opens the Console Users

w indow to manage the users
that can access the console..

Central Server Opens the Central Server

w indow . In Local mode, the
w indow w ill show the options
for setting up Server Mode or
Client Mode. Once in Server
Mode or Client Mode, the
w indow w ill display the settings
for the selected mode.

Background Service Opens the Background Service

w indow to modify the settings
used by the Window s service

Preferences Ctrl+Comma Opens the PDQ Preferences

w indow to customize the

Help User Guide F1 Opens the PDQ Deploy user

guide documentation. Website Opens the w ebsite.

Buy Enterprise License Opens the Purchase

Licenses w eb page. (Available
only in Free mode)

Renew Subscription Opens the Existing

Customer Sign In w eb page.
(Available only in Enterprise

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Try PDQ Deploy Enterprise Opens the PDQ

Deploy Enterprise Mode Trial
w eb page. (Available only in
Free mode)

Open Remote Repair Ctrl+Tilde Opens the Remote

Repair utility.

Open Elevated Command Opens a Command Prompt to be

Prompt Run as Administrator.
(Enterprise mode required to
launch from w ithin PDQ Deploy)

Open Elevated Pow erShell Opens Pow erShell Prompt to be

Prompt Run as Administrator.
(Enterprise mode required to
launch from w ithin PDQ Deploy)

Support Opens the different support

w eb pages available from
Admin Arsenal. Choose
betw een Feedback & Support
and Support Forums.

Check for Update Opens the Check for Update

w indow w ith information and
dow nload options about
available updates.

Current Configuration Opens a Notepad of select

Summary settings from Options,
Preferences, and License. This
file w ill mostly be used w hen
seeking support.

License Opens the License w indow .

About PDQ Deploy Opens the About PDQ Deploy

w indow that show s the
currently installed version and
license mode.

Tree and Page

The tree contains all of the packages, deployments, schedules, target lists, and custom folders in your
PDQ Deploy system. You can also access the PDQ Deploy Package Library from the tree.
Select an item in the tree to display its details in the page on the right. You can organize the tree by moving
folders or creating custom folders for packages and target lists. While using Central Server, organization
of the tree is on a per user basis.
The following table provides a description for each element in the tree.

Page Icon Description

Welcome to PDQ Deploy Includes links to get you started w ith packages, to help and
documentation resources, and to follow Admin Arsenal on social
netw orking.

All Deployments Lists all deployments in your system.

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Main Console Window

All Schedules Lists all schedules in your system.

Retry Queue Displays the list of computers w aiting for packages to be

redeployed. (Enterprise license mode required.) Only computers that
failed due to being offline w ill be placed in the Retry Queue.

Auto Dow nload Packages Displays PDQ Deploy packages that are configured for Auto
Dow nload. If the package has been edited, the pencil w ill display
over the icon. (Enterprise mode required.)

Package Library Displays the ready-to-deploy packages created by If you

expand the Package Library, you can view packages by Categories
or Vendors. The specific packages that you can dow nload and
deploy from the Package Library depends on your license mode.

Folder You can create custom folders for organizing packages, target lists,
and other folders.
Drag and drop to move folders in the tree.

NOTE: The default folder is named Pack ages . If this folder is deleted
or renamed, the imported packages w ill be stored in the top level of
the tree.

Private Packages This folder is automatically added w hile using Central Server.
Packages, target lists, and other folders created or copied into this
folder cannot be seen by other users of the Central Server.

NOTE: Reverting a console to Local mode w ill convert this folder to a

regular folder appended w ith the console user's name.

Package Displays any Standard package that is not auto dow nloading. Select
a package to view its details, like associated deployments,
schedules, and more. Packages can be dragged and dropped onto
target lists to create a deployment (and vice versa).

Example Page—Packages
Click the Packages folder in the tree to view the packages downloaded into your system on the Packages
page. The list shows the package name, package type, and the created and modified dates.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Example Page—Specific Package

To view the deployment details for a specific package, do one of the following:
· Click on a package name in the tree.
· Click the Packages folder in the tree, right-click a package name from the Packages page, and select
a GoToPackage
' Name ' (or press Ctrl+G).
For example, on the Package page you can view the deployments, schedules, and the retry queue
associated with the package. Additional controls may also be available on the page header, for example,
the Deploy and Edit Package buttons. If the package is set to Auto Download, the approval will also
display here.

On many pages you can see additional details in the sidebars on the right side of the page. The sidebars
can be pinned open (see Deployment Details in the sample screen) or collapsed (see Target
Details). Click the sidebar to show or hide the details. For more information about sidebars, see Details

Example Page—Multiple Packages Selected

When multiple packages are selected in the tree (Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click), the Multiple Packages page
opens on the right. From this page, you can perform the following actions:
· Create new package nesting these packages: A New Package window opens with each packages
listed as a separate nested step. For details, see Creating a New Package and Nested Package Step
· Start a deployment w ith these packages: A Deploy Once window opens with each package selected
to be deployed. For details, see Deploying Package(s) with Deploy Once.
· Create new schedules w ith these packages: A new Schedule window opens for all selected
packages. For details, see Creating Scheduled Deployments.

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Main Console Window

· Attach packages to an existing schedule: The Select Schedules window opens. To attach the
packages to an existing schedule, simply select the existing schedule and click OK, or double-click the
schedule name.

Status Bar
The Status bar across the bottom of the PDQ Deploy Main Console window provides update information
and links to the following:
· Updates to PDQ Deploy. For details, see Alerts.
· Updated packages in the Package Library.
· Auto downloads waiting for approval.
· Running deployments.
· (Beta version only) Link to PDQ Deploy beta feedback page.

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Package Window
A PDQ Deploy package is a set of one or more deployment steps that are executed on target computers.
Use the Package window to create and edit packages. For information about creating and editing
packages, see Creating and Editing Packages.
To view the Package window:
1. On the tree expand Packages, then select a package.
2. Double-click it, or on the Package page, click Edit Package.
The Package window has three primary components—the Menu and Toolbar, the Step list, and the
Package/Step Properties. Packages that are set to Auto Download will show Pre-Steps, the Steps of the
Library Package, as well as the Post-Steps.

The Menu and Toolbar contain the controls and commands you use when creating and editing packages
and package steps. Click Package Properties or a step in the Step List to display and edit the package or
step properties in the Package/Step properties.
For details about package and package step properties, see Package and Step Properties.

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Deploy Once Window

Deploy Once Window

In PDQ Deploy, a deployment is the process of deploying one or more packages to one or more target
computers. Use the Deploy Once window to select packages, select target computers, select credentials,
and set additional deployment properties for immediate deployment.
To view the Deploy Once window:
1. (Optional) On the tree, expand the Packages folder, then select a package.

2. On the Package page, click Deploy > Deploy Once (or press Ctrl+D), or click Deploy Once on the
3. If there are no packages currently listed under Packages, (or you wish to add more packages) click
Choose Packages to navigate to the package to be deployed.
4. (Optional) If there are packages you do not wish to deploy, click the trashcan icon next to the package

The Deploy Once window has two primary components—the Targets Editor and Deployment
properties. The following table describes the two tabs of the deployment properties.

Property Description

Packages The name of the package(s) being deployed.

Choose Packages Select package(s) to be added to be deployed.

Targets Selects the target computers for deployment. Type a computer name or
click Choos e Tar gets to select computer names from sources such as
Active Directory, PDQ Inventory, Spicew orks, Target Lists, and Text Files.
For more information about targets, see Selecting Targets, Choosing
Individual Targets.

NOTE: You can select a target source in the Deploy Once window
however, it will choose all targets in the source at the time of
selection and the entire source will not be dynamically linked.

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NOTE: You can also paste a target computer name (or list of
names) directly into the Targets Editor section. If copying a list
of names, ensure that there is only one target computer name
per line.

Start Deployment from Allow s you to select the step of the package that w ill be used to start the
deployment. The default is set to Step 1 for all targets. This can be set
universally for all targets or it can be set for each individual target.

NOTE: Available only w hen deploying a single package.

Options tab

Credentials Selects the Deploy User credentials from PDQ Deploy to be used during
this deployment.

NOTE: This selection is saved for use the next time you start a new
deployment w ith this w indow .

Use PDQ Inventory Scan Allow s PDQ Inventory's Scan User credentials to be used during the
User credentials first, deployment. If selected, the PDQ Inventory Scan Users credentials w ill be
w here available used first. If no Inventory Scan User credentials exist for that target
computer, the selected PDQ Deploy credentials w ill be used.

NOTE: Local Administrator Passw ord Solution (LAPS) can be used by if

the target computer's selected Scan User credentials are configured
properly to use LAPS.

IMPORTANT: Enterprise mode is required in both PDQ Deploy and PDQ

Inventory. If running in Client or Server mode, PDQ Inventory must also
be in Client or Server mode.

NOTE: This selection is saved for use the next time you start a new
deployment w ith this w indow .

Copy Mode Defines how PDQ Deploy copies deployment files to targets. When files
(such as installation files) are copied to a target, PDQ Deploy can use
either Push or Pull Copy Mode. By default, PDQ Deploy uses Push Copy
Mode. For more information about w hen and w hy to use these options,
see Copy Mode in Package Properties and Copy Mode in Preferences

IMPORTANT: Enterprise mode is required to use Pull.

Scanning Select w hether or not PDQ Inventory scans target computers after a
deployment to identify w hat is installed on each computer. If your
deployment doesn't install an application, you may w ant to disable
inventory scanning for the deployment.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode and also

requires PDQ Inventory in Enterprise mode. If you are running in Client
Mode, PDQ Inventory must be installed on both the Client computer and
the Server computer. Additionally, the target computer must already be
in PDQ Inventory w ith a name or hostname that matches the name
used in PDQ Deploy.

Run As Selects how the Window s service "logs on" to the target computer after it
is created and the how the package steps are executed. Deploy User is
the recommended and most common setting. For more information about
w hen and w hy to use other options, see Run Packages As in
Deployments Preferences.

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Deploy Once Window

IMPORTANT: Enterprise mode is required to use Deploy User

(Interactive) or Logged on User.

Notifications Sends an email report w hen the deployment finishes.

IMPORTANT: Enterprise mode is required. Additionally, you must

configure both the Mail Server settings in Preferences as w ell as
designate at least one email recipient in the selected Post Deployment
Notification before you can enable this option.

NOTE: This selection is saved for use the next time you start a new
deployment w ith this w indow .

Remember these targets Saves the list of targets to use the next time you start a deployment w ith
for next time this w indow .

Offline Settings tab

Offline Status Determines if a ping or a Wake-on-LAN w ill be attempted prior to a

deployment. For more information, see Offline Settings.

NOTE: Wake-on-LAN requires Enterprise mode in both PDQ Deploy and

PDQ Inventory.

Use settings from Uses the Offline Status settings from the package. Clear this checkbox to
package set custom offline status settings for the deployment. For more
information, see Deployments.

Retry Queue Determines if offline target computers w ill be placed in the Retry queue.
For more information, see Retry Queue.

IMPORTANT: Enterprise mode is required.

Use settings from Uses the Retry Queue settings from the package. Clear this checkbox to
package set custom retry settings for the deployment. For more information, see

For more about Deploy Once deployments, see Deploying Package(s) with Deploy Once and
Deployment Settings.

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Print Preview Window

The Print Preview window allows you to setup and preview PDQ Deploy reports. Reports can be details of
deployments, schedules, packages, or target lists. The Print Preview window also allows you to see a
print preview of the currently active panel and grid. The components of the Print Preview window are the
Toolbar, the Profile list, and the Preview page.

In the Print Preview window you can select the profile option, view and control the output of the document,
then choose to print or export the report. If you click ReportsReport
> Profile
> to open the Print Preview
window, you can also click Edit, Add, or Delete to customize report profiles. Customizing profiles requires
Enterprise mode. For more information, see Customizing Report Profiles and Built-in Reports and

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Print Preview Window

Print Preview Toolbar

The Print Preview toolbar contains controls for previewing reports, configuring report output, and printing
or exporting report documents.

The following table provides quick reference details for each command.

Group Command Description

Profile Allow s you to sw itch betw een profiles. See Customizing Report Profiles for more

File Open Opens File Explorer to open a report.

Save Opens File Explorer to save the report.

Print Print Opens the Print w indow .

Select or find a printer, set print parameters (pages to print and number of
copies), set preferences, and print.

Quick Print Prints the entire report using current print settings.

Page Setup Opens the Page Setup w indow .

Choose paper size, orientation, and set margins.

Scale Opens the Scale dialog.

Sets the size of the printed document or fits to a set number of page w idth.

Navigation First Page Go to the first page.

Previous Go to the previous page.


Next Page Go to the next page.

Last Page Go to the last page.

Zoom Zoom Out Scales the document preview smaller (based on Zoom menu increments).

Zoom Selects the document preview size.

Zoom In Scales the document preview larger (based on Zoom menu increments).

View Page Layout Select how many pages to show side-by-side

Choose betw een Single Page, Tw o Pages, or Wrap Pages.

Enable Enables continuous betw een pages in a single page or tw o pages view .

Show Cover Unavailable. Reports do not contain a cover page.


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Export Export Exports the document in the file format chosen from the drop-dow n list. Additional
options are available for each export format. For more information, see Export

Send Exports the document in one of the available formats and opens a new w indow to
create an email.

Document Parameters Unavailable. Report parameters are defined by the Profile. See Customizing Report
Profiles for more information.

Document Unavailable.

Thumbnails Opens the thumbnails navigation pane.

Editing Fields Unavailable.

Search Show s the Search dialog to search w ithin the document.

Watermark Opens the Watermark w indow .

Add a text or picture w atermark in the background or foreground, and specify
w hich pages include the w atermark.

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Chapter 3

Prebuilt Ready-to-Deploy Packages

(Package Library)
The Package Library provides ready-to-deploy packages of free, commonly used applications. The
packages are created and maintained by PDQ for use with PDQ Deploy. The packages include a default
set of configuration options and the necessary install files needed to silently install an application on
target computers using PDQ Deploy. Our ready-to-deploy packages reduce your need to build packages
for these common free applications. PDQ updates and tests the deployments of new packages as
application updates are released and then makes them available in the Package Library. With an
Enterprise license, packages are automatically downloaded with Auto Download set ensuring you always
have the most recent version of the application. For more information see Auto Download Packages.
NOTE: Access to the Package Library depends on your license level. For details, see Licensing.

You can also create your own packages for licensed software installs and updates that are not listed in
the Package Library. For details, see Creating and Editing Packages.

VIDEO: PDQ Deploy Package Library Introduction


This chapter contains the following topics:

· Package Library in PDQ Deploy
· Package tab
· Updates tab
· Download History tab
· Downloading Packages from the Library
· Downloading Prebuilt Packages
· Additional Information About Downloading Packages

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· Auto Download Packages

· Downloading Auto Download Packages
· Editing and Adding Steps
· Modifying the Approval Policy
· Manually Approving an Auto Download
· Retaining Previous Versions of Auto Downloads
· Converting to a Standard Package
· Disable Auto Download
· Auto Download Properties
· Online Package Library Information
· Package Library Forum
· Package Library Requests
· Follow us on Twitter

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Package Library Page in PDQ Deploy

Package Library Page in PDQ Deploy

On the PDQ Deploy Main Console window, click the Package Library button, select Package Library
in the tree, or click View > Package Library to access the library of prebuilt ready-to-deploy packages. The
Package Library list is also available on the website at, for
more information see Online Package Library Information.
This section describes the tabs and their uses:
· Packages tab
· Update tab
· Auto Download Approvals panel
· Updates panel
· Download History tab

VIDEO: The Package Library in PDQ Deploy


Packages tab
The Packages tab of the Package Library shows the full list of packages that are available for download.
While you can view all the packages in the library, only the ones available to your license will be available
to download.
IMPORTANT: Downloading packages as Auto Download requires Enterprise mode.

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From this tab, you can do any of the following:

Task Details

Filter by keywords Type keyw ords in the Filter field to filter the Package List. The list sorts as you type.
To remove the filter, click the X next to the field, or the X at the bottom of the list.


by Category To sort packages by product category (for example, Development Tools, Media, or
Security), click the Categor y column header to toggle betw een ascending and
descending order. For more information about sorting columns and row s, see Data

by License Type By default, you can see all the packages in the Package Library but packages above
your license level w ill be unavailable (grayed out). How ever, to sort by the license
type, click the Subs cr iption column header to toggle betw een ascending and
descending order. For more information about sorting columns and row s, see Data

by Size To sort packages by the dow nload size, click the Size column header to toggle
betw een ascending and descending order. For more information about sorting
columns and row s, see Data Grids.

by Downloaded To easily identify all the packages you have previously dow nloaded, click the
Dow nloaded column header to toggle betw een ascending and descending
order. For more information about sorting columns and row s, see Data Grids.

View Package Details To view the package details, select a package. The Package Details panel on
the right displays the information about the package, including previous

Download package(s)

Current versions To download packages, select one or more packages from the list and click
Dow nload Selected.

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Package Library Page in PDQ Deploy

Past versions To download previous versions, select the package. In the Package Details
panel, navigate to the Version and click Dow nload Now . (Enterprise mode

Auto Download or To choose the type of package to download, select one or more packages,
Standard Package right-click and hover over Dow nload Selected, choose either As Auto Dow nload
or As Standard Package.
IMPORTANT: Auto Download requires Enterprise mode.

NOTE: Standard Packages cannot be converted to Auto Download, you will need
to download the package again As Auto Download.

View Updated Packages When updated packages are available in the Package Library, the icon in the toolbar
changes from normal to update . To view the updated packages, on the
Package Library page or the Status bar, click the Updated Pack ages . This w ill
open up the Updates tab. For more details, see Updated Packages.

Approval Auto To manually approval Auto Dow nload packages, on the Package Library page or the
Download Packages. xx
Status bar, click the Auto Dow nload appr oval w aiting. This w ill open up the
Updates tab. For more details, see Manually Approving an Auto Dow nload.

Update tab
The Update tab contains the Auto Download Approvals that are pending and all Updates made to the
Package Library since the console was installed.

Auto Download Approvals Panel

When Auto Download Approvals are pending there are several indicators on the Main Console window to
alert you. An Approvals icon will appear in the toolbar indicating the number of packages awaiting
approval. The Auto Download approval waiting link on the Package Library page and the status bar will
also include links indicating there are approvals waiting. (Enterprise mode required for Auto Downloads.)
To manually approve a new version of an Auto Dow nload package:
1. On the Main Console, do one of the following:

· xx
Click on Approvals on the toolbar.
· xx
Click the Auto Dow nload approvals w aiting in the Status bar.
· xx
Click the Package Library node in the tree and click the Auto Dow nload approvals w aiting link
on the Package Library page.
· xx
Click the Package Library node in the tree and click the Updates tab.
The Updates tab of the Package Library is opened. The Auto Download Approvals panel displays the
current version of the package as well as the latest version.
2. In the Auto Download Approvals panel, select the package to be approved.
3. Click Approve Now (or right-click and select Approve Now ).
4. (Optionally) Click the individual package in the tree to open the Package page. Click the Approve link
on the package page.
NOTE: While using Central Server, if the Server console is not connected to the Internet, the download will
timeout after 10 minutes; however, a Client console will then download the updated package on behalf
of the Server.

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Updates Panel
When new or updated packages are added to the Package Library, several indicators on the Main
Console window will alert you. The Package Library icon on the toolbar changes from normal to
updated . Also, the Updated Packages link on the Package Library page indicates how many update
notifications there are (and the link appears on the Status bar).
To view the list of updated package notifications, do one of the follow ing:
· On the Package Library page:
· xx
Click the Updated Packages link.
· xx
Click the Updates tab.
· xx
On the Status bar, click the Updated Packages link.
On the Updates tab you can browse the updated packages and remove notifications from the list (Clear
Selected Notifications or Clear All Notifications).
NOTE: The Package Library is updated when PDQ Deploy is opened, every 2 hours thereafter, and when
manually refreshed (View > Refresh or F5). The list of Updated Packages is based on changes to the
library after your initial installation or after using Clear All Notifications.

Download History tab

The Download History tab not only shows you downloads that are in progress, but keeps a running tally of
all packages downloaded. This is particularly helpful for Auto Download packages that are automatically
downloaded after approval. (Enterprise mode required for Auto Download.)

From this tab, you can do any of the following:

Task Details

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Package Library Page in PDQ Deploy

View Dow nload When a package is dow nloading, the Dow nload Progress bar w ill be displayed. Additionally
Progress the Dow nload History tab header w ill indicate that it is currently in progress.

Cancel a dow nload To cancel a dow nload w hile it is in process, select the package(s) to be canceled and click
in progress.
Cancel Dow nload (or click the cancel icon next to the download progress bar).

Sort by Column Click on any column header to toggle betw een ascending and descending order. For
Headers more information about sorting columns and row s, see Data Grids.

Identify updated For packages set to Auto Dow nload, once approved, the dow nload w ill appear in the
Auto Dow nload history. The Dow nload Type w ill be listed as Auto for all Auto Dow nload packages that w ere
packages. automatically updated w ith the Approval Policy.

Remove packages To remove any packages from the list, select the package(s) to be removed and click Clear
from the list Selected.

Remove completed To only remove the packages that have completely dow nloaded, click Clear Com pleted.
dow nloads

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Downloading Packages from the Library

A PDQ Deploy Package includes a set of configuration options and instructions plus the install files
needed by PDQ Deploy to silently install or update a free application.

When you download a prebuilt package from the Package Library, the configuration information of the
package is stored in your local PDQ Deploy database. The install files are downloaded to the Repository,
which is stored in the PDQ Deploy %ProgramData% directory by default (for example, C:
\Users\Public\Documents\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Repository). This directory
can be moved and the install files from any packages you download in the future will download to the new
location of the repository.
This topic contains the following sections:
· Downloading Prebuilt Packages
· Additional Information About Downloading Packages
· Downloading Duplicate Packages
· Previous Versions of Packages
· Updated Packages
· Auto Download
· Multiple Packages Page

Downloading Prebuilt Packages

To dow nload prebuilt packages from the PDQ Deploy Package Library:
1. On the Main Console tree, click Package Library.
The Package Library page displays.
2. (Optional) On the tree, navigate using Categories or Vendors to locate the likely package or packages
you need.
You can also type keywords in the Filter field on the Package Library page to narrow your search.

TIP: For more ways to filter the Package Library, see Sorting the Package Library. You can also view
and sort the Package Library on the web (

3. Select a package in the list and information about the package displays in Package Details.

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Dow nloading Packages from the Library

Package Details sidebar includes information about the package and what it does.

NOTE: Enterprise mode required to access older prebuilt packages. For more information, see
Previous Versions of Packages.

4. Once you have identified the package or packages you need, click the checkboxes to select them.
5. Click Dow nload Selected (double-click one package or select multiple packages by holding Shift or
Ctrl then double-click).

The new package is added to the Packages folder in the tree and will display the download
progress next to the package name. The download progress and history is also displayed on the
Download History tab of the Package Library.

NOTE: Packages downloaded in Enterprise mode default to Auto Download and are distinguishable
with a separate package icon . For more information, see Auto Download packages. To disable
Auto Download, see Auto Download in preferences.

6. (Optional) You can single-click the package name in the tree to view the individual package page of
the Main Console.

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7. (Optional) You can also view and edit the package and package step properties by selecting the
package in the tree and double clicking (clicking Edit Package from the individual product page or
Ctrl+O) to open. For information about editing and using prebuilt packages as templates, see
Managing Packages. For information on editing an Auto Download package, see Editing an Auto
Download Package.

The package is ready to be immediately deployed or scheduled for deployment. For information about
deploying packages see Manually Deploying Packages or Setting up Scheduled Deployments.

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Dow nloading Packages from the Library

NOTE: In Enterprise mode, packages that you download are Auto Download by default and the existing
steps cannot be modified. You can add additional steps before and after the existing steps, or you
can convert to a Standard Package. Converting to a Standard Package cannot be undone. For
information about Auto Download, see Auto Download Packages. For information about adding
additional steps to an Auto Download, see Editing and Adding Steps. For information on disabling
Auto Download, see Auto Download in preferences.

Additional Information About Downloading Packages

Downloading Duplicate Packages

What happens if I download a package that is already downloaded?
The package will be downloaded again and appear in Packages with a number appended to the package
name. Note that you may see duplicate packages if you re-download, but don't delete the earlier

Previous Versions of Packages

I need a specific version of an update. How can I find older versions of PDQ Deploy packages?
Enterprise users can access a curated list of previous packages (old versions) in the Package Library.
Typically, the older packages will be for the last release of a major version of the software.
To dow nload older versions of packages from the PDQ Deploy Package Library:
1. On the Main Console tree, click Package Library.
2. On the tree, browse to and select the package for the product you need.
Under Package Details > Versions is a list of the older packages available.

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3. To download one of the older packages, click the Dow nload Now link for the version you want.
The new package is added to the Packages folder in the tree and will display the download progress
next to the package name. The download progress and history is also displayed on the Download
History tab of the Package Library.

Updated Packages
When new or updated packages are added to the Package Library, several indicators on the Main
Console window will alert you. The Package Library icon on the toolbar changes from normal to
updated . Also, the Updated Packages link on the Package Library page indicates how many updates
there are (and the link appears on the Status bar).
To view the list of updated packages, do one of the following:
· On the Package Library page:
· xx
Click the Updated Packages link.
· xx
Click the Updates tab.
· xx
On the Status bar, click the Updated Packages link.
xx Updates tab you can browse the updated packages and remove packages from the list (Clear
On the
Selected Notifications or Clear All Notifications).
NOTE: The Package Library is updated when PDQ Deploy is opened, every 2 hours thereafter, and when
manually refreshed (View > Refresh or F5). The list of Updated Packages is based on changes to the
library after your initial installation or after using Clear All Notifications.

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Dow nloading Packages from the Library

Auto Download
Auto Download is an Enterprise mode feature that allows you to set packages to automatically download
new versions of applications as they become available in the PDQ Deploy Package Library. These
packages can then be scheduled for deployment so they will deploy upon approval they will automatically
update computers for you. For details, see Auto Download Packages and Creating Auto Deployments.
When Auto Download Approvals are pending there are several indicators on the Main Console window to
alert you. An Approvals icon will appear in the toolbar indicating the number of packages awaiting
approval. The Auto Download approval waiting link on the Package Library page and the status bar will
also include links indicating there are approvals waiting.
To manually approve a new version of an Auto Dow nload package:
1. On the Main Console, do one of the following:

· xx
Click on Approvals on the toolbar.
· xx
Click the Auto Dow nload approvals w aiting in the Status bar.
· xx
Click the Package Library node in the tree and click the Auto Dow nload approvals w aiting link
on the Package Library page.
· xx
Click the Package Library node in the tree and click the Updates tab.
The Updates tab of the Package Library is opened. The Auto Download Approvals panel displays the
current version of the package as well as the latest version.
2. In the Auto Download Approvals panel, select the package to be approved.
3. Click Approve Now (or right-click and select Approve Now ).
4. (Optionally) Click the individual package in the tree to open the Package page. Click the Approve link
on the package page.
NOTE: While using Central Server, if the Server console is not connected to the Internet, the download will
timeout after 10 minutes; however, a Client console will then download the updated package on behalf
of the Server.

NOTE: Auto Download can be disabled by default in the preferences menu. See Auto Download for

Multiple Packages page

When multiple packages are selected in the tree (Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click), the Multiple Packages page
opens on the right. From this page, you can perform the following actions:
· Create new package nesting these packages: A New Package window opens with each packages
listed as a separate nested step. For details, see Creating a New Package and Nested Package Step
· Start a deployment w ith these packages: A Deploy Once window opens with each package selected
to be deployed. For details, see Deploying Package(s) with Deploy Once.
· Create new schedules w ith these packages: A new Schedule window opens for all selected
packages. For details, see Creating Scheduled Deployments.
· Attach packages to an existing schedule: The Select Schedules window opens. To attach the
packages to an existing schedule, simply select the existing schedule and click OK, or double-click the
schedule name.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

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Additional Package Library Information

Additional Package Library Information

The Package Library can be viewed and browsed from the website, the PDQ Forums, as well
as Twitter. Although available online, the library will be primarily accessed through the console, for more
information see Package Library in the Console.
The PDQ Deploy Package Library current contents can be viewed in the following ways:
· Search
· Sort the List
· Package Library Forum
· Subscribe to Updates
· View Package Details
· Download packages into PDQ Deploy
· Package Library Requests
· Follow us on Twitter
The Package Library can be viewed and browsed from the website at

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

To search for a specific package:
1. Click in the search field and type your search term.
This will narrow the results in the list as you type.

Sort the List

On the PDQ Deploy Package Library Applications web page you can:

Sort/View Details

Sort by Package Click the column header Pack age to sort the packages by name.

Sort by Category Click the column header All Categor ies to filter the packages by product category (for
example, Utilities, Media, or Internet Brow sers).

Sort by Popularity Click the column header Popular ity to filter the packages by the amount of dow nloads into
PDQ Deploy.

Sort by License Click the column header for the package available by license:
· Fr ee: Free level packages
· Enter pr is e: All Enterprise level packages. Enterprise Trial has access to three (3)
packages from this list.

Package Library Forum

You can view the complete list and history of PDQ Deploy packages in the Deploy - Package Library
discussion forum at:
When packages are added, modified, or removed, the changes are reflected here. If a package shows as
“Unavailable” then chances are that it has been superseded by a later version.

Subscribe to Updates
To subscribe to update made to the Package Library forum, do the follow ing:
1. If you are not already signed in, click Sign In in the navigation bar.
This launches a page to either sign up or sign in using your email address and password.
2. Once logged in, click Follow and choose from either New Articles or New Articles and Comments.
Following the forum will send you emails when new packages are published, or packages are

View Package Details

To view the details of the package, do the follow ing:
1. Click on the package name.
This opens the individual package page. This page includes the name, creation date, date updated,
clear description of what the package does and does not do, along with the Vendor, Version,
Architecture, Category, and License Level.

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Additional Package Library Information

NOTE: Enterprise users can also access a curated list of previous (old versions) packages in the
Package Library. On the Main Console window tree, click Package Library, then browse to and select
the package for the product you need. Under Package Details > Versions is a list of the older
packages available. For more details, see Previous Versions of Packages.

Download into PDQ Deploy

To dow nload a package for use w ith PDQ Deploy do the follow ing:
1. Click on the package name.
This opens the package details page.
2. Click the Dow nload into PDQ Deploy link.
This downloads the package to your downloads folder on your local drive.
3. Open the download.
This launches the PDQ Deploy application, where the package will then be downloaded into the
selected repository.

Package Library Requests

To suggest adding a new package to the library, use the Deploy - Package Library Requests discussion
forum at:

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Follow us on Twitter
All new Package Library updates are posted to our Package Library Twitter page, follow us
@packagelibrary to receive all updates.

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Chapter 4

Creating and Editing Packages

Before you deploy installs or updates to target computers with PDQ Deploy, you must either download
prebuilt ready-to-deploy packages from the Package Library or create custom packages that define what
is to be deployed and how. This chapter is about creating and editing your own packages.
Prebuilt ready-to-deploy packages from the Package Library can serve as great references for building
your own packages, by duplicating and customizing them. For details, see Downloading Packages from
the Package Library.
Once a package is created it can be deployed to target computers or scheduled for later deployment.
Packages can also be duplicated, edited, exported and imported, and organized in folders.
This chapter contains the following topics:
· Creating a New Package
· Part 1: Package Properties
· Part 2: Install Step Properties
· Part 3: Conditions and Options
· Part 4: Adding Command Steps
· Part 5: Adding Additional Steps
· Managing Packages
· Organizing Packages
· Duplicating Packages
· Exporting and Importing Packages
· Editing Packages
· Private Packages
· Supported Install Files for Custom Packages

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Creating a New Package

A PDQ Deploy Package contains the instructions and the files needed to silently install an application, run
scripts and commands, or reboot target computers using PDQ Deploy. This section describes how to
create and configure custom packages.
To create a Package, start on the Main Console window and click File > New Package or the New
Package button (or press Ctrl+N). A new Package window opens—this is where you configure the
package. For an introduction to the Package window, see Package Window.
An alternative to creating a new package from scratch is to base a new package on a prebuilt package
downloaded from the package library. Duplicate and rename a package that is similar to the new package
you need, then edit it to meet your requirements. Examining prebuilt packages is also a great way to learn
how packages are constructed and configured. For information about duplicating and editing packages,
see Managing Packages.
The creating a new package procedure includes the following parts:
· Part 1: Package Properties
· Part 2: Install Step Properties
· Part 3: Conditions and Options
· Part 4: Adding Command Steps
· Part 5: Adding Additional Steps

VIDEO: Building a Package in PDQ Deploy


Part 1: Package Properties

To create a new PDQ Deploy package:

1. On the PDQ Deploy Main Console window, click New Package on the toolbar (or click File > New
Package or press Ctrl+N).
A new blank Package window opens with the Detail tab of the Package Properties selected.

NOTE: While using Central Server, if you wish to create the package privately, select the Private
Packages folder first. If the package is created outside the Private Packages folder, it is
available for public use. You can simply drag the new package into the Private Packages folder to
make it private and then delete the original.

2. On the Details tab, type the name, version, and description for the package.

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Creating a New Package

You are likely to create many packages so it’s important to name them clearly and consistently. We
suggest using names that include the product, version, and other important information. It's also
important to provide descriptions that explain the purpose of the package. URLs added in this field will
become hyperlinks after pressing the spacebar, or after closing and reopening the package. For
additional guidance look at packages in the Package Library.

NOTE: Generally you can include 64-bit and 32-bit applications in the same package. For the example
used in this procedure, we are creating a simple custom package for the 64-bit version of Microsoft
Silverlight only.

3. Click the Conditions tab.

4. (Optional) Click the O/S Version list to change the Windows version(s) on which the package will run.
5. (Optional) Click the O/S Architecture list to select whether the package will run on 32-bit, 64-bit, or
both types of systems.
6. (Optional) Click the Pow erShell Version to select the PowerShell version or versions on which the
package will run.

IMPORTANT: PowerShell version 1 is not supported in PDQ Deploy.

7. Click the Logged On State list to determine if the package runs based on whether or not the user is
logged on to the target computer.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

The options are shown in the following table:

Condition Description

Alw ays Run Run the package regardless of logged on state.

Only run if no user is Only run the package if no users are logged on.
logged on

Only run if a user is Only run the package if a user is logged on. This includes locked or disconnected
logged on (including sessions.
Locked and Disconnected)

8. (Conditional) Click the File Exists or Does Not Exist if you would like to ensure a file exists or does not
exist on the target computer before running the package.
For example, using the File Exists condition: Run only if Chrome.exe version is greater than 50 and product name
equals Google Chrome.

The File options are shown below:

File Options Description

None Select to disable the file condition.

Exists Select to search for an existing file before running the package.

Does Not Exist Select to ensure there is no such existing file before running the package.

Directory Enter the directory w here the file exists on the target computer. This directory can include
environment variables.

NOTE: Environment variables w ill be evaluated in the context of the Local System rather
than the user. For example, the %TEMP% environment variable w ill evaluate to %
SystemRoot%\TEMP instead of %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp.

Includes Check to include all the subdirectories of the directory above.


Filename The name of the file.

IMPORTANT: The first filename that is matched w ill be used. For example, you set a
Does Not Exist File condition for C:\Temp\Fancyfile w ith a version of 1.5. There are
tw o instances of Fancyfile. The File Condition locates the first file, Fancyfile version
1.25, thereby returning true (does not exist) even though the other Fancyfile version
1.5 does in fact exist.

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Creating a New Package

File Version The version of the file from its header, if present. This filter can be equal to, less than,
greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to. If left blank, this w ill disable
the file version.

Product Version The version of the product from its header, if present. This filter can be equal to, less
than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to. If left blank, this w ill
disable the file version.

Description The description of the product from its header, if present. Can use the standard * and ?
w ildcards.

Product Name The product name of the product from its header, if present.

Company Name The company name of the product from its header, if present.

9. (Conditional) Click the Registry Exists or Does Not Exist if you would like to ensure a registry entry
exists or does not exist on the target computer before running the package.

IMPORTANT: The registry option does not w ork for data that spans multiple lines.

For example, using the Registry Does Not Exist condition: Run only if UpdateDefault value of 0 does not exist.

The Registry options are shown below:

Registry Description

None Select to disable the registry condition.

Exists Select to search for an existing registry keys before running the package.

Does Not Select to ensure there is no such existing registry keys before running the package.



Key Path of the key to look in.

Include Sub Looks also in all sub keys.


Value Name Name of the value to match against. If the value name is left blank then the value of
the key itself w ill be used.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

IMPORTANT: The first value name that is matched w ill be used. For example, using
the Exists registry condition you search for printer IP addresses in
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers w ith a 'port' value that
contains the IP address of Printer A is a softw are printer w ith a
port in C:\ProgramData\PrintProgram\PortFile. Printer B has the port of Because Printer A’s 'port' value is listed first, that is the value that
is returned, hence the condition is false, even though Printer B’s port matches the

Match as The type of matching to use on the value. Choose betw een Text, Number, and
Version. Choose the condition and enter the applicable value.

IMPORTANT: The registry option does not w ork for data that spans multiple lines.

10. (Conditional) Click the PDQ Inventory Collection Is A Member or Is Not A Member if you would like to
ensure a target computer is a member or is not a member of a collection before running the package.

IMPORTANT: This requires both PDQ Inventory and PDQ Deploy in Enterprise mode. For the integration to w ork
properly w ith Central Server, both products w ill need to be installed on the same console w ith both running in
either Server mode or Client mode.

The PDQ Inventory Collection options are shown below:

Collection Description

None Select to disable the collection condition (this is the default selection).

Is A Member Select to ensure the target computer is a member of the selected collection before running
the package.

IMPORTANT: Using this condition does not prompt PDQ Inventory to do a scan of the
collection at the time of the deployment. The membership of the selected collection is only
as good as the last scan.

Is Not A Select to ensure the target computer is not a member of the selected collection before
Member running the package.

IMPORTANT: Using this condition does not prompt PDQ Inventory to do a scan of the
collection at the time of the deployment. The membership of the selected collection is only
as good as the last scan.

Collection Click Select Collection to brow se your PDQ Inventory collections and select the collection
to use. Click OK once the collection is selected.

11. Click the Options tab.

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Creating a New Package

12. (Conditional) Select the Copy Mode to determine how package files are copied to target computers.
The options are:
· Push: Files are copied from the PDQ Deploy Console computer to target computers (default).
· Pull: Files are copied from a network share (via accessible UNC path). (Requires Enterprise
You can use the Copy Mode default setting (Preferences > Performance) or override it here. For more
information, see Copy Mode in Performance Preferences.
13. (Conditional) Select a PDQ Inventory scanning setting for the package. (Requires PDQ Inventory in
Enterprise mode.)
Enabling the Scanning feature will initiate an Inventory scan to be executed on the target computers
following the deployment. This is a great way to keep your inventory up-to-date.
The target computers must already be in PDQ Inventory with names or host names that match the
names used in PDQ Deploy.
You can use the Scanning default setting (Preferences > Deployments) or override it here. For more
information, see Scanning in Deployments Preferences.
14. (Conditional) Select a Run As setting. (Requires Enterprise mode to choose Deploy User (Interactive)
or Logged on User.)
Selects how the Windows service "logs on" to the target computer after it is created and the how the
package is executed. Deploy User is the recommended setting and should be used unless there is
an explicit requirement to use another method. For detailed information about Run As settings, see
Run As in Deployments Preferences.
15. (Optional) Set a custom timeout value.
Use the default value (60 minutes) or if you are creating a complicated package (for example, a
package containing many nested packages), or you can increase the value here.
16. Click the Offline Settings tab.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

17. (Optional) You can use the Offline Status default settings from Preferences or override it for the
package by doing the following:
a. Clear the Use settings from Preferences checkbox.
While there are only two options for offline computers, the following four behaviors are available:
· Uncheck both Ping before deployment and Send Wake-on-LAN and attempt deployment: This
will attempt the deployment to all targets whether they are online or offline.
· Check only Ping before deployment: Do not attempt deployment: Target computers are pinged
to determine their online status. The deployment is only attempted on online computers.
· Check only Send Wake-on-LAN and attempt deployment: Attempts the deployment first, s ends a
Wake-on-LAN to any offline targets, then attempts a second deployment to those targets that come online. A
third deployment is attempted after 5 minutes for any targets that remains offline.
· Check both Ping before deployment and Send Wake-on-LAN and attempt deployment: Prior to
deploying, this will ping the targets to determine offline status and then send a Wake-on-LAN to
offline targets. The deployment is then attempted on all targets, after 5 minutes a second
deployment is attempted on any targets that remain offline.
NOTE: Use of Send Wake-on-LAN and attempt deployment requires PDQ
Deploy in Enterprise mode and PDQ Inventory. Furthermore, PDQ Inventory must have
the MAC address of the target computers’ NICs.

You can edit the default Offline Status settings in Preferences > Deployments. For more
information, see Deployments Preferences.
18. (Optional) You can use the Retry Queue default settings from Preferences or override it for the
package by doing the following:
a. Clear the Use settings from Preferences checkbox.
b. To set a custom retry value for the package, select Put Offline Targets in Retry Queue, then
specify the number of retry attempts.
To set unlimited retries set the value to 0.
You can edit the default Retry Queue settings in Preferences > Deployments. For more
information, see Deployments Preferences.
19. Continue to Part 2: Install Step Properties.

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Creating a New Package

IMPORTANT: The package cannot be saved until a step has been added. It is advised once a step is added
you periodically save changes. You can also close (and save) the package window, then
continue later.

Part 2: Install Step Properties

When you create a new package, no steps are added automatically, however there is a page for Steps
to be added. For details see Install Step Properties.
To configure the Install Step properties:

1. Click New Step > Install or Steps and select Install.

The step property tabs display:
· Details: Properties unique to the step type.
· Conditions: Criteria that must be met for the step to be processed.
· Options: Additional options for the step.
This part of the procedure is about the Install Step properties on the Details tab. To configure
deployment properties, see Part 3: Conditions and Options.

2. (Optional) Type a name for the step.

To clearly identify the step, use names that include the step type (for our example, Install Step), product
name, version, and other important information such as architecture (for example, 32 or 64- bit). For
additional naming guidance look at how steps are named in the Package Library.

3. Click the Brow se for the main install file button , navigate to and select your primary install file (for
this example, Silverlight_x64.exe), then click Open.
You can store install files for the custom packages you create anywhere, but a good strategy is to put
them in the same Repository where prebuilt packages downloaded from the Package Library are
saved. $(Repository) is a system variable within PDQ Deploy, configured in Preferences >

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NOTE: For consoles using the Central Server running in Client or Server Mode, all files used in a
package must either be stored in the Server's repository or in a location that is accessible to the
background user on the Server. To identify the repository location, click on Preferences >
Repository. For details, see Repository Preferences.

For information about including additional files with the primary install file, see the table in step 4.
4. Add the additional information for the Install Step.
The following table reviews each option on the Details tab:

Property Details

Install File Select the primary component of an install step, the installer file. All PDQ Deploy installs
include one or more files w ith one of them being the primary file.

IMPORTANT: If the application has more files than the setup file, be sure to select the
Include Entir e Dir ector y option, listed below the Additional Files section.

To include other files, such as configurations or dependent installs, use the Additional
Files option.
For more information on the types of installs files and their options, see Supported
Install Files.

File Details Show s details about the selected file such as its size, publisher, and version (if
available). Mouse over the information for additional details.

Parameters Additional parameters to include in the command line.

Be sure to include any silent options here, if needed. For more information, see Silent
Install Options.
To assist w ith finding silent parameters, click s ear ch online. This launches a Google
search for the install file that you have selected.

Additional Files Select any additional files for the install that are not in the main install file folder or sub-
directories, such as an MSI transform or an answ er file. Unlike the Include Entire
Directory option, files included here are placed in the same directory as the install file.
Note that if all the additional files you need are already in the same folder as the main
install file, it’s easier to use the Included Entire Directory option.

Include Entire Includes all files (and sub-directories) in the same folder as the main install file. Unlike
Directory Additional Files, this option maintains the directory structure (including all sub-

MSI Options For MSI, MSU, and MSP installs there are a number of options w hich can be passed to
msiexec.exe as part of the install.

· Oper ation: Install is the most common option, but Repair and Uninstall are available
if you need them.
· Res tar t: Some installs require restarts to complete the installation (such as w hen
files are in use). You can decide how restarts w ill be handled. The (not set) option
does not include an option for restarting and w ill use the install’s default option or
you can include another option on the command line (see below ).
· Quiet: Most often you w ill select this option (for more information, see Silent Install
Options).There may be times w hen you w ant to use a different command line
option than /qn or w hen the install doesn’t w ork properly w ith this option.

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Creating a New Package

For additional information, see Supported Install Files.

Success Codes Executable and batch installs typically report success w ith a return code of 0 (zero)
but some also return success w ith other return codes. Usually these are w arnings or
other informational return codes that you can safely ignore. When creating an install
you can provide a comma-separated list of return codes that w ill be considered a
success. Any install that does not return one of these codes w ill be flagged as an
error and the return code w ill display.
For example, the default codes of 1641 and 3010 are MSI codes indicating that the
installation w as successful but a reboot w as started (1641) or a reboot is required

For a comprehensive list of Window s system error codes, see indow s/desktop/ms681381(v=vs.85).aspx.

TIP: For information about troubleshooting MSI error codes, see Troubleshooting
Microsoft Installer Errors.

Command Line You can add additional command-line options here and see the final command-line that
w ill be executed on the target computer.
Select the Cus tom option to edit the command line directly.

NOTE: It is generally unnecessary to customize the command line here. To add

additional parameters or sw itches to a command you should use the Parameters
field. Additionally, Enterprise mode users can create a separate Command Step.

5. Save changes and continue to Part 3: Conditions and Options.

Part 3: Conditions and Options

Modifying Step Conditions or Options requires Enterprise mode.

VIDEO: PDQ Live! Successful Deployments: How to Use Conditions and Options


To configure settings on the Conditions and Options tabs:

1. Click the Conditions tab.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

2. Click the O/S Version list to select the Windows version(s) on which the step will run.
3. Click the O/S Architecture list to select whether the step will run on 32-bit, 64-bit, or both types of
4. (For Install Step and PowerShell steps only) Click the Pow erShell Version to select the PowerShell
version or versions on which the step will run.

IMPORTANT: PowerShell version 1 is not supported in PDQ Deploy.

5. Click the Logged On State list to determine if the step runs based on whether or not the user is
logged on to the target computer.
The options are shown in the following table:

Condition Description

Alw ays Run Run this step regardless of logged on state.

Only run if no user is Only run this step if no users are logged on.
logged on

Only run if a user is Only run this step if a user is logged on. This includes locked or disconnected
logged on (including sessions.
Locked and Disconnected)

For an example of how this option can be used, see Conditions for Message Steps.
6. (Conditional) Click the File Exists or Does Not Exist if you would like to ensure a file exists or does not
exist on the target computer before running the step.
The File options are shown below:

Condition Description

File Use this option if you w ant to check for files on the target computer before running the
For example, using the File Exists condition: Run only if Chrome.exe version is greater
than 50 and product name equals Google Chrome.

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Creating a New Package

None Select to disable the file condition.

Exists Select to search for an existing file before running the step.

Does Not Exist Select to ensure there is no such existing file before running the step.

Directory Enter the directory w here the file exists on the target computer. This directory can
include environment variables.

NOTE: Environment variables w ill be evaluated in the context of the Local System rather
than the user. For example, the %TEMP% environment variable w ill evaluate to %
SystemRoot%\TEMP instead of %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp.

Includes Check to include all the subdirectories of the directory above.


Filename The name of the file.

IMPORTANT: The first filename that is matched w ill be used. For example, you set a
Does Not Exist File condition for C:\Temp\Fancyfile w ith a version of 1.5. There are
tw o instances of Fancyfile. The File Condition locates the first file, Fancyfile version
1.25, thereby returning true (does not exist) even though the other Fancyfile version
1.5 does in fact exist.

File Version The version of the file from its header, if present. This filter can be equal to, less than,
greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to. If left blank, this w ill disable
the file version.

Product Version The version of the product from its header, if present. This filter can be equal to, less
than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to. If left blank, this w ill
disable the file version.

Description The description of the product from its header, if present. Can use the standard * and ?
w ildcards.

Product Name The product name of the product from its header, if present.

Company Name The company name of the product from its header, if present.

7. (Conditional) Click the Registry Exists or Does Not Exist if you would like to ensure a registry entry
exists or does not exist on the target computer before running the step.
The Registry options are shown below:

Condition Description

Registry Use this option if you w ant to check registry key on the target computer before
running the step.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

IMPORTANT: The registry option does not w ork for data that spans multiple lines.

For example, using the Registry Does Not Exist condition: Run only if UpdateDefault
value of 0 does not exist.

None Select to disable the registry condition.

Exists Select to search for an existing registry keys before running the step.

Does Not Select to ensure there is no such existing registry keys before running the step.



Key Path of the key to look in.

Include Sub Looks also in all sub keys.


Value Name Name of the value to match against. If the value name is left blank then the value of
the key itself w ill be used.

IMPORTANT: The first value name that is matched w ill be used. For example, using
the Exists registry condition you search for printer IP addresses in
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers w ith a 'port' value that
contains the IP address of Printer A is a softw are printer w ith a
port in C:\ProgramData\PrintProgram\PortFile. Printer B has the port of Because Printer A’s 'port' value is listed first, that is the value that
is returned, hence the condition is false, even though Printer B’s port matches
the condition.

Match as The type of matching to use on the value. Choose betw een Text, Number, and
Version. Choose the condition and enter the applicable value.

IMPORTANT: The registry option does not w ork for data that spans multiple lines.

8. (Conditional) Click the PDQ Inventory Collection Is A Member or Is Not A Member if you would like to
ensure a target computer is a member or is not a member of a collection before running the step.

IMPORTANT: This requires both PDQ Inventory and PDQ Deploy in Enterprise mode. For the integration to w ork
properly w ith Central Server, both products w ill need to be installed on the same console w ith both running in
either Server mode or Client mode.

The PDQ Inventory Collection options are shown below:

Collection Description

None Select to disable the collection condition (this is the default selection).

Is A Member Select to ensure the target computer is a member of the selected collection before running
the step.

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Creating a New Package

IMPORTANT: Using this condition does not prompt PDQ Inventory to do a scan of the
collection at the time of the deployment. The membership of the selected collection is only
as good as the last scan.

Is Not A Select to ensure the target computer is not a member of the selected collection before
Member running the step.

IMPORTANT: Using this condition does not prompt PDQ Inventory to do a scan of the
collection at the time of the deployment. The membership of the selected collection is only
as good as the last scan.

Collection Click Select Collection to brow se your PDQ Inventory collections and select the collection
to use. Click OK once the collection is selected.

9. Click the Options tab.

10. Click or clear the Enabled checkbox to determine whether or not the step runs.
The default setting is enabled.
11. (Conditional) Select a Run As setting.
Deploy User is the recommended setting and should be used unless there is an explicit requirement
to use another method. For detailed information about Run As settings, see Run As in Deployments

NOTE: The step level Run As option only applies to Install, Command, PowerShell, Nested Package,
and File Copy steps.

12. Click the Error Mode list to select how the deployment responds if the step fails.
The Error Mode options are shown below:

Option Description

Stop Deployment w ith If the step fails, stop deployment w ith returned error.

Continue Continue deployment even if the step fails.

Stop Deployment w ith If the step fails, stop deployment and report success.

13. (Conditional) Click the Installation Requires Source checkbox if additional features, modifications, or
repairs need to be made locally by the end user. Files w ill be automatically saved on the target computer to
ADMIN$\AdminArsenal\PDQDeployRunner\Installers\{GUID}. The root directory is defined in
Preference > Target Service.
This is not enabled by default and is only available on the Install Step.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

NOTE: The Installation Requires Source feature is not intended as an installation source and should be used
sparingly. Usage of this features should occur only for applications that specifically require a local
copy/path of the original installation files in order to perform post-deployment programmatic modifications.

14. (Conditional) Save changes and do one of the following:

· If your package is complete, close the Package window.
If you are ready to create a deployment to test your new package, see Manually Deploying
· To add a Command step, continue to Part 4: Adding Command Steps.
· To add a step other than Install or Command, continue to Part 5: Adding Additional Steps.

Part 4: Adding Command Steps

Command steps are used to execute commands silently on target computers (Enterprise mode
required). For more details, see Command Step Properties.
To add a Command step to the package:

1. Click New Step > Command or Steps and select Command.

2. Type a name for the step.

To clearly identify the function of the Command step, use names that include an action (for example,
Stop, Disable, or Remove), the product or process the step will act on, and other important information
such as architecture (for example, 32 or 64-bit). For additional naming guidance look at how
Command steps are named in the Package Library.
3. Type a command, then add the additional information for the Command Step.
Our example shows a command to kill Firefox using taskkill.exe.

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Creating a New Package

The following table reviews each option on the Command step Details tab:

Property Details

Command Enter the command you w ant executed on the target computer. The syntax for the
command is the same as used w hen running commands in cmd.exe. You can use
multiple commands in a command step—simply enter one command per line.

The command w ill be executed on the target computer in the %SystemRoot%\

AdminArsenal\PDQDeployRunner\service-n\ directory. You can also specify
commands and specific paths for files at other locations.

If the command requires user interaction, set Run As (on the Options tab) to Logged On
Us er or Deploy Us er (Inter active). For details about the Run As option, see Run As in
Deployments Preferences.

Insert Batch This w ill attach a batch file to your package and call that file from w ithin the Command
File Step. The included file w ill be listed in the Files section of the step.

Additional Files Select any additional files you w ish to include w ith the command. This is useful for
running utilities that may not be installed on all target computers or for including
configuration files.

These files are copied into the %SystemRoot%

\AdminArsenal\PDQDeployRunner\ directory on the target computer.

Success Codes The success or failure of the command is determined by its return code, referred to as
ans %ERRORLEVEL% w hen running batch files. A command is considered a success if
the command’s return code is listed in the successful Return Code column of the
Deployment Status w indow . (For example, success code 128 is returned if
firefox.exe is not running on the target. In this case, w e w ant that counted as a

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

The default codes of 1641 and 3010 are MSI codes indicating that the installation w as
successful but a reboot w as started (1641) or a reboot is required (3010).

For a comprehensive list of Window s system error codes, see indow s/desktop/ms681381(v=vs.85).aspx.

4. Specify the deployment properties on the Conditions and Options tabs.

For details, see Part 3: Conditions and Options.
5. (Conditional) Save changes and do one of the following:
· If your package is complete, close the Package window.
If you are ready to create a deployment to test your new package, see Manually Deploying
· To add a step other than Install or Command, continue to Part 5: Adding Additional Steps.
· To add an Install step, continue to Part 2: Install Step Properties.

Part 5: Adding Additional Steps

This section describes the additional step types that are available for building your packages. To add
additional Install or Command steps, see Part 2: Install Step Properties or Part 4: Adding Command

To add additional steps to the package:

1. Click the New StepStep

> Type or Steps and select one of the following step types:

Step Icon Description

Install Installs softw are using one or more install files.

A variety of install file types can be used. You can also include scripts w hich can
perform tasks that may be required to support an install. For more information, see
Supported Install Files.

Command Executes commands on the target computer from w ithin cmd.exe (Enterprise mode
Remember that any remote command must run silently. If user input is required (for
example, confirming Yes ), the command w ill time out unless the Run As option is set
to Deploy Us er (Inter active) or Logged on Us er . For more details, see Run As
in Deployments Preferences.

Pow erShell Executes Pow erShell commands on the target computer from w ithin
PowerShell.exe (Enterprise mode required).
Remember that any remote command must run silently. If user input is required (for
example, confirming Yes ), the command w ill time out unless the Run As option is set
to Deploy Us er (Inter active) or Logged on Us er . For more details, see Run As
in Deployments Preferences.

IMPORTANT: Pow erShell version 1 is not supported in PDQ Deploy

Nested Package Executes other packages from w ithin a package. (Enterprise mode required.)

File Copy Copies files or folders to target computers. (Enterprise mode required.)

Scan Initiates an inventory scan from PDQ Inventory to determine information on the target
computers based on the scan profile selected.

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Creating a New Package

IMPORTANT: This requires both PDQ Inventory (version or later) and PDQ
Deploy in Enterprise modes. For the integration to w ork properly w ith Central
Server, both products w ill need to be installed on the same console w ith both
running in either Server mode or Client mode.

Reboot Reboots the target computer and w aits for it to come back online. (Enterprise mode

Sleep Pauses the deployment for a fixed number of seconds betw een steps. (Enterprise
mode required.)

Message Displays a message on the target computer using msg.exe. Messages may be
acknow ledged by users by clicking OK. (Enterprise mode required.)

Logoff Logs off interactive logged on sessions. (Enterprise mode required.)

2. Type a name for the step.

To clearly identify the function of the step, use names that include the step type, the function of the
step, and other important information about the step. For additional naming guidance look at how
steps are named in the Package Library.
3. Specify the step properties on the Details tab.
See the following topics for information about specific step type properties:
· PowerShell Step Properties
· Nested Package Step Properties
· File Copy Step Properties
· Reboot Step Properties
· Sleep Step Properties
· Message Step Properties
· Logoff Step Properties
4. Specify the deployment properties on the Conditions and Options tabs.
For details, see Part 3: Conditions and Options.
5. (Optional) Rearrange the order of the steps by clicking and dragging the steps to the desired order.
6. (Conditional) Save changes and do one of the following:
· If your package is complete, close the Package window.
If you are ready to create a deployment to test your new package, see Manually Deploying
· To add an Install step, continue to Part 2: Install Step Properties.
· To add a Command step, continue to Part 4: Adding Command Steps.
· To add a step other than Install or Command, repeat Part 5: Adding Additional Steps.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Managing Packages
PDQ Deploy Packages are viewed (along with their Deployments and Schedules) on their specific
package page in the Main Console window. Packages are modified in the Package Window. Packages
can also be duplicated, exported and imported, and organized on the Main Console window tree.
This section describes how to manage packages and includes the following topics:
· Organizing Packages
· Duplicating Packages
· Exporting and Importing Packages
· Editing Packages
· Private Packages

Organizing Packages
Packages can be organized by:
· Renaming
To rename a package select it in the tree, then click Edit > Rename (or press F2 or right-click and
select Rename), edit the name, then click OK.

