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An Undergraduate Experimental Research

Presented to

The School of Science and Technology

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Martin, Mary Rygin N.

Tolentino, Vera M.


January 2017

The Problem and Its Setting


To begin with, take a look at how positive and negative emotions work in

each students’ brains and what they could obtain from that. Learning

performance was a concept in behaviorism that emphasized the difference

between the learning of a behavior and actual performance of the behavior.

Learning is not just the performance of a learned behavior, it is a change

in the ability and potential to do the behavior. When a person realized the

capability to do a particular behavior or action it might remain latent or

unused for a time before it was actually performed. Learning is not

performance, it is turning the learning into a learned behavior that a person

actually perform, which would be performance. Hence, it was affected by two

major factors namely criticism and words of appreciation. Receiving feedback

about one’s performance from another person plays a very big role to one’s life.

This might result either to encourage or discourage an individual to perform.

Cooper (2014) believed that the way people use positivity when

communicating with one another can make a huge impact on their emotional

well-being and their performance. On the condition that people hear words of

appreciation, they incline positive emotions which generally work in an

opposite way to negative emotions. Emotions like fear, anxiety, stress and

anger narrow one’s focus, inhibit their concentration and decrease their

cognitive abilities; positive emotions could do the opposite. When a person felt

upbeat and happy, he would be more likely to have an inclusive focus than a

self-centered outlook, and to perform better on cognitively demanding tasks.

Daniel Goleman, a psychologist explained that heightened prefrontal activity,

which was associated with positive emotions, enhances mental abilities such

as “creative thinking, cognitive flexibility, and the processing of information.”

The left prefrontal area of the brain, which lights up with activity when the

person is in a positive mood, was also associated with reminding of good

feelings that the individual will have when long-term goal is reached.

In the face of criticism, brains usually struggle to perform at their

highest or either normal capacity. Our prefrontal cortex, the brain’s “executive

center” is being pushed aside so the amygdala can take over and prepare the

body for crisis. When a person is stressed or scared, for instance, they

struggle to think clearly, to coordinate well with others, to take in new

information and to come up with new ideas. Even existing routines suffer, as

concentration is taken over by the negative emotions. The more intense the

pressure, the more the performance and thinking would suffer.

The purpose of this study was to know whether a student’s

development would result to a better behavior, which affects their future, or the

way around. Also, this study aimed to inform teachers on which method of
encouragement is a must to use for their students to upsurge one’s learning

performance. With this in mind, the researchers have decided to conduct a

survey to determine the result of each teacher’s approach in delivering

feedback toward the individual’s career growth so they could come up with

insights applicable to the students of CEU Manila, Makati and Malolos


Background of the study

The researchers came up with this study to distinguish the influence

of criticisms and words of appreciation to learning performance of third year

BS Psychology students. The researchers sought to find how words or

feedbacks could affect performance. Respondents were to be provided

with puzzle as measurement for learning performance for this activity.

As given to the students’ task, the researchers have chosen puzzle

activity as an instrument to determine students’ response from the given

stimuli, criticism and words of appreciation. Criticism and words of

appreciation were used as stimuli in this study. The researchers provided

positive and negative feedbacks to foresee how students would handle such

words when given with a learning task. As part of the daily life, feedbacks likely

affect an individual’s performance whether in school or work.

On the other hand, behaviorist Kimble (2005) stated that learning

performance was a relatively permanent change in behavior in

behavioral potentiality that results from experience and translated into a

new behavior. Conditioning, however was a more specific term used to

describe that actual procedures than could modify behavior. In addition to

learning whether stimuli are positive, negative, or neutral, the individual

must learn to behave is such a way to obtain or avoid these various stimuli.

For example, strawberries might be valued positively because of their ability to

reduce the hunger drive, but one might need to get a job and perform specific

functions in order to be able to go into a store and buy them.

