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School of Geology, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
2 CSIRO Division of Energy Technology, Lucas Heights Research Laboratories, Private Mail Bag 7, Menai, NSW 2234, Australia

ABSTRACT: Quantitative X-ray diffraction, normative calculation, and specifically to rock characteristics in petroleum, geotechnical, and remote-
whole-rock chemical analysis have been compared for Permo-Triassic sensing studies.
quartz-lithic to litho-feldspathic sandstones from eastern Australia.
The quantitative XRD technique provides mineralogical percentages Quantitative X-Ray Diffractometry
that correlate well with the chemical composition of the sandstones,
and also with most of the mineral percentages derived from normative X-ray diffractometry is well accepted as a definitive tool for mineral
calculation. The need for assumptions on potassium distribution be- identification, but it has traditionally been thought to have limitations in
tween minerals provides a limitation on estimates of K-feldspar and quantitative mineralogical analysis. These include effects on diffractogram
illite using the normative technique, although these can be improved characteristics caused by variations in mineral crystallinity, preferred ori-
on a sample-specific basis if necessary using complementary thin-sec- entation in the sample mount, and differential absorption of X-rays by the
tion observations or qualitative X-ray diffractograms. Quantitative minerals in the mixture. Several methods have been proposed, nevertheless,
XRD analysis possibly indicates a small proportion of amorphous ma- to provide quantitative mineralogical analyses of rocks and related sub-
terial in some of the sandstones, especially materials with abundant stances based on X-ray diffractometry (Griffin 1971; Klug and Alexander
lithic fragments or clay minerals, but the proportion of any amorphous 1974; Hardy and Tucker 1988; Bish and Post 1989).
material overall is probably negligible. Both quantitative XRD and The full profile of an XRD pattern provides considerably more information
normative calculation avoid problems associated with sample hetero- for mineral quantification than the integrated intensities of particular resolved
geneity or operator inconsistency that may affect point counting of thin lines (diffractogram peaks). Rietveld (1969) developed a formula to give the
sections. They can also be used to provide quantitative information on intensity at any point in the scan of a single mineral, with information on
sediments with abundant rock fragments or matrix components, the how to refine relevant crystal structure and instrumental parameters by least-
actual mineralogy of which is not resolvable in conventional micro- squares analysis of the profile. Some 14 instrumental parameters were iden-
scope investigations. tified, including the mineral (phase) scaling factor, asymmetry, preferred ori-
entation, half-width, instrument zero, line shape, and unit-cell parameters.
This approach has been extended to quantify mixtures of minerals using the
full XRD profile by authors such as Hill and Howard (1987), O’Connor and
Raven (1988), Bish and Howard (1988), Taylor (1991), Taylor and Matulis
Petrological analysis of coarse-grained sedimentary rocks such as sand- (1991), and Bish and Post (1993). Such an extension allows a calculated
stone has traditionally been based on optical microscopy using point-count XRD profile of each mineral to be generated from its known crystal structure,
techniques. This is useful for classification, provenance determination, and and the sum of all calculated patterns to be fitted to the observed XRD profile
similar applications (e.g., Pettijohn 1975; Dickinson and Suczek 1979). It of a multi-mineral sample by iterative least-squares analysis to find the op-
does not, however, provide a true mineralogical analysis, which may be of timum individual phase scales. These are then used to determine the mineral
additional value for these or other purposes, such as diagenesis studies and percentages in the sample.
hydrocarbon reservoir evaluations (e.g., Ferrell et al. 1998; Bjørlykke 1998). One of the more recent methods for use of X-ray diffractometry in this
As an example, rock fragments and matrix components are usually treated way is SIROQUANT(TM), a personal computer software system initially described
as separate phases in point counting, with no attempt to include the constit- by Taylor (1991). This allows the proportions of up to 25 different minerals
uent fine-grained or closely intergrown minerals in the analysis results. in a mixture to be quantified from a conventional X-ray powder diffractom-
Point-count analyses may be affected to some extent by three-dimensional etry pattern using Rietveld techniques. Corrections are incorporated into the
heterogeneities in mineral distribution. The results may also be operator- standard mineral patterns used in the process to allow for absorption contrasts
dependent. Estimation of components present in small proportions is difficult between the elements involved (Taylor and Matulis 1991), based on the
unless more than 500 points are counted (Van der Plas and Tobi 1965), which principles outlined by Brindley (1945). The Rietveld parameters for each
adds to the time and cost of the determination. Powder-based techniques such mineral can be adjusted simply and interactively within the program, to rep-
as X-ray diffraction and chemical analysis are less likely to be affected by licate more closely the mineral’s contribution to the measured pattern and
heterogeneity because a larger, more representative sample can be incorpo- allow for variation due to atomic substitution, layer disordering, preferred
rated. Modern instrumental methods also allow large numbers of samples to orientation, and other factors in the standard patterns used.
be analyzed on a consistent basis at relatively low cost. More samples can As well as computation of standard XRD patterns from crystallographic
be included to cover any compositional variability involved. and chemical data, reference patterns can be developed for use in SIROQUANT
Quantitative mineralogical (as opposed to petrographic) analysis has not directly from measured XRD traces of the mineral in question (Taylor and
been used extensively for studies of sandstones, partly because of difficul- Zhu 1992; Taylor and Matulis 1994). These allow minerals having imper-
ties in developing a suitable technique. Such an approach, however, offers fectly known or poorly developed crystal structures to be incorporated in
a more direct link than thin-section studies to the bulk chemical compo- the analysis, with data derived from the measured patterns refined and
sition of sedimentary materials, the importance of which is discussed by quantified along with those for the other reference components using the
authors such as Roser and Korsch (1986), Boggs (1992), and Bellon et al. Rietveld technique. Such a capability is particularly relevant to the clay
(1994). Mineralogical analysis of sandstones can provide an additional tool minerals, which may otherwise limit the applicability of the Rietveld ap-
for studies of provenance and diagenesis, adding information on compo- proach in dealing with sediments. The simple and interactive nature of the
nents otherwise identified simply as rock fragments and matrix. It may also
be of value in relating geophysical log responses and other properties more (TM) Registered Trade Mark, CSIRO.


Copyright q 1999, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) 1073-130X/99/069-1050/$03.00

TABLE 1.—Modal analysis data for selected sandstone samples, determined by

point counting.

