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To my parents for the support they have always

expressed to me and for their example of
struggle and perseverance in life.

INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 4
I. CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR..............................................................................5
1.1. CONSUMER......................................................................................................... 5
1.2. CONSUMER BEHAVIOR.....................................................................................5
1.2.1. Purpose of the study of buying behavior...................................................6
1.2.2. Benefits of the study of buying behavior...................................................6
1.2.3. Consumer roles............................................................................................6
1.2.4. consumer behavior orientations.................................................................7
1.2.5. Types of processes in solving consumer problems.................................8
1.2.6. Consumer Purchase Process.....................................................................8

The purpose of this work is to know the buying behavior of the consumer, which is
why any marketing manager interested in satisfying the needs of the consumer
must understand what motivates people to buy a service and reject another.

There are products of all kinds, for all tastes and needs and the study of consumer
behavior is to answer several questions related to internal and external influences
that affect the consumer's decision-making process and its consumption behavior.

When describing a consumer market we differentiate two parts: Who is the

consumer? And how does the consumer behave when buying a product?


When we acquire the product or service that we lack and use it,
we become a consumer, therefore it is that person who consumes or
uses a product or service to meet a need.

The consumer is the individual who buys goods and services for
their own use, for home use, for a family member, or as a gift to a


Behavior refers to the internal and external dynamics of the

individual, which takes place when seeking to meet their needs with
goods and services. Applied to marketing, it is the decision process
and physical activity to search, evaluate and acquire goods and
services to meet the needs.

The study of consumer behavior is an analysis of how individuals

make decisions to spend their available resources (money, time, effort)
on items related to consumption. The study of the consumer is derived
from the following statement. They will hardly be able to meet the
needs of consumers without knowing them properly.

For Marketing, the purchasing behavior encompasses the set of

activities that precede, accompany and follow the purchase decisions
and in which the individual or the organization actively intervenes in
order to make their choices knowingly.

Purchasing behavior is seen as a problem resolution process.

There are a number of issues that marketing managers must ask when
studying the consumer:
What buy? It involves analyzing the type of product that the consumer
selects from among all the products he wants.

Who buys? Determine who is the subject that truly makes the decision
to acquire the product, whether it is the consumer, or who influences it.

Why buy? Analyze what are the reasons why a product is acquired
based on the benefits or satisfaction of needs that it produces to the
consumer through its acquisition.

When do you buy? You should know the time of purchase and the
frequency of purchase in relation to your needs, which are changing
throughout your life.

Where do you buy? The places where the consumer buys are
influenced by the distribution channels and also by other aspects
related to the service, treatment, image of the point of sale, etc.

How much do you buy? The physical quantity that you acquire from
the product, either to satisfy your wishes or your needs. This indicates
whether the purchase is repetitive or not.

How do you use it? In relation to the way in which the consumer uses
the product, a specific package or presentation of the product will be

I.2.1. Purpose of the study of buying behavior

 Identify your current and future needs more effectively.

 Improve the ability to communicate with customers.
 Get your trust and ensure your loyalty.
 Plan the commercial action more effectively.

I.2.2. Benefits of the study of buying behavior

For the consumer:

 Products and prices adapted to your needs.
 Proper distribution facilitates the purchase task.

For the company:

 Increase in the demand for the company's products, quota and

 It is the starting point of the design of the commercial strategy.

I.2.3. Consumer roles

Initiator: The person who decides that any need or desire is not
being covered and that authorizes a purchase to rectify the

Influencer: Person who with any word or action, both intentional

and unintentional, influences the purchase decision, the
purchase and use of the product or service.

Decision maker: The person who decides the purchase


Buyer: The person who performs the purchase operation.

User: The person who participates directly in the consumption

or use of the purchase.

Example of roles in the purchase

Product: Dog food

Initiator: The child, owner of the dog, realizes that his dog no
longer has food.

Influencer: The vet recommended a particular brand of food for

the dog.

Decision maker: Dad authorizes the son to buy food for the

Buyer: The brother makes the purchase.

User: The dog consumes the food.

I.2.4. consumer behavior orientations

Economic orientation: It is based on economic theory, and in

this sense the key piece is the concept of "economic man" who
feels desires, acts rationally to meet their needs and directs their
behavior towards the Maximization of utility.

Psychological orientation: They collect the internal

characteristics of the person, with their needs and desires and
the totally external social variables that the environment exerts.

Motivational guidance: It is based on the study of the motives

of consumer behavior based on the causes that produce them.
Needs are the cause that stimulates the human being, and he
acts accordingly to satisfy them.

