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Transport Phenomena of Non-Newtonian Fluids

Dr. Nanda Kishore

Department of Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Module – 01
Introduction of Non-Newtonian Fluids
Lecture – 03
Mathematical Models for Non-Newtonian Fluids

Welcome, to MOOCs course Transport Phenomena of Non-Newtonian Fluids. We are

discussing introduction of non-Newtonian fluids, this is the 1st model of the course. In
this lecture, we will see some basic Mathematic Models available for Non-Newtonian

(Refer Slide Time: 00:45)

Just to recapitulate shear-thinning non-Newtonian fluids as the term indicates shear-

thinning that is that means, the fluid becomes thinner and thinner as the shearing
increases that is the apparent viscosity of shear-thinning fluids decreases with increase in
the shear rate. When we decide discuss about the rheology of non-Newtonian fluids we
should also specify the range of the shear rate.

We realize that many fluids that are deviating from Newtonian behavior are found to be
obeying shear-thinning fluid behavior. Since there are many shear-thinning fluids it is
also possible that there may be many mathematical models are available for the shear-
thinning fluids. Indeed there are many models of varying complexity and form the shear-
thinning fluids. However, we see only few of them which are very much famous.

Some of these models that we are going to discuss are direct curve fitting of shear stress
versus shear rate experimental data. So, for this shear-thinning model the most famous
model that has been applied is power-law or Ostwald de Waale model according to this
model. Non-linear shear stress versus shear rate curve of shear-thinning fluids can be
approximated by a power-law model as shown in this equation tau yx is equals to m into
gamma dot yx power n; the suffix yx you can have or you can remove. There is nothing
special about it, we are writing tau by x only because when we indicate one dimensional

So, repeat so, what we realize that non-linear shear stress versus shear rate behavior
whatever is there for shear-thinning fluid that behavior can be conveniently referred by
power-law model according to Ostwald de Waale and then that model is given as tau by
x is equals to m into gamma dot yx power n. So, here in this model m and n are two
empirical curve fitting parameters; n is known as the power-law of fluid behavior index.
If it is equals to 1, this model reduces to Newtonian fluid behavior with viscosity m. If n
is less than 1, then this model indicates the shear-thinning behavior where the apparent
viscosity decreases with the increase in shear rate. M is power-law fluid consistency
index and its units is Pascal second power n whereas, n is not having any units; it is a
dimensionless quantity.

So, in the right side of the slide in the right side we can see there is a shear stress versus
shear rate curve, which is also showing apparent viscosity versus shear rate information
on a log log coordinate which this we have already seen here. We can see that this model
is giving a constant viscosity for low shear rate and then constant viscosity at high shear
rate again. This low shear viscosity is mu naught, it is having very high value. High shear
viscosity mu infinity which is having very low value in general for a given shear-
thinning material and in between shear rate range as the shear rate increases the apparent
viscosity in decreases from mu naught to mu infinity.

But, however, we can see that this power-law model is not giving any information about
mu naught and mu infinity provided in this model.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:13)

So, on double logarithmic coordinates the power-law model for shear-thinning fluids can
be approximated by a straight line over a limited range of shear rate only because we
understand that this model is not giving any information about mu 0 which is at low
shear rate and then mu infinity which is at large shear rate. So, that is the reason it is
valid only in the limited range of shear rate and then for this limited range of shear rate if
you re rewrite the equation in terms of by taking logarithmic either side of power-law
model then we get this equation.

Also, for apparent viscosity for shear-thinning fluids according to power-law model is
given by mu apparent is equals to tau by x divided by gamma dot yx is equals to m into
gamma dot yx power n minus 1. So, mathematically this model looks very simple, very
convenient for using doing the calculations even when we do the design applications also
it is very convenient and very easy to do the calculation, simplifications etcetera. Based
on the calculations whatever the estimations you get accordingly tuning the operating
and design parameters can also be easy.

But, however, this model is having many disadvantages. As I said it applies over only a
limited range of shear rates only. So, m, n values m and n values dependent on the range
of shear rate. Consider indeed any rheological fluid or rheological model a corresponding
rheological parameters are dependent on the shear rate because, the nature of the non-
Newtonian fluid may change if you change the range of shear rate as we have also seen
some examples given the material under certain range of shear rate it is showing as a
kind of shear-thinning behavior and then for other range of shear rate the same material
is showing as a shear-thickening fluids. Those kind of examples we have already seen in
the previous lecture.

