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1. As a student, Do you like assessment? Do students like assessments? Why or Why not?

Yes, as a student I like assessment. Assessment is a key component of learning because
it helps students learn. When students are able to see how they are doing in a class,
they are able to determine whether or not they understand course material.
Assessment can also help motivate students. If students know they are doing poorly,
they may begin to work harder.

2. What can you do to eliminate students’ fear of assessment? can frequent formative
assessment reduce if NOT eliminate fear of assessment?

As a future teacher, to eliminate students’ fear of assessment, I will cheer and give them
motivation, another way to lessen their fear is to encourage them. And frequent
formative assessment can reduce their fear. The teacher has to make the students feel
that it is for their own good. The teachers have to reach for their hearts and give
commendations from time to time. This will help them not to be afraid. They have to
understand that assessment or evaluation is needed to be done to know the level of
their understanding regarding the lessons. And also the idea that this thing will help
them to develop the weakpoints and improve those areas.

3. Do you like the idea and practice of self-assessment? Why or Why not?
Yes because self- assessment requires people particularly students to
reflect on their own, work and judge how well they have performed. The
focus is not necessarily on having students generate their own grades,
but rather providing opportunities for them to be able to identify what
constitutes a good (or poor) piece of work. Reflection is also the key to
self- assessment because it provide students the ability to consider their
own performance and to identify their strengths and weaknesses. Self-
assessment can also provide insight into students' true comprehension and can help to
identify gaps in students' knowledge. Encouraging students to examine their own
learning and levels of understanding can also be an important 'wake-up call', identifying
areas that require improvement
The 3 innovative formative assessment activities
and techniques to add to the usual teacher
questioning and observation techniques
1. Strategic Questioning
• This kind of strategy is can be used with individuals, groups, or the entire
• In this strategy the teacher may asked students to answer the higher order
thinking skills such as the why? And how?
• In this strategy the teacher can assess whether the students are listening
and really understand the lessons or competencies that the teacher wants to
achieve in the performance of their students.
2. Creative extension projects
• This type of formative assessment can also help the teacher apply the higher
order thinking skills in the blooms taxonomy.
• This strategy can create a large scope of projects to demonstrate
comprehension hence it can help to enhance the performance of the students.
Some of the extension ideas that can be use by the teacher
in his/her class are as follows:
1. Creation of poster or collage and illustrate the topics covered.
2. Present a skit or podcast discussing the subject matter  
3. Students must design their own flashcard to teach each other.
4. They can also be a keynote speaker made by the students on the subject
3.  Analyzing students work
• Teachers and students can analyze and process the work of the students .
These can be validated through the students quizzes, homework and test.
Students can explain what they are thinking and the teachers can analyze
who among its students gained knowledge and understanding about the topic.
One of the advantage of this strategy is that the students can review  and
refresh on the topics that they don’t really understand before.
1. Students current knowledge,skills and attitude about the topics covered
2. The teacher can analyze the strengths, weaknesses and learning styles of
the students
3. The teacher can identify if their students is in need of further special

2 innovative summative assessment tools

Performance task- shows and demonstrate what the learners can do

Examples are: Demonstration
Group presentation
Oral work

Quarterly Assessment measure students learning at the end of the quarter

Examples: Objective test
Performance-based assessment

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