The researchers selected CEU Makati , Legaspi Village Campus as the

setting of this study because of the availability of the respondents and the

knowledge that the institution could make this research more accurate

and possible. The aim of this study was to distinguish the influence of

criticism and words of appreciation and its impact to performances. Likewise,

the researchers would like to provide more understanding and knowledge to

students, teachers and the university in terms of giving feedback and insights.

The researchers conducted this study thinking that this would benefit

the academe society. The researchers’ goal was to enlighten the belief of the

society when it comes to giving criticisms and words of appreciation for a

certain task or performance. Lastly, the researchers wish to obtain true data

for the accuracy of the findings.

Setting of the Study

The study was conducted at Centro Escolar University Makati, Legaspi

Village Campus (Figure 1). Centro Escolar de Senoritas was the former name of

the University, established in the year 1907 by Librada Avelino and Carmen de

Luna. Centro Escolar University presently has three campuses, particularly

Manila, Makati and Malolos. CEU is currently administered by Dr. Ma. Cristina

D. Padolina. The community witnessed the birth of Centro Escolar University

Makati on March 22, 2005 along Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue and on June 12, 2007,

CEUmade an extension along 103 Esteban St. Legazpi Village, Makati. The

Institution particularly Gil Puyat offers first-class health science programs

specifically, Psychology, Dentistry, Nursing, Medical Technology and Pharmacy.

Seeking to be the University of first choice, CEU is guided and inspired by the

University maxim Ciencia y Virtud (Science and Virtue) which envisions

providing a rich and stimulating academic development, enhancing the

development of higher education in the Philippines and contributing to the

promotion of human health and well-being.

The researchers selected CEU Makati – Legaspi Village Campus due to

the availability of respondents. The researchers believed that the institution

would make the study more accurate and possible because of its quality and

Figure 1

Location of the study at Centro Escolar University-Legaspi Village,

Makati, Metro Manila Campus

Theoretical Framework

This study would be guided by the research conducted by

Edward Thorndike (2013) , a psychologist who systematically studied the

consequences of behavior with animals and then later with humans. He had

observed that learning took place mostly because of the effects that follow a

response , which was called the law of effect. The responses to stimuli that

were followed immediately by a satisfier tend to be stamped in while those were

followed by an annoyer tend to be stamped out. For example, if clear water

appears whenever a person turns on the kitchen faucet, then the behavior was

strengthened because a beneficial environmental stimulus has been added.

In line with this study, the researchers would have stimuli on

learning performances of each respondent from the third year students of

psychology. Moreover, the influence that the researcher could exert on the

outcome of a research investigation. In accordance with the

aforementioned statement, the researchers are likely to expect improvement

from the words of appreciation stimulated group and poor performances

from the cristicism stimulated group respectively.

The research, The Relationship of Criticism and Words of Appreciation

to Learning Performance of Third Year BS Psychology Students, would conduct

a survey for third year students from psychology at the Centro Escolar

University to gather information about their personal experiences and feelings

about the feed backs they receive with regard to their learning performance.

The results would then be gathered in order to outline and compose the

contents of the programs that the researchers are hoping to present in the

same institution.



Figure 2

Paradigm of the Study

The research paradigm shows the influence of criticism and words of

appreciation to the increase the learning performance of students at the basis

of the proposed program.

Statement of the Problem

This study would distinguish the influence of criticism and words

of appreciation to the learning performance of third year BS Psychology

students. Specifically, it would seek to answer the following questions:

1. How did criticism and words of appreciation affect the learning


2. Was there a significant difference in learning performance with

criticisms and words of appreciation?

3. What program may be proposed where the learning performance was

influenced with criticism and words of appreciation?


This study tried to test the null hypothesis as follows:

1. The criticism and words of appreciation did not influenced

learning performance.

2. There was no significant difference in learning performance

with criticisms and words of appreciation.

