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According to Bikash Singh (2016): This study was developed to investigate the Factors

Influencing Brand Loyalty for Samsung Mobile Users in kingdom of Nepal. There has been a
high requirement for smartphones technological advancement and modification in the phones
whenever they are commercialized in the market. Samsung mobile is one of the superior sellers
in Smartphone industries, however the degree of competition is high with other brands in this
dynamic and competitive market environment. Most Samsung mobile users are the young and
middle age grouped people. They prefer phones with high technological advancement and a
reputed phone that comes under economic price. The result confirmed that customer satisfaction
and brand experience are important for determining brand loyalty. The loyalty to the brand and
positive attitude is determined by the happy customers. Moreover, it insists on loyal customer for
the repurchase of smartphone repetitively

According to Detha Misgi Pratiwi (2015): The research aims to identify the influence of
brand image, brand trust and customer satisfaction on brand loyalty. The result confirmed that
Customer Satisfaction is the most important element that influences Brand Loyalty of
Samsung Smartphone’s consumers in Manado. Therefore company ought to maintain their
ability in fulfill the customer needs in order to retain the present customer and attract potential
customer. Brand Image and Brand Trust less likely influence on Brand Loyalty. Therefore the
manager should pay more concern on this issue. The company should create a better image of
brand and make the consumers trust with the brand. Because, brand trust is a primary factor in
making the consumer loyal with the brand.
According to S.Santhosh Kumar (2017): The research aims to determine the brand loyalty of
customers in smartphone brands. The quantitative and qualitative distinction within the brand
loyalty scores of different smartphone brands signals the company to seriously focus on
brand loyalty-building to cope up with the cut-throat competition and to ensure their long-term
growth and survival. The company ought to concentrate more on areas such as image building,
delivering quality products, and ensuring customer satisfaction
According to Ching-Hsuan Yeh (2015): The research identified functional value, emotional
value, social value, and brand identification as the determinant of brand loyalty. The
relationship between brand identification and brand loyalty was stronger for younger customers
than for middle-aged customers. As age increased, the impact of emotional value/social value
on brand loyalty were getting greater. Emotional value and social value were more influential in
forming brand loyalty for middle-aged user, compared with younger user. However, gender
does not play a moderating role in the determination of smartphone brand loyalty.

According to Bikash Singh (2016): This study was developed to investigate the Factors
Influencing Brand Loyalty for Samsung Mobile Users in Nepal. There has been a high
requirement for smartphones technological advancement and modification in the phones
whenever they are commercialized in the market. Samsung mobile is one of the superior sellers
in Smartphone industries, but the degree of competition is high with other brands in this dynamic
and competitive market environment. Most Samsung mobile users are the young and middle age
grouped people. They prefer phones with high technological advancement and a reputed phone
that comes under economic cost. The result confirmed that customer satisfaction and brand
experience are important for determining brand loyalty. The loyalty to the brand and positive
attitude is determined by the satisfied customers. Moreover, it insists on loyal customer for the
repurchase of smartphone repetitively.

According to Z. Khundyz It is important for the manager to implement strategies that will insist
on existing customers not to switch to another brand in a competitive environment.  All the
variables such as Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction, Trust and Promotion have a big impact on
dependent variable Brand Loyalty by the various share of contribution and therefore the whole
result highlight that the impact of brand image, Quality product, and trust contribute the highest
among the variables whereas the promotion plays a least important role in maintaining long term
According to Yesim Can (2017), the research concluded that habits positively impact brand
loyalty of the kingdom of Turkish smartphone consumers. If smartphone manufacture considers
developing brand loyalty, they should assure that users get used to their brands. The possible
methods that can be used in building habits are ease of use, technological advancements and
attractive designs. Also, these are the characteristics that form the user's habit.

In globalization, hundreds of smartphone brands are trying to acquire new consumers and tend to
retain them. In a competitive environment where users have a large range and varieties of
choices and availability of the huge amount of information related to the product which makes
them aware of the smartphones and their functionalities, so it is hard for the corporate to stop
them from switching to other brands and to make them loyal. It is also difficult to make a
decision that what factors should be undertaken to get their attention and to make them loyal

Smartphones has gained popularity throughout the world and has millions of users. There is the
constant innovation of new products, changes in technology and design and shortens the life of
the smartphone. The study aims to determine whether brand loyalty for Samsung smartphones
exist or not amongst the user of smartphones and the factors that create brand loyalty among the
customers and the area to be the focus in order to retain customers.
 To study the brand loyalty for Samsung smartphone among smartphone users.
 To determine factors responsible for customer commitment towards
Samsung smartphones.
 To study the impact of post-sale service in retaining customer.

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