Quartz Rock Fragments

Carbon- Other
Detrital Chert 1 Quartzo- Vulcano- Feldspar Clay Mica ate Iron Mater-
Sample Grains Secondary Lithic Lithic Grains Matrix Flakes Minerals Oxides ials
Number % % % % % % % % % %
10402 49 9 9 2 1 12 — 7 2 9
20201 18 — 3 11 6 12 — 2 — —
20305 34 5 1 2 3 36 10 3 1 5
20306 28 5 14 19 7 17 2 1 5 2
20321 55 8 4 2 5 12 3 11 — —
30102 1 5 37 30 8 6 1 10 — 2
30113 1 10 27 21 25 4 — 10 — 2
30114 2 8 25 29 16 1 — 17 — 2
51701 4 2 4 67 16 4 — 1 2
51703 11 1 25 42 2 9 — 5 2 —
51705 15 — 24 37 6 10 — 5 2 1
60501 12 1 22 18 5 2 — 39 1 —
60502 21 2 36 8 3 1 — 28 1 —
70801 58 4 24 7 — 6 — — 1 —
70901 1 — 59 — — 40 — — — —
71001 63 1 4 1 3 26 — — 1 1
71002 41 — 2 — 4 40 1 11 1 —
81401 30 5 41 6 4 9 1 3 1 —
82003 35 3 12 9 6 26 1 2 6 —
82004 45 6 8 9 — 26 1 3 — 2

In order to examine alternatives to point counting for mineralogical anal-

ysis, quantitative X-ray diffractometry using SIROQUANT was applied to a
number of sandstone samples from eastern Australia. The results were eval-
uated in the light of whole-rock chemical analyses of the same materials.
The study extends earlier work of a similar nature by Mumme et al. (1996)
through incorporation of a wider range of minerals (including clay min-
erals) into the XRD determinations. Normative analysis was also carried
out from the chemical-composition data for the same samples using SED-
NORM, incorporating two different options for potassium allocation. The
normative mineralogy for each option was compared to the mineralogy
indicated by SIROQUANT, and the SIROQUANT results compared to the point-
count data, in order to evaluate the compatibility of the techniques in quan-
titative mineralogical studies.


A total of 26 sandstone samples, taken from Permian and Triassic strata

in the Sydney and Bowen Basins, were analyzed for the present study. The
FIG. 1.—Flowsheet illustrating sequence of computations in SEDNORM (after sandstones were mainly litho-feldspathic varieties, with an argillaceous ma-
Cohen and Ward 1991). trix and some carbonate cement (Loughnan 1966; Ward et al. 1991). They
provided a diverse mineralogy to evaluate the effectiveness of the two
analysis techniques. Complementary data were also available from point
software, moreover, allows the analysis to be performed by an operator counting (Table 1) for most of the samples studied.
with a working knowledge of mineral X-ray diffraction patterns but not The samples were oven dried at 1008C and powdered for approximately
necessarily a specialist’s understanding of Rietveld parameters and pro- one minute in a TEMA ring-grinder mill. Representative splits of each
cessing. sample were again oven-dried, and then heated to 10508C prior to prepa-
ration of fused borosilicate disks for XRF analysis (Norrish and Chappell
Normative Analysis from Chemical Data 1977). The loss in mass associated with heating the oven-dried material to
10508C (loss on ignition) was determined in each case. The borosilicate
Another approach to quantitative mineralogy is to determine normative disks were analyzed in a Siemens SRS-300 X-ray fluorescence spectrometer
mineral percentages from the rock’s chemical composition. This has long to determine the percentages of major elements present (Table 2).
been used as a quantitative tool for characterization of igneous rocks (Cross
et al. 1903; Kelsey 1965), but because of uncertainties in allocation of SIROQUANT Analysis
several elements to different minerals has only infrequently been applied
to sedimentary materials (Milner 1962; Nicholls 1962; Garrels and Mac- XRD patterns from randomly oriented mounts of the powdered sand-
kenzie 1971; Merodio et al. 1992). A multi-option computation method stones were collected from 5 to 758 2u on a Bragg–Brentano x-ray dif-
(SEDNORM), described by Cohen and Ward (1991), allows a more flexible fractometer, using Co Ka radiation, a fixed 18 divergence slit, a 0.028
approach to estimating normative mineralogy for sedimentary rocks, with receiving slit, a step increment of 0.048 2u, a 3 second counting time, and
element allocations varied to suit the material being studied (Fig. 1). Such a graphite curved crystal diffracted beam monochromator. Rietveld-format
an approach is useful where choices in element allocation can be based on XRD data (.hkl) files were prepared using SIROQUANT for each mineral present
complementary observations from thin sections or X-ray diffractograms. in the samples, drawing on a comprehensive collection of crystal-structure
1052 C.R. WARD ET AL.

TABLE 2.—Chemical analysis data for sandstone samples studied.

Sample SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 S LOI*
Number % % % % % % % % % % % % Total
10402 76.66 0.36 8.46 3.2 0.01 0.07 2.52 Bld 1.67 Bld 2.42 5.95 101.32
20201 52.48 0.75 15.47 4.08 0.09 1.84 8.92 0.79 1.19 0.18 0.04 13.68 99.51
20203 36.35 0.34 8.21 19.18 0.39 2.76 9.98 0.10 1.20 0.19 0.02 20.84 99.56
20305 64.14 0.78 17.65 2.09 0.02 0.74 0.02 0.63 3.01 0.01 0.14 10.65 99.88
20306 72.62 0.64 15.54 1.32 0.02 0.55 0.17 2.80 2.24 0.09 0.06 3.85 99.90
20311 83.9 0.38 6.63 1.06 0.01 0.59 1.18 0.77 0.94 0.03 0.17 3.20 98.86
20321 78.32 0.49 7.83 1.31 0.02 0.56 0.65 1.26 1.32 0.02 Bld 5.15 96.93
30102 68.15 0.50 16.41 1.72 0.03 0.56 1.90 3.59 3.84 0.13 0.01 3.15 99.99
30106 59.37 0.61 17.01 3.22 0.05 1.67 3.39 1.85 5.40 0.13 0.03 6.90 99.63
30113 64.84 0.53 17.06 1.33 0.04 0.80 2.43 3.17 4.29 0.10 Bld 4.93 99.52
30114 62.21 0.44 15.14 3.27 0.09 0.89 3.87 2.21 3.92 0.08 0.01 7.36 99.49
51701 75.72 0.44 11.58 3.08 0.06 0.88 0.20 2.35 1.95 0.07 0.10 3.33 99.76
51702 54.93 0.58 24.32 3.49 0.09 1.31 0.41 1.00 4.15 0.12 Bld 10.79 101.19
51703 69.25 0.82 14.13 3.41 0.07 1.05 0.29 1.79 3.27 0.13 Bld 5.05 99.26
51705 68.58 0.81 16.75 1.84 0.02 0.71 0.05 1.60 3.73 0.02 Bld 4.28 98.39
60501 54.07 0.25 8.68 3.17 0.05 3.90 10.90 0.77 2.09 0.02 Bld 15.84 99.74
60502 65.85 0.51 12.78 5.19 0.06 1.52 2.17 0.05 1.59 0.06 0.06 9.76 99.60
70801 88.58 0.18 7.21 0.20 Bld 0.06 0.02 Bld 1.71 0.01 0.03 2.25 100.25
70802 82.61 0.31 10.65 0.23 Bld 0.13 0.06 Bld 2.38 0.11 0.02 2.84 99.34
70901 78.09 0.19 15.27 0.06 0.00 Bld Bld Bld 0.18 0.01 0.03 5.97 99.80
71001 86.85 0.38 9.01 0.13 0.00 Bld Bld Bld 0.39 0.02 0.01 3.15 99.94
71002 58.94 0.65 14.89 12.21 0.20 0.90 0.11 Bld 1.20 0.08 Bld 11.07 100.25
81401 80.10 0.36 8.72 1.48 0.02 0.48 0.77 1.19 1.57 0.05 0.00 4.02 98.76
82002 76.78 1.06 12.16 1.33 0.02 0.33 0.11 1.19 1.45 0.07 Bld 4.11 98.61
82003 77.45 0.77 12.61 1.04 0.01 0.30 0.08 1.19 1.51 0.06 Bld 4.01 99.03
82004 57.54 0.66 14.77 12.00 0.38 1.13 0.43 0.54 1.80 0.13 Bld 11.03 100.41
* LOI 5 Loss on ignition at 10508C.