NOTE: Nested packages remain linked even after changing their name.

· Moving
Select and drag packages to change their order in a list or move them from folder to folder. For details
about organizing packages with custom folders, see Custom Folders.
· Customizing Appearance
For information about setting custom appearance options, see Item Appearance Window.

Duplicating Packages
You can streamline the creation of new packages by duplicating, renaming, and editing a package that is
similar to the new package you need. Examining and repurposing prebuilt packages is also a great way
to learn how packages are constructed and configured.
To duplicate a package:
1. Select the package you want to duplicate.
2. Click File > Duplicate (or press Alt+Insert or right-click and select Duplicate).
A duplicate package appears in the tree with a number appended to its name. You can also copy and
paste a package to create a duplicate.
3. (Optional) To rename a package, click Edit > Rename (or press F2 or right-click and select Rename),
edit the name, then click OK.
It’s good practice to rename the package so it matches its new purpose and to avoid confusion when
using the original package.
4. To edit the selected package, double-click it or click Edit Package on its Package page.
For information about modifying packages, see Editing Packages below.

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Managing Packages

Exporting and Importing Packages

Packages can be exported to an XML file and then imported into PDQ Deploy on another computer.
To export packages:
1. Select one or more packages or a folder of packages.
When exporting a folder, all of the packages and folders within it are also exported.
2. Click File > Export (or press Ctrl+E or right-click and select Export).
3. Browse to where you want to save the package, then click Save.

IMPORTANT: Only the package definition is exported, not the files used by the package or any
schedules associated with it.

To import packages:
1. To determine where the imported package or packages are placed in the Main Console Tree, do one
of the following:
· To import at the top level of the tree, click the empty part of the tree.
· To import into a folder, select the folder or an item in the folder.
2. Click File > Import (or press Ctrl+I or right-click and select Import).
3. Browse to and select the package definition, then click Open.

IMPORTANT: When importing packages on another computer, copy the install files to the repository on
the second computer.

Editing Packages
PDQ Deploy Packages can be edited in the Package Window. You may need to update one of your
custom packages, for example, if there is a new release of the install or updater files it uses. You can also
duplicate existing custom or prebuilt packages to use as templates for a new package.
To edit a package:
1. Locate and select the package you want to edit in the Main Console Tree or the Packages folder page.

2. Double-click the package, or on its specific package page, click Edit Package.
The Package Window opens containing the package and package step properties.
For an introduction to the Package Window, see Package Window. For detailed information, see
Package and Step Properties.
3. To modify the package, see the following table for a list of tasks and details.
As you progress through the package editing process you should periodically save changes. You can
also close (and save) the package window, then continue later.

Task Details

Edit Package To edit the basic properties of the package, click Pr oper ties in the tree.
For details, see Creating a New Package, Part 1: Package Properties.

Edit a Step To edit a step:

1. Select the step in the tree.
2. To edit the deployment properties, click the Details tab.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

For more information, see Creating a New Package, Part 3: Conditions and Options.
3. To edit the step properties unique to the step type, do the follow ing:
· To edit the conditions that must be met for a step to run, click the Conditions
· To edit additional step level options, such as the Run As option used to execute
the step on the target and error settings, click the Options tab.
For details, depending on the step type you are editing, see one of the follow ing
· For an Install Step, see Creating a New Package, Part 2: Install Step Properties.
· For a Command Step, see Creating a New Package, Part 4: Adding Command
· For other step types, see Creating a New Package, Part 5: Adding Additional

Add a Step To add a new step to the package, click New StepStep
> Type or Steps to open
the New Steps page and select the step type you w ant.
For details, depending on the step type you are adding, see one of the follow ing topics:
· For an Install Step, see Creating a New Package, Part 2: Install Step Properties.
· For a Command Step, see Creating a New Package, Part 4: Adding Command Steps.
· For other step types, see Creating a New Package, Part 5: Adding Additional Steps.

Change Step Order To rearrange the order of the steps do one of the follow ing:
· Click the step, then drag and drop to the desired location.

· Select the step, then click the Move Up or Move Dow n arrow s in the

Disable/Enable a To disable a step or enable a step that is currently disabled:

1. Select the step in the tree.
2. Right-click and toggle from Enabled to Dis abled.
If a step is disabled, the name of the step is struck-through and the step w ill be skipped
during deployment. This feature enables administrators to “turn off” steps that they may
w ant to enable in the future w ithout deleting the step itself.

Delete a Step To remove a step from the package, select the step, then click Delete , (or click Edit
> Delete or press Delete).

Delete a Package To delete a package, select it in the tree, then click Delete , (or click Edit > Delete
or press Delete). Note that deleting a package does not delete the related install files. If
necessary, remove them manually from w herever they are stored.

4. When you have finished editing the package, click Save , and close the Package window.
If you are ready to create a deployment to test your edited package, see Manually Deploying Packages.

Private Packages
Using PDQ Deploy in Central Server mode grants all console users the ability to create packages privately
before making them public. The Private Packages folder is added to the console when it is set to either
Server or Client mode. All packages, target lists, and custom folders created within this folder remain
private to other console users.
To create a private package:

1. Select the Private Packages folder in the tree of the Main Console.

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Managing Packages

2. Click New Package on the toolbar (or click File > New Package or press Ctrl+N).
A new blank Package window opens with the Detail tab of the Package Properties selected.
3. Set the package properties and add the appropriate steps as spelled out in Creating a New Package.

4. Click Save .
The package is now saved in the Private Packages folder and can only be seen and used by the
console user that created it.
To make a private package public:

1. Locate and select the package you want to make public in the Private Packages folder in the tree.
2. Click and drag the package to another folder or any location in the tree outside the Private Packages
Once the package no longer exists in the Private Packages folder, the package has been made public
and can be seen by all other console users.
To make a public package private:
1. Locate and select the package you want to make private in the Main Console tree.

2. Click and drag the package to the Private Packages folder .

This will bring up a dialog box that lets you choose whether to move the packages, or just create a
copy of the packages. If you choose to create a copy, the original package is still public, but the copied
package has been made private.
3. (Optional) If the package was copied to the Private Packages folder, you can delete the original.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Supported Install Files for Custom Packages

PDQ Deploy supports the following types of install files for custom packages:

Install File Description

Microsoft Microsoft Installer files come in MSI, MSP, and MSU varieties, each w ith slightly different options.
NOTE: See MSI Options for details on the available options.

· MSI: Very common install files that are installed using msiexec.exe w hich is part of all
recent versions of Window s.
· MSP: Patches or updates for existing applications (or the operating system). They are
essentially MSI files that don’t include the uninstall or repair option. They can only be
installed. MSP files are installed w ith msiexec.exe just like MSI files.
· MSU: Like MSP files, MSU files are updates. They only w ork w ith Window s Vista and later
and are installed w ith wusa.exe.
TIP: For information about troubleshooting MSI error codes, see Troubleshooting Microsoft
Installer Errors.

Executable Many installs come as executable files. When using an executable file it is critical that you select
the correct Silent Options or the installation may appear to hang forever.
Quite often executable installs are little more than w rappers around an MSI file, consequently
they w ill accept many of the same command-line options that msiexec.exe does.

Pow erShell Pow erShell is Microsoft’s new standard for scripting administrative tasks. Pow erShell can also
be run on its ow n dedicated step type.

NOTE: Pow erShell must be installed on the target computer for this type of install to w ork.

IMPORTANT: PowerShell version 1 is not supported in PDQ Deploy.

VBScript VBScript is used quite extensively in systems administration to perform routine tasks.

Batch These are the same batch files that you’ve probably used for a myriad of tasks. Generally,
installs don’t come as batch files, but you can create your ow n.
A good use for batch files in a package can be if you have an install that requires environment
settings before it is run. You could set up the environment in the batch file, then execute the
install. You need to select Include entir e dir ector y if you do this so that both the batch and
install files are copied.

You can also use batch files in packages to perform non-installation type tasks such as editing
the target computer registry or creating or deleting files. Pretty much anything you can automate
in a batch file can be “deployed” this w ay.

Regedit Quickly add values to a target computer’s registry using a .reg file exported from

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Chapter 5

Package and Step Properties

This chapter includes descriptions and details of packages and package properties. It also covers
package steps and common and specific package step properties.
This chapter contains the following topics:
· Package Properties
· Details tab
· Conditions tab
· Options tab
· Offline Settings tab
· Package Step Types
· Step Properties
· Common Step Properties
· Install Step Properties
· Command Step Properties
· PowerShell Step Properties
· Nested Package Step Properties
· File Copy Step Properties
· Scan Step Properties
· Reboot Step Properties
· Sleep Step Properties
· Message Step Properties
· Logoff Step Properties

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Package Properties
Each package has the following properties tabs (click Properties at the top of the Step List). Enterprise
mode is required to set some properties.
· Details Tab
· Conditions Tab
· Options Tab
· Offline Settings Tab

Details Tab

The following table provides a brief description of the settings on the Details tab.

Option Description

Name A unique logical name.

Use a package name that includes the product, version, and other important information
such as architecture (for example, 32 or 64-bit). For additional naming guidance, look at
how packages in the Package Library are named.

Version The installer version number.

This field is primarily used for packages in the Package Library but you are free to use it for
custom packages.

Description Provide a description w ith additional, relevant details about the package.
For additional guidance, look at package descriptions in the Package Library.

Conditions Tab
All conditions on the target computer must be met for the package to run. If the target computer does not
meet the conditions of the package, then the deployment fails before any steps are run.

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Package Properties

The following table provides a brief description of all the available fields on the Conditions tab.

Condition Description

O/S Version Select the version or versions of Window s for w hich the package w ill be applied.

O/S Architecture Choose w hether the package is to run on 32-bit, 64-bit, or both operating system

Pow erShell version Select the version or versions of Pow erShell for w hich the package w ill be applied.
(This condition w ill only appear on the Install and Pow erShell steps)

IMPORTANT: Pow erShell version 1 is not supported in PDQ Deploy

Logged On State Determines w hether or not the package runs, based on w hether or not a user is
logged on to the target computer.

Alw ays Run Run the package regardless of logged on state.

Only run if no user is Only run the package if no users are logged on.
logged on

Only run if a user is Only run the package if a user is logged on, including locked and disconnected
logged on (including sessions.
Locked and

File Use this condition if you w ant to check for files on the target computer before
running the package.
For example, using the File Exists condition: Run only if Chrome.exe version is
greater than 50 and product name equals Google Chrome.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

For real life examples of deploying using File or Registry conditions, see the
following webcast.
VIDEO: PDQ Live! How to Selectively Deploy Applications Using File or
Registry Conditions.


None Select to disable the file condition (this is the default selection).

Exists Select to search for an existing file before running the package.

Does Not Exist Select to ensure there is no such existing file before running the package.

Directory Enter the directory w here the file exists on the target computer. This directory can
include environment variables.

NOTE: Environment variables w ill be evaluated in the context of the Local System
rather than the user. For example, the %TEMP% environment variable w ill
evaluate to %SystemRoot%\TEMP instead of %USERPROFILE%

Includes Sub Check to include all the sub directories of the directory above.

Filename The name of the file.

IMPORTANT: The first filename that is matched w ill be used. For example, you set
a Does Not Exist File condition for C:\Temp\Fancyfile w ith a version of 1.5.
There are tw o instances of Fancyfile. The File Condition locates the first file,
Fancyfile version 1.25, thereby returning true (does not exist) even though the
other Fancyfile version 1.5 does in fact exist.

File Version The version of the file from its header, if present. This filter can be equal to, less
than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to. If left blank, this
w ill disable the File Version.

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Package Properties

Product Version The version of the product from its header, if present. This filter can be equal to,
less than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to. If left blank,
this w ill disable the Product Version.

Description The description of the product from its header, if present. Can use the standard *
and ? w ildcards.

Product Name The product name of the product from its header, if present.

Company Name The company name of the product from its header, if present.

Registry Use this condition if you w ant to check registry key on the target computer before
running the package.

IMPORTANT: The registry option does not w ork for data that spans multiple lines.

For example, using the Registry Does Not Exist condition: Run only if UpdateDefault
value of 0 does not exist.

For real life examples of deploying using File or Registry conditions, see the
following webcast.
VIDEO: PDQ Live! How to Selectively Deploy Applications Using File or
Registry Conditions.


None Select to disable the registry condition (this is the default selection).

Exists Select to search for an existing registry keys before running the package.

Does Not Exist Select to ensure there is no such existing registry keys before running the package.



Key Path of the key to look in.

Include Sub Keys Looks also in all sub keys.

Value Name Name of the value to match against. If the value name is left blank then the value of
the key itself w ill be used.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

IMPORTANT: The first value name that is matched w ill be used. For example,
using the Exists registry condition you search for printer IP addresses in
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers w ith a 'port' value that
contains the IP address of Printer A is a softw are printer w ith a
port in C:\ProgramData\PrintProgram\PortFile. Printer B has the port of Because Printer A’s 'port' value is listed first, that is the value
that is returned, hence the condition is false, even though Printer B’s port
matches the condition.

Match as The type of matching to use on the value. Choose betw een Text, Number, and
Version. Choose the condition and enter the applicable value.

IMPORTANT: The registry option does not w ork for data that spans multiple lines.

PDQ Inventory Collection Use this condition if you w ant to make sure a target computer is or is not a member
of a certain collection in PDQ Inventory before running the package.

IMPORTANT: This requires both PDQ Inventory and PDQ Deploy in Enterprise
mode. For the integration to w ork properly w ith Central Server, both products
w ill need to be installed on the same console w ith both running in either Server
mode or Client mode.

None Select to disable the collection condition (this is the default selection).

Is A Member Select to ensure the target computer is a member of the selected collection before
running the package.

IMPORTANT: Using this condition does not prompt PDQ Inventory to do a scan of
the collection at the time of the deployment. The membership of the selected
collection is only as good as the last scan.

Is Not A Member Select to ensure the target computer is not a member of the selected collection
before running the package.

IMPORTANT: Using this condition does not prompt PDQ Inventory to do a scan of
the collection at the time of the deployment. The membership of the selected
collection is only as good as the last scan.

Collection Click Select Collection to brow se your PDQ Inventory collections and select the
collection to use. Click OK once the collection is selected.

Options Tab

The following table provides a brief description of the settings on the Options tab.

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Package Properties

Option Description

Copy Mode Defines how PDQ Deploy copies deployment files to targets (requires
Enterprise mode).
When files (such as installation files) are copied to a target, PDQ Deploy can
use either Push or Pull Copy Mode. By default, PDQ Deploy uses Push Copy
You can change the default Copy Mode in Pr efer ences > Per for m ance or
override the default here. See Copy Mode in Performance Preferences for
more information.

VIDEO: PDQ Live! Understanding Push and Pull Deployments


Push Copies files to the targets from the PDQ Deploy computer. This method is best
if the package’s install files are located on the PDQ Deploy computer.
This option is the default copy mode.
Bandw idth throttling applies to all simultaneous file copies combined.

Pull Sends lists of files to the targets w hich then pull the files from a centralized
location. This method w orks best in WAN environments w here the files may
be on a file server closer to the targets than the computer w here PDQ Deploy
is running.
For this method to w ork, all files need to be accessible using a UNC path (e.g.
Bandw idth throttlingnot
is enforced w hen using Pull Copy Mode.

WARNING: Files on fixed or mapped drives are not accessible to the target
computers; therefore, a valid UNC path must be provided.

IMPORTANT: This setting is available only in Enterprise mode.

Scanning Select w hether or not PDQ Inventory scans target computers after a
deployment to identify w hat is installed on each computer. If you have a
package that doesn't install an application, you may w ant to disable inventory
scanning for the package.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode and also

requires PDQ Inventory in Enterprise mode. If you are running in Client
Mode, PDQ Inventory must be installed on the Client computer as w ell as
the Server computer. Additionally, the target computer must already be in
PDQ Inventory w ith a name or hostname that matches the name used in
PDQ Deploy.

Set the Program Default in Pr efer ences > Deploym ents or override the
default here.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Scan after Deployment Initiates an inventory scan from PDQ Inventory after a deployment to identify
w hat is installed on each w orkstation.

Scan after Deployment attempts to scan target computers even if

deployments fail.
This feature can be very helpful in maintaining up-to-date inventory for target
machines. The target computers must already be in PDQ Inventory w ith names
or hostnames that match the names used in PDQ Deploy.
You may choose w hich Scan Profile to use. The default Scan Profile is
defined in PDQ Inventory in Pr efer ences > Scan Pr ofiles . You can choose
to scan w ith any Scan Profile that has been configured in PDQ Inventory. It is
common to use either the Applications or Standard scan profiles.

Do Not Scan Does not scan target computers after deployment.

Run As During a deployment, a Window s service is created on the target. The Run As
setting determines how this service "logs on" after it is created.
The default (and generally appropriate) setting is Deploy User. Change the
default in Pr efer ences > Deploym ents or override the default here.
For a sample demonstration of the Run As options, see the follow ing video.

VIDEO: Deployment Run As Options


Deploy User Executes deployments on target computers in a non-interactive session as

the Deploy User.
This setting is appropriate for the vast majority of deployments. Consequently,
this is the recommended setting.

Deploy User (Interactive) Executes deployments that include both silent and interactive steps. This
setting is the same as Deploy User w ith one important exception—the
Window s process running the deployment is run in an interactive session.
This setting is most appropriately used for individual deployments that require
user input, but the overall process still requires Administrator rights that
logged on users may not have. Because these types of deployments are
more specialized and because running the deployment in interactive mode
requires more processing resources, it is recommended that you apply this
setting only as needed at the Package level.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode.

Local System Executes deployments using the Local System account on the target
computer. PDQ Deploy connects to the target computer using the Deploy User
credentials, copies the specified files, creates the PDQDeployRunner service,
then instructs the service to log on as Local System.

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Package Properties

This setting is used only for installations that require Local System. These
types of deployments are very rare. Consequently, it is recommended that
you apply this setting only as needed at the Package level.

IMPORTANT: Packages that run as Local System are not able to access
netw ork resources.

Logged on User Attempts to run packages in interactive mode as the Logged On User of the
target machine.
This setting is used to deploy applications that are installed per user or w hen
the Logged on User needs to provide information for the deployment to
succeed such as a license key. It can also be used to modify the
HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry hive for the Logged on User or to access
user-specific settings such as %APPDATA% or the Logged on User’s user
directory. These types of deployments are highly specialized. Consequently, it
is recommended that you apply this setting only as needed at the Package

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode.

Timeout Specifies how many minutes the deployment runs before being timed out by
the server (requires Enterprise mode to modify this setting).
The default value is 60 minutes.
This timeout applies only to the duration of a deployment to a target computer.
The timeout does not include the initial process of copying installation files to
the target.
Change the default in Pr efer ences > Deploym ents options or override the
default here.
It is best practice to set the shortest timeout interval as the global default in
Preferences and increase the timeout interval in individual packages. For
example, if you typically deploy small packages such as brow ser, Java, or
Adobe reader updates, you may choose to set the global timeout interval to 20
minutes. You could then increase the timeout interval for individual packages
that take longer to install, such as a Window s Service Pack or a package
containing many nested packages.

Auto Download The Auto Dow nload feature automatically dow nloads the new est version of
the package as it becomes available in the PDQ Deploy Package Library based
on your approval settings.

The default settings for Auto Dow nload can be modified in Pr efer ences >
Auto Dow nload.

Manual New package versions require manual approval before the new est versions
are automatically dow nloaded.

NOTE: This setting can be used to disable Auto Dow nloads by leaving new er
versions unapproved.

Intermediate New package versions are immediately approved and dow nloaded.

Automatic Sets the interval in days and hours after w hich new versions are
automatically approved for dow nload.

Convert to Standard Package Select this to convert to a Standard Package and prevent all future Auto
Dow nloads to this package. Once converted any existing Pre and Post steps
w ill be converted to regular steps.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

WARNING: Converting to a Standard Package cannot be undone. Packages

cannot be converted You w ill need to dow nload another package from
the Package Library to have it Auto Dow nload.

Offline Settings Tab

The following table provides a brief description of the settings on the Offline Settings tab.

Option Description

Offline Status Select w hether or not target computers w ill receive a ping or Wake-on-LAN prior
to deployment.
The default settings for Offline Status can be modified in Pr efer ences >
Deploym ents .

Use settings from Uses the global Offline Status settings defined in Preferences.
When this option is selected, the subsequent settings are disabled.

Ping before deployment Performs a ping (ICMP echo) before attempting the deployment. If the target does
not respond to the ping w ithin 2 seconds, then the deployment is not attempted on
that target.
Enabling this option can increase the overall speed of the deployment because
PDQ Deploy doesn’t w aste time w ith offline computers.

NOTE: Typically, the ping should take only a few milliseconds. How ever, if your
DNS isn’t solid or your netw ork is experiencing latency issues, then the ping
response may take more than 2 seconds.

When thisnotis selected, PDQ Deploy attempts the deployment regardless of the
online or offline status of the target computer. If the target is offline or otherw ise
unavailable, Window s w ill timeout after ~60 seconds. Leaving this unchecked can
decrease the overall speed of the deployment due to these attempts and extra
w ait time.

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Package Properties

Send Wake-on-LAN Attempts the deployment then sends a Wake-on-LAN to offline target computers.
and attempt deployment The deployment is attempted again if it comes online. After 5 minutes if the
computer is still offline, the deployment w ill be attempted again.
The advantage of this feature is that offline computers can immediately be made
available for deployment. How ever, it can increase deployment time.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode of both PDQ

Deploy and PDQ Inventory. Furthermore, PDQ Inventory must have the MAC
address of the target computers’ NICs.

Retry Queue Enable or disable the Retry Queue and modify the number of retries for the
The default settings for Retry Interval, and several other settings for offline
computers, can be modified in Pr efer ences > Deploym ents .

IMPORTANT: Requires Enterprise mode to use Retry Queue settings.

Use settings from Uses the global Retry Queue settings defined in Preferences.
When you select this option, the subsequent Retry Queue settings are disabled.

Put Offline targets in Enables the Retry Queue. By default, target computers that are unreachable or
Retry Queue offline during a deployment are held in the Retry Queue and deployment is retried.
The advantage of this feature is that offline computers are automatically queued
for re-deployment. This simplifies the process of ensuring that critical updates are
deployed to all target computers. It is recommended that you enable this option per
package rather than applying it globally in Preferences.

TIP: Some packages w ith specific, non-critical functions should not use the Retry
Queue. For example, it is not advisable to use this option w ith a package that
only reboots target computers because offline computers w ere probably
turned off to begin w ith and, depending on the target computers’ availability,
PDQ Deploy may reboot users’ computers at inopportune times.

Allow ed Retries Sets the number of retry attempts for an offline target. This applies per target per
The default setting is 72. To set unlimited retries, set this value to 0.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Package Step Types

The following table provides a brief description of the step types that can be used to build a package. Click
a step name for a description of the step type's properties.

Step Icon Description

Install Installs softw are using one or more install files.

A variety of install file types can be used. You can also include scripts w hich can
perform tasks that may be required to support an install. For more information, see
Supported Install Files.

Command Executes commands on the target computer from w ithin cmd.exe (Enterprise mode
Remember that any remote command must run silently. If user input is required (for
example, confirming Yes ), the command w ill time out unless the Run As option is set
to Deploy Us er (Inter active) or Logged on Us er . For more details, see Run As
in Deployments Preferences.

Pow erShell Executes Pow erShell commands on the target computer from w ithin
PowerShell.exe (Enterprise mode required).
Remember that any remote command must run silently. If user input is required (for
example, confirming Yes ), the command w ill time out unless the Run As option is set
to Deploy Us er (Inter active) or Logged on Us er . For more details, see Run As
in Deployments Preferences.

IMPORTANT: Pow erShell version 1 is not supported in PDQ Deploy

Nested Package Executes other packages from w ithin a package. (Enterprise mode required.)

File Copy Copies files or folders to target computers. (Enterprise mode required.)

Scan Initiates an inventory scan from PDQ Inventory to determine information on the target
computers based on the scan profile selected.

IMPORTANT: This requires both PDQ Inventory (version or later) and PDQ
Deploy in Enterprise modes. For the integration to w ork properly w ith Central
Server, both products w ill need to be installed on the same console w ith both
running in either Server mode or Client mode.

Reboot Reboots the target computer and w aits for it to come back online. (Enterprise mode

Sleep Pauses the deployment for a fixed number of seconds betw een steps. (Enterprise
mode required.)

Message Displays a message on the target computer using msg.exe. Messages may be
acknow ledged by users by clicking OK. (Enterprise mode required.)

Logoff Logs off interactive logged on sessions. (Enterprise mode required.)

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Step Properties

Step Properties
Package steps have common deployment properties and unique properties that depend on the step type.
To see Step Properties, select a step in the Step List.

Properties unique to the step type are on the Details tab and common properties are on the Conditions
and Options tabs. (Conditions and Options tabs require Enterprise Mode.)
For details about step properties, see the following:
· Common Step Properties
· Install Step Properties
· Command Step Properties
· PowerShell Step Properties
· Nested Package Step Properties
· Scan Step Properties
· File Copy Step Properties
· Reboot Step Properties
· Sleep Step Properties
· Message Step Properties
· Logoff Step Properties

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Common Step Properties

Most steps have the following common properties. Enterprise mode is required to set step properties.
· Step Title
· Conditions Tab
· Options Tab

Step Title
An optional value that gives a description to the step. It is shown in the Deployment Status during
deployment to make it easier to track the status of the deployment.

Conditions Tab
All conditions on the target computer must be met for the step to run. If the step can’t run due to
conditions, then it is skipped and the next step runs. If no steps can run in a package for a particular
target, then the deployment fails and returns an error message stating “Conditions not met: No steps
were able to run”.

VIDEO: Building a Package in PDQ Deploy Using Conditions


VIDEO: PDQ Live! How to Selectively Deploy Applications Using File or Registry Conditions


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Step Properties

The following table provides a brief description of all the available fields on the Conditions tab.

Condition Description

O/S Version Select the version or versions of Window s for w hich the step w ill be applied.

O/S Architecture Choose w hether the step is to run on 32-bit, 64-bit, or both operating system

Pow erShell version Select the version or versions of Pow erShell for w hich the step w ill be applied.
(This condition w ill only appear on the Install and Pow erShell steps)

IMPORTANT: Pow erShell version 1 is not supported in PDQ Deploy

Logged On State Determines w hether or not the step runs, based on w hether or not a user is logged
on to the target computer.

Alw ays Run Run this step regardless of logged on state.

Only run if no user is Only run this step if no users are logged on.
logged on

Only run if a user is Only run this step if a user is logged on, including locked and disconnected
logged on (including sessions.
Locked and

File Use this condition if you w ant to check for files on the target computer before
running the step.
For example, using the File Exists condition: Run only if Chrome.exe version is
greater than 50 and product name equals Google Chrome.

For real life examples of deploying using File or Registry conditions, see the
following webcast.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

VIDEO: PDQ Live! How to Selectively Deploy Applications Using File or

Registry Conditions.


None Select to disable the file condition (this is the default selection).

Exists Select to search for an existing file before running the step.

Does Not Exist Select to ensure there is no such existing file before running the step.

Directory Enter the directory w here the file exists on the target computer. This directory can
include environment variables.

NOTE: Environment variables w ill be evaluated in the context of the Local System
rather than the user. For example, the %TEMP% environment variable w ill
evaluate to %SystemRoot%\TEMP instead of %USERPROFILE%

Includes Sub Check to include all the sub directories of the directory above.

Filename The name of the file.

IMPORTANT: The first filename that is matched w ill be used. For example, you set
a Does Not Exist File condition for C:\Temp\Fancyfile w ith a version of 1.5.
There are tw o instances of Fancyfile. The File Condition locates the first file,
Fancyfile version 1.25, thereby returning true (does not exist) even though the
other Fancyfile version 1.5 does in fact exist.

File Version The version of the file from its header, if present. This filter can be equal to, less
than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to. If left blank, this
w ill disable the file version.

Product Version The version of the product from its header, if present. This filter can be equal to,
less than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to. If left blank,
this w ill disable the file version.

Description The description of the product from its header, if present. Can use the standard *
and ? w ildcards.

Product Name The product name of the product from its header, if present.

Company Name The company name of the product from its header, if present.

Registry Use this condition if you w ant to check registry key on the target computer before
running the step.

IMPORTANT: The registry option does not w ork for data that spans multiple lines.

For example, using the Registry Does Not Exist condition: Run only if UpdateDefault
value of 0 does not exist.

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Step Properties

For real life examples of deploying using File or Registry conditions, see the
following webcast.
VIDEO: PDQ Live! How to Selectively Deploy Applications Using File or
Registry Conditions.


None Select to disable the registry condition (this is the default selection).

Exists Select to search for an existing registry keys before running the step.

Does Not Exist Select to ensure there is no such existing registry keys before running the step.



Key Path of the key to look in.

Include Sub Keys Looks also in all sub keys.

Value Name Name of the value to match against. If the value name is left blank then the value of
the key itself w ill be used.

IMPORTANT: The first value name that is matched w ill be used. For example,
using the Exists registry condition you search for printer IP addresses in
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers w ith a 'port' value that
contains the IP address of Printer A is a softw are printer w ith a
port in C:\ProgramData\PrintProgram\PortFile. Printer B has the port of Because Printer A’s 'port' value is listed first, that is the value
that is returned, hence the condition is false, even though Printer B’s port
matches the condition.

Match as The type of matching to use on the value. Choose betw een Text, Number, and
Version. Choose the condition and enter the applicable value.

IMPORTANT: The registry option does not w ork for data that spans multiple lines.

PDQ Inventory Collection Use this condition if you w ant to make sure a target computer is or is not a member
of a certain collection in PDQ Inventory before running the step.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

IMPORTANT: This requires both PDQ Inventory and PDQ Deploy in Enterprise
mode. For the integration to w ork properly w ith Central Server, both products
w ill need to be installed on the same console w ith both running in either Server
mode or Client mode.

None Select to disable the collection condition (this is the default selection).

Is A Member Select to ensure the target computer is a member of the selected collection before
running the step.

IMPORTANT: Using this condition does not prompt PDQ Inventory to do a scan of
the collection at the time of the deployment. The membership of the selected
collection is only as good as the last scan.

Is Not A Member Select to ensure the target computer is not a member of the selected collection
before running the step.

IMPORTANT: Using this condition does not prompt PDQ Inventory to do a scan of
the collection at the time of the deployment. The membership of the selected
collection is only as good as the last scan.

Collection Click Select Collection to brow se your PDQ Inventory collections and select the
collection to use. Click OK once the collection is selected.

VIDEO: PDQ Live! Successful Deployments: How to Use Conditions and Options


Options Tab

VIDEO: Common Step Properties in a Package

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Step Properties


The following table provides a brief description of all the available fields on the Options tab.

Option Description

Enabled Enables the current step.

If this option is not selected, the step is skipped during the installation. This feature
enables administrators to “turn off” steps that they may w ant to enable in the future
w ithout deleting the step itself.
If a step is disabled, the name of the step is struck-through. Steps can also be
enabled or disabled by right-clicking the step and toggling from Dis abled to

Run As Select an option to determine w hat account the step uses w hen running on the
target machine.

NOTE: This option only applies to Install, Command, Pow erShell, Nested Package,
and File Copy steps. For a Nested Package step, the option is available to select
the parent package setting or the nested package setting.

Deploy User is the recommended setting and should be used unless there is an
explicit requirement to use another method. For detailed information about Run As
settings, see Run As in Deployments Preferences.
The default (and generally appropriate) setting is Deploy User. Change the default in
Pr efer ences > Deploym ents or override the default here.

IMPORTANT: Altering this setting from the default is available only in Enterprise

For a sample demonstration of the Run As options, see the follow ing video.

VIDEO: Deployment Run As Options


(use program default) The default Run Package As setting defined in Preferences.

Deploy User Executes deployments on target computers in a non-interactive session as the

Deploy User.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

This setting is appropriate for the vast majority of deployments. Consequently, this is
the recommended setting.

Deploy User Executes deployments that include both silent and interactive steps. This setting is
(Interactive) the same as Deploy User w ith one important exception—the Window s process
running the deployment is run in an interactive session.
This setting is most appropriately used for individual deployments that require user
input, but the overall process still requires Administrator rights that logged on users
may not have. Because these types of deployments are more specialized and
because running the deployment in interactive mode requires more processing
resources, it is recommended that you apply this setting only as needed at the Step

Local System Executes deployments using the Local System account on the target computer. PDQ
Deploy connects to the target computer using the Deploy User credentials, copies
the specified files, creates the PDQDeployRunner service, then instructs the service
to log on as Local System.
This setting is used only for installations that require Local System. These types of
deployments are very rare. Consequently, it is recommended that you apply this
setting only as needed at the Step level.

IMPORTANT: Steps that run as Local System are not able to access netw ork

Logged on User Attempts to run packages in interactive mode as the Logged On User of the target
This setting is used to deploy applications that are installed per user or w hen the
Logged on User needs to provide information for the deployment to succeed such
as a license key. It can also be used to modify the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry
hive for the Logged on User or to access user-specific settings such as %APPDATA
% or the Logged on User’s user directory. These types of deployments are highly
specialized. Consequently, it is recommended that you apply this setting only as
needed at the Step level.

Error Mode Select an option to determine how the deployment responds if a step fails.

Stop Deployment w ith If the step fails, stop deployment w ith returned error.

Continue Continue deployment even if the step fails.

Stop Deployment w ith If the step fails, stop deployment and report success.
NOTE: Success Codes are defined at the Package level. They are the numerical
value for Window s system error codes. The default success codes are 0
(action completed successfully), 1641 (reboot initiated), and 3010 (reboot

Installation Requires Source Use this option for installations that require a source path if additional features,
modifications, or repairs need to be made locally by the end user. Files w ill be
automatically saved on the target computer to
ADMIN$\AdminArsenal\PDQDeployRunner\Installers\{GUID}. The
root directory is defined in Pr efer ence > Tar get Ser vice.

IMPORTANT: This option is only available on an Install Step.

NOTE: The Installation Requires Source feature is not intended as an installation

source and should be used sparingly. Usage of this features should occur only
for applications that specifically require a local copy/path of the original
installation files in order to perform post-deployment programmatic modifications.

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Step Properties

Install Step Properties

An Install step installs software on a target computer using a main install file. See the following sections
for more information:
· Install Properties
· Silent Install Options

VIDEO: PDQ Deploy's Install Step (And Its Many Uses)

( ledge-base/1739)

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Install Properties
Property Details

Install File Select the primary component of an install step, the installer file. All PDQ Deploy installs
include one or more files w ith one of them being the primary file.

IMPORTANT: If the application has more files than the setup file, be sure to select the
Include Entir e Dir ector y option, listed below the Additional Files section.

To include other files, such as configurations or dependent installs, use the Additional Files
option (see below ).
For more information on the types of installs files and their options, see Supported Install

File Details Show s details about the selected file such as its size, publisher, and version (if available).
Mouse over the information for additional details.

Parameters Additional parameters to include in the command line.

Be sure to include any silent options here, if needed. For more information, see Silent Install
Options below .
To assist w ith finding silent parameters, click s ear ch online.

Additional Files Select any additional files for the install that are not in the main install file folder, such as an
MSI transform or an answ er file.
Unlike the Include Entir e Dir ector y option, files included here are placed in the same
directory as the install file. Note that if all the additional files you need are already in the same
folder as the main install file, it’s easier to use the Included Entire Directory option.

Include Entire Includes all files (and sub-directories) in the same folder as the main install file.
Unlike Additional Files , this option maintains the directory structure (including all sub-

MSI Options For MSI, MSU, and MSP installs there are a number of options w hich can be passed to
msiexec.exe (.MSI, .MSP) or wusa.exe (.MSU) as part of the install.

· Oper ation: Install is the most common option, but Repair and Uninstall are available if you
need them (for .MSI and .MSP).
· Res tar t: Some installs require restarts to complete the installation (such as w hen files
are in use). You can decide how restarts are handled. The (not set) option does not
include an option for restarting and uses the install’s default option or you can include
another option on the Com m and Line (see below ).
· Quiet: Most often you w ill select this option (for more information, see Silent Install
Options below ).There may be times w hen you w ant to use a different command line
option than /qn or w hen the install doesn’t w ork properly w ith this option.
For additional information, see Supported Install Files.

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Step Properties

Success Codes Executable and batch installs typically report success w ith a return code of 0 (zero) but
some also return success w ith other return codes. Usually these are w arnings or other
informational return codes that you can safely ignore. When creating an install, you can
provide a comma-separated list of return codes that are considered a success. Any install
that does not return one of these codes is flagged as an error and the return code displays.
For example, the default codes of 1641 and 3010 are MSI codes indicating that the installation
w as successful but a reboot w as started (1641) or a reboot is required (3010).
For a comprehensive list of Window s system error codes, see indow s/desktop/ms681381(v=vs.85).aspx.

Command Line You can add additional command line options here and see the final command line that w ill be
executed on the target computer.
Select the Cus tom option to edit the command line directly.

NOTE: It is generally unnecessary to customize the command line here. To add additional
parameters or sw itches to a command, you should use the Parameters field.

Silent Install Options

In order for a deployment to succeed it is critical to understand the concept of a silent or unattended
A silent installation is one which installs software without requiring any intervention from a user on the
target computer. If an installation asks the user for information or an action, for example to point to an
install directory or to read a license agreement, then the software cannot be installed remotely. Because
the user interface element waiting for user input is not visible when run remotely, a user cannot respond
to the installation. The result is an installation that appears to “hang” and never return.
Many application packages support an option known as silent or unattended. This option installs the
software either with a default set of properties (such as file locations) or with options provided on a
command line. The vast majority of application installs that use MSI, MSU, or MSP support a silent option
(in fact, the installation developer would need to go out of their way to break the silence, as it were).
EXE installations, however, are a mixed bag. Some support the silent option while others don't. Even for
those that do, it’s sometimes difficult to determine how to enable the silent installation.

Finding Silent Options

Resources for locating the silent option for an install are discussed in the following table.

Source Details

Product documentation Vendors often list silent parameters in their documentation, usually along w ith other
install configuration command line options.

Web searches It is likely that others have been looking for the same silent option online. Searching for
“install acrobat silently” for example yields a number of hits.
In PDQ Deploy, after adding your install file to the Install Step of a package, you can
also click s ear ch online to assist your online search.

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VIDEO: PDQ Live! Google Fu: The Art of Finding Silent Parameters


Ask the install Many install files include an option that provides command option information. This is
often referred to as a Usage Statement or a Usage Window .
1. Open a command w indow ( cmd.exe) and cd to your setup directory.
2. Try running the install file (for example, setup.exe) w ith a /? option.
This sometimes (not alw ays) opens a w indow that show s different options for
installing silently (as w ell as other options).
For example, /q for installing silently, /qu for silent uninstall.
Other applications might list w ays to auto accept license agreements, or install to
different directories. These extra parameters are enabled by each softw are vendor, so
they vary from product to product.

Trial and error There are a number of silent options w hich are used repeatedly. Options w e see
include: /S, /q, /qn, -silent, /p:silent, -option, and “silent”.

PDQ Support Forums If all else fails, visit the PDQ support forums at for
assistance. We are asked this question quite often and may be able to point you in the
right direction.

Test It
It is important that you test the silent parameters before you deploy the installation remotely, otherwise you
may end up waiting for quite a while before you realize you are missing something. A good practice (but
not required) is to run the installation on a test computer directly (outside of PDQ Deploy).

To test silent parameters outside of PDQ Deploy:

1. In Windows, click Start > Run (or press Start+R).
2. Type the command, including the silent parameters, then click OK.
If the application installs without you having to answer questions (acknowledging a Windows UAC
prompt is fine), then you can be confident the silent parameters work and can be added to PDQ
Below is an example of using the Run window to verify that Microsoft Silverlight runs silently. Note that
the parameter, /q, is passed.

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Step Properties

After you have verified that the application will run, you can attempt the deployment from within PDQ

NOTE: Unfortunately, some applications simply do not support silent or unattended installations.
These applications cannot be installed silently using PDQ Deploy, however, with user interaction,
they can still be installed using the Run As option Deploy User (Interactive).

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Command Step Properties

Use Command steps to execute commands on target computers (from within cmd.exe). (Enterprise
mode required.)

VIDEO: Introducing the Command Step

Introducing the Command Step

( ledge-base/1776)

Remote commands must be able to run silently. If user input is required (for example having to confirm
Yes by pressing Y) the command will ultimately timeout. If you need user interaction, you must set the Run
As option to Deploy User (Interactive) or Logged on User. For more information about Run As settings,
see Run As in Deployments Preferences.
Command(s) are executed the same as the Install Step with one difference: the command specified must
exist on the target computer, or be added via the Additional Files option. The example shown below runs
the taskkill.exe utility. Note that taskkill.exe is not copied down to the target; rather, the
Command Step expects it to exist in the path specified.

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Step Properties

In the example shown below there are two commands, each one on a separate line, to uninstall two
earlier versions of Java 7.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Command Properties
Property Details

Command Enter the command you w ant executed on the target computer. The syntax for the command
is the same as used w hen running commands in cmd.exe. Multiple commands are
supported—enter one command per line.

The command is executed on the target computer in the %SystemRoot%

\AdminArsenal\PDQDeployRunner\service-n\exec directory. You can also
specify commands and specific paths for files at other locations.
If the command requires user interaction, set Run As (on the Options tab) to Logged On
Us er or Deploy Us er (Inter active). For details about the Run As option, see
Deployments Preferences .

Insert Batch This w ill attach a batch file to your package and call that file from w ithin the Command Step.
File The included file w ill be listed in the Files section of the step.

Files Select any additional files you w ish to include w ith the command. This is useful for running
utilities that may not be installed on all target computers or for including configuration files.

These files are copied into the %SystemRoot%

\AdminArsenal\PDQDeployRunner\service-n\exec directory on the target

Success Codes The success or failure of the command is determined by its return code, referred to as an %
ERRORLEVEL% w hen running batch files.

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Step Properties

A command is considered a success if the command’s return code is listed in the

successful Return Code column of the Deployment Status w indow . (For example, success
code 128 is returned if firefox.exe is not running on the target. In this case, w e w ant
that counted as a success.)
The default codes of 1641 and 3010 are MSI codes indicating that the installation w as
successful but a reboot w as started (1641) or a reboot is required (3010).
For a comprehensive list of Window s system error codes, see indow s/desktop/ms681381(v=vs.85).aspx.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

PowerShell Step Properties

Use PowerShell steps to execute PowerShell commands on target computers (from within
PowerShell.exe). (Enterprise mode required.)
IMPORTANT: Pow erShell version 1 is not supported in PDQ Deploy.

VIDEO: Introducing the PowerShell Step

Introducing the PowerShell Step

( ledge-base/1774)

Remote commands must be able to run silently. If user input is required (for example having to confirm
Yes by pressing Y) the command will ultimately timeout. If you need user interaction, you must set the Run
As option to Deploy User (Interactive) or Logged on User. For more information about Run As settings,
see Run As in Deployments Preferences.
The example below demonstrates terminating a process, in this case Firefox, in PowerShell.

The example below demonstrates multiple lines and environment variables. This script creates a shortcut
to notepad.exe and places it on the Public Desktop for all users.

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Step Properties

The example below demonstrates inserting a PowerShell script by clicking the Insert Pow erShell Script

PowerShell Properties
Property Details

Pow erShell Enter the command you w ant executed on the target computer. The syntax for the
command is the same as w hen running commands in PowerShell.exe. Multiple
commands are supported—enter one command per line.

The command is executed on the target computer in the %SystemRoot%

\AdminArsenal\PDQDeployRunner\service-n\exec directory. You can
also specify commands and specific paths for files at other locations.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

If the command requires user interaction, set Run As (on the Options tab) to Logged
On Us er or Deploy Us er (Inter active). For details about the Run As option, see
Deployments Preferences.

NOTE: Write-Output is recommended over Write-Host for formatting purposes.

NOTE: The Pow erShell step includes some basic error handling. For more detailed
information on error handling, see Pow erShell Error Handling.

Insert This w ill attach a Pow erShell script ( .ps1) file to your package and call that file from
Pow erShell w ithin the Pow erShell Step. The included file w ill be listed in the Files field of the step.

Files Select any additional files you w ish to include w ith the command. This is useful for
running utilities that may not be installed on all target computers or for including
configuration files.

These files are copied into the %SystemRoot%

\AdminArsenal\PDQDeployRunner\service-n\exec directory on the target

Success Codes The success or failure of the Pow erShell step is determined by its return code. A
command is considered a success if the return code is listed in the Success Code box.
For programs not native to Pow erShell, Pow erShell has a built-in variable called
$LastExitCode that stores the last return code. This behaves similar to the %
ERRORLEVEL% from a regular command line.
For native Pow erShell cmdlets, no return code is given. Any native Pow erShell cmdlets
that encounter an error w ill return a PackagePowerShellErrorException for
the step.

NOTE: The Pow erShell step includes some basic error handling. For more detailed
information on error handling, see Pow erShell Error Handling.

Command Line This is the command that w ill be executed on the target computer.

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Step Properties

Nested Package Step Properties

A Nested Package step allows another package to be executed within a step. (Enterprise mode

VIDEO: Introducing the Nested Package Step

Introducing the Nested Package Step

( ledge-base/1772)

Nesting can be used to break up a complex package into several components which can be run
individually or altogether. Packages can also be nested so that a package can nest a package that nests
other packages. However, circular references are not allowed and attempting to deploy a Package that
indirectly nests back to itself will fail.
Nested Packages can also be created by first selecting multiple packages from the tree on the Main
Console (Shift+click or Ctrl+click), then selecting Create new package nesting these packages from the
Multiple Packages page. A New Package window will open with each selected package as its own nested
NOTE: The parent package's Offline Settings will always override the settings made on the Nested
Package properties.

VIDEO: PDQ Live! Install Multiple Packages in One Deployment


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Nested Properties
Property Details

Package Click Select Pack age to select a Package to nest. This link is maintained even if the nested
package is renamed or moved.

Step Title When a package is selected, it populates the Package field and also becomes the Step Title. The
package description and the Open package link display below . To see the properties of the nested
package, click Open Pack age.

Effects of Conditions and Options Properties on Nested

Conditions and Options step properties interact with a Nested Package Step a bit differently than with
other steps.

Property Details

Conditions Us e Nes ted Pack age Conditions : When selected, the package-level Conditions of the Nested
Package are inherited and used. Changes made to the Nested Package's Conditions w ill reflect on the
parent package automatically.

NOTE: With this unchecked, the parent package-level Conditions will be evaluated first,
followed by the Nested Package step-level Conditions. The Offline Settings of the
Nested Package are overridden by the parent package's Offline Settings.

Options Run As : This option includes the ability to select the parent package setting or the nested package
Er r or Mode: This option has no effect on a Nested Package Step itself. Steps w ithin the nested
package use this option individually and any step w ithin can stop the deployment.

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Step Properties

File Copy Step Properties

A File Copy step copies files and folders to target computers. (Enterprise mode required.)

VIDEO: Introducing the File Copy Step

Introducing the File Copy Step

( ledge-base/1770)

File Copy Properties

Property Details

Copy Type · Single File: Specifies that only one file is copied.

· Folder : Allow s all files in the specified folder to be copied.

Source Select the files/folders you need to copy.

NOTE: If Copy Mode is set to Pull, then UNC paths must be used. Fixed or mapped drive
letters may not be used in the source path. For more information, see Copy Mode in
Package Properties or in Performance Preferences.

Target Folder Folder on the target computer w here files are copied.

Overw rite Existing Destination files w ith the same names are overw ritten.

Ignore Overw rite Do not stop w hen overw rite errors occur.

Include Subfolders All subfolders (and their respective files) are copied.

NOTE: This option only appears w hen Folder is selected.

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Copy All Files When not selected, File Patterns (see below ) can be specified to selectively copy desired

NOTE: This option only appears w hen Folder is selected.

File Patterns Specify w hich files in a folder to copy (one entry per line).
Wildcards: * matches all characters and ? matches one character. For example, to match all
shortcut files you could use *.lnk or *.url.

NOTE: This option only appears w hen Folder is selected.

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Step Properties

Scan Step Properties

A Scan step initiates an inventory scan in PDQ Inventory to determine information on the target computers based on
the scan profile selected. The target computers must already be in PDQ Inventory w ith names or hostnames that match
the names used in PDQ Deploy. (Requires PDQ Inventory version or later and Enterprise mode in
both products. Both products w ill need to be installed on the same console w ith both running in either Server mode or
Client mode.)

This feature can be very helpful w hen using the PDQ Inventory Collection condition or using a PDQ Inventory
collection as a target source. A scan can ensure that the target computers are up-to-date for the remainder of the
steps in the package.

NOTE: The scan triggered from a Scan step will have priority over any other current or pending scans in
PDQ Inventory and will go to the top of the queue.

VIDEO: Introducing the Scan Step

Introducing the Scan Step

( ledge-base/1815)

SCAN Properties
Property Details

Scan Profile The Scan profile used for the scan. You can choose to scan w ith any Scan Profile that has
been configured in PDQ Inventory. The default Scan Profile is defined in PDQ Inventory in
Pr efer ences > Scan Pr ofiles . It is common to use either the Applications or Standard scan

NOTE: If the Scan Profile has been deleted from PDQ Inventory, the scan will fail. It
will not revert to another scan profile by default.

Scan Timeout Specifies how many minutes PDQ Deploy w ill w ait for the scan to run before being timed out
by the server. You can use the default setting from PDQ Inventory or overw rite it w ith a
custom value.
The default value from PDQ Inventory is 10 minutes.

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Reboot Step Properties

A Reboot step reboots the target computer and waits for it to come back online before continuing with the
remaining package steps. (Enterprise mode required.)

VIDEO: Introducing the Reboot Step

Introducing the Reboot Step

( ledge-base/1780)

Reboot Properties
Property Details

Seconds before Number of seconds to w ait before rebooting the target computer. Any logged on users are
reboot notified that a shutdow n is in progress if any Message text is provided.

Message Optional message to show users during the reboot timeout above. Note, not all versions of
Window s show this message to users, but it is logged to the event log.

Shutdow n Only Shuts dow n the target computer and doesn't restart it. If this option is used and it's not the
last step, then any follow ing steps time out unless the target computer is restarted via other

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Step Properties

Sleep Step Properties

A Sleep Step puts the deployment to sleep (or pauses it) for a set amount of time. (Enterprise mode
Sleep steps are useful when a command or install may need additional time after finishing to have its full
effect. Sleeping for a few seconds after the step finishes can ensure that the next step won’t fail.

VIDEO: Introducing the Sleep Step

Introducing the Sleep Step

( ledge-base/1782)

Sleep Properties
Property Details

Sleep Time (in Select the number of seconds to sleep. The minimum is 1 second.

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Message Step Properties

Use a Message step to display a message on target computers. This feature can be useful when you
want to warn users of a new installation, to let them know when an installation is finished, or to remind
them to reboot their computers before they leave for the day. This step is primarily provided as a heads-up
to your users.
The message is displayed using the %WINDIR%\system32\msg.exe utility. Msg.exe is a Microsoft
Windows utility that is available on all versions of Windows (XP or later). This utility doesn't provide a way
for the user to delay or cancel a package deployment.

VIDEO: Introducing the Message Step

Introducing the Message Step

( ledge-base/1784)

Message Properties
Property Details

Message Type the message you w ant displayed in the Message w indow on the Details tab.

Show For Enter in the time (in seconds) you w ant the message to display.

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Step Properties

Wait for user to click Use this option if you w ant the message to w ait to be acknow ledged before proceeding.
OK The message w ill disappear after the user clicks OK or the timer in the Show For property
runs out, w hichever occurs first.
If the message is not acknow ledged w ithin the set time frame, the Message w indow
closes and the deployment executes the next step in the Package.

NOTE: When a user closes the Message w indow , the next step in the Package begins.
This is important to remember because, for example, if the next step kills a process
such as firefox.exe and the user closes the Message w indow before closing
Firefox, then Firefox is simply killed before they can act on it. To prevent this problem,
clear the Wait for us er to click OK option and add a Sleep step after the Message
step. Then, if the user closes the Message w indow before closing Firefox, the next
step still w aits for seconds before moving on to the Kill Firefox step.

Conditions for Message Steps

Use the Conditions tab of the Message step if you want the message to display only if certain conditions
are met.
For example, you may only want a message to display if a user is logged on to the target computer. In this
case, click the Conditions tab and change the Logged On State to Only run if a user is logged on
(including Locked and Disconnected). If you have a Sleep step after the Message step, you may want to
modify the same condition in that step as well.

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Logoff Step Properties

Use a Logoff step to forcefully logoff interactive logon sessions on target computers. This can be helpful
when you want to ensure that no applications are being used during a deployment.

VIDEO: Introducing the Logoff Step

Introducing the Logoff Step

( ledge-base/1792)

Logoff Properties
Property Details

Message Type in the message you w ant to display in the Message w indow on the Details tab. If no
Message is entered, then the Show For timer is grayed out and the log off takes place

Show For Enter the time (in seconds) you w ant the message to display. This timer value is still honored if the
user closes the message w indow .

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Chapter 6

Deployment Overview

A deployment is the process of deploying one or more packages to one or more target computers.
Deployments can install, uninstall, update, repair, and make many other types of changes across your
PDQ Deploy can deploy packages in the following ways:
· Immediately with Deploy Once.
· In the future or at specified intervals with Schedules.
· To offline target computers using Heartbeat schedules, the Retry Queue, or Wake-on-LAN.
· With updated packages directly from the Package Library using Auto Deployment schedules.
· Via Command Line (cmd.exe) using PDQDeploy.exe.
This chapter provides an overview of the PDQ Deploy deployment process, types of deployments, and the
major components of deployments:
· The Deployment Process
· Starting a Deployment
· During and After Deployment
· Types of Deployments
· Manual Deployments
· Scheduled Deployments
· Other Options
· Components of Deployments
· Package
· Deploy Once
· Schedule
· Target List
· Deployment Status

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The Deployment Process

A PDQ Deploy Package contains the instructions and the files needed to silently install, uninstall, or make
other changes to target computers on your network. A deployment is the process of sending packages to
one or more target computers, executing the contents of the package, monitoring its progress, and
reporting the results.
NOTE: For a detailed description of how the deployment process works, see “How It Works: PDQ Deploy”

This section provides an overview of the deployment process and some of the options available:
· Starting a Deployment
· During and After Deployment

Starting a Deployment
The following table describes the ways you can initiate deployments:

Method Description

Manually Deploy a · Deploy Once: Select one or more packages from the Package page to deploy
Package packages immediately. Additionally, you can select a folder from the Tree to deploy
packages in that folder.
· Dr ag and Dr op: In the Tree, drag and drop one or more Packages onto a Target
List, or vice versa, to start an immediate deployment w ith Deploy Once.
· Com m and Line Inter face (CLI): Specify package and targets using cmd.exe.

Redeploy · Redeploy: Redeploys an existing deployment to selected or all target computers.

You w ill be given the opportunity to change the deployment options. In Enterprise
mode, an Auto Deployment package can be redeployed.
· Redeploy to Failed Tar gets : Same as a normal redeploy, except that successful
target computers w on't be added to the target list.
· Redeploy fr om Failed Step: Same as a normal redeploy, except the deployment
w ill not repeat successful steps and w ill only start from the failed step. (Enterprise
mode required.)

Automatically w ith a · Schedule: Starts the deployment of one or more packages as scheduled.
Schedule (Enterprise mode required.)
· Auto Deploym ent Schedule: Automatically deploy new versions of packages
as they become available in the PDQ Deploy Package Library. (Enterprise mode

Deploy to Offline Target · Hear tbeat Schedules : Deploys packages to target computers w hen they come
Computers online (status changes from offline to online). (Requires Enterprise mode in both
PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory.)
· Retr y Queue: Automatically retry deployments to target computers that w ere
offline during original deployment. (Enterprise mode required.)
· Wak e-on-LAN: Starts up offline target computers before initiating deployments.
(Requires PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory.)

During and After Deployment

You can view the status of pending and finished deployments under Targets on the All Deployments

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The Deployment Process

You can view the same information on the Deployments tab on the Package page. During and after
deployment, you can do the following:
· While a deployment is queued you can prioritize the entire deployment or individual targets within any
deployment. To prioritize a deployment, on the All Deployments page, right-click a deployment
(Deployments panel) then select Prioritize Deployment. To prioritize an individual target within a
deployment, on the All Deployments page, select a deployment from the Deployments panel, select
the specific target(s) (Target panel), right-click then select Prioritize Targets.

NOTE: Using the prioritize feature will allow the targets to exceed the Concurrent Targets per
Deployment, but will not exceed the Total Concurrent Targets set in Preferences > Performance.

· During a deployment you can abort (stop) deploying to any of the pending target computers.
· xx xx
After successful deployments you can click the of Step(s) link and Output Log in the Steps
window for more details. (Note that output logs are not always generated depending on the action
being performed).
· If a deployment to a target computer fails, click More Info to view details about the failure and links to
more information and possible solutions.
· You can retry failed deployments. Select one or more target computers, then right-click and select
Redeploy or press Ctrl+R. Under deployment details there are links to redeploy to all or only failed
target computers.
· You can retry a failed deployment starting from the failed step. Select the target, then right-click and
select Redeploy from Failed Step.
· Computers can be opened in PDQ Inventory to verify on the Applications page of the Computer window
if the deployment was successful. Right-click the computer name and select Open in PDQ Inventory.
(Requires PDQ Deploy version 10 or later and PDQ Inventory 9 or later.)

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· Past deployments are kept in the database until they are deleted or automatically cleaned up. The
default cleanup interval is 30 days. The cleanup process ensures that old deployment history is
cleared out. For more information, see the Cleanup setting in Deployments Preferences.
For more details about deployment status, see Deployment Status.

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Types of Deployments

Types of Deployments
There are several different ways to deploy packages with PDQ Deploy. You can deploy immediately
(manual), schedule deployments for later or at specified intervals, schedule auto deployments for
updated packages from the Package Library, or create deployments to deal with offline target computers.
There are several PDQ Deploy features that you can use to handle deployments to target computers that
are offline: Heartbeat schedules, the Retry Queue, and the Wake-on-LAN option.
The following topics provide brief descriptions for each type of deployment and links to the sections that
describe each in detail.

Manual Deployments
Use Deploy Once to manually deploy packages immediately. This is the only deployment method
available for PDQ Deploy in free mode.

