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Madison Davis

Lori Cory

210 Foundations of Education

25 September 2019

Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligence Assignment

As a teacher, you have to reach all different styles of learners, but it is very important to

know what kind of learner you are so that you can teach others. There are many different types

of learners, such as an active or visual learner, but a teacher needs to be able to reach every

student with different learning styles. This means you have to understand both learners and their

likes and dislikes inside the classroom. Being able to understand your learning style, how

different learning styles impact students, and why it is important is vital to being able to teach.

To completely understand how to teach different learners you must first understand what

learner you are. A good teacher is aware of their strengths and weaknesses and I think that you

need to know how to learn in both ways so that you can teach students in both ways. For

example, I am an active learner which means I like to physically touch objects and manipulate

them. I could very easily make a lesson plan for those learners but I also need to be able to teach

to the other side of the spectrum which is a reflective learner who likes to sit and think over the

material after learning it. These are two completely different aspects of learning, but each

classroom has many of these same situations. The most successful children will have been taught

in multiple different ways so that each student understood the lesson completely. The teacher

would know what types of learners are in their classroom so that they could adapt the lesson for

those students.
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Each teacher should know his or her strengths and to find those you have to reflect over

yourself. Understanding oneself is extremely important because it allows for you to know what

your strengths are, and also what your weaknesses are. If I were to teach a class right now, I

would lean more towards visual and active lessons because those are my strengths as a learner. I

would be able to teach those students with the same learning styles much easier than the visual

learners. I understand what activities really allowed for me to learn and I would be able to create

those opportunities very quickly, but for the other students it would frustrate them because they

may not understand the topic completely. Knowing that I need to adapt my teaching style to fit

the student’s needs would be beneficial for them. As a teacher, I would need to make sure I could

teach to students who learn in different ways. Different activities are designed for all styles of

learners so that students do not get frustrated.

One classroom activity I would use to allow for all students to learn would be a group

collaboration where the students have to use cubes that are connected in either groupings of one

hundred, ten, and one. This activity would give the active learners something to touch and

physically feel. They would be able to move the parts around and figure out how they worked

together. The visual learners would benefit the most from this because they would be able to see

each and every number and what the numbers looked like. They could see how many hundreds

are in two hundred. The students would be able to talk out each and every problem so that they

would hear the step-by-step process of counting large numbers. Another classroom activity

would be to have a discussion over a visual element. The visual element will allow for the visual

learners to be able to see the topic of discussion and talk about what they are seeing out loud.

The active learners would benefit also because they could speak out loud their thoughts, and the

reflective learner would be able to think before talking. The global and sequential learners would
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be able to hear the step-by-step process. The global learners may be able to understand much

quicker but still provide greatly to the conversation. The activity of having a discussion over a

visual object is an activity that would be able to greatly benefit all styles of learners. It could

even be helpful for the students to have an awareness of their learning styles.

I think it would be very important for students to take these tests to give the teacher a

better understanding of their students. It takes awhile for teachers and students to connect and

allow for another level of learning to take place, if the teacher has a better idea of what type of

learning environment works better for students there is much more learning that can be achieved.

As a teacher, it would be helpful for them to know how to reach the students and give them the

environment for them to learn. If the class were to take the survey, the teacher may be able to

adapt their curriculum to the student’s needs. An example would be if a majority of the class was

an active learner, the teacher could create or change activities so that they are more physical

which allows for students to move around. If these different learning types were met in the

classroom more often than not, the student would be more successful because they would be

given the opportunity to learn in a stimulating environment.

Overall it is extremely important to know your strengths and weaknesses as a learner, the

student’s learning styles, and how teaching all different types of learning styles could impact the

students. A good teacher knows how to teach everyone and is able to produce activities that

reach every student. Understanding the different ways in which student’s learn is extremely

important to a student’s success.

Works Cited

Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire,

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Multiple Intelligences -- Assessment,

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