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E Lombi and R E Hamon, CSIRO Land and Water, location throughout the remediation process. Some
Glen Osmond, SA, Australia earth-moving activities may be required in order to
ß 2005, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved. ensure complete exposure of the soil to the remedial
treatment. Protocols that minimize off-site transport
of dusts, vapors, or contaminated liquors are critical.
Introduction In situ strategies have advantages in that costs, and
Public concern about environmental pollution has in- environmental and health risks associated with
creased substantially since the beginning of the twenti- excavation and off-site transport of polluted soil are
eth century with growing awareness of the stresses reduced. However ex situ strategies (transport of
being placed on the environment due to activities
arising from both industrial activity and intensive agri-
culture, and as a consequence of high-profile incidents
that have highlighted the risks of pollution for human
health. Examples of such incidents include industrial
pollution at Love Canal, USA, the chemical factory
explosion at Bhopal, India, and the nuclear near-acci-
dent at Three Mile Island, USA. Pollutants tend to have
longer residence times in soil than in water or air. The
soil acts as a sink or a filter in which pollutants are
accumulated rapidly but are depleted slowly. The de-
contamination of polluted soils is becoming an issue of
societal and political interest, because of its import-
ance for environmental protection and human health,
and its economical relevance. New technologies based
on physical, chemical, and biological processes to re-
claim polluted soils have been developed during the
last decades. This article briefly describes the available
technologies for the remediation of organic and inor-
ganic contaminants in soils. A synopsis of these
technologies is depicted in Figure 1.

Containment Versus Clean-Up Strategies

In terms of managing soil pollution, there are two types
of strategy. The first, which at the beginning of the
twenty-first century is the preferred option for many
regulatory agencies, has the remediation goal expressed
as a maximum allowable total concentration of pollu-
tant in the soil. To comply with this approach, the total
concentration of pollutant in soil must be lowered and
this can be achieved using the group of technologies
termed ‘clean-up’ technologies (Figure 1). The second
strategy does not require a reduction in the total con-
centration of a pollutant in soil, but aims to manage
exposure to the pollutant, and hence environmental
and health risks, through technologies that lower pollu-
tant mobility and bioavailability. These are termed
‘containment’ technologies (Figure 1).

In Situ Versus Ex Situ Strategies

In situ remediation refers to a soil-treatment regime Figure 1 Decision tree of the alternatives available to treat
in which the soil remains confined to its original polluted soils.