Scheduled Deployments
Scheduled Deployment is the method generally used for most deployments. (Enterprise mode required.)
PDQ Deploy schedules allow you to deploy one or more packages once at a specified time, or multiple
times at specified intervals in the future.

Auto Deployment
Auto Deployment is a type of scheduled deployment that allows you to automatically deploy new versions
of packages as they become available in the PDQ Deploy Package Library, as well as add additional
steps before or after the deployment. (Enterprise mode required.)

Heartbeat Deployment
Heartbeat is a PDQ Deploy schedule trigger that deploys packages to target computers when their status
changes from offline to online. (Requires Enterprise mode for both PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory.)

Other Options

Retry Queue
Target computers that are offline during a deployment can be automatically placed in the Retry Queue.
(Enterprise mode required.) PDQ Deploy retries deployments to target computers in the queue according
to your settings.

You can use the Wake-on-LAN (WOL) option to start up offline target computers before deployments.
(Enterprise mode required.)

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Components of Deployments
Deployments in PDQ Deploy are made up of packages, global configurations (Preferences), deployment
specific configurations (Deploy Once, Schedules), and deployment data (Deployment Status.)

The following sections provide brief descriptions for the components of deployments and links to the
topics that describe each in detail.

A PDQ Deploy package contains the instructions and the files needed to silently install, uninstall, or make
other changes to target computers on your network. You can download and use the ready-to-deploy
packages of popular free software from the PDQ Deploy Package Library or create your own custom
packages. (Access to the Package Library depends on license mode.) For more information, see
Downloading Packages from the Package Library and Creating and Editing Packages.

PDQ Deploy Preferences contain many global settings for deployments, for example, Run packages as
and settings for offline target computers. For more information, see Global Deployment Settings.

Deploy Once
Deploy Once is for configuring and manually deploying one or more packages immediately. You can start
a Deploy Once deployment by selecting one or more packages and/or folders, or dragging and dropping
one or more packages onto a Target List. For more information, see Deploying Package(s) with Deploy

A PDQ Deploy Schedule is for configuring deployments for one or more packages once at a specified
time, or multiple times at specified intervals in the future. (Enterprise mode required.) Schedules can be
created to automatically deploy updated packages from the Package Library (Auto Deployment), or create
deployments to deal with offline target computers. For more information, see Creating Scheduled
Deployments, Creating Auto Deployments, and Deploying When Target Computers Come Online with
Heartbeat Schedules.

Target List
A target list is a saved set of target computers used for deployments. Target lists are optional but can
make your system more efficient by allowing you to create reusable sets of target computers. For more
information, see Creating Target Lists.

Deployment Status
Deployment status information is generated by PDQ Deploy from deployments and can be viewed in
several places during deployment and after deployments have run. During a deployment you can abort
(stop) all or part of the deployment, then after deploying you can view information about successful and
failed deployments. For more information, see Deployment Status.

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Components of Deployments

You can also configure deployments to send post deployment email notifications. (Enterprise mode
required.) For more information about post deployment email notifications, see Receiving a Status Email
After Deployment and Mail Server Preferences.

PDQ Inventory
Deployments can be further verified using the Application page of the companion product PDQ Inventory.
The Computer Window in PDQ Inventory can be opened directly from PDQ Deploy by selecting one or
more computer names, right-click and select Open in PDQ Inventory. This option is available from the
Deployment Status window, All Deployments page, Deployments tab of the Package page, and the Target
History tab of the Schedule window. For more information, see PDQ Inventory.

NOTE: This feature requires Deploy version 10 or later and also requires PDQ Inventory version 9 or later.
PDQ Inventory scans computers and collects hardware, software, and Windows configuration data.
PDQ Deploy can use this data to create lists of computers that need specific applications or updates
for Target Lists, to determine when offline target computers come online (Heartbeat schedules), and
wake up offline target computers before deployments (Wake-on-LAN). For more information about
PDQ Inventory, see our website at

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Chapter 7

Working with Targets

Targets are the computers that have been selected to receive PDQ Deploy deployments. PDQ Deploy
offers three ways of selecting targets for deployments; Choose Targets is used to dynamically link to
target sources, adding individual computers, and Adding Manually to type in target computer names.
Selecting targets are done in the Deploy Once window, the Schedule window, and the Target List window.
This chapter is about selecting targets through the various methods and contains the following topics:
· Selecting Targets
· Link to Target Sources
· Choosing Individual Targets
· Adding Manually
· Creating a Target List
· Part 1: New Target List
· Part 2: Link to Target Sources
· Part 3: Choosing Individual Targets
· Managing Target Lists
· Using Target Lists
· Organizing Target Lists
· Duplicating Target Lists
· Exporting and Importing Target Lists
· Editing Target Lists

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Selecting Targets
PDQ Deploy offers three ways of selecting targets for deployments; linking to sources of computers
dynamically, adding individual computers from lists of existing computers, or manually adding them by
typing in the computer names. Selecting targets is done in the Deploy Once window, the Schedule
window, and the Target List window.
NOTE: Dynamically linking to a target service only works when defining targets in the Schedule window or
Target List window. You can select a container, collection, or group in the Deploy Once window
however, it will choose all the individual targets in the target source at the time of selection but the
source itself will not be dynamically linked.

This section describes selecting targets in the following topics:

· Link to Target Sources
· Choosing Individual Targets
· Adding Manually

Link to Target Sources

Linking is used to select target sources of computers as dynamic targets, such as Active Directory
Containers, PDQ Inventory Collections, Spiceworks Groups, and Target Lists. For example, when you
select Active Directory Containers, you select the entire Accounting OU as the target, not individual
computers. Each time a schedule or an auto deployment kicks off, the computers in the Accounting OU
are dynamically added as target computers at the time of the deployment. Linking to targets source(s) is
an option available only in the Schedule window and the Target List window.
NOTE: Dynamically linking to a source of targets only works when defining targets in the Schedule window
or Target List window. You can select a container, collection, or group in the Deploy Once window
however, it will choose all targets in the source at the time of selection, but the source itself will not be
dynamically linked.

To dynamically link to sources of target computers:

1. Click Choose Targets (or right-click in the Targets area and click Choose Targets), then select the
appropriate group of targets:

Source Description

Active Dir ector y > Select Active Directory containers or groups. (See step 2.)

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Selecting Targets

PDQ Inventor y > Select PDQ Inventory Collections. (See step 3.)

Spicew or k s > Gr oup Select Spicew orks Groups. (See step 4.)

Tar get Lis t > Lis t Select other PDQ Deploy Target Lists. (See step 5.)

2. Click Choose Targets > Active Directory > Container.

a. Browse AD containers and groups.

To switch to a different domain, click Change Domain.
b. Select a container or group, then click OK to add it.

3. Click Choose Targets > PDQ Inventory > Collection.

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a. Browse PDQ Inventory collections.

PDQ Inventory can create default or custom collections of computers by attributes such as,
installed applications, OS version, or hardware configurations.
b. Select a collection, then click OK to add it.

4. Click Choose Targets > Spicew orks > Groups.

a. Browse Spiceworks groups.

If you have not configured PDQ Deploy to work with your Spiceworks data, the PDQ Deploy
Preferences window will open on the Spiceworks page. For details about configuring Spiceworks
preferences, see Spiceworks Preferences.

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Selecting Targets

b. Select a Spiceworks group, then click OK to add it.

5. Click Choose Targets > Target List > List.

a. Browse Targets Lists.

b. Select a Target List, then click OK to add it.
The target list is added.

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Choosing Individual Targets

Choosing individual targets selects computers by name from target sources such as Active Directory
(AD), PDQ Inventory, and Spiceworks. For example, if you select target computers from an Active Directory
OU (Operational Unit) called Accounting, you will be choosing the individual computers from under the
Accounting OU and not selecting the entire Accounting OU as one target. Choosing individual Targets is
an option available in the Deploy Once window, the Schedule window, and the Target List window.
To add individual target computers:
1. Click Choose Targets (or right-click in the Targets area and click Choose Targets), then select an

Source Description

Active Select target computers from Active Directory containers or groups. (See step 2.)
Dir ector y

PDQ Inventor y Select target computers from PDQ Inventory Collections. (See step 3.)

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Selecting Targets

Spicew or k s Select target computers from Spicew orks Groups. (See step 4.)

Tar get Lis t Select target computers using other PDQ Deploy Target Lists. (See step 5.)

Text File Select a text file containing a list of target computer names. (See step 6.)

2. Click Choose Targets > Active Directory > Computers.

a. Browse AD containers to locate target computers.

To switch to a different domain, click Change Domain.

b. Select one or more computers (Shift+click or Ctrl+click), then click Add Selected Computers to
add them to the targets area.

c. (Optional) To add all computers in the Computers list, click Add All Computers .
d. Click OK to add your selections.

3. Click Choose Targets > PDQ Inventory > Computers.

a. Browse PDQ Inventory collections to locate target computers.

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PDQ Inventory can create default or custom collections of computers by attributes such as installed
applications, OS version, or hardware configurations. For more information about PDQ Inventory,
see our website at

b. Select one or more computers (Shift-click or Ctrl-click), then click Add Selected Computers to
add them to the targets area.

c. (Optional) To add all computers in the Computers list, click Add All Computers .
d. Click OK to add your selections.

4. Click Choose Targets > Spicew orks > Computers.

a. Browse Spiceworks groups to locate target computers.

If you have not configured PDQ Deploy to work with your Spiceworks data, the PDQ Deploy
Preferences window will open on Spiceworks settings. For details about configuring Spiceworks
preferences, see Spiceworks Preferences.

b. Select one or more computers (Shift-click or Ctrl-click), then click Add Selected Computers to
add them to the targets section.

c. (Optional) To add all computers in the Computers list, click Add All Computers .
d. Click OK to add your selections.

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Selecting Targets

NOTE: It may take a minute or two to sync with Spiceworks and create the collection.

5. Click Choose Targets > Target Lists > Computers.

a. Browse Targets Lists.

b. Select a Target List, then click OK to add it.
The target computers from the selected list are added individually.

6. Click Choose Targets > Text File, browse to and select a text file, then click Open.
a. Browse to the appropriate location.
b. Select a text file
c. Click OK to add it.

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The target computer names listed in the file are added individually.

NOTE: You can import the target list XML files (.xml) that PDQ Deploy exports (see Exporting and
Importing Target Lists) or text (.txt) and CSV files (.csv). Text files and CSV files must have one
target computer name per line.

Adding Manually
To add target computers manually:
1. To manually add a target computer to the list, type a computer name in the Add Computer Name field,
then click Add Computer. Alternately, you can also paste a target computer name (or list of names)
directly into the Targets area of the window. If copying a list of names, ensure that there is only one
target computer name per line.
When you add a target computer manually, the name appears in the list and the system (DNS) checks
to be sure it exists on the network.

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Creating a Target List

Creating a Target List

Target lists are created in the Targets Editor. Target lists are optional, but they can make using the system
more efficient so you don’t need to define the same targets every time you create or schedule a
The Targets Editor can be accessed from the specific Target List page on the Main Console window, the
Deploy Once window, or the Schedule window.
This procedure includes the following parts:
· Part 1: New Target List
· Part 2: Link to Target Sources
· Part 3: Choosing Individual Targets

Part 1: New Target List

To create a target list:
1. Do one of the following:
· On the Main Console, click New Target List (or File > New Target List or press Ctrl+Shift+T).
· On the Schedule window, click the Targets tab, then click Choose Targets > Target List, then click
New .

NOTE: To create a new private target list while using Central Server, select the Private Packages
folder prior to creation. If the target list is created outside the Private Packages folder, it is
available for public use. You can simply drag the new target list into the Private Packages folder to
make it private and then delete the original.

2. Type a name for the target list.

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It’s important to name target lists logically and consistently. Use names that make sense for the group
of targets you select.
3. (Optional) Type a description for the target list.
4. (Optional) To manually add a target computer to the list, type the computer name in the Targets field,
then click Add Computer. Alternately, you can also paste a target computer name (or list of names)
directly into the Target area of the window. If copying a list of names, ensure that there is only one
target computer name per line.
When you add a target computer manually, the name appears in the list and the system (DNS) checks
to be sure it exists on the network. Targets resolved by DNS appear with a green checkmark .

NOTE: If the computer name can’t be found, a warning icon displays next to the Delete this target
button. Check the name you typed and try it again. If you can’t add a computer manually, see
Part 2: Link to Target Sources or Part 3: Choosing Individual Targets for alternative methods of
finding and adding target computers to the list. Delete unresolved computer names from the list.

5. (Conditional) Do one of the following:

· To add target computers that are dynamically linked to groups, see Part 2: Link to Target Sources.
· To add individual target computers from groups, see Part 3: Choosing Individual Targets.

Part 2: link to Target Sources

Linking is used to select sources of computers as dynamic targets, such as Active Directory Containers,
PDQ Inventory Collections, Spiceworks Groups, and Target Lists. For example, when you use select
Active Directory Containers, you select the entire Accounting OU as the target, not individual computers.
Each time a schedule or an auto deployment kicks off, the computers in the Accounting OU are
dynamically added as target computers at the time of the deployment.
To dynamically link to sources of target computers:
1. Click Choose Targets, then select the appropriate option:

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Creating a Target List

Source Description

Active Dir ector y > Select Active Directory containers or groups. (See step 2.)

PDQ Inventor y > Select PDQ Inventory Collections. (See step 3.)

Spicew or k s > Gr oup Select Spicew orks Groups. (See step 4.)

Tar get Lis t > Lis t Select other PDQ Deploy Target Lists. (See step 5.)

2. (Optional) Click Choose Targets > Active Directory > Container.

a. Browse AD containers and groups.

To switch to a different domain, click Change Domain.
b. Select a container or group, then click OK to add it to the target list.

3. (Optional) Click Choose Targets > PDQ Inventory > Collection.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

a. Browse PDQ Inventory collections.

PDQ Inventory can create default or custom collections of computers by attributes such as,
installed applications, OS version, or hardware configurations.
b. Select a collection, then click OK to add it to the target list.

4. (Optional) Click Choose Targets > Spicew orks > Groups.

a. Browse Spiceworks groups.

If you have not configured PDQ Deploy to work with your Spiceworks data, the PDQ Deploy
Preferences window will open on the Spiceworks page. For details about configuring Spiceworks
preferences, see Spiceworks Preferences.
b. Select a Spiceworks group, then click OK to add it to the target list.

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Creating a Target List

5. (Optional) Click Choose Targets > Target List > List.

a. Browse Targets Lists.

b. Select a Target List, then click OK to add it.
The target list is added to your new target list.

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6. (Optional) To remove a target from the list, click Delete this target or select it, then press Delete.
7. (Conditional) Do one of the following:
· If you are done, click OK to save the new target list.
· To add an individual computer, see Part 3: Choosing Individual Targets.

Part 3: Choosing individual targets

Choosing individual targets selects computers by name from target sources such as Active Directory
(AD), PDQ Inventory, and Spiceworks. For example, if you select target computers from an Active Directory
OU (Operational Unit) called Accounting, you will be choosing the individual computers from under the
Accounting OU and not selecting the entire Accounting OU as one target.
To add individual target computers:
1. Click Choose Targets (or right-click in the Targets area and click Choose Targets), then select an

Source Description

Active Select target computers from Active Directory containers or groups. (See step 2.)
Dir ector y

PDQ Inventor y Select target computers from PDQ Inventory Collections. (See step 3.)

Spicew or k s Select target computers from Spicew orks Groups. (See step 4.)

Tar get Lis t Select target computers using other PDQ Deploy Target Lists. (See step 5.)

Text File Select a text file containing a list of target computer names. (See step 6.)

2. (Optional) Click Choose Targets > Active Directory > Computers.

a. Browse AD containers to locate target computers.

To switch to a different domain, click Change Domain.

b. Select one or more computers (Shift+click or Ctrl+click), then click Add Selected Computers to
add them to the target list.

c. (Optional) To add all computers in the Computers list, click Add All Computers .
d. Click OK to add your selections to the target list.

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Creating a Target List

3. (Optional) Click Choose Targets > PDQ Inventory > Computers.

a. Browse PDQ Inventory collections to locate target computers.

PDQ Inventory can create default or custom collections of computers by attributes such as installed
applications, OS version, or hardware configurations. For more information about PDQ Inventory,
see our website at

b. Select one or more computers (Shift-click or Ctrl-click), then click Add Selected Computers to
add them to the target list.

c. (Optional) To add all computers in the Computers list, click Add All Computers .
d. Click OK to add your selections to the target list.

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4. (Optional) Click Choose Targets > Spicew orks > Computers.

a. Browse Spiceworks groups to locate target computers.

If you have not configured PDQ Deploy to work with your Spiceworks data, the PDQ Deploy
Preferences window will open on Spiceworks settings. For details about configuring Spiceworks
preferences, see Spiceworks Preferences.

b. Select one or more computers (Shift-click or Ctrl-click), then click Add Selected Computers to
add them to the target list.

c. (Optional) To add all computers in the Computers list, click Add All Computers .
d. Click OK to add your selections to the target list.

NOTE: It may take a minute or two to sync with Spiceworks.

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Creating a Target List

5. (Optional) Click Choose Targets > Target Lists > Computers. then select a target list and click OK.

a. Browse Targets Lists.

b. Select a Target List, then click OK to add it.
The target computers from the selected list are added individually.

6. (Optional) Click Choose Targets > Text File.

a. Browse to the appropriate location.
b. Select a text file
c. Click OK to add it.
The target computer names listed in the file are added individually.

NOTE: You can import the target list XML files (.xml) that PDQ Deploy exports (see Exporting and
Importing Target Lists) or text (.txt) and CSV files (.csv). Text files and CSV files must have one
target computer name per line.

7. (Optional) To remove a target computer from the list, click Delete this target or select it, then press
8. (Conditional) Do one of the following:
· If you are done, click OK to save the new target list.
· To add targets that are dynamically linked to groups, see Part 2: Linking to Target Sources.

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Managing Target Lists

PDQ Deploy target lists are viewed on their specific target list page in the Main Console window and they
are modified in the Targets Editor. Target lists can also be duplicated, exported and imported, organized
on the Main Console tree, and used to launch a deployment.
This section describes how to manage target lists and includes the following topics:
· Using Target Lists
· Organizing Target Lists
· Duplicating Target Lists
· Exporting and Importing Target Lists
· Editing Target Lists

Using Target Lists

The following table describes how target lists can be used in deployments:

Task Details

Add Target Computers to Deploy Once In the Deploy Once w indow , click Choos e Tar gets > Tar get Lis t or
Choos e Tar gets > Tar get Lis t > Com puter s .
For more details, see Deploying Package(s) w ith Deploy Once.

Drag and Drop To Initiate a Deploy Once deployment, do one of the follow ing:
· Drag and drop one or more Packages onto a target list.
· Drag and drop a target list onto a Package.

Link to a Target List or add computers In the Schedule w indow , do one of the follow ing:
from a Target List to Scheduled
· To add targets that are dynamically linked to the full target list, click
Choos e Tar gets > Tar get Lis t > Lis t. For more details, see
Creating Scheduled Deployments.
· To add target computers by choosing the individual computers in a
target list, click Choos e Tar gets > Tar get Lis t > Com puter s .

Add a Target List's computers to In the Target List w indow , click Choos e Tar gets > Tar get Lis t >
another Target List Com puter s .

This w ill add all individual computers as static targets from the selected
Target List into the new Target List.

Link a Target List to another Target List In the Target List w indow , click Choos e Tar gets > Tar get Lis t >
Lis t.
This w ill add the selected Target List dynamically into the new Target
List and w ill reflect as one target.

Organizing Target Lists

Target lists can be organized by:
· Renaming
To rename a target list, select it, click Edit > Rename (or right-click and select Rename or press F2),
edit the name, then click OK.
· Moving

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Managing Target Lists

Select and drag target lists to change their order in a list or move them from folder to folder. For details
about organizing target lists with custom folders, see Custom Folders.

NOTE: While using Central Server, moving a target list into the Private Packages folder will
automatically duplicate it. You can then choose to delete the original target list, if desired.
Additionally, moving a target list outside the Private Package folder will make it public.

· Customizing
For information about setting custom appearance options, see Item Appearance Window.

Duplicating Target Lists

You can streamline the creation of new target lists by duplicating, renaming, and editing a target list that is
similar to the new target list you need.
To duplicate a target list:
1. Select the target list you want to duplicate.
2. Click File > Duplicate (or right-click and select Duplicate or press Alt+Insert).
A duplicate target list appears in the tree with a number appended to its name.
3. (Optional) To rename a target list, click Edit > Rename (or right-click and select Rename or press F2),
edit the name, then click OK.
It’s good practice to rename the target list so it matches its new purpose and to avoid confusion when
using the original target list.
4. To edit the selected target list, double-click it or click Edit Target List on its Target List page.
For information about modifying target lists, see Editing Target Lists below.

Exporting and Importing Target Lists

Target lists can be exported to an XML file and then imported into PDQ Deploy on another computer.
To export target lists:
1. Select one or more target lists or a folder of target lists.
When exporting a folder, all of the target lists and folders within it are also exported.
2. Click File > Export (or right-click and select Export or press Ctrl+E).
3. Browse to where you want to save the target list, then click Save.
To import target lists:
1. To determine where the imported target list or target lists are placed in the Main Console Tree, do one
of the following:
· To import at the top level of the tree, click the empty part of the tree.
· To import into a folder, select the folder or an item in the folder.
2. Click File > Import (or right-click and select Import or press Ctrl+I).
3. Browse to and select the target lists definition, then click Open.

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Editing Target Lists

Target lists are created and edited in the Targets Editor. The Targets Editor can be accessed from the
individual Target List page on the Main Console window, the Deployment window, or the Schedule
To edit a target list:
1. To open a target list, do one of the following:
· On the Main Console tree, browse to and select a target list, then double-click it or on the target list
page, click Edit Target List.
· On the Deploy Once window, click Choose Targets > Target List, then select a target list and click
· On the Schedule window, click the Targets tab, click Choose Targets > Target List, then select a
target list and click Edit.

2. (Optional) Edit the target list name.

3. To modify the target list, see the following table for a list of tasks and details:

Task Details

Manually Add Target Type a computer name in the Targets field, then click Add Com puter .
When you add a target computer, the name appears in the list and the system
(DNS) checks to be sure it exists on the netw ork.

NOTE: You can also paste a target computer name (or list of names) directly
into the Target area of the w indow . If copying a list of names, ensure that
there is only one target computer name per line.

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Managing Target Lists

Linking to Target Sources To add targets by linking to external sources click Choos e Tar gets (or right-
click the Target area and click Choos e Tar gets ), then select a source and click
Container , Collection, Gr oup, or Lis t.

For detailed information, see Part 2: Link to Target Sources .

Choosing Individual Targets To add target computers by choosing the individual computers in a target list,
click Choos e Tar gets (or right-click the Target area and click Choos e
Tar gets ), then select a source and click Com puter s .

For detailed information, see Part 3: Choosing Individual Targets .

Delete a Target To remove a target from the list, click Delete this tar get or select it, then
press Delete.

4. When you finish editing, click OK to save changes and close the target list.

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Chapter 8

Manually Deploying Packages

Once you’ve downloaded prebuilt packages from the Package Library or created your own custom
packages, you can deploy them with PDQ Deploy. Use Deploy Once for immediate deployments of one or
more packages. This chapter is about manually deploying packages to your target computers using
Deploy Once.
· For information about prebuilt packages, see Package Library Overview and Downloading Packages
from the Package Library.
· For information about creating custom packages, see Creating and Editing Packages.
· For information about scheduled deployments, see Setting up Scheduled Deployments.

VIDEO: Introduction to PDQ Deploy


This chapter contains the following topics:

· Deploying Package(s) with Deploy Once
· Deploying a Package with the Command Line Interface

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Deploying Package(s) with Deploy Once

Use Deploy Once when you want to quickly and easily deploy one or more package. Deployments can be
made up of both Standard packages and Auto Download packages. Deploy Once is also useful to quickly
and easily deploy package(s) attached to a schedule without having to wait for approval or its scheduled
deployment. For an introduction to the Deploy Once window, see Deploy Once Window.
NOTE: Enterprise Mode is required for Auto Download packages.

VIDEO: Quickly Deploy an Application Using Deploy Once


To create a manual deployment using Deploy Once:

1. On the Main Console window, do one of the following:

· (With or without selecting a package or folder) On the Toolbar, click Deploy Once .
· (With or without selecting a package or folder) Click File > Deploy Once (or press Ctrl+D or right-
click and select Deploy Once).
· On the selected Package window, click Deploy > Deploy Once.
· Multi-select packages and/or folders (Shift+click or Ctrl+click) and click Start a deployment w ith
these packages on the Multiple Packages page.
· Select the schedule of the package and click Deploy Once in the Schedule Details panel.
IMPORTANT: The packages will deploy in the order in which they are selected and appear in the
Deploy Once window.

A new Deploy Once window opens (with or without packages listed in the Package panel on the
top left).

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Deploying Package(s) w ith Deploy Once

2. (Optional) To remove a package, click the delete icon to the right of the package name.
3. (Optional) To add packages, click Choose Packages.
The Select PDQ Deploy Packages window opens.

Select one or more packages (Shift+click or Ctrl+click), then click Add Selected Package to add
them to the deployment.

IMPORTANT: If an attached Auto Download Package has been edited, all edits (including additional
steps) will be deployed with Deploy Once. For information on editing an Auto Download Packages,
see Editing and Adding Steps to an Auto Download Package.

4. (Optional) To manually add a target computer to the list, type a computer name in the Enter Computer
Name field, then click Add Computer. Alternately, you can also paste a target computer name (or list of
names) directly into the Targets area of the window. If copying a list of names, ensure that there is only
one target computer name per line.

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When you add a target computer manually, the name appears in the Target(s) list and the system
(DNS) checks to be sure it exists on the network. Targets resolved by DNS appear with a green
checkmark .
5. (Optional) To add target computers click Choose Targets, then select a source:

Source Description

Active Select Container to add all target computers w ithin a container or select Com puter s to
Dir ector y choose individual computers w ithin a container.

PDQ Select Collection to add all target computers w ithin a collection or select Com puter s to
Inventor y choose individual computers w ithin a collection.

Spicew or k s Select Gr oup to add all target computers w ithin a group or select Com puter s to choose
individual computers w ithin a group.

Tar get Lis t Select target computers using other PDQ Deploy Target Lists.

Text File Select a text file containing a list of target computer names.

NOTE: You can select a container, collection, or group in the Deploy Once window however, it will
choose all targets in the source at the time of selection but the source itself will not be dynamically

6. (Optional) To change the step of the package that will be used to start the deployment, click Step 1 to
select from all steps available in the package.
This can be changed for all packages when selected from the link above the Targets box, or each
individual target can have its own start location.

NOTE: Choosing a starting step is only available in Enterprise mode and when deploying a single

7. Click the Options tab and define the settings you want to apply to the deployment.
The following table provides information on the Deployment settings available in the Options tab of the
Deploy Once window:

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Deploying Package(s) w ith Deploy Once

Option Details

Credentials The Deploy User credentials used by all deployments from the current deployment. For
more information see Credentials in Options.
This is the username and passw ord used to connect to the target computer and copy
over the necessary files and start the target service. This user must have administrative
rights on the target computer, w hich are needed to copy files to the ADMIN$ share and
create and start the remote service. It can be a user account local to the target
computer or a domain user if using Active Directory.

NOTE: This selection is saved for use the next time you start a new deployment w ith
this w indow .

Use PDQ Inventory Allow s PDQ Inventory's Scan User credentials to be used during the deployment. If
Scan User selected, the PDQ Inventory Scan Users credentials w ill be used first. If no Inventory
credentials first, Scan User credentials exist for that target computer, the selected PDQ Deploy
w here available credentials w ill be used.

NOTE: Local Administrator Passw ord Solution (LAPS) can be used by if the target
computer's selected Scan User credentials are configured properly to use LAPS.

IMPORTANT: Enterprise mode is required in both PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory. If
running in Client or Server mode, PDQ Inventory must also be in Client or Server

NOTE: This selection is saved for use the next time you start a new deployment w ith
this w indow .

Copy Mode Defines how PDQ Deploy copies deployment files to targets (requires Enterprise mode).
You can use the the Package Properties Copy Mode or override it here.
When files (such as installation files) are copied to a target, PDQ Deploy can use either
Push or Pull Copy Mode. By default, PDQ Deploy uses Push Copy Mode.

VIDEO: PDQ Live! Understanding Push and Pull Deployments


Push Copies files to the targets from the PDQ Deploy computer. This method is best if the
package’s install files are located on the PDQ Deploy computer.
This option is the default copy mode.
Bandw idth throttling applies to all simultaneous file copies combined.

Pull Sends lists of files to the targets w hich then pull the files from a centralized location.
This method w orks best in WAN environments w here the files may be on a file server
closer to the targets than the computer w here PDQ Deploy is running.

For this method to w ork, all files need to be accessible using a UNC path (e.g. \
Bandw idth throttlingnot
is enforced w hen using Pull Copy Mode.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

WARNING: Files on fixed or mapped drives are not accessible to the target computers;
therefore, a valid UNC path must be provided.

IMPORTANT: This setting is available only in Enterprise mode.

Scanning Select w hether or not PDQ Inventory scans target computers after a deployment to
identify w hat is installed on each computer. If your deployment doesn't install an
application, you may w ant to disable inventory scanning for the deployment.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode and also requires PDQ
Inventory in Enterprise mode. If you are running in Client Mode, PDQ Inventory must
be installed on both the Client computer and the Server computer. Additionally, the
target computer must already be in PDQ Inventory w ith a name or hostname that
matches the name used in PDQ Deploy.

Set the Program Default in Pr efer ences > Deploym ents or override the default here.

Scan after Initiates an inventory scan from PDQ Inventory after the deployment to identify w hat is
Deployment installed on each w orkstation.
Scan after Deployment attempts to scan target computers even if deployments fail.
This feature can be very helpful in maintaining up-to-date inventory for target machines.
The target computers must already be in PDQ Inventory w ith names or hostnames that
match the names used in PDQ Deploy.
You may choose w hich Scan Profile to use. The default Scan Profile is defined in PDQ
Inventory in Pr efer ences > Scan Pr ofiles . You can choose to scan w ith any Scan
Profile that has been configured in PDQ Inventory. It is common to use either the
Applications or Standard scan profiles.

Do Not Scan Does not scan target computers after deployment.

Run As Determines how the current deployment is executed on target computers.

NOTE: The Run As settings at the Package level may be superseded by any explicit
Run As settings at each Step level.

For a sample demonstration of the Run As options, see the follow ing video.

VIDEO: Deployment Run As Options


Deploy User Silently executes deployments on target computers.

This setting is appropriate for the vast majority of deployments.

Deploy User Executes deployments that include both silent and interactive steps. This setting is the
(Interactive) same as Deploy User w ith one important exception—the Window s process running the
deployment is run in interactive mode.
This setting is most appropriately used for individual deployments that require user input,
but the overall process still requires Administrator rights that logged on users may not

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Deploying Package(s) w ith Deploy Once

This type of deployment requires more processing resources.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode.

Local System Executes deployments using the local System account on the target computer. PDQ
Deploy connects to the target computer, copies the specified files, then runs the actual
deployment service using the Local System credentials.
This setting is used only for installations that require Local System. These types of
deployments are very rare.

Logged on Attempts to run packages in Interactive mode as the Logged On User of the target
User machine.
This setting is used to deploy applications that are installed per user or w hen the logged
on user needs to provide information for the deployment to succeed such as a license
key. It can also be used to modify the HKEY-CURRENT-USER registry hive for the
logged on user or to access user-specific settings such as %APPDATA% or the logged
on user’s User directory.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode.

Notifications Sends an email notification w hen the deployment finishes. (Enterprise mode required.)
Select one of the tw o default deployment notifications, Full Details or Summary, or
create a custom notification by clicking Edit Notifications . For more information about
post deployment emails, see Receiving a Status Email After Deployment and Mail Server

IMPORTANT: You must configure the Mail Server settings in Preferences as well as
designate at least one email recipient in the selected Post Deployment
Notification before you can enable this option.

NOTE: This selection is saved for use the next time you start a new deployment w ith
this w indow .

Remember these Saves the list of targets to use the next time you start a deployment w ith Deploy Once.
targets for next time

Prioritize this This deployment w ill be prioritized above all others that are currently queued.
NOTE: Using this feature w ill allow the targets to exceed the Concurrent Targets per
Deployment, but w ill not exceed the Total Concurrent Targets set in Pr efer ences >
Per for m ance.

8. Click the Offline Settings tab and define the settings you want to apply to the deployment.

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The following table provides information on the Deployment settings available in the Offline Settings
tab of the Deploy Once window:

Option Details

Offline Status Offline Status settings determines w hether target computers w ill receive a ping or
Wake-on-LAN prior to deployment.

Use settings from Uses the Offline Status settings defined at the Package level. For more
Package information, see Creating a New Package, Step 1: Package Properties.
If you select this option but the Offline Status settings are not defined at the
Package level, then PDQ Deploy uses the global Offline Status settings settings
defined in Preferences.
When you select this option, the subsequent settings are disabled.

Ping before Performs a ping (ICMP echo) before attempting the deployment. If the target does
deployment not respond to the ping w ithin 2 seconds, then the deployment is not attempted on
that target.

Enabling this option can increase the overall speed of the deployment because
PDQ Deploy doesn’t w aste time w ith offline target computers.

NOTE: Typically, the ping should take only a few milliseconds. How ever, if your
DNS isn’t solid or your netw ork is experiencing latency issues, then the ping
response may take more than 2 seconds.

When thisnotis selected, PDQ Deploy attempts the deployment regardless of the
online or offline status of the target computer. If the target is offline or otherw ise
unavailable, Window s w ill timeout after ~60 seconds. Leaving this unchecked can
decrease the overall speed of the deployment due to these attempts and extra
w ait time.

Send Wake-on-LAN Attempts the deployment then sends a Wake-on-LAN to offline target computers.
and attempt The deployment is attempted again if it comes online. After 5 minutes if the target
deployment computer is still offline, the deployment w ill be attempted again.
The advantage of this feature is that offline target computers can immediately be
made available for deployment. How ever, it can increase deployment time.

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Deploying Package(s) w ith Deploy Once

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode of both PDQ

Deploy and PDQ Inventory. Furthermore, PDQ Inventory must have the MAC
address of the target computers’ NICs.

Retry Queue Retry Queue settings determine how PDQ Deploy handles deployments w hen the
target computers are offline.

Use settings from Uses the Retry Queue settings defined at the Package level. For more information,
Package see Creating a New Package, Step 1: Package Properties.
If you select this option but Retry Queue settings are not defined at the Package
level, then PDQ Deploy uses the global Retry Queue settings defined in
When you select this option, the subsequent Retry Queue settings are disabled.

Put Offline Targets in Enables the Retry Queue.

Retry Queue
By default, target computers that are unreachable or offline during a deployment
are held in the Retry Queue and deployment is retried.

Allow ed Retries Sets the number of retry attempts for an offline target computer. This applies per
target per deployment.
The default setting is 72. To set unlimited retries, set this value to 0.

9. (Optional) If you decide to schedule the deployment rather than run it immediately, click Schedule.
For information about scheduling deployments, see Creating Scheduled Deployments.
10. When you are ready to execute the deployment, click Deploy Now .

11. View the progress and the status of the deployment in Deployment Status in the Main Console
During a deployment you can stop deploying to one or more of the pending target computers by right-
clicking on the target(s) and clicking Abort. To retry deployments to target computers that fail, right-
click the target, and click Redeploy or press Ctrl+R. If a deployment to a target computer fails, you can
view details about the failure and possible solutions by clicking the More Info link or the Steps link.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

While a deployment is queued you can prioritize the entire deployment or individual targets within the
deployment. To prioritize the whole deployment, on the All Deployments page, right-click a deployment
(Deployments panel) then select Prioritize Deployment. To prioritize an individual target in the
deployment, on the All Deployments page, select a deployment from the Deployment panel, right-click
specific target(s) (Target panel) then select Prioritize Targets.

NOTE: Using the prioritize feature will allow the targets to exceed the Concurrent Targets per
Deployment, but will not exceed the Total Concurrent Targets set in Preferences > Performance.

For more information about what happens during and after a deployment, see Verifying Deployment

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Deploying a Package w ith the Command Line Interface

Deploying a Package with the Command Line

You can utilize the Command Line Interface (CLI) from a common cmd.exe window to deploy a PDQ
Deploy package. You must change the directory to the PDQ Deploy directory under Program Files or
Program Files (x86). The command you use is PDQDeploy.exe.

To start a manual deployment using the CLI:

1. Run cmd.exe as Administrator.
2. (Optional) To view the options available for PDQ Deploy using the CLI, use the following:
PDQDeploy Help

3. To deploy a package, use the following command:

PDQDeploy Deploy -Package "<name of package>" -Targets <computer names>
The example below shows a package deployed to three target computers. Note that target computer
names are delimited by spaces.

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NOTE: When you use the PDQDeploy Deploy command, you are limited to manually listing individual
target computers. However, using the PDQDeploy StartSchedule <schedule ID> command, you
can deploy to Target Lists, PDQ Inventory collections, etc. that are already defined in a PDQ Deploy
Schedule. For more information, see Starting a PDQ Deploy Schedule from the CLI.

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Chapter 9

Setting up Scheduled Deployments

Scheduled Deployment is the method you’ll probably use for most of your deployments. PDQ Deploy
schedules allow you to deploy one or more packages once at a specified time, or multiple times at
specified intervals in the future. (Requires Enterprise mode.) This chapter is about creating, configuring,
and managing scheduled deployments in PDQ Deploy.

VIDEO: Scheduling Deployments in PDQ Deploy


This chapter contains the following topics:

· Creating Scheduled Deployments
· Part 1: Creating a New Schedule
· Part 2: Schedule Trigger and Settings
· Part 3: Schedule Targets
· Part 4: Attaching Packages
· Part 5: Schedule Deployment Settings
· Part 6: Completing the Schedule
· Creating Auto Deployments
· Default Auto Download Settings in Preferences
· Scheduling an Auto Download Package
· Editing and Adding Steps to an Auto Download Package
· Auto Download Properties
· Starting a PDQ Deploy Schedule from the CLI
· Managing Schedules

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· Duplicating Schedules
· Exporting and Importing Schedules
· Editing Schedules

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Creating Scheduled Deployments

Creating Scheduled Deployments

Enterprise mode is required to create scheduled deployments. PDQ deployment schedules are created
in the Schedule window. A new Schedule window can be started from the Main Console window on a
Package page.
This procedure includes the following parts:
· Part 1: Creating a New Schedule
· Part 2: Schedule Triggers and Settings
· Part 3: Schedule Targets
· Part 4: Attaching Packages
· Part 5: Schedule Deployment Settings
· Part 6: Completing the Schedule

VIDEO: Scheduling Deployments in PDQ Deploy


Part 1: Creating a New Schedule

To schedule a deployment:
1. On the Main Console window, do one of the following: select the package or combination of packages
and folders (Shift+click or Ctrl+click) you want to deploy.

· On the Toolbar, click New Schedule .

· Click File > New Schedule.
· Right-click the package (or one of the selected packages or folders) and select New Schedule.
· On the selected Package window, click Deploy > New Schedule.
· If multiple packages or folders are selected, on the Multiple Packages page, select Create new
schedule w ith these packages.
A new blank Schedule window opens on the Triggers tab.

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2. Type a name for the Schedule.

Use a name that makes sense for the new schedule.

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Creating Scheduled Deployments

3. Continue to Part 2: Schedule Triggers and Settings.

Part 2: SCHEDULE TRIGGERS and Settings

To select a schedule trigger and configure schedule triggers:
1. On the Triggers tab, click a Schedule Trigger, then define the schedule settings.

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A schedule can include one or more triggers. Be careful of creating conflicts when setting frequencies
or using multiple triggers. If triggers overlap, only one deployment will start. For example, having two
triggers, one for every Monday at noon and one for every day at noon, will not start two deployments
every Monday. See the table below for additional scheduling tips.
The following table provides information on the schedule triggers and settings available on the
Triggers tab.

Schedule Icon Details


Once Deploys the package once in the future.

· Tr igger Enabled: Enables the trigger for use (selected by default).
· Tr igger On: Date the trigger w ill run.
· At: Time the trigger w ill run.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger..

Interval Deploys (and repeats) at a set time interval.

· Tr igger Enabled: Enables the trigger for use (selected by default).
· Ever y: The interval by day, hour, and minute.
· Only r un dur ing the follow ing tim e fr am e (Optional) Enables a set time
· Betw een: The start of the time frame.
· And: The end of the time frame.
· Star ting: Date the trigger starts.

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Creating Scheduled Deployments

· At: Time the first trigger starts. If the optional time frame is selected, the first
trigger w ill occur at the start of the next time frame.
· Ending: (Optional) Date the trigger ends. Leaving this unchecked w ill allow
the trigger to run indefinitely.
· At: (Optional) Time the trigger ends.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger.
NOTE: Setting the 'Betw een' time later than the 'And' time w ill result in the trigger
running overnight.

Daily Deploys every day at the same time.

· Tr igger Enabled: Enables the trigger for use (selected by default).
· Ever y Day At:
· Time the trigger w ill run.
· Star ting: Date the trigger starts.
· Ending: (Optional) Date the trigger ends. Leaving this unchecked w ill allow
the trigger to run indefinitely.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger.

Weekly Deploys every w eek at the same time on selected days of the w eek.
· Tr igger Enabled: Enables the trigger for use (selected by default).
· Ever y Week On:
· Day (or days) that the trigger runs.
· At: Time the trigger w ill run.
· Star ting: Date the trigger starts.
· Ending: (Optional) Date the trigger ends. Leaving this unchecked w ill allow
the trigger to run indefinitely.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger..

Monthly Deploys every month at the same time on selected days.

· Tr igger Enabled: Enables the trigger for use (selected by default).
· Ever y Month
· Day of the Month: The actual day (or days) of the month (for example, 1,
12, 23, etc.). If you select the 29th, 30th, or 31st of the month, the trigger
w on't run in months w ithout those days. Select Las t to alw ays run the
trigger on the last day of the month.
· Day of the Week : The nth day of the month (for example, First Monday,
Second Wednesday, Last, etc.). Different combinations of w eeks and
days require separate schedules (for example, the 1st Monday and the
2nd Friday). Selecting the 5th w eek w on't run the trigger in a month
w ithout a fifth w eek. Select Las t to alw ays run the trigger on the last
w eek of the month.
TIP: Days of Month: If you select the 29th, 30th, or 31st of the month, the
package w on't deploy in months w ithout those days. Use Las t to
alw ays deploy on the last day of the month. Can be mixed w ith Weeks
of the Month.

TIP: Weeks of Month: Different combinations of w eeks and days require

separate schedules (for example, the 1st Monday and the 2nd Friday.)
Selecting the 5th w eek w on't deploy in a month w ithout a fifth w eek.
Use Las t to alw ays deploy on the last w eek of the month. Can be
mixed w ith Days of the Month.

· At: Time the trigger runs.

· Star ting: Date the trigger starts.

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· Ending: (Optional) Date that the trigger ends. Leaving this unchecked w ill
allow the trigger to run indefinitely.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger.

Heartbeat Deploys to target computers w hen their status changes from Offline to Online in
PDQ Inventory. (Requires Enterprise mode for both PDQ Deploy and PDQ
Inventory.) For more information, see Deploying When Target Computers Come
Online w ith Heartbeat Schedules.
· Tr igger Enabled: Enables the scan trigger for use (selected by default).
· Only r un dur ing the follow ing tim e fr am e (Optional) Enables a set time
· Betw een: The start of the time frame.
· And: The end of the time frame.
· Star ting: Date the trigger starts.
· At: Time the first trigger starts. If the optional time frame is selected, the first
trigger w ill occur at the start of the next time frame.
· Ending: (Optional) Date the scan ends. Leaving this unchecked w ill allow the
trigger to run indefinitely.
· At: (Optional) Time the scan ends.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger
NOTE: Setting the 'Betw een' time later than the 'And' time w ill result in the trigger
running overnight.

VIDEO: Heartbeat Trigger in PDQ Deploy & PDQ Inventory


VIDEO: Scheduling Deployments Using the Heartbeat Trigger


2. Continue to Part 3: Schedule Targets.

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Creating Scheduled Deployments

Part 3: Schedule Targets

To add target computers to the schedule:
1. Click the Targets tab.
2. (Optional) To manually add a target computer to the list, type a computer name in the Enter Computer
Name field, then click Add Computer. Alternately, you can also paste a target computer name (or list of
names) directly into the Target area of the window. If copying a list of names, ensure that there is only
one target computer name per line.
When you add a target computer manually, the name appears in the list and the system (DNS) checks
to be sure it exists on the network.
3. (Optional) To link to target sources, click Choose Targets and select from the following options.

Source Description

Active Dir ector y > Select Active Directory containers or groups.


PDQ Inventor y > Select PDQ Inventory Collections.


Spicew or k s > Gr oup Select Spicew orks Groups.

Tar get Lis t > Lis t Select other PDQ Deploy Target Lists.

For detailed information about dynamically linking, see Selecting Targets, Link to Target Sources.
4. (Optional) To select individual target computers by name using Target sources, click Choose Targets
and select from the following options.

Source Description

Active Dir ector y > Select individual computers from Active Directory containers or groups.
Com puter s

PDQ Inventor y > Select individual computers from PDQ Inventory Collections.
Com puter s

Spicew or k s > Select individual computers from Spicew orks Groups.

Com puter s

Tar get Lis t > Select individual computers using other PDQ Deploy Target Lists.
Com puter s

Text File Select a text file containing a list of target computer names.

For detailed information about selecting individual computers, see Selecting Targets, Choosing
Individual Targets.
5. Continue to Part 4: Attaching Packages.

Part 4: Attaching Packages

To attach packages to the new schedule:
1. Click the Packages tab.
If you had one or more packages selected prior to creating the schedule, any selected packages will
be included in the schedule.

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2. (Optional) To remove any packages listed that you do not want included, select the package and click
Detach Packages.
3. Click Attach Packages.
This will open the Select PDQ Deploy Package window displaying all packages available to attach.

4. (Optional) Rearrange the order of the packages by selecting a package, then click the Up or Dow n
Attached packages deploy in the order listed, from top to bottom.

NOTE: Packages from the Private Package folder can only be deployed by the owner of the package
unless the package is moved out of the Private Packages folder and made public to other Central
Server users.

5. Continue to Part 5: Schedule Deployment Settings.

Part 5: Schedule Deployment Settings

To define deployment settings for the schedule:
1. Click the Options tab.

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Creating Scheduled Deployments

The following table provides information on the Deployment settings available on the Schedule
Options tab:

Option Details

Schedule Enabled Enables the Schedule.

IMPORTANT: If this option is not selected this Schedule w ill not run.

Credentials The Deploy User credentials used by all deployments in the current schedule.
This is the username and passw ord used to connect to the target computer
and copy over the necessary files and start the target service. This user must
have administrative rights on the target computer, w hich are needed to copy
files to the ADMIN$ share and create and start the remote service. It can be a
user account local to the target computer or a domain user if using Active

Use PDQ Inventory Scan User Allow s PDQ Inventory's Scan User credentials to be used during the
credentials first, w here deployment. If selected, the PDQ Inventory Scan Users credentials w ill be
available used first. If no Inventory Scan User credentials exist for that target computer,
at the time of the deployment, the selected PDQ Deploy credentials w ill be

NOTE: Local Administrator Passw ord Solution (LAPS) can be used by if the
target computer's selected Scan User credentials are configured properly
to use LAPS.

IMPORTANT: Enterprise mode is required in both PDQ Deploy and PDQ

Inventory. If running in Client or Server mode, PDQ Inventory must also be
in Client or Server mode.

Copy Mode Defines how PDQ Deploy copies deployment files to targets (requires
Enterprise mode). You can use the the Package Properties Copy Mode or
override it here.

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When files (such as installation files) are copied to a target, PDQ Deploy can
use either Push or Pull Copy Mode. By default, PDQ Deploy uses Push Copy

VIDEO: PDQ Live! Understanding Push and Pull Deployments


Push Copies files to the targets from the PDQ Deploy computer. This method is best
if the package’s install files are located on the PDQ Deploy computer.
This option is the default copy mode.
Bandw idth throttling applies to all simultaneous file copies combined.

Pull Sends lists of files to the targets w hich then pull the files from a centralized
location. This method w orks best in WAN environments w here the files may
be on a file server closer to the targets than the computer w here PDQ Deploy
is running.
For this method to w ork, all files need to be accessible using a UNC path (e.g.
Bandw idth throttlingnot
is enforced w hen using Pull Copy Mode.

WARNING: Files on fixed or mapped drives are not accessible to the target
computers; therefore, a valid UNC path must be provided.

IMPORTANT: This setting is available only in Enterprise mode.

Scanning Select w hether or not PDQ Inventory scans target computers after a
deployment to identify w hat is installed on each computer. If your deployment
doesn't install an application, you may w ant to disable inventory scanning for
the deployment.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode and also

requires PDQ Inventory in Enterprise mode. If you are running in Client
Mode, PDQ Inventory must be installed on both the Client computer and the
Server computer. Additionally, the target computer must already be in PDQ
Inventory w ith a name or hostname that matches the name used in PDQ

Set the Program Default in Pr efer ences > Deploym ents or override the
default here.

Scan after Initiates an inventory scan from PDQ Inventory after the deployment to identify
Deployment w hat is installed on each w orkstation.
Scan after Deployment attempts to scan target computers even if
deployments fail.
This feature can be very helpful in maintaining up-to-date inventory for target
machines. The target computers must already be in PDQ Inventory w ith names
or hostnames that match the names used in PDQ Deploy.

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Creating Scheduled Deployments

You may choose w hich Scan Profile to use. The default Scan Profile is
defined in PDQ Inventory in Pr efer ences > Scan Pr ofiles . You can choose
to scan w ith any Scan Profile that has been configured in PDQ Inventory. It is
common to use either the Applications or Standard scan profiles.

Do Not Scan Does not scan target computers after deployment.

Run As Determines how all deployments from the current schedule are executed on
target computers.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise Mode.

For a sample demonstration of the Run As options, see the follow ing video.

VIDEO: Deployment Run As Options


Use Package Setting Uses the Run Package As setting defined at the Package level.
If you select this option but the Run Package As setting is not defined at the
Package level, then PDQ Deploy uses the global Run Package As setting
defined in Preferences.

Deploy User Silently executes deployments on target computers.

This setting is appropriate for the vast majority of deployments.

Deploy User Executes deployments that include both silent and interactive steps. This
(Interactive) setting is the same as Deploy User w ith one important exception—the
Window s process running the deployment is run in interactive mode.
This setting is most appropriately used for individual deployments that require
user input, but the overall process still requires Administrator rights that
logged on users may not have.
This type of deployment requires more processing resources.

Local System Executes deployments using the Local System account on the target
computer. PDQ Deploy connects to the target computer, copies the specified
files, then runs the actual deployment service using the Local System
This setting is used only for installations that require Local System. These
types of deployments are very rare.

Logged On User Attempts to run packages in Interactive mode as the Logged On User of the
target machine.
This setting is used to deploy applications that are installed per user or w hen
the logged on user needs to provide information for the deployment to
succeed such as a license key. It can also be used to modify the HKEY-
CURRENT-USER registry hive for the logged on user or to access user-
specific settings such as %APPDATA% or the logged on user’s User

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Notifications Sends an email notification w hen deployment(s) are finished. (Enterprise

mode required.)

Choose betw een Post Deployment Notification (Full Details or Summary), Post
Schedule Notification (Full Details or Summary), or create a custom notification
by clicking Edit Notifications . The Post Deployment Notification w ill send an
email after each completed deployment w hereas the Post Schedule
Notification w ill send one email for the completed schedule and all the included
For more information about post deployment emails, see Receiving a Status
Email After Deployment and Mail Server Preferences.

IMPORTANT: You must configure the Mail Server settings in Preferences as

well as designate at least one email recipient in the selected Post
Deployment Notification or Post Schedule Notification before you
can enable this option.

Stop deploying to targets once Stops deploying to target computers that have already succeeded.
they succeed
NOTE: Success parameters are defined at the Package level.

Stop deploying to targets if Stops deploying to target computers once they fail the designated number of
they fail time(s) times.

Stop deploying to remaining Stops deploying and aborts all remaining target computers after the
queued targets after designated number of minutes. Any targets that are running w hen the timeout
minutes elapses w ill complete their deployment.
This option is useful for overnight deployments so queued targets can be
stopped before anyone arrives in the office.

2. Click the Offline Settings tab.

The following table provides information on the Deployment settings available on the Schedule Offline
Settings tab:

Option Details

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Creating Scheduled Deployments

Offline Status Offline Status settings determines w hether computers w ill receive a ping or Wake-
on-LAN prior to deployment.

Use settings from Uses the Offline Status settings defined at the Package level. For more information,
package(s) see Creating a New Package, Step 1: Package Properties.
If you select this option but the Offline Status settings are not defined at the Package
level, then PDQ Deploy uses the global Offline Status settings settings defined in
When you select this option, the subsequent settings are disabled.

Ping before Performs a ping (ICMP echo) before attempting the deployment. If the target does not
deployment respond to the ping w ithin 2 seconds, then the deployment is not attempted on that
Enabling this option can increase the overall speed of the deployment because PDQ
Deploy doesn’t w aste time w ith offline targets.

NOTE: Typically, the ping should take only a few milliseconds. How ever, if your DNS
isn’t solid or your netw ork is experiencing latency issues, then the ping response
may take more than 2 seconds.

When thisnot
is selected, PDQ Deploy attempts the deployment regardless of the
online or offline status of the target computer. If the target is offline or otherw ise
unavailable, Window s w ill timeout after ~60 seconds. Leaving this unchecked can
decrease the overall speed of the deployment due to these attempts and extra w ait

Send Wake-on-LAN Attempts the deployment then sends a Wake-on-LAN to offline target computers. The
and attempt deployment is attempted again if it comes online. After 5 minutes if the computer is
deployment still offline, the deployment w ill be attempted again.
The advantage of this feature is that offline target computers can immediately be
made available for deployment. How ever, it can increase deployment time.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode of both PDQ Deploy
and PDQ Inventory. Furthermore, PDQ Inventory must have the MAC address of
the target computers’ NICs.

Retry Queue Retry Queue settings determine how PDQ Deploy handles deployments w hen the
target computers are offline.

Use settings from Uses the Retry Queue settings defined at the Package level. For more information,
package(s) see Creating a New Package, Step 1: Package Properties.

If you select this option but Retry Queue settings are not defined at the Package
level, then PDQ Deploy uses the global Retry Queue settings defined in Preferences.
When you select this option, the subsequent Retry Queue settings are disabled.

Put Offline targets in Enables the Retry Queue.

Retry Queue
By default, target computers that are unreachable or offline during a deployment are
held in the Retry Queue and deployment is retried.

Allow ed Retries Sets the number of retry attempts for an offline target computer. This applies per
target per deployment.
The default setting is 72. To set unlimited retries, set this value to 0.

3. Continue to Part 6: Completing the Schedule.

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Part 6: Completing the Schedule

To complete the new schedule:
1. (Optional) Click the Target History tab to view the deployment history of the schedule.
This tab displays a list of target computers, by attached package, that have received deployments
using this schedule. Since this is a new schedule, there is no data to display. For more information,
see Managing Schedules.
2. When you are finished configuring the schedule, click OK.
The package attached to the schedule deploys according to the settings in your new schedule. Note
that if you created a schedule without a package, you need to add one or more packages before the
schedule can deploy.
NOTE: If multiple packages are attached to a schedule, they w ill deploy in the order listed in the Packages
tab, from top to bottom.

3. (Optional) To start the deployment immediately rather than wait for it to run when scheduled, under
Schedule Details, click Start Schedule.
The scheduled package(s) deploy immediately.
4. View the progress and the status of the deployment in Deployment Status.
During a deployment you can stop deploying to one or more of the pending target computers by right-
clicking on the target(s) and clicking Abort. To retry deployments to computers that fail, right-click the
target, and click Redeploy or press Ctrl+R. If a target computer fails, you can view details about the
failure, and possible solutions, by clicking the More Info link or the Steps link.
For more information about what happens during and after a deployment, see Verifying Deployment

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Creating Auto Deployments

Creating Auto Deployments

Auto Deployment allows you to automatically deploy new versions of Auto Download packages as they
become available in the PDQ Deploy Package Library. (Enterprise mode required.)

The Auto Download approval policy determines when your packages will be automatically updated,
unless you approve them manually, after PDQ releases updated packages in the Package Library. The
default approval policy is set in Preferences but can be overridden at the package level. Once an Auto
Download package is attached to a schedule, and it is approved, it will automatically deploy based on the
This topic includes the following sections:
· Default Auto Download Settings in Preferences
· Scheduling an Auto Download Package
· Editing and Adding Steps to an Auto Download Package
· Auto Download Properties
· Details
· Conditions
· Options
· Offline Settings
VIDEO: Intro to Auto Download in PDQ Deploy 15


Default Auto Download Settings in Preferences

The following settings define the default approval policy for new Auto Download packages.
To configure auto dow nload settings in Preferences:
1. On the Main Console window, click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
2. In the Preferences window, click Auto Dow nload.
3. (Optional) To turn off Auto Download, deselect Enable Auto Dow nload.

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NOTE: Turning off Auto Download only affects new downloaded packages and will not alter any
existing packages. Regardless of this setting, you can manually download any package as
Standard or Auto Download by right-clicking a package in the Package Library and accessing the
context menu.

4. On the Auto Download page, choose the default auto download policy settings.
Your policy settings will depend on your company’s best practices regarding testing and implementing
software updates. The options are described in the following table:

Option Description

Manual New package versions require manual approval before the package is updated and

Immediate New package versions are immediately approved, any respective PDQ Deployment
schedules are updated as w ell.

IMPORTANT: Although a package may be immediately approved, it is not actually

deployed until its associated schedule runs.

Automatic Sets the interval in days and hours until new package versions are automatically
approved. This is enabled by default w ith a setting of 7 days.

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Creating Auto Deployments

Save Copies of Once selected, an Auto Dow nload Archive Folder is created. Each time a package
Previous Versions receives an automatic update, the previous version of the package is converted to a
Standard package and stored in this folder. This ensures that you can still deploy
these packages and retain all extra steps and settings for that package.