So, since this m and n values are dependent on the shear rate this it is not possible to
compare for different range of shear rate. It does not predict zero shear viscosity as well
as the infinite shear viscosity. This model do not consider the information of mu naught
mu infinity into it so, that is a very big drawback.

Dimensions of power-law consistency index m depends on value of power-law behavior

index n. So, therefore, m values cannot be compared when n values differ. Values of m
can be viewed as value of apparent viscosity at unit shear rate.

(Refer Slide Time: 06:53)

So, now we see some examples where power-law model is applied successfully. Here in
this table I have given a material then corresponding rheological parameters m and n of
power-law model as well for a given shear rate ranges range as well.

So, synovial fluid usually have a power-law index of 0.4 and power-law consistence
index of 0.5 Pascal second power n for a shear rate range of 0.1 to 100. Lubricating
grease m value 1000, n value 0.1, shear rate 0.1 to 100; skin cream 250 is m value, 0.1 is
n value, shear rate range is 10 to 100; fabric conditioners m value is 10, n value is equals
to 0.6 and shear rate is 10 to 100; toothpaste m value is 300, n value is equals to 0.3 and
then shear rate is 10 to 1000; ball point pen ink m value 10, n value 0.85, shear rate range
valid 10 to 1000; polymer melt m value is very high – 10000, n value is 0.6 only.

One thing you can observe, whatever the material here the range of shear rate whatever
is given they are very narrow range 0.1 to 100, 0.1 to 10, 10 to 100, 10 to 1000 only
order increasing order only order of 10 power 2 the difference between the lower limit of
gamma dot and upper limit of gamma dot is hardly 10 power 2 to 10 power 3 only.
Whereas in general material if you if a if you wanted to know the entire rheological
behavior of a given non-Newtonian material you have to have the information from very
low shear rate range to the high shear rate range that is 10 power minus 3 to or 10 power
minus 4 to 10 power plus 6 or 10 power plus 7 range.

(Refer Slide Time: 08:55)

The next model for shear-thinning fluids is Carreau viscosity model. This is the only
model developed based on the molecular network consideration whereas, all other
rheological models of shear-thinning fluids are based on the curve fitting of experimental
data only. So, this is the only model that is developed based on the molecular network. It
is a improvement over the power-law model because it also takes account of zero shear
viscosity and infinite shear viscosity as well and then when you include these two, zero
shear and then infinity shear viscosity values also then you get the model as mu minus
mu infinity divided by mu naught minus mu infinity is equals to 1 plus lambda gamma
dot yx square whole power n minus 1 by 2.

Here it is having 4 parameters one is the n, another one is the lambda, another one is the
mu naught zero shear viscosity and the last one is the infinite shear viscosity mu infinity.
So, where n and lambda are two curve fitting parameters, n is the power-law index
dimensionless and it is same as the kind of power-law model that it usually less than it is
less than 1, lambda is time constant related to the relaxation time of polymer solutions.

Further, we can also see from this model in this model if you substitute n is equals to 1
and then lambda is equals to 0, then we can understand this model reduces to the
Newtonian fluid behavior.

Next viscosity model for shear-thinning fluid is cross viscosity model.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:37)

So, this is given by mu minus mu infinity divided by mu naught minus mu infinity is

equals to 1 by 1 plus k gamma dot yx power n or this equation can also be rearranged as
mu naught minus mu divided by mu minus mu infinity is equals to k prime gamma dot
yx whole power and prime. Either way you can arrange this equation. Then here in this
equation k and n are two curve fitting parameters k is having the time units and n is n is
the dimensionless one.
So, from this equation also we can understand that as k tends to 0, this model reduces to
the Newtonian behavior with a constant viscosity, other way if you see that apparent
viscosity is very much lesser than the zero shear viscosity or if it is very much higher
than the infinity shear viscosity then this model reduces to the power-law model.

(Refer Slide Time: 11:43)

Next model for shear-thinning fluid which is Ellis fluid model. For the material when
deviation from power-law model is significant only in the low shear range rate then Ellis
model is a more appropriate one to use. This model can be written as mu is equals to mu
naught divided by 1 plus tau by x by tau half whole power alpha minus 1. Here alpha is a
measure of shear-thinning behavior it is same like as n in the power-law index, but here
in this case alpha should always be greater than 1; greater the alpha value greater is the
shear-thinning behavior.

