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My father was an Asgardian?

It had been a rough day. After all these years, uncle Randolph wanted to
find me. We were on the way to the bridge, where he could not stop
blathering about the history of the Norse. He kept on repeating the same
thing that the Norse had visited Florida.

I did not understand how the history of the Norse affected my family. He
said that he knew who had killed my mother and also knew who my
father was, the person who I never saw. After all of his ranting, I was
only engaged in, Who was my father?

It took me a long time to convince him to make him tell me who my

father was and how he was more than a 1000 years old. He started with
how my father was related to all of this mayhem and how he met my
mother. It was just another love story between my mother and my father.
My mom was walking home by the sidewalk when my dad bumped into
her. At that moment, my mom knew this was the man she desired in her
life. At her first sight. I was already confused, how could my mom not
know that my dad was around 1000 years old? How was my dad still

This triggered Randolph and shouted at me, "At least listen to the whole

Randolph then continued the story, "They fell in love at first sight. They
then started talking often and going on dates. It had been a few years
since your mom had been dating your dad. Your mom had fallen in deep
love and would do anything for your dad. Before they were going to get
married, your dad told her that he was a god, and after they have a child,
he would have to leave. This shocked your mom that her fiance was a
God, and her son would be a demigod. Without hesitation, she still
married your dad."

"I am so bored with all of these boring stories. Tell me something juicy,
and who was my dad? "

”I told you not to interrupt me when I am speaking, but I will agree that it
was quite tedious!” 

"Well, if you want something juicy, how is the topic who killed your
"It kind of brings back bad memories, but I would love to know who sent
the wolves to kill my mom."

"Well, the person who sent the wolves was your dad’s sister, and she
was the goddess of death. Your Aunt did not want her brother to be
married to a puny, little mortal. Your dad tried hard, but he could not stop
her, even as the king of Asgard." 

"Wait, my dad was Asgardian?"

"Yes, Randolph hollered and shoved the breaks screech!"

"We are here! Now let's go get your dad’s sword!"

"What were where? What about telling me who my dad is? "

Randolph rushed and said, "We can talk about that later, now come

I wrote a new chapter for the book called Magnus chase the sword of
summer. This book was released by Rick Riordan on the 6th October of
2015. A homeless kid named Magnus Chase discovers he is the son of
a Norse god, finds a magical sword that belonged to his father, and dies
shortly after. He embarks on a journey to stop the fire giant Surt who is
trying to free the Fenris Wolf and start Ragnarok. I decided to write a
new chapter because I did not get what I wanted from the book. I was
curious about Magnus’s family and their history, that’s another reason I
wrote a new chapter.

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