Copies to Keep Sets the number of previous versions of packages you w ish to retain.

5. When you are finished, click Save (or press Ctrl+S), then close the Preferences window.

IMPORTANT: Changes made to the global settings will update all packages you have already
downloaded that have not previously overridden the global approval policy within the package. If
you have pending Auto Download Approvals they will be approved based on the new settings.

Scheduling an Auto Download Package

To create an auto deployment schedule using Auto Dow nload package(s):

1. On the Main Console window, select the Auto Download package, packages, or folder (Shift+click
or Ctrl+click) you wish to set up with auto deployment.

· On the Toolbar, click New Schedule .

· Click File > New Schedule.
· Right-click the package (or one of the selected packages or folders) and select New Schedule.
· On the selected Package window, click Deploy > New Schedule.
· If multiple packages or folders are selected, on the Multiple Packages page, select Create new
schedule w ith these packages.

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NOTE: You can also add the selected package or packages to an existing schedule. With the Auto
Download package(s) selected, click Attach packages to an existing schedule (or right-click and
select Attach Schedules), select a schedule, then click OK. You can then Edit the schedule as

A new Schedule window opens on the Triggers tab.

2. Type a schedule name.
Use a name that makes sense for the new schedule.

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Creating Auto Deployments

3. On the Triggers tab toolbar, click to select a Schedule Trigger, then define the schedule settings.
For details about configuring triggers, see Creating Scheduled Deployments, Part 2: Schedule
Triggers and Settings.
4. On the Targets tab, select the target computers. Alternately, you can also paste a target computer
name (or list of names) directly into the Target area of the window. If copying a list of names, ensure
that there is only one target computer name per line.
For details about selecting target computers or linking to collections, see Creating Scheduled
Deployments, Part 3: Schedule Targets.
5. (Optional) To remove or add additional packages attached to the schedule:
a. From the Schedule tab on the Package page, double-click the schedule to open it again, then click
the Package tab.
You can rearrange or add and remove packages as needed.
b. Click OK to save any additional changes.

NOTE: Remember that whenever an Auto Download package is approved and downloaded, it
still relies on the schedule to be deployed to your target computers. To override the
scheduled deployment, see step 9.

6. On the Options tab, configure the deployment settings.

For details about deployment settings, see Creating Scheduled Deployments, Part 5: Schedule
Deployment Settings.
7. Click OK to create the schedule.

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8. (Optional) To change the global approval policy or override the policy within the package itself, close
the schedule and do one of the following:
· To change the global approval policy, click Options > Preferences (or press Ctrl+Comma) and
select Auto Dow nload in the Preferences window.

· To modify the approval policy on the package, select the package in the tree, click Edit Package
(double-click the name or right-click and select Open), under the Options tab, uncheck Use
Settings from Preferences.

NOTE: The Package Library refreshes every 2 hours and every time PDQ Deploy opens. You also
can manually refresh the library on the Main Console window (click View > Refresh or press
F5). When Auto Download packages are updated in the Package Library, PDQ Deploy starts
counting down (according to the approval policy) to the time when they are automatically
updated. PDQ Deploy displays auto download package updates waiting to be approved in the
status bar. For information about the Approval Policy, see Modifying the Approval Policy and
Manually Approving an Auto Download.

9. (Optional) To run the deployment immediately rather than waiting for its scheduled deployment, do
one of the following:
· To run the deployment without changes, on the tree select All Schedulesschedule
> name , then
right-click and select Start Schedulepackage
> name (or under Schedule Details > Details, click
Start Schedulepackage
> name ).
· To run the deployment using the Deploy Once window with the ability to change deployment
options, on the tree select the Auto Download package(s) , then on the Package page click the
Schedules tabschedule
> , right-click the schedule name and select Deploy Once (or press Ctrl+D
or under Schedule Details > Details, click Deploy Once, or right-click the package name in the tree
and select Deploy. For more information, see Deploying Package(s) with Deploy Once.
NOTE: While using Central Server, if the Server console is not connected to the Internet, the download will
timeout after 10 minutes; however, a Client console will then download the updated package on behalf
of the Server.

editing and adding steps to an auto download Package

Additional steps can be added in the Package Window. For example, you may need to add steps to the
Auto Download package if you would like to include a message requesting all work be saved due to an
upcoming reboot, as well as the reboot step itself.

IMPORTANT: The existing steps of the Auto Download Package itself cannot be deleted or edited.
However, they can be viewed to see how the package is created and how it will run.

VIDEO: Customize Auto Downloads with Pre and Post Steps


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Creating Auto Deployments

To edit an Auto Dow nload package:

1. On the Main Console window, select the Auto Download Package that you wish to edit.

Notice the Package title indicates the current version downloaded, while the smaller text indicates the
latest version.
2. Do one of the following:

· On the package page, click Edit Package.

· Double-click the package name from the tree (or right-click and select Open).
· Click File > Open (or press Ctrl+O).
The Package window opens with the Properties selected. The left panel includes Properties, Pre-
Steps, Steps (prebuilt), and Post-Steps.
For more information about the Properties, see Auto Download Properties.

3. To modify the package, see the following table for a list of tasks and details.

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As you progress through the Auto Download editing process you should periodically save changes.
You can also close (and save) the Auto Download package window, then continue later.

Task Details

Edit Properties To edit the basic properties of the auto dow nload package, click Pr oper ties in the tree.
For details, see Auto Dow nload Properties.

Change Approval To change the approval settings of the package:

1. Click on Pr oper ties in the tree.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. Unselect Us e s ettings fr om Pr efer ences .
All changes made to the approvals on this tab w ill override the preferences in

Add Pre-Steps To add step(s) that w ill run immediately before the existing steps, click Pr e-Steps in the
tree, on the New Step page, select the step type you w ant (or click Steps > New Step
or the New Step button and select the step type you w ant).
For details, see Step Properties and click on the step type you are adding.

Add Post-Steps To add step(s) that w ill run directly after the existing steps, click Pos t-Steps in the
tree, on the New Step page, select the step type you w ant (or click Steps > New Step
or the New Step button and select the step type you w ant).
For details, see Step Properties and click on the step type you are adding.

Move a Step To move a step, click and drag the step to its desired location. The tooltip w ill display a
green checkmark w hen the selected location can be used. Or select a step and use
the Move Up or Move Dow n arrow s.

Edit a Step To edit a step you have added:

1. Select the step in the tree.
2. To edit the deployment properties, click the Details tab.
3. To edit the step properties unique to the step type, do the follow ing:
· To edit the conditions that must be met for a step to run, click the Conditions
· To edit additional step level options, such as the Run As options used to
execute the step on the target and error settings, click the Options tab.
For details, see Step Properties and click on the step type you are adding.

Disable/Enable a To disable a step you have added or enable a step that is currently disabled:
1. Select the step in the tree.
2. Right-click and toggle from Enabled to Dis abled.
If a step is disabled, the name of the step is struck-through and the step w ill be skipped
during deployment. This feature enables administrators to “turn off” steps that they may
w ant to enable in the future w ithout deleting the step itself.

Delete a Step To remove a step that you added, select the step, then click Delete , (or click Edit >
Delete or press Delete).

4. When you have finished editing the package, click Save (or press Ctrl+S), then close the package

The Auto Download Package icon will now include a pencil , indicating the Auto Download has
been customized.
For details on deploying the Auto Download package immediately using Deploy Once, see Deploying
Package(s) with Deploy Once.

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Creating Auto Deployments

Auto download properties

Auto Download Properties are edited in the Package Window. (Click Properties at the top of the Step list).
To edit the Properties of an Auto Dow nload:
1. On the Main Console window, select the Auto Download Package that you wish to edit.
2. Do one of the following:

· On the package page, click Edit Package.

· Double-click the Auto Download package name from the tree (or right-click and select Open).
· Click File > Open (or press Ctrl+O).
The Auto Download Package Window opens with the Properties selected.

Details Tab
The Details tab of the Auto Download package allows you to change the name of the package and view
the version and description.
IMPORTANT: In order for the package to display the most up-to-date version number in the tree of the
main console, do not change or delete the version number in the Name field. For example, the
package 'Adobe Reader DC 17.012.20098', can be changed to 'CEO Reader 17.012.20098'. In order
to have the version number display properly in the tree properly, leave a space between the new
name and the version number.

Conditions Tab
The Conditions tab of the Auto Download package allows you to define conditions that must be met
before the package can deploy.

The following table describes the settings available on the Conditions tab:

Condition Description

O/S Version Select the version or versions of Window s for w hich the package w ill be applied.

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O/S Architecture Choose w hether the package is to run on 32-bit, 64-bit, or both operating system

Pow erShell version Select the version or versions of Pow erShell for w hich the package w ill be
applied. (This condition w ill only appear on the Install and Pow erShell steps)

IMPORTANT: Pow erShell version 1 is not supported in PDQ Deploy

Logged On State Determines w hether or not the package runs, based on w hether or not a user is
logged on to the target computer.

Alw ays Run Run the package regardless of logged on state.

Only run if no user is Only run the package if no users are logged on.
logged on

Only run if a user is Only run the package if a user is logged on, including locked and disconnected
logged on (including sessions.
Locked and

File Use this condition if you w ant to check for files on the target computer before
running the package.
For example, using the File Exists condition: Run only if Chrome.exe version is
greater than 50 and product name equals Google Chrome.

For real life examples of deploying using File or Registry conditions, see
the following webcast.
VIDEO: PDQ Live! How to Selectively Deploy Applications Using File or
Registry Conditions.


None Select to disable the file condition (this is the default selection).

Exists Select to search for an existing file before running the package.

Does Not Exist Select to ensure there is no such existing file before running the package.

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Creating Auto Deployments

Directory Enter the directory w here the file exists on the target computer. This directory can
include environment variables.

NOTE: Environment variables w ill be evaluated in the context of the Local System
rather than the user. For example, the %TEMP% environment variable w ill
evaluate to %SystemRoot%\TEMP instead of %USERPROFILE%

Includes Sub Check to include all the sub directories of the directory above.

Filename The name of the file.

IMPORTANT: The first filename that is matched w ill be used. For example, you
set a Does Not Exist File condition for C:\Temp\Fancyfile w ith a version of 1.5.
There are tw o instances of Fancyfile. The File Condition locates the first file,
Fancyfile version 1.25, thereby returning true (does not exist) even though the
other Fancyfile version 1.5 does in fact exist.

File Version The version of the file from its header, if present. This filter can be equal to, less
than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to. If left blank, this
w ill disable the file version.

Product Version The version of the product from its header, if present. This filter can be equal to,
less than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to. If left blank,
this w ill disable the file version.

Description The description of the product from its header, if present. Can use the standard *
and ? w ildcards.

Product Name The product name of the product from its header, if present.

Company Name The company name of the product from its header, if present.

Registry Use this condition if you w ant to check registry key on the target computer before
running the package.

IMPORTANT: The registry option does not w ork for data that spans multiple lines.

For example, using the Registry Does Not Exist condition: Run only if UpdateDefault
value of 0 does not exist.

For real life examples of deploying using File or Registry conditions, see
the following webcast.
VIDEO: PDQ Live! How to Selectively Deploy Applications Using File or
Registry Conditions.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide


None Select to disable the registry condition (this is the default selection).

Exists Select to search for an existing registry keys before running the package.

Does Not Exist Select to ensure there is no such existing registry keys before running the



Key Path of the key to look in.

Include Sub Keys Looks also in all sub keys.

Value Name Name of the value to match against. If the value name is left blank then the value of
the key itself w ill be used.

IMPORTANT: The first value name that is matched w ill be used. For example,
using the Exists registry condition you search for printer IP addresses in
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers w ith a 'port' value that
contains the IP address of Printer A is a softw are printer w ith a
port in C:\ProgramData\PrintProgram\PortFile. Printer B has the port of Because Printer A’s 'port' value is listed first, that is the value
that is returned, hence the condition is false, even though Printer B’s port
matches the condition.

Match as The type of matching to use on the value. Choose betw een Text, Number, and
Version. Choose the condition and enter the applicable value.

IMPORTANT: The registry option does not w ork for data that spans multiple lines.

PDQ Inventory Collection Use this condition if you w ant to make sure a target computer is or is not a member
of a certain collection in PDQ Inventory before running the package.

IMPORTANT: This requires both PDQ Inventory and PDQ Deploy in Enterprise
mode. For the integration to w ork properly w ith Central Server, both products
w ill need to be installed on the same console w ith both running in either Server
mode or Client mode.

None Select to disable the collection condition (this is the default selection).

Is A Member Select to ensure the target computer is a member of the selected collection before
running the package.

IMPORTANT: Using this condition does not prompt PDQ Inventory to do a scan of
the collection at the time of the deployment. The membership of the selected
collection is only as good as the last scan.

Is Not A Member Select to ensure the target computer is not a member of the selected collection
before running the package.

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Creating Auto Deployments

IMPORTANT: Using this condition does not prompt PDQ Inventory to do a scan of
the collection at the time of the deployment. The membership of the selected
collection is only as good as the last scan.

Collection Click Select Collection to brow se your PDQ Inventory collections and select the
collection to use. Click OK once the collection is selected.

Options Tab
The Options tab of the Auto Download package defines the settings and approval settings you want to

The following table describes the settings available on the Options tab:

Option Description

Copy Mode Defines how PDQ Deploy copies deployment files to target computers.
When files (such as installation files) are copied to a target, PDQ Deploy can use
either Push or Pull Copy Mode. By default, PDQ Deploy uses Push Copy Mode.
You can change the default Copy Mode in Pr efer ences > Per for m ance or
override the default here. See Copy Mode in Performance Preferences for more

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VIDEO: PDQ Live! Understanding Push and Pull Deployments


Push Copies files to the target computers from the PDQ Deploy computer. This method is
best if the package’s install files are located on the PDQ Deploy computer.
This option is the default copy mode defined in Preferences.
Bandw idth throttling applies to all simultaneous file copies combined.

Pull Sends lists of files to the target computers w hich then pull the files from a
centralized location. This method w orks best in WAN environments w here the files
may be on a file server closer to the target computers than the computer w here
PDQ Deploy is running.

For this method to w ork, all files need to be accessible using a UNC path (e.g. \
WARNING: Files on fixed or mapped drives are not accessible to the target
computers; therefore, a valid UNC path must be provided.

Note Bandw idth throttlingnot

is enforced w hen using Pull Copy Mode.

Scanning Select w hether or not PDQ Inventory scans target computers after a deployment to
identify w hat is installed on each computer. If you have a package that doesn't
install an application, you may w ant to disable inventory scanning for the package.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode and also requires
PDQ Inventory in Enterprise mode. If you are running in Client Mode, PDQ
Inventory must be installed on the computer running in Server Mode.
Additionally, the target computer must already be in PDQ Inventory w ith a name
or hostname that matches the name used in PDQ Deploy.

Set the Program Default in Pr efer ences > Deploym ents or override the default

Use Program Default Uses the default Scanning configuration defined in Preferences.

Scan after Initiates an inventory scan from PDQ Inventory after a deployment to identify w hat
Deployment is installed on each w orkstation.
Scan after Deployment attempts to scan target computers even if deployments fail.
This feature can be very helpful in maintaining up-to-date inventory for target
machines. The target computers must already be in PDQ Inventory w ith names or
hostnames that match the names used in PDQ Deploy.
You may choose w hich Scan Profile to use. The default Scan Profile is defined in
PDQ Inventory in Pr efer ences > Scan Pr ofiles . You can choose to scan w ith
any Scan Profile that has been configured in PDQ Inventory. It is common to use
either the Applications or Standard scan profiles.

Do Not Scan Does not scan target computers after deployment.

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Creating Auto Deployments

Run As During a deployment, a Window s service is created on the target computer. The
Run As setting determines how this service "logs on" after it is created.

The default (and generally appropriate) setting is Deploy User. Change the default
in Pr efer ences > Deploym ents or override the default here.
For a sample demonstration of the Run As options, see the follow ing video.

VIDEO: Deployment Run As Options


Deploy User Executes deployments on target computers in a non-interactive session as the

Deploy User.
This option is the default Run As setting defined in Preferences.
This setting is appropriate for the vast majority of deployments. Consequently, this
is the recommended setting.

Deploy User Executes deployments that include both silent and interactive steps. This setting is
(Interactive) the same as Deploy User w ith one important exception—the Window s process
running the deployment is run in an interactive session.
This setting is most appropriately used for individual deployments that require user
input, but the overall process still requires Administrator rights that logged on users
may not have. Because these types of deployments are more specialized and
because running the deployment in interactive mode requires more processing
resources, it is recommended that you apply this setting only as needed at the
Package level.

Local System Executes deployments using the Local System account on the target computer.
PDQ Deploy connects to the target computer using the Deploy User credentials,
copies the specified files, creates the PDQDeployRunner service, then instructs the
service to log on as Local System.
This setting is used only for installations that require Local System. These types of
deployments are very rare. Consequently, it is recommended that you apply this
setting only as needed at the Package level.

IMPORTANT: Packages that run as Local System are not able to access netw ork

Logged on User Attempts to run packages in interactive mode as the Logged On User of the target
This setting is used to deploy applications that are installed per user or w hen the
Logged on User needs to provide information for the deployment to succeed such
as a license key. It can also be used to modify the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry
hive for the Logged on User or to access user-specific settings such as %
APPDATA% or the Logged on User’s user directory. These types of deployments
are highly specialized. Consequently, it is recommended that you apply this setting
only as needed at the Package level.

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Timeout Specifies how many minutes the deployment runs before being timed out by the
server (requires Enterprise mode to modify this setting).

The default value is 60 minutes.

This timeout applies only to the duration of a deployment to a target computer. The
timeout does not include the initial process of copying installation files to the target.
Change the default in Pr efer ences > Deploym ents options or override the
default here.
It is best practice to set the shortest timeout interval as the global default in
Preferences and increase the timeout interval in individual packages. For example,
if you typically deploy small packages such as brow ser, Java, or Adobe reader
updates, you may choose to set the global timeout interval to 20 minutes. You could
then increase the timeout interval for individual packages that take longer to install,
such as a Window s Service Pack or a package containing many nested packages.

Auto Download Select the approval settings used for dow nloading new versions of the package.
The default settings for Auto Dow nload can be modified in Pr efer ences > Auto
Dow nload.

Manual New package versions require manual approval before they dow nload.

NOTE: Use this option to disable Auto Dow nload w ithout converting to a Standard

Immediate New package versions are immediately approved.

Automatic Sets the interval in days and hours after w hich new versions are automatically
This is enabled by default w ith a setting of 7 days.

Convert to Standard Use this to convert to a Standard package that w ill no longer auto dow nload new
Package versions. Once converted all Pre and Post Steps w ill be converted to regular steps.

WARNING: This option cannot be undone.

Offline Settings
The Offline Settings tab of the Auto Download package defines how you want the package to handle
offline targets.

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Creating Auto Deployments

The following table describes the settings available on the Offline Settings tab:

Option Description

Offline Status Select w hether or not computers w ill receive a ping or Wake-on-LAN prior to
The default settings for Offline Status can be modified in Pr efer ences >
Deploym ents .

Use settings from Uses the global Offline Status settings defined in Preferences.
When you select this option, the subsequent settings are disabled.

Ping before deployment Performs a ping (ICMP echo) before attempting the deployment. If the target does
not respond to the ping w ithin 2 seconds, then the deployment is not attempted on
that target.
Enabling this option can increase the overall speed of the deployment because
PDQ Deploy doesn’t w aste time w ith offline target computers.

NOTE: Typically, the ping should take only a few milliseconds. How ever, if your
DNS isn’t solid or your netw ork is experiencing latency issues, then the ping
response may take more than 2 seconds.

When thisnotis selected, PDQ Deploy attempts the deployment regardless of the
online or offline status of the target computer. If the target is offline or otherw ise
unavailable, Window s w ill timeout after ~60 seconds. Leaving this unchecked can
decrease the overall speed of the deployment due to these attempts and extra
w ait time.

Send Wake-on-LAN Attempts the deployment then sends a Wake-on-LAN to offline target computers.
and attempt The deployment is attempted again if it comes online. After 5 minutes if the
deployment computer is still offline, the deployment w ill be attempted again.
The advantage of this feature is that offline target computers can immediately be
made available for deployment. How ever, it can increase deployment time.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode of both PDQ

Deploy and PDQ Inventory. Furthermore, PDQ Inventory must have the MAC
address of the target computers’ NICs.

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Retry Queue Enable or disable the Retry Queue and modify the number of retries for the

The default settings for Retry Interval, and several other settings for offline
computers, can be modified in Pr efer ences > Deploym ents .

IMPORTANT: Requires Enterprise mode to use Retry Queue settings.

Use settings from Uses the global Retry Queue settings defined in Preferences.
When you select this option, the subsequent Retry Queue settings are disabled.

Put Offline Targets in Enables the Retry Queue. By default, target computers that are unreachable or
Retry Queue offline during a deployment are held in the Retry Queue and deployment is retried.
The advantage of this feature is that offline computers are automatically queued
for re-deployment. This simplifies the process of ensuring that critical updates are
deployed to all target computers. It is recommended that you enable this option per
package rather than applying it globally in Preferences.

TIP: Some packages w ith specific, non-critical functions should not use the Retry
Queue. For example, it is not advisable to use this option w ith a package that
only reboots target computers because offline computers w ere probably
turned off to begin w ith and, depending on the target computers’ availability,
PDQ Deploy may reboot users’ computers at inopportune times.

Allow ed Retries Sets the number of retry attempts for an offline computer. This applies per target
per deployment.
The default setting is 72. To set unlimited retries, set this value to 0.

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Starting a PDQ Deploy Schedule from the CLI

Starting a PDQ Deploy Schedule from the CLI

You can also initiate a deployment using a previously defined PDQ Deploy Schedule with the Command
Line Interface (CLI) and the PDQDeploy StartSchedule <schedule ID> command. To do so,
you need to know the Schedule ID of the schedule you want to run.
The example shown below kicks off a schedule for Google Chrome Enterprise using the following
To start a schedule using the CLI:
1. Run cmd.exe as Administrator.
2. (Optional) To view the options available for PDQ Deploy using the CLI, use the following:
PDQDeploy Help

3. To run a schedule in the case below for Schedule ID 2, use the following command:
PDQDeploy StartSchedule 2

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For more information about using the CLI with PDQ Deploy, see Deploying a Package with the Command
Line Interface.

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Managing Schedules

Managing Schedules
PDQ Deploy Schedules are viewed and edited on the All Schedules page in the Main Console window
and the Schedule Window. Schedules can also be attached to packages, duplicated, and exported and
This section describes how to manage schedules and includes the following topics:
· Duplicating Schedules
· Exporting and Importing Schedules
· Editing Schedules

Duplicating Schedules
You can streamline the creation of new schedules by duplicating, renaming, and editing a schedule that
is similar to the new schedule you need.
To duplicate a schedule:
1. On the All Schedules page, select the schedule you want to duplicate.
2. Click File > Duplicate (or press Alt+Insert, or right-click the schedule and select Duplicate).
A duplicate schedule appears in the All Schedule window with the same name.
It’s good practice to rename the duplicated schedule so it matches its new purpose and to avoid
confusing it with the original schedule.
3. To rename the schedule, double-click it (or press Ctrl+O or right-click and select Edit Schedule), edit
the name, then click OK.
For information about modifying schedules, see Editing Schedules.

Exporting and Importing Schedules

Schedules can be exported to an XML file and then imported into PDQ Deploy on another computer.
To export schedules:
1. On the All Schedules page, select one or more schedules.
2. Click File > Export (or press Ctrl+E, or right-click the schedule name and select Export).
3. Browse to where you want to save the schedule, then click Save.

IMPORTANT: When you export a schedule, only the data found on the following tabs will be retained:
Triggers, Targets, Options, and Offline Settings. The Packages and Target History will be

To import schedules:
1. On the All Schedules page, click File > Import (or press Ctrl+I, or right-click the schedule and select
2. Browse to and select the schedule definition, then click Open.
After importing a schedule, you must attach packages to it. For more information, see Editing

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TIP: To attach a package to a schedule as you import it, first select the package that you want to attach,
then follow the procedure to import a schedule above.

IMPORTANT: When importing a schedule, custom Retry Queue settings w ill be missing unless the export w as
from version or later.

Editing Schedules
PDQ Deploy Schedules can be edited in the Schedule Window on the All Schedules page.

VIDEO: Editing Existing Schedules in PDQ Deploy


To edit a schedule:
1. On the Main Console window, click All Schedules in the tree.
2. Select the schedule you want to edit, then double-click it (or press Ctrl+O or right-click and select Edit
The Schedule Window opens containing the Schedule, Targets, Options, Offline Settings, Packages,
and Target History tabs.
3. To modify the schedule, see the following table for a list of tasks and details:

Task Details

Rename Schedule Edit the schedule name.

Edit Schedule Trigger To add or edit schedule triggers and settings, click the Tr igger s tab.
For details, see Creating Scheduled Deployments, Part 2: Schedule Triggers and

Edit Targets To add or edit target computers, click the Tar get tab.

Manually Add Type a computer name in the Targets field, then click Add Com puter .
Target Computers
When you add a target computer, the name appears in the list and the system (DNS)
checks to be sure it exists on the netw ork.

NOTE: You can also paste a target computer name (or list of names) directly into
the Target area of the w indow . If copying a list of names, ensure that there is
only one target computer name per line.

Link to Target To link to a target source as a dynamic target, click Choos e Tar gets (or right-click
Sources the Target area and click Choos e Tar gets ), then select a source and click
Container , Collection, Gr oup, or Lis t.

For detailed information, see Selecting Targets, Link to Target Sources.

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Managing Schedules

Choosing Individual To add target computers by selecting from target sources, click Choos e Tar gets
Targets (or right-click the Target area and click Choos e Tar gets ), then select a source
and click Com puter s .
For detailed information, see Selecting Targets, Choosing Individual Targets.

Delete Targets To remove a target from the list, click Delete this tar get or select it, then press
To remove multiple targets from the list, select them, then right-click and select
Delete or press Delete.

Edit Deployment Settings To edit the deployment settings for the schedule, click the Options tab.
For detailed information, see Creating Scheduled Deployments, Part 5: Schedule
Deployment Settings.

Manage Packages To manage packages associated w ith the schedule, click the Pack ages tab.

Change Deployment Attached packages deploy in the order listed, from top to bottom. To change the
Order order, select a package, then click the Up or Dow n arrow s.

Attach a Package To attach a package to the schedule:

1. Click Attach to Schedule.
2. (Optional) Type a keyw ord to filter the list of packages.
3. Brow se the tree, select the package or packages you w ant to add to the
schedule, then click the arrow to add them to the selected list.
4. When you are finished selecting packages, click OK.
NOTE: In Central Server mode, packages in the Private Package folder
cannot be attached to a schedule. The package would need to be made
public first by moving the package to a different area in the tree.

VIDEO: Adding Auto Download Packages to an Existing Schedule


Detach a Package To detach a package from the schedule:

1. Select the package you w ant to detach.
2. Click Detach fr om Schedule.

View Target History To view the history of deployments for the schedule, click the Tar get His tor y tab.
This tab lists target computers that have received deployments from this schedule.
Click the Filter Package list to view all deployments or to view by a specific

Delete Targets To delete a target's history of deployments from the selected schedule:
from the Selected
1. Select the target computer(s) you w ant to delete.
2. Click Delete.

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NOTE: Selecting this option w ill only delete the target history from the selected
schedule. The deployment history w ill remain on the All Deployments page
as w ell as the Deployments tab of the individual packages attached to the
schedule. Additionally, deleting computers from the Target History tab does
not affect the Targets tab.

NOTE: From an elevated command prompt (cmd.exe run as Administrator),

you can delete history w ith the PDQDeploy
DeleteScheduleHistory command.

Delete Target from To delete a target's history of deployments from all schedules:
All Schedules
1. Select the computer(s) you w ant to delete.
2. Click Delete fr om All Schedules .
NOTE: Selecting this option w ill delete the target history from all schedules in
PDQ Deploy, not just the selected schedule. The deployment history w ill
remain on the All Deployments page as w ell as the Deployments tab of the
individual package attached to the schedules. Additionally, deleting
computers from the Target History tab does not affect the Targets tab.

NOTE: From an elevated command prompt (cmd.exe run as Administrator),

you can delete history w ith the PDQDeploy
DeleteScheduleHistory command.

Open the Computer in To view the Computer w indow of PDQ Inventory from Deploy, click the Tar get
PDQ Inventory His tor y tab, right-click the computer name and select Open in PDQ Inventor y.
(Requires PDQ Deploy version 10 or later and PDQ Inventory 9 or later.)

4. When you have finished editing the schedule, click OK to save changes and close the Schedule
The package or packages attached to the schedule deploy according to the settings in your schedule.
5. (Optional) To start the deployment immediately, rather than wait for it to run when scheduled, under
Schedule Details, click Start Schedule > All Attached Packages (or right-click the Schedule in the All
Schedules page and select Start Schedule > All attached packages).
If you have multiple packages attached to a schedule, you can start the deployment immediately for a
specific package by doing the following:
a. Under Schedule Details, click Start Schedule or right-click the schedule and select Start
b. Select the package you want to run now.
The selected package deploys immediately.
6. (Optional) To disable a schedule, right-click it and select Disable Schedule.
When you disable a schedule its icon changes. The table below explains the possible states of a
schedule and the related icons.

State Icon Description

Enabled Schedule is enabled and configured, ready to run using the configured trigger.

Disabled Schedule is fully configured but disabled by user.

Not Configured Schedule is not fully configured. Triggers, targets, or packages are disabled or not

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Chapter 10

Handling Offline Target Computers for

There are several PDQ Deploy features that you can use to handle deployments to target computers that
are offline:
· Heartbeat schedules: A PDQ Deploy schedule trigger that deploys packages to target computers
when they come online. (This feature requires Enterprise mode for both PDQ Deploy and PDQ
· Retry Queue: Target computers that are offline during a deployment can be automatically placed in the
Retry Queue. (Requires Enterprise mode.) PDQ Deploy retries deployments to computers in the
queue according to your settings.
· Wake-on-LAN: You can use Wake-on-LAN (WOL) to start up offline target computers before
deployments. (Requires PDQ Deploy in Enterprise mode and PDQ Inventory.)
This chapter contains the following topics:
· Deploying When Target Computers Come Online with Heartbeat Schedules
· PDQ Inventory Heartbeat Timing
· Scheduling A Heartbeat Deployment
· Handling Offline Targets Using the Retry Queue and Wake-on-LAN
· Default Offline Settings in Preferences
· Using the Retry Queue for Offline Computers
· Using Wake-on-LAN for Offline Computers

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Deploying When Target Computers Come Online

with Heartbeat Schedules
Heartbeat is a PDQ Deploy schedule trigger that deploys packages to target computers when their status
changes to online in PDQ Inventory. (This feature requires Enterprise mode in both PDQ Deploy and PDQ
Inventory.) It is this status change within PDQ Inventory that triggers the Heartbeat scheduled deployment
in PDQ Deploy.

VIDEO: Using Heartbeat Schedules in PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory


PDQ Inventory Heartbeat Timing

Every minute PDQ Deploy checks with PDQ Inventory for online/offline status changes of the target
computers attached to Heartbeat schedules. PDQ Inventory sends a heartbeat ping to each target
computer to watch for online/offline status changes. This Heartbeat interval is editable and is set in PDQ
Inventory (Preferences > Netw ork). The default value is 300 seconds, which means every 300 seconds
PDQ Inventory checks for status changes. If you have thousands of computers in your network, we
recommend that you increase this interval. For example, if you have 2,000 computers in your database it
is recommended that you increase your Heartbeat interval to around 600–700 seconds.
IMPORTANT: It is not the starting up of a target computer that triggers a Heartbeat schedule, but the
change in the online status of that computer (from offline to online) in PDQ Inventory that triggers the

Scheduling A Heartbeat Deployment

The following procedure shows the steps unique to creating a Heartbeat schedule.
IMPORTANT: Heartbeat schedules requires Enterprise mode in both PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory.

To schedule a Heartbeat deployment:

1. On the Main Console window, select the package you want to deploy.
2. Do one of the following:

· On the Toolbar, click New Schedule .

· Click File > New Schedule.
· Right-click the package and select New Schedule.
· On the selected Package window, click Deploy > New Schedule.
A new blank Schedule window opens on the Triggers tab.
3. Type a name for the Schedule.

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Deploying When Target Computers Come Online w ith Heartbeat Schedules

Use a name that makes sense for the new schedule.

For this example we are scheduling a Heartbeat deployment of the Adobe Flash plug-in package.

4. On the Triggers tab, click Heartbeat on the Toolbar.

5. (Optional) Set a specific time frame to run.

6. (Optional) Set a starting date and time for the new schedule or simply use the current setting.
7. (Optional) Set an ending date and time.
8. (Optional) Add a description for the schedule.
9. To add target computers to your Heartbeat schedule, click the Targets tab, and type a computer name
in the Targets field, then click Add Computer. Alternately, you can also paste a target computer name
(or list of names) directly into the Target area of the window. If copying a list of names, ensure that
there is only one target computer name per line. To link to a collection, click Choose Targets > PDQ
Inventory Collection > Collection, or to choose specific individual computers in a collection, click
Choose Targets > PDQ Inventory > Computers.
When you add a target computer manually, the name appears in the list and the system (DNS) checks
to be sure it exists on the network.

IMPORTANT: Heartbeat schedules must be linked to PDQ Inventory targets so PDQ Deploy can use
PDQ Inventory’s online status change detection capability to trigger deployments. Requires
Enterprise mode in both PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory.

For example of a dynamically linked collection, click Choose Targets > PDQ Inventory > Collection,
browse the PDQ Inventory collections, select the collection you want, then click OK.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

10. To define deployment settings for the schedule, click the Options tab.
For detailed information about setting deployment options, see Creating Scheduled Deployments,
Part 5: Schedule Deployment Settings.

NOTE: When using a Heartbeat schedule, do not use the Preferences > Deployments option Put
Offline Targets in Retry Queue. Heartbeat schedules wait for notification from PDQ Inventory that
target computers associated with the schedule come online, then deploy. The Retry Queue retries
deployments at regular intervals until the target computers come online. For more information, see
Using the Retry Queue for Offline Computers.

11. When you are finished configuring the schedule, click OK.
The package deploys to the target computers in the linked PDQ Inventory target
computers/collection(s) when their status changes from offline to online.

NOTE: Target computers that are online when you start a Heartbeat schedule only receive the
deployment when their PDQ Inventory status changes from offline to online. These computers will
need to shut down and come back online again to receive the deployment. See step 11 for an
optional method of deploying to these target computers.

12. (Optional) To start the deployment immediately for target computers that are online, on the Package
page, under the Schedules tab, right-click the schedule and select Start Schedule or under Schedule
Details, click Start Schedule. The deployment runs and deploys to all online computers.
The Heartbeat schedule does not deploy to the target computers in the PDQ Inventory target
computers/collection(s) that are currently offline until the next time they come online.

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Handling Offline Targets Using the Retry Queue and Wake-on-LAN

Handling Offline Targets Using the Retry Queue and

There are two other ways to manage target computers that are offline with PDQ Deploy in addition to
using Heartbeat schedules. You can configure PDQ Deploy to repeatedly deploy to offline target
computers until they come online (Retry Queue) and/or send Wake-on-LAN (WOL) attempts before
deployments. These are set globally in Preferences > Deployments but can also be set per package, per
Auto Deployment, in Deploy Once, or per Schedule.
Target computers that are offline during a deployment can be automatically placed in the Retry Queue.
(Requires Enterprise mode.) PDQ Deploy retries deployments to computers in the queue according to
your settings.
You can use Wake-on-LAN (WOL) to start up offline target computers before deployments. (Requires
Enterprise mode in both PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory.) PDQ Deploy attempts the deployment and
sends a WOL packet to the target computer. The deployment waits for the target computer to come online
and then deploys. If the computer does not come online within 5 minutes, PDQ Deploy attempts the
NOTE: The Wake-on-LAN setting requires PDQ Inventory in Enterprise mode be installed and has
scanned and captured the MAC addresses of your target computers. For more information about PDQ
Inventory, see our website at

This section contains the following topics:

· Default Offline Settings in Preferences
· Using the Retry Queue for Offline Computers
· Using Wake-on-LAN for Offline Computers

Default Offline Settings in Preferences

Default settings for offline computers are configured in the Preferences window. The number of retry
attempts can also be configured at the package and deployment levels.
The precedence order for these Settings is:
1. Deployment (in Deploy Once or Schedule settings)
2. Package
3. Preferences
This means that Package takes precedence over Preferences and Deployment takes precedence over
both Package and Preferences.
To configure offline settings in Preferences:
1. On the Main Console window, click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
2. In the Preferences window, click Deployments.
3. Configure the default settings.
The following table provides the details for settings used for offline computers. These are global settings
that define how PDQ Deploy manages deployments. Many of these settings may be overridden in the individual
Package and Schedule properties.

Option Details

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Offline Status The Offline Status is used to determine w hether or not target computers w ill
receive a ping or Wake-on-LAN prior to deployment.

VIDEO: Wake-on-LAN in PDQ Inventory and PDQ Deploy


Ping before Performs a ping (ICMP echo) before attempting the deployment. If the target does
deployment not respond to the ping w ithin 2 seconds, then the deployment is not attempted on
that target.
Enabling this option can increase the overall speed of the deployment because
PDQ Deploy w ill only deploy to online computers.

NOTE: Typically, the ping should take only a few milliseconds. How ever, if your
DNS isn’t solid or your netw ork is experiencing latency issues, then the ping
response may take more than 2 seconds.

When thisnotis selected, PDQ Deploy attempts the deployment regardless of the
online or offline status of the target computer. If the target is offline or otherw ise
unavailable, Window s w ill timeout after ~60 seconds. Leaving this unchecked
can decrease the overall speed of the deployment due to these attempts and
extra w ait time.

Send Wake-on-LAN Attempts the deployment then sends a Wake-on-LAN to offline target computers.
and attempt The deployment is attempted again if it comes online. After 5 minutes if the
deployment computer is still offline, the deployment w ill be attempted again.
The advantage of this feature is that offline computers can immediately be made
available for deployment. How ever, it can increase deployment time.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode of both PDQ

Deploy and PDQ Inventory. Furthermore, PDQ Inventory must have the MAC
address of the target computers’ NICs.

Retry Queue The Retry Queue is a deployment queue for target computers that are
unreachable or offline during a deployment. The deployments are held in the Retry
Queue and deployment is retried as per the follow ing configured parameters.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in PDQ Deploy Enterprise.

Put Offline Targets Enables the Retry Queue. By default, target computers that are unreachable or
in Retry Queue offline during a deployment are held in the Retry Queue and deployment is retried.
This global setting can be overridden in the individual Package and Schedule

Allow ed Retries Sets the number of retry attempts for an offline computer. This applies per target
per deployment.
The default setting is 72. To set unlimited retries, set this value to 0.
This global setting can be overridden in the individual Package and Schedule

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Handling Offline Targets Using the Retry Queue and Wake-on-LAN

Retry Interval Specifies the amount of time betw een deployment retry attempts.

The default setting is 1 hour. The minimum interval setting is 15 minutes.

This global setting can be overridden in the individual Package and Schedule

4. When you are finished configuring offline settings, click Close.

For more information about using the Retry Queue and Wake-on-LAN, see Using the Retry Queue for
Offline Computers and Using Wake-on-LAN for Offline Computers below.

Using the Retry Queue for Offline Computers

The default Retry Queue settings are configured in Preferences (see Default Offline Settings in
Preferences above). The number of retry attempts can also be configured in the Package, Deploy Once,
and Schedule windows.
TIP: Some packages with specific functions should not use the Retry Queue, for example, a package that
only reboots target computers.

VIDEO: PDQ Live! Retry Queue


The following procedure describes how to setup and work with the Retry Queue.
To use the Retry Queue for deployments:
1. Configure Retry Queue settings in preferences.
For details, see Default Offline Settings in Preferences above.
2. (Optional) To set custom Retry Queue settings at the package level, do the following:
a. On the Main Console window, select the package you want to deploy.
b. Double-click it, or on the Package page, click Edit Package.
c. Click on Properties, then click the Offline Settings tab

d. Clear the Use settings from Preferences checkbox.

e. To set a custom retry value for the package, select Put Offline Targets in Retry Queue, then
specify the number of retry attempts.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

The default setting is 72. To set an unlimited number of retries, set the value to 0.
3. (Optional) To set custom Retry Queue settings at the deployment level, do the following:
a. In the Deploy Once or Schedule window, click the Offline Settings tab.
b. Clear the Use settings from package checkbox.
c. To set a custom retry value for the package, select Put Offline Targets in Retry Queue, then
specify the number of retry attempts.
The default setting is 72. To set an unlimited number of retries, set the value to 0.
4. After your package or packages deploy (immediately with Deploy Once or later according to your
scheduled deployment), click Retry Queue in the tree.
All deployments that fail because the target computers are offline are listed on the Retry Queue page.
For each failed deployment you’ll see one record per computer, per package. PDQ Deploy
automatically retries these deployments according to your settings.
5. (Optional) To retry deployments in the Retry Queue immediately, select one or more deployments,
then under Retry Queue Package Details, click Try Now or right-click and select Try Now .
6. (Optional) To delete deployments from the Retry Queue, select one or more deployments, then under
Retry Queue Package Details, click Remove from Queue or right-click and select Remove from

Using Wake-on-LAN for Offline Computers

The Wake-on-LAN feature is configured in Preferences (see Default Offline Settings in Preferences
above). Wake-on-LAN requires Enterprise mode in both PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory. Additionally PDQ
Inventory must be installed and have scanned and captured the MAC addresses of your target computers.
For more information about PDQ Inventory, see our website at
NOTE: To see how PDQ products utilize Wake-on-LAN, please see this forum post:

The following procedure describes how to setup and work with WOL.
To use Wake-on-LAN for deployments:
1. In PDQ Inventory, add computers and run a standard scan.
2. Configure the Offline Status settings in preferences.
For details, see Default Offline Settings in Preferences above.
3. (Optional) To select and use Wake-on-LAN at the package level, do the following:
a. On the Main Console window, select the package (or Auto Deployment package) you want to
b. Double-click it, or on the Package page, click Edit Package.
c. Click on Properties, then click the Offline Settings tab.

d. Clear the Use settings from Preference checkbox.

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Handling Offline Targets Using the Retry Queue and Wake-on-LAN

e. Check Send Wake-on-LAN and attempt deployment.

The behavior PDQ Deploy will use in the deployment is displayed below.
f. (Optional) Check Ping before deployment.
4. (Optional) To select and use Wake-on-LAN at the deployment level, do the following:
a. In the Deploy Once or Schedule window, click the Offline Settings tab.
b. Clear the Use settings from package checkbox.
c. Check Send Wake-on-LAN and attempt deployment.
The behavior PDQ Deploy will use in the deployment is displayed below.
d. (Optional) Check Ping before deployment.
5. Your packages and deployments are now enabled to use Wake-on-LAN. PDQ Deploy will attempt to
deploy after 5 minutes if the computer is still offline. The advantage of this feature is that offline computers can
immediately be made available for deployment. How ever, it can increase deployment time.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

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Chapter 11

Deployment Settings

PDQ Deploy allows you to globally manage deployment parameters such as timeout and offline settings
in Preferences. Deployment parameters may also be defined for the following:
· The single deployment level for manual deployments using Deploy Once.
· The schedule level so they apply to specific deployments.
· The package level so they apply to every deployment of a given package.
· The step level so they apply to only specific segments of a package.
The following sections review how to manage deployment settings at the global, package, schedule, and
step levels:
· Global Deployment Settings
· Deployment Settings for Individual Schedules
· Deployment Settings for Single Packages
· Deployment Settings for Steps within Packages

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Global Deployment Settings

The Preferences menu provides a centralized location for PDQ Deploy program settings. Preference
settings define general program defaults, so they apply globally to all PDQ deployments unless
overridden within specific packages or deployments.
The following sections review how to manage deployment and performance settings:
· Global Deployment Settings
· Global Performance Settings

Global Deployment Settings

To define global deployment settings in PDQ Deploy:
1. Click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
2. In the Preferences window, click Deployments.

The Deployments page defines how PDQ Deploy manages deployments. It also includes the Run
Package As option that defines how packages are deployed on local workstations.
3. Click the Run packages as drop-down menu to define the global Run packages as setting.
This is the default option for all deployments run from the current console. This global setting can be
overwritten at the Step, Package, Deploy Once, and Schedule levels.

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Global Deployment Settings

4. Configure the other Deployment settings. See Global Deployments Settings below for more
These settings are the default option for all deployments run from the current console. Many of these
settings may be overridden in the individual Package and Schedule Properties.
5. When finished, click Close.
The table below provides more detailed information of each option.

Options Description

Run Packages As Sets the global default for how deployments are executed on target computers.

This global setting can be overw ritten at the Step, Package, and Schedule
For a sample demonstration of the Run As options, see the follow ing video.

VIDEO: Deployment Run As Options


Deploy User Executes deployments on target computers in a non-interactive session as the

Deploy User.
vast majority
This setting is appropriate for the of deployments. Consequently, this
is the recommended setting for Preferences.

Deploy User Executes deployments that include both silent and interactive steps. This setting is
(Interactive) the same as Deploy User w ith one important exception—the Window s process
running the deployment is run in an interactive session.
This setting is most appropriately used for individual deployments that require user
input, but the overall process still requires Administrator rights that logged on users
may not have. Because these types of deployments are more specialized and
because running the deployment in interactive mode requires more processing
resources, it is recommended that you apply this setting only as needed at the
Package or Step level.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode.

Local System Executes deployments using the Local System account on the target computer.
PDQ Deploy connects to the target computer using the Deploy User credentials,
copies the specified files, creates the PDQDeployRunner service, then instructs
the service to log on as Local System.
This setting is used only for installations that require Local System. These types of
deployments are very rare. Consequently, it is recommended that you apply this
setting only as needed at the Package or Step level.

IMPORTANT: Deployments, Packages, or Steps that run as Local System are not
able to access netw ork resources.

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Logged on User Attempts to run packages in interactive mode as the Logged On User of the target

This setting is used to deploy applications that are installed per user or w hen the
Logged on User needs to provide information for the deployment to succeed such
as a license key. It can also be used to modify the HKEY_CURRENT_USER
registry hive for the Logged on User or to access user-specific settings such as %
APPDATA% or the Logged on User’s user directory. These types of deployments
are highly specialized. Consequently, it is recommended that you apply this setting
only as needed at the Package or Step level.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode.

Timeout Specifies how many minutes deployments should run before being timed out by the
This timeout applies only to the duration of a deployment to a target computer. The
timeout does not include the initial process of copying installation files to the target.
The default value is 60 minutes.
This setting may be overridden in the individual Package Properties.
When configuring your local system, it is best practice to set the shortest timeout
interval as the global default in Preferences and increase the timeout interval only
in individual packages. For example, if you typically deploy small packages such as
brow ser, Java, or Adobe reader updates, you may choose to set the global timeout
interval to 20 minutes. You could then increase the timeout interval for individual
packages that take longer to install, such as a Window s Service Pack or a package
containing many nested packages.

Cleanup Specifies how many days deployment histories are archived in the PDQ Deploy
database before they are deleted.
The cleanup process ensures that old deployment history is cleared out. You can
set this value higher or low er depending on how many deployments you run and
how long you w ish to see the results of finished deployments. The default age is
30 days, i.e. one month after the deployment finishes.
Setting the cleanup to 0 days disables automatic cleanup; PDQ Deploy never
deletes deployment histories.

WARNING! Keeping this value high or setting it to 0 days may cause the PDQ
Deploy database to get very large, w hich could slow PDQ Deploy

Scanning Initiates an inventory scan from PDQ Inventory after a deployment to identify w hat
is installed on the deployment’s target computers. You can select w hich scan
profile you w ant to use for the post-deployment scan. This feature can be very
helpful in maintaining up-to-date inventory for target machines.
This setting may be overridden in the individual Package Properties. For example, if
you have a package that doesn't install an application, then you may w ant to
disable inventory scanning in the respective package’s Package Properties.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode and also requires
PDQ Inventory version 3.1 or later in Enterprise mode. Additionally, the target
computer must already be in PDQ Inventory w ith a name or hostname that
matches the name used in PDQ Deploy.

You may choose w hich scan profile to use. The default scan profile is defined in
PDQ Inventory in Pr efer ences > Scan Pr ofiles . You can choose to scan w ith
any scan profile that has been configured in PDQ Inventory. It is common to use
either the Applications or Standard scan profiles.

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Global Deployment Settings

Offline Status The Offline Status is used to determine w hether or not target computers w ill
receive a ping or Wake-on-LAN prior to deployment.

Ping before Performs a ping (ICMP echo) before attempting the deployment. If the target does
deployment not respond to the ping w ithin 2 seconds, then the deployment is not attempted on
that target.
Enabling this option can increase the overall speed of the deployment because
PDQ Deploy w ill only deploy to online computers.

NOTE: Typically, the ping should take only a few milliseconds. How ever, if your
DNS isn’t solid or your netw ork is experiencing latency issues, then the ping
response may take more than 2 seconds.

When thisnot
is selected, PDQ Deploy attempts the deployment regardless of the
online or offline status of the target computer. If the target is offline or otherw ise
unavailable, Window s w ill timeout after ~60 seconds. Leaving this unchecked can
decrease the overall speed of the deployment due to these attempts and extra w ait

Send Wake-on-LAN Attempts the deployment then sends a Wake-on-LAN to offline target computers.
and attempt The deployment is attempted again if it comes online. After 5 minutes if the
deployment computer is still offline, the deployment w ill be attempted again.
The advantage of this feature is that offline computers can immediately be made
available for deployment. How ever, it can increase deployment time.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode of both PDQ Deploy
and PDQ Inventory. Furthermore, PDQ Inventory must have the MAC address
of the target computers’ NICs.

Retry Queue The Retry Queue is a deployment queue for target computers that are unreachable
or offline during a deployment. The deployments are held in the Retry Queue and
deployment is retried as per the follow ing configured parameters.

IMPORTANT: The Retry Queue is available only in Enterprise mode.

Put Offline targets in Enables the Retry Queue. By default, target computers that are unreachable or
Retry Queue offline during a deployment are held in the Retry Queue and deployment is retried.

This global setting can be overridden in the individual Package, Deployment or

Schedule properties .
The advantage of this feature is that offline computers are automatically queued
for re-deployment. This simplifies the process of ensuring that critical updates are
deployed to all target computers. How ever, it is recommended that you enable this
option per package or deployment rather than applying it globally in Preferences.

TIP: Some packages w ith specific, non-critical functions should not use the Retry
Queue. For example, it is not advisable to use this option w ith a package that
only reboots target computers because offline computers w ere probably
turned off to begin w ith and, depending on the target computers’ availability,
PDQ Deploy may reboot users’ computers at inopportune times.

Allow ed Retries Sets the number of retry attempts for an offline computer. This applies per target
per deployment.
The default setting is 72. To set unlimited retries, set this value to 0.

This global setting can be overridden in the individual Package and Schedule
properties .

Retry Interval Specifies the amount of time betw een deployment retry attempts.
The default setting is 1 hour. The minimum interval setting is 15 minutes.

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The Retry Interval is a global setting.

Global Performance Settings

To define global performance settings in PDQ Deploy:
1. Click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
2. In the Preferences window, click Performance.

3. The Performance page defines how PDQ Deploy manages performance for deployments with limits
to Concurrent Targets and a Copy Mode option that defines how PDQ Deploy copies deployment files
to target computers.
The Copy Mode global setting can be overwritten at the Package, Deploy Once, and Schedule levels.
4. When finished, click Close.
The table below provides more detailed information of each option.

Options Description

Concurrent Target Defines how package deployments are limited to concurrent targets. The higher the numbers,
Limits the greater the use of server memory, CPU resources, and netw ork bandw idth.

NOTE: Using the prioritize feature w ill allow the targets to exceed the Concurrent Targets per
Deployment, but w ill not exceed the Total Concurrent Targets set in Pr efer ences >
Per for m ance.

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Global Deployment Settings

Concurrent The maximum number of targets that can be deployed concurrently for each deployment.
Targets per
The default setting is 8. Additional targets are placed in a queued state until a connection is
This number cannot be higher than the Total Concurrent Targets.

IMPORTANT: This setting is available only in Enterprise mode.

Total Concurrent The maximum number of concurrent targets in total (multiple deployments).
Once this limit is reached, additional targets are placed in a queued state until a connection is

The default setting is 32.

IMPORTANT: This setting is available only in Enterprise mode.

Copy Mode Defines how PDQ Deploy copies deployment files to target computers.
When files (such as installation files) are copied to a target, PDQ Deploy uses either Push or
Pull Copy Mode. By default, PDQ Deploy uses Push Copy Mode.
This global setting can be overridden in the individual Package properties.

IMPORTANT: This setting is available only in Enterprise mode.

VIDEO: Understanding Push and Pull Deployments

Push Copies files to the target computers from the PDQ Deploy computer. This method is best if the
package’s install files are located on the PDQ Deploy computer.
This option is the default copy mode.
Bandw idth throttling (see below ) applies to all simultaneous file copies combined.

Pull Sends lists of files to the target computers w hich then pull the files from a centralized
location. This method w orks best in WAN environments w here the files may be on a file
server closer to the target computers than the computer w here PDQ Deploy is running.

For this method to w ork, all files need to be accessible using a UNC path (e.g. \
WARNING: Files on fixed or mapped drives are not accessible to the target computers;
therefore, a valid UNC path must be provided.

NOTE Bandw idth throttling (see below ) is not enforced w hen using Pull Copy Mode.

IMPORTANT: This setting is available only in Enterprise mode.

Limit Bandw idth Sets the percentage of available bandw idth to use during the copy phase of the deployment
Usage w hen large files are being copied dow n to the target computers.

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PDQ Deploy can throttle bandw idth as it copies softw are to target computers. This can be
particularly helpful over slow links. The throttling w orks based on a percentage of available
bandw idth, w ith the default rate being 50%. This limit is achieved by ensuring that the server
w aits betw een packets long enough to keep its utilization below the given threshold.
Therefore, even if the server is copying to a computer on the same subnet and a computer
over a slow WAN, it w ill keep 50% headroom on each link.
If set to 100%, then no limit is imposed and the file copy operation takes as much bandw idth
as is available.

IMPORTANT: The Bandw idth Limit w ill apply to all simultaneous file copies combined.

NOTE: Throttling doesn't apply w hen using Pull Copy Mode (see above).

IMPORTANT: This setting is available only in Enterprise mode.

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Deployment Settings for Individual Schedules

Deployment Settings for Individual Schedules

PDQ Deploy allows you to define deployment parameters on a global, manual (Deploy Once), schedule,
package, or step level. Deployment settings defined for a specific schedule apply only to the deployments
run from that schedule and they override the global deployment settings defined in Preferences.
To define deployment settings for a schedule:
1. In the tree, select the package associated with the schedule you want to manage.
2. In the Packages page, click the Schedules tab.
3. Select the schedule you want to manage, or to create a new schedule, click File > New Schedule, or
click New Schedule on the toolbar.

4. In the Schedule window, click the Options tab, when finished click on the Offline Settings tab.

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The following table provides information on the Deployment settings available in the Schedule Options

Option Details

Schedule Enabled Enables the Schedule.

IMPORTANT: If this option is not selected this Schedule w ill not run.

Credentials The Deploy User credentials used by all deployments in the current schedule.
This is the username and passw ord used to connect to the target computer and
copy over the necessary files and start the target service. This user must have
administrative rights on the target computer, w hich are needed to copy files to the
ADMIN$ share and create and start the remote service. It can be a user account
local to the target computer or a domain user if using Active Directory.

Use PDQ Inventory Scan Allow s PDQ Inventory's Scan User credentials to be used during the deployment.
User credentials first, If selected, the PDQ Inventory Scan Users credentials w ill be used first. If no
w here available Inventory Scan User credentials exist for that target computer, the selected PDQ
Deploy credentials w ill be used.

NOTE: Local Administrator Passw ord Solution (LAPS) can be used by if the
target computer's selected Scan User credentials are configured properly to
use LAPS.

IMPORTANT: Enterprise mode is required in both PDQ Deploy and PDQ

Inventory. If running in Client or Server mode, PDQ Inventory must also be in
Client or Server mode.

Run As Determines how all deployments from the current schedule are executed on
target computers.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise Mode.

For a sample demonstration of the Run As options, see the follow ing video.

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Deployment Settings for Individual Schedules

VIDEO: Deployment Run As Options


Use Package Setting Uses the Run Package As setting defined at the Package level.
If you select this option but the Run Package As setting is not defined at the
Package level, then PDQ Deploy uses the global Run Package As setting defined
in Preferences.

Deploy User Silently executes deployments on target computers.

This setting is appropriate for the vast majority of deployments.

Deploy User Executes deployments that include both silent and interactive steps. This setting
(Interactive) is the same as Deploy User w ith one important exception—the Window s process
running the deployment is run in interactive mode.
This setting is most appropriately used for individual deployments that require
user input, but the overall process still requires Administrator rights that logged on
users may not have.
This type of deployment requires more processing resources.

Local System Executes deployments using the Local System account on the target computer.
PDQ Deploy connects to the target computer, copies the specified files, then runs
the actual deployment service using the Local System credentials.
This setting is used only for installations that require Local System. These types
of deployments are very rare.

Logged On User Attempts to run packages in Interactive mode as the Logged On User of the target

This setting is used to deploy applications that are installed per user or w hen the
logged on user needs to provide information for the deployment to succeed such
as a license key. It can also be used to modify the HKEY-CURRENT-USER
registry hive for the logged on user or to access user-specific settings such as %
APPDATA% or the logged on user’s User directory.

Notifications Sends an email notification w hen deployment(s) are finished. (Enterprise mode
Choose betw een Post Deployment Notification (Full Details or Summary), Post
Schedule Notification (Full Details or Summary), or create a custom notification by
clicking Edit Notifications . The Post Deployment Notification w ill send an email
after each completed deployment w hereas the Post Schedule Notification w ill
send one email for the completed schedule and all the included deployment(s).
For more information about post deployment emails, see Receiving a Status Email
After Deployment and Mail Server Preferences.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

IMPORTANT: You must configure the Mail Server settings in Preferences as

well as designate at least one email recipient in the selected Post
Deployment Notification or Post Schedule Notification before you
can enable this option.