Tau half is the value of shear stress at which apparent viscosity drop to half of its zero
shear viscosity. From here also we can see that when tau half tends to infinity then this
model reduces to the Newtonian behavior with constant viscosity mu naught. Other way
for the case tau by x divided by tau half whole power alpha minus 1, if this value is very
much larger than 1, then this Ellis model reduces to apparent viscosity of a power-law
model with m is equals to mu naught tau half power alpha minus 1 whole power 1 by
alpha and n is equals to 1 by alpha.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:11)

So, the next category of non-Newtonian fluids within time independent non-Newtonian
fluids is viscoplastic behavior. So, now, we see mathematical models for viscoplastic
materials. Viscoplastic materials to recapitulate as we know that these are the material
which do not flow or which do not deform until and unless we provide a stress which is
more than the yield stress which is the characteristics of the material.

So, we have also seen that after crossing this yield stress material will start deforming
and it can deform such a way that tau yx versus gamma dot yx curve is can be a linear or
it can be non-linear as in the case of shear-thinning fluids, but they do not pass through
the origin. So, since after deformation we have two types of behavior of tau yx is tau yx
versus gamma dot yx, it is possible that we can have two different types of models.

So, first one is the Bingham plastic fluid where after crossing this yield stress value tau
naught B the fluid deforms linearly that is tau yx versus gamma dot yx is a linear curve
and then corresponding model is known as the Bingham plastic model. Since for this
viscoplastic materials there are two conditions; one is the condition for which there is no
deformation another one is the condition there is a deformation.

So, as long as the tau yx is less than tau naught B there is no deformation; that means, the
shear rate is 0. For tau yx greater than tau naught B material starts deforming linearly
that is tau yx versus gamma dot yx is a linear curve and it can be given it is given for
Bingham plastic fluid as tau yx is equals to tau naught B plus mu B gamma dot yx.
So, here two curve fitting parameters are there tau naught B and mu B which are known
as the Bingham yield stress or Bingham plastic yield stress and plastic viscosity
respectively. The superscript B is just the kind of indication of indication that this model
is for Bingham plastic.

Next model is the Herschel-Bulkley fluid here also we have two relations; one is before
deformation, another one is after the starting deformation after starting deformation. And
then here for this type of models we know that after starting deformation the tau versus
gamma dot is a non-linear curve for in this having the similar trend as a shear-thinning
fluids. So, for tau yx less than tau naught H that is less than the yield stress there is no
deformation so, gamma dot yx is 0. After crossing this tau naught H yield stress that is
tau yx greater than tau naught H, then this tau yx is showing non-linear behavior as in the
case of shear-thinning fluids including plus having additional tau naught H. So, that is
tau yx is equals to tau naught H plus m into gamma dot yx power n.

So, here also superscript H is indicating that it is for the Herschel-Bulkley model. So, the
significance of m and n shown in this equation are same as in the power-law model that
we have discussed for shear-thinning fluids and shear-thinning fluids and tau naught H is
Herschel-Bulkley yield stress.

Then, another model which is famous for viscoplastic fluids is Casson fluid model.

(Refer Slide Time: 16:55)

So, here also as long as tau yx is less than the yield stress, then there is no deformation
and then after crossing this shear stress crossing the yield stress point after tau naught C
value then this model says that square root of tau yx is equals to square root of tau
naught C plus square root of mu C gamma dot yx tau naught C is the Casson yield stress
mu C is the Casson plastic viscosity.

And this model holds very good for foot stuff such as yogurt, tomato puree, molten
chocolate etcetera also it is very good model for biological materials especially blood.
So, as already indicated tau naught C and mu C are the curve fitting parameters known as
the Casson plastic yield stress and then Casson plastic viscosity.

(Refer Slide Time: 17:45)

So, the third category of non-Newtonian fluid within the time independent non-
Newtonian fluids is shear-thickening fluids by name as it indicates the fluid become
thicker and thicker with increase in the shearing. So, that is this apparent viscosity that is
apparent viscosity increases with shear rate. So, which is the quite exactly opposite the
trend of shear-thinning fluids for which the for shear-thinning fluids the shear the for
shear-thinning fluids the apparent viscosity decreases with increasing the shear rate.

Whereas, shear in the case of the shear-thickening fluids apparent viscosity increase with
increase in the shear rate. So, the whatever the power-law model is available for shear-
thinning fluid the same power-law model can be applied here also, but with only one
difference that n is being greater than one in the case of shear-thickening fluid.
So, this power-law model whatever tau yx is equals to m into gamma dot yx power n is
there the same model is valid for the shear-thickening fluids also, but n greater than 1,
but the same equation if you represented in a logarithmic coordinates then you can have
a straight line with intersect log m. So, that is log tau yx is equals to log m plus n log
gamma dot yx. And then here also apparent viscosity tau yx divided by gamma dot yx is
equals to m into gamma dot yx whole power n minus 1. So, here also in all these cases
one should remember the power-law index should be greater than 1 then it will be a
shear-thickening fluid.

