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Zarek Williams

April 26th, 2020

RCO 390-04

Critical Reflection

Writing and Research

The feelings I have toward my research topic have changed from the beginning to the end
of my project. In the beginning, I knew what I wanted to talk about and that was it. I knew I
wanted to cover the injustices that black entertainers go through in the entertainment industry,
but I did not know how to. I did not think that the project I produced would be something that I
am proud of because of the initial start. This topic is special to me and other people who are
pursuing this career or want to pursue this career; I really wanted to show how difficult it is for
them and how entertainers can rise from this and succeed in this business. I do think I was able to
show that and being able to show that makes me feel accomplished.
While writing this research topic, I had a lot of ideas flying through my head. I wanted to
cover colorism, Black Hollywood, typecasting, and other major conversation topics. I wanted to
talk about these topics, but I had no idea how to talk about them. Writing about these different
topics helped me gain more insight about them and who they affect. Writing about these topics
helped give me examples and instances to use in my paper.
Researching my project was the most enjoyable part of the process. I am pursuing a
career in the entertainment industry and being able to learn more about was very insightful. I
love to research and find new information, so this was up to my alley. When researching, I tend
to just dive right into it, which is not the very best thing to do. Since beginning the research
project and now completing it, I have learned to create an outline of what I want to cover and
discuss, and then go forth with researching. When I research, I tend to get overwhelmed with the
information and forget some of the things I want to cover. Outlining has helped me stay
organized and now I can plan out what I need to look for and not forget information I find
When it comes to my writing process, I have no process. This is not the best quality, but I
tend to start late on writing, and this also goes for researching. I do not know what possesses me
to start working so late, but I feel a rush in my body and sometimes I do good work under this
rush of pressure. From doing this research project, I have learned that it is important to start as
soon as possible and stay on top of the work because it will pile up! Pertaining to my writing,
similar to my research, I have begun to make an outline to help me improve writing. I do not
classify myself as a good writer, so making an outline has helped me improve. My thesis is in the
right place, followed by supporting evidence and examples to make the paper flourish. Outlines
have severely helped with my research and writing process for the better.
Being a part of the research expo has been a great experience. The best part of it has to be
the in-class portion. In class, I feel as if I have learned so much from my peers. Coming into this
class and doing my own work, I know my topic is important to me, but I also learned my peer’s
topics are important to them. Just from reading my partner’s paper and interviewing her, I
learned so much about the Gardasil 9 vaccine. I never thought twice about this vaccine or the
topic of it, but now I can see the importance of it and why it can be essential for many people. I
love learning new things, and to be able to learn from my classmates in a welcoming
environment has been very enjoyable.

Final Web Project

A few moments that were intentional when producing my project was the color scheme
and the layout. I wanted the website to look sleek and simple, but carrying meaning. The color
scheme is composed of browns, black and white, representing skin color/complexions. Since my
project is based on race, I wanted to subtly place that into my project. The layout (hopefully)
looks simple, so viewers can easily see and access everything. My goal is to have everything
look professional, stylish, and make sure it flows easily.
The best part of doing the website is designing it! I love being creative and I felt like
designing the website is a great way to show my individuality and to show my creativity.
The most challenging part of the website is creating the website page. I have never made
my own website before, so it was hard learning to maneuver the tools and learn what this and
that does.
If I had more time, I would use more pictures that are not Google images or stock
photos. I had a photo idea planned that would have involved UNCG students in the drama
department, but due to the COVID-19 outbreak, it was not able to happen. I wish I was able to
take more original photos for the website.
This project has lit a fire underneath my feet to go for my dreams of being an entertainer.
Being on stage and on screens across the world has always been a dream of mine, but since I
have done this project, it has become a goal now. I want to break this chain of what black
entertainers endure and I want to change it for the better. Being an entertainer will open doors for
me, and once those doors are open I want to bring alone and inspire others who dream like me to
continue to break the chain and change this negative narrative we have against us as black