information in the SIROQUANT database. These were produced by SIROQUANT An estimate of the overall goodness of fit of each analysis is also pro-
as ASCII files listing (hkl) and F(hkl) values. They also incorporated in- vided, expressed as the relevant global chi2 value derived as indicated by
formation on the plane nominated within each mineral to control preferred- Taylor (1991). This should approach unity for a perfect fit between the
orientation effects, and data to allow for anomalous dispersion of the XRD measured and interpreted patterns, but in practice is usually greater than 1.
beam by iron and related constituents. For the present study chi2 values of between 3 and 6 were obtained, with
A task (.tsk) file was set up for each individual analysis, with a listing most values around 4 or 5.
of the minerals expected to be present (i.e., the .hkl files to be used in the The errors derived from the e.s.d. values for each mineral phase are
analysis) and the relevant sample XRD pattern. Corrections were made to probably an underestimation of the actual error in the respective determi-
remove the background from the sample XRD trace, after which a calibra- nations. Errors given by SIROQUANT for each individual mineral should be
tion function was applied (Matulis and Taylor 1992) to compensate for the multiplied by the square root of the global chi2 figure for the analysis in
effects of the Bragg–Brentano geometry on the X-ray diffraction pattern. question. In the present study, with chi2 values typically around 4, the errors
Operation of SIROQUANT involved interactive adjustment and best-fit given for the individual weight percentages in Table 3 should therefore be
matching of the XRD profiles for the individual minerals in the task file multiplied by approximately 2. Such a correction is of a magnitude similar
to the observed X-ray powder diffraction pattern of the sample under anal- to the R-factor ratio criterion of Prince (in Young 1993), which is generally
ysis. Overall intensities (scales) of the individual mineral phases, together between 2 and 3 for similar Rietveld analyses.
with unit-cell dimensions, linewidths, and preferred orientation for the min- For many of the minerals indicated by SIROQUANT to be present in low
erals, and the zero setting of the diffractometer, were progressively refined concentrations (, 1%), the estimated error is of magnitude similar to, if
under operator instructions to fit the full profile of the sample’s XRD pat- not greater than, the actual determination (e.g., 0.2(3)). These minerals
tern. Weight percentages of the different minerals were calculated at each represent components for which small proportion is indicated by the dif-
stage of the process, along with errors for each mineral phase and the fractogram but quantification is below the resolution of the Rietveld tech-
overall goodness of fit (chi2 value) between the observed and computed nique. The minerals in question could have been omitted from the analysis
profiles. in each case and the remaining components normalized to 100%, but they
Allowance was made in the SIROQUANT analysis for preferred orientation are included in the tabulations to ensure that their presence is not com-
in several minerals, particularly the feldspars and carbonates, where al- pletely overlooked.
though a match was obtained for the key peak positions the distribution of
peak heights was inconsistent with the standard mineral pattern. The stan- SIROQUANT RESULTS
dard patterns for such minerals were refined by SIROQUANT, using compu-
tations based on the March Function preferred-orientation correction (Dol- Quartz is present in all samples, ranging in abundance from around 20
lase 1986), and the mineral percentages adjusted accordingly. wt % to almost 70 wt % (Table 3). Plagioclase (albite and anorthite) and
The results of the SIROQUANT analysis (Fig. 2; Table 3) represent the final K-feldspar (orthoclase and microcline) were also identified in varying pro-
output from each task, when the best possible fit had been achieved be- portions. The SIROQUANT results for the plagioclase minerals reflect refine-
tween the observed and calculated XRD patterns. Table 3 also shows the ment of the relevant XRD patterns to those of the albite and anorthite end
error associated with each individual component, evaluated by SIROQUANT members. Recognition of both albite and anorthite in the same sample
from the estimated standard deviation (e.s.d.) of the relevant Rietveld scale implies a range of plagioclase minerals, some of which give patterns that
factor. The error is expressed in each case as an absolute percentage with are better refined to albite and some of which are better refined to anorthite.
respect to the last significant digit; thus a determination of 53.9(15) refers The percentages of albite and anorthite in Table 3 do not imply a single
to 53.9% with an error of 6 1.5% and 0.9(1) represents 0.9% with an plagioclase mineral of that composition within the albite–anorthite series.
error of 6 0.1%. Calcite, dolomite, siderite, and ankerite are found in varying proportions,

FIG. 2.—XRD data from a sandstone sample,

showing observed diffractogram (top),
interpreted diffractogram using SIROQUANT
(middle), and difference between them (bottom).

with highest values around 40 wt %. Kaolinite, illite, and interstratified gression line (y 5 ax 1 b) and the relevant correlation coefficient. A
illite/smectite were identified in all samples, although in widely varying diagonal line is also drawn on each graph, representing the line along which
proportions. Several samples appeared to contain muscovite, identified inter the points would fall if the proportions estimated from the SIROQUANT data
alia by sharp XRD peaks, along with the broad peaks of the illite pattern. were exactly equal to those determined by the chemical analysis process.
Calculated patterns were developed for kaolinite and illite, using the The regression equations for SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, Na2O, and K2O have
crystal structures published by authors such as Suitch and Young (1983) slopes (a) of around 0.85, correlation coefficients (r2) around 0.9, and, with
and Knurr and Bailey (1986), and measured XRD profiles from Clay Min- the principal exception of SiO2, relatively low intercept (b) values. The
erals Society standard clay samples. A similar procedure was used to de- correlation lines also plot close to the diagonal line on each graph, indi-
velop calculated patterns for montmorillonite and interstratified illite/smec- cating equality, and suggesting compatibility between the SIROQUANT deter-
tite, using observed XRD patterns for relevant materials as a starting point minations and the chemical data. A perfect relationship between the in-
(Taylor and Matulis 1994). The clay patterns were then modified to fit ferred and observed results would give a correlation line with a slope of
standard JCPDS powder index intensities for these phases, allowing SIRO- 1.0, an intercept of zero, and a correlation coefficient of 1.0. The high
QUANT to combine calculated and measured standard profiles and deal with intercept value for SiO2 (b 5 11%) is based on a substantial extrapolation
both clay and nonclay minerals in a single analysis process. from the range actually measured (Fig. 3A); no data points were available
with low SiO2 percentages.
Relation of SIROQUANT Mineralogy to Chemical Composition The proportion of Al2O3 inferred from the SIROQUANT results is slightly
higher for most samples than that indicated by chemical analysis (Fig. 3B).
In order to provide a basis for checking the XRD results, the chemical The regression line lies above the equality line, and departs from that line
composition for each sandstone was calculated from the mineralogical anal- at low Al2O3 percentages. On the other hand the proportions of Fe2O3,
ysis data (Table 4). With a few exceptions the calculations were based on MgO, and CaO inferred from SIROQUANT are slightly lower than those in-
ideal stoichiometric formulae. The composition of illite was based on the dicated by direct analysis (Fig. 3C, D, G). The regression lines for these
formula given by Deer et al. (1992), with no Fe or Mg in the structure, components have intercepts close to zero but somewhat low slopes, and
and with less K and more Si than material of muscovite composition. The hence depart from the equality line at high values. Together with the in-
smectite composition was based on an average of the montmorillonite and creased scatter this may reflect a greater and more variable substitution of
beidellite formulae given by Moore and Reynolds (1989), and with equal Fe and/or Mg for Al in the smectite or illite structure. It may also reflect
proportions of Ca21 and Na1 in the exchange position; the interstratified more Ca or Mg in the exchange positions of the clay minerals.
clay was taken as containing equal proportions of illite and this smectite The proportion of K2O inferred from the SIROQUANT data (Fig. 3E) is
material. Ankerite, where present, was assumed to have equal elemental also slightly higher than that indicated by direct chemical analysis. This
concentrations of Fe, Mg, and Ca. may reflect a lesser proportion than expected of K1 in the exchange po-
A comparison of the chemical composition derived from the SIROQUANT sition of the illite (including the illite in the I/S material), because of leach-
results with the chemical composition of the same sandstones as determined ing and related effects. The gap between the regression and equality lines
by XRF is given in Figure 3. Linear regression lines are shown for the decreases at higher K2O percentages, where the data points represent sam-
components plotted in each case, together with the equation for each re- ples in which K-feldspar as well as illite is generally present.
1054 C.R. WARD ET AL.