polluted soils to an external location) may be unavoid- natural attenuation strategy. However, as with excav-
able because of impracticalities in establishing essen- ation and off-site disposal, the soil is not cleaned of
tial treatment infrastructure at the polluted site, or due pollutants, so this is not a permanent remediation
to the site being positioned in a high-risk area. solution. Barriers may fail as a result of weathering
and/or chemical degradation, settlement, cracking,
erosion, poor drainage away from the surface cap,
Physical Treatment Technologies
or penetration by deep-rooted vegetation. There is
Excavation and Off-site Disposal (Ex Situ, therefore a need for ongoing monitoring of the site
Requires Ongoing Monitoring) to ensure that the barriers and caps have not been
breached. Introduction of barriers constructed of ma-
Applicable to both inorganic and organic pollutants, terials that either sorb the contaminant or chemically
excavation and off-site disposal entails removing the react with it can provide an extra degree of protection
polluted soil from a high-value or vulnerable site to a against inadvertent contaminant migration. Mobile
disposal facility where potential pollutant exposure contaminants, which might otherwise escape through
routes can be more effectively managed. Some pretreat- ruptures in the barrier, may instead diffuse toward it
ment of the soil may be required to reduce the concen- and be chemically immobilized.
tration of readily mobile pollutants in order to meet
disposal-facility restrictions. Precautions associated Separation–Fractionation (Ex Situ)
with the excavation and transport of polluted soils
need to be taken. This is a rapid method for managing Applicable to both inorganic pollutants, including
polluted sites which has been widely employed in the radionuclides, and organic pollutants, separation
past but potentially just relocates the problem and and fractionation is based on the principle that con-
hence is not a remediation treatment per se. With land- taminants are frequently associated with specific
fill space at a premium, leading to rapidly rising dis- particle-size fractions within soils and uses sieving or
posal costs, this strategy is becoming less acceptable to sedimentation to separate and remove the contamin-
industry, regulatory bodies, and the public. Ongoing ated fraction from excavated soils. For example, the
monitoring of the disposal facility to ensure no off-site most reactive components of soils are generally found
movement of contaminants is essential. within the clay-size fraction (<2 m) due to the high
relative surface area of this fraction. Contaminants
Dilution (In Situ or Ex Situ) entering the soil in soluble forms therefore typically
Applicable to both inorganic pollutants, including partition to, and hence are concentrated in, the clay
nutrients, and organic pollutants, dilution of soil pol- fraction. Separation of this fraction from the soil pro-
lution can be achieved through soil-mixing, deep till- duces a highly polluted residue which requires further
age, or fracturing. It may be effective in reducing the treatment (e.g., see Incineration, below) or disposal.
potential contaminant exposure dose at sites in which However, the benefit is that the mass of material re-
pollutants are present in low levels or in which con- quiring further treatment is significantly reduced com-
tamination is present in small, dispersed ‘hot spots.’ pared with the original soil. Contaminants may also
This method increases the volume of contaminated soil be present in the form of discrete particles (e.g., lead
but may be appropriate for management of soils that (Pb) pellets from firing ranges), allowing for removal
have been polluted by nutrient oversupply (e.g., soils from the soil using physical sieving techniques. Immis-
receiving dairy/piggery effluents). However, dilution cible organic pollutants may also be isolated from the
is unlikely to meet with regulatory or community soil using gravity separation methods.
acceptance with respect to other types of pollutants.
Electrokinetic Separation (In Situ)
Capping and Encapsulation (In Situ, Requires
Applicable to both inorganic and polar organic pollut-
Ongoing Monitoring)
ants, electrokinetic technology uses the generation of a
Applicable to both inorganic and organic pollutants, low-intensity current between electrodes placed in the
containment technologies aim to eliminate exposure soil to mobilize and concentrate anionic and cationic
of humans and the environment to the polluted soil. pollutants toward the anode and cathode, respect-
Lateral or vertical movement of the contaminant (due ively. The contaminants are then recovered through
