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Back Pain Treatment

Back pain is the primary cause of long-term disability worldwide. Nearly 1.5
billions people suffer from either acute or chronic back pain at some point in
their lives. Thereby, it is the most frequent reason for which people see their
medical professionals.

What is back pain?

The pain that arises due to nerve and muscular problems, degenerative disc
disease,arthritis, or damage to synovial joints (facet joints) of the spine is
known as back pain. The synovial joints damage has been identified as the
primary source of the pain in approximately one-third of people with chronic
lower back pain.It usually feels like an ache, tension or stiffness in the back.

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Acute Back Pain
Acute back pain is a brief episode of pain that appears suddenly and usually lasts a
week or month. The pain is a normal response of the body to injury or tissue damage
and gradually recedes as the body heals. Acute back pain has an identifiable cause and
if left untreated, it will turn into chronic pain with significant variation among people
with similar conditions.

Spinal conditions such as spinal stenosis, spondylitis, fibromyalgia and slipped discs
can cause ongoing acute back pain. The biggest struggle of patients with spinal disorder
is the unresponsiveness to initial treatments because it requires a thorough diagnostic

KKT Consultants execute a detailed physical evaluation to determine the underlying

cause of the pain and then develop an individualized treatment plan.

Back pain is a common problem that affects most people at some point in their lives
and is the most frequent reasons for which people see their medical professionals. It
usually feels like an ache, tension or stiffness in the back. Spine and Back pain can be
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bad posture while sitting or standing, bending awkwardly, or lifting
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 Back Pain Causes

Back pain commonly stems from strain, tension, or injury. Frequent causes of back pain

strained muscles or ligaments

a muscle spasm
muscle tension
damaged discs
injuries, fractures, or falls

Back Pain Symptoms

Symptoms of back pain may include:

Muscle ache
Shooting or stabbing pain
Pain that radiates down your leg
Limited flexibility or range of motion of the back
Inability to stand up straight

Time to seek medical advice

Even though back pain is very common, it should always be taken seriously. Many times,
the conditions described above don’t have any symptoms or can present with only mild
ones. However, if it has been quite some time since you’ve first felt persistent back pain,
as mild as it is, you should visit your doctor. Just like with every condition, if not treated
early, you are at a huge risk of developing complications.

Back Pain Diagnosis

If you notice numbness, tingling, weakness in your groin, or limbs, pain that travels
downward along your leg or pain that increases when you cough or bend forward, call
your doctor.

The Canadian Certified KKT Orthopedic Surgeons recommend that being inactive for
long periods is bad for your back. Moderate activity, such as walking or doing routine
tasks, will help you in early recovery of the disease. A positive state of mind also plays a
significant role in healing. Although it may be a bit difficult to be cheerful if you are in
pain, researchers have shown that people who remain positive tend to recover earlier
than those who get depressed.

KKT Orthopedic Spine Treatment is a highly successful non-surgical way of treating back
KKT It gently and painlessly realigns the asymmetrical spine back to its
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normal position and thus eliminates the pains at various levels of the spine.
KKT Treatment
If you feel you are suffering from Back Pain book your appointment today to avail the
best non-invasive solution.


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KKT Orthopedic Spine center offers a Neck Pain

revolutionary non-surgical treatment
Back Pain
option for victims of back pain and neck
pain.  Sciatica

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