(Refer Slide Time: 19:29)

So, now we see some problems; the purpose of this example problems given shear stress
versus shear rate information, how to evaluate rheological parameters of that particular
non-Newtonian fluid obeying a certain mathematical model.

So, 1st example here the shear rate versus shear stress information is given for aqueous
carbopol solution at 293 Kelvin. Now, the purpose is to find out which model can fit well
given this data shear stress versus shear rate and what are the rheological parameters of
this material?

First we have to find out whether the this material is a Newtonian or non-Newtonian first
of all, then we can go to the next level if it is a non-Newtonian fluid finding out the non
rheological parameters etcetera that is a second step. So, first what we do we plot shear
stress versus shear rate data on a normal graph sheet and then see if it is passing through
origin or not, first of all.

(Refer Slide Time: 20:31)

If it is passing through the origin is it linear or not to make sure whether it is Newtonian
or non-Newtonian. If it is not non-Newtonian, so, according to the nature of the curve we
have to intuitively justify which model could be best suitable and then apply that
mathematical models of that particular non-Newtonian behavior and then obtain the
rheological parameters.

So, here I have plotted this shear stress versus shear rate on a normal curve. So, here I
can see that it is not passing through the origin and then it is a it is having a non-linear
behavior, it is not having a linear behavior and now from this curve I can see that it is
having some kind of yield stress or if I extrapolate this curve whatever this two
information I have plotted here and then I extrapolate to gamma dot is equals to 0 value,
then I can see there is a yield stress also.

So, that means, this material is belongs to viscoplstic category and then viscoplastic
category and then its corresponding yield stress is approximately 47 Pascal’s. Next after
deformation this material is showing non-linear behavior similar to shear-thinning kind
of thing where the apparent viscosity is decreasing. So, next one tau naught H you have
already got it from here that is 47 Pascal second the wherever this curve is intersecting
with y-axis at gamma dot is equals to 0 that is the yield stress value.
But, another two now we understand that this material obviously viscoplastic behavior
having the non-linear behavior after deformation that is Herschel-Bulkley fluid behavior.
So, Herschel-Bulkley model should be applied here. So, in the Herschel-Bulkley model
tau naught H is 47 Pascal you already got it, but now you have to find out m and n value
of that material as well.

So, if you are solving this problem in a excel sheet then you can directly get this
information. Otherwise, what should you do? You should plot log shear stress versus log
shear rate. Then this curve will give you a straight line with a intercept of log m and
slope n. So, from here slope this linear curve is slope is how much 0.2086. So, that is
your n value and then how much is the m value log of m is equals to 1.8701. So,
corresponding m value is 74.148, right. So, this is now here what I have done I have not
taken the information of tau naught I have taken only non-linear part into the
consideration and got this m, n value.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:31)

Now, we take another example here also shear stress versus shear rate information is
given. But, in addition to that shear stress versus shear rate information for the polymer
solution it is already mentioned that these information can be approximated by the
power-law model and Bingham plastic model. So, then if you apply power-law model
and Bingham plastic model what should be the corresponding rheological parameters,
that is what you have to obtain.
So, as usual what should we do? We since it is already told that it is a non-Newtonian
fluid you do not need to plot tau versus gamma dot in a natural graph sheet to know
whether it is a Newtonian or non-Newtonian. It is already told that it is a non-Newtonian.
So, directly you can start applying the power-law model.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:17)

So, power-law model; what is power-law model that we know tau is equals to m into
gamma dot power n. So, from here log of tau is equals to log of m plus n log of gamma
dot. So, if you plot log of tau versus log of gamma dot you will get a straight line from
log tau versus log gamma dot curve. From the slope we understand n value as 0.1594 and
from the intercept we understand log of m is equals to 1.8016 which gives m value as
63.33 Pascal second power n where n is dimensionless. This is what you get when you
apply power-law model for this material for which shear stress versus shear rate
information is given.

Now, for the same shear stress versus shear rate information you need to apply Bingham
plastic model. So, for the Bingham plastic model that what we know we know that tau is
equals to tau naught B plus mu B gamma dot. So, that means, tau versus gamma dot
when you plot you will get a straight line and then from the intercept you will get tau
naught B information from the slope you will get mu B value. So, from this data I have
plotted here and then we can see that we trend line by straight line method is y is equals
to 10.436 x plus 50.427. So, here yield stress is nothing, but this 50.43 that is in intercept
Pascal’s this is nothing, but your tau naught B and then Bingham viscosity from here we
understand that 10.44 Pascal second this is nothing, but your Bingham viscosity.