Stop deploying to Stops deploying to computers that have already succeeded.

computers once they
succeed NOTE: Success parameters are defined at the Package level.

Stop deploying to Stops deploying to computers once they fail the designated number of times.
computers if they fail Setting to zero (0) allow s unlimited attempts.

Stop deploying to Stops deploying and aborts all remaining target computers after the designated
remaining queued number of minutes. Any computers that are running w hen the timeout elapses
computers after w ill complete their deployment.
This option is useful for overnight deployments so queued computers can be
stopped before anyone arrives in the office.

5. Click the Offline Settings tab.

The following table provides information on the Deployment settings available in the Schedule Offline
Settings tab:

Option Details

Offline Status Offline Status settings determines w hether computers w ill receive a ping or Wake-
on-LAN prior to deployment.

Use settings from Uses the Offline Status settings defined at the Package level. For more information,
package(s) see Creating a New Package, Step 1: Package Properties.
If you select this option but the Offline Status settings are not defined at the Package
level, then PDQ Deploy uses the global Offline Status settings settings defined in
When you select this option, the subsequent settings are disabled.

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Deployment Settings for Individual Schedules

Ping before Performs a ping (ICMP echo) before attempting the deployment. If the target does not
deployment respond to the ping w ithin 2 seconds, then the deployment is not attempted on that
Enabling this option can increase the overall speed of the deployment because PDQ
Deploy doesn’t w aste time w ith offline computers.

NOTE: Typically, the ping should take only a few milliseconds. How ever, if your DNS
isn’t solid or your netw ork is experiencing latency issues, then the ping response
may take more than 2 seconds.

When thisnot
is selected, PDQ Deploy attempts the deployment regardless of the
online or offline status of the target computer. If the target is offline or otherw ise
unavailable, Window s w ill timeout after ~60 seconds. Leaving this unchecked can
decrease the overall speed of the deployment due to these attempts and extra w ait

Send Wake-on-LAN Attempts the deployment then sends a Wake-on-LAN to offline target computers. The
and attempt deployment is attempted again if it comes online. After 5 minutes if the computer is
deployment still offline, the deployment w ill be attempted again.
The advantage of this feature is that offline computers can immediately be made
available for deployment. How ever, it can increase deployment time.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode of both PDQ Deploy
and PDQ Inventory. Furthermore, PDQ Inventory must have the MAC address of
the target computers’ NICs.

Retry Queue Retry Queue settings determine how PDQ Deploy handles deployments w hen the
target computers are offline.

Use settings from Uses the Retry Queue settings defined at the Package level. For more information,
package(s) see Creating a New Package, Step 1: Package Properties.
If you select this option but Retry Queue settings are not defined at the Package
level, then PDQ Deploy uses the global Retry Queue settings defined in Preferences.
When you select this option, the subsequent Retry Queue settings are disabled.

Put Offline Targets in Enables the Retry Queue.

Retry Queue
By default, target computers that are unreachable or offline during a deployment are
held in the Retry Queue and deployment is retried.

Allow ed Retries Sets the number of retry attempts for an offline computer. This applies per target per
The default setting is 72. To set unlimited retries, set this value to 0.

6. Define the Deployment settings you want to apply to the current schedule, then click OK.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Deployment Settings for Single Packages

PDQ Deploy allows you to define deployment parameters on a global, manual (Deploy Once), schedule,
package, or step level. Deployment settings defined within a package apply to all deployments of that
package and they override the global deployment settings defined in Preferences as well as any
deployment settings defined at the Schedule level.
To define deployment settings for a package:
1. In the tree, select the package you want to manage.
2. Click Edit Package or double-click the package name.

3. Select Package Properties in the Step list.

A Standard package will look at follows:

An Auto Download package will look as follows (Enterprise mode required):

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Deployment Settings for Single Packages

4. Click the Details tab and define the settings you want to apply to the current package, when finished,
click on the Conditions, Options, or Offline Settings tabs.
The following table provides information on the Deployment settings available in the Details tab:

Option Description

Name A unique logical name.

Use a package name that includes the product, version, and other important information
such as architecture (for example, 32 or 64-bit). For additional naming guidance, look at
how packages in the Package Library are named.

IMPORTANT: For an Auto Download package, in order for the package to

display the most up-to-date version number in the tree of the main console,
do not change or delete the version number in the Name field. For
example, the package 'Adobe Reader DC 17.012.20098', can be changed
to 'CEO Reader 17.012.20098'. In order to have the version number display
properly in the tree properly, leave a space between the new name and the
version number.

Version The installer version number.

This field is primarily used for packages in the Package Library but you are free to use it
for custom packages.

NOTE: Unavailable for an Auto Download package.

Description Provide a description w ith additional, relevant details about the package.
For additional guidance, look at package descriptions in the Package Library.

NOTE: Unavailable for an Auto Download package.

5. Click the Conditions tab to define the conditions that must exist for the current package to run. The
conditions When finished, click on the Options or Offline Settings tabs.
The following table provides information on the Deployment settings available in the Conditions tab:

Condition Description

O/S Version Select the version or versions of Window s for w hich the package w ill be

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

O/S Architecture Choose w hether the package is to run on 32-bit, 64-bit, or both operating system

Pow erShell version Select the version or versions of Pow erShell for w hich the package w ill be
applied. (This condition w ill only appear on the Install and Pow erShell steps)

IMPORTANT: Pow erShell version 1 is not supported in PDQ Deploy

Logged On State Determines w hether or not the package runs, based on w hether or not a user is
logged on to the target computer.

Alw ays Run Run the package regardless of logged on state.

Only run if no user is Only run the package if no users are logged on.
logged on

Only run if a user is Only run the package if a user is logged on, including locked and disconnected
logged on (including sessions.
Locked and

File Use this condition if you w ant to check for files on the target computer before
running the package.
For example, using the File Exists condition: Run only if Chrome.exe version is
greater than 50 and product name equals Google Chrome.

For real life examples of deploying using File or Registry conditions,

see the following webcast.
VIDEO: PDQ Live! How to Selectively Deploy Applications Using File or
Registry Conditions.


None Select to disable the file condition (this is the default selection).

Exists Select to search for an existing file before running the package.

Does Not Exist Select to ensure there is no such existing file before running the package.

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Deployment Settings for Single Packages

Directory Enter the directory w here the file exists on the target computer. This directory
can include environment variables.

NOTE: Environment variables w ill be evaluated in the context of the Local

System rather than the user. For example, the %TEMP% environment
variable w ill evaluate to %SystemRoot%\TEMP instead of %USERPROFILE%

Includes Sub Check to include all the sub directories of the directory above.

Filename The name of the file.

IMPORTANT: The first filename that is matched w ill be used. For example, you
set a Does Not Exist File condition for C:\Temp\Fancyfile w ith a version of
1.5. There are tw o instances of Fancyfile. The File Condition locates the first
file, Fancyfile version 1.25, thereby returning true (does not exist) even
though the other Fancyfile version 1.5 does in fact exist.

File Version The version of the file from its header, if present. This filter can be equal to, less
than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to. If left blank, this
w ill disable the file version.

Product Version The version of the product from its header, if present. This filter can be equal to,
less than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to. If left
blank, this w ill disable the file version.

Description The description of the product from its header, if present. Can use the standard *
and ? w ildcards.

Product Name The product name of the product from its header, if present.

Company Name The company name of the product from its header, if present.

Registry Use this condition if you w ant to check registry key on the target computer
before running the package.

IMPORTANT: The registry option does not w ork for data that spans multiple

For example, using the Registry Does Not Exist condition: Run only if
UpdateDefault value of 0 does not exist.

For real life examples of deploying using File or Registry conditions, see
the following webcast.
VIDEO: PDQ Live! How to Selectively Deploy Applications Using File or
Registry Conditions.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide


None Select to disable the registry condition (this is the default selection).

Exists Select to search for an existing registry keys before running the package.

Does Not Exist Select to ensure there is no such existing registry keys before running the



Key Path of the key to look in.

Include Sub Keys Looks also in all sub keys.

Value Name Name of the value to match against. If the value name is left blank then the value
of the key itself w ill be used.

IMPORTANT: The first value name that is matched w ill be used. For example,
using the Exists registry condition you search for printer IP addresses in
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers w ith a 'port' value
that contains the IP address of Printer A is a softw are printer
w ith a port in C:\ProgramData\PrintProgram\PortFile. Printer B has the port of Because Printer A’s 'port' value is listed first, that is the value
that is returned, hence the condition is false, even though Printer B’s port
matches the condition.

Match as The type of matching to use on the value. Choose betw een Text, Number, and
Version. Choose the condition and enter the applicable value.

IMPORTANT: The registry option does not w ork for data that spans multiple

PDQ Inventory Collection Use this condition if you w ant to make sure a target computer is or is not a
member of a certain collection in PDQ Inventory before running the package.

IMPORTANT: This requires both PDQ Inventory and PDQ Deploy in Enterprise
mode. For the integration to w ork properly w ith Central Server, both
products w ill need to be installed on the same console w ith both running in
either Server mode or Client mode.

None Select to disable the collection condition (this is the default selection).

Is A Member Select to ensure the target computer is a member of the selected collection
before running the package.

IMPORTANT: Using this condition does not prompt PDQ Inventory to do a scan
of the collection at the time of the deployment. The membership of the
selected collection is only as good as the last scan.

Is Not A Member Select to ensure the target computer is not a member of the selected collection
before running the package.

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Deployment Settings for Single Packages

IMPORTANT: Using this condition does not prompt PDQ Inventory to do a scan
of the collection at the time of the deployment. The membership of the
selected collection is only as good as the last scan.

Collection Click Select Collection to brow se your PDQ Inventory collections and select
the collection to use. Click OK once the collection is selected.

6. Click the Options tab and define the settings you want to apply to the current package, when finished,
click on the Offline Settings tab.
The following table provides information on the Deployment settings available in the Options tab:

Option Description

Copy Mode Defines how PDQ Deploy copies deployment files to target computers (requires
Enterprise mode).
When files (such as installation files) are copied to a target, PDQ Deploy can use
either Push or Pull Copy Mode. By default, PDQ Deploy uses Push Copy Mode.
You can change the default Copy Mode in Pr efer ences > Per for m ance or
override the default here. See Copy Mode in Performance Preferences for more

VIDEO: PDQ Live! Understanding Push and Pull Deployments


Push Copies files to the target computers from the PDQ Deploy computer. This method
is best if the package’s install files are located on the PDQ Deploy computer.
This option is the default copy mode.

Bandw idth throttling applies to all simultaneous file copies combined.

Pull Sends lists of files to the target computers w hich then pull the files from a
centralized location. This method w orks best in WAN environments w here the
files may be on a file server closer to the target computers than the computer
w here PDQ Deploy is running.

For this method to w ork, all files need to be accessible using a UNC path (e.g. \
WARNING: Files on fixed or mapped drives are not accessible to the target
computers; therefore, a valid UNC path must be provided.

Note Bandw idth throttlingnot

is enforced w hen using Pull Copy Mode.

IMPORTANT: This setting is available only in Enterprise mode.

Scanning Select w hether or not PDQ Inventory scans target computers after a deployment
to identify w hat is installed on each computer. If you have a package that
doesn't install an application, you may w ant to disable inventory scanning for the

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode and also

requires PDQ Inventory in Enterprise mode. If you are running in Client Mode,
PDQ Inventory must be installed on the computer running in Server Mode.
Additionally, the target computer must already be in PDQ Inventory w ith a
name or hostname that matches the name used in PDQ Deploy.

Set the Program Default in Pr efer ences > Deploym ents or override the
default here.

Scan after Deployment Initiates an inventory scan from PDQ Inventory after a deployment to identify
w hat is installed on each w orkstation.

Scan after Deployment attempts to scan target computers even if deployments

This feature can be very helpful in maintaining up-to-date inventory for target
machines. The target computers must already be in PDQ Inventory w ith names
or hostnames that match the names used in PDQ Deploy.
You may choose w hich Scan Profile to use. The default Scan Profile is defined
in PDQ Inventory in Pr efer ences > Scan Pr ofiles . You can choose to scan
w ith any Scan Profile that has been configured in PDQ Inventory. It is common to
use either the Applications or Standard scan profiles.

Do Not Scan Does not scan target computers after deployment.

Run As During a deployment, a Window s service is created on the target computer. The
Run As setting determines how this service "logs on" after it is created.
The default (and generally appropriate) setting is Deploy User. Change the
default in Pr efer ences > Deploym ents or override the default here.
For a sample demonstration of the Run As options, see the follow ing video.

VIDEO: Deployment Run As Options


Deploy User Executes deployments on target computers in a non-interactive session as the

Deploy User.
This setting is appropriate for the vast majority of deployments. Consequently,
this is the recommended setting.

Deploy User Executes deployments that include both silent and interactive steps. This setting
(Interactive) is the same as Deploy User w ith one important exception—the Window s
process running the deployment is run in an interactive session.
This setting is most appropriately used for individual deployments that require
user input, but the overall process still requires Administrator rights that logged
on users may not have. Because these types of deployments are more
specialized and because running the deployment in interactive mode requires
more processing resources, it is recommended that you apply this setting only
as needed at the Package level.

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Deployment Settings for Single Packages

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode.

Local System Executes deployments using the Local System account on the target computer.
PDQ Deploy connects to the target computer using the Deploy User credentials,
copies the specified files, creates the PDQDeployRunner service, then instructs
the service to log on as Local System.
This setting is used only for installations that require Local System. These types
of deployments are very rare. Consequently, it is recommended that you apply
this setting only as needed at the Package level.

IMPORTANT: Packages that run as Local System are not able to access
netw ork resources.

Logged on User Attempts to run packages in interactive mode as the Logged On User of the
target machine.
This setting is used to deploy applications that are installed per user or w hen the
Logged on User needs to provide information for the deployment to succeed
such as a license key. It can also be used to modify the HKEY_CURRENT_USER
registry hive for the Logged on User or to access user-specific settings such as
%APPDATA% or the Logged on User’s user directory. These types of
deployments are highly specialized. Consequently, it is recommended that you
apply this setting only as needed at the Package level.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode.

Timeout Specifies how many minutes the deployment runs before being timed out by the
server (requires Enterprise mode to modify this setting).
The default value is 60 minutes.
This timeout applies only to the duration of a deployment to a target computer.
The timeout does not include the initial process of copying installation files to the
Change the default in Pr efer ences > Deploym ents options or override the
default here.
It is best practice to set the shortest timeout interval as the global default in
Preferences and increase the timeout interval in individual packages. For
example, if you typically deploy small packages such as brow ser, Java, or
Adobe reader updates, you may choose to set the global timeout interval to 20
minutes. You could then increase the timeout interval for individual packages that
take longer to install, such as a Window s Service Pack or a package containing
many nested packages.

Auto Download Select the approval settings used for dow nloading new versions of the
The default settings for Auto Dow nload can be modified in Pr efer ences >
Auto Dow nload.

IMPORTANT: Auto Dow nload settings are only available to an Auto Dow nload
package. If the package is Standard, or has been converted to Standard,
these options w ill not be visible.

Manual New package versions require manual approval before they dow nload.

NOTE: Use this option to disable Auto Dow nload w ithout converting to a
Standard Package.

Immediate New package versions are immediately approved.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Automatic Sets the interval in days and hours after w hich new versions are automatically

This is enabled by default w ith a setting of 7 days.

Convert to Standard Use this to convert to a Standard package that w ill no longer auto dow nload
Package new versions. Once converted all Pre and Post Steps w ill be converted to
regular steps.

WARNING: This option cannot be undone.

7. Click the Offline Settings tab and define the settings you want to apply to the current package.
The following table provides information on the Deployment settings available in the Offline Settings

Option Description

Offline Status Select w hether or not target computers w ill receive a ping or Wake-on-LAN
prior to deployment.
The default settings for Offline Status can be modified in Pr efer ences >
Deploym ents .

Use settings from Uses the global Offline Status settings defined in Preferences.
When you select this option, the subsequent settings are disabled.

Ping before Performs a ping (ICMP echo) before attempting the deployment. If the target
deployment does not respond to the ping w ithin 2 seconds, then the deployment is not
attempted on that target.
Enabling this option can increase the overall speed of the deployment because
PDQ Deploy doesn’t w aste time w ith offline computers.

NOTE: Typically, the ping should take only a few milliseconds. How ever, if your
DNS isn’t solid or your netw ork is experiencing latency issues, then the ping
response may take more than 2 seconds.

When thisnot
is selected, PDQ Deploy attempts the deployment regardless of
the online or offline status of the target computer. If the target is offline or
otherw ise unavailable, Window s w ill timeout after ~60 seconds. Leaving this
unchecked can decrease the overall speed of the deployment due to these
attempts and extra w ait time.

Send Wake-on-LAN Attempts the deployment then sends a Wake-on-LAN to offline target
and attempt computers. The deployment is attempted again if it comes online. After 5 minutes
deployment if the computer is still offline, the deployment w ill be attempted again.
The advantage of this feature is that offline computers can immediately be made
available for deployment. How ever, it can increase deployment time.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode of both PDQ

Deploy and PDQ Inventory. Furthermore, PDQ Inventory must have the
MAC address of the target computers’ NICs.

Retry Queue Enable or disable the Retry Queue and modify the number of retries for the
The default settings for Retry Interval, and several other settings for offline
computers, can be modified in Pr efer ences > Deploym ents .

IMPORTANT: Requires Enterprise mode to use Retry Queue settings.

Use settings from Uses the global Retry Queue settings defined in Preferences.
When you select this option, the subsequent Retry Queue settings are disabled.

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Deployment Settings for Single Packages

Put Offline Targets in Enables the Retry Queue. By default, target computers that are unreachable or
Retry Queue offline during a deployment are held in the Retry Queue and deployment is
The advantage of this feature is that offline computers are automatically queued
for re-deployment. This simplifies the process of ensuring that critical updates
are deployed to all target computers. It is recommended that you enable this
option per package rather than applying it globally in Preferences.

TIP: Some packages w ith specific, non-critical functions should not use the
Retry Queue. For example, it is not advisable to use this option w ith a
package that only reboots target computers because offline computers
w ere probably turned off to begin w ith and, depending on the target
computers’ availability, PDQ Deploy may reboot users’ computers at
inopportune times.

Allow ed Retries Sets the number of retry attempts for an offline computer. This applies per
target per deployment.
The default setting is 72. To set unlimited retries, set this value to 0.

8. Once the settings are complete, click Save on the toolbar.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Deployment Settings for Steps within Packages

PDQ Deploy allows you to define deployment parameters on a global, manual (Deploy Once), schedule,
package, or step level. Deployment settings defined at the step level allow you to manage how individual
steps within a package are deployed. Step settings applyall
to deployments of the package and they
override all other deployment settings defined in Preferences as well as those defined at the Schedule or
Package level.
Conditions are not deployment settings, however, all conditions must be met on the target computer for
the step to run. If the step can’t run due to conditions, then it is skipped and the next step runs. If no steps
can run in a package for a particular target, then the deployment fails and returns an error message
stating “Conditions not met: No steps were able to run”. See Common Step Properties for more details on
the Conditions tab.

To define deployment settings for steps w ithin a package:

1. In the tree, select the package you want to manage.
2. Click Edit Package or double-click the package name.

3. Select the step you want to configure.

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Deployment Settings for Steps w ithin Packages

IMPORTANT: For Auto Download packages, the predefined steps of the package cannot be edited.
However, you can add Pre and Post steps to the package. See Editing and Adding Steps for more
details. Enterprise mode required for Auto Download packages.

4. Click the Options tab.

5. Define the Deployment settings you want to apply to the current step within the package, then click
Save on the toolbar.
The following table provides information on the Deployment settings available in package steps:

Option Description

Enabled Enables the current step.

If this option is not selected, the step is skipped during the installation. This
feature enables administrators to “turn off” steps that they may w ant to
enable in the future w ithout deleting the step itself.
If a step is disabled, the name of the step is struck-through. Steps can also
be enabled or disabled by right-clicking the step and toggling from
Dis abled to Enabled.

Run As Select an option to determine w hat account the step uses w hen running
on the target machine.

NOTE: This option only applies to Install, Command, File Copy, and
Message steps.

Deploy User is the recommended setting and should be used unless there
is an explicit requirement to use another method. For detailed information
about Run As settings, see Run As in Deployments Preferences.
The default (and generally appropriate) setting is Deploy User. Change the
default in Pr efer ences > Deploym ents or override the default here.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode.

For a sample demonstration of the Run As options, see the follow ing

VIDEO: Deployment Run As Options


Default The default Run Package As setting defined in Preferences.

Deploy User Executes deployments on target computers in a non-interactive session as

the Deploy User.
This setting is appropriate for the vast majority of deployments.
Consequently, this is the recommended setting.

Deploy User (Interactive) Executes deployments that include both silent and interactive steps. This
setting is the same as Deploy User w ith one important exception—the
Window s process running the deployment is run in an interactive session.
This setting is most appropriately used for individual deployments that
require user input, but the overall process still requires Administrator rights
that logged on users may not have. Because these types of deployments
are more specialized and because running the deployment in interactive
mode requires more processing resources, it is recommended that you
apply this setting only as needed at the Step level.

Local System Executes deployments using the Local System account on the target
computer. PDQ Deploy connects to the target computer using the Deploy
User credentials, copies the specified files, creates the PDQDeployRunner
service, then instructs the service to log on as Local System.

This setting is used only for installations that require Local System. These
types of deployments are very rare. Consequently, it is recommended that
you apply this setting only as needed at the Step level.

IMPORTANT: Steps that run as Local System are not able to access
netw ork resources.

Logged on User Attempts to run packages in interactive mode as the Logged On User of
the target machine.
This setting is used to deploy applications that are installed per user or
w hen the Logged on User needs to provide information for the deployment
to succeed such as a license key. It can also be used to modify the
HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry hive for the Logged on User or to access
user-specific settings such as %APPDATA% or the Logged on User’s user
directory. These types of deployments are highly specialized.
Consequently, it is recommended that you apply this setting only as
needed at the Step level.

Error Mode Select an option to determine how the deployment responds if a step fails.

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Deployment Settings for Steps w ithin Packages

Stop Deployment w ith Error If the step fails, stop deployment w ith returned error.

Continue Continue deployment even if the step fails.

Stop Deployment w ith If the step fails, stop deployment and report success.
NOTE: Success Codes are defined at the Package level. They are the
numerical value for Window s system error codes. The default
success codes are 0 (action completed successfully), 1641 (reboot
initiated), and 3010 (reboot required).

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Chapter 12

Verifying Deployment Status

PDQ Deploy generates status information for deployments in several different places. These can be
viewed during deployment(s) and after deployment(s) have run. This chapter explains where and how you
can view this information.
This chapter contains the following topics:
· Deployment Status
· All Deployments Page
· Package Page—Deployments Tab
· The Deployment Status Window
· Additional Deployment Verification Features
· Running an Automatic Inventory Scan After Deployment
· Receiving a Status Email After Deployments

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Deployment Status
Deployment status information (lists of deployments, computers, and other details) is displayed in the
following places in PDQ Deploy:
· All Deployments page (shows all deployments in the system)
· Deployment Status Page Details
· Deployment Status Icons
· Package page - Deployments tab (deployments for the selected package)
· Deployment Status window (status for one deployment).
· Schedule window - Target History tab (deployment for the selected schedule)
The various panels display information during and after deployments.
Deployment information is kept in the database until it is manually deleted or automatically cleaned up.
The cleanup process ensures that old deployment history is cleared out. The default cleanup interval is
set to 30 days. For more information, see Cleanup settings in Deployments Preferences.

All Deployments PAGE

To view the All Deployments page, on the Main Console window, select All Deployments in the tree. The
graphic below shows the All Deployments page with its components called out.

The panels can be resized by clicking between them and dragging. The sidebars can be pinned
open or collapsed . Click the sidebar to show or hide the details. For more information about
sidebars, see Details Sidebars.

Deployment Status Page Details

The following table describes the components of the status page (All Deployments and Package >
Deployments tab) and the options available on each panel.

Panel/Sidebar Details

Deployments Lists all deployments in the system (All Deployments page) or the deployments for
the selected package (Package page > Deployments tab). By default, the list is
sorted w ith the most recent deployment at the top (click the title of a column to
change sort order).

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Deployment Status

Redeploy Right-click a deployment and select Redeploy (or press Ctr l+R) or Redeploy to
Failed Tar gets (or press Ctr l+Shift+R).

Deployments can be redeployed to all targets, selected targets, or to all failed

targets. This creates new deployments. If more than one deployment is selected to
redeploy to all failed targets and those deployments are from different packages,
then one new deployment is created for each package.

Deployment Status The Status listed in the Deployment panel displays if the deployment is Running or
and Target Status Finished. The Status listed in the Target panel displays w hether or not the
deployment w as successful for each individual target.

You can also view the statuses by selecting a deployment and double-click it or
right-click and select Open Deploym ent Status (or press Ctr l+Shift+D). For
additional information, see The Deployment Status Window below .

Deployment Details Displays details about the deployment including deployment ID number, the name of
the package, the schedule associated w ith the deployment (if applicable), the
name of the Deployment Console, the Console User, and the number and names of
If multiple deployments are selected, this w ill only display the deployment ID
number follow ed by the name of the package.

Package Click the package name to view the package associated w ith the deployment.

Schedule Click the schedule name to view the schedule associated w ith the deployment (if

Redeploy Click Redeploy to redeploy to successful and failed target computers.

Prioritize While deployments are queued, right-click the deployment(s), then select
Pr ior itize Deploym ent(s ).

NOTE: Using the prioritize feature w ill allow the targets to exceed the Concurrent
Targets per Deployment, but w ill not exceed the Total Concurrent Targets set
in Pr efer ences > Per for m ance.

Computers Lists target computers and their status information during and after deployment for
the deployment(s) selected in the Deployments panel.

xx xx
of Step(s) Click a Step link to view the status info for each step in the package. Click Output
Log to view the details for a step.

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NOTE: Output logs are created for .msi files or any install file or command that
sends output to STDOUT.

More Info Click to open the More Info w indow , w hich show s the reason for the failed
deployment and provides links to additional details and possible solutions.

Abort You can stop an entire deployment or you can stop deployments to selected
targets. Right-click a deployment (Deployment panel) or one or more selected
targets (Targets panel), then select Abor t.
Aborted deployments may not stop immediately. The server may start the
deployment before the interface is able to update and it may take some time to
notify the computer to abort. In this time the deployment may finish.

Redeploy Select one or more computers, then right-click and select Redeploy (or press
Ctr l+R).

Open in PDQ Select one or more targets, then right-click and select Open in PDQ Inventor y.
Inventory The Applications page of the Computer w indow can be used to further verify a
successful deployment. (Requires PDQ Deploy version 10 or later and PDQ
Inventory 9 or later.)

Target Details Displays the status details for the selected target.

Prioritize While targets are queued, right-click the target(s), then select Pr ior itize
Tar get(s ).

NOTE: Using the prioritize feature w ill allow the targets to exceed the Concurrent
Targets per Deployment, but w ill not exceed the Total Concurrent Targets set
in Pr efer ences > Per for m ance.

Deployment Status Icons

When the status of a deployment changes, its icon changes. The table below explains the possible states
of a deployment and the related icons.

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Deployment Status

State Icon Description

Deployment Fail Deployment failed on all target computers.

Deployment Start Deployment started and in progress.

Deployment Success Deployment ran successfully on all target computers.

Deployment Warning Multiple targets w ith a mixture of successful and failed deployments.

Package Page—Deployments Tab

The graphic below shows the Package page > Deployments tab:

The Deployments tab on the Package page is essentially identical to the All Deployments page, except
that it only shows the deployments for a single package. For details about its components, see the above
tables Deployment Status Page Details and Deployment Status Icons.
NOTE: PDQ Inventory can be opened directly selecting one or more computer names, right-click and select Open in
PDQ Inventor y. The Applications page of the Computer w indow can be used to further verify a successful
deployment. (Requires PDQ Deploy version 10 or later and PDQ Inventory 9 or later.)

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The Deployment Status Window

To open the Deployment Status window, select a deployment and double-click it (or right-click and select
Open Deployment Status, or press Ctrl+Shift+D). The graphic below shows the Deployment Status
window for a single deployment.

The Deployment Status window contains much of the same information and links for a single deployment
as the Deployments tab or All Deployments page. For details about its components, see the above table
Deployment Status Page Details.
NOTE: PDQ Inventory can be opened directly by selecting one or more computer names, right-click and select Open
in PDQ Inventor y. The Applications page of the Computer w indow can be used to further verify a successful
deployment. (Requires PDQ Deploy version 10 or later and PDQ Inventory 9 or later.)

Schedule window - Target History tab

To open the Schedule Window, select the schedule and double-click it (or right-click and select Edit
Schedule, or press Ctrl+O). The graphic below shows the Target History tab of the Schedule window for
two deployments.

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Deployment Status

Although not as detailed as the other deployment windows, it does display successful deployment and
the number of failures.
NOTE: PDQ Inventory can be opened directly by selecting one or more computer names, right-click and select Open
in PDQ Inventor y. The Applications page of the Computer w indow can be used to further verify a successful
deployment. (Requires PDQ Deploy version 10 or later and PDQ Inventory 9 or later.)

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Additional Deployment Verification Features

Running an Automatic Inventory Scan After Deployment

Since most deployments involve installing applications, it is a best practice to have PDQ Inventory run
scans after deployments to keep its database up-to-date. In PDQ Deploy you can enable the global Scan
After Deployment setting in Preferences > Deployments to trigger post-deployment PDQ Inventory
scans. Additionally, this can be configured at the package level in the Package Properties window, at the
time of deployment in the Deploy Once window, or scheduled in advance in the Auto Deployment edit
window as well as Schedules. For more detailed information, see Scanning After Deployment and
Scanning in Deployments Preferences.

NOTE: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode and also requires PDQ Inventory in Enterprise
mode. If you are running in Client Mode, PDQ Inventory must be installed on the computer running in Server Mode.
PDQ Inventory scans computers and collects hardware, software, and Windows configuration data.
PDQ Deploy can use this data to create lists of computers that need specific applications or updates
for Target Lists, to determine when offline target computers come online (Heartbeat schedules), and
wake up offline target computers before deployments (Wake-on-LAN). For more information about
PDQ Inventory, see our website at

Receiving a Status Email After Deployments/Schedules

PDQ Deploy can send deployment status email notifications when each deployment or schedule
completes (Enterprise mode required). For this feature to work, the PDQ Deploy mail server must be
configured in Preferences > Mail Server and a Notifications option must be selected in the Deploy Once
window or the Schedule window > Options tab. You can use one of the default notifications or create a
custom Post Deployment Notification or Post Schedule Notification in Preferences > Mail Server.
Additionally, the email subject and body can contain Custom or System Variables.
NOTE: Notifications are not available in the Deploy Once window or the Schedule window until a least one
email recipient has been designated for the specified Post Deployment Notification or Post Schedule
Notification. To designate an email recipient, from the Deploy Once window or the Schedule window >
Options tab click Edit Notifications.

Verify deployments using PDQ Inventory

Deployments can be further verified using the Application page of PDQ Inventory. The Computer Window
in PDQ Inventory can be opened directly from PDQ Deploy by selecting one or more computer names,
right-click and select Open in PDQ Inventory. This option is available from the Deployment Status window,
All Deployments page, Deployments tab of the Package page, and the Target History tab of the Schedule
window. For more information, see PDQ Inventory.
NOTE: This feature is available only in Deploy version 10 or later and also requires PDQ Inventory version
9 or later.

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Chapter 13

Printing and Reports

PDQ Deploy includes the ability to print the active panel and grid of the console or print built-in reports that
can be customized using report profiles. (Enterprise mode required.) This chapter is about generating,
customizing, and outputting PDQ Deploy reports.
This chapter contains the following topics:
· The Print Preview Window
· Print Preview Toolbar
· Creating and Printing Reports
· Customizing Report Profiles
· Creating a Deployment Report Profile
· Creating a Schedule Report Profile
· Editing a Report Profile
· Built-in Reports and Profiles

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The Print Preview Window

The Print Preview window allows you to setup and preview PDQ Deploy reports. Reports can be details of
deployments, schedules, packages, or target lists. The Print Preview window also allows you to see a
print preview of the currently active panel and grid. The components of the Print Preview window are the
Toolbar, the Profile list, and the Preview page.

In the Print Preview window you can select the profile option, view and control the output of the document,
then choose to print or export the report. If you click ReportsReport
> Profile
> to open the Print Preview
window, you can also click Edit, Add, or Delete to customize report profiles. Customizing profiles requires
Enterprise mode. For more information, see Customizing Report Profiles and Built-in Reports and

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The Print Preview Window

Print Preview Toolbar

The Print Preview toolbar contains controls for previewing reports, configuring report output, and printing
or exporting report documents.

The following table provides quick reference details for each command.

Group Command Description

Profile Allow s you to sw itch betw een profiles. See Customizing Report Profiles for more

File Open Opens File Explorer to open a report.

Save Opens File Explorer to save the report.

Print Print Opens the Print w indow .

Select or find a printer, set print parameters (pages to print and number of
copies), set preferences, and print.

Quick Print Prints the entire report using current print settings.

Page Setup Opens the Page Setup w indow .

Choose paper size, orientation, and set margins.

Scale Opens the Scale dialog.

Sets the size of the printed document or fits to a set number of page w idth.

Navigation First Page Go to the first page.

Previous Go to the previous page.


Next Page Go to the next page.

Last Page Go to the last page.

Zoom Zoom Out Scales the document preview smaller (based on Zoom menu increments).

Zoom Selects the document preview size.

Zoom In Scales the document preview larger (based on Zoom menu increments).

View Page Layout Select how many pages to show side-by-side

Choose betw een Single Page, Tw o Pages, or Wrap Pages.

Enable Enables continuous betw een pages in a single page or tw o pages view .

Show Cover Unavailable. Reports do not contain a cover page.


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Export Export Exports the document in the file format chosen from the drop-dow n list. Additional
options are available for each export format. For more information, see Export

Send Exports the document in one of the available formats and opens a new w indow to
create an email.

Document Parameters Unavailable. Report parameters are defined by the Profile. See Customizing Report
Profiles for more information.

Document Unavailable.

Thumbnails Opens the thumbnails navigation pane.

Editing Fields Unavailable.

Search Show s the Search dialog to search w ithin the document.

Watermark Opens the Watermark w indow .

Add a text or picture w atermark in the background or foreground, and specify
w hich pages include the w atermark.

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Creating and Printing Reports

Creating and Printing Reports

The following procedure shows how to generate and print reports in PDQ Deploy. You can print the active
panel and grid in the console or several different prebuilt reports with different report profiles that vary
based on report type. There are two report types with customizable report profiles: Deployment Details
and Schedule Details. Enterprise mode is required in order to edit and create customized report profiles.
For details about the built-in reports and report profiles, see Built-in Reports and Profiles. For information
about customizing report profiles, see Customizing Report Profiles.
To create a PDQ Deploy report:
1. In the Main Console window, navigate to and select the package, deployment, schedule, or item in the
tree that you want to report on, then do one of the following:

· Click Print Preview on the toolbar (or click File > Print Preview or press Ctrl+P).

· Click Reports Report

on the toolbar (or click the Reports menu), then select Profile
> .

The available report and profile options depend on where you are and what is selected in the
interface. For detailed information about built-in reports and report profiles, see Built-in Reports
and Profiles.
2. (Optional) In the Print Preview window, change the selected profile.

You can change the profile you want to use in Print Preview window. The available Profile options
depend on the report selected or where you are and what you select in PDQ Deploy console. For
detailed information about built-in reports and report profiles, see Built-in Reports and Profiles.
3. (Optional) To edit an existing Report Profile, create a new profile, or delete a profile, click Edit, Add, or
Delete. Profiles can only be modified when you click on Reports to open the Print Preview window.
(Enterprise mode required.)
For information about editing and creating report profiles, see Customizing Report Profiles.
4. (Optional) To better view the contents and layout of a report, you can change the scale of the report
preview with the Preview Scale commands and resize the Print Preview window.
5. (Conditional) To view other pages of a multi-page report, use the page navigation controls.
6. (Optional) To modify the appearance and layout of the report, click one or more of the following:

Group Command Description

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Print Page Setup Opens the Page Setup w indow .

Choose paper size, orientation, color or grayscale, and set margins.

Scale Opens the Scale dialog.

Sets the size of the printed document.

Document Watermark Opens the Watermark w indow .

Add a text or picture w atermark in the background or foreground, and specify
w hich pages include the w atermark.

You can also edit the report header and footer globally in Preferences > Printing.
7. When you are satisfied with the report contents and format, you can use one of the following output

Group Command Description

Print Print Opens the Print w indow .

Select or find a printer, set print parameters (pages to print and number of
copies), set preferences, and print.

Quick Print Prints the entire report using current print settings.

Export Export Exports the document in the file format chosen from the drop-dow n list.
Additional options are available for each export format.
For a list of available formats, see the Export Formats table below .

Export Formats
Select from the following export formats:

Option Format Description

PDF Portable Document ( .pdf) Adobe Acrobat file format for view ing in Adobe

HTML Web Page ( .html) HTML format for view ing documents in w eb brow sers.

MHT Web Archive ( .mht) Web page saved as a single file including additional
resources such as images.

RTF Rich Text ( .rtf) Cross-platform document interchange format that most
w ord processors can read and w rite. Retains
formatting information and images.

XLS Excel 97–2003 Workbook ( .xls) Spreadsheet file format for Excel 97–2003.

XLSX Excel Workbook ( .xlsx) Default XML-based spreadsheet file format for Excel

CSV Comma Separated Values ( .csv) Comma-delimited text file for use in database and
spreadsheet programs.

Text Plain Text ( .txt) Simple text only format.

Image Image Bitmap file formats (PNG, BMP, EMF, WMF, GIF, JPEG,

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Customizing Report Profiles

Customizing Report Profiles

PDQ Deploy reports and report profiles can be previewed in the Print Preview window (depending on what
is selected in the interface). There are only two reports types with customizable profiles: Deployment
Details and Schedule Details. Report profiles control the information that is included in the report. Report
profiles can be modified, created, and deleted from the Print Preview window.
This topic describes how to manage report profiles and includes the following sections:
· Creating a Deployment Report Profile
· Creating a Schedule Report Profile
· Editing a Report Profile

Creating a Deployment Report Profile

To create a new Deployment report profile you must select a deployment somewhere in PDQ Deploy (for
example, on the Deployments page or on the Deployments tab on a Package page), then click Reports >
Deployments DetailsAny
> profile name .
To create a new Deployment Report Profile:
1. In the Print Preview window click Add.
The Deployment Report Profile window opens.

2. Provide a name for the profile.

3. Under Report Summary, select the checkboxes of the data you want to include in the report.
4. Under Report Details, choose a Filter:
· Show Failed Targets shows all selected deployments but only failed targets.
· Show Successful Targets shows all selected deployments but only successful targets.
· Show No Targets shows all selected deployments but no targets.
· Show All Targets shows all selected deployments with all targets.
5. Choose the column on which to sort the results.

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6. (Conditional) Select Ascending if you want to sort the selected column in ascending order.
7. Choose the columns you want to include in the report.
8. Click OK when you are done.
The new Deployment Report Profile is saved under Report Type: Deployment.
9. (Optional) To edit a report profile, select the profile in the Print Preview window, then click Edit.
10. (Optional) To delete a report profile, select the profile in the Print Preview window, click Delete, then
click OK to accept the deletion.

Creating a Schedule Report Profile

To create a new Schedule report profile you must select a schedule somewhere in PDQ Deploy (for
example, on the All Schedules page or on the Schedules tab on a Package page), then click Reports >
Schedule DetailsAny
> Profile name .
To create a new Schedule Report Profile:
1. In the Print Preview window click Add.
The Schedule Report Profile window opens.

2. Provide a name for the profile.

3. Choose what you want to include in the report:

Option Description

Include Targets Includes all target computers associated w ith the schedule.

Expand Linked Targets Includes all target computers that are part of a linked target (AD
Containers, PDQ Inventory Collections, Spicew orks Groups, and/or
Target Lists).

Include Packages Includes packages associated w ith the schedule and their location.

Show Trigger Details Includes schedule summary, description, and w hether or not the trigger
is enabled.

4. Click OK when you are done.

The new Schedule Report Profile is saved under Report Type: Schedule.
5. (Optional) To edit a report profile, select the profile in the Print Preview window, then click Edit.

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Customizing Report Profiles

6. (Optional) To delete a report profile, select the profile in the Print Preview window, click Delete, then
click OK to accept the deletion.

Editing a Report Profile

To edit a report profile, you must select an element in PDQ Deploy that matches the report and profile type
you wish to edit, then click ReportsReport
> Profile
> .
To edit a Report Profile:
1. In the Print Preview window, select a profile, then click Edit.
2. (Conditional) Edit the profile details, depending on the type of report:
· For Deployment Details reports, see Creating a Deployment Report Profile above.
· For Schedule Details reports, see Creating a Schedule Report Profile above.
3. Click OK when you are done.

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Built-in Reports and Profiles

The following table lists and explains the reports and built-in report profiles available in PDQ Deploy. The
data included in reports depends on what is selected in the interface, the report selected, and report
profile option chosen in the Print Preview window. Enterprise users can edit and create custom report
profiles (see Customizing Report Profiles).

Active Area of the Console Report Name Available Report Profiles

Deployments tab: Individual Deploym ent Full Details : Includes all details.
These reports display the deployment(s) Sum m ar y: High-level details.
Auto Deployment for this package and includes status
Custom Pr ofi l e : Custom profiles
details of the deployment(s) and target
All Deployments also appear in this list.
(single or multiple deployments

Any page w ith an imported Pack age Include Step Details : Includes all
package included steps w ith details.
This report displays the name of the
(Deployments, Schedules, Retry package and all details from Package No Step Details : No steps are
Queue, or Package folder) Properties. included

NOTE: No deployment information is


Package Library in the tree Pack age Libr ar y Include Step Details : Step details
are not available unless the
Auto Deployments This report displays package details of
package is imported.
package(s) that have not been imported
(single or multiple packages
into PDQ Deploy. No Step Details : No steps are

Schedules tab: Individual Schedule Full Details : All available options

package included.
These reports display the schedule(s)
Auto Deployment for this package, and includes status Sum m ar y: High-level details.
details of the deployment(s)
All Schedules Custom Pr ofi l e : Custom profiles
also appear in this list.
(single or multiple schedules

Target List in the tree Tar get Lis t N/A

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Chapter 14

Customizing the PDQ Deploy Interface

This chapter presents information about customizing the PDQ Deploy interface. This chapter contains the
following topics:
· Data Grids
· Customizing Rows and Columns
· Custom Folders
· Item Appearance Window
· Details Sidebars

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Data Grids
Data grids are used throughout PDQ Deploy. They have a number of customizable features that will help
you use and organize data and elements in the software.

Data grids are organized into rows and columns. Each column has a number of properties that can be
customized. Right-clicking a column header gives you access to many of the features of each grid as well
as the Edit Columns window.
With Central Server, the customizations made to the data grids are independently tied to each user.

Customizing Rows and Columns

Attribute Command(s) Details

Column Best Fit To change the w idth of columns, do one of the follow ing:
· Click and drag the right side (edge) of the column header left or right to
Best Fit (all columns)
make it narrow er or w ider.
· Double-click on the right side (edge) of the column header to make the
column fit its w idest content.

· Right-click the column header and select Bes t Fit or Bes t Fit (all
colum ns ) to size the column to its w idest content.

Position Customize this grid To move columns, do one of the follow ing:
· Click and hold a column header, then drag it to a new location. Blue
pulsating arrow s indicate w here the column w ill be placed.
Edit Columns

· Click the Cus tom ize this gr id button (upper left corner) or right-click
a column header and select Edit Colum ns (or click View > Edit
Colum ns or press Ctr l+Alt+Shift+Z). In the Edit Columns w indow , do
one of the follow ing:

o Select a column in the Visible Column pane, then click the Move Up
and Move Dow n buttons.
o Select one or more columns, click and hold, and drag them into the
desired position.

Hide/Sho Customize this grid To show or hide columns:

· Click and hold the column header, then drag it out of the grid .
Edit Columns · Click the Cus tom ize this gr id button (upper left corner) or right-click
the column header and select Edit Colum ns . In the Edit Columns
w indow , do one of the follow ing:

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Data Grids

o Move the columns left or right to hide or show them.

o Select one or more columns from Hidden Columns and drag them to
the desired location in the Visible Columns list.

Sort Sort Ascending To sort one column, do one of the follow ing:

· Right-click the the column header and select Sor t As cending or Sor t
Sort Descending
Des cending .
Clear Sorting
· Click the column header to toggle betw een ascending and descending
To sort multiple columns:
· Shift+click tw o or more columns. The columns sort in the order clicked. To
clear a multi-column sort, right-click a column head, then select Clear
Sor ting or click any single column head w ithout using Shift+click to return
to sorting by one column.

Filter Clear Filter To filter a data grid:

· On the column header of the column you w ant to filter, click the filter
symbol to the right of a column title (appears w hen mouse hovers over
the header), then select a filter value. Only row s w ith the selected value
w ill display.

To clear filtering, do one of the follow ing:

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· Click the filter symbol and select (All).

· Right-click the column header and select Clear Filter .

· At the bottom of the grid, click Clear Filter or clear the Dis able Filter

Group Show /Hide Group Grouping a data grid allow s you to organize row s into a hierarchy potentially
Panel making it easier to navigate. With a column grouped, you can selectively view
row s based on those groups.
Group/Ungroup by
To group columns, do one of the follow ing:
this Column
· Right-click a column header and select Gr oup by this Colum n ,
Full Expand then right-click and do the same for subsequent columns.
Full Collapse · Right-click a column header and select Show Gr oup Panel , then
drag columns into the panel
Clear Grouping

Once grouped, you can choose how to view the details w ith one of the
follow ing:

· To see all data, right-click in the group panel and select Full Expand .
· To see just the groups, right-click in the group panel and select Full
Collaps e .
To remove grouping, do one of the follow ing:

· For just one column, right-click a column in the group panel and select
Ungr oup .
· For just one column, drag the column from the group panel back to the
column header.
· For all columns, right-click in the group panel and select Clear Gr ouping

Print Edit Columns Most grids in PDQ Deploy can be printed. Some are printed by themselves and
others are printed as part of other reports. You can specify the columns that
do and do not print.

Click the Cus tom ize this gr id button (upper left corner) or right-click the
column header and select Edit Colum ns . In the Edit Columns w indow ,
select the print check box on the columns you w ant to print.

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Data Grids

Reset Reset Click the Cus tom ize this gr id button (upper left corner) or right-click a
column header and select Edit Colum ns . In the Edit Columns w indow ,
click the Res et button, then click Clos e. Any custom settings made to the
specific grid you are in are reset to the default settings.

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Custom Folders
You can use custom folders to organize all items in the Main Console Tree. Folders, Packages, and
Target Lists can be nested and organized as needed as shown by the following graphic and table.

Graphic Task Description

Creating To create a folder:

1. Select a package or target list in the tree.
To create a new folder at the top level of the tree, click
the empty part of the tree. To create a new folder
w ithin an existing folder, select the folder or an item in
the folder.
2. Click the New Folder button (or right-click and
select New Folder , click File > New Folder , or press
Ctr l+Shift+F).
3. Name the folder, then click OK.
NOTE: To create a new private folder while using
Central Server, select the Private Packages folder
prior to creation.

Renaming To rename a folder:

1. Select a folder in the tree.
2. Click Edit > Renam e (or press F2 or right-click and
select Renam e).
3. Change the name, then click OK.

Moving When you move a folder, all the items w ithin it move as
Folders w ell.
· To move folders (or Packages and Target Lists), drag
and drop them w ithin the tree.
· To move folders (or Packages and Target Lists) to the
top level (outside of all folders), drag them to an empty
part of the tree.
NOTE: While using Central Server, moving a folder into
the Private Packages folder will prevent others
from viewing or using the original folder. You will
receive a popup that will allow you to move the
folder or copy it instead if desired.

Deleting To delete a folder, select it, then click Edit > Delete or
Folders press Delete.

NOTE: When you delete a custom folder, all of the items

w ithin the folder are also deleted. If a folder contains
default or system generated folders, such as All
Deployments, you cannot delete the custom folder
unless you move these items back to the top level of
the tree.

Duplicating To duplicate a folder and all of its contents:

1. Select a folder in the tree.
2. Right-click and select Duplicate or press Alt+Ins er t.

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Item Appearance Window

Item Appearance Window

Use Item Appearance to customize the look of an item in the Main Console Tree.
Select the item or folder you want to customize in the tree, then click View > Item Appearance (or right-
click and select Item Appearance, or press Ctrl+Shift+F2).

The options available in the Item Appearance window are shown in the following table:

Option Description

Icon Use the drop dow n menu to select a custom icon. The top left icon in the list is
the default icon for the item.

Display as Section Header This adds highlighting to the item name in the tree to visually distinguish it from
the other items.

Reset to Default This removes all customization from the selected item.

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Details Sidebars
The sidebars of detailed information on the right side of various pages (for example, Deployment Details
and Target Details on the All Deployments page) can be viewed in a number of ways. The following
graphic shows the three states of the sidebar.

The sidebar can be pinned open or pinned closed . Click the pin icon to toggle between the two
views. Click a sidebar title to show or hide the details.

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Chapter 15

Defining System Preferences

The Preferences window provides a centralized location for PDQ Deploy program settings. To access the
Preferences window, click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
This chapter provides an overview of the options in the Preferences window:
· Alerts
· Database
· Deployments
· Interface
· Logging
· Mail Server
· Package Library
· Performance
· Printing
· Proxy Server
· Repository
· Spiceworks
· Target Filters
· Target Service

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

When you open the PDQ Deploy console, the Auto Update Check feature connects with the PDQ website
to determine if a new product version is available.

If a new version is available, PDQ Deploy provides an update alert in the console status bar
. Click the link to see what’s new in the update, preview the update notes, or
download and install the current version. You can also choose to disable the alert for this version.
NOTE: To manually check for updates, click Help > Check for Update.

To access the Auto Update Check settings page, click Options > Preferences (or press Ctrl+Comma)
and select Alerts in the Preferences window.

Options Description

Auto Update Check Enables the PDQ Deploy Auto Update Alerts feature. This is enabled by default. With
Enabled this checked you w ill receive notifications in the console for the version type you have

Release Channel Selecting this option w ill only alert you to new release versions. This is enabled by

Beta Channel Selecting this option w ill only alert you to beta releases. If a beta version is available,
you can choose to dow nload and install the beta. We generally do not recommend this
setting for production environments.

NOTE: While running a beta version, you w ill be alerted to additional betas for that
version even if this is not selected.

sign up for email updates If you prefer to receive email notifications rather than automatic updates, you can
follow this link to sign up for email updates on the PDQ w ebsite.

Show Webcast Alerts Enables the Live Webcast alerts feature. This is enabled by default.

Watch past Provides a link to the PDQ w ebsite w here you can view the previous year's w ebcasts.

See also
Defining System Preferences

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The Database settings allow you to manage the PDQ Deploy database.
To access the Database settings page, click Options > Preferences (or press Ctrl+Comma) and select
Database in the Preferences window.

Options Description

Database Show s the path to the PDQ Deploy SQLite Database ( Database.db). The default
location is %PROGRAMDATA%\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\. Click the Open
Dir ector y Location button to view the location of the database.

NOTE: If there is an issue w ith the database, the Check Databas e button w ill appear.
This w ill run Pragma integrity_check in SQLite to ensure the database is
not corrupt. Additionally, from an elevated command prompt ( cmd.exe run as
Administrator), y ou can run this check with the PDQDeploy
CheckDatabase command. To fully restore a database, you can also run
the PDQDeploy RestoreDatabase command.

Size Show s the size of the database.

SQLite Console Opens an SQLite console in w hich you can perform database management operations
on the PDQ Deploy database using SQLite commands. Additionally, from an elevated
command prompt ( cmd.exe run as Administrator), y ou can open the console with
the PDQDeploy Database command.
IMPORTANT: Use this option w ith care. The PDQ Deploy database is essential to PDQ
Deploy operations. It stores all packages, schedules, credentials, and deployment
lists. In general, it is recommended that you use this option only under the direction
of PDQ support staff or an official PDQ Know ledge Base article.

For more information on the SQL language, visit SQLite documentation at

http://w w w

Optimize Database Rebuilds the database by reorganizing the data and indexes.
Over time, databases become fragmented. It is recommended that you periodically run
an optimization to keep the PDQ Deploy database running at top performance. It is best
practice to run this operation once per month. PDQ database optimization is
automatically performed w hen the application is upgraded.

IMPORTANT: Optimizing the databases stops the PDQDeploy service and closes the
PDQ Deploy console. Do not optimize w hen there are current deployments. It is
recommended that you run the optimization w hen no other programs are accessing
the database. Otherw ise, the other programs may time out w aiting for the
optimization process to complete.

NOTE: From an elevated command prompt (cmd.exe run as Administrator), y ou can

rebuild the database with the PDQDeploy OptimizeDatabase
command. To fully restore a database, you can also run the PDQDeploy
RestoreDatabase command.

Automatic Backup

Enable automatic Enables the PDQ Deploy automatic backups feature. (Enterprise mode required) This is
backups enabled by default.

NOTE: For assistance w ith restoring from a backup, see Restore Database Backup

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Schedule Displays the current schedule for the automatic backup. Clicking the Edit Schedule
button w ill open the Select Trigger w indow to edit the schedule. Additionally, you can
click the Delete Schedule button to clear the schedule selection. The default
schedule is every w eek on Saturday at 10:00 PM.

Once Schedule once in the future.

· Tr igger On: Select one-time backup date.
· At: Time the backup w ill occur.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger.

Interval Backs up (and repeats) at a set time interval.

· Ever y: Select backup interval by day, hour, and minute.
· Only r un dur ing the follow ing tim e fr am e (Optional) Enables a set time frame.
· Betw een: The start of the time frame.
· And: The end of the time frame.
· Star ting: Date the trigger starts.
· At: Time of the first backup. If the optional time frame is selected, the first backup
w ill occur at the start of the next time frame.
· Ending: (Optional) Date the backup ends. Select to enable the end date.
· At: (Optional) Time the backup ends.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger.
NOTE: Setting the 'Betw een' time later than the 'And' time w ill result in the trigger
running overnight.

Daily Backs up every day at the same time.

· Ever y Day At:
· Time of the backup.
· Star ting: Date the backup starts.
· Ending: (Optional) Date the backup ends. Select to enable the end date.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger

Weekly Backs up every w eek at the same time on selected days of the w eek.
· Ever y Week On:
· Day or Days that the backups occur.
· At: Time of the backup.
· Star ting: Date the backup starts.
· Ending: (Optional) Date the backup ends. Select to enable the end date.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger.

Monthly Backs up every month at the same time on selected days.

· Ever y Month
· Day of the Month: The day (or multiple days) of the month (for example, 1st,
12th, 23rd, etc.)
· Day of the Week : The nth (for example, 1st, 2nd, Last, etc.) day of the month
(for example, All, Weekend Days, Sunday, Monday, etc.)
TIP: Days of Month: If you select the 29th, 30th, or 31st of the month, the
backup w on't occur in months w ithout those days. Use Las t to alw ays
deploy on the last day of the month. Can be mixed w ith Weeks of the Month.

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TIP: Weeks of Month: Different combinations of w eeks and days require

separate schedules (for example, the 1st Monday and the 2nd Friday.)
Selecting the 5th w eek w on't deploy in a month w ithout a fifth w eek. Use
Las t to alw ays deploy on the last w eek of the month. Can be mixed w ith
Days of the Month.

· At: Time of the backup.

· Star ting: Date the backup starts.
· Ending: (Optional) Date the backup ends. Select to enable the end date.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger.. Select to enable the end date.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the schedule.

Backup Location Displays the path w here backup files are stored. The default location is C:
\ProgramData\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Backups. Click the Open
Dir ector y Location button to view the location of the backup.

NOTE: The backup file is named after the version of the database w ith the date and
time the backup w as performed. For example a backup of version 9 performed on
March 23, 2016 at 2:32 PM w ill be titled PDQDeploy-

Backups to Keep Specifies the number of most recent backup files to keep. Setting this to 0 w ill save all
backups. The default setting is 10.

NOTE: For assistance w ith restoring from a backup, see Restore Database Backup

Compress Automatically compresses each backup to save space. This is enabled by default.

Backup Now Backs up immediately instead of w aiting for the next scheduled backup.

Last Backup Show s the date and time, w ith a continuous counter, since the last backup.

Next Backup Show s the date and time, including a countdow n, until the next backup.

Send Database to PDQ Allow s for the ability to send your database to PDQ for troubleshooting over a secure
SSL connection.

IMPORTANT: This should only be used as directed by PDQ Support after they have
supplied you w ith a Support Code.

NOTE: From an elevated command prompt (cmd.exe run as Administrator), y ou can

send your database with the PDQDeploy SendDatabase command.

See also
Defining System Preferences

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

The following global settings define how PDQ Deploy manages deployments. Many of these settings may
be overridden in the individual Package and Schedule properties.

To access the Deployments settings page, click Options > Preferences (or press Ctrl+Comma) and
select Deployments in the Preferences window.

Options Description

Run Packages As Sets the global default for how deployments are executed on target computers.

This global setting can be overw ritten at the Step, Package, and Schedule

For a sample demonstration of the Run As options, see the follow ing video.

VIDEO: Deployment Run As Options


Deploy User Executes deployments on target computers in a non-interactive session as the

Deploy User.
vast majority
This setting is appropriate for the of deployments. Consequently,
this is the recommended setting for Preferences.

Deploy User Executes deployments that include both silent and interactive steps. This setting
(Interactive) is the same as Deploy User w ith one important exception—the Window s
process running the deployment is run in an interactive session.
This setting is most appropriately used for individual deployments that require
user input, but the overall process still requires Administrator rights that logged
on users may not have. Because these types of deployments are more
specialized and because running the deployment in interactive mode requires
more processing resources, it is recommended that you apply this setting only
as needed at the Package or Step level.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode.

Local System Executes deployments using the Local System account on the target computer.
PDQ Deploy connects to the target computer using the Deploy User credentials,
copies the specified files, creates the PDQDeployRunner service, then instructs
the service to log on as Local System.
This setting is used only for installations that require Local System. These types
of deployments are very rare. Consequently, it is recommended that you apply
this setting only as needed at the Package or Step level.

