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Lexi Rich

Mrs. Davis
Composition II
31 January 2020
Conversation is key
Without conversation we would lack the ability to express our ideas and thoughts. When

we have conversations, we get the chance to father our knowledge or just simply listen to what

another has to say. Personally, conversation brings me anxiety because I am not good at talking

to others when I am not comfortable. Once I actually step out of my comfort zone and

communicate with others, I tend to be grateful that I did. The talks that people do not want to

have tend to lead to good outcomes. It can help people express their feelings or solve personal

problems with others. Communication helps in so many different ways. Conversation allows us

to express our ideas or ourselves, connect with strangers, and it’s also a form of healing.

Being able to express ideas through communication is a powerful ability to have. People

get the opportunity to share information that can lead to helping themselves or others in different

ways. Sharing ideas can benefit others by allowing people to hear different point of views on the

subject matter being discussed. If there is a problem the only way to solve it would be to

communicate with peers and figure out idea to make the situation better. Marcus Brotherton

states in his article called On Being Neighborly that “The solutions lie with us. It’s within our

power to become good neighbors, to care for the people around us, and to be cared for by the

people around us.”. That quote states that being able to have conversations with others means

that  many problems can be solved to better the community. When I have problems with

someone, I like to talk to them about it and express my feelings. Expressing my thoughts and
feelings on the topic helps me get it off my shoulders. Being able to hear both sides of a story is

extremely helpful because it can easily help the situation.

Communication can bring people from all over the world together. Not having to know a

person to be able to bond with them over a topic is a great feeling. A simple conversation can

make someone’s day a whole lot better. Just having a kind short conversation with someone

could lead to many other kind acts. Positive actions can help create a huge chain reaction of

improvements just like a lapse of showing care and concern can lead to an escalation in

deterioration (Brotherton). Every conversation people have with others has an effect on the rest

of their day. I love the feeling I get after having a good conversation with a stranger. Even just

listening to their opinion on something makes me happy because it shows who they are as a

person even if I do not know them.

When people communicate their feelings, it is the best thing to just listen. Listening helps

the person talking get their emotions out. It can help reduce their stress levels when the problem

is talked about. Having a conversation can be a huge form of healing to most people. For

example, when people go to their therapist, they have to speak with them about what is going on

in their personal life. Once the patient has been to the therapist and has voiced their feelings

things will start getting better for them. Marcus Brotherton states in his article called On Being

Neighborly that “The majority of issues that our community is facing would be eliminated or

drastically reduced if we could just figure out a way to become a community of great neighbors.”

I relate this quote with the idea that if everyone would just vent to someone that a lot more

people would start the healing process. Once people figure out how to talk to others, they will

see the difference in how they feel. I am the type of person who does not like to tell others what I

am feeling. When I let myself talk to someone about any issues, I start to feel myself heal.
Overall, the power that a simple conversation has is astonishing. From the way

communication can help express ideas or just simply bring people together. It is truly amazing to

think about all the good ways communication can affect us. I love thinking about the idea of

healing just from having a conversation with someone. Once people start figuring out how to

communicate and have good conversations with others the better the world will be.

Conversations can help bring people all over this world together to help create a better world for

everyone. Communication is the key to enhancing your intelligence and simply just being able to

connect with others.

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