We will go to the next problem.

(Refer Slide Time: 26:21)

So, now let us say a range of shears shear stress versus shear rate information is not
given, but range of shear rate shear rate information is given and then one model
parameters are given. So, from that ma information can we apply the other model and get
the rheological parameter or not, that is what this example.

Precisely, if I read out the problem statement the rheological properties of a China clay
suspension can be approximated by either a power-law or a Bingham plastic model over
the shear rate range of 10 to 100 second inverse. If the yield stress is 15 Pascals and the
plastic viscosity is 150 milli Pascal second, what will be the approximate values of the
power-law consistency coefficient m and then power-law flow behavior index n that is
the question. So, for Bingham plastic fluid the information is given. So, we start with the
Bingham plastic fluid.

So, for Bingham plastic fluids are Bingham fluids tau yx is equals to tau naught B plus
mu B gamma dot; gamma dot here is nothing, but minus dv x by dy. So, gamma dot
range is given that is minus dv x by dy range is 10 to 100. So, when gamma dot is 10 that
is minus dv x by dy is equals to 10, then you calculate tau yx how much it is by
substituting this dv x by dy and then mu B value in this Bingham plastics equation. So,
you get tau yx is equals to 15 plus 150 into 10 power minus 3; 10 power minus 3 because
a plastic viscosity is given in the milli Pascal second. So, we have to multiply it by 10
power minus 3 to get it into Pascal second units multiplied by gamma dot or minus dv x
by dy that is 10, it comes out to be 16.5 Pascals

See, other range of gamma dot that is minus dv x by dy is equals to 100. So, now, tau yx
comes out to be 30 Pascal. So, tau naught B is 15, mu B is 150 to 10 power minus 3, dv x
by dy is now 100. Earlier it was 10, now it is 100 so, then it comes out to be 30 here in
this case, right. Now, for this fluid tau yx versus gamma dot yx information is known.
So, problem is that if the same material more can be approximated by the power-law
model the material is same. So, tau yx versus gamma dot yx information will also be
same. So, only thing that now for the same tau yx versus gamma dot yx information we
need to get m and n values.

So, power-law fluids that we know that tau yx is equals to m into gamma dot power n or
gamma dot here is minus dv x by dy. When minus dv x by dy is equals to 10 because dv
minus dv x by dy is ranging between 10 to 100; same material same range, minus dv x
by dy is equals to 10 then shear stress we found that it is 16.5 from the Bingham plastic
fluid applying Bingham plastic model, right. So, 16.5 is equals to m is not known into
minus dv x by dy is 10 power n is not known so, 16.5 is equals to m into 10 power n.

Similarly, when shear rate is 100 that is minus dv x by dy is equals to 100 then shear
stress we already found that it is 30 from this equation from here. So, 30 is equals to m
into 100 power n. Now, you solve these two equations to get m and n value. So, you will
understand that n is 0.26 and m is 9.08 Pascal second power n.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:23)

So, the other category of non-Newtonian fluid that is the second category of non-
Newtonian fluids is time dependent non-Newtonian fluids. So, time dependent non-
Newtonian fluids their viscosity also depends on the duration of shearing along with the
range of shear rate applied.

So, we have seen that this time dependent non-Newtonian fluids apparent viscosity may
increase or decrease with the duration of shear shearing. So, if the apparent viscosity is
decreasing with the duration of shearing those materials we termed as thixotropic
material, if the apparent viscosity increases with the duration of shearing then we term
them as rheoplastic or negative thixotropic material. There are only few models available
for thixotropic material, but for rheoplastic material till date models are not available.

We see Houska model for thixotropic behavior. It is a generalization of Herschel-Bulkley

model by incorporating the time dependent deformation or time dependent contribution.
Let us say for simple 1D shear flow of thixotropic fluids we get equations as tau yx given
by equation number – 1 here. So, it is having two contribution; one is tau y naught and
then m naught which are like you know yield stress and consistency index etcetera in
Herschel-Bulkley fluids. And then other contributions are tau by 1 and then m 1
whichever like time dependent contributions and or postulated to be linearly dependent
on instantaneous structure that is the value of zeta and then zeta is dependent on the time.
How it is dependent it is given by this equation – 2.
So, Houska model is not complete by one equation, it is by two equations. It is it can be
complete by having both defining both the time dependent behavior as well as the only
shear dependent behavior.