TABLE 3.—Mineral percentages for unspiked sandstone samples as determined by SIROQUANT.

Mineral 10402 20201 20203 20305 20306 20311 20321 30102 30106 30113 30114 51701 51702
Quartz 53.9 (15) 26.1 (7) 22.2 (6) 30.5 (8) 32.2 (7) 58.6 (14) 57.3 (18) 20.9 (7) 14.4 (6) 18.8 (5) 24.0 (6) 44.9 (11) 10.8 (6)
Kaolinite 2.5 (5) 17.2 (9) 8.2 (8) 4.5 (11) 1.9 (4) 1.6 (4) 0.8 (5) 2.3 (3) 2.6 (5) 0.3 (3) 1.9 (3) 7.3 (9) 4.5 (24)
Smectite 1.5 (2) 0.9 (1) 0.1 (1) 0.2 (1) 0.8 (1) 0.6 (1) 0.7 (2) 0.7 (1) 1.4 (2) 0.9 (1) 0.5 (1) 1.9 (1) 0.9 (2)
Illite 20.0 (11) 7.5 (8) 5.6 (7) 39.5 (11) 20.5 (8) 20.4 (9) 23.1 (11) 9.9 (7) 12.2 (10) 16.2 (7) 14.6 (7) 14.4 (8) 7.8 (18)
Interstratified 11.3 (9) 16.2 (7) 14.8 (7) 17.5 (7) 16.8 (7) 7.0 (7) 5.7 (9) 12.0 (6) 20.9 (11) 14.8 (6) 16.8 (6) 2.0 (7) 56.3 (26)
Muscovite 0.4 (7) 1.1 (7) 4.6 (7) 0.3 (6) 1.9 (10) 1.4 (9)
Albite 0.5 (9) 6.9 (8) 2.0 (6) 20.1 (8) 6.6 (9) 5.9 (10) 25.2 (10) 7.2 (12) 23.5 (8) 18.5 (8) 16.4 (8) 3.0 (10)
Microcline 3.3 (8) 0.4 (6) 0.5 (7) 0.6 (8) 9.5 (16) 0.8 (5) 7.4 (12) 4.9 (9) 0.4 (7)
Orthoclase 9.9 (13) 22.9 (15) 8.4 (7) 7.3 (8) 8.9 (8) 8.3 (14)
Anorthite 1.6 (10) 2.4 (8) 2.0 (11) 5.1 (6) 1.6 (9) 3.4 (14) 6.8 (7) 7.5 (12) 4.3 (7) 4.0 (11) 1.7 (7) 0.6 (10)
Calcite 7.9 96) 11.7 (6) 2.0 (2) 0.9 (3) 1.1 (2) 2.1 (5) 0.2 (3)
Dolomite 0.2 (3) 1.1 (3) 0.4 (4) 0.2 (5) 0.3 (3)
Siderite 0.3 (3) 0.5 (2) 26.1 (9) 0.5 (2) 0.8 (2) 0.1 (3) 0.4 (3) 0.4 (3) 0.1 (3) 2.4 (6) 1.5 (6) 3.7 (6)
Ankerite 11.9 (9) 6.8 (7) 0.2 (2) 0.2 (2) 1.7 (3) 1.4 (3) 0.3 (2) 4.6 (10) 4.0 (6) 2.4 (5) 0.1 (2) 0.2 (3)
Magnesite 0.3 (5) 0.3 (4) 0.4 (4) 0.1 (4) 0.1 (5) 0.2 (5) 0.1 (5)
Rutile 0.5 (3)
Anatase 0.3 (2) 0.2 (2) 0.1 (2) 0.4 (2) 0.1 (2) 0.3 (1) 0.3 (2) 0.2 (2)
Brookite 0.8 (4) 0.4 (4) 1.8 (5)
Haematite 0.2 (3) 0.2 (3) 0.1 (3) 0.1 (4) 0.2 (2) 0.2 (2) 0.3 (3) 0.8 (3)
Magnetite 0.1 (3) 0.6 (4) 0.4 (4)
Goethite 0.2 (3) 0.2 (2)
Pyrite 3.9 (3) 0.3 (2) 0.4 (3)
Marcasite 0.1 (4) 0.2 (3)
Halite 0.1 (2) 0.3 (1) 0.7 (2) 0.4 (2)
Total 100.0 100.1 99.9 99.8 100.0 99.8 100.0 100.0 99.9 100.1 100.2 100.0 100.3
Global chi 2 4.73 3.63 4.49 6.84 5.63 5.59 5.77 5.10 4.45 5.31 5.12 4.72 4.65
Mineral 51703 51705 60501 60502 70801 70802 70901 71001 71002 81401 82002 82003 82004
Quartz 35.4 (9) 47.7 (12) 36.6 (12) 45.6 (10) 67.2 (16) 59.7 (15) 55.0 (10) 66.2 (23) 38.3 (10) 59.4 (19) 55.9 (15) 51.6 (12) 33.0 (9)
Kaolinite 9.6 (8) 5.6 (8) 4.9 (9) 16.5 (7) 1.5 (4) 3.4 (4) 30.3 (7) 13.0 (12) 23.7 (9) 1.6 (5) 8.4 (9) 7.9 (8) 15.3 (9)
Smectite 1.5 (1) 0.8 (1) 1.0 (1) 0.4 (1) 0.5 (1) 0.2 (1) 1.2 (1) 0.8 (2) 0.3 (1) 0.1 (2) 0.5 (1) 0.4 (1) 0.9 (1)
Illite 17.7 (8) 14.3 (8) 5.5 (8) 12.7 (7) 20.4 (9) 21.2 (9) 6.0 (6) 12.8 (12) 14.4 (9) 20.3 (12) 17.7 (9) 19.9 (8) 22.0 (9)
Interstratified 8.5 (6) 6.0 (6) 9.2 (7) 7.2 (6) 7.0 (7) 13.1 (8) 5.3 (5) 1.8 (10) 0.7 (7) 9.5 (10) 7.3 (8) 8.1 (9) 7.9 (7)
Muscovite 1.1 (7) 1.5 (7) 0.8 (8) 1.1 (6) 0.6 (8) 5.4 (9) 0.3 (8) 1.0 (7) 4.1 (9)
Albite 12.9 (8) 10.1 (8) 6.7 (10) 0.3 (5) 0.9 (6) 4.1 (11) 6.0 (8) 8.1 (7) 2.0 (6)
Microcline 0.7 (6) 4.3 (8) 3.5 (13) 3.0 (3) 2.8 (7) 0.9 (7) 0.1 (5) 1.6 (9) 0.9 (6) 2.1 (9) 0.7 (7) 0.8 (6) 0.6 (6)
Orthoclase 7.7 (8) 4.5 (7) 5.2 (9) 0.9 (4)
Anorthite 2.1 (8) 3.4 (8) 3.6 (14) 0.6 (6) 0.1 (9) 0.7 (6) 2.6 (11) 1.5 (12) 2.4 (9) 0.8 (8) 0.6 (7)
Calcite 1.4 (7)
Dolomite 2.0 (4) 5.0 (9) 0.1 (3) 0.1 (2) 0.1 (4)
Siderite 1.7 (6) 1.3 (2) 5.7 (6) 13.9 (7) 1.1 (3) 0.4 (3) 0.5 (2) 12.5 (7)
Ankerite 0.4 (2) 0.2 (2) 19.0 (9) 0.2 (6) 0.1 (3) 0.1 (2) 0.1 (4) 0.5 (3) 0.1 (3) 0.3 (2) 0.2 (2)
Magnesite 0.1 (3) 0.2 (4) 0.2 (5) 0.1 (3) 0.2 (4)
Rutile 0.2 (2) 0.1 (1)
Anatase 0.3 (2) 0.2 (2) 0.3 (2) 0.1 (2) 0.2 (1) 0.3 (2) 0.1 (2) 0.3 (2) 0.3 (2) 0.2 (1) 0.1 (2)
Brookite 0.8 (3) 0.1 (4) 0.5 (4) 0.7 (4)
Haematite 0.1 (2) 0.2 (3) 0.3 (3) 0.2 (2) 0.2 (3) 0.1 (2) 0.2 (4) 0.1 (3) 0.1 (3) 0.2 (2)
Goethite 0.2 (2)
Pyrite 0.1 (2) 0.1 (1) 0.1 (2)
Marcasite 0.1 (2) 0.3 (2) 0.3 (4) 0.2 (3)
Halite 0.1 (1) 0.1 (1) 0.1 (1)
Total 100.0 100.2 99.9 100.1 99.9 99.8 100.0 100.0 100.1 100.1 100.0 100.1 99.9
Global chi 2 5.01 5.26 3.87 4.41 5.67 4.78 4.09 5.42 4.47 5.00 4.91 4.26 4.60