I.2.5. Types of processes in solving consumer problems

Routine purchase behavior

Type of consumer problem-solving process used when

purchasing items that are purchased frequently, that are
inexpensive and that require very little search and decision

Limited troubleshooting

Type of consumer problem-solving process in which buyers

commit when purchasing products in occasionally and when
they need to get information about an unfamiliar brand in a
family product category.

Extended problem solution

Type of consumer problem-solving process used when
purchasing unfamiliar, expensive or non-frequently purchased

I.2.6. Consumer Purchase Process

Problem recognition: The consumer is driven to action by a


Choice of level of participation: The consumer decides how

much time and effort to invest in the attempt to meet the need.

Identification of alternatives: The consumer discovers

alternative products and brands, gathering information about

Evaluation of alternatives: The consumer weighs the

advantages and disadvantages of the identified options.

Purchase decision: The consumer decides to buy or not and

makes other decisions related to the purchase.

Post-purchase behavior: The consumer will experience some

satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

I.2.7. Factors that include in the purchase process

a) Personal factors

Demographic aspects
These are individual characteristics, such as age, sex, race,
ethnic aspects.

They try to identify the occupational groups that have interest
above average with respect to their products and services. A
company can specialize in manufacturing products for a
particular occupational group.

Economic circumstances
Economic circumstances consist of disposable income to spend
(level, stability and time pattern), savings and property (including
the percentage of liquidity), credit capacity and attitude towards
expenses and savings.

Routines that are based on behavioral patterns determined by
the individual's environment. A person's lifestyle is their pattern
of life in the world, expressed by their activities, interests and
The lifestyle completely denotes the person in interaction with
their environment.

Age and stage of the life cycle

People buy different goods and services throughout their lives.
Consumption is shaped by the stages of the family life cycle. On
the other hand, adults experience certain transitions or
transformations as their life progresses (psychological stages of
the life cycle.

b) Psychological factors

It is defined as the pattern of internal traits of an individual that
depend on behavioral responses and result in consistent
patterns of behavior.
Those internal psychological characteristics that both determine
and reflect the way in which a person responds to their
The self-concept
It is a person's perception of themselves. And at the same time
it is the image that we think others have about ourselves. The
importance of studying self-concept in marketing is given
because the person through consumption describes himself.

The process through which an individual select, organizes and
interprets the stimuli to integrate a meaningful and coherent
view of the world.

 Selective perception

Selective exhibition
Ability to decide what to see, hear, etc.

Selective attention
Pay attention only to some stimuli

Selective understanding
Adapt stimuli to mental structures

Giving the selective retention as a result.

The motivation
General predisposition that directs the behavior towards
obtaining what is desired.
It is the inner state that causes the individual to develop high
levels of effort to achieve organizational goals, under the
condition that said effort offers the possibility of meeting some
personal goal.
It is usually identified with needs and desires.

 Physiological
 Security
 Possession and love
Relationship with society
 Esteem
 Self-realization
Interior peace

The learning
Learning denotes changes in an individual's behavior that are
the product of experience and information since most human
behavior is learned.
Process by which individuals acquire the knowledge of purchase
and consumption, and the experience they will apply to future
behavior for this same purpose.

process to acquire information and store it for a while, so that it
is available when required.

The actitudes
The mental state of an individual, constituted by the experience
and information acquired that allow him to structure his
perceptions of the environment and his preferences, and guide
the way of responding.

c) Social factors
It is the set of values, knowledge, beliefs, customs, desires and
behaviors that a member of society learns from his family and
other important institutions. It is a fundamental determinant of
the wishes and behavior of a person.

Group of people who share value systems based on experience
and common situations in their lives; They provide more specific
identification and socialization for its members.
Subcultures include nationalities, religions, racial groups and
geographic regions.

The family:
Primary social group with strong influence on:
 Personality
 Attitudes
 Motivations
Involved in joint purchasing decisions.
Influence individual purchase decisions.
The family's behavior changes with its evolution.

Social Groups (reference):

They are reference groups with which the individual identifies
and influences the formation of beliefs, attitudes and behaviors
It distinguishes between:
Groups of which you are a member:
 Primary or Secondary
 Formal or Informal

Groups that you aspire to belong to: joining them can be a

Social class
Relatively permanent and orderly divisions of a company, whose
members share similar values, interests and behaviors. Social
class is determined by several factors, such as income,
occupation, education, wealth among other factors:

Opinion Leader
Member of a reference group that, due to its skills, knowledge,
personality or other special characteristics, exerts an influence
on others.

Roles and status

Paper is an activity that people are expected to do according to
the people around them and the organization they belong to.
The status is the position occupied by the person within the
society reflected in the general esteem of the person in that

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