to water percolation, erosion, or plant root acqui- processes such as electroplating, precipitation, and
sition) is eliminated through the construction of coprecipitation at the electrode, concentration on
highly reactive and/or impermeable subsurface bar- ion-exchange resins or physical extraction of the
riers and surface caps. Both inorganic and organic aqueous phase. Soil types amenable to this treatment
pollutants may be managed using the monitored are those of low permeability (high clay content)

which are poorly drained. This is a new technology, of materials have been used in solidification technolo-
but limited pilot trials show promising results as gies, including: cement, fly ash, bitumen, emulsified
of 2003. asphalt, and polyethylene. The resulting product is not
soil but can often be used as a building or construction
Soil-Flushing (In Situ)
material. Ongoing monitoring of the final product is
Applicable to both inorganic pollutants, including necessary to assess contaminant leakage.
radionuclides, and organic pollutants, in soil-flushing
an aqueous solution (water or water containing con- Incineration (Ex Situ)
taminant-solubilizing additives) is circulated through Applicable primarily to organic pollutants and patho-
the contaminated soil. The pollutant is desorbed from gens, excavated soil is transferred to a contained
the soil and retrieved from the fluid. The operation facility and heated under controlled conditions in an
usually takes the form of a continuous cycle, with incinerator. Organic pollutants are vaporized and
the purified fluid being reinjected back into the con- collected, or destroyed through pyrolysis. Some vola-
taminated soil, circulated, reextracted, and repurified. tile metals (e.g., mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), Pb)
This technology performs poorly in soils with low per- may also be released and captured from the exhaust
meability and with pollutants that partition strongly to gases. For soils or residues generated from sepa-
the soil surface. For soils in which the pollutant has ration–fractionation treatments containing very high
been present for an extended period of time, natural concentrations of inorganic pollutants, it may be eco-
attenuation processes can also markedly reduce pollu- nomically viable to roast or smelt the soil and recover
tant mobility, requiring many flushing cycles to be the metal or nutrient for reuse.
completed before pollutant concentrations are signifi-
cantly reduced. These factors can make application of Soil Vapor Extraction (In situ or Ex situ)
this technology impractical in terms of the timescales Applicable to organic pollutants, in soil vapor ex-
needed to complete remediation and associated costs. traction, volatile organic contaminants (VOCs) are
Vitrification (In Situ or Ex Situ, Requires mobilized and removed from soils through appli-
Ongoing Monitoring) cation of a pressure–concentration gradient using a
vacuum. Extraction wells are drilled into the soil
Applicable primarily to inorganic pollutants, espe- (in situ) or the soil is excavated and placed over a
cially radionuclides, in vitrification an electric current network of perforated pipes (ex situ) and the organic
is used to melt the soil at temperatures up to 2000 C. pollutants contained within gases extracted following
The melted soil cools to form a chemically stable, application of the vacuum are collected and destroyed
leach-resistant, glass-like solid which encases and by processes such as pyrolysis or photo-oxidation.
entraps inorganic pollutants. Organic pollutants are Volatilization of the organic contaminants from the
destroyed through pyrolysis at the high temperatures soil can be thermally enhanced by steam or hot-air
attained. However, this procedure destroys the soil, injection, or electrical or electromagnetic heating
thereby limiting future site use. Adoption of this techniques.
method is likely to be limited to inorganic contamin-
ants under extreme cases where pollutant risks are Photo-oxidation (Ex Situ)
very high, such as may be the case for radionuclide- Applicable to organic pollutants, vacuum-extracted
polluted soils. Given its use for high-risk pollutants, organic pollutants (see Soil vapor extraction, above)
it is important to institute an ongoing monitoring are condensed, mixed with catalyst, and fed into a
protocol for the solidified mass to ensure that con- reactor in photo-oxidation. Ultraviolet light (sun-
taminants are not lost over time through leaching or light or artificial) activates the catalyst, causing oxida-
chemical weathering processes. tion of the organic compounds into simple inorganic
Solidification (In Situ or Ex Situ, Requires products, mainly carbon dioxide and water.
Ongoing Monitoring)