(Refer Slide Time: 32:29)

So, equation is valid for constant value of zeta only and then equation – 2 indicate
dynamic equilibrium between the rates of build up of and then breakdown of the
structure, thereby giving rate of change of zeta. So, in the previous equation number 2
this is this indicates the rate of buildup, this indicates the rate of breakdown. So,
whatever these balance is there that gives the rate of change in the structure zeta with
respect to the time.

Rate of break down depends on both the values of zeta and the value of shear rate, on the
other hand rate of buildup depends only on the number of structural units available at any
instance or instant of the time. So, it is a 8 parameter model tau naught, tau y 1, m
naught, m 1, n, a, b and epsilon are the parameters. So, here tau y naught and then tau y
1, m naught and m 1 and n are the material properties whereas, a, b and epsilon are
kinetic parameters and they need to be found by experiments only and they also depend
material to material they change very much.
(Refer Slide Time: 33:51)

So, the last category of non-Newtonian fluids is viscoelastic fluids. So, wherein material
exhibit both viscous as well as the elastic behavior under given range of shear rate. So, in
other words viscoelastic fluids display both fluid like and solid like characteristics
simultaneously. So, because of this reason many mathematical models hinge on linear
combination of elastic and viscous components. So, Maxwell model is the perhaps the
corner stone of linear viscoelastic model. Why linear viscoelastic models we are
preferring because he has consider the linear combination of elastic component and then
viscous action, right.

So, we will see the details of this model. Though this model is a crude model it does
capture salient features of viscoelastic behavior at least qualitatively. So, what they have
done in this model they have taken spring and do dashpot representing the elastic
behavior as well as the representing the elastic and viscous behavior of the material

So, they can how they can be arranged, next question. They arrange them linearly;
linearly also there are two possibilities are there. One is series arrangement another one
is the parallel arrangement. Maxwell has taken the series arrangement of the spring and
dashpot and then developed the equation. Kelvin and volt what they have done they have
taken the parallel arrangement of the elastic and then viscous nature of the material and
then developed the model. We see both of them individually now.
(Refer Slide Time: 35:25)

So, Maxwell model mechanical analog of this model obtained by series combination of
spring which is having Young’s modulus G and dashpot which is indicating Newtonian
fluid which a viscosity mu. So, both of them are arranged in the series.

Now, whatever the when you apply some force on this spring. So, then there will be
strain will be developed and that will be passing through the Newtonian fluid that has
been taken in the dashpot and then the spring is attached with a piston. So, when this
moves and then whatever the fluid is there that will flows out. So, both the elastic and
then viscous nature are arranged in a kind of series manner.

Now, here what happen the individual strain rates are different here. Individual strains
are gamma 1 and gamma 2 when you have this dot when then these are the strain rates.
So, individual strain rates of spring and dashpot are gamma 1 dot and then gamma 2 dot.
So, the total strain rate gamma dot is equals to gamma 1 dot plus gamma 2 dot. So, if you
write this gamma 1 dot and gamma 2 dot as d gamma 1 by dt and d gamma 2 by dt then
we have this 1st equation here.

Now, what we do, we multiply this equation both side by viscosity mu. Then what we do
next in the right hand side first term we divide and multiply by Young’s modulus G
because, this first component indicates the elastic characteristics of the material. So,
Young’s modulus should come into the picture.
So, now this equation you can if you rewrite by mu by G if you replace mu by G by
lambda which is relaxation time, then this equation can be written as mu gamma dot is
equals to lambda d tau by dt plus tau. This is mu d gamma 2 by dt is nothing, but for a
Newtonian fluid is a shear stress so, that is tau, right, mu by G is lambda. For elastic
material according to Hook’s law we have that tau is equals to G gamma 1 or minus G dx
by dy or G into minus dx by dy whatever you like to write.

So, this equation if you differentiate both sides with respect to time then you have d tau
by dt is equals to G into d gamma 1 by dt. So, here whatever the G into d gamma 1 by dt
is there that you can replace by d tau by dt. So, you get this equation final equation mu
gamma dot is equals to lambda d tau by dt plus tau. This is the linear elastic model
developed by Maxwell for viscoelastic materials.