Significance of the Study

The research was important not only for the students but also for the

teachers and theuniversity. It was therefore essential that teachers try to

assimilate as many different teaching methods and strategies as possible into

the conveyance of what they were catechizing to students. The importance of

the study is the following:

For the students.This study would serve as a guide for the students on

how they must handle the judgments provided by teachers that may be

considered as criticism or words of appreciation. The conclusion was based

upon survey and its interdependence to learning performance of the

respondents, the teachers would know whether their teaching style is

effective or not.

For the teachers. With this study, the teachers could be guided on how

they can freely transfer feedback to students which could help them boost

their learning and performance. Teacherswouldalsogetto adjust on how would

deal with students who are not doing well in school and at the sametime,

experiencing personal problems. The information that they will provide about

the person’s performance of a task would be used as a basis for improvement.

The study also helped teachers explore other teaching styles and

recommendations that they can use to enhance the learning of each individual.

For the University. With this study, the university would be

knowledgeable enough of what they could to help students have a quality

education. Through this, ways on how could teachers help handin hand for

the success of the students could be suggested. All the way through, the
latter are expected to perform positively in school. The study also helps in

maintaining the prestige ofthe university.

Scope, Delimitation, and Limitation of the Study

This study was concerned with the influence of criticism and words of

appreciation to the learning performance among third year students of

psychology in CEU Makati Legaspi Village Campus during the school year

2016-2017. It would investigate only the influence of criticism and words of

appreciation as probable causes that affect learning performance. It would not

consider other influence or factors that might affect the students’ learning


Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined according to the context in which they

would be used in the study for a clearer understanding of what they mean:

Criticism. This term pertains to the negative reinforcement presented

to the respondents in such an expectation in changes of behavior might take


Influence. It refers to the effect of stimuli to the behavior of the

Learning performance. It refers to the task given to the respondents

wherein the changes of behavior took place.

Words of Appreciation.This term pertains to the positive reinforcement

presented to the respondents in such an expectation in changes of behavior


Psychology students. This term pertain to the respondents for this

study; categorized as all 19 year-old female psychology students.


Review of Related Literature

This chapter enclosed the review of related literature and studies which the

researchers have perused to shed light on the topic under study.

Criticisms and Learning Performance

In many studies on workplace communication or communication for

teachers in the context of mentoring, the terms 'criticism' and 'critical feedback'

were used interchangeably. (Tracy, K.2013) The students were not told what

counted as 'constructive criticism' but were instead simply asked to find points

they felt unsatisfied with and comment on these points. (Nguyen, T.2013)

Results of path analysis showed that process-oriented feedbacks are perceived

to be more useful rather than grade-oriented feedbacks and that feedbacks' are

perceived usefulness had a positive effect on changes in achievement and

interest. (Harks, B.2013) Instead measuring proficiency through an untimed

task that allowed monitoring and use of knowledge. (Long.2005) A key pitfall in

the applied practice of setting goals for others is that goals are too often done

in ways that are pressure-inducing, controlling and intrusive which leads to

creativity and motivation that interferes with an individual's passion for work.

(Reeve.2014). The statements above is all about criticism somehow affects the

performances in work and school which is related to the researcher's studies.

Moreover, criticisms and critical feedbacks should be differentiated and

distinguished to be properly use. Lastly, feedbacks should be said carefully so

that the performances will be improved rather than make the person be


Performance Improvement

Statistical results showed that perceived satisfaction, perceived

usefulness, and interactive learning environments were all found to predict

perceived self-regulation in e-learning environments. Further, perceived

usefulness can be influenced by interactive learning environments, perceived

self-efficacy, and perceived satisfaction. In addition, perceived satisfaction can

be affected by interactive learning environments, perceived self-efficacy, and

perceived anxiety.(Liaw, S.2013) A task may be demonstrated by a good

performance concerning the gain of knowledge, learners' enjoyment of the game

has a significant relation with their performance, and learners' intention to use

and happiness with the game do not have any relation with their performance.