Applicable primarily to inorganic pollutants, includ- Chemical Treatment Technologies

ing radionuclides, solidification involves introduction
Monitored Natural Attenuation (In Situ,
to the polluted soil of a leach- or weathering-resistant
Requires Ongoing Monitoring)
material through either mixing or injection which is
then allowed to cure to form a solid product. The Both inorganic and organic pollutants can be man-
material acts to prevent pollutant exposure and aged by a monitoring natural attenuation strategy.
migration by physically encapsulating the pollutants The mobility and biological availability of pollutants
within a nontoxic, impermeable coating. A wide range can decrease with time of contact of pollutants with

soils due to chemical reactions and/or sorption which Moreover, as with the natural attenuation strategy,
occur over the long term. The rates of these reactions care is needed to prevent physical transport of pol-
depend upon the chemical characteristics of both the luted soil offsite, and an ongoing monitoring program
soil and the pollutant. The rates are difficult to pre- may be necessary to assess the continued stability of
dict, but are possible to measure. For low-risk pol- the fixation treatment.
luted soils in which there is evidence that natural
attenuation is occurring at a satisfactory rate, it may Chemical Oxidation–Reduction (Ex Situ, may
be appropriate to rank these soils as lower priority in Require Monitoring (Inorganics))
terms of requirement for other remedial treatments. Applicable to some inorganic and organic pollutants,
Even if contaminant solubility is not of immediate chemical oxidation–reduction uses the addition of
concern, action to reduce movement of polluted soil oxidizing or reducing agents to convert pollutants to
through erosion needs to be considered to prevent less toxic or inert compounds. For example, both Cr
physical transport of contaminants off-site. Factors and As exist in more than one valence state. Cr(vi) is
affecting the potential reversibility of the natural at- more toxic and mobile in soils than Cr(iii), and
tenuation process are also unclear, so there is an As(iii) is more toxic and mobile than As(v). Chemical
ongoing requirement for monitoring of any site for reduction of Cr and oxidation of As can therefore
which natural attenuation is enlisted as the primary decrease the pollutant toxicity. However, depending
‘treatment’ strategy. on conditions, there is always a risk of reconversion
Fixation–Stabilization (In Situ or Ex Situ, back to the more toxic valence state. Hence it is neces-
Requires Ongoing Monitoring) sary to institute an ongoing monitoring program to
detect this. Biological degradation processes are usu-
Applicable primarily to inorganic pollutants, in- ally more cost-effective for organic pollutants than
cluding nutrients. The availability or toxicity of a chemical oxidation methods and hence tend to be
pollutant is not necessarily related to its total concen- preferred.
tration in the soil. This is because contaminants
can exist in different chemical forms in soils, and it Aqueous and Solvent Extraction (Ex Situ)
is primarily the aqueous and easily exchangeable
Applicable to inorganic and organic pollutants, in
forms which are both mobile and biologically avail-
the process of aqueous and solvent extraction, excav-
able. Fixation–stabilization technologies aim to
ated soil is placed in a pile and leached with an ex-
decrease the concentration of the aqueous and ex-
traction fluid, or soil and extraction fluid are mixed
changeable forms of pollutants in soils through the
in a reactor vessel. The extraction fluid dissolves the
application of nontoxic reactive agents. Agents that
pollutants and the fluid is collected and then treated
have been tested for this purpose include: lime, sol-
uble phosphate compounds, fly ash, clays such as to remove the pollutants. The excavated soil is often
pretreated using physical separation techniques to
zeolite and also those rich in iron and aluminum
minimize the volume of material required to be
oxides (e.g., red mud, steel shots, red gypsum, etc.),
extracted. For inorganic pollutants, an acidic aqueous
as well as mixtures of these materials. Many such
solution which may contain surfactants is typically
agents are by-products from processing industries
used as the extraction fluid. Soil pH is neutralized
and so are inexpensive. The agents act either by en-
with base following removal of the pollutant. For
couraging the formation of insoluble precipitates of
organic pollutants, the extraction fluid is likely to be
inorganic pollutants or by increasing the amount of
pollutant sorbed to the solid phase, thereby decreas- an organic solvent. Traces of the solvent may remain in
the soil following extraction, so toxicity of the solvent
ing the aqueous concentration of the pollutant. An
is an important consideration. Low extraction effi-
advantage of this method is that, providing pollutant
ciencies for pollutants that are highly attenuated (see
mobility and availability can be decreased to a satis-
Monitored Natural Attenuation, above) can severely
factory level, the soil can retain many components of
limit the performance of this technology.
its original functionality. Limitations to use of this
technology include soils contaminated with mixed
Dehalogenation (Ex Situ)
pollutants for which a chemical strategy to manage
one of the pollutants is incompatible with the chem- Applicable to halogenated organic pollutants, de-
istry required to manage another. For example, in- halogenation, the removal of halogen groups from
creasing soil pH can significantly reduce the mobility organic pollutants, generally renders such com-
of metals such as Pb, zinc (Zn), and nickel (Ni) but pounds less toxic or nontoxic. Reagents that catalyze
could result in an increase in the mobility of other the removal of halogen groups are mixed with pol-
co-contaminants such as arsenic (As) and cyanide. luted soils, and the mixture is heat treated in a reactor

vessel to facilitate the reaction. Due to the cost of petroleum hydrocarbons, solvents, pesticides, wood
reagents, this technology is generally uneconomical preservatives, and other organic chemicals.
for highly polluted soils or large volumes of polluted
soil. Composting and Biopiles, and Slurry-Phase
Biological Treatment (Ex Situ)

Biological Treatment Technologies Applicable to organic pollutants, in this suite of tech-