(Refer Slide Time: 38:23)

So, now at constant strain rate that is gamma dot is equals to 0 or d gamma by dt is
equals to 0. If you rearrange this equation you get d tau by dt is equals to minus t by
lambda. So, the by integration and applying boundary condition that is a t is equals to 0
tau is equals to tau m you get tau by tau m is equals to exponential of minus t by lambda.
So, what does it indicate? Initial initially with time is equals to 0, the shear stress the
stress is the maximum tau m, but as the time increases the stress drops exponentially as
shown by this equation for a given strain rate.
So, we can see tau by tau m versus t as lambda is increasing the elastic behavior is
increasing or as the lambda is decreasing viscous behavior is increasing that is what we
can say or we can also see by t is equals to t lambda replacing lambda the tau value is
dropping from tau m to tau m by e. So, the stress drop from tau m to tau m by e so, this
lambda indicates rate of stress relaxation.

(Refer Slide Time: 39:39)

Next one is Kelvin-Voigt model. It is based on a parallel arrangement of spring and

dashpot. So, here now we can see the elastic component and viscous components are
arranged in the parallel manner whereas, the Maxwell model it is they are arranged as a
in a kind of a series manner.

Now, here we can see the strain rate in two components is equal; whatever the strain that
you apply first you apply whatever the strain cost here the that will be same equal in both
the components. So, the stress strain relation for the system can be obtained by adding
individual stresses directly. So, then tau is equals to G gamma mu gamma dot, that is
what the equation tau is equals to G gamma plus mu gamma dot is the Kelvin-Voigt

Now, if you rearrange this equation gamma is equals to tau by G minus lambda gamma
dot. So, now, here we can see if the stress is constant at tau naught and initial strain is 0
upon removal of stress the strain decays exponentially with a time constant lambda. In
the previous model like you know stress is decaying, now here strain is decaying
Maxwell model has predominant feature of more fluid like response whereas, the solid
like behavior is obtained by the Kelvin-Voigt model.

(Refer Slide Time: 40:59)

So, dimensional consideration for viscoelastic fluids first we see Maxwellian relaxant
relaxation time. There are several ways of defining characteristic time by combining
shear stress and first normal stress differences in the case of viscoelastic material. So,
one of the famous one is Maxwellian relaxation time which is given by lambda f is
equals to N 1 divided by 2 tau yx gamma dot yx. So, since in the limit of zero shear rate
both psi 1 and mu approaches constant value lambda f also approaches a constant value.

So, this equation – 1 or Maxwellian relaxation time were shown here though it is looking
very simple, but it is utility is severely limited in most applications because if you
wanted to use this equation you have to know what is the shear rate. But, in general there
shear rate range is not known priority.

In order to overcome this short fall many researchers introduce to following alternating
definition of lambda f, that is lambda f is equals to m 1 by 2 m whole power 1 by p 1
minus n. So, here in the 1st equation like whatever N 1 is there and then whatever the
gamma dot yx is there for them you up you apply power-law model and then simply then
you will get this one.
(Refer Slide Time: 42:31)

So, according accordingly N 1 is m 1 gamma dot yx power p 1 and then tau yx is equals
to m into gamma dot yx power n. So, equation – 2 that relaxation time shown in the
previous slide are by applying these two power-law functions of shear rate this N 1 and
m 1 and tau yx as power-law functions of shear rate.

By this definition, there is no necessity to extend rheological measurements to zero shear

rate region and of course, in the limit of zero shear rate p 1 tends to 2 and N 1 tends to 1
and then this equation the 2 reduces to equation – 1.

Next one is the within this dimensional consideration, next one is the Deborah number.
(Refer Slide Time: 43:17)

In general for Newtonian fluids the state of flow can be described by two dimensional
dimensionless number such as the Reynolds number and Froude number. So, for
viscoelastic fluids as well at least one additional group involving elastic effects is
required so, how to obtain that one.

So, further Deborah number is being defined as a fluid response time divided by the
process characteristic time or relaxation time by the deformation time. So, for a given
application if the deformation time is known, accordingly because relaxation time is the
material property so, when these two are known the based on these number, one can
understand how much significant is elastic nature of material for a given application.

So, that means, greater the value of Deborah number the most likely the elasticity to be
of practical significance. Other words Deborah number tends to 0 means viscous effects
dominant, Deborah number tends to infinity means elastic behavior is dominant.
(Refer Slide Time: 44:23)

Now, we take couple of examples for this viscoelastic fluids. So, this is the table where
the information shear rate versus tau versus N 1 is given that is for a range of shear rate
corresponding shear stress and then first normal difference values are given for a 0.244
percent polyisobutylene in 92.78 percent Hyvis polybutene and 6.98 percent kerosene by
weight at 293 Kelvin.