(Giannakos, M.2013) Recent research showed that the emotional design of

multimedia learning material can induce positive emotions in learners that in

turn facilitate comprehension and transfer.(Plass, J.2014) The results provide

strong support for our proposed framework and they reveal that the high level

of interactivity with peers and with the teacher that is promoted by the use of

clickers positively influences active collaborative learning and engagement,

which, in turn, improves student learning performance. (Arcas, L.2013) a

discussion of societal assumptions and attitudes that can be counterproductive

in terms of individuals becoming maximally effective learners.(Bjork, R.2013) In

line with the statements above which is related to the researcher's studies,

performance of an individual depends on how he perceive a certain task. This

perception includes the determination, self-satisfaction and usefulness of the

task to the individual. In addition, an individual finds a task more appealing

depending on the people around when doing certain task.

Words of Appreciation and Learning Performance

Based from the studies, language enables social coordination and

regulation among human by using the right words, speakers can make others

aware of their private mental states and thus communicate their knowledge,

desires, emotions, and intentions (H. H. Clark, 2003). Hence, it is not obvious

how humans, especially young word learners, come to understand which words

are likely to be the right ones. The relation between most word forms and their

impact is arbitrary as claimed by de Saussure (2005); with few exceptions,

there is nothing about a given word that naturally signals what that word

might mean. Although the relation is fundamentally arbitrary, even young

infants recognize that only words, and not whistles, gestures, or other

nonlinguistic entities, constitute an appropriate way of referring to things

(Namy&Waxman,2000;Woodward & Hoyne.2002). According to research of

Cox, gratitude leads to positivity (2008). When our brains are being positive

they are being more productive than when they are being negative or stressed.

In addition to that, the hormone dopamine opens up the learning centers of

the brain. When students are practicing gratitude and positivity, they are

opening up more areas in their brain that will help them learn. The American

Psychological Association (APA) conducted a study that showed that children

that grow up grateful have multiple health benefits. They found that the

students with the most gratitude were more satisfied with their life, became

more happy or hopeful, and had a better sense of meaning in their lives.

Appreciation is a trait that can be taught. Research shows that the more that

you practice it, the more it will become second nature. Scientists say that

repeated behavior changes the neuropathways of the brain, and with repeated

practice you can strengthen the happiness part of the brain. Practicing

appreciation increases student’s positive emotions and makes them feel more

satisfied in school and in life in general. Furthermore, to live a positive, happy

life then these activities must be implemented to the teacher and student



Based on the studies of Martorell and McFarlin (2011), assignment to

remediation negatively impacts college persistence suggests the presence of

discouragement or stigma effects. This is consistent with evidence on the

impact of test score performance labels at the high school level, indicating that

being labeled as a poor performer discourages students from enrolling in

college (Papay, Murnane, and Willett 2011). Through this mechanism, an

assignment to remediation may send a message to students that they are not
“college material.” Students assigned to remediation might result as to be less

likely to enroll, or may end up dropping out sooner even if they do enroll.

Remember that although discouragement is typically framed as an undesirable

potential side effect, it is possible to take a more skeptic view. A remedial

assignment may simply give students a signal about their preparation that

causes them to rationally reevaluate the benefits of enrollment or persistence.

Allowing for potential discouragement effects has several implications for the

study. First, it highlights the importance of tracking students from the point

that they receive their first test scores, not only after they enroll. Whereas all of

the prior remediation studies look for negative impacts on persistence or

completion conditional on enrollment, ours joins just one other recent study in

examining whether there are any effects on college enrollment between the time

of the first test and initial course registration. Martorell, McFarlin, and Xue

(2015), using the same Texas data as in the Martorell and McFarlin (2011)

study, find no significant effect on initial enrollment in either direction. Given

the variation in remedial testing and assignment procedures across systems,

our study will help establish whether this finding generalizes to a different

context. The discouragement hypothesis implied that some students assigned

to remediation might be negatively affected even if they never actually enroll in

or complete remediation.