nologies, the soil is excavated and mixed with appro-
Biodegradation Techniques (In Situ) priate amendments in order to stimulate microbial
degradation of the pollutants. During composting,
Applicable to organic pollutants, biodegradation
the microbial activity induces an increase in tempera-
techniques are bioremediation clean-up techniques
ture that allows a faster degradation rate and can also
which aim to decrease the total concentration of
be effective in reducing pathogen numbers. Piles of the
pollutant in soil through the degradation of organic
material to be remediated can be aerated with blowers
compounds by microorganisms. The microorganisms
or vacuum pumps (aerated static-pile composting),
involved, also called degraders, are stimulated to use
or through periodic mixing with mobile equipment
the pollutants as a source of nutrients and energy
(windrow composting). Alternatively, the compost is
(enhanced biodegradation). Generally, this is achieved placed in a reactor vessel where it is mixed and aerated
by optimizing the environmental conditions in terms
(mechanically agitated in-vessel composting).
of oxygen, nutrients, and moisture, and controlling
In the slurry-phase biological treatment, the excav-
the temperature and pH. For instance, the technology
ated soil is mixed with water and various additives.
known as bioventing aims to stimulate pollutant bio-
The slurry is stirred to keep solids suspended and
degradation in unsaturated soils by increasing the
microorganisms in contact with the soil contaminants.
soil oxygen content. This is achieved by forcing air
Limitation to this technology can be due to the large
through the soil by either extraction (vacuum) or in-
area needed for composting, the necessity to control
jection methods. Specific strains of degraders can also release of VOCs, and the presence of toxic metals,
be introduced to the soil to enhance the degradation
which may impair microbial activity. However, this
process in a technology known as bioaugmentation.
type of biological treatment has been used success-
Typically for this application, microorganisms from
fully to remediate soil contaminated by explosives
the site under remediation are collected and those
and PAHs.
that preferentially feed on the contaminants at the
site are isolated, cultured, and reintroduced to the
Phytoremediation (In Situ)
site as a means of rapidly increasing the population
of degraders. Remediation trials have also been con- Applicable to both inorganic pollutants, including
ducted using nonindigenous strains of degraders radionuclides, and organic pollutants, phytoremedia-
introduced to a polluted site. However, so far there is tion refers to a group of technologies that use green
no conclusive evidence to indicate that the use of or higher terrestrial plants for treating chemically or
non-native microorganisms has been beneficial in the radioactively polluted soils. There are five funda-
situations tested. mental processes by which plants can be used to re-
One of the advantages of biodegradation technolo- mediate soil contaminated with organic or inorganic
gies is that they can typically be implemented at a low pollutants. These processes result in the plant-based
cost. However the process may require more time containment or removal of the soil pollutant. Phyto-
than other available treatments. The degradation immobilization processes prevent the movement
rate is controlled by both environmental conditions and transport of dissolved contaminants by using
and by the nature of the pollutant. For example, plants to decrease the mobility of pollutants in soils.
biological treatment of polyaromatic hydrocarbons Phytostabilization as defined here is the use of pollu-
(PAHs) is selective, and the less-degradable PAHs (of tant-tolerant plants to mechanically stabilize polluted
high molecular weight) may remain unchanged. Fur- soils to prevent bulk erosion and airborne transport
thermore, some compounds may be broken down of pollutants to other environments. In addition,
into more toxic by-products during the bioremedia- leaching of pollutants may be reduced due to higher
tion process (e.g., trichloroethylene (TCE) to vinyl evapotranspiration rates relative to bare soils. Phyto-
chloride). Therefore, continuous monitoring and add- volatilization relies on the joint effect of plants and
itional precautions have to be implemented in these microbes which, acting in concert, are able to convert
cases. Although not all organic compounds are amen- some metals and organic pollutants to volatile or
able to biodegradation, bioremediation techniques more available forms. Examples include removal of
have been used successfully to treat soils polluted by Se or volatile organic pollutants from soils. In a

different approach, plant biochemistry has been This group of technologies have a series of limi-
modified by the insertion of bacterial genes that tations as follows: the depth of the treatment zone
make the transformed plants able to volatilize Hg. is limited by the depth of the root system, high
Phytoextraction can be used to remediate both metal- concentrations of the pollutants may be toxic to
lic and organic constituents from soil by direct uptake plants, the process may be seasonal, it is not effective
into plants and translocation to aboveground bio- for strongly sorbed contaminants, and may require
mass. Two phytoextraction approaches are being de- long times to complete. On the other hand, these
veloped, both aiming to extract toxic metals from technologies are low-cost, environmentally friendly,
soil. The first makes use of hyperaccumulator plants and thought to be well accepted by the public.
with exceptional metal-accumulating capacity (nat-
ural phytoextraction). The second uses high-biomass Selection of Remediation Technologies
crops that are induced to take up large amounts of
and Future Directions
metals by enhancing the mobility of metals in soil
with chemical treatments (chemically assisted phy- Once a need for soil remediation is recognized, the
toextraction). This latter method has recently been best available technology is selected according to
criticized because enhancing mobilization of toxic the nature, toxicity, and origin of the contaminant,
metals, to increase plant uptake, is also likely to the present and potential hazard related to the
increase the risk of leaching to groundwater. Phyto- degree of contamination, the chemical and physical
degradation refers to enhanced degradation of or- characteristics of the soil, the land use, the time
ganic pollutants in soil induced by the action of available for remediation, the community acceptance,
rhizosphere microorganisms and by plant-derived and a cost-benefit analysis. These different criteria
enzymes. Furthermore, some organic compounds, vary widely in the technologies described above. For
depending on their chemical and physical character- instance, the average cost of remediation with dif-
istics, can be taken up by plants and partially or ferent technologies can differ by a factor of greater
totally degraded by plant enzymes or endophytic than 25 (Figure 2). The development of low-cost,
microorganisms. Phytodegradation is also defined as low-input technologies, driven in industrialized
plant-assisted biodegradation, because plant roots countries by economic benefits, is also essential to
supply nutrients to microorganisms, which enhances tackle remediation of polluted soils in developing
their biological activities. countries.