IMPORTANT: Deployments, Packages, or Steps that run as Local System are

not able to access netw ork resources.

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Logged on User Attempts to run packages in interactive mode as the Logged On User of the
target machine.

This setting is used to deploy applications that are installed per user or w hen
the Logged on User needs to provide information for the deployment to succeed
such as a license key. It can also be used to modify the
HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry hive for the Logged on User or to access
user-specific settings such as %APPDATA% or the Logged on User’s user
directory. These types of deployments are highly specialized. Consequently, it is
recommended that you apply this setting only as needed at the Package or Step

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode.

Timeout Specifies how many minutes deployments should run before being timed out by
the server.
This timeout applies only to the duration of a deployment to a target computer.
The timeout does not include the initial process of copying installation files to the
target. The default value is 60 minutes.
This setting may be overridden in the individual Package Properties.
When configuring your local system, it is best practice to set the shortest
timeout interval as the global default in Preferences and increase the timeout
interval only in individual packages. For example, if you typically deploy small
packages such as brow ser, Java, or Adobe reader updates, you may choose
to set the global timeout interval to 20 minutes. You could then increase the
timeout interval for individual packages that take longer to install, such as a
Window s Service Pack or a package containing many nested packages.

Cleanup Specifies how many days deployment histories are archived in the PDQ Deploy
database before they are deleted.
The cleanup process ensures that old deployment history is cleared out. You
can set this value higher or low er depending on how many deployments you
run and how long you w ish to see the results of finished deployments. The
default age is 30 days, i.e. one month after the deployment finishes.
Setting the cleanup to 0 days disables automatic cleanup; PDQ Deploy never
deletes deployment histories.

WARNING! Keeping this value high or setting it to 0 days may cause the PDQ
Deploy database to get very large, w hich could slow PDQ Deploy

Scanning Determines w hether or not after a deployment an inventory scan from PDQ
Inventory is initiated to identify w hat is installed on the deployment’s target
computers. This feature can be very helpful in maintaining up-to-date inventory
for target machines.

Scan After Deployment You may choose w hich scan profile to use. The default scan profile is defined
in PDQ Inventory in Pr efer ences > Scan Pr ofiles . You can choose to scan
w ith any scan profile that has been configured in PDQ Inventory. It is common to
use either the Applications or Standard scan profiles.
This setting may be overridden in the individual Package Properties. For
example, if you have a package that doesn't install an application, then you may
w ant to disable inventory scanning in the respective package’s Package
Properties. Additionally, this can be overridden w hen deploying as w ell as
w ithin schedules.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode and also

requires PDQ Inventory in Enterprise mode. Additionally, the target computer
must already be in PDQ Inventory w ith a name or hostname that matches the
name used in PDQ Deploy.

NOTE: In order for PDQ Inventory to properly use Scan Caching w hen scanning
after a deployment, both Read fr om Cache and Us e Cache Exclus ively
must be checked in PDQ Inventory Pr efer ences > Scanning.

Offline Status The Offline Status is used to determine w hether or not target computers w ill
receive a ping or Wake-on-LAN prior to deployment.

VIDEO: Wake-on-LAN in PDQ Inventory and PDQ Deploy


Ping before deployment Performs a ping (ICMP echo) before attempting the deployment. If the target
does not respond to the ping w ithin 2 seconds, then the deployment is not
attempted on that target.
Enabling this option can increase the overall speed of the deployment because
PDQ Deploy w ill only deploy to online computers.

NOTE: Typically, the ping should take only a few milliseconds. How ever, if your
DNS isn’t solid or your netw ork is experiencing latency issues, then the ping
response may take more than 2 seconds.

When thisnot
is selected, PDQ Deploy attempts the deployment regardless of
the online or offline status of the target computer. If the target is offline or
otherw ise unavailable, Window s w ill timeout after ~60 seconds. Leaving this
unchecked can decrease the overall speed of the deployment due to these
attempts and extra w ait time.

Send Wake-on-LAN and Attempts the deployment then sends a Wake-on-LAN to offline target
attempt deployment computers. The deployment is attempted again if it comes online. After 5 minutes
if the computer is still offline, the deployment w ill be attempted again.
The advantage of this feature is that offline computers can immediately be made
available for deployment. How ever, it can increase deployment time.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode of both PDQ

Deploy and PDQ Inventory. Furthermore, PDQ Inventory must have the
MAC address of the target computers’ NICs.

Retry Queue The Retry Queue is a deployment queue for target computers that are
unreachable or offline during a deployment. The deployments are held in the
Retry Queue and deployment is retried as per the follow ing configured

IMPORTANT: The Retry Queue is available only in Enterprise mode.

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Put Offline Targets in Enables the Retry Queue. By default, target computers that are unreachable or
Retry Queue offline during a deployment are held in the Retry Queue and deployment is

This global setting can be overridden in the individual Package, Deployment

or Schedule properties .
The advantage of this feature is that offline computers are automatically queued
for re-deployment. This simplifies the process of ensuring that critical updates
are deployed to all target computers. How ever, it is recommended that you
enable this option per package or deployment rather than applying it globally in

TIP: Some packages w ith specific, non-critical functions should not use the
Retry Queue. For example, it is not advisable to use this option w ith a
package that only reboots target computers because offline computers
w ere probably turned off to begin w ith and, depending on the target
computers’ availability, PDQ Deploy may reboot users’ computers at
inopportune times.

Allow ed Retries Sets the number of retry attempts for an offline computer. This applies per
target per deployment.
The default setting is 72. To set unlimited retries, set this value to 0.

This global setting can be overridden in the individual Package and Schedule
properties .

Retry Interval Specifies the amount of time betw een deployment retry attempts.
The default setting is 1 hour. The minimum interval setting is 15 minutes.
The Retry Interval is a global setting.

See also
Defining System Preferences

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

The Interface settings control how PDQ Deploy starts.
To access the Interface settings page, click Options > Preferences (or press Ctrl+Comma) and select
Interface in the Preferences window.

Options Description

Theme Changes the color themes for the program. Choose betw een Default, Office 2013,
Office 2016, and Metropolis Dark.

Disable Splash Screen Disables the PDQ Deploy splash screen.

Disabling the splash screen improves performance w hen connecting to the PDQ
Deploy console over a remote connection such as RDP.

See also
Defining System Preferences

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The Logging settings designate which events PDQ Deploy logs to the Windows Application Event log

To access the Logging settings page, click Options > Preferences (or press Ctrl+Comma) and select
Logging in the Preferences window.

Options Description

Send anonymous exception data to Allow s you to opt-in or opt-out of sending anonymous exception/diagnostic data to to improve the products, identify
trends, and ideally fix bugs before they ever reach you.

The only time w ill receive exception/diagnostic data that is

not anonymous is w hen the Submit a Support Ticket w indow is used
to create a support ticket w ith us. Prior to submitting a ticket, the
diagnostic details being sent are available in that w indow for review .

IMPORTANT: Any information that could be used for identification

w ill be anonymous including, but not limited to, IP addresses, MAC
addresses, domains, computer names, hostnames, and user
names. Passw ords are not included in any data sent to
For more information on how encrypts
passwords, see Credentials.

Application Event Log

Error Logs events that indicate a significant problem the PDQ Deploy
administrator should act on; usually a loss of functionality or data. This
is enabled by default.

Warning Logs events that indicate a potential problem. This is enabled by


Informational Logs events that indicate a significant, successful operation. This is

enabled by default.

Debug Logs events that are used for troubleshooting.

IMPORTANT: Debug events should be enabled only as directed by

PDQ Support.

See also
Defining System Preferences

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Mail Server
The Mail Server settings manage the SMTP server that PDQ Deploy uses to send email notifications of
completed deployments and completed schedules.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode.

To access the Mail Server settings page, click Options > Preferences (or press Ctrl+Comma) and select
Mail Server in the Preferences window. To access the Notifications, click Reports > Notifications.
The following table describes and explains the Mail Server options:

Options Description

SMTP Server The name or address of the SMTP server PDQ Deploy uses to send
notification messages.
By default, PDQ Deploy connects to the SMTP server on port 25. If the
SMTP server does not use port 25 for SMTP communications, then you
must append the custom SMTP port assignment to the server name (e.g.

Enable SSL Configures PDQ Deploy to send email notifications using TLS/SSL.
If you select this option, PDQ Deploy connects to the SMTP server on
port 465. If the SMTP server does not use port 465 for secure SSMTP
communications, then you must append the custom SMTP over TLS/SSL
port assignment to the SMTP server name (e.g.

IMPORTANT: To support this option, your mail server must be

configured to support TLS/SSL.

SMTP Server User The username of the email account PDQ Deploy uses to authenticate
w ith the SMTP server.

NOTE: This option is required only if your SMTP server requires

passw ord authentication.

SMTP Server Passw ord The passw ord of the email account PDQ Deploy uses to authenticate
w ith the SMTP server.

NOTE: This option is required only if your SMTP server requires

passw ord authentication.

Sender Email Address The email address from w hich PDQ Deploy sends email notifications.

Send Test Email Click Send Tes t Em ail to relay a test message through the SMTP
Use this option to validate the mail server settings.

See also
Defining System Preferences

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Package Library

Package Library
The Auto Download settings control the auto download of packages from the Package Library.
IMPORTANT: Auto Dow nload requires Enterprise mode.

To access the Auto Download settings page, click Options > Preferences (or press Ctrl+Comma) and
select Auto Dow nload in the Preferences window.

Options Description

Enable Auto Determines the default dow nload behavior of new packages from the Package Library.
Dow nload
NOTE: Changing this setting will not affect any packages you have already
downloaded. Additionally, you can still download new packages as Auto
Download using the context menu.

Auto Dow nload The Auto Dow nload feature automatically dow nloads new versions of applications as they
become available in the PDQ Deploy Package Library.
The follow ing settings define the default Approval policy for new Auto Dow nload
These settings may be overridden at the Package level.

NOTE: While using Central Server, if the Server console is not connected to the
Internet, the download will timeout after 10 minutes; however, a Client console
will then download the updated package on behalf of the Server.

Manual New package versions require manual approval.

Immediate New package versions are immediately approved.

Automatic Sets the interval in days and hours after w hich new versions are automatically approved.
This is enabled by default w ith a setting of 7 days.

Save Copies of Once selected, an Auto Dow nload Archive Folder is created. Each time a package
Previous Versions receives an automatic update, the previous version of the package is converted to a
Standard package and stored in this folder. This ensures that you can still deploy these
packages and retain all extra steps and settings for that package.

Copies to Keep Sets the number of previous versions of packages you w ish to retain.

See also
Defining System Preferences

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

The Performance settings fine tune PDQ Deploy performance.
To access the Performance settings page, click Options > Preferences (or press Ctrl+Comma) and
select Performance in the Preferences window.

Options Description

Concurrent Target Defines how package deployments are limited to concurrent targets. The higher the numbers,
Limits the greater the use of server memory, CPU resources, and netw ork bandw idth.

Concurrent The maximum number of targets that can be deployed concurrently for each deployment.
Targets per
The default setting is 8. Additional targets are placed in a queued state until a connection is
This number cannot be higher than the Total Concurrent Targets.

IMPORTANT: This setting is available only in Enterprise mode.

Total Concurrent The maximum number of concurrent targets in total (multiple deployments).
Once this limit is reached, additional targets are placed in a queued state until a connection is
The default setting is 32.

IMPORTANT: This setting is available only in Enterprise mode.

Copy Mode Defines how PDQ Deploy copies deployment files to target computers.
When files (such as installation files) are copied to a target, PDQ Deploy uses either Push or
Pull Copy Mode. By default, PDQ Deploy uses Push Copy Mode.
This global setting can be overridden in the individual Package properties.

IMPORTANT: This setting is available only in Enterprise mode.

VIDEO: Understanding Push and Pull Deployments

Push Copies files to the target computers from the PDQ Deploy computer. This method is best if the
package’s install files are located on the PDQ Deploy computer.
This option is the default copy mode.
Bandw idth throttling (see below ) applies to all simultaneous file copies combined.

Pull Sends lists of files to the target computers w hich then pull the files from a centralized
location. This method w orks best in WAN environments w here the files may be on a file
server closer to the target computers than the computer w here PDQ Deploy is running.

For this method to w ork, all files need to be accessible using a UNC path (e.g. \

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WARNING: Files on fixed or mapped drives are not accessible to the target computers;
therefore, a valid UNC path must be provided.

NOTE Bandw idth throttling (see below ) is not enforced w hen using Pull Copy Mode.

IMPORTANT: This setting is available only in Enterprise mode.

Limit Bandw idth Sets the percentage of available bandw idth to use during the copy phase of the deployment
Usage w hen large files are being copied dow n to the target computers.
PDQ Deploy can throttle bandw idth as it copies softw are to target computers. This can be
particularly helpful over slow links. The throttling w orks based on a percentage of available
bandw idth, w ith the default rate being 50%. This limit is achieved by ensuring that the server
w aits betw een packets long enough to keep its utilization below the given threshold.
Therefore, even if the server is copying to a computer on the same subnet and a computer
over a slow WAN, it w ill keep 50% headroom on each link.
If set to 100%, then no limit is imposed and the file copy operation takes as much bandw idth
as is available.

IMPORTANT: The Bandw idth Limit w ill apply to all simultaneous file copies combined.

NOTE: Throttling doesn't apply w hen using Pull Copy Mode (see above).

IMPORTANT: This setting is available only in Enterprise mode.

Service Manager Microsoft’s service control manager (SCM) is a remote procedure call (RPC) server that
TCP Connection allow s PDQ Deploy to manage services on remote machines. SCM supports procedure calls
over both Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and named pipes (NP).
The follow ing settings manage how the Window s SCM connects to target computers to
perform deployments.

IMPORTANT: These are Window s settings and, as such, are system w ide. They cannot be
set per process or application. Be aw are that changing these values w ill affect other
applications that use remote service manager connections and the Window s service
control. If another application (such as PDQ Inventory) or process (such as GPO)
changes this setting, then PDQ Deploy uses the changed value.

Default Lets Window s manage the RPC connection settings.

By default, Window s first attempts the RPC over TCP. If the TCP connection isn’t successful,
Window s times out the connection for 21 seconds, then retries the connection over named

The default TCP timeout of 21 seconds w ill cause remote connections to be slow if firew all
settings prevent access to the RPC ports. Blocking RPC/TCP is quite common, so if scans are
typically in the “Connecting” state for longer than 20 seconds, then low ering the timeout or
disabling TCP may be in order. Click Dis abled to disable RPC/TCP connections and use only
named pipes; click Tim eout to redefine the timeout interval.
Another point to consider is that, unlike named pipes, TCP uses the credentials of the
connecting process instead of the credentials of an SCM connection. This can cause Access
Denied to Service Manager errors w hen connecting to computers in different domains (or
non-Domain computers). To fix this, click Dis abled to disable RPC/TCP and use only named

Disabled Disables RPC over TCP and uses only named pipe (RCP/NP) connections.

Timeout Redefines the timeout interval for the Default setting.

The Window s default is 21 seconds. Decreasing the interval may improve deployment
performance if scans are typically in the “Connecting” state for longer than 20 seconds.
The default timeout setting is 10 seconds.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Test Multiple If a target computer has multiple addresses in DNS, PDQ Deploy pings each address and
Addresses in uses the first that responds.
Name Resolution
Enabling this setting helps w hen deploying to targets that frequently change IP addresses
(such as roving laptops).

See also
Defining System Preferences

© 2020 All rights reserved.


The Printing options manage how reports and documents are printed.
To access the Printing settings page, click Options > Preferences (or press Ctrl+Comma) and select
Printing in the Preferences window.

Options Description

Header Enter the text you w ant in the report header.

The text you provide is added to the bottom of the header on all reports.

Alignment The Alignment drop-dow n menu defines the header text alignment.

The header can be aligned to the left, right, or center of the printed page.

Footer Enter the text you w ant in the report footer.

The text you provide is added to the top of the footer on all reports.

Alignment The Alignment drop-dow n menu defines the footer text alignment.
The footer can be aligned to the left, right, or center of the printed page.

Margin (mm) Defines the document margins in millimeters.

In Color Defines the color of the report. Reports can be printed in grayscale or

See also
Defining System Preferences

© 2020 All rights reserved.

PDQ Deploy User Guide

Proxy Server
By default, PDQ Deploy uses the proxy settings for the Background Service user. If your organization uses
a user group policy object (GPO) to push out your proxy information and the background service runs
under a service account, then you need to configure the Proxy Server settings so that PDQ Deploy can find
the proxy server to process schedules and deployments.
To access the Proxy Server settings page, click Options > Preferences (or press Ctrl+Comma) and
select Proxy Server in the Preferences window.

Options Description

Use System Proxy Host Setting Configures PDQ Deploy to use the proxy host settings defined in
Window s Contr ol Panel > Netw or k and Inter net > Inter net Options
> Connections > LAN Settings . (Proxy settings are usually set via a
User Level GPO).
If you do not select this option, you can manually define your proxy
server information below .

Host Name Host name or IP address of the proxy server.

Port The port w here PDQ Deploy connects to the proxy server.

Username The username for the account PDQ Deploy uses to connect to the proxy

Passw ord The passw ord for the account PDQ Deploy uses to connect to the proxy

See also
Defining System Preferences

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The repository is simply a directory where you can centrally store files used in your PDQ Deploy packages.
It is referenced as a system variable within the application, allowing it to be used in multiple places and
changed in only one. The variable $(Repository) can be used in any package install file name. This
variable name is not case sensitive. For example, with the repository set to \
\FileServer\Deploy\Packages, a package install file name of $(Repository)
\Adobe\Flash.msi will expand to \\FileServer\Deploy\Packages\Adobe\Flash.msi.
IMPORTANT: While the repository can be any directory, it's necessary to use a UNC path if you're using
pull copy mode so that the target computers are able to read from it. You must also use a UNC path if
you are sharing the repository with multiple administrators using the Central Server feature.

To access the Repository settings page, click Options > Preferences (or press Ctrl+Comma) and select
Repository in the Preferences window.

Options Description

Repository Defines the location of the repository directory. The default directory is %Public%
\Documents\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Repository. You can change
the location of the repository by typing in a local path, a UNC path, or by clicking the file picker
button to select a new location. Click the Open Dir ector y Location button to view the
location of the file. Both Custom and System Variables can be inserted by clicking on the
Variables button.
The structure of the repository directory isn't enforced in any w ay, you can organize it
how ever you w ish. When you make a change to the directory, the new directory is tested to
ensure that the Background Service can see the directory. Any errors display below .

NOTE: All packages imported from the Package Library are placed in the $(Repository).

IMPORTANT: If you change the Repository location, you must move all existing folders and
files to the new location.

For a demonstration of changing the Repository location, see the follow ing video.

VIDEO: Moving Your PDQ Deploy Package Repository


Repository (Enterprise mode required.)


Show Unused Enables a link show ing the number of unused files in the Status bar of the Main Console. This
Files Warning in is enabled by default.
Status bar
NOTE: The link w ill not be displayed in the Status bar until the number of unused files is 20 or

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

See Unused Files Opens the Repository Cleanup w indow that allow s you to delete those files that are no longer
and Exclusions of use. The Exclusions w indow can be opened from the Repository Cleanup w indow . Click
the Open Dir ector y Location button to view the location of the file.

Exclusions List of all files and directories that have been excluded from cleanup. This list only appears
once exclusions have been add in the Repository Cleanup w indow .

See also
Defining System Preferences

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Spicew orks

PDQ Deploy integrates with Spiceworks so you can select computers for deployment from your
Spiceworks groups. You can also link a target list in PDQ Deploy to a Spiceworks group so that when
computers are added to or removed from the group in Spiceworks, the changes are reflected in the linked
target list.
NOTE: PDQ Deploy is generally current with Spiceworks releases. Old versions of Spiceworks may not
work with PDQ Deploy.

Before you can select or link target computers from your Spiceworks groups, you must first provide your
Spiceworks login credentials in PDQ Deploy Preferences. These credentials allow PDQ Deploy to
connect to your Spiceworks account.

To access the Spiceworks settings page, click Options > Preferences (or press Ctrl+Comma) and select
Spicew orks in the Preferences window.
The following links provide step-by-step instructions on how to leverage Spiceworks within PDQ Deploy:
· Creating Scheduled Deployments, Part 3: Schedule Targets
· Deploying Packages with Deploy Once, Step 5
· Creating a Target List, Part 2: Link to Target Sources
· Creating a Target List, Part 3: Choosing Individual Targets

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Preferences Spiceworks Settings

Options Description

Host Name The name of the computer w here Spicew orks is installed.
“Localhost” can be used if Spicew orks is installed on the same computer as PDQ

Port The IP port used by the Spicew orks service.

This port can be view ed in the URL of your brow ser w hen connected to
Spicew orks. For example, http://localhost:8080/dashboard/.
Spicew orks normally uses port 443 (HTTPS). It w ill use 9676 (Spicew orks secured)
if port 443 is already in use. When not using SSL, the defaults are port 80 (HTTP)
and 9675 (Spicew orks open).

Use SSL Configures PDQ Deploy to use SSL to connect to Spicew orks and to encrypt all
communication betw een PDQ Deploy and Spicew orks.

Email The email address used to log in to your Spicew orks account.

IMPORTANT: This user account must have the Spicew orks Admin role.

Passw ord The passw ord for the specified Spicew orks account.

Auto Sync Enabled Configures PDQ Deploy to synchronize its list of available target groups w ith
Spicew orks at the designated interval.

NOTE: A schedule that Links To a Spicew orks group performs a quick sync of the
specified Spicew orks group so that the latest membership data is used.

Sync Interval If Auto Sync is enabled, this is the interval in hours and minutes that PDQ Deploy
synchronizes its list of available target groups w ith Spicew orks.
The default Sync Interval is 4 hours.

NOTE: Synchronizing w ith Spicew orks may take up to 1 minute per computer.
Therefore, if you have a lot of Spicew orks groups, it is recommended that you
increase the Sync Interval.

Sync Now Click to immediately synchronize the PDQ Deploy list of available target groups w ith
Spicew orks.

Last Sync The last date PDQ Deploy synchronized w ith Spicew orks, either manually or

Next Sync If Auto Sync is enabled, this is the date and time of the next scheduled

Status xx(
Show s the status of the last successful scan, e.g. Successful xx

See also
Defining System Preferences

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Target Filters

Target Filters
Target filters allow you to set up global rules to manage which computers each PDQ Deploy console may
deploy to. Target filters allow you to include or exclude target computers in deployments executed from a
given console. In enterprise environments with multiple PDQ Deploy administrators, target filters are an
effective way to distribute administration. For information on defining target filters, see Filtering Target
IMPORTANT: Target Filters are available only in Enterprise modes.

VIDEO: Deployment Target Filters (Inclusions and Exclusions)


To access the Target Filters settings page, click Options > Preferences (or press Ctrl+Comma) and
select Target Filters in the Preferences window.

Options Description

Exclusions These filters prevent deployment to any computer that matches the listed filters. For example,
if you have a filter for the Host Name HQDC-1, then any deployment to a Host Name called
HQDC-1 is not attempted. (Wildcards may also be used, such as HQDC*.)

Add Filter Allow s you to add a new filter.

Inclusions doesn't
These filters prevent deployment to any computer that match any of the listed filters.

NOTE: Inclusion Filters are usually unnecessary. If an Inclusion Filter exists for a computer
name “Trixie”, then only computers that are named trixie can receive a deployment. It is
more common to use Exclusion Filters to prevent accidental deployments to important
computers such as domain controllers, SQL servers, etc.

Add Filter Allow s you to add a new filter

Order of Operation When PDQ Deploy processes a deployment for a target, it first checks if there are any
inclusion filters. If there are, but none of the filters match the computer, then the deployment
is blocked to that computer.
Next the exclusion filters are checked, and if there is a match, then deployment is blocked to
that computer. Otherw ise, the deployment is processed as normal.

See also
Defining System Preferences

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Target Service
WARNING: This is an advanced setting. Changing the default setting should be unnecessary in almost
every circumstance. This setting should be changed only if your environment has policies against
using the ADMIN$ share on target computers.

The Target Service settings define where the Target Service, PDQDeployRunner- (e.g.
PDQDeployRunner-1), performs deployments on target computers.
IMPORTANT: Enterprise mode is required to change this setting.

To access the Target Service settings page, click Options > Preferences (or press Ctrl+Comma) and
select Target Service in the Preferences window.

Options Description

UNC Path The UNC file path to the directory w here deployments are staged and executed.

The default directory is ADMIN$\AdminArsenal.

The actual directory used for the deployments w ill be a child of this directory, such as
The deployment subdirectory varies depending on factors such as the number of other
deployments running concurrently.
The directory can be changed to any public share, though the most common are
ADMIN$ and C$ w hich are enabled by default on most computers.
IMPORTANT: The directory must be on a share that is accessible to all deployment
credentials (i.e. the administrator credentials used to deploy to a given domain or
local computer). Additionally, the share name must already exist on the target
computer. For example, the default directory requires that \\[target
computer name]\ADMIN$ exists on the target computer. PDQ Deploy creates
sub directories as needed.

TIP: Some anti-virus softw are allow s excluding this directory from scanning w hich
can help w ith performance and file sharing issues w hich can crop up.

Local Path of Shared If the Directory value does not begin w ith a standard Window s share such as ADMIN$
Directory or C$, then a physical path to the shared directory must be entered.
We recommend using the default setting.

See also
Defining System Preferences

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Chapter 16

Setting up Options

The Options menu provides a centralized location for a number of PDQ Deploy settings. From the main
console, click on Options in the menu to access the various windows.
This chapter provides an overview of the windows available in the Options menu:
· Credentials
· Variables
· Console Users
· Central Server
· Background Service

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The Credentials window allows you to manage the administrator Deploy User credentials used for
deployments and schedules. PDQ Deploy can store multiple sets of credentials that can be used for
different deployments and schedules.
IMPORTANT: PDQ Deploy can use only one set of credentials for each deployment; therefore, you must
create separate deployments for targets that require different credentials. For more detailed
information about Run As settings, see Run As in Deployments Preferences.

NOTE: PDQ encrypts all sensitive information (passwords) when they are stored in the PDQ Deploy
database. We use industry standard AES encryption with three separate keys to keep your data safe.
One key is built into the application, one key is stored in the database, and the third is stored in the
registry. These last two keys are generated when the application is installed and are unique to your

To access the Credentials window, click Options > Credentials.

Options Description

Edit Credentials Click Edit Cr edentials to edit an existing credential.

Add Credentials Click Add Cr edentials to add a new set of administrator credentials that PDQ Deploy
may use for deployments and schedules.
Credential definitions include the administrator domain, username, and passw ord. You
may optionally provide a description to help you identify the credentials.

NOTE: PDQ Deploy can use both local and domain administrator accounts. Credentials
are considered to be local if they have no domain or if they have a domain that starts
w ith a period (.). When local administrator credentials are used, the target computer
name is added to the user name.

For a demonstration of managing credentials in PDQ Deploy, see the follow ing video.

VIDEO: PDQ Credentials: What they are, and w hat they do


Click Tes t Cr edentials in the Add Credentials dialog to validate the current username
and passw ord.
If the username and passw ord belong to a local account, PDQ Deploy asks you to
provide a computer name on w hich to test the credentials.
If the account is in the same domain as the currently logged on user or it is in a domain to
w hich the currently logged on user has administrative rights, PDQ Deploy validates the
username and passw ord in Active Directory.

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If the account is in a domain that isn’t accessible from the computer w here PDQ Deploy
is running or if the credentials belong to a local administrator account on another
computer, you are prompted for the name of the computer to use to verify the username
and passw ord.

IMPORTANT: The Test Credentials option tests only the username and passw ord. It
does not verify the user account has administrator privileges.

Set Default Designates the selected account as the default Deploy User set of credentials.
The default credentials are used for schedules and deployments w hen no other
credentials are specified.

Remove Credentials Click Rem ove Cr edentials to remove the selected user name from the PDQ Deploy
Credentials list.

NOTE: The Deploy User default credentials cannot be removed. You must first
designate another set of credentials as the default. If there is only one credentials
set, it cannot be deleted.

Learn more about Click this link to be directed to an article on the Local Administrator Passw ord Solution
LAPS (LAPS) integration betw een PDQ Inventory and PDQ Deploy. While LAPS is not a native
setting w ithin PDQ Deploy, it can be used for deployments w hen configured properly in
PDQ Inventory and w hen Us e PDQ Inventor y Scan Us er cr edentials fir s t, w hen
available is selected in PDQ Deploy.

NOTE: Use of PDQ Inventory Scan User credentials requires both PDQ Deploy and PDQ
Inventory in Enterprise mode. For Central Server, both PDQ Deploy and PDQ
Inventory must have Central server activated.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Variables provide a universal shortcut to system information, install parameters, text, or any other set of
predefined information. The following areas in PDQ Deploy expand variables:
· Command Step: Command, Additional File
· Package Step: Parameters, Install File, Additional Files
· Reboot Step: Message
· Post Deployment Notification: Email Subject and Body
· Post Schedule Notification: Email Subject and Body
IMPORTANT: Variables may be used only in Enterprise mode.

To access the Variables settings page, click Options > Variables.

Options Description

Custom You can create, delete, and modify custom variables in the Custom tab.

Custom Variables can be referenced using the @(...) convention.

NOTE: You can use w hatever naming convention you w ish w ithin the parenthesis. You do
not need to follow the naming conventions that are used for System Variables.

System The list of predefined system variables available for use in PDQ Deploy. These variables are
maintained by PDQ and cannot be changed, they are constantly updated and w ill have
occasional name changes.

System Variables cannot be modified but can be referenced using the $(...) convention.

NOTE: The $(Repository) system variable may be modified in the Repository setting.

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Console Users

Console Users
The Console Users specify the users that can access the PDQ console. Users must be added as
Console Users instead of simply having local administrative privileges. This is especially important for
those using Central Server or connecting to the console via command line interface (CLI) to use PDQ
Deploy. (Central Server requires Servers and Clients have the same license running in Enterprise mode.)
When using Central Server in Server Mode, all Client Mode console users that will connect to the server
(background service) must be added as Console Users on the server. Concurrent connections to the
Central Server cannot exceed the quantity of PDQ Deploy licenses. The concurrent sessions are
displayed in the Active Sessions tab. For more information on configuring the Central Server, click here.
For more information on concurrent sessions, click here.

To access the Console Users settings page, click Options > Console Users.

Options Description

Console Users This tab displays the list of all users granted access to the console.

VIDEO: Adding Console Users to PDQ Deploy


IMPORTANT: The number of console users should not exceed the quantity of PDQ Deploy

NOTE: From an elevated command prompt (cmd.exe run as Administrator), y ou can view
or modify Console Users with the PDQDeploy ConsoleUsers command.

Add Opens the Add PDQ Deploy Console User w indow w hich allow s you to grant users and/or
groups access to the console.

NOTE: If the background service is running as a local user rather than a domain
administrator, only local users can be added.

Delete Deletes the selected console user(s).

Repair Repairs any security identifiers.

NOTE: The repair must be initiated by the background service user on the console running in
Server mode.

Active Sessions

Concurrent The number of active sessions from the PDQ console or Command Line Interface (CLI) to the
Sessions background service. This number updates in real time.

Licensed The number of licensed administrators. The number of concurrent sessions cannot exceed
Administrators the number of licensed administrators.

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NOTE: You w ill receive a 'Concurrent sessions exceeded the licenses limit,' if the active
number of sessions exceeds the number of licenses that exist for the account. To
resolve this notice, you w ill need to purchase the correct number of licenses for the
number of admins using the softw are. Concurrent sessions in excess of the licensed
amount w ill prevent new sessions.

Console User The name of the user that is connected to the background service.

Computer Name The name of the computer that is connected to the background service.

Type The type of connection: Console, CLI, or Console & CLI.

Purchase More Opens the Purchase License page of w here you can purchase more licenses if
Licenses your concurrent sessions are exceeding the number of administrators that are licensed.

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Central Server

Central Server
Central Server addresses the need to share packages, schedules, deployment lists, target lists, and even
preferences between PDQ Deploy consoles by creating a server/client relationship. (Enterprise Mode
required for Central Server.) In this model, the PDQ Deploy console running in Client Mode initiate all
deployments, post-deployment notifications, and Wake-on-LAN events using the Server’s background
service and repository. The PDQ Deploy console in Server Mode may also initiate deployments and all
other tasks; however, they are initiated in the same way a standalone, locally-installed PDQ Deploy
console would. Consoles in Client Mode can access the server through concurrent connections via client
console or Command Line Interface (CLI). For information on how to migrate your existing packages to
the Server console, click here.
NOTE: While the PDQ Deploy background service performs the majority of tasks initiated from the PDQ
Deploy Client Mode consoles, certain limitations apply, such as running Remote Repair and local
commands, both of which are performed by the local PDQ Deploy console.

Central Server requires that all users belong to the same Enterprise license and must not exceed the
number of licensed users. You may receive a warning if the number of active sessions between the client
consoles of the PDQ program exceeds the number of licenses that exist for the account. For more
information on this warning, please see the Concurrent Sessions Exceeded The Licensed Limit article.
In the Server/Client relationship, only one server is possible, but there may be multiple client PDQ Deploy
consoles. The server and all client consoles must have the same version of PDQ Deploy. Additionally, the
server needs to be installed on a computer that consoles can connect to via TCP/IP.
IMPORTANT: The Central Server feature supersedes the ability to turn on sharing through Enterprise

To access the Central Server page, click Options > Central Server.
If the console is in Server Mode, this window will display the listening IP addresses as well as the TCP
port used for the connection. If the console is in Client Mode, this window will display the server name or
IP address as well as the TCP port used to connect to the server.
The following table provides a brief description of the steps used in configuring Server Mode. Click Server
Mode or Sw itch to Server Mode to access the Server Network Configuration window.

Options Description

TCP Port

TCP Port The dedicated TCP port used to establish the connection betw een server and clients.
The port needs to be a non-standard port that is not currently in use. The default port
number is 6336.

Create exception in Creates the necessary firew all exception.

firewall for service

IP Addresses

Listen on all IP Listen on all IP addresses assigned to the server's NIC(s).


Server IP Addresses IP address(es) used by the server to listen for incoming connections. Separate
multiple IP addresses w ith commas.

Background Service User The credentials do not appear w hen opening the w indow from the Sw itch to Server
Credentials Mode link.

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Domain The domain of the background service user.

NOTE: This account needs to have the Log On as a Service privilege. If this privilege
is not already granted for the specified credentials, then PDQ Deploy attempts to
grant it. Make sure that any GPOs used in your organization do not remove this

User Name The user name of the background service user.

NOTE: If supplying different credentials than those already established as the

background service user, the background service user w ill be updated.

Password The passw ord of the background service user.

NOTE: PDQ encrypts all sensitive information (passwords) when they are
stored in the PDQ Deploy database. We use industry standard AES
encryption with three separate keys to keep your data safe. One key is built
into the application, one key is stored in the database, and the third is
stored in the registry. These last two keys are generated when the
application is installed and are unique to your system.

The following table provides a brief description of the steps used in configuring Client Mode. Click Client
Mode or Sw itch to Client Mode to access the Connect to Server window.

Option Description

Server Enter the name or IP address of an existing PDQ Deploy server that the console w ill
connect to.

NOTE: While you can enter an IP address to connect to the server, this is not the
ideal approach.

TCP Port Enter the Port number the server is using for the connection.

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Background Service

Background Service
The PDQ Deploy background service, PDQDeploy, is a Windows service that processes all schedules
and deployments. By default, PDQDeploy starts when you boot the computer where the PDQ Deploy
console is installed. If using the Central Server, the Background Service is not available in Client mode.
IMPORTANT: If the background service isn't running, all deployments are queued until the service is
restarted. If the background service doesn't have proper credentials, the console itself will not run and
command line tools will not run either.

NOTE: If you are using a Proxy Server, by default, PDQ Deploy uses the proxy settings of the PDQDeploy
background service user. If your organization uses a Group Policy Object (GPO) to push proxy
information and the PDQDeploy background service runs under a service account, you will need to
configure the Proxy Server settings so the PDQDeploy background service user can access the proxy
server to process schedules and deployments.

To access the Background Service settings page, click Options > Background Service.

Options Description

Status Displays the current status of the background service.

Open Opens the Services w indow , Microsoft Management Console (MMC), w here the
Services.msc service can be stopped and started manually.

Restart In Local Mode or Server Mode, this stops and starts the background service,
PDQDeploy, and restarts the console.

NOTE: You can restart PDQDeploy via an elevated command prompt (cmd.exe run as
Administrator) using either NET STOP PDQDeploy or PDQDeploy
BackgroundService -Stop follow ed by either NET START PDQDeploy
or PDQDeploy BackgroundService -Start.

User Lists the Window s credentials used to run the background service, PDQDeploy. You
initially define this account w hen you install PDQ Deploy.
To change the credentials used to run PDQDeploy:
1. Click Change.
2. Click Add Cr edentials .
3. Enter the domain name, username and passw ord of a Window s account that has
administrator rights on the console computer. This account needs to have the Log
On as a Service privilege (see below ). If this privilege is not already granted for the
specified credentials, then PDQ Deploy attempts to grant it. Make sure that any
GPOs used in your organization do not remove this privilege.
NOTE: You do not have to specify a domain for a local account. If you choose not
to run the background service as a domain administrator, either leave the
domain field blank or enter a period.

4. (Optional) Provide a description to help you identify the credentials in the menu.


The Window s Log On As a Service privilege is required for user accounts that are
used to run Window s services.
PDQ Deploy uses tw o Window s services: PDQDeploy (i.e. the Background Service)
and the Target Service, PDQDeployRunner- (e.g. PDQDeployRunner-1).

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

The Log On As a Service privilege is not granted automatically to any users, including
administrators. PDQ Deploy attempts to grant this privilege w hen it is needed. Generally
this is successful; how ever, some environments may explicitly deny the Log On As a
Service privilege to all users. In these cases, you need to create an exception (usually
via Group Policy) for the credentials that are used to run the PDQDeploy and
PDQDeployRunner- n services.

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Chapter 17

PDQ Deploy Files and Registry Settings

This chapter reviews the files used by PDQ Deploy—that is, the program files, database files, and registry
entries used by PDQ Deploy to perform its functions.
This chapter contains the following topics:
· Windows Services
· Background Service
· Target Service
· PDQ Deploy Database
· Database Security
· Database Backup Files
· Restoring Database Backup Files
· Restoring a Database using a Command Prompt
· Maintaining the PDQ Deploy Database
· The Repository
· Temp Files
· Registry Entries
· System Registry Keys
· User Registry Keys

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Windows Services
PDQ Deploy uses two Windows services—PDQDeploy and PDQDeployRunner—to perform its
operations. These services are critical to program function; if they are not enabled, PDQ Deploy cannot
run its deployments.
· Background Service
· Target Service

Background Service
The PDQ Deploy background service, PDQDeploy, is a Windows service that processes all schedules
and deployments on the console computer.
NOTE: Remember that with Windows Services each service has a Display Name and a Service Name.
We refer to this service as the “Background Service” but, according to Windows, the Service Name is
“PDQDeploy” and the Display Name is “PDQ Deploy”.

The background service requires administrator credentials to access computers on the network. By
default, the first set of credentials entered when configuring PDQ Deploy are used; however, you can
change the credentials used for the the background service in Preferences > Background Service. If the
service isn’t running with the proper credentials on the console computer, then all deployments are
queued until the service is restarted with appropriate credentials.
You can start and stop the background service in the Preferences > Background Service window or you
can use the standard Windows administrative tools. By default, PDQDeploy starts when you boot the
computer where the PDQ Deploy console is installed.
IMPORTANT: No deployments are executed unless the background service, PDQDeploy, is running.

Target Service
The PDQ Deploy target service—PDQDeployRunner- n (e.g. PDQDeployRunner-1)—is a Windows service
that is executed on target computers to perform deployments. During deployment, the target service is
copied along with the package’s installation files to a directory on the target computer which is on a
default share. The default location is ADMIN$\Admin Arsenal\PDQDeployRunner. This location
can be configured in Preferences > Target Service, however, the default settings should be changed
only if your environment has policies against using the ADMIN$ share on target computers.

NOTE: The ADMIN$ share is created by Windows using File and Printer Sharing and is the Share Name
of the Windows directory.

IMPORTANT: Enterprise mode is required to change the PDQ Deploy target service settings in

After the target service is copied to the target computer, PDQ Deploy remotely starts the service, then the
target service locally installs the package files.
The target service can run on the local system using either the credentials used for the deployment or the
Local System account, depending on what type of network access is needed and the specific needs of the
package in question. As with all services, the account credentials require the Log On As a Service
Privilege setting in Preferences > Background Service.
After the package files are installed, PDQ Deploy deletes the PDQDeployRunner service from the target

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PDQ Deploy Database

PDQ Deploy Database

PDQ Deploy stores all of its data—schedules, package configurations, target lists, preference settings,
credentials, deployment history, etc.—in the PDQ Deploy database. This SQLitedatabase is critical to
program function.
The database file, database.db, is stored in folder, %ProgramData%\Admin Arsenal\PDQ
NOTE: %ProgramData%, which was introduced in Windows Vista and used in subsequent Operating
Systems (Windows 7, 8.x, 10, etc), is a special Windows folder designed to hold application-wide (that
is, not user-specific) data. By default, Windows marks this folder as hidden so you won't see it when
using Windows Explorer. Its default location is %SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData. If you are running
PDQ Deploy on Windows XP or 2003 (no longer supported), the default location is %SYSTEMDRIVE%
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data.

The PDQ Deploy database is made up of the following files:

File Description

Database.db This is the main SQLite database file that holds all of the computers, inventory,
collections, reports, etc.

Database.db-shm These files are used by SQLite w hile accessing the database. They can be deleted
w ithout affecting the system as long as no applications or services are accessing
Database.db-wal the database. If you move PDQ Deploy to another computer, they don't need to be
copied to the new computer w ith the database file, but it w on't hurt if they are.
How ever, if you restore a database backup file, you must delete these files.
Otherw ise, PDQ Deploy w ill think the restored database file is corrupted.

The database file, database.db, is not removed on uninstall in case the software is reinstalled. If you
move PDQ Deploy to another computer, the PDQ Deploy database must be duplicated on the new
computer in order to maintain your PDQ Deploy settings and system data. For detailed information on this
procedure, see Moving PDQ Deploy to a New Computer.
· Database Security
· Database Backup Files
· Restoring Database Backup Files
· Restoring a Database Backup from the Command Prompt
· Maintaining the PDQ Deploy Database

Database Security
Your security is very important to PDQ. To that end, we encrypt sensitive information (passwords) when
they are stored in the PDQ Deploy database. We use industry standard AES encryption with three
separate keys to keep your data safe. One key is built into the application; one key is stored in the
database; and the third is stored in the registry. These last two keys are generated when the application is
installed and are unique to your system.
Our support staff may ask you to send your database to us in order to troubleshoot a problem. We will
never ask you to send us the encryption key stored in the registry, so you can be sure that your passwords
are kept secure.
If you need to move your database from one computer to another you should include the encryption key in
the registry. (For detailed information on this procedure, see Moving PDQ Deploy to a New Computer.) If
the key is lost, then all passwords stored in the database will need to be re-entered. No other data is lost.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Database Backup Files

Each time you install a new version of the PDQ Deploy software, a database backup file is created in the %
ProgramData%\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Backups folder. The backup file is compressed
and is named after the version of the database. For example, Database.

NOTE: The database version numbers represent the exact version of PDQ Deploy at the time of backup.
For example, when upgrading Deploy to 7.1, the existing database is copied to a file called
Database. and then, after a small interval, it is archived in the .gz format.

Older backup files can be safely deleted, but you may want to keep the most recent backups in case you
need to restore the database.

Restoring Database Backup Files

In the event that your database is deleted or corrupted, you can restore a database backup file.
Locate the backup database file you w ish to restore:
1. Click Options > Preferences (or press Ctrl+Comma), then select Database.
2. The backup location of the database is specified in Backup Location. By default, the backup database
files are located in %PROGRAMDATA%\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Backups.

3. Navigate to the directory indicated in Backup Location or click the Open Folder Location button.
4. Locate the backup file from which you wish to restore. The backup file is named after the version of the
database with the date and time the backup was performed. For example a backup of version 9
performed on March 23, 2016 at 2:32 PM will be titled PDQDeploy-
Restore the database from the backup:
1. Decompress the database backup file.
Most compression utilities, such as WinZip and 7-Zip, can decompress cabinet files.
2. Rename the file to Database.db or create a copy of the original file and rename it to
3. Stop the PDQ Deploy Service.

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PDQ Deploy Database

This is done in Options > Preferences > Background Services, or press Ctrl+Comma then select
Background Service. Alternately, you can access services through the Windows Start Menu >
4. Overwrite the existing database file in folder %ProgramData%\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy.
5. Delete the Database.db-shm and Database.db-wal temporary files.

WARNING: If you do not delete these files, PDQ Deploy will think the restored Database.db file is

6. Start the PDQ Deploy Service.

This is done in Options > Preferences > Background Services, or press Ctrl+Comma then select
Background Service. Alternately, you can access services through the Windows Start Menu >

Restoring A Database Using a Command Prompt

To restore the PDQ Deploy database using a Command Prompt:
1. Run cmd.exe as Administrator.
2. To view the options available when restoring the database, use the following command:
PDQDeploy RestoreDatabase.
This will display all the available databases you wish to restore.

3. Enter the number of the database you wish to restore.

4. (Optional) To automatically restore the most recent database, use the following command instead:
PDQDeploy RestoreDatabase -RestoreMostRecent. The database being overwritten
will be renamed and left in the same folder.

Maintaining the PDQ Deploy Database

The PDQ Deploy database is essential to the program function; therefore, it is recommended that you
perform the following regular maintenance procedures to ensure optimal database performance:
· Location of the PDQ Deploy Database

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

· Backing Up the PDQ Deploy Database

· Cleaning Up Deployment History
· Optimizing the Database

Location of the PDQ Deploy Database

PDQ Deploy stores its database locally (on the PDQ Deploy console computer) in %ProgramData%
\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy.
NOTE: %ProgramData%, which was introduced in Windows Vista and used in subsequent Operating
Systems (Windows 7, 8.x, 10, etc), is a special Windows folder designed to hold application-wide (that
is, not user-specific) data. By default, Windows marks this folder as hidden so you won't see it when
using Windows Explorer. Its default location is %SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData. If you are running
PDQ Deploy on Windows XP or 2003 (no longer supported), the default location is %SYSTEMDRIVE%
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data.

If your console performance is lagging during large deployments, you may consider moving the PDQ
Deploy database to a faster disk. For information on this procedure, visit the PDQ Support page at and click Submit a Request or email your request directly to, or click Help > Support > Feedback & Support. You can also browse the PDQ forums
for FAQs.

Backing Up the PDQ Deploy Database

Because the PDQ Deploy database stores all package, schedule, and deployment information, it is highly
recommended that you regularly backup the PDQ Deploy database. You can setup an Automatic Backup
Schedule in the Database page of Preferences. The default backup schedule is weekly on Saturdays at
10:00 PM. The default will also retain 10 compressed backups. (Enterprise mode required)
By default, the PDQ Deploy database is located at %ProgramData%\Admin Arsenal\PDQ
Deploy\Database.db. To protect your system data, configure your backup software to regularly back
up this file.
NOTE: To determine the location of the PDQ Deploy database, click Options > Preferences or press
Ctrl+Comma, then select Database. The Database field displays the path and filename for the PDQ
Deploy database. The Backup location displays the path and filename for the backup database files.

To change the PDQ Deploy database backup defaults, perform the follow ing:

1. Click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma, then select Database.

2. Make the appropriate changes in the Database Preferences window:

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PDQ Deploy Database

Option Description

Enable automatic Enables the PDQ Deploy automatic backups feature. This is enabled by default.

Schedule Displays the current schedule for the automatic backup. Clicking the Edit Schedule
button w ill open the Select Trigger w indow to edit the schedule. Additionally, you can
click the Delete Schedule button to clear the schedule selection. The default
schedule is every w eek on Saturday at 10:00 PM.

NOTE: If no schedule is selected, a backup w ill not be performed regardless of w hether

Enable autom atic back ups is selected. A w arning at the bottom of the Automatic
Backup Schedule section w ill notify you if this is the case.

Once Schedule once in the future.

· Tr igger On: Date the trigger w ill run.
· At: Time the trigger w ill run.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger.

Interval Backs up (and repeats) at a set time interval.

· Ever y: The interval by day, hour, and minute.
· Only r un dur ing the follow ing tim e fr am e (Optional) Enables a set time frame.
· Betw een: The start of the time frame.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

· And: The end of the time frame.

· Star ting: Date the trigger starts.
· At: Time the first trigger starts. If the optional time frame is selected, the first trigger
w ill occur at the start of the next time frame.
· Ending: (Optional) Date the trigger ends. Leaving this unchecked w ill allow the
trigger to run indefinitely.
· At: (Optional) Time the trigger ends.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger.
NOTE: Setting the 'Betw een' time later than the 'And' time w ill result in the trigger
running overnight

Daily Backs up every day at the same time.

· Ever y Day At:
· Time the trigger w ill run.
· Star ting: Date the trigger starts.
· Ending: (Optional) Date the trigger ends. Leaving this unchecked w ill allow the
trigger to run indefinitely.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger.

Weekly Backs up every w eek at the same time on selected days of the w eek.
· Ever y Week On:
· Day (or days) that the trigger runs.
· At: Time the trigger w ill run.
· Star ting: Date the trigger starts.
· Ending: (Optional) Date the trigger ends. Leaving this unchecked w ill allow the
trigger to run indefinitely.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger.

Monthly Backs up every month at the same time on selected days.

· Ever y Month
· Day of the Month: The actual day (or days) of the month (for example, 1, 12,
23, etc.). If you select the 29th, 30th, or 31st of the month, the trigger w on't run
in months w ithout those days. Select Las t to alw ays run the trigger on the last
day of the month.
· Day of the Week : The nth day of the month (for example, First Monday,
Second Wednesday, Last, etc.). Different combinations of w eeks and days
require separate schedules (for example, the 1st Monday and the 2nd Friday).
Selecting the 5th w eek w on't run the trigger in a month w ithout a fifth w eek.
Select Las t to alw ays run the trigger on the last w eek of the month.
· At: Time the trigger runs.
· Star ting: Date the trigger starts.
· Ending: (Optional) Date that the trigger ends. Leaving this unchecked w ill allow the
trigger to run indefinitely.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger.
TIP: Days of Month: If you select the 29th, 30th, or 31st of the month, the backup w on't
occur in months w ithout those days. Use Last to alw ays deploy on the last day of
the month. Can be mixed w ith Weeks of the Month.

TIP: Weekdays/ends of Month: Different combinations of w eeks and days are not
available (for example, the 1st Monday and the 2nd Friday.) Selecting the 5th day(s)
w on't deploy in a month w ithout a fifth w eek. Use Last to alw ays deploy on the last
w eek of the month. Can be mixed w ith Days of the Month.

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PDQ Deploy Database

Backup Location Displays the path w here backup files are stored. The default location is C:
\ProgramData\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Backups. Click the Open Folder Location
button to view the location of the backup.

NOTE: The backup file is named after the version of the database w ith the date and
time the backup w as performed. For example a backup of version 9 performed on
March 23, 2016 at 2:32 PM w ill be titled PDQDeploy-

Backups to Keep Specifies the number of most recent backup files to keep. Setting this to 0 w ill save all
backups. The default setting is 10.

Compress Automatically compresses each backup to save space. This is enabled by default.

Backup Now Backs up immediately instead of w aiting for the next scheduled backup.

Last Backup Displays the date and time of the last database backup as w ell as how long ago the
backup w as performed.

Next Backup Displays the data and time of the next backup as w ell as how long until the next backup
is performed.

Cleaning Up Deployment History

Every time PDQ Deploy runs a deployment, it records the results in the PDQ Deploy database. Each
deployment record takes ~5KB of memory. While individually this is a negligible amount, given time and
thousands of deployment records, the deployment history can consume significant disk space. For
example, in our labs, the deployment history for 6,200 deployments required 32 MB of disk space. The
more data in the database, the slower the database will become.
To help you manage the disk space consumed by the PDQ Deploy database, you can configure PDQ
Deploy to automatically purge deployment history records after a specified number of days. You can
customize this value based on the number of deployments you run and how long you wish to see the
results of finished deployments. The default age is 30 days, i.e. one month after the deployment finishes.
Setting the cleanup to 0 days disables automatic cleanup; PDQ Deploy never deletes the deployment
WARNING: Keeping this value high or setting the value to 0 may cause the PDQ Deploy database to get
very large which could slow PDQ Deploy performance.

To specify how many days you w ant to archive deployment histories in the PDQ Deploy database
before they are deleted:
1. Click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
2. In the Preferences window, click Deployments.
3. Set the Cleanup field to the number of days you want to maintain the deployment history before they
are deleted.
4. Click Close.

Optimizing the Database

When PDQ Deploy deletes information from the PDQ Deploy database, it leaves empty space in the
database file which takes up a few bytes. Over time, this space adds up and may impact database
performance. Therefore, it is recommended that, on average, you optimize the PDQ Deploy database
once a month. Optimizing the database frees up the empty space and gets rid of fragmentation.

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NOTE: If you are running a high volume of deployments and you have configured PDQ Deploy to clean up
the deployment history <30 days, you may want to optimize the PDQ Deploy database more frequently.

NOTE: PDQ Deploy automatically optimizes the database when the application is upgraded.

To optimize the PDQ Deploy database:

1. Click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
2. In the Preferences window, click Database.
3. Click Optimize Database.

NOTE: PDQ Deploy warns that the console and background service will be stopped, which will abort
any running deployments.

4. Click OK to continue.
PDQ Deploy opens a command line window to run the optimization command.
5. When the optimization completes, press Enter to close the command line window.
PDQ Deploy automatically restarts and opens the Preferences window.
6. Click Close.

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The Repository

The Repository
The repository is simply a directory where you can store the files used in your PDQ Deploy packages.
Files downloaded from the Package Library are stored in this directory.

This section describes the Repository and includes the following topics:
· Repository Overview and Location
· Repository Preferences
· Cleaning up the Repository

Repository overview and location

By default, the repository is located at %PUBLIC%\Documents\Admin Arsenal\PDQ
Deploy\Repository; however, you can locate the repository anywhere you like by using the
Repository settings in Preferences. The structure of the repository isn't enforced in any way, you can
organize it however you wish.
The repository is referenced with PDQ Deploy as the system variable, $(Repository). The variable
name is not case sensitive. It can be used in any package install file name. For example, with the
repository set to \\FileServer\Deploy\Packages, a package install file name of
$(Repository)\Adobe\Flash.msi expands to \
IMPORTANT: While the repository can be any directory, it's necessary to use a UNC path if you're using
Pull copy mode so that the target computers are able to read from it. You must also use a UNC path if
you are sharing the repository with multiple administrators using the Central Server feature.

Repository preferences
To access the Repository settings page, click Options > Preferences (or press Ctrl+Comma) and select
Repository in the Preferences window.

Options Description

Repository Defines the location of the repository directory. The default directory is %Public%
\Documents\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Repository. You can change
the location of the repository by typing in a local path, a UNC path, or by clicking the file picker
button to select a new location. Click the Open Dir ector y Location button to view the
location of the file.
The structure of the repository directory isn't enforced in any w ay, you can organize it
how ever you w ish. When you make a change to the directory, the new directory is tested to
ensure that the Background Service can see the directory. Any errors display below .

NOTE: All packages imported from the Package Library are placed in the $(Repository).

IMPORTANT: If you change the Repository location, you must move all existing folders and
files to the new location.

For a demonstration of changing the Repository location, see the follow ing video.

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VIDEO: Moving Your PDQ Deploy Package Repository



Show Unused Enables a link show ing the number of unused files in the Status bar of the Main Console. This
Files Warning in is enabled by default.
status bar
NOTE: The link w ill not be displayed in the Status bar until the number of unused files is 20 or

See Unused Files Opens the Repository Cleanup w indow that allow s you to delete those files that are no longer
of use. The Exclusions w indow can be opened from the Repository Cleanup w indow . Click
the Open Dir ector y Location button to view the location of the file.

WARNING: If you using the Central Server to share one repository, it is advised to check w ith
all other console users before doing a cleanup.

Manage Opens the Exclusions w indow . This button only appears once files or directories have been
Exclusions excluded from the Repository Cleanup w indow .

Exclusions List of all files and directories that have been excluded from cleanup. This list only appears
once files or directories have been excluded from the Repository Cleanup w indow .


By default, PDQ Deploy indefinitely retains all downloaded package files, regardless of whether the
package exists. Over time, the repository may consume large amounts of disk space. To cleanup old or
unused files within the repository (PDQ Deploy Enterprise mode required), click Options > Preferences
(or press Ctrl+Comma) and select Repository in the Preferences window. In the Repository Cleanup
section, click on See Unused Files. Additionally, the unused files can be viewed from the Main Console
xx unused files in the Repository. This opens the Repository Cleanup window,
status bar by clicking
seen below.
NOTE: All packages, whether from the Package Library or manually created will be included. Only files
saved in the Repository will be cleaned up. Files saved outside of the repository will not be available
for cleanup.

WARNING: If you using the Central Server to share one repository, it is advised to check w ith all other console
users before doing a cleanup.

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The Repository

The table below describes the different areas of the Repository Cleanup window.

Options Description

Repository The location of the repository. The repository can be opened using the Open Folder
Location button. While this field can be edited, it w ill have no effect on the usage of the
repository cleanup.

Filename The name of the file that is no longer in use. Checking the box next to filename w ill select it for
removal. By default, the first file in the list is checked.

Directory The location of the file w ithin the repository root $(Repository). You can access the
location of the file directly by using the Open Folder Location button next to the directory

Size The size of the file.

Delete Deletes all selected files from the repository.

WARNING: This action cannot be undone. Once deleted, any files w ould need to be re-added to
the repository

Exclude File(s) Moves all selected files to the Exclusion w indow and prevents them from being deleted.

Exclude Directory Moves the selected directory to the Exclusions w indow and prevents it from being deleted.
Selecting a directory w ill automatically exclude all files and subdirectories in that directory.