Labeling of Performance Level

Howard Becker (2010) did a study on labeling and interviewed 60 school

teachers and through his findings, he had concluded that they do label and

judge students to how they fit the image of an ideal student. One of the major

factors that d influenced the teachers was the way a child was dressed and

how neat and tidy their work was. They saw middle class children as the ‘’ideal

pupils’’ and working class children as the ones that were badly behaved.

Becker's study was linked with Cicourel(2012) and Kituses's (2014) who

conducted a study in a university that showed labeling effects on working class

students and the hindrances that it gave them. Both of these theorists were

educational counselors and they were the ones that played a role in deciding

the fate of a child getting onto a course and prepairing them for the world of

higher education. All children were judged on their ability and even students

that had similar grades they would still label a middle class student as being

college material and positioning them on the higher level courses. According to

Neil Keddie, he found that both pupils and the knowledge they are taught are

labeled as either high or low status. She observed a comprehensive university

which were tested by ability. She found that teachers believed that they teach

students in the same way but were administering high status knowledge to

middle class students and low status knowledge to working class students

which increases the class differences in achievement (2010).

In line with the studies stated above, criticisms should be used carefully

because it could be used as consequence feedback to be used to improve

performance accepting criticism as sort of challenge. In other hand, words of

appreciation could be used to enhance performace of the respondents.

Performance improvement depends on many factors such as determination,

interest on task given and encouragement through feedbacks, taking criticism

as a challenge and words of appreciation as reinforcement. Discouragement

and labeling of performance were relatively connected, when the subjects are

being discouraged and their works were being labeled negatively, more likely,

their performance will decrease in quality. Expectators would provide the best

fit teaching strategy


Methods and Procedures

This chapter presented the methods to be used in the study. It also

described the subjects of the study, the instruments used, the procedure of

data gathering, and the statistical treatment of data.

This study would determine the effectiveness of learning performance by

comparing how criticism and words of appreciation were being handled by

third year students’ from psychology with reference to their pretest and

posttest scores and from the final results in the experiment.

Method of Research

The researchers would used experimental research design to conduct

this study. The researchers chose between-subject design to draw conclusions

by making comparisons between the behaviors of different groups of subjects.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents were 19 year-old female third year BS Psychology


Sampling Technique

The researchers would use random sampling due to obtainable

respondents by using BS Psychology students who happen to be available. It

was certainly less expensive and less time consuming rather than sampling the

whole population of students and it was usually faster.

Research Instruments

The researchers would use notepads containing criticisms and words of

appreciations respectively as stimulation for their learning performance. The

researchers would use puzzle pieces as learning performance for each group.

This would measure the impact of each stimuli which corresponds to per

puzzle piece. The researchers would use a recording sheets which contained

two columns and rows which included the data of this study. Lastly, the

researchers were to use a timer in determining the accuracy of the learning

performance. The allotted time would dictate the effectiveness of each stimulus

for each respondent.

Procedure of Data Gathering

The researchers prepared 10 puzzle pieces per respondent and gathered

in a room. The respondents were grouped into two - criticism stimulated group

and words of appreciation stimulated group, respectively. They were

simultaneously be given a puzzle. Then, the respondents were to arrange them

within three minutes. This should be recorded and serve as pre-test. Then,

each respondent would receive a note corresponding to what group they

belong. The respondents should read them several times for a minute.

Meanwhile, the researchers would disorganize the puzzle. After the given time,
the respondents were to rearrange the puzzle pieces for three minutes. This

should be recorded. Each puzzle piece was equivalent to one point.

Statistical Treatment

The researchers used mean as statistical tool to compare and contrast

the details from the experiment. The researchers also used t-test to analyze the

results of two-group experiment with one independent variable and ratio and

data. The researchers have chosen this statistical tool to measure the impact of

each stimulus to each respondent.


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter directed the presentation, analysis and the presentation,

analysis and interpretation of data gathered by the researchers. This study

aims to determine the influence of criticisms and words of appreciation to the

learning performance of Third year BS Psychology students.

