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NAME: _______________________________________DATE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________ SCORE: ___________



General Directions
1. Read the directions carefully before answering the test. No point will be given for answer/s which doesn’t comply
with the given instruction.
2. Any form of erasure or alteration is strictly prohibited. A point will be deducted to the total score for every
erasure or alteration done. Think before answering.
3. Refrain from talking and asking questions to your classmates while taking the exam. Consult the proctor or the
teacher if you have questions queries and clarifications about the exam.
4. DO NOT CHEAT. If caught cheating (in any form), your examination for this subject will be void automatically.
Always bear in mind:
Prefer even to fail with honor than to pass by cheating. There is no success without hardship.

I. Read and analyze the statements below then, answer the question that follows. Write only the letter of your
answer before each number.
1. Originally, lyric poetry is meant to be sung to the accompaniment of a:
a) piano b) lyre c) banduria d) flute
2. Legends, folk tales, fairy tales, short stories, and any novels are works of:
a) non-fiction b) poetry c) fiction d) art
3. (As to appeal) Poetry : to the emotion :: Prose : to the ___________
a) imagination b) experience c) motive d) intellect
4. What genre of literature makes use of line breaks?
a) poetry b) prose c) fiction d) non fiction
5. This is a poem that uses some sort of visual presentation to enhance the effect of the poem on the reader.
a) pun b) ABC c) acrostic d) concrete
6. Which of the following is not a description of what is literature?
a) Literature is the best way to understand human nature fully and to know a nation completely.
b) Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material.
c) Literature came the French word litera which means letters.
d) Literature deals with ideas, thoughts and emotions of man.
7. In prose, the first word of each sentence is ________.
a) indented b) capitalized c) underlined d) highlighted
8. If a narrative poem deals with rustic life or pastoral scenes or suggests a mood of peace and contentment it is called:
a) metrical tale b) idyll c) metrical romance d) epic
9. _____________ explain the origin of things.
a) legends b) myths c) parable d) epic
10. _____________ explain how the world was created.
a) legends b) myths c) parable d) epic
11. The language used in poetry to express its objective is:
a) expressed in ordinary form c) expressed in allegory
b) expressed in figurative language d) none of the foregoing
12. Ramayana and Biag ni Lam-ang are examples of __________.
a) metrical tale b) Metrical romance c) short story d) epic
13. Literature is seen both as a reflection and product of the times and circumstances in which it was written. The
previous statement reflects ___________ approach.
a) historical b) psychological c) biographical d) sociological
14. It talks about the general structure of the Literary piece.
a) style b) form c) characterization d) theme
15. It is the subject of which literature revolves around.
a) style b) form c) characterization d) theme
16. They are specific techniques and designs that a literary writer employs.
a) style b) form c) characterization d) theme
17. A long poem, derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of a heroic character.
a) poetry b) essay c) epic d) drama
18. It is intended to be read or addressed to a specific audience.
a) poetry b) essay c) short story d) drama
19. It uses expressive words, like figures of speech, and creative structures in conveying its message
a) poetry b) essay c) short story d) drama
20. It is a created literature to be performed and witnessed by an audience.
a) poetry b) novel c) short story d) drama
21. It is creatively crafted than novels, but lack minute and specific details.
a) poetry b) essay c) short story d) drama
22. It is a website created to contain ans manage user-made articles or posts that are updated regularly.
a) Text Tula b) blog c) hyperpoetry d) Chicklit
23. It is a poem produced and shared through the use of a mobile phone’s messaging application.
a) Text Tula b) blog c) hyperpoetry d) Chicklit
24. A genre of fiction that generally talks about women and their different struggles, specifically staged in modern times.
a) Text Tula b) blog c) hyperpoetry d) Chicklit
25. It presents poems that include verses or lines linked through hyperlink mark-ups.
a) Text Tula b) blog c) hyperpoetry d) Chicklit
II. Choose the correct Figure of Speech used.
26. ”I’ve told you to clean your room a million times.”
27. “Oh! Stars and clouds and winds, ye are
All about to mock me; if ye really pity me”
28. “The rise in poverty will unlock the Pandora’s box of crimes.”
30. “His eye met hers as she sat there paler and whiter than anyone in the vast of anxious faces
about her.”
31. “They were brave as a lion”
32. “My teacher is a dragon.”
33. “The wind whispered through dry grass.”
34. “Quack, quack, quack” says the duck.
35. “Malacanang decides who to appoint the new PNP chief”

III. Classify the following as either (F) fiction or (NF) non fiction. Write your answer on the space before each

36. Fable
37. The Same Old Figurative
38. The Sadness Collector
39. Emotional Weather Report
40. Childhood in th Path of Typhoon
41. America
42. In a Bed of Roots
43. The Bougainvillea
44. The Kiram Building
45. Fatima, the War Nurse
IV. Classify the following as either (LP) lyric poem or (NP) narrative poem or (DR) dramatic poem or (MR) modern
poem. Write your answer on the space before each item.

46. Hyperpoetry 47. Epic

48. Dramatic Monologue
49. Tragedy
50. Elegy
51. Free Verse
52. Sonnet
53. Ode
54. Comedy
55. Oration
V. Identify whether the given statements are correct. Write Yes on the blank if it implies correct
thought and No if not.

56. Poetry came from the Latin word prosa oratorio.

57. Pablo said this line “He came to me first".
58. Mario was fired due to pilfering.
59. When a poem is free from any rules or restrictions pertaining to the rhyme schemes it is free verse.
60. The ego is the unorganized part of the personality structure that contains a human's basic, instinctual

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