Manage Opens the Exclusions w indow . This link only appears once files or directories have been
Exclusions excluded from the Repository Cleanup w indow .

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The table below describes the different areas of the Exclusions window.

Options Description

Filename The name of the file that has been excluded from cleanup. If a directory has been excluded, this
column w ill reflect all files and subdirectories. Checking the box next to filename w ill select it to
be included. By default, the exclusions are empty.

Directory The location of the file or the directory itself w ithin the repository root $(Repository). You
can access the location of the file or directory directly by using the Open Folder Location
button next to the directory name.

Size The size of the file or directory.

Include Moves all selected files out of the exclusion w indow back to the Repository Cleanup w indow to
allow them to be deleted.

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Temp Files

Temp Files
PDQ Deploy employs a number of temporary files during its operations. Temporary files used by the
PDQDeploy service are stored in the system temp directory (%SYSTEMDRIVE%:\Windows\Temp or %
SYSTEMROOT%\Temp). Temporary files used by the PDQ Deploy console are stored in the user temp
directory (%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp or %TEMP%).

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Registry Entries
PDQ Deploy stores license keys, encryption keys, and UI settings in the Windows registry. The registry
entries are not removed on uninstall in case the software is reinstalled.
· System Registry Keys
· User Registry Keys
NOTE: If you move PDQ Deploy to another computer, these registry entries must be duplicated on the new
computer in order to maintain your PDQ Deploy settings and system data. For detailed information on
this procedure, see Moving PDQ Deploy to a New Computer.

System Registry Keys

The following keys and values are maintained under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM):

Key Value Description

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Admin Arsenal\PDQ InstallDir The folder w here PDQ Deploy is installed.

Deploy This value is needed for other
applications to interact w ith PDQ Deploy.
(32-bit systems)
This value is removed on uninstall.

License The Enterprise mode license key, if it has

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Admin been entered.
Arsenal\PDQ Deploy
The key is stored exactly as it w as
(64-bit systems) entered so it can be exported or copied
and pasted to a new computer.

Secure Key One of the keys used to encrypt

sensitive information in the database.
This key is generated w hen the system
is installed and needs to be copied to the
new computer if the database is moved.

IMPORTANT: Our support staff w ill

never ask for this entry.

SOFTWARE\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy Disable Used to troubleshoot issues w ith .NET

Console Hardw are GUI rendering on some systems. When
Rendering the application's w indow s aren't
show ing correctly, or at all, create this
value as DWORD = 1. This causes PDQ
Deploy to use only softw are rendering
w hich fixes many of these issues.

User Registry Keys

The following keys are maintained under HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU) for each user that uses the

Key Description

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Registry Entries

HKCU\SOFTWARE\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy This key can hold many subkeys

Console\UISettings w hich store various values used
by the console for a consistent
user experience. For example, it
can store w indow sizes &
positions, grid column settings, and
selected items.
When moving to a new computer
you can copy these settings to
maintain the UI settings in your
console. It can also be deleted to
return the console to its default

SOFTWARE\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\AutoUpdateChecker Settings for checking the Alerts

automatically w hen the console

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

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Chapter 18

Best Practices

The Best Practices section provides guidelines and recommendations to optimize PDQ Deploy
This section contains the following topics:
· Optimizing the PDQ Deploy Console
· Optimizing Deployment
· Managing the Number of Concurrent Targets for Deployment
· Managing How Files are Copied During Deployment
· Throttling Deployment BandWidth
· Deploying to Targets with Variable IP Addresses
· Managing Deployment Timeout Intervals
· Scanning After Deployment
· Managing How PDQ Deploy Handles Offline Computers
· Filtering Target Computers
· Maintaining the PDQ Deploy Database
· Location of the PDQ Deploy Database
· Backing Up the PDQ Deploy Database
· Cleaning Up Deployment History
· Optimizing the Database
· Restoring the Database
· Healthy DNS

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Optimizing the PDQ Deploy Console

You can access the PDQ Deploy console on the computer where it is installed, or you can remotely
connect to the console from another workstation or mobile device.

When connecting to the console over a remote connection, particularly from a mobile device, we
recommend that you disable the splash screen (shown below) to minimize program overhead and
optimize console performance. While the splash screen does not pose significant overhead when
running the PDQ Deploy console locally, the graphic elements can impact load time when accessing the
console remotely.

To disable the splash screen:

1. Click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
2. In the Preferences window, select Interface.
3. Select Disable Splash Screen.
4. Click Close.

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Optimizing Deployment

Optimizing Deployment
PDQ provides several ways to optimize package deployment and streamline performance. The following
sections provide suggestions for ways to fine tune deployment settings depending on your system
resources and configuration:
· Managing the Number of Concurrent Targets for Deployment
· Managing How Files are Copied During Deployment
· Throttling Deployment Bandwidth
· Deploying to Targets with Variable IP Addresses
· Managing Deployment Timeout Intervals
· Scanning After Deployment
· Managing How PDQ Deploy Handles Offline Computers
· Filtering Target Computers

Managing the Number of Concurrent Targets for Deployment

In Enterprise mode, PDQ Deploy can deploy to multiple targets concurrently and it can run multiple
deployments concurrently. You can limit the maximum number of concurrent targets per deployment and
the maximum number of concurrent targets (multiple deployments) based on your server capacity and
available resources.
With a well-apportioned server that has a generous allocation of available memory and processing
cycles, the highest setting possible would be 500 Concurrent Targets per Deployment and 2000 Total
Concurrent Targets. However, please note that in addition to consuming significant amounts of memory
and processing cycles, concurrent deployments are going to impact the Network Interface Card (NIC). The
NIC may be able to handle 500 concurrent deployments of small packages, but if you attempt to deploy a
large package such as Microsoft Office to 500 targets concurrently, the NIC will crash. Therefore, it is
recommended that you do not set Concurrent Targets per Deployment higher than 72.
To manage the number of concurrent targets:
1. Click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
2. In the Preferences window, select Performance.
3. Set the Concurrent Targets per Deployment.
for each
This setting defines the maximum number of targets that can be deployed concurrently
deployment . The higher the number, the more server memory, CPU resources, and network
bandwidth required.
The default setting is 8.

NOTE: This number cannot be higher than the Total Concurrent Targets.

4. Set the Total Concurrent Targets.

This setting defines the maximum number of concurrent targets in total (multiple deployments). The
higher the number, the more server memory, CPU resources, and network bandwidth required.
Once this limit is reached, no more targets receive deployments until others have finished. The default
is 32.
5. Click Close.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Managing How Files are Copied During Deployment

When PDQ Deploy deploys a package, it first copies the package files to the target. The file copy can be
performed in Push or Pull mode.
Push mode copies files to the target computers from the computer where PDQ Deploy is installed. Push
mode is recommended over pull mode if the package files are located on the PDQ Deploy computer.
Push mode is the default copy mode.
NOTE: In Push mode, bandwidth throttling applies to all simultaneous file copies combined.

Pull mode sends lists of files to the target computers which then pull the files from a centralized location.
Use Pull mode if the package files do not reside on the PDQ Deploy console computer. Otherwise, PDQ
Deploy first copies the files to the local PDQ Deploy console, then to the target computer. Using Pull mode
avoids unnecessary copies and it improves deployment performance.
NOTE: Pull mode is available only in Enterprise mode.

IMPORTANT: For Pull mode to work, all files must be accessible using a UNC path (e.g. \
\server\share\installer.msi). Files on local or mapped drives are not accessible to the target

NOTE: Bandwidth throttling is not enforced when using Pull Copy Mode.

Pull mode may also be used to improve deployment performance in WAN environments. Using Microsoft
Distributed File Services to replicate the PDQ Deploy repository to file servers across your WAN
environment and setting copy mode to Pull, you can deploy packages from the file servers that are closest
to the target computers.

VIDEO: PDQ Live! Utilize DFS Replication with PDQ Deploy


VIDEO: PDQ Deploy: Understanding Push and Pull Deployments


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Optimizing Deployment

Setting the Default Copy Mode

The default Copy Mode is set in Preferences. This setting is the system default for all packages deployed
from the current PDQ Deploy console.
To set the default Copy Mode:
1. Click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
2. In the Preferences window, select Performance.
3. Under Copy Mode, select Push or Pull.
It is best practice to set the default Copy Mode in Preferences to Push. It is recommended that you
apply the Pull Copy Mode at the Package level when the associated package files do not reside on the
local PDQ Deploy console.
4. Click Close.

Setting Copy Mode for Individual Packages

It is recommended that you apply the Pull Copy Mode only at the Package level when the associated
package files do not reside on the local PDQ Deploy console.
NOTE: Pull mode is available only in Enterprise mode.

To set the Copy Mode at the Package level:

1. In the tree, select the package you want to manage.
2. Click Edit Package or double-click the package name.

3. Select Package Properties in the Step list.

4. Click the Options tab.
5. Click the Copy Mode pull-down menu, then select the Copy Mode you want to apply to the current

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6. Click Save on the toolbar.

The Package setting overrides the default Copy Mode defined in Preferences.

Throttling Deployment Bandwidth

Copying package files to target computers during deployment can quickly eat up network bandwidth,
particularly when running concurrent deployments or deploying over slow links. To protect your network
bandwidth, you can limit the percentage of available bandwidth PDQ Deploy consumes when it copies
package files to target computers.
IMPORTANT: Bandwidth throttling applies only when pushing files from the PDQ Deploy console
computer (see Managing How Files are Copied During Deployment above). If you are deploying files
from other systems using Pull Copy Mode, then PDQ Deploy cannot manage the bandwidth on the
remote system.

The throttling works based on a percentage of available bandwidth, with the default rate being 50%. This
limit is achieved by ensuring that the server waits between packets long enough to keep its utilization
below the given threshold. Therefore, even if the server is copying to a computer on the same subnet and
a computer over a slow WAN, it keeps 50% headroom on each link.
IMPORTANT: The Bandwidth Limit applies to all simultaneous file copies combined.

To limit bandw idth w hen pushing files from the PDQ Deploy console computer:
1. Click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
2. In the Preferences window, select Performance.
3. Under Copy Mode, select Push.
When you select Push, the Bandwidth Limit option becomes available.
4. Set the Bandwidth Limit to the percentage of available bandwidth you want to allot for deployments.
The default bandwidth limit is 50%. If set to 100%, then no limit is imposed and the file copy operation
takes as much bandwidth as is available.
5. Click Close.

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Optimizing Deployment

Deploying to Targets with Variable IP Addresses

If your organization uses variable IP addresses or you have computers that frequently change IP
addresses (such as roving laptops), then the targets may have multiple addresses in DNS. Enabling the
Test Multiple Addresses in Name Resolution option in Preferences improves the success rate of
deployments in these environments because PDQ Deploy pings each address registered to the target
computer, then deploys to the first address that responds. If you do not enable this option, PDQ Deploy
tests only the first address provided in DNS.

IMPORTANT: You do NOT need to enable this option if your organization uses static IP addresses.

To configure PDQ Deploy to ping IP addresses before attempting deployment w hen multiple IP
addresses are registered to a single target:
1. Click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
2. In the Preferences window, select Performance.
3. Select Test Multiple Addresses in Name Resolution.
Enable this option only if your organization uses variable IP addresses or you have computers that
frequently change IP addresses.
4. Click Close.

Managing Deployment Timeout Intervals

One way to optimize deployment performance is to effectively manage timeout intervals. The timeout
interval specifies how many minutes deployments should run before being timed out by the server. The
timeout interval applies only to the duration of a deployment to a target computer; it does not include the
initial process of copying installation files to the target.
The global timeout interval is defined in Preferences; exceptions can be defined in individual package
properties. When configuring your local system, it is best practice to set the shortest timeout interval as
the global default in Preferences and increase the timeout interval only in individual packages. For
example, if you typically deploy small packages such as browser, Java, or Adobe reader updates, you may
choose to set the global timeout interval to 20 minutes. You could then increase the timeout interval for
individual packages that take longer to install such as a Windows Service Pack or a package containing
many nested packages.

Setting the Global Deployment Timeout Interval

The global timeout interval is set in Preferences. This setting is the system default for all packages
deployed from the current PDQ Deploy console.
To set the global timeout interval:
1. Click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
2. In the Preferences window, select Deployments.
3. Set the Timeout interval.
The default value is 60 minutes. It is best practice to set the shortest timeout interval as the global
default in Preferences and increase the timeout interval only in individual packages.
4. Click Close.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Setting Deployment Timeout Intervals for Individual Packages

When configuring your local system, it is best practice to set the shortest timeout interval as the global
default in Preferences and increase the timeout interval only in individual packages that may take longer
to install such as a Windows Service Pack or a package containing many nested packages.
To set deployment timeout intervals for individual packages:
1. In the tree, select the package you want to manage.
2. Click Edit Package or double-click the package name.

3. Select Package Properties in the Step list.

4. Select Use Custom Timeout, then set the custom timeout interval for the current package.

5. Click Save on the toolbar.

The Package setting overrides the global timeout interval defined in Preferences.

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Optimizing Deployment

Scanning After Deployment

After PDQ Deploy completes a deployment, you can configure the program to automatically initiate a PDQ
Inventory scan. This is a powerful feature and highly recommended for maintaining up-to-date inventory of
target machines. While the deployment history tells whether or not a deployment was successful, PDQ
Inventory can tell you exactly what applications and versions are installed on the target computers. PDQ
Inventory can also collect information on hardware and Windows configurations.
IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise modes and it requires PDQ Inventory in
Enterprise mode. If you are running in Client Mode, PDQ Inventory must be installed on both the Client computer
and the Server computer. Additionally, the target computer must already be in PDQ Inventory w ith a name or
hostname that matches the name used in PDQ Deploy.

You can configure inventory scans globally in Preferences or at the package level. You can also configure
inventory scans when setting up a deployment using Deploy Once or Schedules.

Configuring Global Inventory Scan Settings

To configure PDQ Deploy to automatically launch a PDQ Inventory scan after deployment:
1. Click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
2. In the Preferences window, select Deployments.
3. Select Scan After Deployment.
4. Click the pull-down menu to choose the scan profile you want to run after deployment.
The default scan profile is defined in PDQ Inventory in Preferences > Scan Profiles. You can choose
to scan with any scan profile that has been configured in PDQ Inventory. It is common to use either the
Applications or Standard scan profiles.
5. Click Close.

Configuring Package Inventory Scan Settings

The global inventory scan setting in Preferences may be overridden in the individual Package Properties.
For example, if you have a package that doesn't install an application, then you may want to disable
inventory scanning in at the individual package level.
To configure inventory scan settings at the Package level:
1. In the tree, select the package you want to manage.
2. Click Edit Package or double-click the package name.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

3. Select Package Properties at the top of the Step list.

4. Click the Scanning drop-down menu to specify the scan settings for the current package.

5. (Conditional) If you have enabled scanning for the current package, you can select the scan profile you
want to run after deployment.
The default scan profile is defined in PDQ Inventory in Preferences > Scan Profiles. You can choose
to scan with any scan profile that has been configured in PDQ Inventory. It is common to use either the
Applications or Standard scan profiles.

6. Click Save on the toolbar.

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Optimizing Deployment

Configuring Deploy Once Scan Settings

The global inventory scan setting in Preferences and the individual Package Properties may be
overridden. For example, if you want to deploy a package quickly and want to disable inventory scanning at
the time of deployment.
To configure inventory scan settings at the time of deployment:
1. In the tree, select the package(s) you want to deploy.
2. Do one of the following:

· On the Toolbar, click Deploy Once .

· Click File > Deploy Once (or press Ctrl+D or right-click and select Deploy Once).
· On the selected Package window, click Deploy > Deploy Once.
· If multiple packages are selected, on the Multiple Packages page, select Start a deployment w ith
these packages.
A new Deploy Once window opens.
3. On the Options tab, click the Scanning drop-down menu to select the scan settings for the
4. Click Deploy Now .

Configuring Schedule Scan Settings

To configure inventory scan settings for a deployment schedule:
1. On the Main Console window, select the package or packages (Shift+click or Ctrl+click) you want to
You can also create a new schedule without any packages and then attach one or more packages
later (see Editing Packages). You can also nest packages to include multiple packages (see Nested
Package Step Properties).
2. Do one of the following:

· On the Toolbar, click New Schedule .

· Click File > New Schedule.
· Right-click the package (or one of the selected packages) and select New Schedule.
· On the selected Package window, click Deploy > New Schedule.
· If multiple packages are selected, on the Multiple Packages page, select Create new schedule
w ith these packages.
A new blank Schedule window opens on the Triggers tab.
3. On the Options tab, click the Scanning drop-down menu to select the scan settings for the
4. Configure the remaining sections of the schedule.
5. Click OK.

Managing How PDQ Deploy Handles Offline Computers

PDQ Deploy provides several options to manage computers that are offline during deployment. The
following table provides a brief description of each option and its associated advantages. For additional
information on managing offline computers, see Handling Offline Target Computers for Deployments.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Offline Settings Description

Heartbeat Schedules Heartbeat is a PDQ Deploy schedule trigger that deploys packages to target
computers w hen they come online.

NOTE: This feature requires Enterprise mode in both PDQ Deploy and PDQ

PDQ Inventory detects w hen the status of computers change from offline to online.
This status change triggers the Heartbeat scheduled deployment in PDQ Deploy that
is linked to the PDQ Inventory target computers or PDQ Inventory collections.

For details on scheduling a Heartbeat deployment, see Deploying When Target

Computers Come Online w ith Heartbeat Schedules.

Offline Status The Offline Status is used to determine w hether or not target computers w ill receive
a ping or Wake-on-LAN prior to deployment.

Ping before Performs a ping (ICMP echo) before attempting the deployment. If the target does not
deployment respond to the ping w ithin 2 seconds, then the deployment is not attempted on that
Enabling this option can increase the overall speed of the deployment because PDQ
Deploy w ill only deploy to online computers.

NOTE: Typically, the ping should take only a few milliseconds. How ever, if your
DNS isn’t solid or your netw ork is experiencing latency issues, then the ping
response may take more than 2 seconds.

When thisnot
is selected, PDQ Deploy attempts the deployment regardless of the
online or offline status of the target computer. If the target is offline or otherw ise
unavailable, Window s w ill timeout after ~60 seconds. Leaving this unchecked can
decrease the overall speed of the deployment due to these attempts and extra w ait

Send Wake-on-LAN Attempts the deployment then sends a Wake-on-LAN to offline target computers.
and attempt The deployment is attempted again if it comes online. After 5 minutes if the computer
deployment is still offline, the deployment w ill be attempted again.
The advantage of this feature is that offline computers can immediately be made
available for deployment. How ever, it can increase deployment time.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only in Enterprise mode of both PDQ Deploy
and PDQ Inventory. Furthermore, PDQ Inventory must have the MAC address
of the target computers’ NICs.

Retry Queue The Retry Queue is a deployment queue for target computers that are unreachable
or offline during a deployment. The deployments are held in the Retry Queue and
deployment is retried as per the follow ing configured parameters.

IMPORTANT: The Retry Queue is available only in Enterprise mode.

For details on the Retry Queue, see Using the Retry Queue for Offline Computers.

Put Offline Targets Enables the Retry Queue. By default, target computers that are unreachable or
in Retry Queue offline during a deployment are held in the Retry Queue and deployment is retried.
This global setting can be overridden in the individual Package and Schedule
The advantage of this feature is that offline computers are automatically queued for
re-deployment. This simplifies the process of ensuring that critical updates are
deployed to all target computers. How ever, it is recommended that you enable this
option per package or deployment rather than applying it globally in Preferences. Do
not enable this option for packages that reboot the target computer.

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Optimizing Deployment

Allow ed Retries Sets the number of retry attempts for an offline computer. This applies per target per

The default setting is 72. To set unlimited retries, set this value to 0.
This global setting can be overridden in the individual Package and Schedule

Retry Interval Specifies the amount of time betw een deployment retry attempts.
The default setting is 1 hour. The minimum interval setting is 15 minutes. The Retry
Interval is a global setting.

To configure these options globally in Preferences:

1. Click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
2. In the Preferences window, click Deployments.
3. Configure the settings for offline computers.
4. Click Close.

Filtering Target Computers

PDQ Deploy target filters allow you to set up global rules to manage which computers each PDQ Deploy
console can deploy to. Target filters can limit which computers may be included in deployments executed
from a given console or they can be used to exclude computers from all deployments on that console. In
enterprise environments with multiple PDQ Deploy administrators, target filters are an effective way to
distribute administration.
IMPORTANT: Target Filters are available only in Enterprise mode.

Exclusion filters prevent deployment to any computer that matches the listed filters. For example, if you
have a filter for the Host Name HQDC-1, then any deployment to a Host Name called HQDC-1 is not
attempted. (Wildcards may also be used, such as HQDC*)
Inclusion filters prevent deployment to any computer that doesn't match any of the listed filters.
NOTE: Inclusion Filters are usually unnecessary. If an Inclusion Filter exists for a computer name “Trixie”,
then only computers that are named trixie can receive a deployment. It is more common to use the
Exclusion Filters to prevent accidental deployments to important computers such as domain
controllers, SQL servers, etc.

When PDQ Deploy processes a deployment, it first checks if there are any inclusion filters. If there are and
none of the filters match the target computers, then the deployment is blocked.
Next, PDQ Deploy checks the exclusion filters. If there is a match, then deployment is blocked. Otherwise,
PDQ processes the deployment as normal.

VIDEO: Deployment Target Filters (Inclusions and Exclusions)

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To define a target filter:

1. Click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
2. In the Preferences window, click Target Filters.

The Target Filters page allows you to define both inclusions and exclusions for target
computers.These filters are global settings; they apply to all deployments executed on the current PDQ
Deploy console.
3. Select either the Exclusions or the Inclusions tab:
· Select the Exclusions tab if you want to prevent deployments to specific computers.
· Select the Inclusions tab if you want to limit deployments to specific computers.
4. In the New Filter field, enter the name or IP address of a computer you want to add to the filter.
To exclude a range of computers, you may enter a subnet.
5. Click Add Filter to add the computer or subnet to the target filter.
6. (Optional) Repeat steps 4-5 to add multiple computers or subnets to the filter.
7. (Optional) To remove a computer or subnet from the Target Filters list, select the Host Name and
press Delete or right-click the Host Name and click Delete.
8. When finished, click Close.
Hereafter, the designated filters are applied to all deployments executed on the current PDQ Deploy

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Maintaining the PDQ Deploy Database

Maintaining the PDQ Deploy Database

PDQ Deploy stores all of its data—schedules, package configurations, target lists, preference settings,
credentials, deployment history, etc.—in an SQLite database file. The PDQ Deploy database is essential
to the program function; therefore, it is recommended that you perform the following regular maintenance
procedures to ensure optimal database performance:
· Location of the PDQ Deploy Database
· Backing Up the PDQ Deploy Database
· Cleaning Up Deployment History
· Optimizing the Database
· Restoring the Database

Location of the PDQ Deploy Database

PDQ Deploy stores its database locally (on the PDQ Deploy console computer) in %ProgramData%
\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy.
NOTE: %ProgramData%, which was introduced in Windows Vista and used in subsequent Operating
Systems (Windows 7, 8.x, 10, etc), is a special Windows folder designed to hold application-wide (that
is, not user-specific) data. By default, Windows marks this folder as hidden so you won't see it when
using Windows Explorer. Its default location is %SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData. If you are running
PDQ Deploy on Windows XP or 2003 (no longer supported), the default location is %SYSTEMDRIVE%
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data.

If your console performance is lagging during large deployments, you may consider moving the PDQ
Deploy database to a faster disk. For information on this procedure, visit the PDQ Support page at and click Submit a Request or email your request directly to, or click Help > Support > Feedback & Support. You can also browse the PDQ forums
for FAQs.

Backing Up the PDQ Deploy Database

Because the PDQ Deploy database stores all package, schedule, and deployment information, it is highly
recommended that you regularly backup the PDQ Deploy database. You can setup an Automatic Backup
Schedule in the Database page of Preferences. The default backup schedule is weekly on Saturdays at
10:00 PM. The default will also retain 10 compressed backups. (Enterprise mode required)
By default, the PDQ Deploy database is located at %ProgramData%\Admin Arsenal\PDQ
Deploy\Database.db. To protect your system data, configure your backup software to regularly back
up this file.
NOTE: To determine the location of the PDQ Deploy database, click Options > Preferences or press
Ctrl+Comma, then select Database. The Database field displays the path and filename for the PDQ
Deploy database. The Backup location displays the path and filename for the backup database files.

To change the PDQ Deploy database backup defaults, perform the follow ing:
1. Click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma, then select Database.
2. Make the appropriate changes in the Database Preferences window:

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Option Description

Enable automatic Enables the PDQ Deploy automatic backups feature. This is enabled by default.

Schedule Displays the current schedule for the automatic backup. Clicking the Edit Schedule
button w ill open the Select Trigger w indow to edit the schedule. Additionally, you can
click the Delete Schedule button to clear the schedule selection. The default
schedule is every w eek on Saturday at 10:00 PM.

NOTE: If no schedule is selected, a backup w ill not be performed regardless of w hether

Enable autom atic back ups is selected. A w arning at the bottom of the Automatic
Backup Schedule section w ill notify you if this is the case.

Once Schedule once in the future.

· Tr igger On: Date the trigger w ill run.
· At: Time the trigger w ill run.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger.

Interval Backs up (and repeats) at a set time interval.

· Ever y: The interval by day, hour, and minute.
· Only r un dur ing the follow ing tim e fr am e (Optional) Enables a set time frame.
· Betw een: The start of the time frame.

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Maintaining the PDQ Deploy Database

· And: The end of the time frame.

· Star ting: Date the trigger starts.
· At: Time the first trigger starts. If the optional time frame is selected, the first trigger
w ill occur at the start of the next time frame.
· Ending: (Optional) Date the trigger ends. Leaving this unchecked w ill allow the
trigger to run indefinitely.
· At: (Optional) Time the trigger ends.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger.
NOTE: Setting the 'Betw een' time later than the 'And' time w ill result in the trigger
running overnight

Daily Backs up every day at the same time.

· Ever y Day At:
· Time the trigger w ill run.
· Star ting: Date the trigger starts.
· Ending: (Optional) Date the trigger ends. Leaving this unchecked w ill allow the
trigger to run indefinitely.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger.

Weekly Backs up every w eek at the same time on selected days of the w eek.
· Ever y Week On:
· Day (or days) that the trigger runs.
· At: Time the trigger w ill run.
· Star ting: Date the trigger starts.
· Ending: (Optional) Date the trigger ends. Leaving this unchecked w ill allow the
trigger to run indefinitely.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger.

Monthly Backs up every month at the same time on selected days.

· Ever y Month
· Day of the Month: The actual day (or days) of the month (for example, 1, 12,
23, etc.). If you select the 29th, 30th, or 31st of the month, the trigger w on't run
in months w ithout those days. Select Las t to alw ays run the trigger on the last
day of the month.
· Day of the Week : The nth day of the month (for example, First Monday,
Second Wednesday, Last, etc.). Different combinations of w eeks and days
require separate schedules (for example, the 1st Monday and the 2nd Friday).
Selecting the 5th w eek w on't run the trigger in a month w ithout a fifth w eek.
Select Las t to alw ays run the trigger on the last w eek of the month.
· At: Time the trigger runs.
· Star ting: Date the trigger starts.
· Ending: (Optional) Date that the trigger ends. Leaving this unchecked w ill allow the
trigger to run indefinitely.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger.
TIP: Days of Month: If you select the 29th, 30th, or 31st of the month, the backup w on't
occur in months w ithout those days. Use Last to alw ays deploy on the last day of
the month. Can be mixed w ith Weeks of the Month.

TIP: Weekdays/ends of Month: Different combinations of w eeks and days are not
available (for example, the 1st Monday and the 2nd Friday.) Selecting the 5th day(s)
w on't deploy in a month w ithout a fifth w eek. Use Last to alw ays deploy on the last
w eek of the month. Can be mixed w ith Days of the Month.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Backup Location Displays the path w here backup files are stored. The default location is C:
\ProgramData\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Backups. Click the Open Folder Location
button to view the location of the backup.

NOTE: The backup file is named after the version of the database w ith the date and
time the backup w as performed. For example a backup of version 9 performed on
March 23, 2016 at 2:32 PM w ill be titled PDQDeploy-

Backups to Keep Specifies the number of most recent backup files to keep. Setting this to 0 w ill save all
backups. The default setting is 10.

Compress Automatically compresses each backup to save space. This is enabled by default.

Backup Now Backs up immediately instead of w aiting for the next scheduled backup.

Last Backup Displays the date and time of the last database backup as w ell as how long ago the
backup w as performed.

Next Backup Displays the data and time of the next backup as w ell as how long until the next backup
is performed.

Cleaning Up Deployment History

Every time PDQ Deploy runs a deployment, it records the results in the PDQ Deploy database. Each
deployment record takes ~5KB of memory. While individually this is a negligible amount, given time and
thousands of deployment records, the deployment history can consume significant disk space. For
example, in our labs, the deployment history for 6,200 deployments required 32 MB of disk space. The
more data in the database, the slower the database will become.
To help you manage the disk space consumed by the PDQ Deploy database, you can configure PDQ
Deploy to automatically purge deployment history records after a specified number of days. You can
customize this value based on the number of deployments you run and how long you wish to see the
results of finished deployments. The default age is 30 days, i.e. one month after the deployment finishes.
Setting the cleanup to 0 days disables automatic cleanup; PDQ Deploy never deletes the deployment
WARNING: Keeping this value high or setting the value to 0 may cause the PDQ Deploy database to get
very large which could slow PDQ Deploy performance.

To specify how many days you w ant to archive deployment histories in the PDQ Deploy database
before they are deleted:
1. Click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
2. In the Preferences window, click Deployments.
3. Set the Cleanup field to the number of days you want to maintain the deployment history before they
are deleted.
4. Click Close.

Optimizing the Database

When PDQ Deploy deletes information from the PDQ Deploy database, it leaves empty space in the
database file which takes up a few bytes. Over time, this space adds up and may impact database
performance. Therefore, it is recommended that, on average, you optimize the PDQ Deploy database
once a month. Optimizing the database frees up the empty space and gets rid of fragmentation.

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Maintaining the PDQ Deploy Database

NOTE: If you are running a high volume of deployments and you have configured PDQ Deploy to clean up
the deployment history <30 days, you may want to optimize the PDQ Deploy database more frequently.

NOTE: PDQ Deploy automatically optimizes the database when the application is upgraded.

To optimize the PDQ Deploy database:

1. Click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
2. In the Preferences window, click Database.
3. Click Optimize Database.

NOTE: PDQ Deploy warns that the console and background service will be stopped, which will abort
any running deployments.

4. Click OK to continue.
PDQ Deploy opens a command line window to run the optimization command.
5. When the optimization completes, press Enter to close the command line window.
PDQ Deploy automatically restarts and opens the Preferences window.
6. Click Close.

RESTORING the Database

In the case of something happening to your system and you need to revert to a previous version of a
database, you can restore the database through an elevated command prompt.
To restore the PDQ Deploy database:
1. Run cmd.exe as Administrator.
2. To view the options available when restoring the database, use the following command:
PDQDeploy RestoreDatabase.
This will display all the available databases you wish to restore.

3. Enter the number of the database you wish to restore.

4. (Optional) To automatically restore the most recent database, use the following command instead:
PDQDeploy RestoreDatabase -RestoreMostRecent. The database being overwritten
will be renamed and left in the same folder.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Healthy DNS
PDQ Deploy, PDQ Inventory, and most network applications require a health DNS to run optimally. There
are common “best practices” associated with running a healthy DNS. These best practices include
allowing DHCP to update/create DNS records and enabling Scavenging.
For more detailed information please reference the following articles:

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Chapter 19

Integrating PDQ Deploy with Other

PDQ Deploy can deploy to target computers defined in Windows Active Directory, PDQ Inventory, and
Spiceworks. This chapter reviews the attendant advantages and configuration requirements for each
· PDQ Inventory
· Windows Active Directory
· Spiceworks

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

PDQ Inventory
PDQ Inventory is a companion product to PDQ Deploy. It scans your network computers and collects
hardware, software, and Windows configurations. You can view the collected data directly in PDQ
Inventory or you can generate inventory reports. PDQ Inventory also provides valuable features such as
booting machines from Wake-On LAN, executing commands and remote desktop on target machines,
and uninstalling software.

In order to use PDQ Inventory with PDQ Deploy, both products must be installed on the same console
machine. The ability to use PDQ Inventory with PDQ Deploy depends on your license level and the mode
in which the console is running.
NOTE: For any combination below, the target computer must already be in PDQ Inventory with a name or
hostname that matches the name used in PDQ Deploy.

The following chart displays the requirements:

PDQ PDQ Deploy Central PDQ PDQ Inventory Central

Deploy Server mode Inventory Server mode
License License

Enterprise Local Mode requires Enterprise Local Mode

Enterprise Client Mode requires Enterprise Client or Server Mode

Enterprise Server Mode requires Enterprise Client or Server Mode

The information PDQ Inventory collects from computers on your network is invaluable when you are trying
to assess which patches and updates you need to deploy to which computers on your network. In addition
to providing supplementary data, PDQ Inventory is fully integrated with PDQ Deploy. When you install PDQ
Inventory, PDQ Deploy automatically provides access to Inventory features. For example, when selecting
target computers for a deployment, you can select the computers from PDQ Inventory. Furthermore, you
can link target lists in PDQ Deploy to collections of computers defined in PDQ Inventory. When computers
are added to or removed from a PDQ Inventory Collection, the changes are reflected in the linked target
In addition to selecting target computers from PDQ Inventory, you can automatically launch PDQ Inventory
scans after deployment and you can use PDQ Inventory to send a Wake-on-LAN command to an offline
computer during deployment.
NOTE: For a complete listing of PDQ Inventory features, see

PDQ Inventory can be opened directly from PDQ Deploy in the Deployment Status window, All
Deployments page, Deployments tab of the Package page, and the Target History tab of the Schedule
window by selecting one or more computer names, right-click and select Open in PDQ Inventory.
(Requires Deploy version 10 or later and PDQ Inventory version 9 or later.)
The following links provide step-by-step instructions on how to leverage PDQ Inventory features within
PDQ Deploy:
· Creating Scheduled Deployments, Part 3: Schedule Targets
· Deploying Packages with Deploy Once, Step 5

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PDQ Inventory

· Creating a Target List, Part 2: Link to Target Sources

· Creating a Target List, Part 3: Choosing Individual Targets
· Global Deployment Settings (Scanning)
· Deployment Settings for Single Packages (Scanning)
· Global Deployment Settings (Wake-on-LAN)

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Windows Active Directory

PDQ Deploy integrates with Windows Active Directory (AD) so you can select target computers for
deployment from AD domains. You can also link a target list in PDQ Deploy to an AD container or group
so that when computers are added to or removed from the container or group in AD, the changes are
reflected in the linked target list.
NOTE: The containers from which PDQ Deploy pulls computers are Organizational Units (OU's) and
Security Groups.

PDQ Deploy automatically integrates with AD; no additional configuration is required. PDQ Deploy uses
the credentials of the administrator currently logged into the PDQ Deploy console to access AD.
Therefore, it can access only the domains to which the current administrator has access. The default
domain is the domain in which the PDQ Deploy console resides.
The following links provide step-by-step instructions on how to leverage AD within PDQ Deploy:
· Creating Scheduled Deployments, Part 3: Schedule Targets
· Deploying Packages with Deploy Once, Step 5
· Creating a Target List, Part 2: Link to Target Sources
· Creating a Target List, Part 3: Choosing Individual Targets

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Spicew orks

PDQ Deploy integrates with Spiceworks so you can select computers for deployment from your
Spiceworks groups. You can also link a target list in PDQ Deploy to a Spiceworks group so that when
computers are added to or removed from the group in Spiceworks, the changes are reflected in the linked
target list.
NOTE: PDQ Deploy is generally current with Spiceworks releases. Old versions of Spiceworks may not
work with PDQ Deploy.

Before you can select or link target computers from your Spiceworks groups, you must first provide your
Spiceworks login credentials in PDQ Deploy Preferences. These credentials allow PDQ Deploy to
connect to your Spiceworks account.

VIDEO: PDQ Live! Spiceworks and PDQ Deploy: Frequently Unasked Questions


To configure your Spicew orks credentials in Preferences:

1. Click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
2. In the Preferences window, click Spicew orks.

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The Spiceworks page integrates PDQ Deploy with Spiceworks so that you can deploy packages to
computers based on their Spiceworks’ Group membership.
3. Configure the Spiceworks settings.
4. When finished, click Close.
The following links provide step-by-step instructions on how to leverage Spiceworks within PDQ Deploy:
· Creating Scheduled Deployments, Part 3: Schedule Targets
· Deploying Packages with Deploy Once, Step 5
· Creating a Target List, Part 2: Link to Target Sources
· Creating a Target List, Part 3: Choosing Individual Targets

Preferences Spiceworks Settings

Options Description

Host Name The name of the computer w here Spicew orks is installed.
“Localhost” can be used if Spicew orks is installed on the same computer as PDQ

Port The IP port used by the Spicew orks service.

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Spicew orks

This port can be view ed in the URL of your brow ser w hen connected to
Spicew orks. For example, http://localhost:8080/dashboard/.

Spicew orks normally uses port 443 (HTTPS). It w ill use 9676 (Spicew orks secured)
if port 443 is already in use. When not using SSL, the defaults are port 80 (HTTP)
and 9675 (Spicew orks open).

Use SSL Configures PDQ Deploy to use SSL to connect to Spicew orks and to encrypt all
communication betw een PDQ Deploy and Spicew orks.

Email The email address used to log in to your Spicew orks account.

IMPORTANT: This user account must have the Spicew orks Admin role.

Passw ord The passw ord for the specified Spicew orks account.

Auto Sync Enabled Configures PDQ Deploy to synchronize its list of available target groups w ith
Spicew orks at the designated interval.

NOTE: A schedule that Links To a Spicew orks group performs a quick sync of the
specified Spicew orks group so that the latest membership data is used.

Sync Interval If Auto Sync is enabled, this is the interval in hours and minutes that PDQ Deploy
synchronizes its list of available target groups w ith Spicew orks.
The default Sync Interval is 4 hours.

NOTE: Synchronizing w ith Spicew orks may take up to 1 minute per computer.
Therefore, if you have a lot of Spicew orks groups, it is recommended that you
increase the Sync Interval.

Sync Now Click to immediately synchronize the PDQ Deploy list of available target groups w ith
Spicew orks.

Last Sync The last date PDQ Deploy synchronized w ith Spicew orks, either manually or

Next Sync If Auto Sync is enabled, this is the date and time of the next scheduled

Status xx(
Show s the status of the last successful scan, e.g. Successful xx

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Chapter 20

Moving PDQ Deploy to Another

When you upgrade your administrator workstation, you can easily install PDQ Deploy on your new system;
however, you don’t want to lose the configurations, schedules, credentials, target lists, package data,
deployments, etc. from your old system. This section outlines how to move PDQ Deploy to a new
computer so you retain all your system data.

VIDEO: Moving your PDQ Deploy Package Repository


VIDEO: PDQ Live! Moving PDQ Deploy or PDQ Inventory to a New Machine


To move PDQ Deploy to a new computer:

1. Install PDQ Deploy on your new system.

WARNING: To maintain your database structure, the version of PDQ Deploy installed on your new
system must be at the same level or newer than the version installed on your old system. To
determine the version of PDQ Deploy installed on your old system.

2. Open PDQ Deploy on your old system.

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a. Click Help > About PDQ Deploy to verify which version is installed on your old system.
b. If necessary, update PDQ Deploy on your old computer to the same version of PDQ Deploy that
you installed on your new system.
3. Stop the PDQ Deploy Service on both your old and new systems.
a. Go to services.msc and stop both PDQDeploy and PDQInventory.
b. Close PDQ Deploy on both your old and new systems.
4. Copy the PDQ Deploy database from your old system to your new system.
The database.db file contains all PDQ Deploy data including the Package Library, schedules,
deployment history, and configuration settings.
a. Open Windows Explorer on your old system.
b. Go to directory %programdata%\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy.

c. Copy the database.db file to a file share (or RDP copy, USB drive, etc.) that is accessible from
the new system.
d. On your new system, copy the database.db file to directory %programdata%\Admin
Arsenal\PDQ Deploy.
e. When prompted, choose Copy and Replace to overwrite the existing database file.

not want to copy; Database.db-shm and

NOTE: There are two temporary files that you will
Database.db-w al. It is generally not a problem to copy them, however, if they are out of sync with
the Database.db file, then PDQ Deploy will not be able to start until they are deleted.

5. Copy the PDQ Deploy registry keys from your old system to your new system.
The license registry key stores all the passwords for the credentials stored in PDQ Deploy.
a. Open Registry Editor on your old system.
c. Export the PDQ Deploy key to a file share that is accessible from the new system.

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d. Copy the HKLM\Software\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy key to the desktop on the new
e. On the new system, select the PDQ Deploy key, right-click, then select Merge.
f. When asked if you want to continue with the registry merge, click Yes.
6. Open PDQ Deploy on your new system.
7. Enter your PDQ Deploy license key on the new system.
a. In PDQ Deploy, click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma.
b. In the Preferences window, click License > Use License (Enterprise).
c. Copy and paste your license key from the license email or you can browse to and select your
license key file.
Be sure to include “--- START LICENSE ---” and “--- END LICENSE ---” when copying
the key.
8. Synchronize the Repository on the new system.
The Repository is the directory where PDQ Deploy stores the package install files.
If the Repository for your old system is on a file share that is accessible from your new system, then
that information comes across to your new system when you transfer the database. However, if the
Repository is located in a local directory on your old system, then you must copy the old Repository
folder over to your new system.
To copy a local Repository folder over to your new system:
a. On your old system, open Windows Explorer and navigate to the Repository directory.
The default directory is drive:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Admin
Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Repository.
b. Copy all the folders in the old Repository directory to the Repository directory on your new system.
You can store the Repository anywhere; however, the default directory is
drive:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Admin Arsenal\PDQ
c. On your new system, open PDQ Deploy, click Options > Preferences or press Ctrl+Comma to
open the Preferences window.
d. In the Preferences window, click Repository.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

e. Enter the path to the Repository directory.

f. Click Close to close the Preferences window.

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Chapter 21


This section reviews ways to troubleshoot errors with deployments.

· More Info: Diagnose Problems
· Configuring Windows Firewall Ports and Exceptions
· Whitelisting the Package Library
· Access Denied-Failure to connect to ADMIN$ share Error
· Troubleshooting Deployment Errors
· PowerShell Error Handling
· Troubleshooting Microsoft Installer Errors
· Submit Support Ticket
· Restore the PDQ Deploy Database

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More Info: Diagnose Problems

PDQ Deploy has several methods to diagnose and correct issues that impact the scanning of computers
as well as the functionality of the program.

You may encounter errors when scanning computers or performing other tasks. When an error occurs,
there is usually a more info button available within the program to provide additional information and
assist in diagnosing issues. Click on this button to open the More Info window:

The following links are available from within the More Info window:
1. Online help for this type of issue
This link will open your default web browser to the PDQ support page with details related to the error
you received. If no article is available for the error, you will be directed to the main PDQ Support site
where you can conduct a search related to the error.
2. Submit this issue to PDQ Support
This link will open the Submit a Support Ticket window. Click Submit Support Ticket to create a ticket
with PDQ support staff. For more information see, Submit a Support Ticket window.
IMPORTANT: An email address is required to submit a support ticket. If you do not provide us w ith a valid
email address, PDQ support cannot contact you w ith a w orkaround, fix, or ask any follow -up questions.
Be as s ur ed that PDQ w ill not us e your em ail addr es s for anything els e.

3. Try Remote Repair

If this link is an option, it will open the Remote Repair tool window. The Remote Repair tool is a
separate program that comes bundled with PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory, which performs a number
of tests to determine if a computer can be managed remotely, and optionally make repairs needed to
restore remote administrative capability.

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More Info: Diagnose Problems

The following table describes the Remote Repair menu items.

Menu Command Description

File Show Utility in Opens Window s Explorer to the location of the Remote Repair tool
Explorer executable.

NOTE: In PDQ Deploy versions 11 and earlier, the file name is

RemoteRepair.exe. In versions 12 and later, the file name is

Exit Exits the Remote Repair tool.

Repair Analyze Computer Analyzes the computer listed in the Com puter : box

Repair Computer The Remote Repair tool attempt to repair the issues found from the analysis.

Help Contents Opens the Remote Repair tool help w indow .

Getting Started Opens the Getting Started guide and video on the PDQ w ebsite.

PDQ Website Opens the PDQ w ebsite.

Report a Problem Opens the PDQ support site.

Make a Suggestion Opens the PDQ requests page.

Discussion Forums Opens the PDQ Discussion Forums page.

About Remote Provides version information about the Remote Repair Utility.
Repair Utility

The following table describes the options available in Remote Repair.

Option Description

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This Computer This tab allow s for the analysis and repair of the local computer. Tests are performed for a
number of know n problems that might affect remote administration, such as the presence of
needed shares and firew all settings. Upon analyzing the computer a list of needed repairs w ill
be show n w hich can then be made.

Other This tab allow s for the analysis of another computer, usually the one that generated the error.
Computer These tests are different than those run for This Com puter in that they check w hether
remote admin functionality is w orking. If there are problems that require correction, the utility
must be copied to the remote computer and run locally.
In connecting to remote computers it is possible to use any user and passw ord for
authentication. Click on the name of the user listed in order to change (see below ).

Analyze Analyzes either This Com puter or Other Com puter depending on the chosen tab.

Computer: (Only availableOther

in Computer ). Lists the name of the remote computer that w ill be tested.

Authenticate (Only available in Other Com puter ). Lists the name of the user to authenticate as on the
as remote computer. Options include Dom ain, Us er Nam e, and Pas s w or d.

Repair All (Only available in This Com puter ). The Remote Repair tool attempts to repair the local

[Results Show s the results of the analysis, either before or after a repair attempt is made.
w indow ]

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Configuring Window s Firew all Ports and Exceptions

Configuring Windows Firewall Ports and Exceptions

In order to successfully use PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory, the console and target computers must have
the following firewall ports / services enabled:
· Window s Firew all: Allow inbound file and printer sharing exception
This rule allows the IPC$ and ADMIN$ shares to be available. Administrative access to these shares
is required.
· Window s Firew all: Allow ICMP exceptions - (Allow inbound echo request)
This rule allows a target computer to respond to ping requests. Ping is used by PDQ Inventory to
determine the online status of a computer. Keep in mind that PDQ products ping the FQDN (Fully
Qualified Domain Name) of a computer to determine if it is online and available.
If you enable these rules via Group Policy (GPO) (recommended) you should use the following path:
Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Network\Network Connec
If you enable these rules on computers that are not members of an Active Directory (AD) domain then use
the following path:
Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Network\Network Connec

If the target computer is not a member of an Active Directory domain then you may need to enable Remote
UAC. When Remote UAC is enabled local administrative accounts are prohibited from accessing system
shares such as ADMIN$. This can be a huge problem if you need to manage remote systems with a local
account. For more information, see Access Denied-Failure to connect to ADMIN$ share Error.
PDQ products use Server Message Block (SMB) to communicate with target computers. If you can
manage remote computers using standard Windows' administration tools you should be set as far as
ports go. The following ports are used by SMB:
· UDP 137
· UDP 138
· UDP 445
· TCP 139
· TCP 445

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Whitelisting the Package Library

PDQ Deploy has the ability to download prebuilt ready-to-deploy packages from Packages are
downloaded from the following website:
If you are blocked from downloading packages from the PDQ Package Library, or are unable to receive
update notifications in PDQ Deploy, you may need to add the above address to your company whitelist.

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Access Denied-Failure to connect to ADMIN$ share Error

Access Denied-Failure to connect to ADMIN$ share

You may get the If you are attempting to access a Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8x, Windows 10,
Server 2008 R2, or Server 2012/2012 R2 computer with PDQ Deploy, you may get the “Access Denied -
Failed to connect to ADMIN$ share" error, even when supplying the appropriate local user credentials that
have Administrator access. If the target computer is not a member of a Windows 2003 or later domain,
then this is most likely because the target system has Remote UAC enabled. Remote UAC prevents local
administrative accounts from accessing ADMIN$.

NOTE: More specifically, Remote UAC prevents local accounts from running in an elevated mode when
connecting from the network.

If you need to be able to access the ADMIN$ using a local account, then you must disable Remote UAC
on the target computer.
NOTE: By default, when local credentials are used to access a Windows Vista or later system that is a
member of a Windows domain, this problem does not exist. Remote administrative access is denied
to local accounts only when a Windows Vista or later system is NOT a member of a Windows 2003 or
later domain. For more information, see the following documents: and

To troubleshoot this error, please visit our Knowledge Base article at

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Troubleshooting Deployment Errors

The single greatest problem administrators have in using PDQ Deploy to deploy software is missing or
incorrect install parameters. Of those issues, the most common error is not running the installation in
silent mode. By default, most installations require end-user interaction. However, many applications can
be installed in what is known as quiet, silent or unattended mode which does not require user input. An
installation run in silent or unattended mode will install the software either with a default set of properties
(such as file locations) or with options provided on a command line. When deploying .MSI, .MSU and .MSP
files, PDQ Deploy automatically generates the required parameters to run silently. You can modify
additional MSI properties via the Parameters field. For other supported install files, silent options can be
found from several different sources. For help with silent install options refer to Silent Install Options.
NOTE: For a listing of supported install file types, see Supported Install Files.

In rare cases, an application may still require end-user interaction. In these cases you may change the
deployment package’s Run As option to Deploy User (Interactive) so that end-users can provide the
needed input.
Another challenge administrators may encounter is using PDQ Deploy to deploy software that is installed
in a User context. For example, some applications are actually intended to be installed per user and not
per machine. These applications install their respective applications in the %APPDATA% folder instead of
%ProgramFiles%. If an installation requires access to the %APPDATA% or %TEMP% directories (these
are user-level directories) or to HKEY_CURRENT_USER, then the local user must be logged on to the
target computer rather than the administrator because these directories are user-specific. In cases when
you want to install user-level applications, use the Run As option Logged On User.
The same holds true when implementing user-level changes to the registry. PDQ Deploy may be used to
export registry settings via .reg files to target computers. However, HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU)
settings require that the local user be logged on to the target computer rather than the administrator;
otherwise, the registry settings are simply imported to the administrator’s registry. As in the previous
scenario, you must use the Run As option Logged On User to implement user-level changes to the
In other cases, administrators may encounter challenges when install files require access to local
resources such as mapped drives or printers because these resources are defined per user and,
therefore, aren’t immediately accessible to the PDQ Deploy target service, PDQDeployRunner. In these
cases, the issues are most effectively addressed at the system level.
For example, if Copy Mode is set to Pull and the install files are on a network drive, the best way to give the
PDQDeployRunner service access to the network drive is to configure the Repository using a UNC path
rather than a local mapping. This avoids all potential problems.
Similarly, if you need to create printers, instead of using PDQ Deploy, use the Active Directory Group Policy
wizard to install the printer when the user logs on to his or her local workstation.

VIDEO: PDQ Live! Troubleshooting Deployments


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Pow erShell Error Handling

PowerShell Error Handling

When you deploy a package that contains a PowerShell step, PDQ Deploy bundles the contents of your
PowerShell step and adds some basic error handling before sending it to a target. This bundle contains
two files: user1.ps1 and Error Handling Wrapper.ps1. These files are created automatically
when deploying a package that contains PowerShell and allows PDQ Deploy to better report on errors that
occur during PowerShell deployments.
The user.ps1 script contains the PowerShell code that is contained in a PowerShell step. The Error
Handling Wrapper.ps1 script contains a call to run user.ps1 as well as basic error handling.
This allows PDQ Deploy to properly display any errors that happen during a PowerShell deployment.
Without basic error handling, PowerShell will return a value of 0 to PDQ Deploy when a PowerShell step is
run on a target. This is because PowerShell only determines whether or not the script was able to run
rather than what errors or exceptions happen during a deployment.
If you explicitly add an exit code to your PowerShell step or if you call a PowerShell script that contains an
exit code, it will be returned as $lastexitcode after user.ps1 is called.

Native PowerShell cmdlets do not normally generate exit codes. Instead, any errors or exceptions are
recorded in PowerShell's global variable $error (see automatic variables on Technet for more
information). When deploying a PowerShell step, PDQ Deploy looks at the contents of $error for any
entry that has a property and value of writeErrorSteam = $true. If any entries are found, targets
with PowerShell version 3 or higher will return with exit code -37104. PowerShell version 2 targets will
return with exit code 37105.
IMPORTANT: Pow erShell version 1 is not supported in PDQ Deploy.

Without basic error handling, PowerShell will return a value of 0 to PDQ Deploy when a PowerShell step is
run on a target. This is because PowerShell is simply returning whether or not the script was able to run
rather than what errors or exceptions happen during a deployment.
The follow ing are examples of Error Handling:
1. Explicitly adding an exit code:
In a PowerShell , we used the following code.
Try {
Get-ChildItem C:\NonExistentFolder -ErrorAction Stop
Catch {
exit 777
This will return a value of 777 if there is an error or exception that occurs.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

2. Adding exit codes to a script and then calling the script:

In a PowerShell , we used the same example code listed in example 1, but saved it as
Try {
Get-ChildItem C:\NonExistentFolder -ErrorAction Stop
Catch {
exit 777
This will return a value of 777 if there is an error or exception that occurs when the script is called and
the step is deployed to a target:

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Pow erShell Error Handling

3. Native PowerShell cmdlet errors:

You will need to handle any exceptions within your PowerShell code to account for these errors.

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Troubleshooting Microsoft Installer Errors

Troubleshooting Microsoft Installer Errors

The Microsoft Installer (.msi) generates return codes (AKA error codes) when a .msi file completes.
There are three (3) return codes that are automatically marked as a Success (e.g. these have an entry in
the Success Codes field of the respective PDQ Deploy package step):

MSI Return Description


0 This is (almost alw ays) considered successful and should be treated as such except in very
rare cases.

1641 This return code means that the installation required the target to reboot AND that a reboot
w as initiated.

3010 This return code means the installation requires a reboot but a reboot w as NOT initiated. (See
image below .)

NOTE: For information on configuring success codes in Command step properties, see Command Step

We recommend using the Command Step to uninstall an application that was installed via MSI. In these
Uninstall cases it is common to add the code 1605 to the Return Codes field. Note, this is NOT done by
default (see image below).

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For a comprehensive list of Windows system error codes, see

The following are some Microsoft Articles which describe different Microsoft Installer error codes:

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Issue Report

Issue Report
The following window is used to create a support ticket to PDQ. This window will appear if you uncover a
bug which needs to be fixed, encounter other problems in the product, or click Submit this issue to PDQ
support from a More Info window. While it may be possible to continue using the product, if the Submit a
Support Ticket window indicates a defect in the application, it's best to close and restart the application
before continuing.

The following table describes the components of the Submit a Support Ticket window.

Component Description

Text box A text box allow ing you to provide information to PDQ such as: w hat you w ere doing w hen the
error occurred, w ere you able to replicate the error, any troubleshooting steps you performed,
and other information you feel is pertinent to the error.

NOTE: If you don't w ant to submit a ticket, no action is required. If you have Send anonymous
exception data to selected in Preferences, w e have already received an
anonymized version of the diagnostic details and are aw are of the problem encountered. If
you w ish to have Support to contact you, you w ill need to provide us w ith an email
address at the bare minimum.

Email Address Include the email address that w ill be used by PDQ Support to contact you. It is preferable to use
the email address associated w ith your PDQ account.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

IMPORTANT: An email address is required to submit a support ticket. If you do not provide us
w ith a valid email address, PDQ support cannot contact you w ith a w orkaround, fix, or ask
any follow -up questions. Be as s ur ed that PDQ w ill not us e your em ail addr es s for
anything els e.

Diagnostic If the diagnostic details section is not already expanded and displayed, the link View all the
details diagnos tic details being s ent to Suppor t w ith this tick et. This information is
used by Support to help properly diagnose the error.

Submit Creates a support ticket and sends the diagnostic information to PDQ Support.
Support Ticket
NOTE: To ensure the best quality product, please be sure to include all pertinent information so
w e can fix the issue as soon as possible.

Cancel Closes the w indow and does not create a support ticket.

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Restore the PDQ Deploy Database

Restore the PDQ Deploy Database

In the case of something happening to your system and you need to revert to a previous version of a
database, you can restore the database through an elevated command prompt.

To restore the PDQ Deploy database:

1. Run cmd.exe as Administrator.
2. To view the options available when restoring the database, use the following command:
PDQDeploy RestoreDatabase.
This will display all the available databases you wish to restore.

3. Enter the number of the database you wish to restore.

4. (Optional) To automatically restore the most recent database, use the following command instead:
PDQDeploy RestoreDatabase -RestoreMostRecent. The database being overwritten
will be renamed and left in the same folder.

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Chapter 22

Icon Quick Reference Glossary

This chapter presents all the icon quick reference tables from the PDQ Deploy documentation in one
place for convenient access.
This chapter contains the following topics:
· Menu and Toolbar Icons
· Tree and Page Icons
· Package Step Type Icons
· Schedule Icons
· Schedule Triggers
· Schedule Status
· Deployment Status Icons
· Print Preview Icons
· Preferences Window Icons
· Miscellaneous Icons

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Menu and Toolbar Icons

The File, Edit, View, and Help menus provide commands and controls for the components and content
you create and edit in PDQ Deploy. The Toolbar provides quick, context sensitive access to selected

The following table provides quick reference details for each command.

Menu Command Icon Key Command Description

File New Package Ctrl+N Opens New Package w indow .

New Target List Ctrl+Shift+T Opens new blank Target List

w indow .

New Folder Ctrl+Shift+F Creates new folder for

organizing packages and target

New Schedule Opens a new blank Schedule

w indow . (Enterprise mode

Duplicate Alt+Insert Duplicates selected Package,

Target List, Schedule, or

Open Ctrl+O Opens selected Package,

Target List, Schedule, or

Deploy Once Ctrl+D Opens a new blank Deploy

Once w indow for the selected

Attach Schedules Attaches existing schedules to

the selected package.
(Enterprise mode required)

Print Preview Ctrl+P Preview s and prints or exports

w hat is displayed on the
console (deployments,
schedules, packages, etc.).