The proportion of Na2O inferred from SIROQUANT, on the other hand, is interpretation of the SIROQUANT data (Fig. 3I). Although having a good
very close overall to that determined by chemical analysis (Fig. 3F). This correlation coefficient (r2 5 0.85), the regression line indicates that loss
appears to confirm the proportions of albite indicated by SIROQUANT; the on ignition is mostly higher than the total H2O1 and CO2 indicated by
small departure of the regression line from equality at high Na2O values the SIROQUANT mineralogy. The additional loss may represent organic matter
may reflect minor substitution of Ca for Na in the material refined to this or pyrite in the sandstones, as well as errors in the assumed compositions
plagioclase component. Any incorporation of Na1 as an interlayer ion in of the clay and carbonate minerals. Separate information on total carbonate
the montmorillonite or interstratified clay is probably insignificant com- or organic carbon content was not available, unfortunately, to further refine
pared to its occurrence in the feldspar minerals. the correlation.
No significant relationship was found between the percentage of TiO2
indicated by chemical analysis and the percentage of titanium minerals Content of Amorphous Material
indicated as separate phases by SIROQUANT (Fig. 3H). The poor correlation
may partly be a function of the low TiO2 proportions present, together with To provide a check for the presence of amorphous material, four of the
the relatively high error in the SIROQUANT analysis for minerals at such low samples were spiked with a known proportion (16.7%) of synthetic corun-
concentrations (Table 3). dum, intimately mixed with the sandstone by hand grinding. X-ray dif-
The loss on ignition percentage (Table 2) represents mainly the hydroxyl fractograms of the spiked samples were analyzed separately by SIROQUANT.
water of the clay minerals and the CO2 from the carbonates. For most The mineral proportions identified by the SIROQUANT computation are
samples it is close to the total percentage of H2O1 and CO2 indicated by normalized to a total of 100%. If the samples consist wholly of crystalline

TABLE 4.—Chemical composition of sandstones interpreted from SIROQUANT data.

Sample SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO CaO Na2O K2O H2O CO2 CO2 1 H2O S Cl
Number % % % % % % % % % % % % %
10402 75.62 0.40 13.43 2.45 0.27 0.41 0.20 2.86 1.90 0.27 2.17 2.13 0.06
20201 53.57 1.00 17.26 3.07 2.19 7.23 1.06 1.46 3.61 9.10 12.71 0.27 0.18
20203 39.01 0.00 11.20 17.77 1.22 8.38 0.38 1.36 2.18 18.09 20.27 0.00 0.42
20305 66.16 0.10 23.62 0.57 0.21 0.17 0.36 4.95 3.52 0.33 3.85 0.00 0.00
20306 69.75 0.40 19.55 0.64 0.44 1.24 2.50 2.71 2.08 0.70 2.77 0.00 0.00
20311 79.43 0.40 12.26 0.39 0.62 0.97 0.88 2.17 1.54 1.33 2.87 0.00 0.00
20321 78.85 0.10 13.15 0.64 0.42 1.11 0.77 2.44 1.50 1.02 2.52 0.00 0.00
30102 67.22 0.00 19.51 0.26 0.17 2.61 3.11 4.67 1.43 1.02 2.44 0.00 0.00
30106 59.14 0.21 21.22 1.99 1.40 3.39 1.17 5.62 2.12 3.68 5.80 0.00 0.06
30113 64.20 0.30 19.93 0.88 0.79 2.33 2.89 4.81 1.56 2.31 3.87 0.00 0.00
30114 64.26 0.30 18.75 2.18 0.61 2.63 2.30 4.14 1.79 3.05 4.83 0.00 0.00
51701 75.87 0.20 14.76 1.25 0.07 0.40 1.97 2.98 1.88 0.61 2.49 0.00 0.00
51702 57.45 0.50 25.43 3.72 0.62 0.64 0.92 4.86 3.77 1.64 5.41 0.21 0.24
51703 70.14 0.50 18.50 1.40 0.17 0.57 1.61 3.55 2.70 0.86 3.56 0.00 0.00
51705 76.15 0.20 14.83 1.03 0.09 0.75 1.30 3.19 1.86 0.54 2.40 0.00 0.06
60501 59.88 0.00 11.65 4.31 3.55 5.74 0.88 2.53 1.47 9.99 11.46 0.00 0.00
60502 67.37 0.80 14.80 3.84 1.23 1.69 0.06 2.18 3.33 4.64 7.97 0.05 0.00
70801 84.35 0.30 10.88 0.02 0.09 0.09 0.06 2.65 1.52 0.04 1.57 0.00 0.00
70802 80.59 0.12 13.69 0.08 0.22 0.19 0.11 2.75 2.08 0.11 2.19 0.06 0.00
70901 76.51 0.30 16.42 0.31 0.11 0.24 0.13 0.79 4.82 0.09 4.92 0.21 0.06
71001 82.26 0.30 11.78 0.36 0.16 0.61 0.06 1.51 2.53 0.20 2.73 0.16 0.06
71002 60.90 0.60 17.00 8.99 0.14 0.10 0.12 2.13 4.29 5.58 9.87 0.16 0.00
81401 80.53 0.30 12.71 0.70 0.11 0.38 0.54 2.63 1.63 0.46 2.10 0.00 0.00
82002 78.75 0.30 14.53 0.35 0.08 0.59 0.76 2.08 2.41 0.15 2.56 0.00 0.00
82003 76.96 0.20 15.32 0.57 0.22 0.27 1.06 2.42 2.49 0.43 2.92 0.00 0.06
82004 60.24 0.80 18.89 7.81 0.12 0.22 0.30 2.95 3.80 4.85 8.65 0.00 0.00