The question is that does this fluid exhibit Newtonian of shear-thinning fluid behavior?
So, the first part of the question is only purely about the viscous nature. Second part of
the question is that is the liquid viscoelastic show the variations of the Maxwellian
relaxation time with shear rate if it is a viscoelastic. So, in order to answer the first
question whether it is a Newtonian or shear-thinning we have to plot tau versus gamma
(Refer Slide Time: 45:19)

Now, when I plot this tau versus gamma dot we can see a smooth straight line passing
through the origin that indicates that it is a Newtoni it is viscous part is obeying the
Newtonian behavior with viscosity 2.9601. So, when you plot shear stress versus shear
rate on a normal curve you get a straight line passing through the origin which flow
which is nothing, but viscosity 2.9601 Pascal second. So, this is a Newtonian fluid.

Now, coming to the second part whether this material is having any viscoelastic nature or
not. So, for that we need to calculate N 1 by 2 tau value because N 1 by 2 tau is a
measure of elasticity that we have already discussed. So, when we can see N 1by 2 tau
values here I tabulated here you know they are small, but not negligible. So, that means,
it is having some amount of elastic nature as well.

Now, the second pa other part of the second question is that plot Maxwellian relaxation
time versus gamma dot. So, Maxwellian relaxation time that we have already seen that
equation number 1, lambda l is equals to N 1 by 2 tau yx gamma dot yx. If you substitute
N 1 tau yx and gamma dot yx values. So, then you get this lambda f column. So, here
this is the lambda f, that is Maxwellian relaxation time. So, this versus this corresponding
shear rate this shear rate range if you plot you get this Maxwellian relaxation time versus
shear rate second curve. Here we can see this is non-linear curve while it is having some
significance. So, that means, we can say that this material is having definitely elastic
Next example is based on the Deborah number.

(Refer Slide Time: 47:29)

So, if I read out the problem statement; consider flow of 1 weight percent aqueous
polyacrylama acrylamide solution having relaxation time of 10 milliseconds under
following three conditions. First condition is flowing flow through a packed bed of
particle size 25 mm, it is superficial velocity of 0.25 meter per second. Second case is
through a packed bed of particle size 250 micrometers it is superficial velocity of 0.25
meter per seconds and in a free jet discharge with at a velocity of 30 meter per second
through a nozzle of 3 mm diameter.

So, the question is what are the values of Deborah number in each of above three cases
and explain the possibility of viscoelastic effects in these cases? So, as we said as we
already seen in Deborah number is small close to the 0, then viscous nature is dominant.
If Deborah number is large, then elastic nature is dominant, if in between then both
viscous and elastic nature are important for consideration.

So, we take the first problem. So, in this case for this material property the relaxation
time is given that is given as 10 millisecond. So, relaxation time is given for each case
you have to calculate deformation time and then using that those two time values you
need to calculate different Deborah number accordingly you have to decide whether
elasticity is having effect or not.
In the first case deformation is deformation time is whatever the particle size that is how
much 25 mm. So, 25 into 10 power minus 3 divided by the superficial velocity 0.25, it
gives 0.1 second so, 100 milliseconds. So, corresponding Deborah number is relaxation
time divided by the deformation time. So, that is 10 by 100 gives rise to 0.1 that is elast
um Deborah number is very small so, you can see the elasticity effects would be
negligible or small.

In the second case deformation time is particle size divided by the superficial velocity
that is 250 micron. So, 250 multiplied by 10 power minus 6 divided by 0.25 is equals to
10 power minus 3 seconds; that means, 1 millisecond. So, the corresponding Deborah
number is equals to relaxation time divided by deformation time is equals to 10. So, the
elastic here what we can say elastic effect should be considered, but viscous effects
should also be considered because it is this lamb this Deborah number value is neither
small neither large neither small to neglect or not too high. So, then both the effect
should be considered.

So, that the next case the deformation time the third case deformation time is 3 into 10
power minus 3 is the nozzle size divided by the speed 30 meter per second then we get
10 power 4 10 power minus 4 second that is 0.1 millisecond. So, Deborah number is
relaxation time divided by deformation time for this case it comes out to be 100; that
means, elasticity effects would be very strong. You can avoid that you know viscous
effects whereas, in the first case elasticity effects are negligible you should consider only
viscous effects whereas, in the second case it is in between. So, both the both well elastic
and viscous effects are important.
(Refer Slide Time: 51:15)

So, the information provided in this particular chapter are taken from these three
reference books Chhabra and Richardson, Barnes, Hutton and Macosko.

Thank you.

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