Import Ctrl+I Imports Packages and Target


Export Ctrl+E Exports Packages and Target


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Menu and Toolbar Icons

Save Data to File Ctrl+Alt+S Saves data for selected item in

several formats. For example,
you can save a list of the
current packages in the
Package Library.

Exit Alt+F4 Closes PDQ Deploy.

Edit Cut Ctrl+X Cuts the selected item.

Copy Ctrl+C Copies the selected item.

Paste Ctrl+V Pastes the selected item.

Abort Aborts a deployment before

completion. Stop the entire
deployment or only selected
target computers.

Redeploy Ctrl+R Redeploys to all or selected

target computers.

Redeploy to Failed Ctrl+Shift+R Redeploys to all failed target

Computers computers.

Redeploy from Failed Step Redeploys from the step that

previously failed.

Delete Del Deletes the selected item.

Rename F2 Renames selected item (for

example, a Package or custom

Select All / Select None Ctrl+A Selects or deselects all items in

a list or field.

View Refresh F5 Refreshes the entire console

including checking for updates.

Package Library Opens the Package Library on

the Main Console w indow .

Edit Columns Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Z Opens the Edit Columns

w indow . You can change the
columns displayed, column
order, and more. For details,
see Data Grids.

Item Appearance Ctrl+Shift+F2 Opens the Item Appearance

w indow . For items in the tree,
you can change the icon
displayed and display as
section header. For details, see
Item Appearance Window .

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Repor ts Deployment Preview s and prints or exports

the Deployment Details report
using the selected report profile.
Select from Full Details,
Summary, or a custom profile.

Package Preview s and prints or exports

the Package Details report using
the selected report profile.
Select from Include Step Details
or No Step Details.

Package Library Preview s and prints or exports

the Package Library Details
using the selected report profile.
Select from Include Step Details
or No Step Details.

Schedule Preview s and prints or exports

the Schedule Details report that
using the selected report profile.
Select from Full Details,
Summary, or a custom profile.

Target List Preview s and prints or exports

the Target List Details report.

Notifications Opens the Notifications w indow

w here Post Deployment emails
and Post Schedules emails are
created and edited.

Options Credentials Opens the Credentials w indow

to manage the administrative
credentials used by PDQ

Variables Opens the Variables w indow to

manage the Custom and System
values stored by PDQ Deploy.

Console Users Opens the Console Users

w indow to manage the users
that can access the console..

Central Server Opens the Central Server

w indow . In Local mode, the
w indow w ill show the options
for setting up Server Mode or
Client Mode. Once in Server
Mode or Client Mode, the
w indow w ill display the settings
for the selected mode.

Background Service Opens the Background Service

w indow to modify the settings
used by the Window s service

Preferences Ctrl+Comma Opens the PDQ Preferences

w indow to customize the

© 2020 All rights reserved.

Menu and Toolbar Icons

Help User Guide F1 Opens the PDQ Deploy user

guide documentation. Website Opens the w ebsite.

Buy Enterprise License Opens the Purchase

Licenses w eb page. (Available
only in Free mode)

Renew Subscription Opens the Existing

Customer Sign In w eb page.
(Available only in Enterprise

Try PDQ Deploy Enterprise Opens the PDQ

Deploy Enterprise Mode Trial
w eb page. (Available only in
Free mode)

Open Remote Repair Ctrl+Tilde Opens the Remote

Repair utility.

Open Elevated Command Opens a Command Prompt to be

Prompt Run as Administrator.
(Enterprise mode required to
launch from w ithin PDQ Deploy)

Open Elevated Pow erShell Opens Pow erShell Prompt to be

Prompt Run as Administrator.
(Enterprise mode required to
launch from w ithin PDQ Deploy)

Support Opens the different support

w eb pages available from
Admin Arsenal. Choose
betw een Feedback & Support
and Support Forums.

Check for Update Opens the Check for Update

w indow w ith information and
dow nload options about
available updates.

Current Configuration Opens a Notepad of select

Summary settings from Options,
Preferences, and License. This
file w ill mostly be used w hen
seeking support.

License Opens the License w indow .

About PDQ Deploy Opens the About PDQ Deploy

w indow that show s the
currently installed version and
license mode.

See also
Tree and Page Icons
Package Step Type Icons
Schedule Icons

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Deployment Status Icons

Print Preview Icons

Preferences Window Icons

Miscellaneous Icons

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Tree and Panel Window Icons

Tree and Panel Window Icons

The tree contains all of the packages, deployments, schedules, target lists, and custom folders in your
PDQ Deploy system. You can also access the PDQ Deploy Package Library from the tree.

Select an item in the tree to display its details in the page view on the right. You can organize the tree by
moving folders or creating custom folders for packages and target lists. While using Central Server,
organization of the tree is on a per user basis.

general tree and page icons

The following table provides a description for each general element in the tree.

Page Icon Description

Welcome to PDQ Deploy Includes links to get you started w ith packages, to help and
documentation resources, and to follow Admin Arsenal on social
netw orking.

All Deployments Lists all deployments in your system.

All Schedules Lists all schedules in your system.

Retry Queue Displays the list of computers w aiting for packages to be

redeployed. (Enterprise license mode required.) Only computers that
failed due to being offline w ill be placed in the Retry Queue.

Auto Dow nload Packages Displays PDQ Deploy packages that are configured for Auto
Dow nload. If the package has been edited, the pencil w ill display
over the icon. (Enterprise mode required.)

Package Library Displays the ready-to-deploy packages created by If you

expand the Package Library, you can view packages by Categories
or Vendors. The specific packages that you can dow nload and
deploy from the Package Library depends on your license mode.

Folder You can create custom folders for organizing packages, target lists,
and other folders.
Drag and drop to move folders in the tree.

NOTE: The default folder is named Pack ages . If this folder is deleted
or renamed, the imported packages w ill be stored in the top level of
the tree.

Private Packages This folder is automatically added w hile using Central Server.
Packages, target lists, and other folders created or copied into this
folder cannot be seen by other users of the Central Server.

NOTE: Reverting a console to Local mode w ill convert this folder to a

regular folder appended w ith the console user's name.

Package Displays any Standard package that is not auto dow nloading. Select
a package to view its details, like associated deployments,
schedules, and more. Packages can be dragged and dropped onto
target lists to create a deployment (and vice versa).

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

See also
Menu and Toolbar Icons
Package Step Type Icons
Schedule Icons
Deployment Status Icons
Print Preview Icons

Preferences Window Icons

Miscellaneous Icons

© 2020 All rights reserved.

Package Step Type Icons

Package Step Type Icons

This table describes the step types that are available for building your packages.

Step Icon Description

Install Installs softw are using one or more install files.

A variety of install file types can be used. You can also include scripts w hich can
perform tasks that may be required to support an install. For more information, see
Supported Install Files.

Command Executes commands on the target computer from w ithin cmd.exe (Enterprise mode

Remember that any remote command must run silently. If user input is required (for
example, confirming Yes ), the command w ill time out unless the Run As option is set
to Deploy Us er (Inter active) or Logged on Us er . For more details, see Run As
in Deployments Preferences.

Pow erShell Executes Pow erShell commands on the target computer from w ithin
PowerShell.exe (Enterprise mode required).
Remember that any remote command must run silently. If user input is required (for
example, confirming Yes ), the command w ill time out unless the Run As option is set
to Deploy Us er (Inter active) or Logged on Us er . For more details, see Run As
in Deployments Preferences.

IMPORTANT: Pow erShell version 1 is not supported in PDQ Deploy

Nested Package Executes other packages from w ithin a package. (Enterprise mode required.)

File Copy Copies files or folders to target computers. (Enterprise mode required.)

Scan Initiates an inventory scan from PDQ Inventory to determine information on the target
computers based on the scan profile selected.

IMPORTANT: This requires both PDQ Inventory (version or later) and PDQ
Deploy in Enterprise modes. For the integration to w ork properly w ith Central
Server, both products w ill need to be installed on the same console w ith both
running in either Server mode or Client mode.

Reboot Reboots the target computer and w aits for it to come back online. (Enterprise mode

Sleep Pauses the deployment for a fixed number of seconds betw een steps. (Enterprise
mode required.)

Message Displays a message on the target computer using msg.exe. Messages may be
acknow ledged by users by clicking OK. (Enterprise mode required.)

Logoff Logs off interactive logged on sessions. (Enterprise mode required.)

See also
Menu and Toolbar Icons
Tree and Page Icons
Schedule Icons

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Deployment Status Icons

Print Preview Icons

Preferences Window Icons

Miscellaneous Icons

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Schedule Icons

Schedule Icons
The following sections provide information on Schedule icons:
· Schedule Types & Packages
· Schedule Status

SCHEDULE Triggers & Packages

The following table provides information on the schedule triggers and settings available on the Schedule
Window > Triggers tab.

Command Icon Details

Once This schedule runs once in the future.

· Tr igger Enabled: Enables the schedule trigger for use (selected by default).
· Tr igger On: Select one time date.
· At: Time
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the schedule.

Interval Runs (and repeats) at a set time interval.

· Tr igger Enabled: Enables the schedule trigger for use (selected by default).
· Ever y: The interval by day, hour, and minute.
· Only r un dur ing the follow ing tim e fr am e (Optional) Enables a set time
· Betw een: The start of the time frame.
· And: The end of the time frame.
· Star ting: Date the trigger starts.
· At: Time the first trigger starts. If the optional time frame is selected, the first
trigger w ill occur at the start of the next time frame.
· Ending: (Optional) Date the trigger ends. Leaving this unchecked w ill allow the
trigger to run indefinitely.
· At: (Optional) Time the trigger ends.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger.
NOTE: Setting the 'Betw een' time later than the 'And' time w ill result in the trigger
running overnight.

Daily Runs every day at the same time.

· Tr igger Enabled: Enables the schedule trigger for use (selected by default).
· Ever y Day
· At: Time
· Star ting: Date that the schedule starts.
· Ending: (Optional) Date that the schedule ends. Select to enable the end
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the schedule.

Weekly Runs every w eek at the same time on selected days of the w eek.
· Tr igger Enabled: Enables the schedule trigger for use (selected by default).
· Ever y Week
· On: Day or Days that the schedule runs.
· At: Time

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

· Star ting: Date that the schedule starts.

· Ending: (Optional) Date that the schedule ends. Select to enable the end
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the schedule.

Monthly Runs every month at the same time on selected days.

· Tr igger Enabled: Enables the schedule trigger for use (selected by default).
· Ever y Month
· On Day: The day (or multiple days) of the month (for example, 1st, 12th,
23rd, etc.)
· On The: The nth (for example, 1st, 2nd, Last, etc.) day of the month (for
example, All, Weekend Days, Sunday, Monday, etc.)
TIP: Days of Month: If you select the 29th, 30th, or 31st of the month, the
schedule w on't run in months w ithout those days. Use Las t to alw ays
run on the last day of the month. Can be mixed w ith Weeks of the Month.

TIP: Weeks of Month: Different combinations of w eeks and days require

separate schedules (for example, the 1st Monday and the 2nd Friday.)
Selecting the 5th w eek w on't deploy in a month w ithout a fifth w eek. Use
Las t to alw ays run on the last w eek of the month. Can be mixed w ith
Days of the Month.

· At: Time
· Star ting: Date that the schedule starts.
· Ending: (Optional) Date that the schedule ends. Select to enable the end
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the schedule.

Heartbeat Deploys to target computers w hen their status changes from Offline to Online in PDQ
Inventory. (Requires Enterprise mode in both PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory.) For
more information, see Deploying When Target Computers Come Online w ith Heartbeat
· Tr igger Enabled: Enables the schedule trigger for use (selected by default).
· Only r un dur ing the follow ing tim e fr am e (Optional) Enables a set time
· Betw een: The start of the time frame.
· And: The end of the time frame.
· Star ting: Date the trigger starts.
· At: Time the first trigger starts. If the optional time frame is selected, the first
trigger w ill occur at the start of the next time frame.
· Ending: (Optional) Date the scan ends. Leaving this unchecked w ill allow the
trigger to run indefinitely.
· At: (Optional) Time the scan ends.
· Des cr iption: (Optional) Description of the trigger.
NOTE: Setting the 'Betw een' time later than the 'And' time w ill result in the trigger
running overnight.

Detach Packages Detaches package(s) from a schedule.

Attach Packages Attaches package(s) to a schedule.

© 2020 All rights reserved.

Schedule Icons

Schedule Status
When you disable a schedule its icon changes. The table below explains the possible states of a
schedule and the related icons.

State Icon Description

Enabled Schedule is enabled and configured, ready to run using the configured trigger.

Disabled Schedule is fully configured but disabled by user.

Not Configured Schedule is not fully configured. Triggers, targets, or packages are disabled or not

See also
Menu and Toolbar Icons
Tree and Page Icons
Package Step Type Icons
Deployment Status Icons
Print Preview Icons
Preferences Window Icons
Miscellaneous Icons

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Deployment Status Icons

When the status of a deployment changes, its icon changes. The table below explains the possible states
of a deployment and the related icons.

State Icon Description

Deployment Fail Deployment failed on all target computers.

Deployment Start Deployment started and in progress.

Deployment Success Deployment ran successfully on all target computers.

Deployment Warning Multiple targets w ith a mixture of successful and failed deployments.

See also
Menu and Toolbar Icons
Tree and Page Icons
Package Step Type Icons
Schedule Icons
Print Preview Icons
Preferences Window Icons
Miscellaneous Icons

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Print Preview Icons

Print Preview Icons

The Print Preview toolbar contains controls for previewing reports, configuring report output, and printing
or exporting report documents.

The following table provides quick reference details for each command.

Group Command Description

Profile Allow s you to sw itch betw een profiles. See Customizing Report Profiles for more

File Open Opens File Explorer to open a report.

Save Opens File Explorer to save the report.

Print Print Opens the Print w indow .

Select or find a printer, set print parameters (pages to print and number of
copies), set preferences, and print.

Quick Print Prints the entire report using current print settings.

Page Setup Opens the Page Setup w indow .

Choose paper size, orientation, and set margins.

Scale Opens the Scale dialog.

Sets the size of the printed document or fits to a set number of page w idth.

Navigation First Page Go to the first page.

Previous Go to the previous page.


Next Page Go to the next page.

Last Page Go to the last page.

Zoom Zoom Out Scales the document preview smaller (based on Zoom menu increments).

Zoom Selects the document preview size.

Zoom In Scales the document preview larger (based on Zoom menu increments).

View Page Layout Select how many pages to show side-by-side

Choose betw een Single Page, Tw o Pages, or Wrap Pages.

Enable Enables continuous betw een pages in a single page or tw o pages view .

Show Cover Unavailable. Reports do not contain a cover page.


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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Export Export Exports the document in the file format chosen from the drop-dow n list. Additional
options are available for each export format. For more information, see Export

Send Exports the document in one of the available formats and opens a new w indow to
create an email.

Document Parameters Unavailable. Report parameters are defined by the Profile. See Customizing Report
Profiles for more information.

Document Unavailable.

Thumbnails Opens the thumbnails navigation pane.

Editing Fields Unavailable.

Search Show s the Search dialog to search w ithin the document.

Watermark Opens the Watermark w indow .

Add a text or picture w atermark in the background or foreground, and specify
w hich pages include the w atermark.

See also
Menu and Toolbar Icons
Tree and Page Icons
Package Step Type Icons
Schedule Icons
Deployment Status Icons
Preferences Window Icons
Miscellaneous Icons

© 2020 All rights reserved.

Miscellaneous Icons

Miscellaneous Icons
Location Name Icon Description

Package Library in the tree Category Category used in the Package


Package Library in the tree Vendor Softw are vendors of products

included in Package Library

Schedule w indow Detach Packages Detaches a package from a


Schedule w indow Attach Packages Attaches a package to a


Package Page > Schedule tab: Detach Schedules Detach an existing schedule
Right-click Schedule name from the selected package.

Package Page > Schedule tab: Attach Schedules Attach an existing schedule from
Right-click Schedule name the selected package.

Package Library or folder in the tree Warning Appears in front of the item
name and means a component is
missing or not properly

Package Library or folder in the tree Error Appears in front of a package

that cannot be deployed.

All Schedules Add Trigger Adds the schedule trigger and

opens the Edit Schedule w indow
Package Page > Schedule tab:
for further selections.
Right-click schedule name

Edit menu Select All or Select None Ctrl+A toggles from Select All to
Select None.
Right-click anyw here on a Grid

Main Console Toolbar Approval Auto Dow nload package

aw aiting approval. Only visible in
the Toolbar after an Auto
Dow nload is aw aiting approval
(Enterprise mode required).

Package Library, Update tab Package Update This denotes that there are
packages in the package library
that have published updates.

Various w indow s Reset Appears in various locations

w hen selecting preferences or
customizing. Resets the active
item to default settings.

Various w indow s Reset All Appears in various locations

w hen selecting preferences or
customizing. Resets all items on
the current w indow to default

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

Right-click on a Deployment Redeploy Redeploy to all target computers

w hether they succeeded or

Deploy Once w indow Target Target computers chosen for

Schedule w indow > Targets tab

Various w indow s Variables Used to add Custom or System

variables. The tooltip w ill also
display the value of any
variables used.

See also
Menu and Toolbar Icons
Tree and Page Icons
Package Step Type Icons
Schedule Icons
Deployment Status Icons
Print Preview Icons
Preferences Window Icons

© 2020 All rights reserved.

Chapter 23

End User License Agreement



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PDQ Deploy User Guide

1. DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this EULA, the following capitalized terms shall have the
following meanings:
a. “ Administrator” shall mean an individual person who acts as Licensee’s computer system
administrator for whom Licensee has been granted a license to the Software by PDQ as provided for
in this EULA. An Administrator is an individual person who is either an employee or independent
contractor of Licensee who accesses or uses the Software, or any part thereof, for or on behalf of
Licensee at any time.
b. “ Confidential Information” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 11 below.
c. “ Documentation” shall mean the written, online and/or electronic user documentation or
materials that PDQ provides or makes available to Licensee for the Software under this EULA.
d. “ Enterprise SL License” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2 below.
e. “ Feedback” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 5 below.
f. “ Force Majeure” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 15 below.
g. “ Improvement” shall mean any update, upgrade, fix, correction, patch, maintenance
release, revision or supplement to or for the Software that PDQ provides or makes available to
Licensee. Certain Improvements may be provided or made available by PDQ to Licensee under and
subject to a separate license agreement, support agreement or terms of use.

© 2020 All rights reserved.

h. “ Intellectual Property” shall mean any or all of the following and all rights in, arising out of,
or associated therewith worldwide: (i) patents and utility models and applications therefor and all
reissues, divisions, renewals, extensions, provisionals, continuations, and continuations-in-part
thereof; (ii) trade secrets, proprietary information, know how, and all documentation embodying or
evidencing any of the foregoing; (iii) copyrights, copyright registrations and applications therefor, and
moral rights, rights of attribution, rights of integrity, and any other similar rights; (iv) mask works,
mask work registrations and applications therefor, and any equivalent or similar rights in
semiconductor masks, architectures, or topology; (v) industrial property, industrial designs, and any
registrations and applications therefor; (vi) databases and data collections; (vii) trademarks, service
marks, domain names, and trade dress, together with all goodwill associated with any of the
foregoing; and (viii) any similar, corresponding, or equivalent rights to any of the foregoing anywhere
in the world, whether registered or unregistered, and any other proprietary rights and protections,
whether currently existing or hereafter developed or acquired, whether published or unpublished,
arising under statutory law, common law, or by contract, and whether or not perfected, including all
applications, disclosures and registrations with respect thereto.
i. “ Limited Warranty” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 12 below.
j. “ Services” shall mean any support, maintenance, training or other services that may be
provided by PDQ to Licensee for or in connection with the Software or otherwise under this EULA.
k. “ Softw are” shall mean the PDQ software that PDQ provides or makes available to Licensee
under this EULA. “Software” shall include the Documentation.
l. “ TPS” shall mean any and all third party software and documentation that PDQ provides or
makes available to Licensee through the Software. TPS does not include any Software,
Documentation, Improvements, Services or any other PDQ products or services.
m. “ TPS Library Package” shall mean a package of certain TPS as selected by PDQ that
PDQ in its sole discretion chooses to provide or make available to Licensee through the Software.
n. “ Warranty Period” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 12 below.
2. LICENSE GRANT. Subject to the terms and conditions of this EULA, PDQ hereby grants to
Licensee during the term of this EULA a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable
and limited license to download, install, access and use the Software, for Licensee’s internal
business purposes only, by the number of Administrators that Licensee has been granted a
license for by PDQ under this EULA. The following additional terms and conditions shall also
apply to the license to the Software granted above to Licensee by PDQ under this EULA.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

a. PDQ Deploy Softw are and PDQ Inventory Softw are. Unless Licensee has purchased
from and been granted by PDQ an Enterprise SL License as defined and provided for below, the
PDQ Deploy Software and PDQ Inventory Software are licensed to Licensee by PDQ only on a per
Administrator basis, with the PDQ Deploy Software and PDQ Inventory Software each requiring their
own separate license for each such Administrator. Each Administrator for whom Licensee has been
granted by PDQ a license for PDQ Deploy Software or PDQ Inventory Software may install, access
and use such Software on as many computers of Licensee as reasonably necessary for such
Administrator to perform the Administrator’s duties. For example, each licensed Administrator may
install multiple “consoles” of the Software. Licensee acknowledges and agrees that the Software is
being licensed to Licensee by PDQ hereunder to perform unattended installation of certain TPS
which may be downloaded from within the TPS Library Package through the PDQ Deploy Software,
and, in certain instances, may provide means for auto-acceptance by Licensee of applicable
licenses or terms for such TPS. Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything in this EULA to the
contrary, Licensee acknowledges and agrees that: (i) Licensee is not purchasing or being granted
any licenses or rights to any TPS from PDQ, and that PDQ does not make any modifications or
alterations to any TPS or the applicable licenses or terms therefor; (ii) any and all TPS provided by
PDQ to Licensee is provided strictly subject to the applicable third party licenses or terms for each
such TPS and is provided by PDQ to Licensee strictly on an “as is” basis without any
representations, warranties or guarantees whatsoever and is otherwise subject to all of the
disclaimers provided for in Section 12.d. below.
b. No Floating Licenses. The licenses to the Software granted to Licensee by PDQ under this
EULA are not for seats or floating licenses. In other words, different individuals associated with
Licensee’s organization may not access, use or share the same licenses, even if they are
accessing or using the Software at different times on the same computer. Instead, Licensee must
be granted from PDQ a license for each Administrator who accesses or uses the Software, unless
Licensee has purchased from and been granted by PDQ an Enterprise SL License as defined and
provided for below. When an Administrator leaves or otherwise ceases to be associated with
Licensee’s organization, however, Licensee may reassign that Administrator’s license(s) to a
replacement Administrator of Licensee, provided that Licensee shall ensure that all Software is
removed from any and all computers and other devices retained by the departing Administrator, and
provided that Licensee gives PDQ immediate written notice of such reassignment.
c. Enterprise SL License. If Licensee purchases from and is granted by PDQ an enterprise
network server license for the Software (“Enterprise SL License”), then the Software shall be
downloaded to and installed by Licensee on such Licensee network server and the Software may
then be accessed and used from such Licensee network server by any number of Administrators
accessing and using such Licensee network server. The license fee for such Enterprise SL License
shall be PDQ’s then current Enterprise SL License fee or such other license fee for such Enterprise
SL License as expressly agreed to in writing between Licensee and PDQ.

© 2020 All rights reserved.

d. License Enforcement. The Software has certain central server functionality (“Central Server”)
used by PDQ to track and enforce licensing of the Software based on the number of concurrent
sessions which permits PDQ to verify whether the Software is being downloaded, installed,
accessed and used by Licensee on a per Administrator or Enterprise SL License basis as required
in this EULA. The limit of concurrent sessions to the Central Server is directly tied to the number of
Software licenses granted to Licensee by PDQ hereunder. For example, if Licensee has purchased
for its Administrators a five (5) user PDQ Deploy Enterprise Software license, then PDQ enabling
the Central Server for this license will limit the number of concurrent sessions to a maximum of five
(5). If Licensee wishes for an Administrator to utilize multiple concurrent sessions, then additional
licenses to the Software must be purchased by Licensee from PDQ for each such session. If
Licensee wishes for an Administrator to maintain consoles in stand-alone mode (i.e. by not
connecting to a centralized server), then the requirement to be granted one (1) license per
Administrator for the Software is still required.
e. Command Line Interface. Software licensed by PDQ in the enterprise mode is enabled with
a Command Line Interface (“CLI”) mode of operation. This allows the Administrator to send
deployment or scan requests to a Software console. The license required with CLI is the same as it
is for all other aspects of the Software, in that it is licensed, and license fees may be charged, by
PDQ to Licensee on a per Administrator or Enterprise SL License basis. Any Licensee employee or
independent contractor who initiates, through whatever method, deployment or scan operations
using the Software is considered an Administrator for licensing purposes.
f. No Sublicensing. Licensee shall not sublicense, rent, loan, lend, lease or time-share the
Software, or use the Software to provide any services as an application service provider (ASP) or on
a software-as-a-service (SaaS) basis, or use or provide the Software on a service bureau basis or
through any other method. Licensee shall not download, install, access or use the Software on any
storage device (such as a network server) that permits any of the Software to be shared or used
concurrently on two or more computers, terminals, workstations, or other devices, except to the
extent that Licensee has been granted by PDQ an Enterprise SL License or separate dedicated
licenses from PDQ in writing for each Administrator who so uses the Software on any such
computer, terminal, workstation, or other device.
3. RESTRICTIONS. Licensee shall not decompile, disassemble, translate, reverse engineer,
create derivative works of, or modify the Software, or make any attempt to discover the
source code or underlying ideas, structure or algorithms of the Software, in any manner
whatsoever. Licensee is responsible and liable for any breach of this EULA by any individual
having any access to the Software by or through Licensee, including any Administrator.
Licensee acknowledges and agrees that PDQ may: (i) track Licensee use of the Software,
including the download, installation, deployment, access and/or use of the Software and of
any TPS included with or through the Software, including the timing of any such activities and
whether any installation or deployment was successful; (ii) provide the name of Licensee and
report any of this tracking information or data, including in aggregated and statistical forms,
to the relevant licensor or provider of TPS downloaded or installed by Licensee; (iii) disclose
any of the foregoing, including such tracking information or data, to the relevant licensor or
provider of such TPS if PDQ determines that Licensee is or may be violating this EULA or the
relevant third party license or terms.
4. COMPATIBILITY. Licensee acknowledges and agrees that the Software requires use of
compatible hardware and operating system software. It is Licensee’s sole responsibility to
obtain and pay for any and all such compatible hardware and operating system software,
including any required licenses for such software. Licensee is solely responsible for the
download, installation, deployment, operation and use of the Software on Licensee hardware
and software.

© 2020 All rights reserved.

PDQ Deploy User Guide


a. Improvements. PDQ may in its sole discretion provide or make available to Licensee certain
Improvements. All such Improvements are deemed to be part of the Software and subject to this
EULA, unless such an Improvement is provided or made available by PDQ to Licensee under and
subject to a separate license agreement, support agreement or terms of use.
b. Feedback License. If Licensee provides to PDQ any feedback, suggestion, idea, comment,
or information regarding or in connection with the Software or any other PDQ products or services
(“Feedback”), Licensee hereby grants to PDQ, under all Licensee Intellectual Property rights, a
perpetual, irrevocable, non-terminable, royalty-free, fully paid-up, transferable, sublicensable,
unlimited, worldwide license and right to: (i) use, copy, modify, adapt, create derivative works of,
translate, distribute, transmit, display, perform, publish, commercialize and otherwise exploit any
and all such Feedback, including as part of or in connection with the Software and/or any other
PDQ products or services; and (ii) develop, make, have made, use, offer for sale, sell, import and
dispose of the Software and/or any other PDQ products or services that incorporate or utilize such
Feedback. Any and all Intellectual Property rights that result or arise from PDQ’s exercise of the
foregoing licenses and rights to Feedback, including any research, development, use, or
commercialization of such Feedback, shall belong exclusively to PDQ, and PDQ shall have no
obligation to Licensee whatsoever in relation thereto or in connection therewith.
6. TRIAL VERSION OF SOFTWARE. Licensee may have received the Software as a “trial”
version from PDQ. If so, this Section 6 also applies to Licensee access to and use of the
Software in such trial version. Any version of the Software expressly designated by PDQ in
writing as being a trial version of the Software may be accessed and used by Licensee under
this EULA only for the trial period so specified by PDQ, and after such trial period has
expired the Software shall revert to the “free” version of the Software, as may be indicated in
the trial by PDQ, unless Licensee converts the trial version of the Software into the version of
the Software which requires a license fee to be paid by Licensee to PDQ, all in accordance
with the terms of the applicable trial offer from PDQ to Licensee. Any such trial version of the
Software is not covered by or subject to the Limited Warranty and is not eligible for any
Services from PDQ, and any such trial version of the Software is provided to Licensee by
PDQ strictly on “as is” basis without any representations, warranties or guarantees
whatsoever and is otherwise subject to all of the disclaimers provided for in Section 12.d.
7. FREE VERSION OF SOFTWARE. Licensee may have received the Software as a “free”
version from PDQ. If so, this Section 7 also applies to Licensee access to and use of the
Software in such free version. Any version of the Software expressly designated by PDQ in
writing as being a free version of the Software may be accessed and used by Licensee under
this EULA without a license fee payable to PDQ. Any such free version of the Software is not
covered by or subject to the Limited Warranty and is not eligible for any Services from PDQ,
and any such free version of the Software is provided to Licensee by PDQ strictly on “as is”
basis without any representations, warranties or guarantees whatsoever and is otherwise
subject to all of the disclaimers provided for in Section 12.d below.

© 2020 All rights reserved.

8. TPS AND TPS LIBRARY PACKAGES. The Software provides instructions for installing,
updating or upgrading certain TPS which may be included in a TPS Library Package. PDQ
makes such TPS and TPS Library Packages available to Licensee over the Internet through
the Software subject to Licensee’s payment to PDQ of the applicable subscription fees
charged by PDQ for such availability, and Licensee is solely responsible for obtaining,
securing and maintaining any and all third party hardware, operating system software,
Internet services, and any and all other products and services necessary for Licensee to
download, install, access, receive or use such TPS and TPS Library Packages. PDQ in its
sole and absolute discretion determines any TPS, and the versions of any TPS, to include in
any TPS Library Package, and whether and when, if at all, to provide or make available any
updated, upgraded, corrected, or additional TPS or TPS Library Packages. PDQ makes no
representations or warranties whatsoever regarding the compatibility of any TPS with any
third party hardware, operating system software, Internet services, or any other products or
services. All TPS and TPS Library Packages are not covered by or subject to the Limited
Warranty and are not eligible for any Services from PDQ, and all TPS and TPS Library
Packages are provided or made available to Licensee by PDQ strictly on “as is” basis without
any representations, warranties or guarantees whatsoever and are otherwise subject to all of
the disclaimers provided for in Section 12.d below. Licensee represents and warrants that
Licensee shall legally, timely and properly accept, agree to and comply with, and Licensee is
bound by, all applicable licenses or terms for all TPS. Licensee shall defend, indemnify, and
hold harmless PDQ, its affiliates and subsidiaries, and their respective officers, directors,
shareholders, employees, contractors, and agents, from and against any and all claims,
demands, actions, causes of action, lawsuits, proceedings, damages, awards, liabilities,
losses, fines, costs, and expenses (including without limitation attorneys’ fees, court costs,
expert witness fees, and other expenses or costs incurred) of whatever kind or nature and
regardless of the legal theory based on, arising from or otherwise relating to any: (i) Licensee
failure to legally, timely and properly accept, agree to or comply with any third party licenses
or terms applicable to any TPS; (ii) Licensee failure to legally, timely and properly license
any TPS; and/or (iii) Licensee access to or use of, or inability to access or use, or
unsatisfactory access to or use of, any TPS or TPS Library Packages.
9. SERVICES. Licensee acknowledges and agrees that PDQ has no obligation or responsibility
whatsoever to provide any Services. Services, if any, may be provided by PDQ to Licensee
hereunder as determined by PDQ in its sole and absolute discretion, and PDQ makes no
representations, warranties or guarantees regarding or in connection with any such Services,
including as to performance or compatibility, or that such Services will meet Licensee needs
or operate adequately for Licensee or with any hardware, operating system software, Internet
services, or any other products or services. The fact that PDQ, in its sole and absolute
discretion, may provide certain Services to Licensee hereunder without additional charge,
such as resources that may be available without charge on PDQ’s designated website, shall
not be construed as any agreement, understanding, or obligation of or by PDQ to continue to
provide to Licensee any such Services or resources, or to continue to provide such Services
or resources at no charge. PDQ has no obligation or responsibility to provide any Services for
any version of the Software. If Licensee requests any Services from PDQ, and PDQ agrees to
provide such Services to Licensee, then PDQ may charge Licensee for such Services at
PDQ’s then currents fees for such Services, and PDQ may require Licensee to upgrade or
update the Software version Licensee is then currently using to the latest version of the
Software indicated by PDQ, which requirement may include payment of additional license
fees by Licensee to PDQ.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

10. DATA BACK-UP. Licensee acknowledges and agrees that Licensee is solely responsible to
back-up and safeguard any and all information, documents, data, software, materials, and
other contents (including any TPS and TPS Library Packages) stored or installed in or on
any hardware, software, systems or devices, including those where the Software is accessed
or used by Licensee. PDQ shall have no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any damage,
loss or harm to any such information, documents, data, software, material, or other contents
(including any TPS or TPS Library Package), or to any such hardware, software, systems or
devices, and Licensee assumes all risk of any and all such damage, loss and harm. Any and
all information, documents, data, software, materials, and/or other contents (including any
TPS or TPS Library Package) downloaded or otherwise obtained through use of the Software
is at Licensee sole discretion and risk, and Licensee is solely responsible for any damage,
loss or harm to Licensee hardware, software, systems or devices, and any other damage,
loss or harm, that results therefrom, including any damage, loss or harm resulting from
computer viruses, malware or any other malicious software, code or materials.
a. Intellectual Property. All right, title, and interest in and to the Software, Documentation,
Improvements and Services, and any and all Intellectual Property rights in and to any of the
foregoing, is owned exclusively by PDQ or its licensors. Licensee acknowledges and agrees that
the Software, Documentation, Improvements and Services contain confidential, proprietary and
commercially valuable information and trade secrets owned by PDQ or its licensors (“Confidential
Information”). Such Confidential Information includes any and all source code, object code, program
architecture, program flow information, design definitions, design specifications, data structures,
data compilations, techniques, interfaces, calculations, formulas, algorithms, screens generated,
graphics, and other features and functionality. Licensee shall protect and not disclose or provide
any such Confidential Information to any third party without the express prior written consent of
b. Reservation of Rights. The Software, Documentation and Improvements provided under this
EULA are licensed and not sold to Licensee, and this EULA grants Licensee only the limited
licenses expressly set forth in this EULA. This EULA does not grant Licensee any licenses or
rights in or to any source code for the Software, Documentation or Improvements. This EULA does
not grant to Licensee any licenses or rights in or to any Intellectual Property of PDQ or its
licensors, except for the limited licenses to the Software as expressly set forth in this EULA, and
no other licenses or rights are granted by PDQ or its licensors under or in connection with this
EULA by implication, estoppel, operation of law or otherwise. PDQ or its licensors reserve all rights
not expressly granted in this EULA.
a. Limited Warranty. PDQ warrants to Licensee for a period of ninety (90) calendar days from
the earliest date of Licensee downloading, installing, accessing or using the Software (“Warranty
Period’) that the Software, when properly installed and used in accordance with the Documentation
and the terms and conditions of this EULA, shall operate substantially in accordance with the
specifications set forth in the Documentation when used on the compatible hardware and operating
system software as indicated in the Documentation (“Limited Warranty”). This Limited Warranty is
contingent upon Licensee compliance with the Documentation and all terms and conditions of this
EULA, and Licensee promptly notifying PDQ in writing within the Warranty Period of any failure of
the Software to meet the Limited Warranty within the Warranty Period. Any Improvements or
Services provided or made available to Licensee by PDQ during or after the Warranty Period shall
not cause the Warranty Period to be extended.

© 2020 All rights reserved.

b. Ex clusions from Limited Warranty. The Limited Warranty does not apply to or cover: (i)
any trial version or free version of the Software, or any TPS or TPS Library Package; (ii) any
damage, loss or harm to the Software, or to any hardware, software or systems, or to any TPS or
TPS Library Package, caused by Licensee or any of its personnel, or Licensee or its personnel
abuse, neglect, and/or negligence, or by any third party hardware, software, device, systems or
services, or any harmful environmental or operating conditions, or any event or occurrence of Force
Majeure; (iii) any configuration or changes or modifications to the Software not performed by PDQ;
(iv) any viruses, malware, or corrupted software or data; (v) any third party hardware, operating
system software, Internet services, or other products or services; or (vi) any non-compatibility of the
Software with any third party hardware, operating system software, Internet services, or other
products or services. The Documentation and specifications therein for the Software may be
changed or updated by PDQ at any time in its sole and absolute discretion, and any such change
or update shall constitute a change or update to the Documentation or specifications therein for the
Software for purposes of the Limited Warranty. It is Licensee responsibility to remain informed of
any such changes and updates notified from PDQ’s website or other information distribution
c. Failure of Limited Warranty. If Licensee notifies PDQ in writing within the Warranty Period
that the Software fails to meet the Limited Warranty within the Warranty Period, then PDQ shall use
reasonable efforts to cure such failure so that the Software meets the Limited Warranty. If PDQ is
unable to cure such failure within ninety (90) calendar days following the Warranty Period, then
Licensee or PDQ may terminate this EULA upon written notice of termination to the other party
hereto, and Licensee shall be entitled to a refund of the license fees paid (if any) by Licensee to
PDQ for the license to the Software under this EULA, and in such event the refund provisions first
set forth above in this EULA shall apply to such refund. The rights and remedies set forth in this
Section 12.c shall be Licensee’s sole and exclusive remedy, and PDQ’s sole and exclusive liability,
for or in connection with any failure of the Software to meet the Limited Warranty.

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

a. Term. This EULA is effective as of the earliest date of Licensee downloading, installing,
accessing or using the Software, and shall remain in effect until terminated as provided for in this
b. Termination by Licensee. Licensee may terminate this EULA at any time only by
immediately ceasing all access to and use of the Software and destroying and permanently deleting
all copies of the Software in Licensee’s possession, use, or control. If this EULA is so terminated
by Licensee, then upon PDQ request Licensee shall promptly certify to PDQ in writing or by email
to that Licensee has complied with the foregoing and confirms its termination of
this EULA.
c. Termination for Breach. This EULA shall immediately terminate with or without notice from
PDQ to Licensee if Licensee commits a material breach of any of the terms or conditions of this
d. Termination for Transfer. This EULA shall immediately terminate with or without notice
from PDQ to Licensee if Licensee attempts or makes any assignment, transfer, publication, or
disposition of the Software, except as expressly permitted as set forth in this EULA or as otherwise
expressly authorized in writing in advance by PDQ to Licensee in PDQ’s sole and absolute

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e. Partial Termination. PDQ may terminate this EULA immediately upon notice to Licensee
as this EULA applies to any portion of the Software as specified in such notice, and/or any portion
of any TPS or TPS Library Package as specified in such notice which was made available for
download or installation through the Software. PDQ may provide such notice of termination to
Licensee in writing, by e-mail, or generally through PDQ’s designated website or other electronic
f. Effect of Termination. Upon any termination of this EULA, all licenses and rights granted to
Licensee in this EULA shall immediately terminate and Licensee shall immediately cease all
access to and use of the Software and destroy and permanently delete all copies of the Software in
Licensee’s possession, use, or control. The following Sections of this EULA shall survive any
termination of this EULA: Sections 1, 2.d, 3, 5.b, 8, 10, 11, 12.d, 13, 14 and 15. Notwithstanding
anything in this EULA to the contrary, Licensee acknowledges and agrees that if this EULA is
terminated as provided for herein, or if Licensee fails to make any payment to PDQ when due of the
applicable subscription fees charged by PDQ for availability of any TPS or TPS Package, then PDQ
shall have no responsibility, obligation or liability whatsoever to provide or make available any TPS
or TPS Library Package, or any updated, upgraded, corrected, or additional TPS or TPS Library
Package, to Licensee.
a. Ex port Restrictions. U.S. export laws, rules, and regulations may apply to the Software. The
Software shall not be exported, accessed, downloaded, redistributed, or used by Licensee in any
form in or to any country prohibited by U.S. export laws, rules, or regulations, or to residents or
nationals of any such countries. Licensee shall comply with any and all applicable national and
international laws that apply to the Software, including but not limited to U.S. export laws, rules and
regulations, now or hereafter existing. By downloading, accessing, installing, and/or otherwise using
the Software, Licensee: (i) represents and warrants that Licensee is not restricted from
downloading, accessing, installing, and/or otherwise using the Software or any other U.S. products
or services and that Licensee shall comply with all applicable U.S. export and other laws, rules, and
regulations, and all host country import laws, rules, and regulations; (ii) shall not export or re-export
the Software, any part thereof, or any process or service that is the product of the Software, in
violation of any applicable laws or regulations of the U.S. or of any country in which Licensee
obtains, installs, accesses, uses and/or possesses the Software; and (iii) shall promptly report any
violation of the foregoing to PDQ at and thereafter fully cooperate with PDQ, at
Licensee sole cost and expense, to resolve the relevant violation thereof.
b. U.S. Government Restricted Rights. If Licensee is a department, division or other part of
the United States government, its agencies and/or instrumentalities (“U.S. Government”), then
access to and use of the Software is provided with Restricted Rights (as defined in applicable U.S.
regulations). The Software is commercial computer software developed at private expense and is
published and protected by copyright. Access, use, duplication, and/or disclosure by civilian
agencies of the U.S. Government shall be governed by the terms and conditions of this EULA and
FAR §52-227-14 Alternative III(g)(3), as applicable, subject to FAR §52.227.19(c). Access, use,
duplication, and disclosure by agencies of the U.S. Government Department of Defense shall be
governed by the terms and conditions of this EULA, as provided in DFARS §227.7202 and other
applicable laws and regulations now or hereafter applicable. The Contractor/Licensor/Manufacturer
is Corporation, P.O. Box 1229, Salt Lake City, UT 84110.

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c. High Risk Use or Activity. The Software is not designed to be fault tolerant, and is not
designed, manufactured, or intended for use with or in any hazardous or mission critical
environments or applications requiring fail-safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear
facilities, aircraft control or navigation or communication systems, life support systems, weapons or
safety systems, or any other uses in which failure of the Software or TPS could lead to death,
personal injury, or physical, emotional, mental, or environmental damage, and PDQ hereby
disclaims any and all responsibility and liability for any death, injury, damage, loss or harm resulting
from any Licensee access to or use of the Software or any TPS for or in connection with any of the
foregoing environments, applications or activities.
d. Force Majeure. No delay or failure in performance by PDQ under or in connection with this
EULA shall constitute or be deemed to be any breach or default hereunder or give rise to any claim
against PDQ for any damages or loss if such delay or failure is caused by an event or occurrence of
Force Majeure. As used in this EULA, “Force Majeure” shall mean any event or occurrence beyond
the reasonable control of PDQ, including any acts of God or the public enemy, expropriation or
confiscation of facilities, changes in applicable law, war, rebellion, civil disturbance, sabotage, riots,
fires, floods, severe weather or other natural disasters, outages or interruptions of power or Internet,
and any other similar events or occurrences.
e. Waiver. The failure or delay of PDQ at any time to enforce any of the terms or conditions of
this EULA shall not be construed as a waiver of the right to enforce full or strict performance of such
term or condition of this EULA or of any other terms or conditions of this EULA. Any waiver by PDQ
of any breach or obligation of Licensee under this EULA shall only be effective to the extent that
such waiver is expressly set forth in a signed writing from PDQ to Licensee.
f. Remedies Not Ex clusive. No right or remedy of PDQ in this EULA is exclusive of any other
right or remedy that may be available to PDQ hereunder, at law or in equity, but rather each such
right and remedy of PDQ shall be cumulative of every other right and remedy of PDQ hereunder, at
law or in equity.
g. Governing Law and Venue. This EULA shall be governed by applicable U.S. Federal law
and the laws of the State of Utah, and shall be deemed to be an agreement made between two
parties both resident in Utah, and without giving effect to conflict or choice of law principles. Any
legal action or proceeding between the parties hereto regarding this EULA shall be conducted
exclusively in a State or Federal court of competent jurisdiction within Salt Lake County, Utah.
Licensee hereby irrevocably consents and submits to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction and
venue of such court(s). The provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the
International Sale of Goods shall not apply to his EULA and are excluded from this EULA and from
any transaction under or in connection with this EULA.
h. Attorney Fees; No Jury Trial. In any legal action or proceeding initiated or brought by PDQ
against Licensee arising out of or in connection with this EULA, if PDQ is the prevailing party in
such action or proceeding then PDQ shall be entitled to recover its costs, expenses, and attorneys’
fees in any such action or proceeding. LICENSEE ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT IT
i. Severability. If any provision of this EULA is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of
competent jurisdiction under applicable law, then such provision shall be eliminated from this EULA
or it shall be limited to the extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable, and the
balance of this EULA shall remain in effect in accordance with the terms and conditions of this

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j. Assignment. This EULA, and the rights and licenses granted to Licensee in this EULA and
the obligations of Licensee in this EULA, shall not be assigned or otherwise transferred by Licensee
to any third party, whether by merger, acquisition, reorganization, operation of law or otherwise,
without the express prior written consent of PDQ, which consent PDQ may grant or withhold in its
sole and absolute discretion. PDQ may assign or transfer this EULA, and any of PDQ’s rights,
licenses and/or obligations under this EULA, without notice to or consent of Licensee at any time to
any affiliate or subsidiary of PDQ, or to any third party, including to any third party who acquires all
or substantially all of PDQ’s stock, assets or business to which the Software relates. Any
assignment or transfer of this EULA, or any of the rights, licenses or obligations under this EULA, in
violation of the foregoing is void.
k. Interpretation. Within this EULA: (i) all Section headings are for convenience of reference
only and shall not be construed or interpreted as a limitation or expansion of the scope of the
particular Section to which they refer; (ii) no legal or equitable principles or rules that might require
or permit the interpretation or construction of this EULA or any provision hereof against PDQ as the
party drafting this EULA shall apply or be used or employed in the construction or interpretation of
this EULA; (iii) words in the singular include the plural and vice versa; (iv) the term “including” means
“including without limitation”; and (iv) the terms “herein,” “hereof,” “hereunder” and words of similar
import shall mean references to this EULA as a whole and not to any individual Section or portion
l. Relationship. PDQ and Licensee are independent contractors, and neither party hereto is a
partner, joint venturer, franchisee, franchisor or representative of the other party hereto. Neither PDQ
or Licensee have any authority to make any representation or to incur any obligation or liability on
behalf of the other party to this EULA, or to make any representation inconsistent with this Section
15.l. There are no intended third party beneficiaries of this EULA, except as expressly stated
m. English Language. This EULA is written in and governed by the English language only. In
the event of any conflict between the English language version of this EULA and any translation of
it, this English language version shall control for all purposes.
n. Entire Agreement. This EULA sets forth the entire agreement and understanding between
PDQ and Licensee regarding the Software and subject matter of this EULA, and supersedes all
prior communications, proposals, representations, and/or agreements, whether written or oral,
express or implied, with regard to the Software and the subject matter of this EULA. This EULA
may not be amended or modified unless in a writing which expressly refers to this EULA and the
specific provision herein to be amended or modified which is signed by a duly authorized
representative of each of PDQ and Licensee.

--- END OF EULA ---


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PDQ Deploy User Guide

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Chapter 24

Corporate Information

Phone: 1 -8 0 1 -6 5 7 -4 6 5 7
Fax: 1 -8 0 1 -6 6 5 -1 9 0 9

Email: (requires active Enterprise license)

PO Box 835
Salt Lake City, UT 84110

Office Address Corp.
230 West 200 South
Suite 3101
Salt Lake City, UT 84101

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PDQ Deploy User Guide

© 2020 All rights reserved.

about 171 Command Line Interface (CLI)
Index schedule icons 371 CLI 89
status icons 371 deploy package 153
deploy schedule 189
. B install options 89
.exe 68 Background Service Command step 94
.msi 68 about 294 Computer History tab 170
.reg 68 PDQDeploy service 291, 294, Concurrent targets
307 about 313
preferences 291 preferences 272
A Backup Conditions tab
Access Denied error 349
automatic 261 32-bit/64-bit 82
Active Directory
database 261, 296, 325 logged on state 82
choose targets, deploy once 146
files 296 O/S version 82
choose targets, schedule 163
restoring 296, 297 Configuring
choose targets, target list 134
Bandwidth firewall 347
container, link to schedule 163
about throttling 316 whitelisting 348
container, link to target list 131
limit 273 Copy / Duplicate
deploy once, single package
preferences, global 273 folders 256
integrating 334 Batch files 68 package 64
target lists 134 command step 94 schedule 191
install step 89 target list 139
Admin Arsenal
address 393 Best practices 311 Copy Mode
contact info 393 bandwidth 316 about 314
sales 393 concurrent targets 313 package settings 70
send database 261 copy mode 314 preferences, global 272
technical support 9, 261, 393 database, maintain 325 pull 272
filtering target computers 323 push 272
ADMIN$ Share
credentials 147 healthy DNS 330 Credentials 284
error 349 IP addresses 317 deploy once window 147
firewall 347 offline computers 321 run package as 264
target service 282, 294 optimize deployment 313 test 284
optimize the console 312 Custom
Alerts 260
package library 377 scanning with PDQ Inventory columns and rows 252
319 folders 256
repository cleanup 277, 304
Timeout 317 packages 46
status bar 19
Beta versions 260 sidebars 258
updated packages 31, 38
Blog 9 tree icons 257
updating 260
webcasts 260 variables 286
All Deployments 234
Choose Targets 120 D
auto deployment 173
backup schedule 261 Daily
deploy once 146 schedule 161
beta version 260
schedule 163
deployment 171 Data grid 252
target lists 134
preferences 260 Database 297, 298
Cleanup backup 261, 296, 325
update alerts 260
deployments 265, 328 location 325
webcasts 260
repository 277, 304 maintaining 325
Auto Deployment 39
Column 252

© 2020 All rights reserved.

PDQ Deploy User Guide

Database 297, 298

moving 339 E I
optimizing 325 Email Icons glossary 361
preferences 261 notification 240 deployment status 374
restore 296, 297 SMTP server 270 main menu & toolbar 362
security 295 Enterprise mode 5 main tree & page 367
send to Admin Arsenal 261 auto deployment 39 miscellaneous 377
Deploy Once 116 features 4 package steps icons 369
about 21, 143 license comparison 5 print preview 375
Active Directory 146 step types 80 schedule status 373
CLI 153 Error Mode schedules 371
PDQ Inventory 146 options tab 86 triggers 371
single package 144 package 86 Import
Spiceworks 146 EULA 379 package 65
Target List 146 Export schedule 191
Text File 146 package 65 target list 139
window 21 report 245 Install file 89
Deployment schedule 191 supported types 68
about 111, 112, 115 target list 139 Install step 89
auto 171 silent 91
bandwidth throttling 316 F Integrating 331
command line interface 153 File Copy step 103 Active Directory 334
concurrent targets 272, 313 Files PDQ Inventory 332
deploy once 116 database 295 Spiceworks 335
email notification 240 repository 303 Interface 11
errors 350 supported install types 68 deploy once window 21
global settings 206 temporary 307 main console 12
Heartbeat 196 used by PDQ Deploy 293 package window 20
manual 115, 143 Firewall 347 Interval
offline computers 195 Folders schedule 160
optimize 313 delete 256 IP addresses, variable 317
package 116 duplicate 256 Issue report 357
preferences 116, 206, 264 move 256 Item Appearance window 257
process 112 rename 256
retry queue 201 Forum 9 K
scan with PDQ Inventory 240 Free mode 5 Keys
schedule 115, 116, 157 features 4 license 7
settings 205 license comparison 5 system registry 308
start 112 user registry 308
status 233, 234
H Knowledge Base 9
status icons 374
target list 116 about 196 L
troubleshooting 350 schedule 162, 196 License
types 115 about 5
Wake-on-LAN 199 cleanup 328 end user agreement 379
DNS deployment 234 enter key 7
healthy 330 package 41 EULA 379
schedule 170 preferences 7

© 2020 All rights reserved.

Link To 120 package 46 package history 41
auto deployment 173 report profile 247 page 29
schedule 163 schedule 157 preferences 271
target list 130 target list 129 previous versions 37
Logged On State 82 whitelisting 348
Logging O Packages
debug 269 Offline computers schedule 163
error 269 about 195 Packages tab 163
informational 269 package settings 70 Page
preferences 269 preferences, global 266 all deployments 234
warning 269 Once all schedules 191
Logoff step 110 schedule 160 multiple packages 18
Options tab package library 29
M error mode 86 packages 12
Mail Server run as 86 retry queue 201
preferences 270 schedule 164 Parameters 89
Main Console step 86 PDQ Deploy
about 12 about 1
menu icons 362 P best practices 311
page icons 367 Package 116 beta versions 260
sidebars 258 about 20, 45 customize interface 251
toolbar icons 362 auto deployment 171 database 295
tree icons 367 conditions tab 82 deploy once window 21
window 12 copying 64 features 4
Manual deployment 143 creating 46 files used by 293
Menu 12 deployment settings 218 integrating 331
Message step 108 duplicates 37 interface 11
Monthly editing 65 license 4, 5
schedule 161 exporting 65 main console 12
More Info window folder 256 managing database settings
error message 344 261
importing 65
managing license 7
Move library 34
folder 256 menu 12
moving 64
package 64 moving 339
multiple package page 39
PDQ Deploy 339 optimize deployment 313
prebuilt 34
target list 138 optimize the console 312
previous versions 37
package window 20
MSI 68, 89 properies 69
errors 355 preferences 259
properties 70, 82
Install step options 90 registry keys 308
renaming 64
troubleshooting 355 report error 357
step icons 369
repository 303
MSP 68 step types 80
service 294
MSU 68 suggest new 41
status bar 19
Multiple packages 39 updates 38
temp files 307
window 20
toolbar 12
N Package Library 34
tree 16
Nested Package step 101 about 27
update 260
New auto deployment 171
user scenario 3
auto deployment 171 online 42
PDQ Inventory

© 2020 All rights reserved.

PDQ Deploy User Guide

PDQ Inventory built-in report profiles 250 about 319

choose targets 135 footer 275 package settings 70
collection, link to schedule 163 header 275 preferences, global 265
collections, link to 131 preferences 275 Schedule 116
deploy once, single package preview 24, 242 about 155
146 preview icons 375 auto deployment 171
deploy, schedule 163 preview toolbar 375 automatic backup 261
heartbeat 196 report profiles 247 choose targets 163
integrating 332 reports 245 copying 191
scan after deployment 319 prioritize 149 create 157
PDQDeploy service 291, 294, 307 Proxy Server daily 161
PDQDeployRunner service 282, 294 GPO 276 deployment settings 213
Performance preferences 276 editing 192
preferences 272 enable 164
SCM 273
R exporting 191
TCP 273 heartbeat 162, 196
Reboot step 106
timeout 272 history 170
Regedit 68
Pin sidebars 258 Registry icons 371
Post Deployment Notification 164 keys 308 importing 191
about 240 interval 160
Reports 241
deploy once 149 about 245 link to 163
mail server 270 about profiles 247 monthly 161
schedule settings 168 built-in profiles 250 once 160
PowerShell export formats 246 options tab 164
file types 68 new profile 247 packages 163
step 98 printing 245 renaming 191
Preferences 259 types 250 status icons 371
auto update alerts page 260 targets tab 163
background service 291 $(Repository) 303 triggers tab 159
credentials 284 about 303 weekly 161
database 261 cleanup 277, 303, 304 Security 295
deployments 116, 264 preferences 277 Sidebars 258
email 270 status bar 277, 304 Silent install 91
license 7 Sleep step 107
Retry Queue 201
logging 269 about 199 SMTP mail server 270
mail server 270 deploy once window 151, 169 Spiceworks
package library 271 preferences, global 266 Choose Targets 136
performance 272 schedule settings 164 deploy once, single package
printing 275 146
Row 252
proxy server 276 deploy, schedule 163
Run As
repository 277 deploy once window 148 groups, link to schedule 163
spiceworks 279 options tab 86 groups, link to target list 132
startup 268 package settings 70, 86 integrating 335
target filters 281 preferences 264 preferences 279
target service 282 schedule settings 164 SQLite 295, 325
variables 286 console 261
Print preferences 261
Reports 241
Printing preferences 268

© 2020 All rights reserved.

Startup link to target list 133 upDatabase
splash screen 268 moving 138 about 295
Status organize 256 Update
bar 12, 19 organizing 138 packages 38
deployment 234 renaming 138 product 12
product updates 12 using 138
repository cleanup 277, 304 Target Service V
updated packages 38 about 294 Variables
Step preferences 282 about 286
Command 94 Targets custom 286
conditions tab 82 choose targets 120 IP addresses 317
File Copy 103 link to 120 preferences 286
Install 89 TCP system 286
Logoff 110 preferences, global 273 VBScript 68
Message 108 Temp files 307
Nested Package 101 Test silent install 91 W
options tab 86 Text File Wake-on-LAN
PowerShell 98 deploy once, single package about 199
properties 81 146
settings 199
Reboot 106 deploy, schedule 163
using 202
settings 228 target list 137
Webcasts 9
Sleep 107 Timeout
alerts 260
types 80 about 317
Success Codes package settings 70
schedule 161
command step 94 preferences, global 265
install step 89 Toolbar
active directory 334
powershell step 98 main console window 12
firewall 347
Support 9 print preview window 25, 243
services 294
System preferences 259 Training 9
icons 16
Target Filters Triggers
about 323 auto backup 262
exclusions 281 icons 371
inclusions 281 schedule 159
preferences 281 Troubleshooting
access denied 349
Target List 116
about 119 ADMIN$ share 349
choose targets 134 deployment errors 350
copying 139 error message 343
creating 129 feedback 9
deploy once, single package more info window 344
146 MSI 355
deploy, schedule 163 support 9
editing 140 Tutorials 9
exporting 139
importing 139 U
link to 130 UNC path
link to schedule 163 target service 282

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