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Sorry: These apologies is use for several cases like: a mistake with the couple, a mistake with the

parents, etc.

 I'm (so / very / terribly) sorry: This phrase is use for: when we spill something on someone

 Ever so sorry: when someone dies

 How stupid / careless / thoughtless of me: when we say something we should not

 Pardon (me) : when we make a mistake with someone

 That's my fault : when we know you made a mistake

 Sorry. It was all my fault: when we stumbled upon someone

 Please excuse my (ignorance) : when we ask something that is logical

 Please don't be mad at me: when we say something we know was wrong

 Please accept our (sincerest) apologies : when we arrived late to a place

Discuss these questions with a partner:

a. Why is it important to apologize? : because we always make mistakes and is good make
peace with the other person, aceptour mistakes.
b. Does it matter the way you apologize? How so? : yes, because we have to apologize of
heart,also must take into account the person with we are apologize .

c. Is it hard for you to apologize? Or does it depend to whom you are talking? : no, because
depend the person although we must have to account if the mistake was our fault, we must
correct our fault

d. How do you feel when someone does not apologize for something wrong they

have done? : we feel angry because we think that the correct is that the people accept yours

e. Look at some reasons why you should apologize. Decide if you agree with them and why.

Apologizing when you've broken a rule of social conduct -- from cutting in line to

breaking the law -- re-establishes that you know what the "rules" are, and you

agree that they should be upheld. This allows others to feel safe knowing you

agree that hurtful behavior isn't OK.

 No, because also rules are unfair, like the expensive that is the service of Transmilenio,
then the people decide sneak in the station .
Apologies re-establish dignity for those you hurt. Letting the injured party know

that you know it was your fault, not theirs, helps them feel better, and it helps

them save face.

 Yes, because should not step over people damaging their dignity

Apologizing helps repair relationships by getting people talking again, and makes

them feel comfortable with each other again

 Yes, because if we care about real people, we must accept our mistakes, correct them, not
to lose

A sincere apology allows you to let people know you're not proud of what you did,

and won't be repeating the behavior. That lets people know you're the kind of

person who is generally careful not to hurt others, and puts the focus on your

better virtues, rather than on your worst mistakes.

• if we agree that it does see the values and ethics of the people

III. Watch the movie segment

a. Describe the scene.

The scene shows a man whos is driving his car and a group of persons that go walking fot
the Street when the man pass leaved to these people totally wet, then he get off their
carriage and apologizes to the people.

b. Why do you think the driver decided to do that?

We think that the driver wet to the people with intent and he decides get off to the car and tries
to apologize but the difficulty was to apologize, he looks nervous .

STUDENT A: Hey!! Don´t you wanna see the car

STUDENT B: If you driving the car very bad, if you do’t see is School zone
STUDENT A: Ok, yes, you have the reason, I don’t see that this part of the street is Scool zone, I’m

STUDENT B: Don’t worry, is my fall too, I don’t see if cars driving for here

STEUDENT A: Ok don’t worry, for the next time be carefull, bye

STUDENT B: You too, bye

IV. Role Play the situation below:

Student A: You are the driver. Apologize for what you have just done. You are truly sorry

for what happened.

Student B: You are one of the people running on the road. Accept the apologies politely.

Alejandra: Hi

Stefania: Hi, ¿Who are you?

Alejandra : I’m Fine thanks, and you?

Stefania: Not very good, I need to talk whit you

Alejandra: What’s going on?

Stefania: I’ve crashed your car

Alejandra: Oh my God!! When? Why?, if i trust whit you

Stefania: Yes. I’m sorry, is not my fall, I promese you fix the car

Alejandra: All right, don’t worry

Stefania: Thank you, I promese you that this situation don’t happend anymore

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