1. Criticisms and Words of Appreciation and Its Influence to Learning

Performance of Third year BS Psychology Students

Table 1

Influence of Criticisms to Learning Performance

Mean T df Sig. (2-tailed)

Criticisms -.200 -.343 4 .749

Based from the findings on table 1, it appeared that criticism had not

significantly influenced the learning performance of third year BS Psychology

students as shown from difference of mean -.200 and significance of .749

which is more than the percent error of 0.05 but somehow related to study. As

described by Skinner, behaviors are negatively reinforced when they allow a

person to escape from aversive stimuli that are already present or allow them

to completely avoid the aversive stimuli before they happen. This may involve

some type of discomfort, either physical or psychological. Obviously, there are

some possible factors that might affect the performance of each respondent
such as: frequent exposure to puzzles which may lead to improvement of

solving puzzles, recognition of shapes, taking criticism positively and familiarity

of the same kind of puzzle. However, it is most effective when reinforcements

are presented immediately following a behavior. According to Wolfgang (2001),

when a long period lapses between the behavior and the reinforcement, the

response is likely to be weaker. In some cases, behaviors that occur in the

intervening time between the initial action and the reinforcement are may also

be inadvertently strengthened as well.

Table 2

Influence of Words of Appreciation to Learning Performance

Mean T Df Sig. (2-tailed)

Words of
-1.600 -.718 4 .512

Based from the findings on table 2, it appeared that words of

appreciation had not significantly influenced the learning performance of third

year BS Psychology students as shown from difference of mean -1.600 and

significance of .512 which is more than the percent error of 0.05.

Reinforcement, a study supported by Skinner (2016) which stated it is

anything that strengthens or increases a behavior, including stimuli, events,

and situations. Obviously, there are some possible factors that might affect the

performance of each respondent such as: frequent exposure to puzzles which

may lead to improvement of solving puzzles, recognition of shapes, motivation

from words presented and familiarity of the same kind of puzzle. How and

when reinforcement is delivered can affect the overall strength of a response.

This strength was measured by the persistence, frequency, duration and

accuracy of the response after reinforcement is halted. For example,

reinforcement might involve presenting praise (the reinforcement) immediately

after a child puts away her toys (the response). By reinforcing the desired

behavior with praise, the girl would be more likely to perform the same actions


Table 3

Influence of Criticisms to Learning Performance

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error

Criticism 5.80 5 2.683 1.200

with Criticism 6.00 5 2.550 1.140

As shown on table 3, the respondents improve their learning

performance after being exposed with criticisms with its mean value of 6.00

compared to their performance before being exposed to criticisms with 5.80 as

its mean value.Positive reinforcement is simply adding something to someone's

environment that consequently increases how much or often she behaves in a

certain way. For example, if a child was given a piece of candy and she, in turn,

would do her homework more often, the candy was considered a positive

reinforcer for her behavior. While this form of reinforcement often took the form
of something pleasurable, it could be anything that increases a particular

behavior. (Skinner, 2015). The respondents took criticism as challenge to

improve their work and to prove that the words presented to them are incorrect

when it comes to their performance level.

Table 4

Influence of Words of Appreciation to Learning Performance

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error

Words of
5.40 5 2.881 1.288

with Words
of 7.00 5 3.082 1.378

As shown on table 4, the respondents improve their learning

performance after being exposed with words of appreciation with its mean

value of 7.00 rather than their performance before being exposed to words of

appreciation with 5.40 as its mean value. In accordance to Skinner (2009), the

removal of a punishing stimulus from a situation also increases the probability

that the preceding behavior would occur. This removal results in negative

reinforcement. It is the reduction or avoidance of loud noises, shocks, and

hunger pangs would be negatively reinforcing because they strengthen the

behavior immediately preceeding them. The respondents took words of

appreciation as encouragement that helped them to improve their work and to

prove that the words presented to them are correct when it comes to their

performance level.