material, SIROQUANT analysis of the spiked sandstones should indicate a component, on the basis of X-ray diffraction data. Illite is probably closer
corundum percentage equivalent to the proportion added. If the proportion to the actual composition of such materials in weathered and transported
determined by SIROQUANT is significantly higher, it might be inferred that sediments. The option in SEDNORM to include smectite and related clay
part of the sandstone is made up of material that is effectively amorphous minerals in the normative analysis (Fig. 1) was not taken, because of un-
under XRD conditions. certainty regarding the composition. XRD study also shows that any smec-
The percentage of corundum determined by SIROQUANT for the spiked tite is present as part of the interstratified illite/smectite component, and
materials (Table 5) shows values ranging from 13.8 to 18%, with errors in thus represents only a relatively small proportion of the total sandstone in
the SIROQUANT determination of between 0.6 and 0.8%. Multiplying these each case.
by the square root of the respective global chi2 values provides a more The most significant assumption in the normative computation concerned
realistic error estimate in each case of around 6 2%. For two of the sam- the distribution of K2O between illite and K-feldspar. Two separate com-
ples the indicated proportion of corundum, if the error in each case is putations were made for each sample to take this factor into account. The
added, would fall slightly below the weighed-in proportion. This is taken first (Option 1) allocated all K2O to illite and the second (Option 2) allo-
to indicate no amorphous material present; the difference between the de- cated K2O equally between illite and K-feldspar. A third SEDNORM option,
termined and weighed-in values is within 3 e.s.d. units multiplied by the allocating 100% of the K2O to feldspar, was not used; this would have
square root of the respective chi2 values, which is regarded as a reasonable produced a zero illite percentage in the normative composition.
level of agreement. For the other two it is slightly higher than 16.7%, In the absence of an allowance in the calculation for smectite, all Na2O
although the errors, if subtracted, would again place the SIROQUANT deter- in the sandstone samples was allocated to feldspar as albite. Separate de-
minations close to that figure. A small proportion of amorphous material termination of Ca feldspar (anorthite) was not attempted, because all of the
may possibly be present in the latter two samples, but given the errors CaO in this instance (see below) was allocated by the SEDNORM computation
to other minerals.
associated with the corundum determinations the overall proportion of
Calcium (CaO) was first combined with phosphorus (P2O5) to form ap-
amorphous material in all four samples is for practical purposes negligible.
atite. In the absence of separate data on total carbonate (CO2) content, the
The two samples with a possible amorphous component are of lithic CaO remaining after this computation was expressed by SEDNORM as calcite.
composition (Table 1), suggesting that any such material may be associated, For similar reasons all of the MgO was expressed for the present discussion
at least in part, with cryptocrystalline quartz–feldspar–clay-mineral assem- as magnesite. Iron (Fe2O3) was initially combined with the sulfur deter-
blages making up the relatively abundant rock fragments. The amorphous mined by chemical analysis to form pyrite, after which the remaining Fe2O3
material, if present, may also reflect fine-grained or poorly crystalline clay was expressed as hematite. The small amount of titanium in the samples
minerals in the matrix fraction. was expressed as anatase.

In order to test the effectiveness of estimating mineralogy directly from A comparison of the mineral percentages indicated respectively by SED-
chemical-analysis data, for use in cases where quantitative XRD methods NORM and SIROQUANT is given in Figures 4 and 5. Both options for SEDNORM
such as SIROQUANT are not available, normative mineral percentages were are shown in most instances, although for some minerals, such as the car-
calculated from the chemical composition of each sandstone sample using bonates, only one plot is provided because both options produce the same
the SEDNORM program (Cohen and Ward 1991). Several combinations of results.
options were tested for these calculations, and the most suitable combina-
tion (Table 6) was applied to all samples to give a common basis for Quartz and Feldspar
comparison. The correlation line between the proportions of quartz indicated by SIR-
Illite, rather than muscovite, was chosen to represent the micaceous clay OQUANT and SEDNORM (Fig. 4A, B) has a slope of around 0.9, a high
1056 C.R. WARD ET AL.

FIG. 3.—Graphs showing comparison between percentages of different elements (expressed as oxides) deduced from SIROQUANT results compared to relevant percentages
from direct analytical data. A) SiO2; B) Al2O3; C) Fe2O3; D) CaO; E) K2O; F) Na2O; G) MgO; H) TiO2; I) Loss on ignition.