Strong College
The most important experience of being a Strong College was essentially every
experience. I have spent two years of my life in Strong and the number of memories I have will
not let me choose just one important experience. Experiences, like being an Orientation Leader,
have been important. Being an Orientation Leader helped me meet new people and assist those
who were like me during my freshman year, not knowing how to maneuver college life right out
of high school. Being one of the chairs of Tea Time was also an important experience for me.
Being a chair of the Tea Time committee helped me learn how to communicate and work with
others who have opposing opinions and different ideas. Another important experience would be
working as an Undergraduate Assistant with all the professors. Working alongside the professors
was an amazing experience that helped me learn so much more about the history of Strong, the
ins and outs about the program, and learning more about the professors and their everyday life.
Every experience I had in Strong is important to me due to it helping me learn more about myself
and what I am capable of, which is every and anything.
While living in this community, I endured and experienced a lot and one thing I would do
differently is to be more of myself. Living in Strong, I made friends with people who probably
were not the best to be friends with. Doing this, I lost my own voice and let other people speak
for me, push me around, and not have my back. If I could rewind time, I would stop all of that. I
did not realize it then, but I know now that I am a person that is worthy of loving friends and
worthy of speaking my own mind. I look back and I think that many people are like that. We are
influenced by our peers to act this way or speak that way in order to fit in and be well-liked. I
followed this and let others tell me right from wrong, but I can graciously attest that this
narrative is false, and trying to fit in is harder than to just stand out. So, looking back, I can say
that yes, I would speak up for myself and be more of myself, but I can also say that this
happening has opened my eyes and helped me to be the person I am today.
My most proud contribution to Strong would be my involvement with the Tea Time
Committee. Join Tea Time was probably one of the weirdest, complicated, but enjoyable
experiences in Strong. Ever since I was little, I loved entertaining! I like to chat, host, and excite
people, and Tea Time helped me do so. Every week, I put together a slideshow presentation with
a different theme and many of Strong’s members would come out and indulge in tea and snacks
and discuss whatever topic I had chosen for the week. Tea time was fun, but it was equally hard.
Having to plan what theme would be for each week, and then working with two other committee
members who did not get along, it was a hard job that I did by myself. Though the hardship, it
was exciting seeing the same beautiful faces come in with the tea mugs every Tuesday ready to
talk and catch up with one another.
Upon entering Strong, my approach to engaging people with people who are different
from me was to treat them with the same respect, kindness, and love you would want. Once I
entered Strong, the same process still happened. Being that Strong is such a diverse program
with people from various backgrounds, it is necessary for everyone to treat one another with
respect and kindness.
With Strong having its own classes, I never saw them align with other UNCG courses.
Strong has its very own courses that are very special and unique, and I have not taken any
courses outside of Strong that have coincided with Strong courses. The courses within the
program intertwine sometimes, and I think that is very interesting. But, when it comes to courses
from outside of the program, I have not experienced the intertwining or similarities of the two.
From being a second-year in Strong, I have helped others learn from my experience in
Strong. Being a leader in the community has given me a door to go through to help those who
need guidance. I find myself giving advice, helping academically, and just being a shoulder to
lean on to younger students in the dorm. If you can count the number of times I have jumped up
from doing homework, eating, or taking a nap to help someone, you will have a nice sized
number. I cannot complain about this though. I feel honored that people trust me to give them
advice and help them when they need help. I love my community and I love helping.
Sustainability and Fieldwork
As Google states, sustainability is “the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level”,
and fieldwork is, “practical work conducted by a researcher in the natural environment, rather
than in a laboratory or office.”
From prior knowledge, I always thought that sustainability dealt with the Earth, more like
earth science. Though it does deal with the Earth, I did learn that sustainability has three different
tiers: economic, environmental, and social. These three tiers are used throughout our everyday
lives, and I am just now finding out about it! Pertaining to fieldwork, I had previous knowledge
from other ventures. What I did learn is that fieldwork can range from an interview to just
observing the atmosphere and space of an environment.
In regards to sustainability and my research topic, you can take social sustainability into
account. With social sustainability, it focuses on an aspect of culture. My project deals with the
culture of black entertainers making their way through the entertainment industry.
The fieldwork method I feel most comfortable using is observational. I find this to be my go-to
method because you learn more about someone from observing their daily habits, body language,
and normal routine.
I would like to see myself using more participational fieldwork. Observing something is
insightful and gives you an idea of how something or someone works, but being able to take part
and indulge yourself in it opens your eyes to more ideas and feelings. It is like the phrase, “you
do not know if you like it until you try it.” You cannot say that you do not like to dance until you
try to dance.
Sustainability and Politics are two things I am not the surest about, but I am sure about
the arts. You can relate political sustainability with the funding of arts programs. In the past
couple of years, school systems across the United States are being forced to shut down arts-
related programs due to funding. The funding is being cut and put towards other outlets like
sports or luxuries in schools. A lot of students rely on the arts as a way to self-express and
cutting this is taking the joy away from students across America.

Education and Studenthood

When turning in my assignments, I was not the best in turning them in on time. At the
beginning of this class, I started off good turning assignments in on time. Where I started to go
downhill is when the papers were due. I am not the best at writing papers, so I needed a lot of
time to write them. I turn those assignments in late to curate the best product from me. Also,
once we all were sent home due to the COVID-19 outbreak, I slacked off and turned in some
things late.
In regards to directions, I think I followed this well. I always want to give my professor
what they want, so if that means doing exactly what is on the rubric word for word, that is what
they will receive.
The goals I have while pursuing my education is to always learn and do your best.
Everyone is constantly learning, so I want to constantly learn and use my knowledge for the
betterment of myself and my community. Learning also comes from doing your best. If you are
not doing your best, or at least trying, then what are you doing? You have to learn to do your best
and do your best to learn. To meet these goals, I stuck my foot out and tried. I took classes I
would have normally not taken to learn something new. I took these classes and tried my best to
learn and that is what happened. In the classes I did poorly in, I did learn something from what I
thought was nothing. Learning is the goal, and to reach that goal you have to try your best.
If I had to change one thing about my student life, it would be to give more time to my
friends. I have lost plenty of friendships due to focusing on a committee, a club, my studies, and
other things. Yes, we are in college to learn and earn a degree… but you are also here to meet
new people and make new connections. College is nice and fun, but without friends to enjoy
them with… some fun is not there.
As my final thoughts, I want you to place yourself inside someone else’s shoes. It does
not have to be my own but step inside of someone else’s reality. Step in the shoes of all the black
girls and boys that want to perform for eyes upon eyes to see. Think about what they are going to
have to endure just for the color of their skin. Step in the shoes of black women and men who
endure this discrimination on a daily basis. How does it make them feel? Think project is the life
of my peers in UNCG’s drama department, to performers and entertainers out in the world now.
Though this is a hard subject, just think of them and think about how you would feel if this
happened to you.

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