Figure 2 Range of relative remediation costs for different technologies, expressed as a percentage of the cost for capping. Costs are
calculated on the basis of the 1 ha area, 0.25 m soil depth, and soil density of 1.2 g cm 3.
REMOTE SENSING/Organic Matter 385

Some of the technologies described in this article are Further Reading

well established, whereas others are still being de-
Adriano DC, Bollag JM, Frankenberger WT, and Sims RC
veloped. Due to ever-increasing public concern for the
(eds) (1999) Bioremediation of Contaminated Soils.
risks posed by soil pollution, it is expected that a larger SSSA Monographs. Madison, WI: Soil Science Society
number of technologies will be available in the future. of America.
For example, rapid progress in the field of molecular Smith LA, Means JL, Means A et al. (eds) (1995) Remedial
biology will allow a better understanding of the mech- Options for Metals-Contaminated Sites. Battelle
anisms involved in bio- and phytoremediation. This Memorial Institute. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers.
knowledge is of fundamental importance in order to Huang PM and Iskandar IK (eds) (1999) Soils and Ground-
optimize these processes. A new field of investigation water Pollution and Remediation: Asia, Africa and
may also be opened by recent concerns related to the Oceania. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers.
possibility of pathogen-contaminated soils. Riser-Roberts E (1998) Remediation of Petroleum Con-
taminated Soils: Biological, Physical, and Chemical
Processes. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers.
See also: Hydrocarbons; Pollutants: Biodegradation; Wise DL, Tarantolo DJ, Inyang HI, and Cichon EJ (eds)
Effects on Microorganisms; Salt-Affected Soils, Rec- (2000) Remedial of Hazardous Waste Contaminated
lamation Soils. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.


Organic Matter
Soil Moisture

Organic Matter Earth’s atmosphere. Microwave wavelengths are an-

other form of energy important to remote sensing.
D K Morris, Stennis Space Center, MS, USA Microwave energy is received on Earth and the re-
C J Johannsen, S M Brouder, and G C Steinhardt,
sponses recorded by a digital instrument. This is
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
known as ‘passive energy,’ compared with energy
ß 2005, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved. from portions of the spectrum that are measured
directly and thus called ‘active energy.’
For more than three decades, remote sensing has
been envisioned as a useful source of data for inven-
Remote sensing is the collection and interpretation of torying and monitoring the Earth’s surface for many
data obtained from an object at a remote vantage purposes. One can apply the use of remote sensing to
point without making physical contact with the disciplines in agriculture, hydrology, forestry, ocean-
object or subject. Electromagnetic energy, as shown ography, weather, land use, environmental concerns,
in Figure 1, may be recorded by a variety of remote- security purposes, and military operations.
sensing methods. The most common include color In the 1950s it was demonstrated that infrared
and color infrared photography, aerial and satellite aerial photography could be used to detect vegetation
imaging, and radar sensing. stress. This led to a host of applications and, by the
Aerial photography records energy in the ultra- 1960s, the US Weather Bureau was launching satel-
violet part of the spectrum (which is not used for lites to observe cloud patterns around the globe.
agricultural analysis because it is absorbed by the Weather satellites today are used to monitor not
atmosphere), the part visible to humans, and a por- only clouds, but also changes in precipitation patterns
tion of the near-infrared (NIR) spectrum. Optical by radar, lightning strikes through brightness sensors,
sensors record energy in a digital format from the and vegetation density changes. They also contribute
visible, reflective infrared, and thermal infrared spec- to predictions of where and when hurricanes are
tra from both aerial and satellite platforms within the expected to strike land areas.

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