TABLE 5.—Determination of content of amorphous material from corundum-spiked balance of the Al-bearing components after allocation of Al2O3 to illite and
samples. feldspar. Its overestimation by SEDNORM, relative to SIROQUANT, is due to
the apparent underestimation of illite by SEDNORM as discussed above. The
Corundum Determined Amorphous sum of illite and kaolinite (Fig. 5E, F) provides a better level of overall
Sample Added
Number % % Error % Error agreement between the two analytical methods.
30106A 16.7 17.6 0.6 6.1 3.7
51702A 16.7 18.0 0.7 8.7 4.4 Other Minerals
70802A 16.7 14.6 0.6 0
71001A 16.7 13.8 0.8 0 Figure 5G shows the comparison between SEDNORM and SIROQUANT for
the calcium and magnesium carbonate minerals identified by the different
techniques. For SIROQUANT these represent the sum of calcite, dolomite,
ankerite, and in some cases magnesite; for SEDNORM they represent the sum
correlation coefficient (r2 . 0.9), and a small intercept, regardless of the
of the normative calcite and magnesite components. Because of the mixed
option used in SEDNORM for K2O distribution. Both SIROQUANT and SEDNORM
mineralogy involved, a correlation based on the individual carbonate min-
therefore provide very similar estimates of quartz content, even though
erals was not attempted.
completely different principles are involved.
Good agreement is indicated between SEDNORM and SIROQUANT by Figure
The proportion of K-feldspar indicated by SEDNORM depends on the op-
5G. SEDNORM, however, indicates a slightly higher overall proportion of
tion chosen to distribute the K2O content. Since Option 1 allocates all the
carbonate minerals than SIROQUANT for equivalent samples. This may be
K2O to illite and does not produce any K-feldspar, comparison of SIRO-
because the SEDNORM data are based on the full amounts of Ca and Mg
QUANT and SEDNORM can be based only on the Option 2 results (Fig. 4C).
present, and because no allowance was made for any Mg or Ca in the illite
The points plotted in Figure 4C fall into two groups: those representing
and illite/smectite components.
samples with a low proportion of K-feldspar indicated by SIROQUANT, which
Good agreement is also indicated between SEDNORM and SIROQUANT for
lie close to the x axis and below the diagonal line, and those with a rela-
the different iron minerals in the sample suite (Fig. 5H). These are repre-
tively high proportion of K-feldspar, which plot in the center of the graph
sented by hematite and pyrite in the SEDNORM output, and by siderite, pyrite,
close to or above the equality line. For the first group the allocation of
and various iron oxides in SIROQUANT. This suggests that the Fe in the
50% of the K2O to K-feldspar is probably inappropriate, and most of the
samples is mainly in carbonate, oxide, or sulfide form, and that only minor
K2O would have been better allocated to illite. For the second a greater
proportions, if any, occur in the clay minerals.
proportion of the K2O than 50% could probably have been allocated to the
K-feldspar component. Although there is a broad scatter in the comparison
(r2 5 0.59), the overall correlation line has a slope of 1.23 and a relatively
small intercept (3.4%) for the proportions involved. These factors suggest The mineralogical analyses by SIROQUANT (and also by SEDNORM) show
that equal division of K2O between illite and K-feldspar provides a rea- a poor correlation with point-count data obtained from the same sandstone
sonable compromise if a single option is followed for SEDNORM evaluation samples (Fig. 6). This is because significant proportions of rock fragments
of the overall sample suite. and matrix are present, within which the minerals cannot be adequately
In the absence of CO2 data to allow separate computation of calcite and identified by microscope techniques.
Ca-feldspar by SEDNORM, the comparison for plagioclase is based on the
SIROQUANT data for albite and anorthite and the SEDNORM data for albite Quartz
alone. With the exception of three points from plagioclase-rich samples
plotting significantly above the diagonal line in Figure 4D, the results for Higher proportions of quartz are determined by SIROQUANT for most sam-
both Options 1 and 2 (Fig. 4D, E) show a close similarity in the SEDNORM ples than are identified as separate grains by point counting (Fig. 6A). This
and SIROQUANT results. This confirms that the plagioclase in the samples is reflects the presence of quartz also in the rock fragments and matrix com-
dominated by Na-rich varieties, and that both techniques give similar es- ponents. The difference is greatest for sandstones with low proportions of
timates of the percentage present. visible quartz, and hence relatively high percentages of rock fragments and
matrix. On the basis of the correlation line, SIROQUANT indicates an average
Clay Minerals of 30% quartz for sandstones with zero percent quartz by point count,
suggesting this as the average quartz content of the lithic and matrix ma-
As with K-feldspar, the proportion of normative illite depends in large terials.
part on the method chosen for K2O distribution in the SEDNORM calculation. For some of the more quartz-rich samples, point counting shows a slight-
For the present study the comparison is also affected by the inclusion of ly higher proportion of quartz than does mineralogical analysis using SIR-
interstratified illite/smectite with illite in the SIROQUANT data (Fig. 5A, B) OQUANT. Such a discrepancy may partly reflect the fact that point counting
but computation of illite alone with SEDNORM. A combination of both factors provides volumetric percentages whereas the SIROQUANT results are ex-
means that the illite percentage indicated by SEDNORM using Option 2, with pressed as weight percentages. Quartz grains would be expected to be dens-
only 50% of the K2O allocated to illite, is in all cases less than the illite er than the (presumably) more porous clay-rich matrix, and thus provide a
and I/S indicated by SIROQUANT (Fig. 5B). Although the correlation line has larger weight (mass) fraction for a given proportion by volume. Another
a slope close to 1, the correlation coefficient is low (r2 5 0.28) and the factor may be that quartz grains are more prominent than some of the other
intercept is relatively large (17%). constituents when seen under the microscope, and thus be counted pref-
Option 1, in which all of the K2O is allocated to illite, produces twice erentially where points fall close to grain/matrix boundaries.
as much normative illite as Option 2. The data points for Option 1 plot
closer to the diagonal line indicating agreement with SIROQUANT (Fig. 5A), Feldspar and Rock Fragments
even though the slope of the correlation line is less than unity and a low
correlation coefficient is involved. Mineralogical analysis by SIROQUANT shows significantly greater per-
By contrast, the proportion of kaolinite determined by SEDNORM is in centages of feldspar than the proportion of feldspar grains identified by
almost all cases higher than that indicated for the same samples by SIRO- point counting (Fig. 6B). This probably reflects incorporation of feldspar
QUANT (Fig. 5C, D). In the normative calculation, kaolinite represents the also in the rock fragments. The slope of the correlation line, moreover,

TABLE 6.—Results of SEDNORM interpretations.

