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Anna Walsworth



Observation #3

I had the opportunity to observe Northview’s Journalism class. I have never had the

experience to take or observe a class like this before, so it was all very interesting to me. The

class started out by doing choice reading, except the students were required to read from their

favorite news outlet. Then the class read an article put out from GVSU together and analyzed

the content. After this, the students started independent work. They were required to come up to

the board and write their goal for the hour before they started their work so that the teacher and

the student knew what they were responsible for. The rest of the hour the students had control

and were free to work where they wanted on what they needed to do. Each student had a job

and they knew what they needed to complete.

After observing this class I found out some very interesting strategies. One thing I would

like to bring to my own classroom is writing goals on the board. I think this gives students a

good visual and reminder of what they need to accomplish during the hour. I also think it would

increase productivity in my classroom. All in all, this class was very enjoyable to observe and I

will most likely be thinking back to the strategies used in the classroom for my own.

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