2. Proposed Program to Improve Learning Performanc

TARGET: 3rd year Female BS Psychology Students of Centro Escolar

University- Legazpi, Village Campus


criticism and words of appreciation to their learning performance would be the

basis of the psychology students' learning performance enhancement needs.

A. Improve the learning performance of psychology student through the

development of educational seminars.

B. Development of learning performance through actual or hands on workshop


Learning Performance Program

Activities Specific Resources Budgetary Time Expected

Objectives Requirement Frame Outcomes
A. Seminar: To enhance and • Cognitive Honorarium for 3 -Gain new
Synergy of spread the Psychologi Speaker: Hours techniques
Learning and knowledge of st 1,500 php in coping
Performance effectiveness of • Rationalis with
Criticisms and ts Refreshments: positive
Words of Personalit 200 php and
Appreciation to y negative
Learning • Psycholog Activity Kit: 500 feedbacks
Performance of 3rd y php
BS Psychology Professors
students • Speakers
B. To perform the • Rationalis Honorarium for 2 days -To become
Workshop: gathered ts Speaker: and 1 more
Self- knowledge and • Life coach 2,500 php night interested
Involvement techniques from to positive
the previous Refreshments: and
seminar. 500 php negative
Activity Kit and and how to
Accommodations handle it.
to venue : -Applying
1,500php the learned
in every
situation in

Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter presented the summary of the findings, conclusions drawn

from the findings and the corresponding recommendations. This study was

taken with the general objective of determining the influence of criticism and

words of appreciation to learning performance.

Summary of Findings

Based on the data gathered the following findings are revealed:

1. When asked to solve a puzzle for the first time, most of the respondents

from the criticisms simulated group obtained low scores. After which the

respondents were asked to do a post-test for solving the puzzle, they

obtained higher scores. Therefore, criticism did not significantly

influence learning performance of third year BS Psychology students due

to a number of possible factors.

2. Prior to the exposure to words of appreciation, the respondents obtain

average scores. After which the respondents were asked to do a post-test

for solving the puzzle, they obtained higher scores. In line with the data

given, words of appreciation did not significantly influence learning

performance of third year BS Psychology students due to a number of

possible factors.
3. Assessing the impact of pre-test and post-test of criticisms, it shows that

it was relatively connected with each other in such measuring the

improvement of scores.

4. Evidently, the scores of pre-test and post-test in words of appreciation

strongly states that there was an improvement when it comes to learning

performance when exposed to positive feedbacks


Based on the findings derived from this study, the following conclusions

were drawn.

1. The researchers concluded that there was a significant

difference in learning performance with criticisms and words of


2. Criticisms and words of appreciation were proven to somehow

affect learning performance when respondents were asked to solve

a puzzle, in which improvement of performance took place.

3. With the help of criticisms and words of appreciation, students

might have a basis for the development of their learning



The following recommendations were offered based on the findings and

conclusion of the study:

1. For the students. They are highly recommended to explore and suggest

other methodologies that they find helpful to their learning and address

them to administrators and teachers. Through this, they can achieve

optimal and effective learning experience. The researchers recommend

them to be knowledgeable in other theories in their academe related to

this kind of study.

2. For the teachers. They should seek resources and develop methods in

teaching that could contribute to a better and enhanced learning

performance of students. They may use this study for action plan which

may help their students improve in terms of learning performance.

3. For the University. They should fortify high quality education to students

by being receptive to the needs of the students and take immediate

action and adherence to address issues and concerns.The institution

may improve the concept of this research to comply to the needs of their

employee and students.

4. For the future researchers. They are encouraged to conduct similar study

by altering or experimenting on different methods other than giving a

puzzle exercise to determine the effectiveness of criticisms and words of

appreciation to learning performance, as used in this study. This would

be of great use to the education system, especially in the country

where in students were expected to face a tougher environment.

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