Mineral 10402 20201 20203 20305 20306 20311 20321 30102 30106 30113 30114 51701 51702 51703 51705 60501 60502 70801 70802 70901 71001 71002 81401 82002 82003 82004
Option 1
Quartz 64.7 29.8 27.3 38.8 40.6 72.9 66.2 33.8 32.3 31.4 33.6 50.7 16.7 42.2 38.2 38.5 50.7 78.0 67.4 60.5 76.0 41.9 64.8 57.3 56.9 37.5
Kaolinite 7.8 26.3 11.8 18.5 9.5 5.9 4.0 3.7 24.0 1.5 5.2 1.7 19.7 4.3 7.5 37.4 19.6 29.3 4.4 14.1 14.8 21.5
Illite 16.8 12.1 13.1 32.1 22.6 9.6 14.0 38.6 53.9 43.7 40.3 19.7 42.7 33.7 38.3 21.3 16.3 17.2 24.1 1.8 3.9 12.7 16.2 14.9 15.4 19.1
Albite 6.7 5.6 23.8 6.6 11.3 20.8 16.8 13.1 20.0 8.7 15.5 13.8 6.6 10.3 10.3 10.2 4.8
Calcite 4.5 15.7 19.0 2.1 1.2 3.1 5.9 4.2 6.9 0.2 0.5 0.2 19.8 3.8 1.3 0.5
Magnesite 0.1 3.9 6.4 1.7 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.2 3.6 1.7 1.9 1.9 2.8 2.3 1.5 8.4 3.3 0.1 0.3 2.0 1.1 0.7 0.6 2.5
Anatase 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.7 0.4 1.1 0.8 0.7
Hematite 2.5 4.2 21.5 2.2 1.4 1.0 1.4 1.8 3.3 1.4 3.5 3.2 3.7 3.6 1.9 3.3 5.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 13.2 1.5 1.4 1.1 13.2
Pyrite 3.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2
Apatite 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3
Total 99.9 99.9 100.0 99.9 99.9 100.0 99.9 99.8 99.9 99.9 100.0 100.1 100.0 99.9 99.7 99.9 99.9 100.0 100.1 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.1 100.0 99.9 100.1
Option 2
Quartz 63.7 29.1 26.5 36.9 39.3 72.3 65.4 27.0 21.3 24.0 28.4 49.5 14.3 40.1 36.0 37.3 49.7 76.9 65.9 60.7 75.7 41.2 63.7 56.3 55.9 36.3
Kaolinite 12.3 29.5 15.4 27.1 15.5 8.5 7.8 5.7 6.0 6.6 7.9 8.9 35.4 10.7 15.4 7.5 24.1 8.9 14.0 38.1 20.6 32.7 8.8 18.3 19.0 26.6
Illite 8.4 6.0 6.6 16.0 11.3 4.8 7.0 19.1 27.2 21.6 20.0 9.8 21.3 16.8 19.1 10.6 8.1 8.6 12.0 0.9 2.0 6.3 8.1 7.4 7.7 9.5
Albite 6.7 5.6 23.7 6.6 11.2 30.0 15.7 26.9 19.0 19.9 8.6 15.5 13.8 6.6 10.3 10.3 10.2 4.8
K-feldspar 5.0 3.6 3.9 9.5 6.7 2.8 4.1 11.3 16.1 12.8 11.8 5.8 12.6 9.9 11.3 6.3 4.8 5.1 7.1 1.2 3.8 4.8 4.4 4.6 5.6

Calcite 4.5 15.7 19.0 2.1 1.2 3.1 5.8 4.1 6.9 0.2 0.5 0.2 19.8 3.8 1.3 0.5
Magnesite 0.1 3.9 6.4 1.7 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.2 3.5 1.7 1.9 1.9 2.8 2.3 1.5 8.4 3.3 0.1 0.3 2.0 1.1 0.7 0.6 2.5
Anatase 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.7 0.4 1.1 0.8 0.7
Hematite 2.5 4.2 21.4 2.2 1.4 1.0 1.4 1.8 3.3 1.4 3.5 3.2 3.7 3.6 1.9 3.3 5.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 13.2 1.5 1.4 1.1 13.2
Pyrite 3.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2
Apatite 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3
Total 100.0 99.9 100.1 100.0 99.9 100.0 99.9 99.7 99.8 99.8 100.1 99.9 100.1 100.0 99.8 100.1 99.9 100.0 100.1 99.9 100.0 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.0 100.0

Options used in SEDNORM calculations

● Include illite (rather than muscovite)
● Include feldspar
● Exclude smectite
● Distribute K2O initially as follows:
Option 1: 100% to illite
Option 2: 50% to illite and 50% to feldspar
● Include S as sulphide (pyrite)
● Include carbonates (assign all remaining CaO and MgO to carbonates)
● H2O variable (add water in calculations where necessary)

FIG. 4.—Graphs showing comparison between percentages of different minerals indicated by S EDNORM and SIROQUANT. A, B) Quartz; C) K-feldspar; D, E) Na–Ca

suggests that almost as much feldspar is present in this form as is repre- indicated by point counting (Fig. 6E). This probably reflects the presence
sented by visible feldspar grains. of clay minerals also in the rock fragments. The difference is greatest for
The total proportion (weight %) of feldspar indicated by SIROQUANT is samples with low matrix and hence high lithic percentages, where the in-
only around 40% of the combined (volume) percentage of feldspar and tercept on the y axis suggests that around 30% clay minerals may be present
rock fragments identified by point count (Fig. 6C). The correlation line has in the non-matrix components. The correlation line converges towards the
an intercept close to zero, indicating that little or no feldspar is present in equality line at high matrix percentages, consistent with lesser proportions
other constituents, such as the matrices of the sandstone samples. of (clay-bearing) rock fragments in the more matrix-rich materials.
The combined percentages of quartz and feldspar determined by SIRO- Although the correlation coefficient is low, point counting indicates a
QUANT show a relatively good correlation with the total quartz, feldspar, higher percentage of carbonate minerals than SIROQUANT for most samples
and rock fragments determined by point counting (Fig. 6D), although the (Fig. 6F). In a few cases, however, SIROQUANT indicates a greater carbonate
percentages of the former are in all cases less than those of the latter. The proportion. Indication of additional carbonate by point counting may be a
difference may in part be due to weight and volume effects, but it may reflection of the higher density of siderite, which would produce a greater
also reflect the presence of other minerals, such as clays and/or carbonates, carbonate mass percentage for a given volume. It may also be due to the
in the feldspar and lithic particles. Extrapolation of the correlation line to presence of carbonate finely intergrown with other minerals, and identified
100% quartz 1 feldspar 1 rock fragments suggests that around 20% of due to its birefringence as carbonate alone in the point-counting process.
minerals other than XRD-identified quartz and feldspar are present in these Indication of additional carbonate by SIROQUANT may reflect the material
occurring as a minor uncounted constituent within some lithic or feldspar
framework grains.
Clay and Carbonate Minerals CONCLUSIONS
The total (weight) proportion of clay minerals indicated by SIROQUANT is Analysis of sandstones by X-ray diffraction and the Rietveld-based SIR-
for all samples greater than the (volume) percentage of matrix components OQUANT technique provides data on mineral percentages that are generally
1060 C.R. WARD ET AL.

FIG. 5.—Graphs showing comparison between percentages of different minerals indicated by SEDNORM and SIROQUANT (continued). A, B) Illite and I/S; C, D) kaolinite;
E, F) total clays; G) Ca and Mg carbonates; H) iron minerals.

consistent with the independently determined bulk chemistry of the mate- represents very fine grained or poorly crystallized particles associated with
rials. Only with TiO2 minerals, which are present in low proportions and the matrix and rock fragments.
hence were subject to significant errors in the SIROQUANT determinations, Normative estimation of mineral percentages from chemical composition
was a poor correlation achieved. using SEDNORM provides data that are consistent with SIROQUANT for quartz,
Supplementary tests with a weighed-in corundum spike suggest that a Na-feldspar, carbonates, and iron minerals. As with any normative method,
negligible proportion of X-ray amorphous material is present in the sand- however, the SEDNORM results are affected by the way in which potassium
stones studied. Amorphous material may be associated with some of the is allocated between K-feldspar and illite. This resulted in poor correlations
more clay-rich or more lithic sandstones; if it is present at all it probably with SIROQUANT for illite, kaolinite, and the K-feldspar component.

FIG. 6.—Graphs showing comparison between percentages of minerals indicated by Siroquant relative to components indicated by point counting: A) Quartz; B) feldspar;
C) feldspar plus rock fragments; D) quartz plus feldspar plus rock fragments; E) clay minerals and matrix; F) carbonate minerals.

Although normative interpretations may be of value in expressing geo- Primary Industries and Energy, and by the CSIRO/UNSW Collaborative Research
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